PHYS 201 - Lecture 22 - Quantum Mechanics IV: Measurement Theory, States of Definite Energy

It is shown how to extract the odds for getting different values of momentum from a generic wave function by writing it as a sum over functions of definite momentum. A recipe is given for finding states of definite energy, which requires solving a differential equation that depends on what potential the particle is experiencing. The particle in a box is considered and the allowed energies derived.

PHYS 201 - Lecture 20 - Quantum Mechanics II

Lecture begins with a detailed review of the double slit experiment with electrons. The fate of an electron traversing the double slit is determined by a wave putting an end to Newtonian mechanics. The momentum and position of an electron cannot both be totally known simultaneously. The wave function is used to describe a probability density function for an electron. Heuristic arguments are given for the wave function describing a particle of definite momentum.

PHYS 201 - Lecture 19 - Quantum Mechanics I: Key Experiments and Wave-Particle Duality

The double slit experiment, which implies the end of Newtonian Mechanics, is described. The de Broglie relation between wavelength and momentum is deduced from experiment for photons and electrons. The photoelectric effect and Compton scattering, which provided experimental support for Einstein’s photon theory of light, are reviewed. The wave function is introduced along with the probability interpretation. The uncertainty principle is shown to arise from the fact that the particle’s location is determined by a wave and that waves diffract when passing a narrow opening.

PHYS 201 - Lecture 14 - Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves I

Waves on a string are reviewed and the general solution to the wave equation is described. Maxwell’s equations in their final form are written down and then considered in free space, away from charges and currents. It is shown how to verify that a given set of fields obeys Maxwell’s equations by considering them on infinitesimal cubes and loops. A simple form of the solutions is assumed and the parameters therein fitted using Maxwell’s equations.

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