GG 140 - Lecture 1 - Introduction to Atmospheres

This course studies the atmosphere and the ocean as parts of Earth’s climate system. The climate is studied in both quantitative and qualitative ways through use of the textbook, lectures, labs and problem sets. Today’s lecture includes an examination of Hurricane Irene that hit Connecticut a few days ago on August 28. For this, we use several website sources of local weather information: satellite, radar, tide gauges. The atmosphere is gravitationally attracted to the Earth and is composed of gases that are invisible to the human eye.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 23 - Finding Your Purpose in a World of Financial Capitalism

After reviewing the main themes of this course, Professor Shiller shares his views about finance from a broader perspective. His first topic, the morality of finance, centers on Peter Unger’s Living High and Letting Die and William Graham Sumner’s What the Social Classes Owe Each Other. Subsequently, he addresses the hopelessness about the world’s future that some see from Malthus’ dismal law from the Essay on the Principle of Population, but contrasts it with a positive outlook on purposes and goals in life.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 22 - Public and Non-Profit Finance

As an introduction to public and nonprofit finance, Professor Shiller reflects on the remarkable financial structures that we have in support of public causes, making possible the achievement of higher goals that transcend individual satisfaction of needs. He gives examples of nonprofits, illustrating how that financial form can support a moral mission and social purpose.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 21 - Exchanges, Brokers, Dealers, Clearinghouses

As the starting point for this lecture, Professor Shiller contrasts the view of economics as the theory of the allocation of scarce resources with the view of economics as the study of exchange. After a discussion of the difference between brokers and dealers, he outlines the history of securities exchanges from ancient Rome, to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and Jonathan’s Coffee House in London, until the formation of the New York Stock Exchange.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 20 - Professional Money Managers and Their Influence

Professor Shiller argues that institutional investors are fundamentally important to our economy and our society. Following his thoughts about societal changes in a modern and capitalist world, he turns his attention to the fiduciary duties of investment managers. He emphasizes the “prudent person rule,” and critically reflects on the limitations that these rules impose on investment managers. Elaborating on different forms of institutional money management, he covers mutual funds, contrasting the legislative environments in the U.S. and Europe, and trusts.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 19 - Investment Banks

Professor Shiller characterizes investment banking by contrasting it to consulting, commercial banking, and securities trading. Then, in order to see the essence of investment banking, he reviews some of the principles that John Whitehead, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, has formulated. These principles are the basis for a discussion of the substantial power that investment bankers have, and their role in society.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 18 - Monetary Policy

To begin the lecture, Professor Shiller explores the origins of central banking, from the goldsmith bankers in the United Kingdom to the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, which was a private institution that created stability in the U.K. financial system by requiring other banks to have deposits in it. Turning his attention to the U.S., Professor Shiller outlines the evolution of its banking system from the Suffolk System, via the National Banking era, to the founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

ECON 252 (2011) - Lecture 17 - Options Markets

After introducing the core terms and main ideas of options in the beginning of the lecture, Professor Shiller emphasizes two purposes of options, a theoretical and a behavioral purpose. Subsequently, he provides a graphical representation for the value of a call and a put option, and, in this context, addresses the put-call parity for European options. Within the framework of the Binomial Asset Pricing model, he derives the value of a call-option from the no-arbitrage-principle, and, as a continuous-time analogue to this formula, he presents the Black-Scholes Option Pricing formula.

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