PHYS 200 - Lecture 11 - Torque

This lecture is a continuation of an analogue to Newton’s law: τ= lα. While previous problems examined situations in which τ is not zero, this time the focus is on extreme cases in which there is no torque at all. If there is no torque, α is zero and the angular velocity is constant. The lecture starts with a simple example of a seesaw and moves on to discuss a collection of objects that are somehow subject to a variety of forces but remain in static equilibrium.

PHYS 200 - Lecture 8 - Dynamics of a Multiple-Body System and Law of Conservation of Momentum

The dynamics of a many-body system is examined. Through a variety of examples, the professor demonstrates how to locate the center of mass and how to evaluate it for a number of objects. Finally, the Law of Conservation of Momentum is introduced and discussed. The lecture ends with problems of collision in one dimension focusing on the totally elastic and totally inelastic cases.

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