WEBVTT 00:01.420 --> 00:03.990 Prof: Incidentally, in my discussion sections, 00:03.991 --> 00:05.971 people got too excited about charisma. 00:05.970 --> 00:09.250 So we did speak a lot about charisma. 00:09.250 --> 00:11.940 I ask your patience. 00:11.940 --> 00:16.460 We will cover some of the same grounds, but I hope I can give 00:16.463 --> 00:18.803 you new jokes about charisma. 00:18.800 --> 00:23.430 This is one of the most exciting features of Weber 00:23.434 --> 00:26.314 theory, and probably one of--next to 00:26.312 --> 00:30.242 the Protestant Ethic, right?--the one which entered 00:30.237 --> 00:34.227 the common language, more than anything else. Right? 00:34.230 --> 00:37.990 That we all talk about charisma, and people's charisma, 00:37.992 --> 00:40.712 or charismatic leaders, all the time. 00:40.710 --> 00:45.370 Just like the Protestant work ethic, which entered the popular 00:45.374 --> 00:49.734 vocabulary, and everybody who has not read any Weber still 00:49.733 --> 00:51.113 uses the term. 00:51.110 --> 00:59.060 It's also very important to come to terms with the idea of 00:59.058 --> 01:06.448 charisma because Weber was suspected in the 1930s, 01:06.450 --> 01:10.580 '40s and '50s to be actually a proto-fascist, 01:10.578 --> 01:16.128 and with the idea of charisma advocating for a strong 01:16.126 --> 01:21.276 leadership for Germany, a calling for a charismatic 01:21.284 --> 01:26.674 leader for Germany, and in a way almost demanding 01:26.671 --> 01:28.501 Adolph Hitler. 01:28.500 --> 01:31.080 Well, of course, he died in 1920; 01:31.080 --> 01:32.480 he could not do that. 01:38.610 --> 01:42.830 accused him to be an irrationalist, 01:42.830 --> 01:50.180 and being a proto-fascist, laying the ideology for Nazism 01:50.176 --> 01:52.796 and Adolph Hitler. 01:52.800 --> 01:59.280 I have to tell you that I am not absolutely certain what 01:59.277 --> 02:03.867 Weber would have done in 1930 or '33. 02:03.870 --> 02:09.510 I hope, like his brother, he would not have gone for the 02:09.507 --> 02:11.657 fascists, or Nazis. 02:11.659 --> 02:15.049 But it's complicated. 02:15.050 --> 02:19.980 I will try to make a case that in fact the concept of charisma 02:19.979 --> 02:23.049 is not quite what Adolph Hitler was. 02:23.050 --> 02:29.910 So the main major themes of the presentation today. 02:29.908 --> 02:33.968 First of all we will deal with the definition of charisma; 02:33.970 --> 02:37.640 what is charismatic authority. 02:37.639 --> 02:43.239 Then we will talk about the sources of charisma, 02:43.240 --> 02:46.870 where charisma is coming from, and this is particularly 02:46.873 --> 02:51.223 important, to see why Weber is actually 02:51.224 --> 02:53.464 not a proto-Nazi. 02:53.460 --> 02:59.130 Then we will be talking about the followers of the charismatic 02:59.133 --> 02:59.973 leader. 02:59.970 --> 03:06.150 Then we will talk about charisma as a revolutionary 03:06.145 --> 03:11.205 force, charisma as a vehicle of change. 03:11.210 --> 03:15.880 And I think this is an interesting idea in Weber, 03:15.883 --> 03:21.533 though one of the weaker points I think of Weber theory. 03:21.530 --> 03:27.800 I think Karl Marx has a much more coherent and much more 03:27.802 --> 03:33.392 persuasive theory about historical change as class 03:33.393 --> 03:36.073 struggle, you know, and the 03:36.065 --> 03:39.795 contradictions between forces and relations of production. 03:39.800 --> 03:45.370 This is historically invalidated, but a very coherent 03:45.365 --> 03:49.535 and very persuasive kind of argument. 03:49.538 --> 03:54.798 Weber's idea of charisma as a revolutionary force actually has 03:54.795 --> 03:59.015 empirical relevance, but it's rather unpersuasive, 03:59.018 --> 04:01.688 and I will talk about this. 04:01.688 --> 04:05.938 And then we come to a big problem with charisma, 04:05.938 --> 04:10.688 how charismatic leadership can be routinized or transmitted 04:10.691 --> 04:14.051 from a charismatic leader to the next, 04:14.050 --> 04:19.150 and what are the methods of succession for a charismatic 04:19.153 --> 04:19.993 leader. 04:19.990 --> 04:25.820 So, I mean, those of you who were in my discussion sections, 04:25.819 --> 04:31.059 you can see it will not be just a regurgitation of the 04:31.057 --> 04:33.427 discussion sections. 04:33.430 --> 04:35.820 And I don't know what happened in other discussion sections; 04:35.819 --> 04:38.689 also the charisma may have come up. 04:38.690 --> 04:44.490 This makes people move; minds move a great deal. 04:44.490 --> 04:50.240 So I'll just step back a minute and again revisit the idea of 04:50.240 --> 04:54.650 different types of domination and authority. 04:54.649 --> 04:59.459 And this is the simplest scheme I can come up with. 04:59.459 --> 05:02.329 But I think this is a good one. 05:02.329 --> 05:04.719 I'll copyright it; I did it. 05:04.720 --> 05:06.900 > 05:06.899 --> 05:09.329 So the question is where is obedience due to? 05:09.329 --> 05:12.759 It can be due to rules, impersonal rules, 05:12.762 --> 05:17.742 or it can be due to a personal master, to an individual. 05:17.740 --> 05:19.750 That's the big story. Right? 05:19.750 --> 05:23.150 And if it is due to rules, that's when we are talking 05:23.148 --> 05:27.948 about legal-rational authority-- and this will be the topic--and 05:27.952 --> 05:31.862 bureaucratic rule, modern liberal democratic 05:31.862 --> 05:35.992 system or modern not-that-democratic system, 05:35.990 --> 05:44.930 but systems which still do have rules of law. 05:44.930 --> 05:51.000 There are actually authoritarian systems which do 05:51.000 --> 05:56.730 operate with rules of law, where authoritarian leaders 05:56.726 --> 06:01.216 actually do themselves follow the law and take law seriously 06:01.221 --> 06:03.661 and implement laws seriously. 06:03.660 --> 06:10.310 So legal-rational authority does not mean liberal democracy. 06:10.310 --> 06:16.730 It simply means that this is a system in which there is a rule 06:16.728 --> 06:22.618 of law, even if the leader itself can be not particularly 06:22.620 --> 06:24.200 democratic. 06:24.199 --> 06:31.469 Democracy, as we understand it, is a very recent phenomenon. 06:31.470 --> 06:37.780 Universal suffrage in the Western world became widespread 06:37.779 --> 06:41.929 since the 1920s, and it really became the 06:41.930 --> 06:47.240 dominant form-- right?--of political rule much, 06:47.235 --> 06:52.095 much later; I would say more like after the 06:52.096 --> 06:54.026 Second World War. 06:54.029 --> 06:56.349 I mean, Switzerland, for instance, 06:56.351 --> 06:59.941 gave rights for women to vote just very recently. 06:59.940 --> 07:04.830 So well, you know, democracy is a--liberal 07:04.833 --> 07:09.253 democracy--is a very new invention. 07:09.250 --> 07:13.670 And legal-rational authority is not such a new invention. 07:13.670 --> 07:21.570 There was a rule of law in England going back to the Orange 07:21.574 --> 07:23.074 Revolution. 07:23.072 --> 07:24.302 Right? 07:24.300 --> 07:32.150 It's going back to the late seventeenth century. 07:32.149 --> 07:38.289 There was rule of law in the United States before the late 07:38.286 --> 07:42.266 eighteenth and nineteenth century, 07:42.269 --> 07:47.119 though there was no liberal democracy as we understand that. 07:47.122 --> 07:47.782 Right? 07:47.779 --> 07:50.059 There was no universal suffrage at all. 07:50.060 --> 07:56.200 So, I mean, you could have rule of law without democracy. 07:56.199 --> 07:59.419 But that's still very different from a system where you obey a 07:59.415 --> 07:59.885 master. 07:59.889 --> 08:03.299 There are two ways how you obey a master. 08:03.300 --> 08:07.840 You obey because the tradition appointed that master-- 08:07.838 --> 08:10.638 and that's what we were talking about Tuesday-- 08:10.639 --> 08:14.919 or because the master is believed to have some 08:14.920 --> 08:17.110 charismatic features. 08:17.110 --> 08:21.700 I also mentioned it last time: that the differences between 08:21.697 --> 08:25.747 the three types of authority-- legal-rational authority, 08:25.754 --> 08:29.684 traditional authority, and charismatic authority--do 08:29.675 --> 08:32.755 not have the same, I'll use the term, 08:32.758 --> 08:34.218 ontological status. 08:34.222 --> 08:34.842 Right? 08:34.840 --> 08:39.560 The two big forms in history are traditional authority which 08:39.558 --> 08:42.838 through rationalization eventually becomes 08:42.840 --> 08:47.320 legal-rational authority, and charismatic authority 08:47.323 --> 08:49.913 usually is a transitory stage. 08:49.908 --> 08:57.818 Charismatic authority is a charismatic leader emerges in 08:57.821 --> 09:02.861 times of great need, desperation and need for 09:02.855 --> 09:06.985 change, and charismatic leaders, if they deliver--you know, 09:06.985 --> 09:09.945 as long as they deliver-- they remain leaders. 09:09.950 --> 09:14.650 If they stop delivering charisma is taken away from 09:14.650 --> 09:15.310 them. 09:15.308 --> 09:19.488 And it is extremely difficult for a charismatic leader to 09:19.485 --> 09:23.655 establish an ongoing system of charismatic authority-- 09:23.658 --> 09:29.618 right?--because it will be very difficult to transfer their own 09:29.618 --> 09:33.268 personal charisma to somebody else-- 09:33.269 --> 09:37.159 right?--and to keep running a charismatic system. 09:37.158 --> 09:41.068 Okay, so that's about generally, you know, 09:41.067 --> 09:42.877 what is charisma? 09:42.879 --> 09:47.859 As I said, this really we keep using the term all the time. 09:47.860 --> 09:52.400 The last eighteen months we used it a lot because of 09:52.398 --> 09:55.778 candidate and later President Obama. 09:55.779 --> 10:01.669 And there is probably nobody in this room who at one point did 10:01.668 --> 10:05.818 not say something about Obama's charisma; 10:05.820 --> 10:08.720 or, you know, if you did not like him, 10:08.721 --> 10:10.681 the lack of his charisma. 10:10.682 --> 10:11.392 Right? 10:11.389 --> 10:15.369 But, you know, this was a commonly used term. 10:15.370 --> 10:20.170 Now this is coming from Weber, because he dug this term out 10:20.166 --> 10:23.966 from a rather obscure theological language, 10:23.970 --> 10:28.750 where charisma actually referred to some superhuman 10:28.745 --> 10:34.025 qualities of individuals, I would say almost semi-gods, 10:34.025 --> 10:39.775 who have some very personal and exclusive relationship to God, 10:39.779 --> 10:42.669 and therefore, like any other human beings, 10:42.668 --> 10:47.508 they kind of can talk to God and then they can interpret 10:47.511 --> 10:51.661 God's will to the people; these were charismatic leaders. 10:51.658 --> 10:56.308 So, in the most classical definition, charisma refers 10:56.306 --> 11:01.306 rather to the great founders of great world religions; 11:01.308 --> 11:05.338 that's what charisma, in initial meaning, 11:05.342 --> 11:06.152 meant. 11:06.149 --> 11:09.589 So Mohammed, Moses, or Jesus, 11:09.590 --> 11:15.000 they had charisma, because they had a special 11:14.996 --> 11:16.716 access to God. 11:16.717 --> 11:18.067 Right? 11:18.070 --> 11:21.630 Moses got the two tables from God. 11:21.626 --> 11:22.486 Right? 11:22.490 --> 11:26.970 He could not see the face of God but nevertheless got the two 11:26.966 --> 11:28.306 tables from God. 11:28.308 --> 11:31.918 Nobody else could walk up--right?--there on the 11:31.924 --> 11:36.154 mountain and get these tables, you know, and tell people, 11:36.150 --> 11:37.910 "This is the law." 11:37.908 --> 11:38.408 Right? 11:38.408 --> 11:40.668 It was only Moses who could. 11:40.673 --> 11:41.243 Right? 11:41.240 --> 11:45.990 And Jesus had a very specific relationship to God. 11:45.993 --> 11:46.773 Right? 11:46.769 --> 11:49.579 Christian belief, was even the Son of God, 11:49.578 --> 11:50.948 embodiment of God. 11:50.950 --> 11:54.700 And undoubtedly, you know, it is believed by 11:54.702 --> 11:59.682 Christians that Jesus could actually convey to us what God 11:59.679 --> 12:00.989 wants us to do. 12:00.989 --> 12:01.949 Right? 12:01.950 --> 12:05.950 Had this very special unique charismatic appeal. 12:05.950 --> 12:11.320 And Mohammed had this special appeal to God. 12:11.320 --> 12:15.080 Or if you are Mormon, then Mr. Smith had this very 12:15.080 --> 12:18.150 unique--right?--relationship to God. 12:18.149 --> 12:22.869 At one point an angel came, you know, got a new sacred 12:22.873 --> 12:28.403 book, a continuation of the Bible, left it with Mr. Smith. 12:28.399 --> 12:31.609 He translated it, and when the translation was 12:31.605 --> 12:34.525 gone, you know, the angel came and took it 12:34.528 --> 12:35.168 away. 12:35.168 --> 12:39.838 This was a charisma--right?--a very specific superhuman; 12:39.840 --> 12:43.700 it did not happen to any other human being, only to Smith. 12:43.697 --> 12:44.237 Right? 12:44.240 --> 12:49.070 That is the initial notion of the meaning. 12:49.070 --> 12:54.220 But now Weber makes it here a little- kind of a broader 12:54.222 --> 12:57.662 conception, and he said--right?--that 12:57.663 --> 13:02.803 charisma will be applied to a certain quality of an individual 13:02.797 --> 13:04.057 personality. 13:04.058 --> 13:09.808 It's important still an individual who is considered 13:09.809 --> 13:15.899 extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, 13:15.898 --> 13:17.588 superhuman. 13:17.590 --> 13:19.570 This sounds like the original definition. 13:19.570 --> 13:23.960 But then he goes on and he said, "Or at least 13:23.964 --> 13:27.374 exceptional powers and qualities." 13:27.373 --> 13:28.273 Right? 13:28.269 --> 13:33.439 And these are regarded as of divine origin--that's the 13:33.437 --> 13:38.017 founders of the great religion--or exemplary; 13:38.019 --> 13:40.009 he modifies that. Right? 13:40.009 --> 13:41.619 It can be just exemplary. 13:41.620 --> 13:45.980 You don't have to believe that this is semi-god or the 13:45.982 --> 13:47.632 embodiment of God. 13:47.629 --> 13:53.209 You only have to believe that this is an exemplary being who 13:53.211 --> 13:58.991 has some exceptional abilities, exceptional qualities, 13:58.993 --> 14:06.223 and that will qualify that you will call somebody a charismatic 14:06.217 --> 14:10.177 person or a charismatic leader. 14:10.178 --> 14:16.268 Let me also underline one more term from these quotations which 14:16.273 --> 14:18.733 is extremely important. 14:18.730 --> 14:24.020 He said the person is considered to be 14:24.015 --> 14:31.345 extraordinary and treated as endowed with superhuman or 14:31.346 --> 14:34.106 exemplary features. 14:34.110 --> 14:38.400 So--and what I think is extremely important to see, 14:38.399 --> 14:42.689 that Weber does not tell us that this individual is actually 14:42.692 --> 14:46.882 extraordinary, that it is actually superhuman. 14:46.879 --> 14:51.039 In a way it is in the eye of the beholder. 14:51.038 --> 14:57.318 It is among the followers who attribute--right?--to these 14:57.323 --> 15:00.133 qualities, to somebody. 15:00.129 --> 15:07.219 So in a way charismatic leaders are being made by the followers. 15:07.220 --> 15:15.870 Well, and what is the source of charisma? 15:15.870 --> 15:20.120 This is now making it even more clearer and more precise. 15:20.120 --> 15:22.540 It rests in recognition. 15:22.538 --> 15:25.398 You have to recognize it, charisma. 15:25.399 --> 15:29.639 So the relationship of charisma is in the interpersonal 15:29.639 --> 15:33.879 relationship between the leaders and the followers, 15:33.879 --> 15:39.119 and in this interaction is charisma being created. 15:39.115 --> 15:39.965 Right? 15:39.970 --> 15:44.540 It is not given by the grace of lord--right?--to an individual 15:44.535 --> 15:45.205 person. 15:45.210 --> 15:51.050 It is created by those who are subjected to authority. 15:51.048 --> 15:51.928 Right? 15:51.928 --> 15:57.868 And it's also important that those who follow the charismatic 15:57.870 --> 16:02.820 leaders are usually seen as followers or disciples. 16:02.820 --> 16:03.810 Right? 16:03.808 --> 16:08.658 They have some extraordinary commitment to this leader. 16:08.660 --> 16:09.380 Right? 16:09.379 --> 16:15.889 This leader creates excitement in them, and this excitement, 16:15.894 --> 16:22.414 what creates the community of the followers or the community 16:22.408 --> 16:24.278 of the disciples. 16:24.284 --> 16:25.504 Right? 16:25.500 --> 16:32.690 And well this was one of the reasons why many people in the 16:32.686 --> 16:39.866 last eighteen months regarded Barack Obama as a charismatic 16:39.873 --> 16:43.233 leader, because he was capable to 16:43.229 --> 16:46.089 appearing in a crowd, and moved the 16:46.087 --> 16:50.027 crowd--right?--create excitement in the crowd. 16:50.030 --> 16:50.820 Right? 16:50.820 --> 16:55.730 He created followers--right?--almost one 16:55.727 --> 16:59.627 would say disciples, as such. 16:59.629 --> 17:03.769 Now but the charisma can be withdrawn. 17:03.769 --> 17:07.939 This is again a very important idea in Weber. 17:07.940 --> 17:13.760 He said if the proof of success alludes the leader for too long, 17:13.759 --> 17:18.099 it is likely that the charismatic authority will 17:18.099 --> 17:19.019 disappear. 17:19.022 --> 17:20.042 Right? 17:20.038 --> 17:23.958 So the charismatic leader gives you-- 17:23.960 --> 17:29.660 right?--promises that it will produce miracles, 17:29.660 --> 17:35.130 and then the charismatic leader does not producing these 17:35.126 --> 17:41.536 miracles-- right?--he must work miracles, 17:41.538 --> 17:46.128 said Weber-- then the people withdraw the 17:46.132 --> 17:49.632 recognition of charisma from the leader, 17:49.630 --> 17:55.040 and the master simply becomes a private person, 17:55.039 --> 18:01.119 an ordinary person; it loses its individual appeal. 18:01.118 --> 18:07.398 Well what is very important--right?-- 18:07.400 --> 18:13.760 that the charismatic leader has to promise you miracles-- 18:13.759 --> 18:18.509 right?--has to promise you that it will deliver something what 18:18.511 --> 18:20.151 you desperately need. 18:20.147 --> 18:20.847 Right? 18:20.848 --> 18:25.228 Charisma is deeply rooted in the conditions in the situation 18:25.226 --> 18:29.376 in which a charismatic leader is being constructed by the 18:29.381 --> 18:30.421 followers. 18:30.420 --> 18:35.480 When you are in a desperate need, then you are looking for a 18:35.484 --> 18:40.214 charismatic leader which can solve this problem what you 18:40.205 --> 18:43.035 think is almost unresolvable. 18:43.038 --> 18:47.878 Then the charismatic leader will come and will promise you 18:47.884 --> 18:51.824 that this problem, that the charismatic leader 18:51.824 --> 18:55.964 will be able to solve, because of its extraordinary 18:55.961 --> 18:57.311 characteristics. 18:57.308 --> 19:02.918 And again if I can come back again to the last elections, 19:02.920 --> 19:05.340 that was, you know, clearly the case, 19:05.338 --> 19:15.918 the way how candidate Obama was capable to win the elections. 19:15.920 --> 19:22.310 You remember one of the key words--right?--which 19:22.314 --> 19:28.164 characterized the campaign: hope, change, 19:28.163 --> 19:30.753 yes we can. 19:30.750 --> 19:34.570 I mean, these are very typical elements--right?--of a 19:34.565 --> 19:35.955 charismatic appeal. 19:35.959 --> 19:36.619 Right? 19:36.618 --> 19:39.108 You are in need, you want hope, 19:39.111 --> 19:43.851 you want to have business as not usual, you want to have a 19:43.845 --> 19:48.155 new type of business, now this is what I promise you. 19:48.163 --> 19:49.163 Right? 19:49.160 --> 19:52.540 Change and hope, and I empower you. 19:52.538 --> 19:55.028 I am the person who can empower you. 19:55.029 --> 19:55.599 Right? 19:55.599 --> 19:58.029 It can be done. Right? 19:58.029 --> 19:59.599 We can do it. Right? 19:59.599 --> 20:02.019 Yes, it can be done. 20:02.019 --> 20:05.599 Hope, change, yes can be done. 20:05.598 --> 20:09.228 These are very typical elements--right?--what a 20:09.228 --> 20:11.908 charismatic leader does produce. 20:11.910 --> 20:16.200 In recent history other charismatic leaders, 20:16.200 --> 20:21.300 which are probably not as attractive in historical 20:21.300 --> 20:25.910 perspective as Obama, did become charismatic leaders 20:25.905 --> 20:26.885 the same way. 20:26.890 --> 20:31.030 Fidel Castro established charisma for himself. 20:31.028 --> 20:35.528 The Cuban society was in desperate need for change in 20:35.529 --> 20:39.339 1960, and Fidel Castro appealed, and he said, 20:39.336 --> 20:42.966 "Well I will bring change to you. 20:42.970 --> 20:46.960 I will get rid of this corrupt government. 20:46.960 --> 20:49.690 I will create equality." 20:49.690 --> 20:50.350 Right? 20:50.349 --> 20:51.769 "I will help the poor. 20:51.769 --> 20:53.089 The poor will get wealthier. 20:53.088 --> 20:55.208 I will create affluence." 20:55.213 --> 20:55.713 Right? 20:55.710 --> 20:58.240 "I will create a just and affluent society." 20:58.238 --> 20:58.618 Right? 20:58.618 --> 21:02.968 And therefore he came up with promises what people were 21:02.971 --> 21:08.131 looking for, and then charisma was attributed to Fidel Castro. 21:08.130 --> 21:13.000 Adolph Hitler emerged as a charismatic leader. 21:13.002 --> 21:13.872 Right? 21:13.868 --> 21:19.208 Germany suffered a humiliating defeat in the First World War. 21:19.210 --> 21:23.060 Then it was hit with a Great Depression, which hit Germany 21:23.057 --> 21:25.957 even worse than it hit the United States. 21:25.960 --> 21:31.450 And then Adolph Hitler appealed, though he was not 21:31.448 --> 21:36.598 quite as an attractive personality as Obama; 21:36.598 --> 21:38.498 he was, you know, quite a ridiculous guy. 21:38.500 --> 21:40.720 But he actually said, "Well I can solve the 21:40.719 --> 21:41.809 problems for you." 21:41.805 --> 21:42.225 Right? 21:42.230 --> 21:45.560 Defined an enemy; "It's all Jewish 21:45.555 --> 21:46.325 conspiracy. 21:46.328 --> 21:50.368 We get rid of the Jews, and I will turn things around. 21:50.368 --> 21:53.548 And, you know, we will have a new 21:53.548 --> 21:55.038 empire." 21:55.038 --> 21:58.838 And there he was capable with this problem. 21:58.838 --> 22:02.228 There was a need in the situation where people were 22:02.233 --> 22:06.173 looking for leadership, and they were looking for a 22:06.165 --> 22:08.895 strong leader, a charismatic leader, 22:08.898 --> 22:12.348 and they attributed this charismatic leadership-- 22:12.349 --> 22:14.379 people to them. 22:14.380 --> 22:17.050 The problem comes when they cannot deliver. 22:17.048 --> 22:20.938 Certainly Hitler, when the Russian troops were 22:20.942 --> 22:26.132 already fighting around Berlin, was no charismatic leader any 22:26.132 --> 22:26.742 longer. 22:26.738 --> 22:27.688 Right? 22:27.690 --> 22:31.900 He was hiding in the bunker, considering suicide, 22:31.900 --> 22:35.700 and his charisma was gone all together, 22:35.700 --> 22:39.780 because he did not deliver, he did not do the miracles-- 22:39.779 --> 22:44.529 right?--and therefore his charisma was withdrawn. 22:44.529 --> 22:49.719 Now about the followers. Right? 22:49.720 --> 22:55.370 He said the followers of a charismatic leader are often 22:55.368 --> 23:00.698 bound together by emotional ties, and they create an 23:00.704 --> 23:04.894 emotional community with each other. 23:04.890 --> 23:11.710 Weber uses the German term Vergemeinschaftung; 23:11.710 --> 23:14.450 they become kind of a community. 23:14.450 --> 23:18.500 There is a real religious leader with a charismatic 23:18.500 --> 23:19.230 appeal. 23:19.230 --> 23:23.340 It creates always communities of people. 23:23.338 --> 23:27.588 I don't know if any one of you ever had experiences of some 23:27.586 --> 23:30.366 fundamentalist religious experience. 23:30.369 --> 23:32.539 I did when I was a teenager. 23:32.538 --> 23:35.948 There was a preacher--interestingly, 23:35.953 --> 23:39.373 he also did not look charismatic; 23:39.369 --> 23:41.469 he was even not a great speaker. 23:41.470 --> 23:45.250 I don't know how on earth he had this curious charismatic 23:45.251 --> 23:46.631 appeal; but he did. 23:46.630 --> 23:48.730 He did have an impact on me. 23:48.730 --> 23:51.120 I attributed charisma to him. 23:51.118 --> 23:55.658 And he kind of created a community around himself. 23:55.657 --> 23:56.397 Right? 23:56.400 --> 24:00.150 We all were brothers and sisters together, 24:00.152 --> 24:04.822 who kind of believed in the charismatic preacher. 24:04.818 --> 24:09.768 This is very often in kind of sectarian, fundamentalist 24:09.765 --> 24:12.785 religious groups, be it Christian, 24:12.788 --> 24:16.358 or be it Muslim, be it Evangelical. 24:16.358 --> 24:20.798 There must be people in this room--right?--who at least when 24:20.798 --> 24:23.508 they were teenagers experienced that. 24:23.507 --> 24:24.257 Right? 24:24.259 --> 24:28.029 When you are a teenager and you want to get out of your family, 24:28.027 --> 24:30.577 and you are looking for a new community; 24:30.578 --> 24:35.488 I mean, this kind of religious community is very often offered 24:35.490 --> 24:36.860 an alternative. 24:36.858 --> 24:40.888 And some of you may still be in such a community. 24:40.890 --> 24:43.190 And if you are, I envy you. 24:43.190 --> 24:45.630 I think it is--you know, as I recall, 24:45.625 --> 24:48.665 it was a wonderful experience in some ways. 24:48.670 --> 24:50.930 Vergemeinschaftung. 24:50.930 --> 24:53.080 You had your family. Right? 24:53.078 --> 24:56.658 You have your spiritual family where you belong to. 24:56.660 --> 24:59.050 Does it make any sense what I'm saying? 24:59.048 --> 25:02.338 I think there must be people--right?--who experience 25:02.336 --> 25:04.456 that or are still experiencing it. 25:04.464 --> 25:05.114 Right? 25:05.108 --> 25:09.208 So that's what he calls Vergemeinschaftung. 25:09.210 --> 25:13.910 Gemeinschaft means community--when the mass society 25:13.910 --> 25:18.610 relationships becomes a relationships like a community. 25:18.608 --> 25:23.098 And indeed, even in charismatic political campaign, 25:23.096 --> 25:28.116 you have this sense that we belong together in the common 25:28.124 --> 25:28.664 cause. 25:28.662 --> 25:29.652 Right? 25:29.650 --> 25:32.200 There was Vergemeinschaftung in the 25:32.202 --> 25:35.552 Civil Rights Movement-- right?--where there were these 25:35.548 --> 25:38.388 charismatic leaders, Martin Luther King, 25:38.393 --> 25:42.933 Bobby Kennedy--right?-- and the whole idea of civil 25:42.932 --> 25:44.992 rights, and that we're called 25:44.990 --> 25:47.890 together--right?-- and we go to the South and we 25:47.890 --> 25:50.820 demonstrate-- right?--and we demand civil 25:50.817 --> 25:53.247 rights from these bloody racists. 25:53.247 --> 25:53.927 Right? 25:53.930 --> 25:56.920 That created a sense of community among 25:56.921 --> 26:00.701 people--right?--who had this belief in change. 26:00.700 --> 26:14.670 Well and if you are actually in such a community, 26:14.670 --> 26:20.270 you have a kind of personal devotion to the leader, 26:20.269 --> 26:26.239 and there is a certain degree of enthusiasm what emerges in 26:26.239 --> 26:30.379 you-- right?--which is occasionally 26:30.378 --> 26:36.078 coming out of despair, that you are desperate and then 26:36.080 --> 26:41.070 you hope to have some salvation, some solution to an 26:41.067 --> 26:45.707 irresolvable problem by the charismatic leader. 26:45.710 --> 26:51.230 That's how in Communism charismatic leaders like Lenin 26:51.234 --> 26:53.844 or Mao or Castro emerged. 26:53.840 --> 26:54.780 Right? 26:54.779 --> 26:57.799 These were all societies in deep trouble, 26:57.798 --> 27:02.258 after humiliations, after wars, in big need for 27:02.263 --> 27:08.193 some major structural change, and then they were looking for 27:08.193 --> 27:11.953 a savior-- right?--who will solve these 27:11.952 --> 27:17.112 irresolvable problems and will lead out to paradise. 27:17.108 --> 27:20.268 Well it's also interesting that, you know, 27:20.269 --> 27:24.469 in charismatic communities there is usually relatively 27:24.472 --> 27:27.932 little hierarchy, not all that much of a 27:27.925 --> 27:29.025 bureaucracy. 27:29.028 --> 27:36.128 Those who are actually serving the charismatic leader usually 27:36.134 --> 27:40.164 do not get salaries or benefits. 27:40.160 --> 27:43.990 It's again true, you know, even for charismatic 27:43.989 --> 27:47.899 political leaders, that they get a whole army of 27:47.901 --> 27:51.201 volunteers; because they so strongly 27:51.204 --> 27:56.604 believe in the cause that they volunteer their time and money. 27:56.598 --> 28:05.178 Well here comes an interesting and disturbing proposition-- 28:05.180 --> 28:08.810 that he said, "Well because charisma is 28:08.814 --> 28:13.474 such an extraordinary form, it's--as a system of 28:13.468 --> 28:19.268 charismatic authority-- it is opposed to a rational and 28:19.273 --> 28:22.333 bureaucratic authority." 28:22.327 --> 28:23.167 Right? 28:23.170 --> 28:28.340 Therefore it is kind of irrational, in the sense of 28:28.339 --> 28:32.579 being foreign to all established rules. 28:32.578 --> 28:36.228 Because what is a charismatic leader about? 28:36.230 --> 28:37.530 To change. 28:37.529 --> 28:41.989 And the change means that there will be new rules of the game, 28:41.986 --> 28:46.586 and you don't know exactly what these rules of the games are. 28:46.588 --> 28:51.358 And this is what makes, if the charismatic authority as 28:51.364 --> 28:56.494 a whole system is operating, a high level of uncertainty to 28:56.492 --> 28:57.822 the system. 28:57.818 --> 29:01.598 And now forget about American politics. 29:01.598 --> 29:06.638 Because in the United States we clearly have a legal-rational 29:06.638 --> 29:11.508 system--right?--that's what characterizes the United States 29:11.509 --> 29:12.769 of America. 29:12.769 --> 29:18.509 And occasionally we see emerging politicians who 29:18.506 --> 29:24.116 actually do implement some level of change-- 29:24.118 --> 29:27.098 or promise change, whether they can deliver or 29:27.096 --> 29:29.826 not-- will greatly affect how long we 29:29.826 --> 29:32.236 attach charisma to these people. 29:32.240 --> 29:39.140 But from Roosevelt to JFK to Martin Luther King to Obama, 29:39.143 --> 29:45.803 there were politicians with this charismatic appeal. 29:45.798 --> 29:48.268 But the system itself was not charismatic. 29:48.268 --> 29:48.748 Right? 29:48.750 --> 29:54.880 Charisma helped leaders to get elected, and charisma actually 29:54.880 --> 30:01.110 may help a leader to be able to make some strong and important 30:01.113 --> 30:03.773 changes early in life. 30:03.769 --> 30:07.999 Those who are critical of President Obama usually are 30:08.002 --> 30:11.592 critical of him, that he has not moving fast and 30:11.592 --> 30:14.832 forcefully enough-- was not cashing in, 30:14.832 --> 30:19.602 in his charisma early-- right?--in his presidency. 30:19.598 --> 30:23.668 And there is, you know, some signs that in 30:23.670 --> 30:26.450 fact, you know, his charisma, 30:26.450 --> 30:29.530 charismatic appeal is weakening. 30:29.528 --> 30:30.718 Right? 30:30.720 --> 30:34.340 There are some people who say, "Well I feel betrayed. 30:34.339 --> 30:35.249 You know? 30:35.250 --> 30:40.090 I was promised change, and I see a lot of politics as 30:40.093 --> 30:42.053 usual." Right? 30:42.048 --> 30:46.998 So this is, of course, an inevitable problem, 30:47.000 --> 30:52.300 if a leader who has this charismatic appeal finds itself 30:52.298 --> 30:55.668 in the legal-rational authority-- 30:55.670 --> 30:59.090 right?--where actually it's very difficult to implement a 30:59.089 --> 30:59.639 change. 30:59.640 --> 31:03.700 You want to change the rules, the laws, you have to go 31:03.702 --> 31:05.852 through Congress to do that. 31:05.848 --> 31:06.538 Right? 31:06.538 --> 31:10.838 You just cannot declare that from now onwards there is a new 31:10.836 --> 31:12.726 game, rules of the game. 31:12.730 --> 31:17.400 And that is--sounds very much like politics as usual. 31:17.400 --> 31:22.740 That's very different from what Lenin or Mao Zedong did. 31:22.741 --> 31:23.521 Right? 31:23.519 --> 31:26.629 Lenin and Mao Zedong were not guided by rules. 31:26.630 --> 31:28.830 They established the rules. 31:28.828 --> 31:32.648 I mean, Mao Zedong is a particularly interesting 31:32.645 --> 31:33.455 character. 31:33.459 --> 31:34.189 Right? 31:34.190 --> 31:38.300 He established first a bureaucratic rule in China, 31:38.295 --> 31:41.975 and then he launches the Cultural Revolution. 31:41.981 --> 31:42.821 Right? 31:42.818 --> 31:45.718 He launches an anti-bureaucratic movement, 31:45.720 --> 31:49.080 and the top leader of the bureaucracy is becoming the 31:49.075 --> 31:52.685 major popular leader of an anti-bureaucratic movement. 31:52.690 --> 31:56.920 I mean, this guy was really quite something, 31:56.923 --> 31:59.093 quite extraordinary. 31:59.088 --> 32:01.988 And in a way he did that, you know, because his charisma 32:01.990 --> 32:03.520 was weakening by the 1960s. 32:03.519 --> 32:06.659 First he promised "a great leap forward"; 32:06.660 --> 32:09.820 you know, in no time we will catch up and we will look like 32:09.819 --> 32:10.909 the United States. 32:10.910 --> 32:13.880 And what happened with the great leap forward? 32:13.880 --> 32:17.450 Disaster; people were starving to death. 32:17.450 --> 32:20.460 So he was not delivering the miracle. 32:20.460 --> 32:23.080 So what does he does next? 32:23.078 --> 32:29.408 He shows as his--we'll change the rules of the game. 32:29.410 --> 32:33.440 He launches the Cultural Revolution, and he suddenly 32:33.438 --> 32:38.728 becomes the leader of people who actually should be opposing him. 32:38.730 --> 32:43.030 You know, he's generating these kind of miracles; 32:43.029 --> 32:47.279 you know, the last miracle what he's trying to generate at old 32:47.282 --> 32:50.772 age, that he goes swimming in the Yangtze River. 32:50.769 --> 32:51.669 You see? 32:51.670 --> 32:53.370 You think I'm old and I'm dying? 32:53.368 --> 32:57.838 No, I'm superhuman, I still can swim. 32:57.836 --> 32:58.826 Right? 32:58.828 --> 33:04.388 This is the kind of--trying to rescue--right?--your charismatic 33:04.393 --> 33:09.243 appeal, where it is about to be taken away from you. 33:09.240 --> 33:13.020 But on the whole, as we see, as they establish, 33:13.020 --> 33:17.300 these charismatic leaders, establish this charismatic 33:17.296 --> 33:20.416 system, they can change the rules. 33:20.420 --> 33:23.050 And, you know, if you look at Chinese history, 33:23.047 --> 33:26.027 every five years everything is completely different. 33:26.026 --> 33:26.606 Right? 33:26.608 --> 33:30.068 First a hundred flowers flourish. 33:30.068 --> 33:32.928 We will let--everybody will--then, you know, 33:32.932 --> 33:35.142 great leap forward; then, you know, 33:35.142 --> 33:36.282 Cultural Revolution. 33:36.279 --> 33:38.549 He's changing the rules all the time. 33:38.548 --> 33:40.678 This is an unpredictable environment. 33:40.680 --> 33:45.640 Can the economy work in this unpredictable environment? 33:45.640 --> 33:47.200 No, it cannot. 33:47.200 --> 33:50.940 The same goes for the Nazis, and the same goes for the 33:50.939 --> 33:51.709 Stalinists. 33:51.714 --> 33:52.354 Right? 33:52.348 --> 33:53.758 It was an unpredictable environment. 33:53.759 --> 33:55.809 It was not good for business. 33:55.808 --> 33:59.448 Business needs a predictable environment. 33:59.451 --> 34:00.181 Right? 34:00.180 --> 34:03.140 It needs the rule of law. 34:03.140 --> 34:08.220 That's why capitalism--business at least---likes legal-rational 34:08.217 --> 34:09.197 authority. 34:09.199 --> 34:13.949 They don't necessarily like democratic system. 34:13.945 --> 34:14.785 Right? 34:14.789 --> 34:19.779 Capitalism can live nicely with authoritarian figures. 34:19.780 --> 34:23.460 Capitalists loved Pinochet. 34:23.456 --> 34:24.406 Right? 34:24.409 --> 34:26.739 But, you know, Pinochet was, 34:26.739 --> 34:30.879 you know, reasonable legal-rational authority; 34:30.880 --> 34:33.290 I mean, at the beginning, you know, he was killing people 34:33.289 --> 34:33.849 like crazy. 34:33.849 --> 34:37.519 But then he established a reasonably predictable system 34:37.518 --> 34:40.358 and capitalists loved it, and for awhile, 34:40.358 --> 34:44.448 you know, the Chilean economy, partially advised by Milton 34:44.447 --> 34:47.257 Friedman, you know, boosted. 34:47.260 --> 34:50.900 So, I mean, what capitalism really wants is a predictable 34:50.900 --> 34:51.810 environment. 34:51.809 --> 34:54.769 And in many ways, you know, democracy is not all 34:54.771 --> 34:57.481 that good for a predictable environment, 34:57.480 --> 35:01.210 because every fourth year we go to the polls and then we elect 35:01.210 --> 35:03.510 other people, and then they come up with 35:03.509 --> 35:06.159 other ideas, and this is a bit of a mess. 35:06.159 --> 35:12.739 So really I would almost say that a good free market economy 35:12.737 --> 35:17.097 loves rule of law, with a kind of authoritarian 35:17.096 --> 35:20.476 leader and a longstanding political stability. 35:20.480 --> 35:23.650 They don't like these big changes--right?--in the 35:23.646 --> 35:24.896 political system. 35:24.900 --> 35:31.230 Well now and charisma as a revolutionary force. 35:31.230 --> 35:32.650 This is very important. 35:32.650 --> 35:36.880 I think Weber first of all makes a very specific argument. 35:36.880 --> 35:40.080 He said it is always in traditionalistic 35:40.076 --> 35:44.906 periods--right?--traditional authority, when charisma is the 35:44.911 --> 35:47.371 great revolutionary force. 35:47.369 --> 35:50.219 So, in fact, in a modern legal-rational 35:50.224 --> 35:54.284 authority, it is not so much charisma which carries the 35:54.282 --> 35:55.712 change through. 35:55.710 --> 36:00.560 It is technical innovation, and it is the kind of routine 36:00.556 --> 36:05.746 and boring elections every four years which brings changes by 36:05.750 --> 36:08.520 gradually and incrementally. 36:08.518 --> 36:12.408 The big change is occurring from one type of traditional 36:12.414 --> 36:15.394 authority to another type of authority, 36:15.389 --> 36:18.709 and in order to change the value system of one type of 36:18.708 --> 36:21.338 tradition to another type of tradition, 36:21.340 --> 36:24.000 that's when you need charismatic leaders. 36:24.000 --> 36:26.720 So he said--right?--bureaucratic 36:26.724 --> 36:31.214 rationalization is the major revolutionary force. 36:31.210 --> 36:34.900 But, you know, in a bureaucratic system like 36:34.900 --> 36:38.590 what we have, it is really a revolution from 36:38.590 --> 36:39.620 without. 36:39.619 --> 36:42.329 It is coming from technological change. 36:42.329 --> 36:44.279 We have revolution. 36:44.280 --> 36:45.430 Oh yes. 36:45.429 --> 36:51.519 I mean, the first time when I heard there is stuff like 36:51.516 --> 36:55.006 internet--email--it was 1976. 36:55.010 --> 37:01.290 And now I'm an email addict, as many of you know. 37:01.289 --> 37:03.639 You send me an email, and occasionally in five 37:03.635 --> 37:06.815 minutes you get an answer from me, because I'm always checking 37:06.818 --> 37:08.068 my email like crazy. 37:08.070 --> 37:09.450 This was all new. 37:09.449 --> 37:11.009 This was coming from the outside. 37:11.010 --> 37:14.930 Now, charisma, on the other hand--this is very 37:14.929 --> 37:20.069 insightful, very important--it is revolution from within. 37:20.070 --> 37:24.780 What charisma is doing is changing the value systems in 37:24.775 --> 37:25.125 you. 37:25.125 --> 37:25.905 Right? 37:25.909 --> 37:30.149 That's what charismatic leaders do achieve, to persuade you that 37:30.150 --> 37:33.650 you have to have a different kind of value system. 37:33.650 --> 37:37.430 And that's why I think charismatic leadership does play 37:37.429 --> 37:40.509 a role, not only in traditional societies. 37:40.510 --> 37:46.340 But charismatic leaders, in a legal-rational authority, 37:46.335 --> 37:51.615 do play a role to change people's value systems in 37:51.623 --> 37:53.893 substantial ways. 37:53.889 --> 37:57.579 Again we discussed that in discussion sections. 37:57.579 --> 38:01.189 Those who are not in my discussion sections--just let me 38:01.190 --> 38:03.290 invoke the Civil Rights Movement. 38:03.293 --> 38:03.953 Right? 38:03.949 --> 38:07.129 The Civil Rights Movement in ten years, 38:07.130 --> 38:10.050 in the United States, produced a change in value 38:10.047 --> 38:12.367 systems-- our attitudes to race 38:12.371 --> 38:15.581 relationships and gender relationships-- 38:15.579 --> 38:19.549 which otherwise would have taken a hundred years. 38:19.547 --> 38:20.207 Right? 38:20.210 --> 38:25.140 It happened in ten short years, that we completely rethought 38:25.141 --> 38:28.901 race and gender relationships in this country. 38:28.903 --> 38:29.743 Right? 38:29.739 --> 38:34.699 And this to a large extent demanded--right?--charismatic 38:34.697 --> 38:35.597 leaders. 38:35.599 --> 38:40.489 It demanded--right?--Martin Luther King--right?--who had a 38:40.492 --> 38:45.642 dream--right?--about a society where there can be a different 38:45.643 --> 38:47.793 type of value system. 38:47.789 --> 38:51.199 And in no time--I mean, you were too young to 38:51.197 --> 38:53.717 experience that, but your parents and 38:53.722 --> 38:56.352 grandparents experienced it, and talk to them, 38:56.346 --> 39:00.066 they will tell you-- right?--how fundamentally their 39:00.065 --> 39:04.445 world outlook and looking at a person of another race, 39:04.449 --> 39:09.989 or how they began to treat women in their family, 39:09.989 --> 39:13.389 or girls in their family, how radically it changed, 39:13.389 --> 39:15.789 almost instantly. Right? 39:15.789 --> 39:18.449 Because it was a change from within. 39:18.451 --> 39:19.061 Right? 39:19.059 --> 39:22.879 That's what charismatic revolution is all about. 39:22.880 --> 39:30.640 And well this is, of course has everything to do 39:30.644 --> 39:33.624 against routine. 39:33.619 --> 39:37.929 Charismatic is not doing things as they used to be. 39:37.929 --> 39:41.339 That's why it is the opposite--right?--of one type of 39:41.340 --> 39:44.360 traditionalism, and the problem is what happens 39:44.358 --> 39:47.638 if the charismatic leader disappears and dies? 39:47.639 --> 39:51.919 And that's when we have the problem how can the charismatic 39:51.920 --> 39:53.470 leader be replaced? 39:53.469 --> 39:58.369 It's a very big issue, and there are different methods 39:58.369 --> 39:59.849 of succession. 39:59.849 --> 40:02.919 And let me just walk you through of this. 40:02.920 --> 40:05.530 It's not quite uninteresting. 40:05.530 --> 40:07.320 It can be search. 40:07.320 --> 40:09.770 It can be by revelation. 40:09.768 --> 40:14.138 It can be designation by the original leader. 40:14.139 --> 40:18.749 It can be designation by a staff, which is particularly 40:18.753 --> 40:24.053 qualified to decide who the next charismatic leader will be. 40:24.050 --> 40:28.830 The issue is how can you maintain a charismatic system 40:28.827 --> 40:29.817 going on? 40:29.820 --> 40:33.700 It can be hereditary, that some hereditary line is 40:33.701 --> 40:34.811 established. 40:34.809 --> 40:39.799 And it can be office charisma; the office itself can carry 40:39.795 --> 40:40.585 charisma. 40:40.590 --> 40:43.980 Now let me just briefly talk to each one of these. 40:43.980 --> 40:45.490 Search. 40:45.489 --> 40:53.329 Well the best example is how you find a Dalai Lama. 40:53.326 --> 40:54.576 Right? 40:54.579 --> 40:56.509 It happens through a search. 40:56.510 --> 40:59.020 The Dalai Lama dies. 40:59.018 --> 41:04.168 You know that the Dalai Lama is reincarnated. 41:04.170 --> 41:08.620 So you send out people and looking for a child who is the 41:08.617 --> 41:11.317 reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. 41:11.320 --> 41:15.650 There must be just one child who is the reincarnation of the 41:15.646 --> 41:16.596 Dalai Lama. 41:16.599 --> 41:19.779 And then you have experts, who can tell, 41:19.782 --> 41:23.212 go around and then they find this child. 41:23.210 --> 41:28.020 This is the new Dalai Lama, and then it will be brought up, 41:28.016 --> 41:31.746 and will become the Dalai Lama and, of course, 41:31.746 --> 41:34.976 will have a great deal of charisma. 41:34.980 --> 41:37.960 And you can see it works. 41:37.960 --> 41:42.540 The Dalai Lama does have a lot of charisma. 41:42.538 --> 41:43.408 Right? 41:43.409 --> 41:46.909 Well whether you believe in reincarnation or not, 41:46.905 --> 41:48.575 that's another story. 41:48.579 --> 41:54.319 Probably most people in this room do not believe in it, 41:54.320 --> 41:59.570 but if you do not believe in it, even more miraculous why the 41:59.574 --> 42:04.044 Dalai Lama has this quite extraordinary charisma. 42:04.039 --> 42:08.629 There are people who just get wild if they can get near to the 42:08.630 --> 42:09.610 Dalai Lama. 42:09.610 --> 42:15.150 I had a student in Taiwan who actually turned into a Buddhist 42:15.153 --> 42:19.593 and became a great follower of the Dalai Lama. 42:19.590 --> 42:20.700 He got a Ph.D. 42:20.699 --> 42:26.779 from UCLA, but he's following; wherever the Dalai Lama goes, 42:26.780 --> 42:28.020 he's always there. 42:28.019 --> 42:30.399 Because he has this charisma. 42:30.400 --> 42:33.870 His charisma is attributed to him. 42:33.869 --> 42:34.709 Right? 42:34.710 --> 42:39.080 He was found in the right way, and he was established as a 42:39.079 --> 42:40.689 charismatic leader. 42:40.690 --> 42:44.170 It can happen through revelation. 42:44.170 --> 42:49.970 Revelation actually means that there are some people who are 42:49.972 --> 42:55.882 believed to have some kind of access to some divine authority 42:55.875 --> 43:00.985 who can declare that this is a person who is the next 43:00.989 --> 43:03.449 charismatic leader. 43:03.449 --> 43:07.919 Well I don't think in contemporary world revelation is 43:07.920 --> 43:09.270 all that much. 43:09.268 --> 43:11.808 Though, I mean, newspapers do it for you. 43:11.811 --> 43:12.321 Right? 43:12.320 --> 43:16.970 The newspapers do create charismatic leaders for you. 43:16.969 --> 43:22.239 They attach charisma, they build up the charismatic 43:22.244 --> 43:26.744 powers of a person; the media does it for you. 43:26.739 --> 43:31.249 And certainly the charisma attributed to rock 43:31.253 --> 43:35.563 stars--right?--rock stars do have charisma, 43:35.563 --> 43:39.773 right?--is created through the media. 43:39.769 --> 43:41.919 The media has the oracle. Right? 43:41.920 --> 43:46.390 He knows who the great guys are and whom you have to get 43:46.393 --> 43:50.383 absolutely excited when you get to the concert. 43:50.380 --> 43:53.900 Well, there can be a designation by the original 43:53.896 --> 43:54.566 leader. 43:54.570 --> 43:59.620 If the charismatic leader is dying, then the charismatic 43:59.621 --> 44:03.571 leader has a problem to find a successor. 44:03.570 --> 44:08.200 That's very difficult to do, because charismatic leaders are 44:08.201 --> 44:12.441 bloody scared that if they designate a leader then they 44:12.438 --> 44:15.028 will be poisoned or murdered. 44:15.030 --> 44:18.640 Or the new leader wants to take it over--too often, 44:18.641 --> 44:23.051 very often, we see charismatic leaders designating leaders and 44:23.045 --> 44:24.775 then murdering them. 44:24.780 --> 44:28.480 That's a long history in humankind. 44:28.480 --> 44:32.870 But, you know, an interesting example was that 44:32.869 --> 44:38.719 Stalin tried to build up his charisma by faking a testimonial 44:38.722 --> 44:44.012 of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in which assumedly Lenin said 44:44.014 --> 44:46.874 that Stalin will be the successor. 44:46.869 --> 44:48.749 This was all a lie. 44:48.750 --> 44:53.580 Lenin actually disliked Stalin a great deal and was very 44:53.579 --> 44:56.389 reluctant to name a successor. 44:56.389 --> 44:58.849 But he forged this letter and tried to say, 44:58.851 --> 45:01.431 "Well I inherited the charisma." 45:01.429 --> 45:04.719 And he had a lot of problems actually to establish his 45:04.724 --> 45:05.414 charisma. 45:05.409 --> 45:09.159 Eventually, in fact during the Second World War, 45:09.157 --> 45:12.657 he managed to emerge as a charismatic leader, 45:12.664 --> 45:17.294 and not only in the Soviet Union but even in the West. 45:17.289 --> 45:19.569 There's a lot of people in the United States, 45:19.570 --> 45:23.700 as the Soviet Army defeated the Germans, 45:23.699 --> 45:28.439 first in Moscow and then of course in Stalingrad, 45:28.440 --> 45:31.700 that they began to see Stalin as a great leader-- 45:31.699 --> 45:34.279 right?--as a charismatic great leader. 45:34.280 --> 45:37.590 But he probably had nothing to do with the success of the Red 45:37.592 --> 45:37.982 Army. 45:37.980 --> 45:42.720 Well, or it can be designated by a qualified staff. 45:42.719 --> 45:46.049 This is the way how, for instance, 45:46.050 --> 45:50.600 the Pope is being selected; and the pope does 45:50.601 --> 45:54.321 have--right?--a charismatic authority. 45:54.320 --> 45:58.390 If you are Roman Catholic, you know that the Pope has some 45:58.393 --> 46:01.113 access to God, what you, ordinary Roman 46:01.110 --> 46:03.040 Catholics, do not have. 46:03.039 --> 46:06.899 And how is--but it's going on from one Pope to the next. 46:06.900 --> 46:10.210 The character of the Pope will matter. 46:10.213 --> 46:10.933 Right? 46:10.929 --> 46:14.009 There are some more, you know, charming, 46:14.009 --> 46:17.319 more persuasive popes, whom you see more of 46:17.324 --> 46:19.224 charismatic leaders. 46:19.219 --> 46:22.309 There are other popes who are more like bureaucrats. 46:22.309 --> 46:26.009 But nevertheless, even the bureaucratic kind of 46:26.007 --> 46:29.867 popes, are assumed to be charismatic and they are 46:29.865 --> 46:32.675 selected by a designated staff. 46:32.679 --> 46:35.089 There is a certain set of archbishops; 46:35.090 --> 46:38.800 when one pope dies, they gather together in Rome, 46:38.800 --> 46:42.110 and they cannot leave, you know, the room until they 46:42.106 --> 46:44.586 agree, they achieve a consensus, 46:44.590 --> 46:48.320 who is the other person who will have this special 46:48.318 --> 46:49.838 relationship to God. 46:49.838 --> 46:50.598 Right? 46:50.599 --> 46:55.639 There is also hereditary charisma, that you try to pass 46:55.635 --> 47:00.575 charisma on through your children--very hard to do. 47:00.579 --> 47:03.339 North Korea is trying to do that. 47:03.340 --> 47:04.030 Right? 47:04.030 --> 47:09.550 Kim Il-sung passed his charisma on to Kim Jong-il, 47:09.552 --> 47:14.062 which is an absolutely ridiculous guy. 47:14.059 --> 47:17.319 But nevertheless, you know, somehow it looks 47:17.317 --> 47:20.797 like, you know, that in Korea he does have some 47:20.800 --> 47:23.150 kind of charismatic appeal. 47:23.150 --> 47:26.730 So, I mean, this is not totally impossible. 47:26.730 --> 47:29.470 I mean, it's a bad idea, you know, if you are a 47:29.469 --> 47:32.449 charismatic leader to pass charisma on this way. 47:32.449 --> 47:35.639 Finally office charisma--this is very important. 47:35.639 --> 47:39.779 Incumbents of an office is supposed to have some charisma, 47:39.780 --> 47:41.670 depending on the office. 47:41.670 --> 47:45.660 But the office of the Pope, of course, is supposed to have 47:45.659 --> 47:46.429 charisma. 47:46.429 --> 47:50.249 But we actually do use this very often. 47:50.250 --> 47:55.230 We do--well in the United States we call this leadership. 47:55.228 --> 47:55.938 Right? 47:55.940 --> 48:00.380 That we expect people in position of certain authorities 48:00.378 --> 48:04.008 to offer leadership--to have vision, right? 48:04.010 --> 48:08.280 And this is a kind of a charisma which goes with the 48:08.284 --> 48:09.044 office. 48:09.039 --> 48:12.189 And, you know, I have been department chair 48:12.193 --> 48:15.803 quite a few times, and it's so interesting moving 48:15.802 --> 48:19.872 into the position of department chair and moving out of it. 48:19.869 --> 48:24.279 Your relationship to your colleagues changes a great deal. 48:24.280 --> 48:27.230 You know, when you are the department chair, 48:27.233 --> 48:31.013 there is-- certainly some charisma is attributed to you. 48:31.012 --> 48:31.702 Right? 48:31.699 --> 48:35.379 You are supposed to offer some kind of leadership, 48:35.376 --> 48:39.726 and you are believed to be able to bring in some change. 48:39.730 --> 48:42.050 I just remember, you know, one of the 48:42.054 --> 48:45.484 institutions when I was an incoming outside chair, 48:45.480 --> 48:49.020 how people said, "Oh, you came in like 48:49.021 --> 48:50.541 fresh air." 48:50.539 --> 48:52.629 Well in two years' time it was all gone. 48:52.630 --> 48:54.110 I was not fresh air. 48:54.110 --> 48:55.600 I was routine. 48:55.599 --> 48:58.969 You know, I was operating in a bureaucracy, massaging the 48:58.965 --> 49:00.945 bureaucracy to get things done. 49:00.949 --> 49:02.989 My charisma was all gone. 49:02.989 --> 49:05.759 But there is, right?--I think it's a very 49:05.755 --> 49:09.075 American thing, right?--that you attach 49:09.083 --> 49:12.983 expectations to incumbents of the office, 49:12.980 --> 49:15.710 that it can actually carry out change, 49:15.710 --> 49:19.870 bring in fresh air--right?--to have a vision and to do things 49:19.871 --> 49:22.161 better than it was done before. 49:22.159 --> 49:24.119 Okay, that's about charisma. 49:24.119 --> 49:25.429 Thank you. 49:25.429 --> 49:29.999