WEBVTT 00:01.520 --> 00:06.120 Prof: This topic today is really fun. 00:06.120 --> 00:10.190 I love the Acts of Paul and Thecla. 00:10.190 --> 00:12.320 It is such a bizarre document. 00:12.320 --> 00:16.190 I hope you read it before class as the syllabus instructed you 00:16.192 --> 00:16.512 to. 00:16.510 --> 00:19.570 It's not an easy document to get into if it's the first time 00:19.574 --> 00:22.694 you've come across this kind of non-canonical early Christian 00:22.690 --> 00:23.470 literature. 00:23.470 --> 00:25.660 Sometimes we'll call this stuff "apocryphal" 00:25.659 --> 00:27.889 which is just the Greek word for "hidden." 00:27.890 --> 00:33.360 This is not part of the apocrypha that's published in 00:33.357 --> 00:37.147 your Bible, your study Bible if you bought 00:37.145 --> 00:42.005 the Bible that I requested which was the Oxford Study Bible with 00:42.006 --> 00:43.006 Apocrypha. 00:43.010 --> 00:46.620 That apocrypha, as I explained at the beginning 00:46.623 --> 00:51.183 of the whole semester is Jewish literature that was written 00:51.180 --> 00:55.810 sometime in the Second Temple period and it's not explicitly 00:55.814 --> 00:59.354 Christian literature for the most part. 00:59.350 --> 01:02.790 When people talk about The Apocrypha that's published in a 01:02.789 --> 01:05.139 modern Bible, they're talking about that 01:05.141 --> 01:08.281 Jewish literature that survived in Greek mainly. 01:08.280 --> 01:12.710 In fact this is why those books were rejected by the reformers 01:12.712 --> 01:15.912 Martin Luther and Calvin, and Melanchthon. 01:15.909 --> 01:18.909 They tended to not use the apocrypha in a Protestant Bible 01:18.906 --> 01:22.266 precisely because they wanted to go back to the Hebrew Bible like 01:22.269 --> 01:24.849 the rabbis were using, and so The Apocrypha, 01:24.846 --> 01:27.986 although it has continued to be part of the Roman Catholic 01:27.988 --> 01:29.958 Bible, and as something having a 01:29.959 --> 01:32.269 secondary status, has not been part of the 01:32.268 --> 01:33.188 Protestant Bible. 01:33.190 --> 01:36.890 That term "apocrypha" refers to that very varying 01:36.885 --> 01:40.515 list because what is actually even included in that Jewish 01:40.516 --> 01:44.276 apocrypha varies according to which publication you may pick 01:44.275 --> 01:44.845 up. 01:44.849 --> 01:48.579 Sometimes people will also use this word "apocrypha" 01:48.575 --> 01:52.175 for what they call something like New Testament apocrypha or 01:52.178 --> 01:54.008 early Christian apocrypha. 01:54.010 --> 01:57.030 That's kind of a misleading term because there's nothing 01:57.025 --> 01:59.105 hidden about this literature at all. 01:59.110 --> 02:01.310 It's always been there, it's just not part of the 02:01.305 --> 02:02.125 Christian canon. 02:02.129 --> 02:06.429 Some of it is entirely orthodox, some of it is rather 02:06.433 --> 02:10.013 heretical, and some of it is somewhere not 02:10.014 --> 02:14.464 completely in tune with later orthodoxy but nevertheless 02:14.461 --> 02:19.151 reflecting what was definitely orthodox in its own day. 02:19.150 --> 02:22.000 All this literature is written in the second century, 02:22.000 --> 02:23.930 our document today, the Acts of Paul and 02:23.926 --> 02:26.176 Thecla, was composed in the second 02:26.181 --> 02:29.781 century and it was considered quite good literature by many 02:29.778 --> 02:31.018 early Christians. 02:31.020 --> 02:34.900 It just wasn't part of the New Testament, mainly because people 02:34.901 --> 02:38.661 knew it was a bit later of a document, not so much because of 02:38.658 --> 02:40.348 concerns for orthodoxy. 02:40.348 --> 02:43.958 One of the purposes of my teaching this course, 02:43.960 --> 02:47.170 one of my purposes of teaching all of my courses, 02:47.169 --> 02:53.279 is to get students to start thinking completely differently. 02:53.280 --> 02:54.790 In other words, you've noticed, 02:54.794 --> 02:57.504 perhaps, that one of the things I stress 02:57.503 --> 03:00.913 in my lectures is how odd the ancient world is, 03:00.908 --> 03:04.648 even how odd early Christianity is from what most of us tend to 03:04.653 --> 03:05.443 come at it. 03:05.438 --> 03:08.428 This is because I teach New Testament studies and the 03:08.425 --> 03:11.635 history of early Christianity almost like ethnography. 03:11.639 --> 03:14.569 I try to get you to imagine yourself coming into a culture 03:14.574 --> 03:17.564 that's really different from the culture you grew up in. 03:17.560 --> 03:21.960 This is something I think is basic to religious studies as a 03:21.955 --> 03:25.435 discipline, and religious studies teaches 03:25.443 --> 03:29.323 you to look at some kind of group of people, 03:29.318 --> 03:32.458 or an activity, or a belief structure that 03:32.455 --> 03:35.815 seems to you initially absolutely bizarre. 03:35.818 --> 03:39.028 And you think, how could any rational person 03:39.032 --> 03:39.782 do that? 03:39.780 --> 03:42.030 How can any rational person belief that? 03:42.030 --> 03:46.700 To keep looking at it seriously and to look at it with enough 03:46.702 --> 03:50.912 sympathy that you actually can see eventually how it is 03:50.907 --> 03:52.697 perfectly rational. 03:52.699 --> 03:56.379 This document today is a great place to illustrate that, 03:56.378 --> 03:59.228 because whenever I teach this document to people your age, 03:59.229 --> 04:01.809 eighteen to twenty-two year old college students, 04:01.810 --> 04:04.520 if you read this carefully and you get into this stuff, 04:04.520 --> 04:06.560 it should be bizarre to you. 04:06.560 --> 04:11.540 This document depicts young people who are attracted to a 04:11.536 --> 04:16.776 version of Christianity that forbids having sex entirely. 04:16.779 --> 04:19.739 It's completely ascetic. 04:19.740 --> 04:22.100 The Paul in the Acts of Paul and Thecla says, 04:22.101 --> 04:24.881 if you have sex you're probably not going to go to heaven. 04:24.879 --> 04:29.269 Basically the gospel mentioned in this document is continence, 04:29.271 --> 04:32.441 by which this document means avoiding sex. 04:32.439 --> 04:36.789 And that's going to be bizarre enough because people in the 04:36.790 --> 04:39.640 modern world kind of have the idea, 04:39.639 --> 04:44.149 well why would somebody join any movement that forbade sexual 04:44.154 --> 04:45.664 intimacy entirely? 04:45.660 --> 04:48.190 What kind of draw did that have for people? 04:48.190 --> 04:50.380 Why did that gospel succeed? 04:50.379 --> 04:53.449 What may be surprising to you is it did succeed. 04:53.449 --> 04:55.619 In the ancient world a lot of people, 04:55.620 --> 04:58.240 especially it seems sometimes even young people, 04:58.240 --> 05:02.270 were drawn to early Christianity precisely because 05:02.271 --> 05:03.671 it was ascetic. 05:03.670 --> 05:07.420 It taught this radical asceticism of watching what you 05:07.415 --> 05:11.275 eat and especially avoiding sex, or if not avoiding sex 05:11.281 --> 05:14.821 entirely, severely limiting sexual intercourse and sexual 05:14.824 --> 05:15.714 attraction. 05:15.709 --> 05:18.749 \What is it about the ancient culture, 05:18.750 --> 05:22.380 what is it about these people that caused them not only to be 05:22.379 --> 05:26.009 converted to Christianity but to be converted especially to a 05:26.009 --> 05:28.549 form of it that was radically ascetic? 05:28.550 --> 05:31.830 In order to see why that kind of Christianity was--because 05:31.829 --> 05:35.109 that's the actual kind of Christianity that was successful 05:35.110 --> 05:36.550 in the ancient world. 05:36.550 --> 05:40.100 If you were listening to most modern American Christians, 05:40.100 --> 05:43.620 modern American people generally, what are the two most 05:43.617 --> 05:47.067 important teachings about Christianity in the minds of 05:47.071 --> 05:48.311 most Americans? 05:48.310 --> 05:52.310 The family, the importance of the family, 05:52.310 --> 05:55.670 and by that they mean the heterosexual nuclear family, 05:55.670 --> 05:58.820 but even the liberal churches which are willing to recognize 05:58.819 --> 06:02.189 gay relationships, they still construe that as gay 06:02.190 --> 06:06.040 marriage or just gay versions of the nuclear family. 06:06.040 --> 06:08.250 The family is the most important thing about 06:08.245 --> 06:10.805 Christianity in the minds of a lot of Americans. 06:10.810 --> 06:13.620 The second thing is nationalism, patriotism. 06:13.620 --> 06:18.270 If you took away patriotism and nationalism, and the family out 06:18.271 --> 06:21.651 of Christianity, most people in modern America 06:21.648 --> 06:24.198 wouldn't recognize it as such. 06:24.199 --> 06:27.129 What's odd is that, when you read these ancient 06:27.132 --> 06:30.892 documents, that's precisely the two things that Christianity 06:30.894 --> 06:31.664 attacks. 06:31.660 --> 06:35.460 This form of early Christianity was anti-family, 06:35.464 --> 06:39.274 for the most part, and it was anti-patriotic. 06:39.269 --> 06:43.999 The people who say, but this is traditional 06:44.004 --> 06:47.344 Christianity, those people don't know their 06:47.339 --> 06:50.169 history before 1950, because the church, 06:50.168 --> 06:55.348 the overall Christian churches were never pro-family for the 06:55.350 --> 06:58.600 first 1500 years of its existence. 06:58.600 --> 07:01.810 The Roman Catholic Church, up until the Reformation, 07:01.810 --> 07:04.120 always had as its official position, 07:04.120 --> 07:07.900 not just popular ideas, its official position was 07:07.901 --> 07:10.741 celibacy is superior to sexuality. 07:10.740 --> 07:14.160 If you have to have sex, if you can't control yourself 07:14.160 --> 07:17.970 you're allowed to get married and have sex within the bounds 07:17.966 --> 07:18.996 of marriage. 07:19.000 --> 07:22.220 But the better thing, the better virtue would be to 07:22.216 --> 07:24.916 avoid sex entirely for your entire life. 07:24.920 --> 07:28.920 The next best thing is to have sex if you need just to make 07:28.920 --> 07:30.660 babies, but then as soon as you have 07:30.663 --> 07:33.523 your babies, stop having sex and be ascetic 07:33.516 --> 07:35.296 the rest of your life. 07:35.300 --> 07:38.910 If your spouse dies, you are permitted to get 07:38.911 --> 07:40.801 remarried, most of the time, 07:40.797 --> 07:43.487 but the higher virtue would be in remaining unmarried and 07:43.490 --> 07:45.800 remaining celibate for the rest of your life. 07:45.800 --> 07:49.230 That was considered the doctrine in Christianity, 07:49.225 --> 07:52.785 at least up until the Reformation, so the sixteenth 07:52.793 --> 07:53.653 century. 07:53.649 --> 07:55.979 When people talk about "traditional family 07:55.982 --> 07:58.722 values" being traditionally the Christian way, 07:58.720 --> 08:02.310 they're not talking about Christianity as it existed from 08:02.309 --> 08:05.769 the time of Jesus all the way up until around 1600, 08:05.769 --> 08:09.979 and even then from 1600 until 1950, 08:09.980 --> 08:13.180 the ideal form in most Christianity was not the nuclear 08:13.184 --> 08:15.324 family but some kind of household. 08:15.319 --> 08:18.189 In Puritan New England, people didn't live in little 08:18.185 --> 08:21.285 nuclear families-- townships, the New Haven 08:21.286 --> 08:24.496 Colony, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 08:24.500 --> 08:28.110 they were organized into households that were run by the 08:28.105 --> 08:31.375 male head of household, his wife under him, 08:31.379 --> 08:35.039 children under that, servants and other free people 08:35.043 --> 08:38.303 often living in the household also or connected to the 08:38.301 --> 08:39.101 household. 08:39.100 --> 08:41.660 If you are, for example, an adult male, 08:41.658 --> 08:44.588 twenty-five years old in New England, 08:44.590 --> 08:47.820 in Puritan New England, and you weren't married, 08:47.820 --> 08:51.410 you weren't really supposed to live alone or with other men. 08:51.408 --> 08:54.628 That happens sometimes, but the town fathers-- 08:54.629 --> 08:58.539 and these colonies were ruled as communities, 08:58.538 --> 09:02.058 not individual people--the town fathers would want to put you 09:02.057 --> 09:05.357 into somebody else's household, into the household of another 09:05.363 --> 09:05.593 man. 09:05.590 --> 09:09.120 They certainly wouldn't let women, adult women live 09:09.120 --> 09:10.040 separately. 09:10.038 --> 09:12.648 Notice, this is not individualism in the modern 09:12.649 --> 09:15.939 sense, and it's not the nuclear family in the modern sense, 09:15.942 --> 09:18.272 these are extended family households. 09:18.269 --> 09:21.529 That was the New England Protestant way. 09:21.528 --> 09:26.338 When did the idea that the best form of the family was the 09:26.344 --> 09:30.994 nuclear family come about in popular culture overall? 09:30.990 --> 09:32.670 The 1950s. 09:32.668 --> 09:36.838 When people talk about that being the Christian thing 09:36.839 --> 09:41.409 they're forgetting the vast sweep of Christian history. 09:41.409 --> 09:43.269 They're just ignoring it. 09:43.269 --> 09:47.269 This document is a good place to see why that made sense for 09:47.270 --> 09:49.320 people, especially in the ancient 09:49.317 --> 09:51.717 world, and to make it-- since for the Middle Ages and 09:51.719 --> 09:54.009 all the rest of the time you'll have to take another course. 09:54.009 --> 09:57.789 One of the things I want you to do is enter into this text as if 09:57.788 --> 10:01.128 you're an ethnographer, an anthropologist and try to 10:01.129 --> 10:04.749 see how does this make sense, how does this gospel that this 10:04.750 --> 10:07.430 text proclaimed, how did it make sense to people 10:07.429 --> 10:09.339 and why was it so wildly popular, 10:09.340 --> 10:12.990 because it was wildly popular. 10:12.990 --> 10:16.270 First, you have to know a bit about the Greco-Roman novel. 10:16.269 --> 10:18.429 I talked about this early in the semester when we talked 10:18.432 --> 10:19.732 about the Acts of the Apostles. 10:19.730 --> 10:23.100 Greek novels are very interesting, there are six of 10:23.096 --> 10:25.586 them that survive in almost whole, 10:25.590 --> 10:27.440 and in fragments of a lot of others, 10:27.440 --> 10:30.120 and you can find these in the English translation. 10:30.120 --> 10:34.680 Help me out teaching fellows, what's the name of the 10:34.678 --> 10:37.628 collection of the Greek novels? 10:37.629 --> 10:40.439 It's called something like Collected Greek Novels, 10:40.436 --> 10:40.776 yes. 10:40.779 --> 10:44.849 Reardon is the editor: R-E-A-R-D-O-N. 10:44.850 --> 10:48.410 If you want to dip into these just get the collected ancient 10:48.413 --> 10:51.983 novels - edited by Reardon and read through some of them. 10:51.980 --> 10:53.720 They're very entertaining. 10:53.720 --> 10:56.070 One of the things that the typical plot is, 10:56.070 --> 11:00.060 a woman of high elite status, these are-- 11:00.058 --> 11:03.048 these usually are people--young people of elite families-- 11:03.048 --> 11:05.748 they're usually set in classical Greece although 11:05.750 --> 11:08.450 they're not written until the first century, 11:08.450 --> 11:10.390 second century, third century of our era, 11:10.389 --> 11:13.339 but they're often set in a more classical Greek setting. 11:13.340 --> 11:16.690 They are upper class people: a young woman who's of an upper 11:16.687 --> 11:20.147 class family falls in love with a young man who's also from an 11:20.148 --> 11:22.878 upper class family, and in a few of the Greek 11:22.884 --> 11:26.354 novels they actually get married and have a little honeymoon, 11:26.350 --> 11:28.710 a brief honeymoon period, and then all hell breaks loose 11:28.710 --> 11:29.740 and something happens. 11:29.740 --> 11:32.740 In some cases they don't even get to consummate their love yet 11:32.743 --> 11:34.273 because something intervenes. 11:34.269 --> 11:36.989 Usually what happens is a disaster strikes. 11:36.990 --> 11:39.990 In one--I think I mentioned this to you, 11:39.990 --> 11:43.020 by Chariton, Chaereas and Callirhoe, 11:43.019 --> 11:47.629 in one the husband gets jealous thinking that his wife has had 11:47.629 --> 11:50.499 an affair he-- in a fit of rage--he kicks her, 11:50.503 --> 11:53.083 she falls over and everybody thinks she's dead. 11:53.080 --> 11:55.490 So he's grieving and grieving because of course he's still 11:55.491 --> 11:56.551 madly in love with her. 11:56.548 --> 11:58.188 They're both madly in love with each other. 11:58.190 --> 12:01.710 But they bury her in the tomb, the big family tomb that's on 12:01.707 --> 12:03.197 the shore by the water. 12:03.200 --> 12:05.680 Of course like--and Shakespeare stole mercilessly from these 12:05.681 --> 12:07.831 kinds of things-- she wakes up in the tomb after 12:07.826 --> 12:10.336 they've already sealed the tomb and she can't get out, 12:10.340 --> 12:12.570 and she says, woe is me, they've buried me, 12:12.570 --> 12:15.790 I will never see my loved one. 12:15.788 --> 12:19.778 Pirates, who happened to be outside, there were always 12:19.775 --> 12:23.005 pirates in these things, lots of pirates. 12:23.009 --> 12:25.939 Pirates happened to be outside, they hear her crying, 12:25.942 --> 12:27.692 and they break into the tomb. 12:27.690 --> 12:30.090 They were just going to do a little tomb robbery, 12:30.090 --> 12:32.100 they were just attempting a tomb robbery, 12:32.100 --> 12:35.200 but they find this living maiden--not maiden anymore she's 12:35.196 --> 12:38.146 had sex now so she's a maid, not a maiden anymore. 12:38.149 --> 12:40.229 Anyway a beautiful young woman and they decide, 12:40.229 --> 12:42.899 well great this--we can get more for her than from the stuff 12:42.897 --> 12:43.437 in here. 12:43.440 --> 12:46.860 We'll kidnap her, sell her as into slavery at 12:46.860 --> 12:48.260 some other port. 12:48.259 --> 12:49.659 And they do. 12:49.658 --> 12:52.608 So they take her off, they take her around over to 12:52.605 --> 12:54.525 Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. 12:54.529 --> 12:57.109 And there they sell her to this wealthy man. 12:57.110 --> 13:00.120 He falls in love with her, so he decides to marry her. 13:00.120 --> 13:02.690 And then something else happens and they go to the King of 13:02.692 --> 13:05.222 Persia, and the King of Persia falls in love with her. 13:05.220 --> 13:07.200 So he steals her away from the Greek guy. 13:07.200 --> 13:09.800 And then wars break out. 13:09.798 --> 13:12.718 And her husband as soon as he finds that she's been stolen 13:12.715 --> 13:15.835 away, he starts traveling all around the Mediterranean looking 13:15.836 --> 13:16.446 for her. 13:16.450 --> 13:19.520 And he'll get just to Alexandria in Egypt the day 13:19.518 --> 13:22.968 after she's been sold off to slavery someplace else. 13:22.970 --> 13:25.090 These two traipse around the Mediterranean looking for 13:25.092 --> 13:27.622 their--because they're madly in love and they want to consummate 13:27.618 --> 13:28.378 their marriage. 13:28.379 --> 13:30.949 And of course everybody falls in love with both of them. 13:30.950 --> 13:33.960 No matter where this young woman goes every man around 13:33.961 --> 13:36.861 falls in love with her, and that causes problems all 13:36.860 --> 13:37.940 over the place. 13:37.940 --> 13:40.510 Of course in the ancient world everywhere the young man goes 13:40.508 --> 13:42.378 everybody falls in love with him, 13:42.379 --> 13:44.659 both women and men, because that was quite common. 13:44.658 --> 13:47.448 And so they both have all this eroticism. 13:47.450 --> 13:50.310 They're describing their beauty all the time. 13:50.308 --> 13:52.948 Usually there's someplace in the novel where they can get 13:52.952 --> 13:53.332 naked. 13:53.330 --> 13:56.690 Where somehow the plot happens where she's stripped because 13:56.691 --> 13:59.981 she's going to be punished, or he's stripped because he's 13:59.982 --> 14:03.022 going to be crucified, or something has happened and 14:03.022 --> 14:06.592 the story kind of concentrates on how beautiful their bodies 14:06.586 --> 14:07.006 are. 14:07.009 --> 14:09.469 In other words, the novels are about being 14:09.474 --> 14:12.484 faithful to the person you loved in your youth, 14:12.480 --> 14:15.450 because they both try not to have sex with anybody else if 14:15.446 --> 14:16.796 they can at all do that. 14:16.798 --> 14:19.248 Be faithful to your lover from your youth. 14:19.250 --> 14:23.530 But the erotic drive is just all the way through the novel. 14:23.528 --> 14:26.608 The novels are full of eroticism and the eroticism of 14:26.607 --> 14:27.197 the eye. 14:27.200 --> 14:31.470 This Acts of Paul and Thecla is so wonderfully 14:31.471 --> 14:35.661 like those things because it also uses eroticism. 14:35.658 --> 14:39.778 Did you notice how often Thecla is portrayed as gorgeous and 14:39.782 --> 14:42.892 even stripped so you, as the voyeuristic reader, 14:42.892 --> 14:46.092 can imagine her naked body before she's thrown into the vat 14:46.086 --> 14:47.736 of killer man-eating seals. 14:47.740 --> 14:48.880 You remember that scene. 14:48.879 --> 14:53.669 The erotic is here in this text, but the erotic is used to 14:53.668 --> 14:55.598 the opposite purpose. 14:55.600 --> 15:00.510 The erotic is used to actually teach you to avoid sex. 15:00.509 --> 15:04.329 To really read this text of the Acts of Paul and Thecla 15:04.328 --> 15:08.088 it helps if you know the way these ancient Greek novels often 15:08.086 --> 15:08.646 work. 15:08.649 --> 15:11.889 Let's look at the text now, and I'll show you some of these 15:11.886 --> 15:12.386 things. 15:12.389 --> 15:13.479 Look at paragraph 18. 15:13.480 --> 15:16.710 I don't know if you have the pages, there are a couple of 15:16.712 --> 15:19.602 different editions that I've used in this class. 15:19.600 --> 15:22.290 I don't know which I had for downloading with you but I'm 15:22.293 --> 15:24.993 going to not talk about page numbers most of the time but 15:24.985 --> 15:27.765 paragraph numbers because the texts are all divided up into 15:27.774 --> 15:28.934 paragraph numbers. 15:28.928 --> 15:45.668 In paragraph 18, Thecla has gone off to prison. 15:45.668 --> 15:49.458 Of course the story goes that she hears Paul preaching in her 15:49.456 --> 15:53.306 hometown, and she falls in love with him just from hearing his 15:53.306 --> 15:54.186 preaching. 15:54.190 --> 15:56.330 Now the text doesn't really say she falls in love with 15:56.331 --> 15:57.141 him, right? 15:57.139 --> 16:00.459 But it describes her as being enamored of Paul, 16:00.458 --> 16:04.358 at least of his gospel, and so she goes to visit him in 16:04.355 --> 16:05.145 prison. 16:05.149 --> 16:07.629 He's been thrown in prison because wherever Paul goes he 16:07.629 --> 16:09.659 gets into trouble with the men of the city. 16:09.658 --> 16:11.638 And it's always the men of the city he gets in trough with, 16:11.636 --> 16:11.906 right? 16:11.908 --> 16:15.508 It's because he's teaching wives not to have sex with their 16:15.509 --> 16:16.689 husbands anymore. 16:16.690 --> 16:19.160 Well, this gets the guys upset. 16:19.158 --> 16:22.668 He's teaching unmarried women not to get married and young men 16:22.671 --> 16:23.881 not to get married. 16:23.879 --> 16:26.199 Well, if you don't get married and you don't have sex, 16:26.200 --> 16:27.710 you're not going to have children, you're not going to 16:27.711 --> 16:29.571 have babies, and the households will all 16:29.566 --> 16:30.196 fall apart. 16:30.200 --> 16:32.770 So Paul gets in trouble precisely because of his 16:32.765 --> 16:35.115 anti-household, anti-sex message because the 16:35.115 --> 16:38.035 men of the city know full well that if you don't have sex and 16:38.044 --> 16:40.404 you don't have households, you're not going to have a city. 16:40.399 --> 16:44.509 Civilization is going to fall apart, in their view. 16:44.509 --> 16:47.109 He's arrested, she goes to visit him in 16:47.114 --> 16:48.894 prison, and then it says, 16:48.889 --> 16:52.089 "To the jailer she gave a silver mirror," 16:52.091 --> 16:55.491 a mirror is in the ancient world is a typical sign for 16:55.488 --> 16:57.088 femininity in women. 16:57.090 --> 17:00.990 On tombstones you'll often see a mirror carved when it's a 17:00.991 --> 17:04.211 girl, a young girl who's buried at that tomb. 17:04.210 --> 17:06.450 So she gives the jailer her silver mirror. 17:06.450 --> 17:09.130 She went into Paul and sat at his feet and heard him proclaim 17:09.125 --> 17:10.235 the mighty acts of God. 17:10.240 --> 17:13.980 Paul feared nothing but comported himself with full 17:13.978 --> 17:16.968 confidence in God, and her faith was also 17:16.969 --> 17:19.959 increased as she kissed his fetters. 17:19.960 --> 17:22.930 Next paragraph down 20: "He commanded Paul to be 17:22.929 --> 17:24.699 brought to the judgment seat. 17:24.700 --> 17:28.250 But Thecla rolled herself on the place where Paul taught as 17:28.249 --> 17:29.779 he sat in prison." 17:29.778 --> 17:36.648 She's rolling around in the dust where Paul had sat earlier. 17:36.650 --> 17:40.620 Did you ever hear old people talk about how in very strict 17:40.621 --> 17:43.131 Roman Catholic schools and stuff, 17:43.130 --> 17:46.280 guys were not supposed to sit in the same folding chair that a 17:46.279 --> 17:48.809 girl had just sat in because it would be warm, 17:48.808 --> 17:53.388 and that was considered a little too erotic? 17:53.390 --> 17:55.240 Yep. 17:55.240 --> 18:00.390 People were screwed up. 18:00.390 --> 18:05.970 "She stood there looking steadily at Paul," 18:05.965 --> 18:09.825 and a little further, "Thecla sought for Paul as 18:09.825 --> 18:12.185 a lamb in the wilderness looks about for shepherd." 18:12.190 --> 18:17.470 18:17.470 --> 18:22.350 In paragraph 22: The young men and the maidens 18:22.353 --> 18:24.813 brought wood and straw that Thecla might be burned, 18:24.808 --> 18:29.198 and as she was brought in naked the governor wept and marveled 18:29.199 --> 18:31.429 at the power that was in her. 18:31.430 --> 18:33.900 I'm not too sure about the writing here. 18:33.900 --> 18:37.380 Notice how over and over again in this text there's something 18:37.380 --> 18:40.770 about kissing or marveling, or looking, and right at the 18:40.766 --> 18:44.116 point where you think that the body should be what's being 18:44.118 --> 18:47.378 referred to, the author says something like 18:47.375 --> 18:50.615 "power" or "message." 18:50.618 --> 18:55.108 There's a direction toward the body all the way through this 18:55.111 --> 18:57.891 text, and then a diversion of your 18:57.890 --> 19:02.230 attention as a reader away from the body to the gospel. 19:02.230 --> 19:06.560 But the body is still there just hovering right around the 19:06.558 --> 19:08.228 edge of your vision. 19:08.230 --> 19:10.340 So the text does that over and over again. 19:10.338 --> 19:23.308 Look at paragraph 25--well over and over again-- 19:23.308 --> 19:25.768 I'm not going to go through anymore examples of that because 19:25.767 --> 19:27.597 they're just all the way through the text. 19:27.598 --> 19:31.068 Sex is the driving force of this piece of literature even 19:31.070 --> 19:34.910 though the piece of literature is going to try to teach you not 19:34.914 --> 19:37.664 to have sex, and so there's also desire and 19:37.657 --> 19:39.287 passion all the way through. 19:39.288 --> 19:42.968 But, as I said, the main message of the text is 19:42.970 --> 19:44.330 don't have sex. 19:44.328 --> 19:47.678 So look at paragraph 5, this is where Paul is giving 19:47.680 --> 19:51.160 his own version of the beatitudes that you're familiar 19:51.163 --> 19:53.203 with from Matthew and Luke. 19:53.200 --> 19:56.680 Paul's version is very different though, 19:56.684 --> 19:57.404 right? 19:57.400 --> 20:00.290 It says in paragraph 5: When Paul was entered into the 20:00.289 --> 20:02.009 house of Onesiphorus, there was great joy, 20:02.006 --> 20:03.656 bowing of knees, breaking of bread, 20:03.655 --> 20:07.195 and the word of God concerning continence and the resurrection. 20:07.200 --> 20:08.980 Now the word "continence" 20:08.977 --> 20:11.117 there is just referring to asceticism, 20:11.118 --> 20:14.258 but in this text it doesn't mean just controlling your sex 20:14.259 --> 20:16.299 life, it means not having sex 20:16.296 --> 20:16.986 entirely. 20:16.990 --> 20:19.030 When this author, this translation says 20:19.031 --> 20:21.611 "continence," you read that as complete 20:21.611 --> 20:24.031 sexual asceticism, so that's the message. 20:24.028 --> 20:27.268 Notice how continence is linked to resurrection, 20:27.265 --> 20:30.565 so the avoidance of sex is directly linked to the 20:30.568 --> 20:33.458 resurrection of the body in this text. 20:33.460 --> 20:36.600 These are the beatitudes: Blessed are the pure in heart 20:36.598 --> 20:37.508 for they shall see God. 20:37.509 --> 20:41.589 Blessed are they who have kept the flesh pure [and don't be 20:41.594 --> 20:44.764 misled in this text that means not having sex] 20:44.761 --> 20:47.721 for they shall become a temple of God. 20:47.720 --> 20:51.340 Blessed are the continent for to them God will speak. 20:51.338 --> 20:54.188 Blessed are they who have renounced this world for they 20:54.186 --> 20:55.976 shall be well pleasing unto God. 20:55.980 --> 20:59.760 Blessed are they who have wives as if they had them not for they 20:59.759 --> 21:00.959 shall inherit God. 21:00.960 --> 21:03.570 Now that's actually almost a quotation from Paul's letter. 21:03.568 --> 21:06.168 Paul talks about having, as if you did not have, 21:06.172 --> 21:08.832 and this sort of thing, living your life "as 21:08.829 --> 21:09.549 if." 21:09.548 --> 21:12.638 "Blessed are they who have fear of God for they shall 21:12.644 --> 21:14.224 become angels of God." 21:14.220 --> 21:17.980 Now it might help you to know there that angels in the ancient 21:17.982 --> 21:21.192 world are often depicted as androgynous, as not being 21:21.191 --> 21:21.871 sexual. 21:21.868 --> 21:26.008 Anybody seen the movie "Dogma"? 21:26.009 --> 21:27.029 How many have seen the movie "Dogma"? 21:27.028 --> 21:28.638 Raise your hand so I can see them. 21:28.640 --> 21:30.320 If you haven't seen the movie "Dogma" 21:30.316 --> 21:30.786 go rent it. 21:30.788 --> 21:34.738 It's a highly important theological movie. 21:34.740 --> 21:37.730 It's a very theological movie actually. 21:37.730 --> 21:40.630 If you've seen it you remember there's a place where the angel 21:40.634 --> 21:43.304 who's appearing to the woman who's going to be the chosen 21:43.300 --> 21:45.180 one, the Mary-type figure, 21:45.182 --> 21:48.782 he appears in her bedroom in the middle of the night, 21:48.777 --> 21:49.397 right? 21:49.400 --> 21:51.780 She thinks he's there to rape her so she takes a baseball bat 21:51.779 --> 21:53.929 and she's going to try to-- and he's trying to not get 21:53.933 --> 21:56.603 pummeled with the baseball bat, so he pulls his pants down to 21:56.598 --> 21:57.988 show her that he's an angel. 21:57.990 --> 21:58.800 Why does that work? 21:58.798 --> 22:01.618 Because he doesn't have genitalia, and so that proves to 22:01.615 --> 22:04.735 her, or it's supposed to prove to her, she's just confused. 22:04.740 --> 22:08.860 She doesn't know her angelology properly. 22:08.858 --> 22:11.738 If she knew her angelology she would know that angels, 22:11.740 --> 22:13.980 at least in one dominant form of tradition, 22:13.980 --> 22:16.260 are androgynous, so they don't have genitalia or 22:16.257 --> 22:19.017 they're either completely male or something like that, 22:19.019 --> 22:21.069 so that's why Paul says in this beatitude, 22:21.068 --> 22:23.988 "You will be as the angels of God." 22:23.990 --> 22:28.770 "Blessed are they who have kept their baptism secure." 22:28.769 --> 22:31.769 Again one of the teachings of early Christianity like this 22:31.772 --> 22:35.042 was, once you're baptized you're not allowed to sin anymore. 22:35.038 --> 22:37.788 Baptism, according to some teachings in early Christianity, 22:37.785 --> 22:40.575 would cleanse you of all the sins you had committed up until 22:40.577 --> 22:41.947 the time you're baptized. 22:41.950 --> 22:44.730 What if you sin after your baptism? 22:44.730 --> 22:48.150 Well, there might be other ways to get forgiveness for that, 22:48.148 --> 22:49.538 but you're in trouble. 22:49.538 --> 22:52.658 This is why a lot of emperors would not get baptized until 22:52.663 --> 22:55.353 their deathbed, because they wanted to make 22:55.346 --> 22:59.156 sure--emperors have to sin, they have to kill people, 22:59.164 --> 23:02.994 they have to fight wars, so the idea was you just don't 23:02.994 --> 23:06.564 get baptized until right before you die and then you can go to 23:06.564 --> 23:07.154 heaven. 23:07.150 --> 23:09.850 That's what this is talking about, keeping your baptism 23:09.848 --> 23:10.198 pure. 23:10.200 --> 23:16.450 23:16.450 --> 23:19.170 Below that the last blessed, "Blessed are the bodies of 23:19.169 --> 23:21.889 the virgins for they shall be well pleasing to God and shall 23:21.888 --> 23:24.008 not lose the reward of their purity." 23:24.009 --> 23:27.059 Right below that in paragraph 7: 23:27.058 --> 23:30.108 Thamyris sat at a nearby window and listened night and day to 23:30.112 --> 23:33.302 the word of the virgin life, as it was spoken by Paul, 23:33.304 --> 23:37.054 moreover she saw many women and virgins going into Paul, 23:37.048 --> 23:41.598 she desired to be counted worthy herself to stand in 23:41.595 --> 23:43.195 Paul's presence. 23:43.200 --> 23:48.100 Now look right at paragraph 9: "All the women and young 23:48.095 --> 23:51.255 people go into him and are taught by him. 23:51.259 --> 23:54.309 You must, he says, fear one single God only and 23:54.308 --> 23:55.368 live chastely. 23:55.368 --> 23:57.568 And my daughter also, like a spider at the window 23:57.573 --> 23:59.413 bound by his words, is dominated by a new 23:59.409 --> 24:00.189 desire." 24:00.190 --> 24:03.150 This is her mother talking because her mother is very upset 24:03.153 --> 24:05.863 that Thecla has done this because Thecla broke off her 24:05.861 --> 24:08.981 great engagement to the richest guy in town in order to follow 24:08.977 --> 24:09.537 Paul. 24:09.538 --> 24:11.028 So the mother doesn't like this."... 24:11.028 --> 24:13.998 dominated by a new desire and a fearful passion." 24:14.000 --> 24:16.970 So notice desire and passion again are still part of the 24:16.967 --> 24:19.877 narrative, but now they're redirected to a desire and a 24:19.881 --> 24:21.771 passion precisely for celibacy. 24:21.769 --> 24:27.449 24:27.450 --> 24:29.850 Also, the bad guys in this are anti-ascetic. 24:29.849 --> 24:32.089 Look at paragraph 13. 24:32.088 --> 24:35.028 Paul and the good guys are all ascetic. 24:35.029 --> 24:39.079 In paragraph 13, in fact, right above that this 24:39.075 --> 24:42.725 is Demos and Hermogenes-- now a bunch of the names in 24:42.733 --> 24:45.733 this document actually come from Pauline literature from the New 24:45.730 --> 24:46.350 Testament. 24:46.348 --> 24:49.508 So this writer probably knows the Pastoral Epistles and some 24:49.512 --> 24:52.892 of the other writings that make up the New Testament because the 24:52.892 --> 24:55.522 writer is taking details out of Paul's life, 24:55.519 --> 24:57.029 as you would see it in the New Testament, 24:57.029 --> 24:58.439 like these names for example. 24:58.440 --> 25:01.590 Demos is mentioned in the Pastoral Epistles as someone for 25:01.586 --> 25:03.506 forsook Paul, "being in love with the 25:03.509 --> 25:04.959 present world," is what it says, 25:04.960 --> 25:07.710 so this writer is talking--using the same name. 25:07.710 --> 25:10.720 Demos is a bad guy here who had been a follower of Paul but he's 25:10.723 --> 25:11.733 now betraying Paul. 25:11.730 --> 25:14.730 They say, "Who this man is we do not know. 25:14.730 --> 25:17.340 But he deprives young men of wives, 25:17.338 --> 25:20.178 maidens of husbands, saying otherwise there is no 25:20.180 --> 25:23.850 resurrection for you except you remain chaste and do not defile 25:23.849 --> 25:26.039 the flesh but keep it pure." 25:26.038 --> 25:29.918 They know what Paul's teaching, this radical asceticism, 25:29.917 --> 25:32.877 and Paul links this to the resurrection. 25:32.880 --> 25:35.530 If you're not chaste and pure, you won't experience the 25:35.525 --> 25:36.255 resurrection. 25:36.259 --> 25:38.539 Thamyris said to them, "Come into my house you 25:38.538 --> 25:39.858 men and rest with me." 25:39.858 --> 25:42.658 And they went off to a sumptuous banquet with much 25:42.655 --> 25:45.105 wine, great wealth, and a splendid table. 25:45.108 --> 25:49.658 Notice, these guys who betray Paul are not only teaching that 25:49.662 --> 25:52.852 people should get married and have sex, 25:52.848 --> 25:54.918 but they're also having great wine, 25:54.920 --> 25:57.490 they're having a lot of food, they're doing all the 25:57.490 --> 25:58.570 anti-ascetic stuff. 25:58.569 --> 26:00.289 They're anti-ascetic. 26:00.288 --> 26:02.978 The enemies of Paul, and the gospel here, 26:02.980 --> 26:05.230 are the anti-ascetics, and of course that makes you 26:05.233 --> 26:07.783 think, who does this look like that 26:07.779 --> 26:10.609 we've been reading lately who says, 26:10.608 --> 26:13.638 "Drink a little wine for your stomach's sake"? 26:13.640 --> 26:18.400 It's the writer of the Pastoral Epistles. 26:18.400 --> 26:19.670 Remember we saw that? 26:19.670 --> 26:22.960 The writer of I Timothy admonishes Timothy to drink 26:22.957 --> 26:25.847 wine, not to be an ascetic and avoid wine. 26:25.848 --> 26:29.098 The writer of the Pastoral Epistles teaches that it's the 26:29.104 --> 26:31.724 enemies of Paul who forbid marriage. 26:31.720 --> 26:34.700 So the Pastoral Epistles, if this author knows the 26:34.695 --> 26:37.425 Pastoral Epistles, he's writing against it. 26:37.430 --> 26:40.550 And if the Pastoral Epistles knows the Acts of Paul and 26:40.547 --> 26:42.897 Thecla, they're written against this. 26:42.900 --> 26:45.680 We don't know that they knew each other exactly, 26:45.680 --> 26:49.170 although it's entirely possible that this author knew Paul's 26:49.170 --> 26:49.940 writings. 26:49.940 --> 26:54.220 So, basically, what is the problem of life 26:54.220 --> 26:57.040 according to this author? 26:57.039 --> 26:58.399 Sex and family. 26:58.400 --> 27:01.320 What's the answer to life? 27:01.318 --> 27:03.918 Avoiding sex and family, and then you experience the 27:03.923 --> 27:04.693 resurrection. 27:04.690 --> 27:09.260 What is the deeper problem then that this is addressing? 27:09.259 --> 27:12.249 Here the problem you can see it in paragraph 17. 27:12.250 --> 27:20.710 27:20.710 --> 27:23.060 This is Paul talking to the proconsul: 27:23.058 --> 27:25.268 "The living God, the God of vengeance, 27:25.269 --> 27:26.909 the jealous God, the God who has need of 27:26.906 --> 27:29.336 nothing, has sent me since he desires 27:29.335 --> 27:33.615 the salvation of men that I may draw them away from corruption 27:33.615 --> 27:36.805 and impurity, all pleasure and death, 27:36.806 --> 27:39.666 that they may sin no more." 27:39.670 --> 27:44.060 Notice corruption, impurity, pleasure, 27:44.060 --> 27:48.690 death, those are all linked together. 27:48.690 --> 27:54.390 And here's the clue that helps you see what's going on with the 27:54.394 --> 27:59.184 allure of asceticism for these ancient Christians. 27:59.180 --> 28:02.180 In the ancient world… This is something that's also 28:02.176 --> 28:04.066 changed radically since the 1970s. 28:04.068 --> 28:09.518 The 1970s changed dramatically with regard to family, 28:09.520 --> 28:10.780 sexuality. 28:10.778 --> 28:13.028 It's the time of the sexual revolution. 28:13.028 --> 28:18.238 The time of the people's attitudes changing completely. 28:18.240 --> 28:21.850 We went back on that in the 1980s with the AIDs scare, 28:21.852 --> 28:25.812 and then the way right wingers used AIDS to try to make sex 28:25.805 --> 28:27.505 fearful to everybody. 28:27.509 --> 28:29.729 But that was sort of reactionary. 28:29.730 --> 28:33.050 The 1980s and a lot of the 1990s was reactionary to the 28:33.049 --> 28:34.279 sexual revolution. 28:34.279 --> 28:37.539 What happened in the 1970s that changed the way people thought 28:37.537 --> 28:39.137 about these sorts of things? 28:39.140 --> 28:44.620 Two things that were big pushes toward changing people's 28:44.623 --> 28:48.913 attitudes about sexuality and the family. 28:48.910 --> 28:51.630 The women's movement, which basically was springing 28:51.633 --> 28:54.793 off the civil rights movement and saying that women and men 28:54.791 --> 28:57.311 are equal, the radical notion that women 28:57.307 --> 29:01.377 are people is what feminism is, so women and men are equal. 29:01.380 --> 29:04.630 Now why was that so important for issues like sex? 29:04.630 --> 29:08.480 Because the way sexuality had always been construed up to that 29:08.481 --> 29:10.821 point was that the sex act itself, 29:10.818 --> 29:14.598 the heterosexual sex act--and homosexual sex acts were always 29:14.596 --> 29:17.616 interpreted in the frame of heterosexual sex-- 29:17.618 --> 29:21.428 the heterosexual sex act embodies in its very practices 29:21.430 --> 29:23.830 the hierarchy of man over woman. 29:23.829 --> 29:26.379 The idea is, man is superior. 29:26.380 --> 29:27.870 He's supposed to be on top. 29:27.868 --> 29:31.158 So the preferred position is the missionary position. 29:31.160 --> 29:33.270 And in fact, in ancient Judaism and 29:33.268 --> 29:36.058 Christianity it was considered abominable-- 29:36.058 --> 29:38.598 it was considered sex "against nature"-- 29:38.598 --> 29:42.568 to have the woman penetrate the man in any way. 29:42.569 --> 29:43.899 Why? 29:43.900 --> 29:46.890 Because they considered it only natural that the man is the 29:46.891 --> 29:49.111 superior one and he penetrates the woman. 29:49.109 --> 29:53.099 It's male to penetrate; it's feminine to be penetrated. 29:53.098 --> 29:56.768 And they believed that whether it was penis/vagina sex, 29:56.768 --> 30:00.638 or whether it was oral sex, or whether it was anything. 30:00.640 --> 30:03.440 Any kind of sexual intercourse in the ancient world, 30:03.440 --> 30:05.410 and this continued pretty much all the way until the modern 30:05.413 --> 30:06.933 world, the man is superior, 30:06.932 --> 30:10.132 masculinity is superior, and femininity is inferior. 30:10.130 --> 30:14.460 And that's embodied in the sex act itsel: the superiority of 30:14.461 --> 30:18.501 the penetrator and the inferiority of the penetrated. 30:18.500 --> 30:22.640 That's why the word "fucked," 30:22.638 --> 30:26.178 is a bad thing, although actually most of think 30:26.183 --> 30:28.743 actually doing it is not such a bad thing. 30:28.740 --> 30:32.560 Why is that in our--in slang and curse words we still use 30:32.561 --> 30:35.021 words like "that sucks"? 30:35.019 --> 30:38.179 A lot of people don't even know that it refers to sex, 30:38.182 --> 30:40.452 but yeah of course it refers to sex. 30:40.450 --> 30:42.550 Something that "sucks" 30:42.548 --> 30:45.528 is considered bad, it's not considered bad to 30:45.528 --> 30:46.948 be sucked. 30:46.950 --> 30:50.970 Something that fucks is not bad, it's considered bad to be 30:50.973 --> 30:51.613 fucked. 30:51.609 --> 30:52.909 Why is that? 30:52.910 --> 30:56.850 Because our entire history has penetration is superior; 30:56.849 --> 30:59.609 it's inferior to be penetrated. 30:59.609 --> 31:01.709 It's embodied in our culture. 31:01.710 --> 31:04.440 That started to be challenged--now see you may find 31:04.442 --> 31:07.502 this kind of weird that I'm insisting so literally on the 31:07.501 --> 31:10.781 interpretation of these words because that may not be the way 31:10.780 --> 31:12.530 you use them or hear them. 31:12.528 --> 31:15.878 What I'm saying is that if it's not the way you use them or hear 31:15.878 --> 31:18.858 them is because society has changed radically in the last 31:18.856 --> 31:20.236 thirty or forty years. 31:20.240 --> 31:24.340 No longer is it automatically considered that women are 31:24.337 --> 31:27.197 inferior to men, and therefore the sex act is 31:27.198 --> 31:29.728 not considered to be one that necessarily has to be 31:29.730 --> 31:30.440 hierarchal. 31:30.440 --> 31:32.800 The reason that people in the ancient world, 31:32.798 --> 31:35.928 if they opposed homosexual sex, the reason they opposed it is 31:35.931 --> 31:39.221 they assumed that one man would have to be penetrated by another 31:39.220 --> 31:41.070 man, and that was horrible because 31:41.073 --> 31:42.413 it disrupted the hierarchy. 31:42.410 --> 31:44.530 Or a woman would have to penetrate another woman, 31:44.526 --> 31:46.286 and that also disrupted the hierarchy. 31:46.288 --> 31:50.228 It has to be man/woman because the hierarchy is man/woman, 31:50.230 --> 31:54.310 and every sex act was supposed to imitate that hierarchy. 31:54.308 --> 31:56.828 That changed radically beginning in the 1970s. 31:56.828 --> 31:59.738 The other big thing that changed was the Pill. 31:59.740 --> 32:03.410 Now of course there had been contraception for years and 32:03.412 --> 32:06.152 years before that, for time immemorial. 32:06.150 --> 32:10.310 Human beings have always known how to avoid getting pregnant to 32:10.309 --> 32:11.249 some extent. 32:11.250 --> 32:17.020 But with the 1970s and the wide availability of contraceptive 32:17.019 --> 32:20.059 medicines, drugs, it was much easier to 32:20.064 --> 32:24.044 have heterosexual sex and not be worried about whether you were 32:24.037 --> 32:25.637 going to get pregnant. 32:25.640 --> 32:27.270 Before that, and this is also something that 32:27.267 --> 32:29.267 people your age just have trouble getting through your 32:29.272 --> 32:32.712 heads, before that every time a woman 32:32.708 --> 32:38.038 had heterosexual sex of any kind of penetrated way-- 32:38.038 --> 32:40.958 the normal way people were having sex she was-- 32:40.960 --> 32:43.490 she had to at least be partly worried that she was going to 32:43.493 --> 32:44.153 get pregnant. 32:44.150 --> 32:47.390 Every time a man and a woman had sex, pregnancy, 32:47.391 --> 32:51.051 the danger of pregnancy, was always there hanging over 32:51.046 --> 32:52.146 their heads. 32:52.150 --> 32:54.060 They could accept it and they could want it, 32:54.063 --> 32:56.643 but if they didn't want it, it was still hanging over their 32:56.644 --> 32:57.094 heads. 32:57.089 --> 32:59.519 That's not true for us today. 32:59.519 --> 33:03.969 We have enough reliable means of contraception that we can 33:03.971 --> 33:08.891 pretty much decide that we want to have sex just for fun without 33:08.894 --> 33:11.164 worrying about pregnancy. 33:11.160 --> 33:13.320 These two things, the women's movement, 33:13.318 --> 33:16.058 which challenged the basic hierarchy of the sex act, 33:16.058 --> 33:19.318 and the availability of contraception, 33:19.318 --> 33:23.078 radically changed notions of sex. 33:23.078 --> 33:25.658 Before that, and here's what goes back to 33:25.656 --> 33:28.816 the ancient world, I've mentioned this before and 33:28.821 --> 33:32.151 we've been talking about other texts already but just to 33:32.145 --> 33:37.435 review: for the ancient mind, sex was simply one cog in a 33:37.442 --> 33:38.302 wheel. 33:38.299 --> 33:40.679 Why did you have sex? 33:40.680 --> 33:42.680 In order to make babies. 33:42.680 --> 33:44.230 Why did you need to make babies? 33:44.230 --> 33:46.330 Because so many of them were dying all the time. 33:46.328 --> 33:48.628 I think I've told you the statistic that in the ancient 33:48.634 --> 33:50.684 world, for the population of the Roman 33:50.680 --> 33:52.990 Empire just to remain stable-- not for it to grow, 33:52.986 --> 33:56.156 just for it to remain stable-- every woman who lived to 33:56.160 --> 33:58.790 childbearing age, which was considered about 33:58.789 --> 34:02.089 fourteen in the ancient world, had to have an average of five 34:02.094 --> 34:05.584 childbirths for the population to remain stable. 34:05.578 --> 34:08.768 Think of these girls, every one of you would have to 34:08.771 --> 34:12.591 have at least five childbirths on average just to maintain the 34:12.590 --> 34:13.530 population. 34:13.530 --> 34:17.380 That just shows how many people died in childbirth, 34:17.382 --> 34:21.242 how many women died in childbirth, how many infants 34:21.235 --> 34:21.925 died. 34:21.929 --> 34:25.919 So in people's minds, every birth was automatically 34:25.922 --> 34:28.482 linked in their mind to death. 34:28.480 --> 34:31.510 Because it was a dangerous thing, people died often in 34:31.510 --> 34:34.720 childbirth, women died giving birth, and so many children 34:34.715 --> 34:35.225 died. 34:35.230 --> 34:38.300 They also knew that they had to keep having babies or the 34:38.298 --> 34:40.998 population would shrink, and populations in the ancient 34:40.996 --> 34:43.876 world did often shrink, and that was dangerous because 34:43.880 --> 34:45.750 whole cities could disappear. 34:45.750 --> 34:49.960 Whole populations could disappear if the birthrate 34:49.963 --> 34:51.773 didn't remain high. 34:51.768 --> 34:54.578 Every birth was considered--because you had to 34:54.583 --> 34:56.553 have babies; why do you need babies? 34:56.550 --> 34:58.030 Because people were always dying. 34:58.030 --> 35:03.480 The idea was you have sex, birth, death, 35:03.481 --> 35:04.601 decay. 35:04.599 --> 35:09.119 Sex, birth, death, decay, sex, birth, 35:09.117 --> 35:14.137 death, decay, that's all what life is. 35:14.139 --> 35:19.769 Life is a big circle of sex, birth, death and decay. 35:19.768 --> 35:25.428 Now comes Christianity which says, we're going to teach you 35:25.425 --> 35:27.565 to break that cycle. 35:27.570 --> 35:30.470 How do you break the cycle? 35:30.469 --> 35:32.369 Well, it may not be intuitive to you, 35:32.369 --> 35:35.109 but this seemed to be intuitive to a lot of ancient people who 35:35.112 --> 35:37.812 incorporated this into their teachings about Christianity. 35:37.809 --> 35:40.719 The Christians said, stop it at sex. 35:40.719 --> 35:43.219 Break the cycle at sex. 35:43.219 --> 35:46.049 And that's why in these text--it's not intuitive to us, 35:46.050 --> 35:48.850 but it's intuitive to them--that if you want to stop 35:48.847 --> 35:50.827 that cycle of sex, birth, death, 35:50.827 --> 35:54.647 and decay the easiest place for human beings to stop it is at 35:54.652 --> 35:55.102 sex. 35:55.099 --> 35:56.979 Just break the cycle. 35:56.980 --> 35:59.760 Don't have sex, don't have childbirth, 35:59.755 --> 36:01.175 don't have death. 36:01.179 --> 36:03.779 And of course they believed they had an answer for the death 36:03.777 --> 36:06.117 part because they believed, with Christianity, 36:06.123 --> 36:08.573 with Jesus Christ, you would have resurrection, 36:08.572 --> 36:11.632 the body would be raised, so you don't need childbirth 36:11.625 --> 36:12.195 anymore. 36:12.199 --> 36:15.999 If you're a faithful Christian you'll live forever anyway, 36:15.996 --> 36:19.926 so you don't need to replenish the population by having more 36:19.927 --> 36:20.657 babies. 36:20.659 --> 36:23.099 All the people who are Christians, who come into 36:23.097 --> 36:25.637 Christ, will be resurrected and will live forever, 36:25.641 --> 36:28.341 so there's no need for more and more population. 36:28.340 --> 36:32.230 The reason that these texts, and this is not the only one, 36:32.230 --> 36:34.490 this is just one place where it's very clear, 36:34.489 --> 36:37.969 because whenever Paul talks about sex he also talks about 36:37.972 --> 36:38.472 death. 36:38.469 --> 36:42.209 He talks about corruption and he talks about resurrection. 36:42.210 --> 36:46.890 So this text very clearly pulls all of these issues into one 36:46.894 --> 36:47.694 another. 36:47.690 --> 36:52.180 The basic sensibility of this gospel that we moderns don't 36:52.179 --> 36:53.659 have, and you have to imagine 36:53.664 --> 36:57.754 yourself back into their world, is the radical availability of 36:57.748 --> 37:03.368 death and the linkage of death with sex in ancient minds, 37:03.369 --> 37:07.709 and then also the linkage of all these other things with 37:07.710 --> 37:10.630 sexuality and death and corruption. 37:10.630 --> 37:14.300 Christianity said, stop the cycle at sex and you 37:14.298 --> 37:17.808 get rid of death, radical as that may sound to 37:17.813 --> 37:18.363 us. 37:18.360 --> 37:22.040 The problem of course is, in this text, 37:22.039 --> 37:25.969 the people who find that message very compelling are 37:25.972 --> 37:28.002 young women, a lot of wives, 37:27.996 --> 37:31.626 although not all of them, and even young men. 37:31.630 --> 37:35.480 Also, people who find that message compelling happen to be 37:35.478 --> 37:36.288 lionesses. 37:36.289 --> 37:40.359 The female animals also like this message, 37:40.364 --> 37:41.164 right? 37:41.159 --> 37:44.609 Who are the ones who gang up on the bad male animals who are 37:44.608 --> 37:46.888 trying to attack Thecla in the arena? 37:46.889 --> 37:48.059 The female lion. 37:48.059 --> 37:52.389 The text is set up as an opposition. 37:52.389 --> 37:55.499 Now notice, I said young men are also included in the good 37:55.503 --> 37:56.873 side of this sometimes. 37:56.869 --> 37:59.859 What is the opposition to Paul's gospel? 37:59.860 --> 38:03.000 It's not men versus women, right? 38:03.000 --> 38:05.360 What is the opposition? 38:05.360 --> 38:10.380 It's male heads of households against everybody else who would 38:10.376 --> 38:13.006 be members of their household. 38:13.010 --> 38:17.550 The people who opposed Paul the most in this text are male heads 38:17.545 --> 38:20.545 of households, precisely because they 38:20.552 --> 38:25.572 recognize that challenging the centrality of sex and childbirth 38:25.574 --> 38:29.224 will in itself challenge their households. 38:29.219 --> 38:31.519 In their system, you have to have sex and 38:31.521 --> 38:34.861 childbirth in order to maintain the household structure. 38:34.860 --> 38:37.160 They're the ones who are against Paul, 38:37.164 --> 38:40.344 so Paul appeals mostly to women and young people. 38:40.340 --> 38:43.200 I already think--I read part of that in paragraph 7, 38:43.204 --> 38:46.694 "The women and the virgins are going to hear him." 38:46.690 --> 38:52.030 In paragraph 9 it talks about women and young people going to 38:52.032 --> 38:56.222 him and are talking to him, so that's who it. 38:56.219 --> 39:01.909 Then in 12, I read this passage in paragraph 12, 39:01.909 --> 39:05.099 "He deprives young men of wives and maidens of 39:05.103 --> 39:07.923 husbands," so he's depriving the men who 39:07.916 --> 39:11.876 want to continue the household structure and that's why they're 39:11.878 --> 39:13.218 opposed to him. 39:13.219 --> 39:26.549 Notice paragraph 26 and 27: this guy sees Thecla in a 39:26.547 --> 39:36.287 different place, Alexander sees Thecla, 39:36.286 --> 39:44.996 and he falls in love with her. 39:45.000 --> 39:47.930 As is typical in these kinds of texts, there's always a 39:47.932 --> 39:50.162 beautiful woman, no man can resist her. 39:50.159 --> 39:54.619 He says he wants to marry her: "I did not wish to marry 39:54.619 --> 39:56.079 Thamyris, I've been cast out of the city ... 39:56.079 --> 39:58.839 Taking hold of Alexander [so here she takes hold of this 39:58.835 --> 40:00.585 Alexander] she ripped his cloak, 40:00.590 --> 40:03.330 took off the crown from his head and made him a laughing 40:03.331 --> 40:03.731 stock. 40:03.730 --> 40:06.510 But he, partly out of love for her and partly in shame at what 40:06.510 --> 40:08.290 had befallen him, brought her before the 40:08.286 --> 40:08.876 governor. 40:08.880 --> 40:11.180 And when she confessed that she had done these things he 40:11.177 --> 40:12.427 condemned her to the beasts. 40:12.429 --> 40:15.119 But the women were panic stricken and cried out before 40:15.117 --> 40:17.347 the judgment seat, "An evil judgment! 40:17.349 --> 40:18.229 A godless judgment!" 40:18.230 --> 40:20.770 But Thecla asked the governor that she might remain pure until 40:20.766 --> 40:22.176 she was to fight with the beast. 40:22.179 --> 40:24.169 [In other words she says; just don't make me have sex. 40:24.170 --> 40:26.420 I'll be glad to go into the arena and fight with the beast, 40:26.420 --> 40:29.790 just don't make me have sex.] A rich woman named Tryphaena, 40:29.789 --> 40:30.389 whose wife [correction: husband] 40:30.387 --> 40:31.517 had died, took her under her protection 40:31.519 --> 40:32.109 and found comfort. 40:32.110 --> 40:34.970 When the beasts were led in procession they bound her to a 40:34.974 --> 40:36.894 fierce lioness, and the Queen Tryphaena 40:36.885 --> 40:37.735 followed her. 40:37.739 --> 40:40.559 And as Thecla sat upon her back, the lioness licked her 40:40.561 --> 40:42.861 feet, and all the crowed was amazed." 40:42.860 --> 40:46.520 You have this situation where--what's the problem with 40:46.521 --> 40:47.351 Alexander? 40:47.349 --> 40:48.979 He's shamed. 40:48.980 --> 40:51.360 So in this honor/shame system of the ancient world, 40:51.356 --> 40:53.966 this is also an important point: male heads of household 40:53.971 --> 40:55.541 occupy the position of honor. 40:55.539 --> 40:59.139 By tearing his clothes, by knocking his crown off, 40:59.139 --> 41:02.169 she shames him in public, and this of course totally 41:02.170 --> 41:05.320 disrupts this hierarchy of the man over the woman, 41:05.320 --> 41:07.260 and that's part of what's going on here. 41:07.260 --> 41:10.290 Women who refuse their role as child bearers, 41:10.288 --> 41:13.318 as sex objects, shame the men who put them in 41:13.315 --> 41:14.275 that role. 41:14.280 --> 41:18.400 And so that's what the conflict is about, shaming men and 41:18.400 --> 41:21.640 rebelling against the household structure. 41:21.639 --> 41:24.579 Then of course there's the solidarity of women with 41:24.579 --> 41:25.579 everybody else. 41:25.579 --> 41:28.989 Notice in this, Paul himself is rather 41:28.992 --> 41:30.932 ambiguously placed. 41:30.929 --> 41:31.809 He's a man. 41:31.809 --> 41:35.279 What is Paul's role in all of this? 41:35.280 --> 41:38.920 I think it's interesting that Paul doesn't come across in this 41:38.916 --> 41:42.256 text, at least in my reading, as being a totally positive 41:42.255 --> 41:43.085 character. 41:43.090 --> 41:44.810 It praises him, of course, and presents him as 41:44.806 --> 41:45.376 a man of God. 41:45.380 --> 41:47.820 But notice some of the things that Paul does. 41:47.820 --> 41:50.880 Paul refuses to baptize her. 41:50.880 --> 41:53.910 Remember, she has to baptize herself. 41:53.909 --> 41:57.329 This is that wonderful scene where she's being martyred-- 41:57.329 --> 41:58.489 they're trying to martyr her again, 41:58.489 --> 42:02.289 and they strip her naked, and then they have this big vat 42:02.291 --> 42:07.821 of killer man-eating seals-- yes that's what it says. 42:07.820 --> 42:11.840 You probably didn't even know there were man-eating seals, 42:11.835 --> 42:15.495 but there were in the ancient Mediterranean world. 42:15.500 --> 42:19.100 Instead of waiting to be thrown into the vat of man eating 42:19.101 --> 42:20.901 seals, a lightning bolt comes out of 42:20.896 --> 42:22.026 the sky, strikes the water, 42:22.032 --> 42:24.482 all the man-eating seals die, so God saves her. 42:24.480 --> 42:27.910 And then, though, not to let the scene finish 42:27.905 --> 42:29.265 she-- she's all right, 42:29.268 --> 42:31.568 there's water, she's asked Paul to baptize her 42:31.572 --> 42:35.632 once and he wouldn't do it, so she throws herself into the 42:35.632 --> 42:37.942 water and baptizes herself. 42:37.940 --> 42:39.140 This is a woman! 42:39.139 --> 42:41.489 You're not supposed to let women go around baptizing 42:41.489 --> 42:42.089 themselves! 42:42.090 --> 42:44.950 That could just disrupt all kinds of stuff. 42:44.949 --> 42:48.359 Paul, at one point, says he doesn't even know her 42:48.362 --> 42:49.432 in one place. 42:49.429 --> 42:50.919 He refuses to baptize her. 42:50.920 --> 42:52.920 And Paul gets in trouble. 42:52.920 --> 42:54.760 He runs off and hides in caves and stuff. 42:54.760 --> 42:57.450 Who's the big hero of this story? 42:57.449 --> 42:58.569 It's not Paul. 42:58.570 --> 43:02.140 He's one of the heroes but it's really Thecla. 43:02.139 --> 43:07.029 It's this woman who totally refuses to accept her role as a 43:07.034 --> 43:08.304 baby factory. 43:08.300 --> 43:11.570 And that's what women are in the ancient world, 43:11.570 --> 43:12.780 baby factories. 43:12.780 --> 43:14.770 She totally refuses to accept that role. 43:14.768 --> 43:18.038 She baptizes herself when Paul hesitates to baptize her. 43:18.039 --> 43:20.359 And then of course at the very end of the document, 43:20.355 --> 43:21.415 remember how it ends? 43:21.420 --> 43:24.110 She goes to Paul and she says she wants to be a follower of 43:24.110 --> 43:26.290 his, and he kind of--again he kind of just says, 43:26.289 --> 43:27.449 no go leave me alone. 43:27.449 --> 43:30.379 Paul is not all that great with her. 43:30.380 --> 43:32.140 What does she do? 43:32.139 --> 43:33.829 First she inherits a bunch of money; 43:33.829 --> 43:36.379 another rich woman left her a ton of money, 43:36.380 --> 43:39.420 so she's able to support herself and her mother. 43:39.420 --> 43:41.530 I guess she and her mother, by the end of the thing, 43:41.527 --> 43:42.517 are now on good terms. 43:42.518 --> 43:45.388 I mean if you survive lightening and man-eating seals, 43:45.391 --> 43:48.051 and God saves you, maybe your mother will like you 43:48.045 --> 43:50.155 better and let you not get married. 43:50.159 --> 43:52.839 She supports herself financially through an 43:52.842 --> 43:55.652 inheritance that she gets from another woman, 43:55.652 --> 43:57.572 and then what does she do? 43:57.570 --> 44:00.470 She cuts her hair short, she dresses like a man, 44:00.465 --> 44:02.555 she actually becomes an Apostle. 44:02.559 --> 44:06.279 She goes off to spread the message of this ascetic, 44:06.284 --> 44:08.154 sex avoiding, anti-family, 44:08.148 --> 44:11.798 anti-household gospel that she got from Paul. 44:11.800 --> 44:16.730 Thecla becomes her own Apostle spreading the message. 44:16.730 --> 44:19.660 Notice what kind of gospel she's going around teaching. 44:19.659 --> 44:22.139 This is not pro-family, this is not patriotic, 44:22.137 --> 44:23.567 this is not nationalism. 44:23.570 --> 44:27.760 This is putting all your eggs in the basket of the kingdom of 44:27.760 --> 44:28.180 God. 44:28.179 --> 44:30.879 That's the only thing worth living for, is the kingdom of 44:30.880 --> 44:31.170 God. 44:31.170 --> 44:33.320 How do you get into the kingdom of God? 44:33.320 --> 44:36.060 By avoiding sex and avoiding the household, 44:36.063 --> 44:39.073 that's how you get in and enjoy--and remain. 44:39.070 --> 44:40.470 How do you avoid death? 44:40.469 --> 44:43.959 By being resurrected. 44:43.960 --> 44:46.970 This message is a very erotic message, in a sense. 44:46.969 --> 44:49.829 It's not getting sexual eroticism or sexual desire and 44:49.829 --> 44:51.609 throwing it all out the window. 44:51.610 --> 44:55.900 It's actually using eroticism and the appeal to beauty, 44:55.896 --> 45:00.336 and the appeal of sexual desire, and it's capitalizing on 45:00.344 --> 45:00.904 it. 45:00.900 --> 45:04.850 The author is trying to get you, as a young person who's 45:04.849 --> 45:08.279 afraid about death, to convert to a message of the 45:08.282 --> 45:12.052 gospel that will liberate you from the cycle of corruption and 45:12.052 --> 45:15.202 death, that you will get into if you 45:15.204 --> 45:18.704 agree to go along with sex, birth, death, 45:18.697 --> 45:23.047 decay, and that's what you do if you choose the household. 45:23.050 --> 45:25.680 It's a radical document. 45:25.679 --> 45:30.249 Now the question is, is this a feminist document? 45:30.250 --> 45:32.160 It's a good question. 45:32.159 --> 45:34.939 Its raises Thecla up even above Paul, 45:34.940 --> 45:38.320 and it gives a message of liberation to women, 45:38.320 --> 45:42.190 at least from whatever it is that keeps them down at the 45:42.186 --> 45:43.826 time, which is the patriarchal 45:43.826 --> 45:44.316 household. 45:44.320 --> 45:46.510 It gives them a way out of that. 45:46.510 --> 45:49.730 This is one of the reasons that there are a lot of women in the 45:49.726 --> 45:52.756 ancient world who became nuns, who wanted to avoid the 45:52.760 --> 45:56.210 household, and you had women running away from their husbands 45:56.210 --> 45:57.130 all the time. 45:57.130 --> 45:58.740 Church leaders talk about it. 45:58.739 --> 45:59.859 Why? 45:59.860 --> 46:02.390 Because that was--you had to get out of the household if you 46:02.387 --> 46:04.657 wanted to have any kind of independence or liberty. 46:04.659 --> 46:07.759 If you wanted to have any kind of exercise of power you had to 46:07.757 --> 46:09.887 get out of the male dominated household. 46:09.889 --> 46:12.089 So Christianity, the whole strain of 46:12.092 --> 46:15.872 Christianity appealed to precisely those kinds of people, 46:15.869 --> 46:18.759 and the author is trying to get you as a young person to make 46:18.762 --> 46:19.682 that choice also. 46:19.679 --> 46:24.199 Now the big question is do you think it's feminist? 46:24.199 --> 46:27.659 Is this feminism or is there something wrong with thinking 46:27.661 --> 46:29.061 about it as feminism? 46:29.059 --> 46:32.369 If you're writing a paper this week maybe you can talk about 46:32.367 --> 46:32.757 that. 46:32.760 --> 46:37.520 Another big question is, do you think this author is 46:37.523 --> 46:41.543 actually attacking the Pastoral Epistles? 46:41.539 --> 46:45.249 Are the Pastoral Epistles attacking this author? 46:45.250 --> 46:49.830 They are presenting two diametrically opposed versions 46:49.826 --> 46:50.686 of Paul. 46:50.690 --> 46:52.550 They both claim Paul as their author. 46:52.550 --> 46:55.450 They both claim to be representing Paul's gospel, 46:55.452 --> 46:56.482 Paul's message. 46:56.480 --> 46:59.730 But one of them is very pro-household, 46:59.728 --> 47:03.238 and marriage, and sex, and childbirth; 47:03.239 --> 47:06.779 and the other is anti-marriage, anti-household, 47:06.777 --> 47:09.237 anti-childbirth, and anti-sex. 47:09.239 --> 47:12.539 They both claim Paul as the author of their gospel. 47:12.539 --> 47:13.839 Do they know each other? 47:13.840 --> 47:15.350 That's the interesting historical question. 47:15.349 --> 47:19.299 Or is it just by accident that we have these two very radically 47:19.300 --> 47:21.530 different appropriations of Paul? 47:21.530 --> 47:24.570 All of those questions I hope you'll talk about in your 47:24.574 --> 47:26.664 discussion groups later this week, 47:26.659 --> 47:29.979 and if you're writing papers, push yourself to answer some 47:29.976 --> 47:31.776 big questions in your papers. 47:31.780 --> 47:32.960 Any questions? 47:32.960 --> 47:34.440 Yes. 47:34.440 --> 47:36.840 Student: Is it possible or conceivable that a woman 47:36.844 --> 47:37.844 would have written it? 47:37.840 --> 47:39.920 Prof: Is it possible or conceivable that a woman would 47:39.916 --> 47:40.536 have written it? 47:40.539 --> 47:41.989 It's completely possible. 47:41.989 --> 47:44.359 We don't know who the author was. 47:44.360 --> 47:47.680 Wait, is this the one that--what's the one that 47:47.679 --> 47:51.789 Tertullian says up--okay he knew--we actually know that it 47:51.793 --> 47:54.323 was written by a priest, right? 47:54.320 --> 47:55.240 Student: Yes. 47:55.239 --> 47:56.929 Prof: This one wasn't written by a woman, 47:56.931 --> 47:59.021 but for some of the text in the ancient world they could be 47:59.018 --> 48:00.588 written by-- Student: Not everyone 48:00.585 --> 48:01.275 believes Tertullian. 48:01.280 --> 48:02.540 Prof: What? 48:02.539 --> 48:04.229 Student: Not everyone believes Tertullian. 48:04.230 --> 48:05.890 Student: > 48:05.889 --> 48:08.009 Prof: Okay Tertullian--some people say 48:08.010 --> 48:09.120 Tertullian was wrong. 48:09.119 --> 48:11.739 Tertullian is a church father who wrote around the year 200 in 48:11.735 --> 48:12.075 Latin. 48:12.079 --> 48:14.339 He knows the story, and he condemns it partly 48:14.340 --> 48:16.960 because he doesn't want Thecla baptizing herself. 48:16.960 --> 48:21.280 She's too big for her britches in Tertullian's view. 48:21.280 --> 48:25.630 Tertullian says that they know who wrote it and it was a man 48:25.634 --> 48:30.214 but the Teaching Fellow says that other people dispute that. 48:30.210 --> 48:33.050 Okay, see you next week. 48:33.050 --> 48:39.000