WEBVTT 00:01.030 --> 00:04.510 Prof: What we're doing this week is extending our 00:04.514 --> 00:08.254 conversation we started last week about how was Paul used as 00:08.252 --> 00:10.472 a figure in early Christianity. 00:10.470 --> 00:13.500 Today we're going to talk about the Pastoral Epistles, 00:13.500 --> 00:15.920 which is I and II Timothy and Titus, 00:15.920 --> 00:19.230 and then next time we'll talk about The Acts of Paul and 00:19.227 --> 00:22.647 Thecla because these are two practically opposite ways of 00:22.649 --> 00:26.239 interpreting Paul and using Paul that came about probably in the 00:26.242 --> 00:27.442 second century. 00:27.440 --> 00:31.810 The Pastoral Epistles are called "pastoral" 00:31.808 --> 00:36.848 because it presents Paul as writing to Timothy and Titus, 00:36.850 --> 00:40.080 two of his followers, but he's telling them how to be 00:40.081 --> 00:41.761 good pastors of a church. 00:41.760 --> 00:45.550 In fact he's also doing something like almost acting 00:45.551 --> 00:48.451 like they're going to become bishops; 00:48.450 --> 00:51.790 they are also supposed to be appointing other people as 00:51.789 --> 00:53.149 pastors of churches. 00:53.150 --> 00:56.630 We call these the Pastoral Epistles because it presents 00:56.632 --> 01:00.312 Paul as himself serving in a sort of pastoral role for his 01:00.307 --> 01:04.307 churches and assigning Timothy and Titus pastoral roles for his 01:04.305 --> 01:07.025 churches also, and establishing leadership 01:07.030 --> 01:08.820 positions, what kind of leadership 01:08.816 --> 01:11.166 structures he wants to go on in the churches. 01:11.170 --> 01:14.460 Most of us scholars believe that these letters are 01:14.462 --> 01:15.472 pseudonymous. 01:15.468 --> 01:17.008 We don't believe Paul wrote them. 01:17.010 --> 01:20.720 There has been some question in the last several years that 01:20.724 --> 01:24.504 maybe the actual historical Paul wrote II Timothy because II 01:24.504 --> 01:28.284 Timothy looks sort of like a last will and testament of Paul 01:28.283 --> 01:30.913 that he may have written in prison. 01:30.909 --> 01:33.749 But I don't tend to buy that. 01:33.750 --> 01:36.400 I tend to group all three of them together as being probably 01:36.402 --> 01:38.562 by the same author and all being pseudonymous. 01:38.560 --> 01:40.440 Why do we think they're pseudonymous? 01:40.440 --> 01:43.590 Well again, as we saw with Ephesians and Colossians, 01:43.590 --> 01:47.040 the writing style in these letters is very different from 01:47.042 --> 01:51.052 the seven letters that scholars all agree Paul actually wrote, 01:51.050 --> 01:52.640 so the writing style is a big issue. 01:52.640 --> 01:56.400 As I'll show today there are a lot of ways of seeing that these 01:56.402 --> 01:59.502 letters simply presuppose a different stage in early 01:59.498 --> 02:00.528 Christianity. 02:00.530 --> 02:04.230 They don't look like they're from the more primitive sort of 02:04.230 --> 02:07.430 time of when Paul was actually founding churches. 02:07.430 --> 02:11.120 The theology looks different, the church structure looks 02:11.117 --> 02:13.137 different, as I'll talk about, 02:13.140 --> 02:15.590 positions on the household, on marriage, 02:15.592 --> 02:18.942 on slavery, on family, on women, all of these things 02:18.937 --> 02:19.947 are different. 02:19.949 --> 02:24.249 I'm using the Pastoral Epistles in this lecture as one 02:24.254 --> 02:28.484 illustration of how Christianity changes in different 02:28.479 --> 02:29.859 trajectories. 02:29.860 --> 02:33.880 One trajectory becomes very much pro-household. 02:33.878 --> 02:38.328 The traditional Roman style or Greco-Roman family is promoted 02:38.330 --> 02:42.120 as the Christian way for families to be and even the 02:42.115 --> 02:46.115 church itself is molded to look like a household with a 02:46.122 --> 02:49.782 paterfamilias, the head of the household on 02:49.776 --> 02:52.976 top, women below that, children and slaves below that. 02:52.979 --> 02:56.209 When we get to The Acts of Paul and Thecla, we'll see 02:56.210 --> 02:59.550 that that interpretation of Paul makes Paul anti-household. 02:59.550 --> 03:02.620 He actually is presented as going around preaching against 03:02.622 --> 03:03.952 marriage, against sex, 03:03.947 --> 03:07.547 against the Roman household, and preaching a very kind of 03:07.548 --> 03:10.078 hierarchical disrupting, even city-, 03:10.075 --> 03:14.195 polis-disrupting Gospel and certainly a household- and 03:14.204 --> 03:16.204 family-disrupting Apostle. 03:16.199 --> 03:20.259 These two trajectories of Pauline Christianity show the 03:20.258 --> 03:23.638 diversity of Christianity as it developed, 03:23.639 --> 03:25.799 and even how they used the same figure, 03:25.800 --> 03:29.170 Paul, as founder of Christianity in radically 03:29.168 --> 03:30.468 different ways. 03:30.470 --> 03:33.020 When did these letters come about? 03:33.020 --> 03:34.940 It's everybody guess. 03:34.940 --> 03:37.820 I actually tend to think that the Pastoral Epistles were 03:37.818 --> 03:40.488 probably written sometime in the second century, 03:40.490 --> 03:43.610 and maybe even toward the middle of the second century. 03:43.610 --> 03:46.890 That's a bit later than a lot of scholars would put them, 03:46.888 --> 03:48.818 and we're just guessing anyway. 03:48.818 --> 03:51.648 We sort of have to imagine what kind of level of early 03:51.645 --> 03:53.985 Christianity, what kind of phase of early 03:53.992 --> 03:57.092 Christianity do we imagine taking place before we can get 03:57.090 --> 04:00.300 this kind of a letter with this kind of theology and church 04:00.296 --> 04:01.566 structure written. 04:01.568 --> 04:05.408 It is interesting that when we talked about Marcion early, 04:05.413 --> 04:09.193 remember the heretic in Rome who made his own first Canon 04:09.191 --> 04:11.351 list of New Testament books? 04:11.348 --> 04:14.138 Remember he included Luke as his Gospel in his own edited 04:14.144 --> 04:16.744 version of it and he included the letters of Paul. 04:16.740 --> 04:20.110 We don't have any evidence that Marcion actually knew about 04:20.112 --> 04:23.022 these three letters, I and II Timothy and Titus. 04:23.019 --> 04:26.719 If Marcion was writing in the middle of the second century, 04:26.720 --> 04:29.340 maybe Marcion, if he didn't mention them, 04:29.339 --> 04:31.519 maybe he didn't know them, and maybe that's evidence that 04:31.516 --> 04:33.616 they weren't yet highly circulated so that's one of the 04:33.615 --> 04:35.245 things that people have talked about, 04:35.250 --> 04:36.830 the dating of these letters. 04:36.829 --> 04:39.639 Since Marcion didn't seem to know them, perhaps they were 04:39.644 --> 04:42.764 either just being written or not long written around the middle 04:42.762 --> 04:44.072 of the second century. 04:44.069 --> 04:49.719 First let me back up because I want to go through Paul really 04:49.716 --> 04:55.266 quickly and talk about what Paul's own view of the household 04:55.271 --> 04:55.931 is. 04:55.930 --> 04:58.720 Look with me in 1 Corinthians 7, we're going to review some 04:58.718 --> 05:01.798 things that we've gone on before but keep your Bibles in front of 05:01.795 --> 05:02.175 you. 05:02.180 --> 05:12.770 Look at 1 Corinthians 7:1: Concerning the matters about 05:12.771 --> 05:14.651 which you wrote, "it is well for a man not 05:14.649 --> 05:15.709 to touch a woman." 05:15.709 --> 05:18.879 But because of cases of sexual immorality each man should have 05:18.884 --> 05:21.284 his own wife and each woman her own husband; 05:21.278 --> 05:23.788 the husband should give his wife her conjugal rights, 05:23.790 --> 05:25.480 likewise the wife to her husband. 05:25.480 --> 05:27.630 Notice how Paul balances these things. 05:27.629 --> 05:30.199 He tells basically the man, you have control of the body of 05:30.204 --> 05:32.914 your wife, but he also tells to the woman, you have control of 05:32.911 --> 05:34.201 the body of your husband. 05:34.199 --> 05:38.649 There's something of reciprocity in 1 Corinthians 7. 05:38.649 --> 05:42.069 This will be important because that kind of reciprocity doesn't 05:42.065 --> 05:44.595 exist when you get to the Pastoral Epistles. 05:44.600 --> 05:47.100 That's one thing to notice. 05:47.100 --> 05:50.250 Verse 5: Do not deprive one another 05:50.252 --> 05:52.812 except perhaps by agreement for a set time to devote yourselves 05:52.812 --> 05:53.352 to prayer. 05:53.350 --> 05:55.540 Then come together again so that Satan may not tempt you 05:55.538 --> 05:57.088 because of your lack of self control. 05:57.089 --> 05:59.739 This I say by way of concession, not of command. 05:59.740 --> 06:02.170 I wish that all were as I myself am but each has a 06:02.165 --> 06:04.935 particular gift from God, one having one kind and another 06:04.939 --> 06:05.979 a different kind. 06:05.980 --> 06:09.640 Notice he's basically saying, have sex within marriage. 06:09.639 --> 06:13.669 He's not condemning sex, but he really prefers that all 06:13.666 --> 06:16.796 Christians be single like he himself is. 06:16.800 --> 06:19.670 Paul's preference is not marriage and sex within 06:19.668 --> 06:20.338 marriage. 06:20.339 --> 06:23.419 That's a concession that he gives for people that he says 06:23.423 --> 06:24.913 can't control themselves. 06:24.910 --> 06:28.790 To the unmarried and widows, I say that it is well for them 06:28.793 --> 06:32.133 to remain unmarried as I am, but if they are not practicing 06:32.127 --> 06:33.467 self control they should marry. 06:33.470 --> 06:36.030 It is better to marry than to burn. 06:36.029 --> 06:38.179 That's what the Greek actually says, "It is better to 06:38.180 --> 06:39.200 marry than to burn." 06:39.199 --> 06:41.129 That's been an interesting question of scholars, 06:41.134 --> 06:42.784 what does he mean by "burn"? 06:42.779 --> 06:44.049 Does he mean burn in hell? 06:44.050 --> 06:46.590 That it's better to marry than to be tempted to sin with sex 06:46.588 --> 06:48.738 outside of marriage and then you'd burn in hell? 06:48.740 --> 06:52.120 I've argued that what he means is "burn with desire" 06:52.120 --> 06:55.500 because it was very common in ancient Greek culture to portray 06:55.500 --> 06:58.880 any kind of erotic desire as actually a physical burning. 06:58.879 --> 07:00.559 They even portrayed it as a disease. 07:00.560 --> 07:03.810 When you start having that itchy feeling that we all know 07:03.810 --> 07:05.960 so well, that's because your body is 07:05.959 --> 07:09.509 actually heating up, and that's what causes that 07:09.512 --> 07:10.202 desire. 07:10.199 --> 07:13.869 The ancient Greek doctors, Greek and Roman doctors, 07:13.870 --> 07:16.660 gave all kinds of prescriptions to people to control that 07:16.656 --> 07:19.586 burning so they can control their erotic desire because they 07:19.591 --> 07:21.831 felt like it made you actually unhealthy. 07:21.829 --> 07:25.809 Desire was unhealthy and sexual activity was dangerous. 07:25.810 --> 07:28.270 This was a concern throughout the ancient world and I think 07:28.273 --> 07:29.763 that's what Paul's talking about. 07:29.759 --> 07:32.049 What I've argued, and have argued this in my 07:32.048 --> 07:34.548 Corinthian body book and a few other places, 07:34.550 --> 07:39.450 is that Paul actually prefers that people avoid sex entirely, 07:39.449 --> 07:40.739 Christians avoid sex entirely. 07:40.740 --> 07:42.860 If they can't avoid sex entirely, and they're starting 07:42.863 --> 07:45.473 to have sexual desire burning in them and that gets dangerous, 07:45.470 --> 07:49.000 then they should get married and have sex but only to 07:49.004 --> 07:50.574 decrease the burning. 07:50.569 --> 07:54.319 What Paul wants is for them to experience sexual intercourse, 07:54.322 --> 07:57.202 even in marriage, without any erotic desire. 07:57.199 --> 08:00.189 Now that's kind of a radical idea but I believe that's 08:00.185 --> 08:02.435 actually what Paul was teaching here, 08:02.439 --> 08:05.869 is that he concedes it possible that Christians could have sex 08:05.874 --> 08:09.254 without experiencing desire, and that's his goal. 08:09.250 --> 08:12.740 Notice Paul doesn't have a very positive view of sex, 08:12.735 --> 08:15.945 even within marriage, it's a concession he allows 08:15.951 --> 08:16.691 people. 08:16.689 --> 08:20.119 Notice in none of this passage does he talk at all about having 08:20.122 --> 08:20.512 kids. 08:20.509 --> 08:24.879 Sexuality for Paul is not to make children in Paul's own 08:24.884 --> 08:25.684 letters. 08:25.680 --> 08:29.380 You have sex in marriage only to keep you from desiring. 08:29.379 --> 08:31.129 That's Paul's concern. 08:31.129 --> 08:34.029 That will change later. 08:34.029 --> 08:36.909 That's one place where--we also saw in I Thessalonians 4, 08:36.907 --> 08:39.627 if you'll remember, we had this same kind of thing. 08:39.629 --> 08:43.499 There, Paul is just talking to the men of the congregation and 08:43.500 --> 08:46.990 he says, don't you start wanting your brother's wife. 08:46.990 --> 08:49.220 He calls them skeuos, your vessel, 08:49.224 --> 08:52.524 he says, "Each of you should have your vessel." 08:52.519 --> 08:56.249 And the debate is whether he's talking about their genitalia, 08:56.250 --> 08:58.070 which is one possible interpretation of the Greek, 08:58.070 --> 09:00.200 or their wife's body, which is another possible 09:00.200 --> 09:01.590 interpretation of the Greek. 09:01.590 --> 09:05.930 For Paul, in I Thessalonians 4, he's telling men also, 09:05.928 --> 09:08.918 control yourself--and he says, "Not in passion of desire 09:08.923 --> 09:11.073 like the Gentiles," so there again, 09:11.070 --> 09:14.690 in I Thessalonians, 4, Paul is really concerned 09:14.690 --> 09:19.260 that the Thessalonian disciples are not lusting after their 09:19.255 --> 09:21.455 fellow Christian's wife. 09:21.460 --> 09:25.460 Keep your own vessel, and that's how your control 09:25.461 --> 09:26.381 yourself. 09:26.379 --> 09:29.609 And notice again he's excluding the idea of passion and desire. 09:29.610 --> 09:31.720 It just does not have a part in it. 09:31.720 --> 09:35.010 I admit that this is kind of a radical argument, 09:35.009 --> 09:37.229 and there are a lot of people out there who haven't bought my 09:37.226 --> 09:38.856 argument, but that seems to me to be 09:38.859 --> 09:40.459 precisely what the text is saying. 09:40.460 --> 09:45.620 Paul never allows for a good notion of sexual pleasure or 09:45.624 --> 09:47.104 sexual desire. 09:47.100 --> 09:50.220 He seems to want to exclude it in order to keep you from 09:50.216 --> 09:53.276 experiencing desire and he believes that he can do that 09:53.275 --> 09:54.575 even by having sex. 09:54.580 --> 09:58.420 In those ways we see Paul is not anti-marriage exactly, 09:58.418 --> 10:00.018 but he's certainly not pro-marriage, 10:00.019 --> 10:04.529 and he's not anti-sex exactly, but he's certainly is not 10:04.528 --> 10:05.348 pro-sex. 10:05.350 --> 10:09.270 The one thing he does seem to be anti is desire, 10:09.265 --> 10:10.595 sexual desire. 10:10.600 --> 10:13.340 All right, where do women fit in all this? 10:13.340 --> 10:16.710 I pointed out that in I Thessalonians 4 Paul doesn't 10:16.710 --> 10:19.420 seem to think about women at all there. 10:19.418 --> 10:22.398 In fact, I even proposed when I lectured on I Thessalonians that 10:22.400 --> 10:24.200 by the time Paul wrote that letter, 10:24.200 --> 10:25.600 which is one of his earliest letters, 10:25.600 --> 10:27.370 maybe the earliest letter we have in the Canon, 10:27.370 --> 10:30.500 Paul may have been conceiving of the Christian group as being 10:30.501 --> 10:33.421 sort of a male club because that's the way he tends to be 10:33.424 --> 10:34.474 talking to them. 10:34.470 --> 10:37.540 A male club of mainly working class manual laborers. 10:37.538 --> 10:40.468 That's changed by the time we get to I Corinthians, 10:40.471 --> 10:40.941 right? 10:40.940 --> 10:43.680 Because Paul directly talks about women a lot, 10:43.678 --> 10:46.948 he sees women as being in something like a co-relationship 10:46.950 --> 10:50.450 with their husbands and sexual activity in I Corinthians 7. 10:50.450 --> 10:54.420 He addresses women as leaders of churches at times. 10:54.418 --> 11:00.358 So by the time Paul writes I Corinthians, women are 11:00.360 --> 11:06.540 acknowledged as an important part of his churches. 11:06.538 --> 11:11.798 But in 1 Corinthians 11, look there, he doesn't have 11:11.804 --> 11:17.694 women on a completely equal stance with men apparently. 11:17.690 --> 11:21.210 In I Corinthians 11 he says: I commend you because you 11:21.211 --> 11:23.671 remember me in everything and maintain the traditions just as 11:23.666 --> 11:24.726 I handed them onto you. 11:24.730 --> 11:27.890 But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every 11:27.886 --> 11:31.146 man and the husband is ahead of the wife as God is ahead of the 11:31.150 --> 11:31.730 church. 11:31.730 --> 11:34.190 There is a clear hierarchy there, and Paul goes on to talk 11:34.186 --> 11:36.856 about what this is going to have to do with women veiling their 11:36.859 --> 11:38.539 heads when they pray and prophesy, 11:38.538 --> 11:44.778 which another very complicated and controversial passage in 11:44.777 --> 11:45.527 Paul. 11:45.529 --> 11:49.129 It's clear that Paul views, just as he views God as the 11:49.129 --> 11:51.509 head of Christ, that is Christ of being 11:51.514 --> 11:54.304 somewhat inferior person compared to God the Father, 11:54.298 --> 11:57.878 so women are in an inferior position with regard to their 11:57.884 --> 11:58.594 husbands. 11:58.590 --> 12:01.690 The Greek words here, they're just the words for 12:01.690 --> 12:04.330 "man" and "woman." 12:04.330 --> 12:06.780 But since the Greek doesn't have special terms for 12:06.783 --> 12:08.793 "husband" and "wife," 12:08.785 --> 12:11.635 when you see a Greek term like this in this context, 12:11.639 --> 12:14.569 you have to make the decision: are you going to translate this 12:14.570 --> 12:16.440 as "man" or "woman," 12:16.442 --> 12:19.372 and make this a generic kind of idea that women in general are 12:19.374 --> 12:21.924 supposed to be subordinated to men in general, 12:21.918 --> 12:23.988 or do you take the terms and translate them into 12:23.988 --> 12:25.878 "husband" and "wife." 12:25.879 --> 12:28.249 Both translations are fine, as far as the Greek goes, 12:28.250 --> 12:30.530 and then you're taking that sort of inferiority 12:30.532 --> 12:33.362 subordination complex to be something that's talking about 12:33.360 --> 12:34.750 with husbands and wives. 12:34.750 --> 12:49.710 Look at I Corinthians 14:33: As in all the churches of the 12:49.710 --> 12:51.820 saints, women should be silent in the 12:51.822 --> 12:54.462 churches for they are not permitted to speak but should be 12:54.461 --> 12:56.131 subordinate as the law also says. 12:56.129 --> 12:57.959 If there is anything they desire to know, 12:57.955 --> 12:59.685 let them ask their husbands at home. 12:59.690 --> 13:02.000 For it is shameful for a women to speak in church, 13:02.004 --> 13:03.944 or did the word of God originate with you, 13:03.941 --> 13:06.021 or are you the only ones it has reached? 13:06.019 --> 13:09.699 That's odd, he seems to telling the women not to speak in church 13:09.696 --> 13:11.626 at all, although previously he had 13:11.628 --> 13:14.588 given instructions for how they could pray and prophesy in 13:14.585 --> 13:16.915 church as long as they are wearing a veil. 13:16.919 --> 13:18.559 What is going on here? 13:18.558 --> 13:22.018 Also, doesn't this have something--have something of a 13:22.024 --> 13:25.954 conflict with Galatians 3:28 which is a famous verse in which 13:25.948 --> 13:29.128 Paul says, "In Christ there is no Jew 13:29.128 --> 13:31.788 nor Greek, there's no free or slave, 13:31.793 --> 13:34.263 there's no male and female." 13:34.259 --> 13:37.729 Now that verse has been interpreted, especially since 13:37.729 --> 13:41.869 the 1970s, as teaching that Paul taught the equality of men and 13:41.865 --> 13:44.495 women in Christ; if in Christ there's no male 13:44.501 --> 13:46.551 and female doesn't that mean they're equal? 13:46.549 --> 13:47.309 Yes sir. 13:47.308 --> 13:47.868 Student: What letter is that? 13:47.870 --> 13:49.120 Prof: Galatians 3:28. 13:49.120 --> 13:54.040 This has been an argument, this is why I'm talking about 13:54.044 --> 13:56.304 the stuff-- those of you who are writing 13:56.299 --> 13:57.779 papers this week need to talk about, 13:57.779 --> 13:59.269 but notice this is complex. 13:59.269 --> 14:03.439 You've got Galatians 3:28 that looks like an egalitarian 14:03.442 --> 14:06.912 statement, except a very famous biblical 14:06.912 --> 14:12.132 scholar wrote an article arguing that Galatians 3:28 is not an 14:12.134 --> 14:17.104 egalitarian statement because Paul was talking about in the 14:17.100 --> 14:22.340 resurrection human beings-- Christians will be androgynes, 14:22.341 --> 14:25.931 that they'll be male/female combinations, 14:25.928 --> 14:31.238 and in that male/female combination the masculinity is 14:31.241 --> 14:36.961 still superior to femininity even in the androgyne body of 14:36.955 --> 14:39.055 the resurrection. 14:39.058 --> 14:43.098 Is Galatians 3:28 an egalitarian statement by Paul? 14:43.100 --> 14:44.390 Some people say yes. 14:44.389 --> 14:47.149 Is it not an egalitarian statement by Paul? 14:47.149 --> 14:49.829 I say it's not. 14:49.830 --> 14:52.660 That's a complicated argument also. 14:52.658 --> 14:57.138 If Galatians 3:28 is an egalitarian statement, 14:57.139 --> 15:00.449 how does that fit then with this 1 Corinthians 14 passage 15:00.451 --> 15:04.061 where Paul seems to be saying women should be silent in church 15:04.059 --> 15:06.729 and be subordinate, ask your husband at home. 15:06.730 --> 15:10.230 Did any of you notice that those verses I just read in 1 15:10.226 --> 15:13.466 Corinthians 14 are in some translations in brackets, 15:13.471 --> 15:14.681 in parentheses? 15:14.678 --> 15:18.518 How many people have a translation of 1 Corinthians 15:18.515 --> 15:22.265 14:34-36 that's in either brackets or parentheses? 15:22.274 --> 15:23.814 Raise your hand. 15:23.808 --> 15:26.088 How many people have a translation where they're not in 15:26.085 --> 15:27.555 brackets or parentheses, anybody? 15:27.558 --> 15:30.168 Okay, so some of you don't have them in brackets. 15:30.168 --> 15:33.048 That's showing you that these editors are not sure whether 15:33.047 --> 15:35.467 that was actually part of the original letter. 15:35.470 --> 15:37.080 There's a dispute here. 15:37.080 --> 15:38.870 If you looked at your footnotes of your Bible, 15:38.870 --> 15:41.490 your footnotes might even say, "some ancient 15:41.490 --> 15:44.000 authorities" don't include this or include 15:44.004 --> 15:46.084 these verses in a different place. 15:46.080 --> 15:49.220 This is the issue, and we do have some Greek 15:49.221 --> 15:51.111 texts, some Greek manuscripts that 15:51.114 --> 15:53.724 either don't have these verses or have them in a different 15:53.720 --> 15:54.680 place in the text. 15:54.679 --> 15:56.519 Well how would that happen? 15:56.519 --> 16:01.979 Well, the idea goes that some scribe, 16:01.980 --> 16:05.780 at some point, was copying over I Corinthians 16:05.778 --> 16:10.778 14 and got to the point where this is in the text and wrote 16:10.783 --> 16:14.033 out in the margin, well wait a minute this is not 16:14.033 --> 16:16.393 right because of course the scribes are living at a later 16:16.390 --> 16:18.960 time when women definitely were in a more inferior position in 16:18.960 --> 16:19.550 churches. 16:19.548 --> 16:21.378 They couldn't be priests, they couldn't be bishops and 16:21.379 --> 16:23.819 this sort of thing, and that scribe writes in, 16:23.822 --> 16:26.382 well no, of course, women can't do that, 16:26.380 --> 16:30.020 so there's a little note that occurs there on the margins of 16:30.019 --> 16:30.759 the text. 16:30.759 --> 16:33.349 Other scribes come along and find this manuscript and they 16:33.346 --> 16:35.886 decide, well that shouldn't be out here in the margin; 16:35.889 --> 16:37.609 that should go into the text someplace. 16:37.610 --> 16:41.200 So one scribe copying it over puts that excerpt in this part 16:41.203 --> 16:44.983 of the text and another one puts it in this part of the text in 16:44.980 --> 16:46.260 different places. 16:46.259 --> 16:49.219 And then those manuscripts are copied over by other scribes. 16:49.220 --> 16:53.180 And you end up with Greek manuscripts with these verses in 16:53.179 --> 16:55.889 different places in I Corinthians 14. 16:55.889 --> 17:00.279 Some scholars have said that all looks like those verses that 17:00.275 --> 17:04.655 teach the subordination of women in I Corinthians 14 were not 17:04.663 --> 17:09.273 originally by Paul but were a later scribal interpolation, 17:09.269 --> 17:11.789 insertion into the text. 17:11.788 --> 17:15.628 Other scholars disagree with that, and they think that these 17:15.630 --> 17:18.560 verses were original with I Corinthians 14. 17:18.558 --> 17:20.278 In other words, I've given you a lot of 17:20.281 --> 17:21.371 problems to deal with. 17:21.368 --> 17:24.328 If you're going to talk about what was Paul's view of women 17:24.327 --> 17:26.777 you've got to figure out, well, what do you think 17:26.776 --> 17:28.506 Galatians 3:28 really teaches. 17:28.509 --> 17:30.699 Is it an egalitarian statement or not? 17:30.700 --> 17:33.860 Is I Corinthians 14--these verses--is that part of Paul's 17:33.864 --> 17:35.394 original teaching or not? 17:35.390 --> 17:38.840 Then you've got the situation where in Romans 16, 17:38.836 --> 17:42.926 several verses in Romans 16, Paul actually addresses women 17:42.930 --> 17:44.870 as leaders of churches. 17:44.868 --> 17:47.888 There are places where Paul is willing to talk to women as 17:47.893 --> 17:49.063 leaders of churches. 17:49.058 --> 17:51.808 In fact, one of the verses in I Corinthians 16, 17:51.808 --> 17:56.378 Paul addresses two people, Andronicus and Junia, 17:56.380 --> 17:59.050 and he says, "These are esteemed among 17:59.046 --> 18:00.376 the Apostles." 18:00.380 --> 18:03.730 "Among the Apostles," that sounds like he's actually 18:03.733 --> 18:06.983 saying that Andronicus and Junia are themselves Apostles. 18:06.980 --> 18:09.880 And Paul thinks himself--the Apostles, in Paul's view, 18:09.877 --> 18:12.117 doesn't include just the twelve, right? 18:12.118 --> 18:14.768 Because he thinks he's an Apostle and he's not one of the 18:14.772 --> 18:15.202 twelve. 18:15.200 --> 18:18.930 The word "Apostle" for Paul is wider than the 18:18.934 --> 18:22.814 twelve, and it refers to people who go out and spread the 18:22.808 --> 18:23.568 Gospel. 18:23.568 --> 18:27.658 Apparently, Paul is calling two people, Andronicus and Junia, 18:27.656 --> 18:30.106 "Apostles" in Romans 16. 18:30.108 --> 18:32.488 Interestingly enough, that word "Junia," 18:32.491 --> 18:35.071 that might be in your translation as "Junia" 18:35.068 --> 18:37.568 nowadays, but in older English versions, 18:37.574 --> 18:39.944 it was translated as "Junias," 18:39.944 --> 18:41.834 which would be a man's name. 18:41.828 --> 18:43.658 In Latin, if you add an "s" 18:43.656 --> 18:45.836 on that word it looks like a man's name, 18:45.838 --> 18:47.048 if you don't have the "s," 18:47.048 --> 18:48.118 it looks like a woman's name. 18:48.118 --> 18:51.218 There was debate among scholars about how to translate it. 18:51.220 --> 18:54.240 It looks the same basically in Greek because of the way the 18:54.244 --> 18:55.814 word occurs in the sentence. 18:55.808 --> 18:57.948 When you translated it, are you going to make it a 18:57.946 --> 18:59.296 man's name or a woman's name? 18:59.298 --> 19:01.848 People had always made it a man's name. 19:01.846 --> 19:02.246 Why? 19:02.250 --> 19:04.290 Because scholars just thought--of course all these 19:04.289 --> 19:06.699 scholars are men themselves throughout hundreds of years of 19:06.704 --> 19:07.814 tradition-- they thought, 19:07.810 --> 19:09.220 well you can't have a woman Apostle, 19:09.220 --> 19:11.340 so it must be a man's name. 19:11.338 --> 19:15.088 In the seventies some feminist biblical scholars came along and 19:15.086 --> 19:17.136 pointed out that "Junias" 19:17.143 --> 19:20.163 is a very, very, very rare man's name but 19:20.163 --> 19:23.693 "Junia" is a very common woman's name, 19:23.690 --> 19:26.820 and argued again through textual criticism that Paul 19:26.815 --> 19:29.445 originally was addressing a woman, Junia. 19:29.450 --> 19:32.620 And now you have basically most scholars admitting that this is 19:32.617 --> 19:33.127 a woman. 19:33.130 --> 19:34.110 It's a woman's name. 19:34.108 --> 19:36.688 Paul was addressing a man, Andronicus, and a woman, 19:36.692 --> 19:38.762 Junia, and calling them both Apostles. 19:38.759 --> 19:42.779 There's some evidence that Paul actually doesn't have such a 19:42.778 --> 19:46.658 negative view of women if he's going to allow them to have 19:46.660 --> 19:49.180 leadership roles in his churches. 19:49.180 --> 19:52.450 So you've got Paul in rather confusing situations. 19:52.450 --> 19:54.100 Is Paul a feminist? 19:54.098 --> 20:00.988 Is he for egalitarian theology with men and women? 20:00.990 --> 20:03.630 How does this relate to these different issues that come up in 20:03.633 --> 20:04.243 his letters? 20:04.240 --> 20:09.220 Those are Paul's basic views of both marriage and the family, 20:09.224 --> 20:12.054 and sex, and the roles of women. 20:12.048 --> 20:15.178 Often in early Christianity, in the history of Christianity, 20:15.175 --> 20:16.815 these two things go together. 20:16.818 --> 20:20.218 What a text is going to teach about the role of women in the 20:20.221 --> 20:23.741 church and in the world often has something to do with what it 20:23.738 --> 20:25.408 teaches about the family. 20:25.410 --> 20:29.780 Most of the time when a text is really, really pro-family, 20:29.778 --> 20:33.918 they teach the subordination of women more directly. 20:33.920 --> 20:38.660 When they're anti-family, they often tend to allow women 20:38.656 --> 20:41.926 bigger roles in their congregations. 20:41.930 --> 20:43.970 So it's kind of a pairing that goes along, 20:43.970 --> 20:46.940 and that's exactly what we'll see this week when we see the 20:46.944 --> 20:50.134 Pastoral Epistles that take Paul down the pro-family anti-woman 20:50.125 --> 20:53.155 route, and The Acts of Paul and 20:53.160 --> 20:57.020 Thecla, which takes Paul down the 20:57.016 --> 21:00.106 anti-family pro-woman route. 21:00.108 --> 21:03.238 Let's look at the Pastorals, first. 21:03.240 --> 21:06.760 What is this author in I Timothy attacking? 21:06.759 --> 21:09.199 I'm going to spend most of my time in I Timothy because that's 21:09.200 --> 21:10.520 where I can get these examples. 21:10.519 --> 21:13.209 A lot of this stuff occurs in the letter to Titus also because 21:13.214 --> 21:15.824 the letter to Titus repeats a lot of the stuff that's in the 21:15.821 --> 21:17.061 first letter of Timothy. 21:17.059 --> 21:21.279 In I Timothy 1:3, I urge you, as I did when I was 21:21.280 --> 21:24.150 on my way to Macedonia, to remain in Ephesus so that 21:24.154 --> 21:27.024 you may instruct certain people not to teach any different 21:27.017 --> 21:29.367 doctrine, not to occupy themselves with 21:29.367 --> 21:32.937 myths and endless genealogies that promote speculations rather 21:32.942 --> 21:35.932 than the divine training that is known by faith. 21:35.930 --> 21:41.530 This and vain discussions and genealogies--in I Timothy 4:7 he 21:41.529 --> 21:45.019 talks about godless and silly myths. 21:45.019 --> 21:49.789 Titus 1:10 and 14 also--and he also in Titus says that he's 21:49.790 --> 21:54.810 against people who are teaching circumcision and Jewish myths, 21:54.808 --> 21:56.288 he calls them. 21:56.289 --> 21:58.079 What are these myths? 21:58.079 --> 22:00.299 Well, we're not really sure. 22:00.298 --> 22:04.098 Are these sort of Gnostic-type myths about many different gods 22:04.104 --> 22:07.604 doing things and having to placate those gods in order to 22:07.596 --> 22:11.396 reach the highest God as we've seen in some Gnostic texts that 22:11.401 --> 22:14.271 we talked about earlier in the semester? 22:14.269 --> 22:16.379 We don't know, but there's some kind of 22:16.382 --> 22:19.442 stories about either angels or gods that some people are 22:19.439 --> 22:22.329 teaching, and this author is writing against it. 22:22.328 --> 22:26.898 Some aspect--something's Jewish about this he doesn't like. 22:26.900 --> 22:35.040 Look at I Timothy 4:1: Now the spirit expressly says 22:35.036 --> 22:37.566 that in later times [in the latter days] 22:37.574 --> 22:41.484 some will renounce the faith by paying attention to deceitful 22:41.477 --> 22:44.207 spirits and the teachings of demons, 22:44.210 --> 22:47.720 through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared 22:47.720 --> 22:48.810 with a hot iron. 22:48.808 --> 22:52.068 They forbid marriage and demand abstinence from foods which God 22:52.074 --> 22:54.814 created to be received with thanksgiving by those who 22:54.810 --> 22:56.760 believe and know the truth." 22:56.759 --> 23:01.139 This author is against people who are challenging marriage. 23:01.140 --> 23:04.680 He's against people who are promoting some kind of ascetic 23:04.679 --> 23:08.219 behavior with regard to food, so avoiding certain kinds of 23:08.218 --> 23:10.328 foods: is this kashrut? 23:10.328 --> 23:13.568 Maybe he's talking about people who are teaching people not to 23:13.574 --> 23:15.334 eat pork, not to eat shellfish. 23:15.328 --> 23:17.428 Are they teaching Jewish food laws? 23:17.430 --> 23:19.430 He's not explicit. 23:19.430 --> 23:21.920 He's against people who are teaching that, 23:21.922 --> 23:25.512 he's against people who are forbidding marriage and teaching 23:25.509 --> 23:27.759 any kind of dietary restrictions. 23:27.759 --> 23:32.849 Look at I Timothy 5:23. 23:32.848 --> 23:35.548 This is when he tells Timothy, "No longer drink only 23:35.548 --> 23:38.438 water but take a little wine for the sake of your stomach and 23:38.439 --> 23:40.029 your frequent ailments." 23:40.029 --> 23:42.859 Why does he have to tell somebody to drink some wine and 23:42.856 --> 23:44.036 not just drink water? 23:44.038 --> 23:47.018 Well, because there were ascetics who taught to avoid 23:47.022 --> 23:48.632 wine in the ancient world. 23:48.630 --> 23:51.700 That was one of those things that very strict ascetics might 23:51.698 --> 23:53.828 decide to avoid was wine and rich food. 23:53.828 --> 23:58.058 This author says to Timothy, nope, you should drink wine. 23:58.058 --> 24:00.378 This was our favorite verse when I grew up in a church that 24:00.380 --> 24:01.780 didn't allow drinking, of course. 24:01.778 --> 24:06.938 I always like to throw this one back at the elders of the 24:06.940 --> 24:07.770 church. 24:07.769 --> 24:12.049 Look at I Timothy 6:20, "Timothy, 24:12.054 --> 24:16.574 guard what has been entrusted to you. 24:16.568 --> 24:19.788 Avoid the profane chatter and contradictions of what is 24:19.785 --> 24:21.745 falsely called knowledge." 24:21.750 --> 24:23.830 What is the Greek word for knowledge? 24:23.829 --> 24:26.489 Pardon? 24:26.490 --> 24:27.340 Student: Gnosis. 24:27.338 --> 24:30.708 Prof: Gnosis, exactly. 24:30.710 --> 24:34.210 See, you're getting more than you paid for in this course. 24:34.210 --> 24:37.040 You didn't know you were going to learn Greek, 24:37.038 --> 24:40.488 and you're getting some good cocktail party information, 24:40.494 --> 24:42.574 and even some Greek language. 24:42.568 --> 24:45.398 Gnosis is the word for knowledge here, 24:45.401 --> 24:48.751 and this guy is attacking people who are going around 24:48.748 --> 24:51.578 boasting about falsely called knowledge. 24:51.578 --> 24:55.218 Again, that's led some scholars to say is he talking about some 24:55.224 --> 24:56.464 kind of Gnosticism? 24:56.460 --> 24:58.430 Is that what he's opposing? 24:58.430 --> 25:01.250 That would go along with this idea that they're using this 25:01.251 --> 25:03.481 word gnosis in ways he doesn't like. 25:03.480 --> 25:06.550 They're teaching myths, they're teaching asceticism, 25:06.548 --> 25:08.518 they're teaching the avoidance of marriage, 25:08.519 --> 25:11.639 well that does look a bit like other early Christian, 25:11.640 --> 25:14.370 second century Christian groups, some of whom their 25:14.367 --> 25:17.427 opponents would call Gnostics, but we don't have enough 25:17.426 --> 25:19.466 information for it to be easy to tell. 25:19.470 --> 25:28.030 Now look at one more text, this is II Timothy 2:18, 25:28.028 --> 25:38.298 he's actually giving some names of people he doesn't like. 25:38.298 --> 25:40.858 In 2:18 it says, "These people have swerved 25:40.858 --> 25:44.068 from the truth by claiming that the resurrection has already 25:44.071 --> 25:45.271 taken place." 25:45.269 --> 25:47.209 He's condemning that. 25:47.210 --> 25:50.330 Remember how I even talked about with Colossians and 25:50.332 --> 25:53.542 Ephesians last time, you had this idea that they 25:53.538 --> 25:56.938 almost sound like the resurrection has already taken 25:56.940 --> 25:57.540 place. 25:57.538 --> 26:00.118 In your baptism with Christ you have been raised with Christ, 26:00.118 --> 26:02.898 and maybe there are other people wandering around the 26:02.897 --> 26:05.177 second century, Christians, saying that you've 26:05.178 --> 26:06.758 already been raised from the dead, 26:06.759 --> 26:07.929 you've already experienced the resurrection. 26:07.930 --> 26:09.670 This author really condemns that. 26:09.670 --> 26:11.630 He wants to say, no, the resurrection hasn't 26:11.632 --> 26:14.142 taken place yet, so he's condemning false 26:14.138 --> 26:17.488 teachers for all kinds of different activities and 26:17.487 --> 26:19.807 teachings that he doesn't like. 26:19.808 --> 26:22.828 So we're seeing a definite split here between different 26:22.834 --> 26:24.014 kinds of Paulinism. 26:24.009 --> 26:27.869 There's a Paulinism represented by these texts which is 26:27.872 --> 26:31.022 pro-family, pro-marriage, pro-procreation. 26:31.019 --> 26:33.719 We'll talk about later that he's for having children and 26:33.715 --> 26:36.345 mentions this explicitly; anti-asceticism, 26:36.354 --> 26:40.964 against forcing people to control what they eat and these 26:40.957 --> 26:45.807 sorts of things and this idea about maybe Jewish myths being 26:45.806 --> 26:50.076 something and the teaching of the resurrection. 26:50.078 --> 26:54.438 I Timothy 1:9, then, gets us into another 26:54.443 --> 27:01.213 issue: what is the law and what is this author's take on it? 27:01.210 --> 27:05.640 I Timothy 1:9,8: "Now we know that the law 27:05.635 --> 27:09.865 is good if one uses it legitimately." 27:09.868 --> 27:12.108 That of course can be a quotation right out of Romans 27:12.111 --> 27:14.441 because Romans itself has Paul says the law is good. 27:14.440 --> 27:17.920 This means understanding that the law is laid down not for the 27:17.920 --> 27:20.660 innocent but for the lawless and disobedient, 27:20.660 --> 27:23.520 for the godless and sinful, for the unholy and profane, 27:23.519 --> 27:25.199 for those who kill their father or mother, 27:25.200 --> 27:26.440 or murderers, fornicators, 27:26.442 --> 27:27.702 sodomite, slave traders, 27:27.698 --> 27:29.818 liars, perjurers, whatever else is contrary to 27:29.815 --> 27:32.115 sound teaching that contradicts the gracious, 27:32.118 --> 27:34.048 the glorious gospel of the blessed God, 27:34.049 --> 27:35.519 which he entrusted to me. 27:35.519 --> 27:38.989 Notice this guy doesn't have really a problem with the law 27:38.993 --> 27:41.863 that we've seen sometimes in Paul's writings. 27:41.858 --> 27:46.238 The law is basically just a set of rules designed to keep people 27:46.239 --> 27:48.949 who can't control themselves in line. 27:48.950 --> 27:52.120 In fact, he goes on to say that if you're a good person you 27:52.118 --> 27:54.358 don't even need to worry about the law. 27:54.358 --> 27:58.038 Now this is again different from what Paul's view is. 27:58.038 --> 28:01.768 Paul did not want his Gentile followers to keep the Jewish 28:01.768 --> 28:05.168 law, and Paul said in Romans that the law is good. 28:05.170 --> 28:10.100 For Paul the law is still this cosmic entity almost that 28:10.104 --> 28:11.724 invaded history. 28:11.720 --> 28:14.570 This is very much Galatians, remember when I gave the 28:14.570 --> 28:17.860 lecture on Galatians and Romans I talked about how the Jewish 28:17.862 --> 28:20.442 law for Paul is not simply a list of rules. 28:20.440 --> 28:24.490 It was this thing that came into the cosmos as an invader, 28:24.490 --> 28:27.810 it enslaved humanity, it was the pedagogue that 28:27.809 --> 28:31.709 swatted humanity down when humanity was in its childish 28:31.708 --> 28:32.428 state. 28:32.430 --> 28:36.790 Obeying the law for Paul is equal to trying to worship the 28:36.788 --> 28:41.378 stoichea of the cosmos, these elemental spirits of the 28:41.375 --> 28:42.365 universe. 28:42.368 --> 28:45.918 So the law for Paul isn't simply a list of rules. 28:45.920 --> 28:50.150 The law for Paul is a very ambiguous cosmic entity. 28:50.150 --> 28:53.300 It's just mythological in a sense for Paul. 28:53.298 --> 28:56.018 For this author that's not what the law is. 28:56.019 --> 28:58.429 The law--you don't need to obey it, 28:58.430 --> 29:02.080 he says, and he's against teaching his Gentile converts to 29:02.076 --> 29:04.476 keep the Jewish law, but he just says, 29:04.481 --> 29:05.581 it's not important. 29:05.578 --> 29:07.978 It's only for people who are sinners who can't control 29:07.980 --> 29:08.570 themselves. 29:08.568 --> 29:11.158 As long as you're not a sinner, as long as you don't do this 29:11.160 --> 29:13.790 list of things that I can give you, you don't need to concern 29:13.794 --> 29:14.984 yourself about the law. 29:14.980 --> 29:18.680 So this is another one of the reasons that people like me say, 29:18.681 --> 29:20.321 this is not Paul writing. 29:20.318 --> 29:23.788 People who believe Paul wrote these letters would say, 29:23.788 --> 29:26.208 well they're written years later, it's to a different 29:26.208 --> 29:28.178 context, and Paul changed his mind, 29:28.180 --> 29:31.380 or Paul's nuancing his message differently for a different 29:31.382 --> 29:32.002 context. 29:32.000 --> 29:34.220 So there are scholars who would defend these letters being by 29:34.221 --> 29:35.631 Paul and that's what they would say. 29:35.630 --> 29:39.080 I look at it and I say that's so not like Paul. 29:39.078 --> 29:42.928 It's a totally different view of the law and its role in the 29:42.933 --> 29:45.943 cosmos than you see in Romans or Galatians, 29:45.940 --> 29:49.730 which is another piece of evidence for me that Paul is not 29:49.728 --> 29:51.588 the author of this letter. 29:51.588 --> 29:55.288 The strategy, then, of this author, 29:55.288 --> 29:58.488 he's trying to argue against all kinds of myths and practices 29:58.488 --> 30:01.738 that somebody's going through Paul's churches and teaching. 30:01.740 --> 30:05.610 So he writes a letter in Paul's name, seemingly addressed to 30:05.605 --> 30:09.205 Paul's follower Timothy, and he lays out what he doesn't 30:09.209 --> 30:10.519 like about that. 30:10.519 --> 30:12.149 But that's not all of his strategy. 30:12.150 --> 30:15.630 What is his strategy for combating these things that he 30:15.626 --> 30:17.426 considers false teachings? 30:17.430 --> 30:21.510 First, he makes the church itself a household. 30:21.509 --> 30:24.219 Now this is where all that lecturing in the first part of 30:24.215 --> 30:26.355 the semester, when I talked over and over 30:26.355 --> 30:28.525 again, what is the patriarchal household, 30:28.528 --> 30:29.718 what is the Roman household, what is the 30:29.723 --> 30:31.573 paterfamilias, what is the structure of the 30:31.573 --> 30:33.263 household, what is the patron client 30:33.261 --> 30:35.531 relationship, what is the role of wives and 30:35.525 --> 30:37.995 women in the household, and children, and slaves? 30:38.000 --> 30:41.010 All of that was because when you get to some of these aspects 30:41.007 --> 30:44.227 of early Christianity, this author is using the Roman 30:44.229 --> 30:47.249 household as the model for the church itself. 30:47.250 --> 30:50.050 That wasn't the way Paul did it, right? 30:50.048 --> 30:53.488 Paul never talked about the church as if it just had the 30:53.489 --> 30:55.489 same structure of a household. 30:55.490 --> 30:59.070 He didn't talk about men always being on top of the leadership 30:59.067 --> 31:01.587 organization, and he didn't promote marriage 31:01.590 --> 31:04.290 very much, which is what this author does. 31:04.289 --> 31:12.169 I Timothy 3:14: I hope to come to you soon, 31:12.173 --> 31:16.563 but I am writing these instructions to you so that if I 31:16.563 --> 31:21.683 am delayed you may know how one ought to behave in the household 31:21.682 --> 31:23.702 of God, which is the church of the 31:23.700 --> 31:25.570 living God, the pillar and bulwark of the 31:25.573 --> 31:25.913 truth. 31:25.910 --> 31:29.270 The church is the household of God. 31:29.269 --> 31:32.469 The same thing happens in I Timothy 5, the beginning of I 31:32.467 --> 31:34.827 Timothy 5: Do not speak harshly to an 31:34.833 --> 31:36.803 older man; speak to him as a father, 31:36.801 --> 31:39.521 to younger men as brothers, to older women as mothers, 31:39.520 --> 31:42.240 to younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. 31:42.240 --> 31:45.150 Notice everybody in the church has some familial role. 31:45.150 --> 31:48.490 Older guys are fathers, your younger men in the church 31:48.487 --> 31:51.167 are your brothers, younger women sisters, 31:51.173 --> 31:54.273 older women mothers, everybody has a household role 31:54.266 --> 31:55.126 in the church. 31:55.130 --> 31:58.220 This is different--we might think this is automatic but, 31:58.220 --> 32:00.520 notice, this is not treating the church as an 32:00.523 --> 32:02.613 ecclesia, that Greek word that we 32:02.608 --> 32:04.028 translate "church." 32:04.028 --> 32:06.428 Where did the term ecclesia come from? 32:06.430 --> 32:07.500 Do you remember? 32:07.500 --> 32:10.590 In Greek, what does the term ecclesia originally refer 32:10.585 --> 32:11.815 to in classical Greek? 32:11.819 --> 32:12.959 Student: Assembly. 32:12.960 --> 32:14.720 Prof: The assembly of the city. 32:14.720 --> 32:17.610 It's the assembly of the city-state that came together 32:17.611 --> 32:19.631 for political purposes and to vote. 32:19.630 --> 32:23.370 It comes out of the Greek democracy, with its notions of 32:23.367 --> 32:27.237 some kind of equality among citizens and all the--at least 32:27.241 --> 32:29.691 the men citizens getting a vote. 32:29.690 --> 32:33.300 It's important that early Christians, for some reason, 32:33.301 --> 32:36.981 chose this word ecclesia to describe their house 32:36.982 --> 32:37.872 churches. 32:37.869 --> 32:39.689 It was ridiculous. 32:39.690 --> 32:41.460 An outsider would have--might have thought this is kind of 32:41.457 --> 32:43.257 ridiculous; you're using the term that 32:43.259 --> 32:46.489 people would have heard as the town assembly for a few people 32:46.490 --> 32:48.430 who can fit into one dining room? 32:48.430 --> 32:53.890 It's kind of acceding more importance to yourself than you 32:53.886 --> 32:55.416 really should. 32:55.420 --> 32:58.290 I think it's important that early Christian groups use that 32:58.289 --> 32:59.379 term for themselves. 32:59.380 --> 33:00.980 Why didn't early Christian groups call themselves 33:00.983 --> 33:01.823 "synagogues"? 33:01.818 --> 33:04.898 That was a term already in use by Jews; 33:04.900 --> 33:06.850 it would have been a normal term to use. 33:06.848 --> 33:09.198 We don't find many early Christians using the term 33:09.201 --> 33:11.171 "synagogue" for their groups. 33:11.170 --> 33:13.550 We do find them using ecclesia very quickly, 33:13.550 --> 33:15.600 but an ecclesia isn't a household. 33:15.598 --> 33:19.428 What this author is doing is shifting, 33:19.430 --> 33:22.810 in a not so subtle way, understanding these house 33:22.809 --> 33:25.979 groups as being more like town assemblies, 33:25.980 --> 33:31.300 and making them look more like Roman household. 33:31.298 --> 33:35.258 Also, then, men have certain roles. 33:35.259 --> 33:39.139 I Timothy 2:8: "I desire than that in 33:39.144 --> 33:43.964 every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands without 33:43.957 --> 33:46.987 anger or argument, also that the women should pray 33:46.986 --> 33:49.946 lifting up holy hands without argument." 33:49.950 --> 33:53.270 No, Dale's lying to you again. 33:53.269 --> 33:55.499 The women should dress themselves modestly, 33:55.500 --> 33:57.170 decently, and in suitable clothing, 33:57.170 --> 33:58.890 not with their hair braided [girls, 33:58.890 --> 34:02.620 are you listening?] or with gold, 34:02.615 --> 34:04.765 pearls, or expensive clothes, 34:04.773 --> 34:07.293 but with good works as is proper for women who profess 34:07.285 --> 34:08.275 reverence for God. 34:08.280 --> 34:12.170 Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. 34:12.170 --> 34:15.740 I permit no woman to teach or have authority over a man. 34:15.739 --> 34:17.289 She is to keep silent. 34:17.289 --> 34:19.989 For Adam was formed first, then Eve, and Adam was not 34:19.992 --> 34:22.492 deceived but the woman was deceived, and became a 34:22.485 --> 34:23.365 transgressor. 34:23.369 --> 34:25.689 Yet she will be saved through childbearing, 34:25.693 --> 34:28.853 provided they continue in faith and love and holiness with 34:28.846 --> 34:29.506 modesty. 34:29.510 --> 34:33.320 Now this is something that my mom used to hate it when they 34:33.317 --> 34:35.677 would preach about this in church. 34:35.679 --> 34:39.999 Also, it's controversial; does it mean that she's saved 34:39.996 --> 34:42.986 from the dangers of childbirth? 34:42.989 --> 34:43.949 That's one way of reading it. 34:43.949 --> 34:46.679 She'll be saved from the dangers of childbirth if she 34:46.675 --> 34:48.245 lives a pious and holy life. 34:48.250 --> 34:50.940 Or, a bit more of a radical way of reading, 34:50.940 --> 34:54.060 it would be to say, by having babies women help 34:54.056 --> 34:58.376 constitute their own salvation-- that having children is one of 34:58.382 --> 35:00.882 the ways that women save themselves. 35:00.880 --> 35:05.500 Either way you look at it, this author really wants women 35:05.500 --> 35:09.460 to be in a subordinate role, silent in church. 35:09.460 --> 35:12.180 They can't have any leadership authority or teaching authority 35:12.179 --> 35:12.759 over a man. 35:12.760 --> 35:15.120 As we'll see, they do have some offices. 35:15.119 --> 35:18.349 There are roles that women can play in the Pastoral Epistles, 35:18.353 --> 35:20.083 but not in authority over men. 35:20.079 --> 35:23.239 Then there's this odd thing about childbearing. 35:23.239 --> 35:28.409 And I think what it means is that childbearing actually can 35:28.409 --> 35:32.509 help save women from their sins in some way. 35:32.510 --> 35:35.950 Women have to be modestly dressed, no jewelry, 35:35.945 --> 35:38.155 saved through childbearing. 35:38.159 --> 35:41.949 In order to maintain this kind of household structure, 35:41.945 --> 35:46.155 a very hierarchical household structure, this author sets up 35:46.161 --> 35:48.021 offices in the church. 35:48.018 --> 35:50.298 And here's another reason to call these "the Pastoral 35:50.295 --> 35:51.805 Epistles," because he's setting up 35:51.811 --> 35:52.651 pastoral offices. 35:52.650 --> 35:55.460 Look in I Timothy 3:1-7, "The saying is sure 35:55.460 --> 35:58.800 whoever is aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble 35:58.800 --> 35:59.680 task." 35:59.679 --> 36:02.639 Now a bishop--does anybody have a different translation for what 36:02.644 --> 36:04.344 I just read as "bishop"? 36:04.340 --> 36:05.170 Student: "Overseer." 36:05.170 --> 36:06.410 Prof: "Overseer," 36:06.413 --> 36:08.113 yes, "overseer" is a translation. 36:08.110 --> 36:11.170 Anybody have a different translation? 36:11.170 --> 36:13.650 The word "bishop" here is-- 36:13.650 --> 36:16.270 the Greek word is episkopos, 36:16.268 --> 36:18.868 where we get the English word "bishop" 36:18.869 --> 36:22.129 and you get the name for the Episcopal church because it's a 36:22.130 --> 36:23.680 church that has bishops. 36:23.679 --> 36:27.369 In Greek it basically means "an overseer" 36:27.373 --> 36:29.963 or "someone in charge." 36:29.960 --> 36:31.730 The bishop must be above reproach, 36:31.730 --> 36:33.070 married only once, temperate, sensible, 36:33.070 --> 36:34.870 respectable, hospitable, an apt teacher, 36:34.869 --> 36:36.759 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, 36:36.760 --> 36:38.550 not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 36:38.550 --> 36:40.320 He must manage his own household well, 36:40.324 --> 36:43.304 keeping his children submissive and respectful in every way. 36:43.300 --> 36:45.590 For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, 36:45.590 --> 36:47.080 how can he take care of God's church? 36:47.079 --> 36:49.209 Again the church is a household. 36:49.210 --> 36:52.860 If you're going to be the bishop over the church you have 36:52.860 --> 36:55.610 to be married, because how can you manage the 36:55.605 --> 36:58.925 household of the church if you can't prove it by managing your 36:58.929 --> 37:00.129 own household well? 37:00.130 --> 37:02.980 "He must not be a recent convert…" 37:02.981 --> 37:05.491 The bishop or the episkopos is already 37:05.490 --> 37:07.830 himself now a male head of household. 37:07.829 --> 37:12.949 The other office he talks about in 5:17, 37:12.949 --> 37:17.019 "Let the elders," now just as the word we 37:17.021 --> 37:21.341 translated "bishop" or "overseer," 37:21.340 --> 37:25.250 comes from the Greek word episkopos, 37:25.250 --> 37:30.950 37:30.949 --> 37:33.599 the Greek for elder here is presbyteros, 37:33.599 --> 37:36.589 presbyter, and this is where the Presbyterian church gets the 37:36.585 --> 37:37.625 name of its church. 37:37.630 --> 37:40.590 They're Presbyterians because the Presbyterian church rejected 37:40.592 --> 37:43.412 the use of bishops like they found in Catholic and Anglican 37:43.409 --> 37:45.289 churches, and chose a plurality of 37:45.291 --> 37:47.451 elders, so they're called "elders" 37:47.445 --> 37:50.325 in the Presbyterian church, and the Presbyterian church 37:50.327 --> 37:52.887 comes from this Greek word meaning "elder," 37:52.885 --> 37:55.045 presbyteros and this is actually-- 37:55.050 --> 37:58.800 this came to be later in English the name for a bishop 37:58.795 --> 38:03.315 who was not just the head of one particular church but became the 38:03.317 --> 38:06.837 head of a series of churches, a bunch of churches, 38:06.842 --> 38:10.162 that is the bishop now is not the head of one church but the 38:10.157 --> 38:14.027 head of a whole diocese, that is a geographical grouping. 38:14.030 --> 38:16.160 The word's changed a bit but that's-- 38:16.159 --> 38:19.929 bishop comes from this word and presbyteros turned into 38:19.925 --> 38:22.515 the word priest, so one of the suggested 38:22.516 --> 38:25.966 etymology's for where the English word "priest" 38:25.967 --> 38:28.737 came from is from this Greek word itself, 38:28.739 --> 38:35.079 and you can kind of say presbyteros, 38:35.081 --> 38:36.441 priest. 38:36.440 --> 38:41.730 It just kind of happens in English over a few hundred 38:41.726 --> 38:42.536 years. 38:42.539 --> 38:46.799 Elders also have to have wives, be family men, 38:46.795 --> 38:49.535 and all this sort of thing. 38:49.539 --> 38:51.899 There are other offices to look at--real quickly we're going to 38:51.902 --> 38:52.592 go through this. 38:52.590 --> 38:56.870 Deacons: 3:8: Deacons likewise must be 38:56.869 --> 38:59.529 serious, not double-tongued, not indulging in much wine, 38:59.529 --> 39:00.689 not greedy for money. 39:00.690 --> 39:02.770 They must hold fast to the mystery of the faith with a 39:02.773 --> 39:03.523 clear conscience. 39:03.518 --> 39:05.598 Let them first be tested, then, if they prove themselves 39:05.601 --> 39:07.081 blameless, let them serve as deacons. 39:07.079 --> 39:09.169 Women likewise must be serious. 39:09.170 --> 39:11.500 Now there's an exegetical problem, does this 39:11.500 --> 39:13.720 "women" refer to women who would 39:13.722 --> 39:15.892 themselves independently be deacons? 39:15.889 --> 39:18.129 In other words, is he allowing women to be 39:18.132 --> 39:20.872 deacons on their own, or is it supposed to be taken 39:20.867 --> 39:23.327 to be just the wives of the male deacons? 39:23.329 --> 39:25.449 That they're called deacons also, or deaconesses; 39:25.449 --> 39:28.319 the word for "deacon" here comes from the Greek 39:28.324 --> 39:29.304 diakonos, 39:29.300 --> 39:37.600 39:37.599 --> 39:40.969 it comes into English directly, and that word just means 39:40.969 --> 39:43.969 "a servant," "someone who serves or 39:43.974 --> 39:45.204 ministers." 39:45.199 --> 39:48.789 The women in 3:11--some exegetes would say this shows 39:48.788 --> 39:52.928 that this author does allow at least women to be deacons, 39:52.929 --> 39:55.169 deaconesses, and they have certain kinds of 39:55.172 --> 39:55.602 roles. 39:55.599 --> 39:59.599 Verse 12: "Let deacons be married only once, 39:59.599 --> 40:01.969 let them manage their children and their households well, 40:01.969 --> 40:04.309 for those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for 40:04.313 --> 40:05.073 themselves." 40:05.070 --> 40:09.250 Notice, in the beginning, all of these roles, 40:09.250 --> 40:12.530 whether it's the elder, presbyter, or the bishop-- 40:12.530 --> 40:15.620 and there's some debate about whether "presbyter" 40:15.623 --> 40:18.613 refers to the same role as a bishop in these letters-- 40:18.610 --> 40:21.540 they seem to be combined in some of the later pastoral 40:21.541 --> 40:23.411 letters, or whether they refer to two 40:23.407 --> 40:25.927 separate offices, so there's a bit of a debate. 40:25.929 --> 40:29.029 All of these people, whether you're from bishops, 40:29.027 --> 40:32.057 presbyters, deacons, they all are required to be 40:32.061 --> 40:35.291 married and all are required to have children. 40:35.289 --> 40:38.239 In the beginning of early Christianity, 40:38.237 --> 40:41.727 see, you did not have the celibate ministr. 40:41.730 --> 40:43.880 The celibate ministry comes about later. 40:43.880 --> 40:48.310 This is in line with this author's intention to set up the 40:48.306 --> 40:51.956 church as a household structure with men on top, 40:51.956 --> 40:54.516 women having their own roles. 40:54.518 --> 41:02.428 Now there are other roles here too, look at I Timothy 5:3-10, 41:02.432 --> 41:09.162 "Honor widows," this is I Timothy 5:3: 41:09.159 --> 41:11.839 Honor widows who are really widows. 41:11.840 --> 41:14.520 If a widow has children or grandchildren they should first 41:14.519 --> 41:17.299 learn their religious duty to their own family and make some 41:17.295 --> 41:20.165 repayment to their parents, for this is pleasing in God's 41:20.168 --> 41:20.498 sight. 41:20.500 --> 41:23.010 The real widow, left alone, has set her hope on 41:23.012 --> 41:25.532 God and continues in supplications and prayers, 41:25.525 --> 41:26.505 night and day. 41:26.510 --> 41:29.580 But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she 41:29.576 --> 41:29.996 lives. 41:30.000 --> 41:33.280 Give these commands as well so that they may be above reproach. 41:33.280 --> 41:35.760 Whoever does not provide for relatives, and especially for 41:35.759 --> 41:37.589 family members, has denied the faith and is 41:37.586 --> 41:39.106 worse than an unbeliever." 41:39.110 --> 41:41.230 [Now it gets really interesting.] 41:41.233 --> 41:44.953 Let a widow be put on the list, let her be registered. 41:44.949 --> 41:50.119 It seems like he's actually creating another kind of office 41:50.119 --> 41:54.309 in the church, that is, the office of widows. 41:54.309 --> 41:56.329 And, sure enough, in Christianity later, 41:56.333 --> 41:58.833 "widow" became almost like an office in 41:58.826 --> 42:00.016 early Christianity. 42:00.018 --> 42:03.098 They could be registered, and they received financial 42:03.099 --> 42:04.579 help from the churches. 42:04.579 --> 42:08.269 "Let a widow be put on the list if she is not less than 42:08.269 --> 42:11.709 sixty years old and has been married only once." 42:11.710 --> 42:14.770 Notice over and over here, we've seen this thing about 42:14.768 --> 42:15.978 being married once. 42:15.980 --> 42:18.980 Apparently this author believes in marriage and wants people to 42:18.983 --> 42:21.743 be married, but his ideal is that people should be married 42:21.744 --> 42:22.184 once. 42:22.179 --> 42:25.609 You certainly should not be divorced and remarried. 42:25.610 --> 42:29.940 Paul himself forbids people in his church from being divorced 42:29.943 --> 42:33.343 and remarried, as we saw in I Corinthians 11. 42:33.340 --> 42:36.780 But this author seems to say that if you're married and your 42:36.780 --> 42:40.050 spouse dies, he still kind of prefers that these women be 42:40.047 --> 42:41.037 married once. 42:41.039 --> 42:44.329 He also said that the bishop or the presbyteros should be 42:44.327 --> 42:47.647 men who are married only once, so multiple marriages are 42:47.652 --> 42:51.122 really frowned on even though marriage itself is highly 42:51.117 --> 42:51.757 valued. 42:51.760 --> 42:55.510 This led to what is currently the practice in many of the 42:55.507 --> 42:56.777 eastern churches. 42:56.780 --> 42:58.500 Eastern Orthodox, the Greek Orthodox, 42:58.500 --> 43:00.800 the Russian Orthodox, they do not forbid their 43:00.804 --> 43:03.714 priests from being married, but you have to be married 43:03.706 --> 43:05.176 before you become a priest. 43:05.179 --> 43:08.499 So you'll have a lot of young men in Greece or Russia who are 43:08.496 --> 43:11.366 going to become priests, and they want to quickly get 43:11.369 --> 43:13.249 married right out of seminary. 43:13.250 --> 43:16.380 So they're looking around for a partner, because if they become 43:16.378 --> 43:19.608 ordained as a priest and they're not married, they're expected to 43:19.610 --> 43:20.570 stay unmarried. 43:20.570 --> 43:23.730 If their wife dies after they become a priest, 43:23.726 --> 43:27.656 they're expected to stay celibate and single for the rest 43:27.655 --> 43:29.335 of their lives also. 43:29.340 --> 43:32.610 This led to the tradition in Eastern Christianity, 43:32.610 --> 43:35.180 that you can be a married priest, unlike the Roman 43:35.175 --> 43:37.555 Catholic Church, but only if you get married 43:37.563 --> 43:39.013 before you become a priest. 43:39.010 --> 43:43.390 And it kept this idea of being married once only. 43:43.389 --> 43:48.179 I can't go into the rest of this but notice how this whole 43:48.184 --> 43:51.974 hierarchy of man and woman in a household, 43:51.969 --> 43:54.469 old and young, is also extended to children 43:54.474 --> 43:55.254 and slaves. 43:55.250 --> 44:00.180 Already in Colossians and Ephesians we had what we called 44:00.182 --> 44:04.942 the household codes: masters treat your slaves well; 44:04.940 --> 44:06.200 slaves be obedient to your masters; 44:06.199 --> 44:10.279 husbands treat your wives well; wives submit to your husbands; 44:10.280 --> 44:13.140 children submit to your fathers; fathers treat your 44:13.139 --> 44:14.949 children--these are called household codes. 44:14.949 --> 44:17.729 Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the 44:17.731 --> 44:20.181 household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal 44:20.179 --> 44:20.959 situation. 44:20.960 --> 44:23.850 That is intensified in the Pastoral Epistles. 44:23.849 --> 44:26.819 You have much longer household codes, and, whereas in 44:26.817 --> 44:29.777 Colossians and Ephesians that--those writers at least 44:29.784 --> 44:31.844 said there was some reciprocity. 44:31.840 --> 44:34.440 They would address the slaves, you would have to obey the 44:34.438 --> 44:36.898 master but they would also address the master and say, 44:36.896 --> 44:38.146 treat your slaves well. 44:38.150 --> 44:41.470 When you get to the Pastoral Epistles they left out the 44:41.467 --> 44:43.547 reciprocity, it's mainly directed to the 44:43.545 --> 44:45.045 slaves, to the children, 44:45.045 --> 44:46.645 to the wives, saying, 44:46.650 --> 44:47.820 submit. 44:47.820 --> 44:52.830 This is the strategy that this writer uses to combat the forms 44:52.831 --> 44:56.121 of Christianity that he doesn't like, 44:56.119 --> 45:00.849 to construct the church as a rigid patriarchal household in 45:00.851 --> 45:03.381 which each person has a role. 45:03.380 --> 45:05.960 Even young women, he says they're not supposed to 45:05.956 --> 45:08.996 be enrolled as widows, if you have young women who are 45:08.996 --> 45:10.416 widows, and they start running around 45:10.418 --> 45:11.828 gossiping and getting in a lot of trouble, 45:11.829 --> 45:14.169 he says get them married off again. 45:14.170 --> 45:17.510 Old women, of course, you couldn't marry off again, 45:17.510 --> 45:19.380 they're not enough old men around in the ancient world to 45:19.378 --> 45:22.548 marry them off, so he creates this structure by 45:22.548 --> 45:24.408 which women, older women, 45:24.407 --> 45:27.257 get pulled back into the household by this role as 45:27.257 --> 45:27.837 widows. 45:27.840 --> 45:31.900 No matter what happens to a woman, in this author's view, 45:31.900 --> 45:34.890 they have to be put back into their submissive place in the 45:34.885 --> 45:37.425 household structure, even if that means creating a 45:37.429 --> 45:39.539 new role for them called "widows." 45:39.539 --> 45:45.089 This strategy this author uses to bring Paul into his own time. 45:45.090 --> 45:48.410 He's taking a Paul that we've seen as a bit different from 45:48.405 --> 45:51.895 this and he's reinventing Paul for a second century Christian 45:51.898 --> 45:55.388 environment and restructuring the church as a household. 45:55.389 --> 45:59.069 We'll see an author on Wednesday doing precisely the 45:59.072 --> 46:00.592 opposite with Paul. 46:00.590 --> 46:02.050 See you next time. 46:02.050 --> 46:08.000