WEBVTT 00:01.660 --> 00:03.510 Prof: We've reviewed several times already, 00:03.510 --> 00:08.020 at least some of the stuff for your paper this week, 00:08.020 --> 00:12.430 if you're writing a paper on Judaism and the law in early 00:12.429 --> 00:14.779 Christianity; different varieties. 00:14.780 --> 00:18.380 If you'll remember--and I've reviewed this several times so 00:18.383 --> 00:22.353 this is just really briefly, but one of the main themes of 00:22.346 --> 00:26.346 the whole course is the diversity of early Christianity. 00:26.350 --> 00:29.670 How many different kinds of early Christianities there were, 00:29.670 --> 00:31.320 and one of the important things is-- 00:31.320 --> 00:33.560 or ways to look at that, is what were their different 00:33.558 --> 00:35.888 views of the law, so of course with Matthew, 00:35.887 --> 00:38.367 as we've seen, Matthew treats the law, 00:38.371 --> 00:41.191 the Jewish law, as something that apparently he 00:41.188 --> 00:44.818 considers his-- the followers of his own church 00:44.818 --> 00:46.698 to continue to keep. 00:46.700 --> 00:50.250 There's no hint in Matthew that the law would be abrogated. 00:50.250 --> 00:52.900 It's interpreted, of course, so some of the 00:52.895 --> 00:56.675 aspects of Sabbath observance Jesus interprets differently in 00:56.675 --> 00:59.805 Matthew than do say, the Pharisees in Matthew or the 00:59.814 --> 01:01.534 Scribes in Matthew or other Jews. 01:01.530 --> 01:05.470 Matthew tends to give us the idea that the law is just there 01:05.474 --> 01:07.484 to be observed by everybody. 01:07.480 --> 01:11.340 When we got to Luke/Acts we saw that the Noachide laws, 01:11.340 --> 01:14.630 that is the laws given after the flood to Noah, 01:14.631 --> 01:17.421 which are only four of them, right? 01:17.420 --> 01:19.390 You don't eat things that are strangled, 01:19.390 --> 01:23.080 you don't eat blood, you don't sacrifice idols and 01:23.078 --> 01:26.128 eat idol meat, and I can't remember what one 01:26.126 --> 01:28.846 of them was, but there are certain laws that 01:28.851 --> 01:32.591 the Jews considered were given to Noah after the flood and that 01:32.593 --> 01:34.263 all peoples, even Gentiles, 01:34.262 --> 01:36.172 were expected to follow those rules, 01:36.170 --> 01:39.630 but the Jews didn't expect Gentiles to keep other 01:39.628 --> 01:41.428 peculiarly Jewish laws. 01:41.430 --> 01:44.450 Jews never expected Gentiles not to eat pork, 01:44.450 --> 01:47.060 to keep the Sabbath, to circumcise their children, 01:47.060 --> 01:49.490 and they never thought there was anything wrong with Gentiles 01:49.489 --> 01:50.339 doing those things. 01:50.340 --> 01:52.480 Of course that's one of the things that separated them from 01:52.483 --> 01:52.893 the Jews. 01:52.890 --> 01:56.100 Luke/Acts seems to take that kind of view of the law, 01:56.099 --> 02:00.239 that the law is an ethnic--the ethnic customs of the Jews, 02:00.239 --> 02:03.389 similar to the ways that the Romans would have their own laws 02:03.391 --> 02:05.281 and customs, the Greeks would have their own 02:05.283 --> 02:07.143 laws and customs, the Egyptians would have their 02:07.141 --> 02:09.151 laws and customs, the Babylonians or the Persians 02:09.147 --> 02:10.567 would have their laws and customs. 02:10.568 --> 02:14.708 So that seems to be the way the Jewish law is treated in Luke 02:14.710 --> 02:15.470 and Acts. 02:15.468 --> 02:18.218 Paul, we've talked about Paul in Romans and Galatians. 02:18.220 --> 02:21.110 He has a much more radical teaching about the law, 02:21.110 --> 02:25.400 that the law is--Paul never says that Jewish followers of 02:25.397 --> 02:30.067 Jesus shouldn't keep the law but he certainly discourages-- 02:30.068 --> 02:34.278 in fact he forbids--Gentile converts to keep the law. 02:34.280 --> 02:37.770 In Galatians he says, you would be justified by the 02:37.766 --> 02:40.066 law, you're cut off from grace. 02:40.068 --> 02:43.388 Paul has a much more radical position and we could look at 02:43.385 --> 02:43.905 others. 02:43.910 --> 02:46.790 We talked about Marcion, remember Marcion at the very 02:46.786 --> 02:52.206 beginning of the course, the guy in the second century 02:52.212 --> 02:54.742 in Rome, he taught a version of 02:54.744 --> 02:57.844 Christianity in which he only recognized the Gospel of Luke 02:57.841 --> 02:59.551 and just the letters of Paul. 02:59.550 --> 03:01.610 He was the first one to come up with a canon list, 03:01.610 --> 03:05.100 we think, and then he edited those to where anything positive 03:05.096 --> 03:08.346 about the Jewish law or the God of the Jews was taken out 03:08.351 --> 03:11.951 because he believed that was a junior false bad god and not the 03:11.954 --> 03:13.644 Father of Jesus Christ. 03:13.639 --> 03:16.949 So Marcion threw out the whole Hebrew Bible, 03:16.949 --> 03:20.399 the scriptures of Jews entirely, and substituted for 03:20.401 --> 03:24.601 Jewish scripture his own edited version of Luke and the letters 03:24.597 --> 03:25.407 of Paul. 03:25.408 --> 03:28.328 All of these are different ways that early Christians talked 03:28.327 --> 03:29.957 about what to do about the law. 03:29.960 --> 03:34.560 We'll get to some of that again in James today because we can-- 03:34.560 --> 03:37.170 you can read James, as Lutheran and some people 03:37.166 --> 03:39.056 read it, as being basically a 03:39.060 --> 03:41.600 disagreement with Pauline Christianity. 03:41.598 --> 03:44.318 We'll talk about whether that's a good reading of James or not, 03:44.318 --> 03:47.688 but quite often especially in Protestant Christianity, 03:47.690 --> 03:52.410 James has been read to be arguing against Paul's law-free 03:52.412 --> 03:57.052 Gospel or justification by grace through faith alone. 03:57.050 --> 04:00.630 Before we get to James I want to highlight one other aspect 04:00.633 --> 04:04.533 that we have talked about a bit but I want to review it again as 04:04.527 --> 04:07.427 another illustration of the diversities of early 04:07.432 --> 04:10.472 Christianity, and this is our wonderful 04:10.473 --> 04:13.083 favorite topic, Christologies. 04:13.080 --> 04:15.900 We've talked about different Christologies all along. 04:15.900 --> 04:17.870 We've looked at different ones in John and that sort of thing. 04:17.870 --> 04:21.470 But let's just look at a few texts and read them together. 04:21.470 --> 04:24.190 First look at Luke, of course Christology, 04:24.190 --> 04:26.980 as you recall, is what do you believe about 04:26.978 --> 04:27.708 Christ? 04:27.709 --> 04:31.929 What kind of nature is Jesus Christ or was Jesus Christ? 04:31.930 --> 04:34.870 Luke 3:22: 04:34.870 --> 04:41.810 04:41.810 --> 04:45.430 The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in bodily form like a 04:45.434 --> 04:45.884 dove. 04:45.879 --> 04:49.839 And a voice came from heaven, "You are my Son the 04:49.843 --> 04:53.063 beloved with you I am well pleased." 04:53.060 --> 04:56.200 Now if you notice that's a quotation from the Psalms, 04:56.199 --> 04:57.989 you can see it down in your footnotes, 04:57.990 --> 05:00.820 if you have a study Bible, Psalm 2:7, 05:00.819 --> 05:02.649 also it cites Isaiah 42:1. 05:02.649 --> 05:06.309 If you also note there are some little words, 05:06.310 --> 05:10.110 little numbers that have footnotes, 05:10.110 --> 05:12.360 probably if you--it's certainly in the New Revised Standard 05:12.362 --> 05:14.802 Version, the letter footnote numbers. 05:14.800 --> 05:17.420 There's one that says, "Other ancient authorities 05:17.415 --> 05:18.725 read, 'You are my Son, 05:18.726 --> 05:21.596 today I have begotten you.'" I've talked about 05:21.596 --> 05:23.256 this already in the class. 05:23.259 --> 05:27.749 Now the debate among scholars would be was "today I have 05:27.754 --> 05:31.504 begotten you" originally in Luke's Gospel, 05:31.500 --> 05:35.290 and then some scribe took it out, because we do find it in 05:35.290 --> 05:39.340 some Greek manuscripts, or was it not there originally 05:39.341 --> 05:42.901 in Luke's Gospel and other scribes put it in? 05:42.899 --> 05:45.609 Nice question. 05:45.610 --> 05:49.030 Did the original Gospel of Luke have "today I have begotten 05:49.033 --> 05:52.073 you" said by the voice from heaven at the baptism of 05:52.074 --> 05:53.384 Jesus," or not? 05:53.379 --> 05:56.579 Now why would this be an important issue? 05:56.579 --> 05:59.749 Because if the voice from heaven is saying, 05:59.750 --> 06:02.320 "today I have begotten you," 06:02.319 --> 06:04.949 which is a quote from the Psalm after all, 06:04.949 --> 06:10.059 then wouldn't that imply that Jesus was not the Son of God 06:10.062 --> 06:11.142 yesterday? 06:11.139 --> 06:14.309 That's exactly the way some Christians took it. 06:14.310 --> 06:17.850 They believed that Jesus became the Son of God. 06:17.850 --> 06:21.940 He wasn't born the Son of God, he was adopted as the Son of 06:21.937 --> 06:22.357 God. 06:22.360 --> 06:26.180 And some Christians said it was at his baptism and they would 06:26.177 --> 06:28.657 cite some Greek version of this text. 06:28.660 --> 06:32.130 Now scholars have debated about whether it was originally in the 06:32.125 --> 06:32.505 text. 06:32.509 --> 06:34.599 If it's not in the text how would it get there? 06:34.600 --> 06:36.990 Well a scribe would see this, "You are my beloved 06:36.988 --> 06:39.738 son," and the scribe might know the Psalms very well, 06:39.740 --> 06:42.640 and might know that the next line of the Psalm was, 06:42.639 --> 06:44.929 "today I have begotten you," and so just quoted it 06:44.930 --> 06:47.190 almost from memory from the Psalm and therefore it got into 06:47.185 --> 06:47.685 the text. 06:47.690 --> 06:51.570 Or, as Bart Ehrman, the author of your textbook has 06:51.574 --> 06:56.474 said, Bart actually became very famous first as a text critic of 06:56.470 --> 06:58.180 the New Testament. 06:58.180 --> 07:00.950 That is, his profession was trying to figure out what was 07:00.946 --> 07:04.056 the most likely original reading of the Greek New Testament text 07:04.059 --> 07:06.479 by comparing all these different manuscripts. 07:06.480 --> 07:10.920 He's argued that he thinks that maybe the text originally said, 07:10.920 --> 07:14.280 "today I have begotten you," and orthodox scribes 07:14.281 --> 07:16.371 took it out in the second century. 07:16.370 --> 07:19.470 You can tell why orthodox scribes may have taken it out. 07:19.470 --> 07:22.560 If they thought that that gave weight to an adoptionist 07:22.564 --> 07:25.084 Christology, which they considered heretical, 07:25.084 --> 07:27.324 they would take it out of the text. 07:27.319 --> 07:30.849 It's an open question, some scholars say they think 07:30.853 --> 07:32.303 that, "today I have begotten 07:32.295 --> 07:33.525 you," was not there originally, 07:33.529 --> 07:36.519 and therefore they agree with the New Revised Standard Version 07:36.521 --> 07:39.751 in not putting it in the Bible, but putting it in a footnote 07:39.747 --> 07:40.247 instead. 07:40.250 --> 07:42.880 And others would agree with Bart Ehrman and say, 07:42.879 --> 07:45.929 no it probably was in the text and orthodox scribes took it out 07:45.927 --> 07:48.087 because it didn't sound orthodox for them. 07:48.089 --> 07:50.929 Anyway that's a clue that one of the Christologies that was 07:50.927 --> 07:53.957 around and was debated in the second century was precisely, 07:53.959 --> 07:57.439 was Jesus born Son of God or did he become Son of God by 07:57.435 --> 07:59.075 adoption at his baptism? 07:59.079 --> 08:04.029 Psalm 2:7 is one that you can look that up for also. 08:04.028 --> 08:12.888 Now look at Luke 9:35: "Then from the cloud came 08:12.889 --> 08:20.379 a voice," this is at the transfiguration 08:20.384 --> 08:22.604 of Jesus. 08:22.600 --> 08:25.660 Remember when he's up on the mountain and his clothing 08:25.658 --> 08:28.368 changes, his face changes, he starts shining. 08:28.370 --> 08:32.170 Now here's what the voice from the heavens says this time: 08:32.171 --> 08:35.841 "This is my Son, my chosen, listen to him." 08:35.840 --> 08:41.070 "My chosen," again that sounds like God the 08:41.072 --> 08:45.542 Father chose Jesus, maybe because of his special 08:45.542 --> 08:48.062 righteousness, to be his Son. 08:48.059 --> 08:51.639 Look at Acts 2:36. 08:51.639 --> 08:54.239 Now Acts, of course written by the same person who wrote Luke, 08:54.241 --> 08:56.931 so we're not changing authors here we're just changing books. 08:56.928 --> 09:01.818 Acts 2:36, this is in a speech, a sermon, one of the first 09:01.815 --> 09:04.125 sermons in Acts by Peter. 09:04.129 --> 09:08.909 From the day of Pentecost--you know the story, 09:08.908 --> 09:12.318 the spirit and flames come down and rest on the Christians and 09:12.322 --> 09:15.122 they all start speaking in tongues and languages of 09:15.119 --> 09:18.259 everybody around the world, and Peter gives a sermon. 09:18.259 --> 09:20.629 2:36: "Therefore let the entire house of 09:20.634 --> 09:23.444 Israel…," now this is the way he ends the 09:23.441 --> 09:26.411 sermon so this is an emphatic position in the text. 09:26.408 --> 09:27.968 This is the end of Peter's sermon. 09:27.970 --> 09:31.770 "Let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that 09:31.769 --> 09:34.429 God has made him both Lord and Messiah, 09:34.428 --> 09:36.328 this Jesus whom you crucified." 09:36.330 --> 09:38.920 "Has made him," again that idea. 09:38.918 --> 09:50.108 Look at Acts 13:33, go back to verse 32: 09:50.110 --> 09:53.660 "And we bring you the good news that what God promised to 09:53.658 --> 09:57.268 our ancestors he has fulfilled for us their children by raising 09:57.268 --> 09:57.848 Jesus. 09:57.850 --> 09:59.830 As also it is written in the second Psalm, 09:59.833 --> 10:01.633 'You are my Son, today I have begotten 10:01.625 --> 10:03.595 you.'" Now it's the today, 10:03.600 --> 10:06.880 but what is the day that this text seems to be 10:06.884 --> 10:07.964 referring too? 10:07.960 --> 10:09.320 The resurrection. 10:09.320 --> 10:13.780 Is this a hint that there were other Christians who believed 10:13.783 --> 10:18.103 that Jesus was human until he was raised from the dead and 10:18.095 --> 10:22.025 that's when he became divine and the Son of God? 10:22.029 --> 10:24.989 Look at Romans now. 10:24.990 --> 10:40.100 We're going to go to Paul, Romans 1:3-4: 10:40.100 --> 10:42.990 …which he promised beforehand through his prophets 10:42.986 --> 10:46.376 and the holy scriptures, the Gospel concerning his Son 10:46.384 --> 10:50.004 who was descended from David, according to the flesh, 10:50.000 --> 10:53.840 and was declared to be Son of God with power according to the 10:53.841 --> 10:57.171 spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead. 10:57.168 --> 11:00.138 Now I would dispute that translation. 11:00.139 --> 11:03.139 The Greek there that's translated by your Bible as 11:03.139 --> 11:06.139 "declared," or at least by the NRSV, 11:06.139 --> 11:08.279 I think is actually better translated as 11:08.283 --> 11:10.873 "appoint" or "designate." 11:10.870 --> 11:12.950 Does anybody else have a different word for 11:12.952 --> 11:14.742 "declare" in that verse? 11:14.740 --> 11:18.880 Let me read it again; you look at verses 3 and 4 of 11:18.879 --> 11:21.139 Romans 1, "and was declared to be 11:21.139 --> 11:24.339 Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by 11:24.344 --> 11:26.304 resurrection from the dead." 11:26.298 --> 11:28.628 Anybody else have a different word than declare? 11:28.629 --> 11:30.209 Yes? 11:30.210 --> 11:30.270 Student: Designated. 11:30.269 --> 11:31.629 Prof: "Designated," 11:31.631 --> 11:33.501 see that's exactly the word I would have used. 11:33.500 --> 11:35.200 Is there a difference? 11:35.200 --> 11:37.330 Well it could be, there could be a slight 11:37.328 --> 11:38.658 difference in the idea. 11:38.658 --> 11:43.188 Did God just announce that Jesus was divine at his 11:43.190 --> 11:45.900 resurrection, or did he make him, 11:45.904 --> 11:48.834 designate him, like when you designate someone 11:48.830 --> 11:51.920 to be the leader of the class, to be the President of the 11:51.918 --> 11:53.938 United States, you designate someone to an 11:53.936 --> 11:56.776 office and it's at the designation of the office that 11:56.779 --> 11:59.129 the actual person becomes that official. 11:59.129 --> 12:02.639 I think that's actually the better translation of the Greek. 12:02.639 --> 12:06.959 That again, though, would imply that Paul may be 12:06.957 --> 12:11.917 quoting a phrase that he maybe gets from elsewhere that 12:11.921 --> 12:16.241 believed that Jesus became the Son of God, 12:16.240 --> 12:18.460 divine, at his resurrection. 12:18.460 --> 12:21.450 Now of course I say Paul quoted something because there are 12:21.453 --> 12:24.813 other indications in Paul that he probably didn't believe that. 12:24.808 --> 12:29.038 Paul seems to give the idea in other places that he had a 12:29.041 --> 12:32.971 Christology that Jesus was preexistence as divine. 12:32.970 --> 12:35.550 In Philippians you get the famous hymn where Christ 12:35.554 --> 12:38.714 descends into the body and he suffers as a slave and is raised 12:38.708 --> 12:39.328 back up. 12:39.330 --> 12:42.590 There you almost get the idea that Paul believed that Jesus 12:42.585 --> 12:45.275 was in a preexistent state as the Son of God, 12:45.279 --> 12:49.439 so this may not be Paul's own considered theology or 12:49.437 --> 12:51.827 Christology, and therefore some scholars 12:51.831 --> 12:54.521 have said maybe he's quoting a line that he gets from someplace 12:54.522 --> 12:54.872 else. 12:54.870 --> 12:58.380 It does show us that there may have been other Christians who 12:58.379 --> 13:01.949 believed that Jesus became divine only at his resurrection. 13:01.950 --> 13:05.000 In other words, we can map out all these 13:04.999 --> 13:09.529 differences, and of course, what was the Christology of the 13:09.533 --> 13:11.023 Gospel of John? 13:11.019 --> 13:14.179 When did Jesus become divine according to the Gospel of John? 13:14.179 --> 13:16.439 Anybody? 13:16.440 --> 13:18.100 He always was. 13:18.100 --> 13:19.610 He was with God from the very beginning. 13:19.610 --> 13:21.010 Everything was created through him. 13:21.009 --> 13:24.699 The beginning of the Gospel of John ends up having the 13:24.695 --> 13:28.585 Christology that now has become orthodox Christianity. 13:28.590 --> 13:33.010 These other Christologies were all declared heretical at some 13:33.011 --> 13:35.151 point in Christian history. 13:35.149 --> 13:38.339 Notice how what we've got. 13:38.340 --> 13:41.010 Let's say we've got the historical Jesus, 13:41.010 --> 13:43.950 and we can say certainly he was a prophet. 13:43.950 --> 13:46.630 He was recognized as a prophet, he seems to accept himself as a 13:46.633 --> 13:49.233 prophet, and it may be that he claimed 13:49.226 --> 13:52.576 to be a king or a Messiah, but certainly by the time of 13:52.581 --> 13:55.111 his execution some people thought he was a king because 13:55.113 --> 13:57.273 that's the charge on which he was executed. 13:57.269 --> 13:59.679 This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, 13:59.678 --> 14:02.688 so the Romans executed Jesus because at least either he or 14:02.692 --> 14:05.232 other people were claiming that he was a king. 14:05.230 --> 14:07.220 He's a prophet and he's a king. 14:07.220 --> 14:08.710 Does that mean Jesus is divine? 14:08.710 --> 14:09.980 No of course not. 14:09.980 --> 14:13.240 The Jews had lots of kings that were not divine. 14:13.240 --> 14:14.840 The Jews had lots of prophets that were not divine. 14:14.840 --> 14:17.760 Modern people sometimes get the idea that the word 14:17.755 --> 14:20.135 "Christ" or "Messiah" 14:20.135 --> 14:23.155 in itself signifies divinity, but it doesn't. 14:23.158 --> 14:25.518 The "Messiah" in Paul's day, 14:25.519 --> 14:28.809 in Jesus' day was simply some Jewish figure who would rise up 14:28.811 --> 14:31.661 and take over the throne of David and reestablish the 14:31.663 --> 14:32.873 Kingdom of Israel. 14:32.870 --> 14:36.260 Calling someone the Messiah in the ancient world didn't mean 14:36.261 --> 14:37.471 that he was divine. 14:37.470 --> 14:40.180 It might, but it didn't necessarily at all. 14:40.179 --> 14:43.809 Jesus is a prophet; maybe he's even considered the 14:43.813 --> 14:44.233 Messiah. 14:44.230 --> 14:45.610 That doesn't make him divine. 14:45.610 --> 14:47.850 Some Christians therefore had to make a decision. 14:47.850 --> 14:56.130 Is he human and only human? 14:56.129 --> 14:59.319 Is he human and divine? 14:59.320 --> 15:02.790 15:02.788 --> 15:06.288 This is the take that most followers of Jesus end up 15:06.293 --> 15:07.993 taking, although there were some 15:07.989 --> 15:10.389 followers of Jesus who existed all the way into the second 15:10.388 --> 15:12.238 century who believed he was purely human. 15:12.240 --> 15:14.670 They tended to be Jewish followers of Jesus, 15:14.668 --> 15:16.208 they accepted him as a great prophet, 15:16.210 --> 15:17.310 they even accepted him as a Messiah, 15:17.308 --> 15:19.108 but that didn't mean they thought he was God. 15:19.110 --> 15:22.110 They still wanted to be complete monotheists and have 15:22.105 --> 15:22.965 only one God. 15:22.970 --> 15:25.910 So they said, no Jesus can't be divine. 15:25.908 --> 15:28.488 So some followers of Jesus chose this route. 15:28.490 --> 15:30.530 Others, as we've seen in the New Testament, 15:30.528 --> 15:31.448 chose this route. 15:31.450 --> 15:37.630 Then, though you have to split this up. 15:37.629 --> 15:41.289 Was he always divine or did he become divine? 15:41.289 --> 15:43.039 Am I doing this right? 15:43.039 --> 15:44.469 Is this the next level? 15:44.470 --> 15:49.040 I had this chart in my notes by I gave it to JanJan because I 15:49.038 --> 15:53.228 thought she might have to lecture today and I forgot it, 15:53.225 --> 15:55.505 so we're winging it folks. 15:55.509 --> 16:00.679 If he became divine, he always was divine. 16:00.679 --> 16:05.779 16:05.778 --> 16:09.598 If he became divine then when did he become divine? 16:09.600 --> 16:12.780 You had different choices again like we've said: 16:12.778 --> 16:15.648 at his birth, because then you have the songs 16:15.653 --> 16:19.303 that all the angels sing and you take some of those songs at the 16:19.297 --> 16:22.877 beginning of Luke and it sounds like they're talking about he's 16:22.884 --> 16:25.764 divine now; at his baptism, 16:25.764 --> 16:31.374 as we've seen some people tend to believe; 16:31.370 --> 16:34.880 or at his resurrection. 16:34.879 --> 16:37.779 So, Christians again seem to have divided up. 16:37.779 --> 16:40.259 Do you take him as becoming divine at his birth, 16:40.255 --> 16:42.095 his baptism, or his resurrection? 16:42.100 --> 16:45.400 We've seen other Christians say, no he always was divine, 16:45.399 --> 16:51.539 but even then they split up into different choices too 16:51.538 --> 16:58.948 because some of them said he was divine but also fully human, 16:58.950 --> 17:06.100 so he was both divine but also fleshly. 17:06.099 --> 17:07.179 Where have seen this? 17:07.180 --> 17:11.010 A letter in the New Testament insisting that you can't have 17:11.012 --> 17:14.982 Jesus as divine without also having him as come in the flesh, 17:14.978 --> 17:16.298 do you remember? 17:16.299 --> 17:19.079 1 John, exactly. 17:19.078 --> 17:21.138 The letters of John get into this argument. 17:21.140 --> 17:23.940 Apparently some people in the Johannine community were 17:23.936 --> 17:26.836 claiming that Jesus was fully divine but not fleshly. 17:26.838 --> 17:31.768 Then you have--so this became that position, 17:31.765 --> 17:37.255 flesh and divine, and the other position I called 17:37.262 --> 17:41.962 it when I lectured on John, Docetism. 17:41.960 --> 17:45.660 That is, what came to be a heresy, remember, 17:45.660 --> 17:48.820 in the second century there was no organized church that could 17:48.816 --> 17:51.866 be able to declare what counted as orthodoxy and heresy, 17:51.868 --> 17:54.628 but this idea was Jesus was not fully flesh. 17:54.630 --> 17:58.220 He was so divine he was God so that when he walked along on the 17:58.219 --> 18:01.519 wet sand on the beach his feet didn't leave footprints. 18:01.519 --> 18:03.709 That's how divine he was. 18:03.710 --> 18:05.410 He didn't have any weight about him; 18:05.410 --> 18:06.790 he was not even fully flesh. 18:06.788 --> 18:11.248 Notice all of these are choices that followers of Jesus had to 18:11.249 --> 18:14.319 make in the decades following his death. 18:14.318 --> 18:17.038 Some of them took the human route, some of them took the 18:17.035 --> 18:19.695 human and divine route, some of them --believed that he 18:19.701 --> 18:20.591 became divine. 18:20.588 --> 18:23.288 This became declared as a heresy. 18:23.288 --> 18:26.308 We call it adoptionism of some sort. 18:26.308 --> 18:29.578 Then of those who took the always divine route, 18:29.578 --> 18:32.708 which became orthodoxy, some of them also took the 18:32.705 --> 18:35.505 docetic route: that he wasn't fully human and 18:35.513 --> 18:36.283 fleshly. 18:36.279 --> 18:39.249 And than others took this route, like the Gospel of John 18:39.250 --> 18:42.280 does and the letters of John, that he is both fleshly and 18:42.275 --> 18:42.865 divine. 18:42.868 --> 18:47.688 Notice how what this shows is that from simply the historical 18:47.689 --> 18:51.949 existence of Jesus and his existence as a prophet or a 18:51.945 --> 18:54.345 king, you had to make all these 18:54.349 --> 18:57.999 different choices to get down to this one because which of 18:57.999 --> 19:00.679 these-- all these different--we have 19:00.678 --> 19:02.198 one, two, three, four, 19:02.196 --> 19:04.646 five different possibilities down here, 19:04.650 --> 19:06.130 six right there. 19:06.130 --> 19:10.490 Out of six choices, only one of them is considered 19:10.490 --> 19:13.250 orthodox by the later church. 19:13.250 --> 19:18.630 I do this just to show these diversities are there. 19:18.630 --> 19:22.240 If you're a Christian you believe that, 19:22.240 --> 19:25.510 well, the Holy Spirit or God's providence led the way through 19:25.509 --> 19:28.999 this history so that what we end up with is the Nicene Creed, 19:29.000 --> 19:31.700 or the Creed of Chalcedon, which is what we ought to 19:31.696 --> 19:34.486 believe as Christians, but as a historian you can't 19:34.494 --> 19:35.554 make that judgment. 19:35.548 --> 19:39.678 As a historian you simply have to point out that there were 19:39.679 --> 19:43.809 lots of complexities in early Christianity that finally got 19:43.808 --> 19:48.578 whittled down into a more united consensus view on Christology. 19:48.579 --> 19:52.809 Any questions about any of that? 19:52.808 --> 19:56.608 I'm doing this partly just to show you how this happened 19:56.607 --> 20:00.337 historically and this actually gets you into a post-New 20:00.337 --> 20:02.407 Testament kind of subject. 20:02.410 --> 20:04.760 You could easily take a course after this, 20:04.759 --> 20:08.619 say the one taught by Bentley Layton or Steven Davis, 20:08.618 --> 20:11.188 that analyzes--it's called "From Jesus to 20:11.194 --> 20:13.604 Augustine," I think he's taken it past 20:13.598 --> 20:14.628 Augustine now. 20:14.630 --> 20:17.200 That covers a little bit of the New Testament text but really 20:17.198 --> 20:18.998 that's a course on the development of early 20:18.996 --> 20:20.876 Christianity in its first few centuries. 20:20.880 --> 20:23.930 You could even take courses that talk about the development 20:23.928 --> 20:26.818 of Christianity all the way up from the beginning to the 20:26.817 --> 20:28.497 Reformation, or even beyond. 20:28.500 --> 20:31.440 In any of these historical courses you're going to see this 20:31.438 --> 20:34.018 kind of diversity and the shaping of this that comes 20:34.022 --> 20:34.532 about. 20:34.529 --> 20:37.779 Part of what I'm doing is just illustrating the diversity of 20:37.778 --> 20:39.868 Christianity and how it came about, 20:39.868 --> 20:44.398 but I'm also trying to model a behavior for you of thinking 20:44.398 --> 20:48.848 historically about what are actually theological texts. 20:48.848 --> 20:51.818 Thinking about the growth of Christianity as if it didn't 20:51.817 --> 20:54.677 just plop out of the sky all in one orthodox piece, 20:54.680 --> 20:59.510 but it took a historical process of struggle to come 20:59.508 --> 21:01.778 about, and it was a complicated 21:01.782 --> 21:02.972 historical process. 21:02.970 --> 21:06.710 Now where does that leave us with James? 21:06.710 --> 21:10.810 James provides us another example of differences in 21:10.813 --> 21:15.003 notions of faith and works when compared to Paul. 21:15.000 --> 21:18.710 First, I'm going to take some examples from Hebrew scripture, 21:18.710 --> 21:23.210 so if you've got your Bible, now I haven't taught you a song 21:23.212 --> 21:26.902 for the Old Testament books, the books of Hebrew scripture, 21:26.898 --> 21:29.228 so you'll just have to follow along as best you can. 21:29.230 --> 21:34.000 Proverbs, in my Bible it's page 904 in the Hebrew Bible, 21:34.000 --> 21:39.120 but that's not the Bible you have, I would hasten to say. 21:39.118 --> 21:42.168 The Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, 21:42.166 --> 21:46.496 King of Israel, For learning about wisdom and 21:46.496 --> 21:49.066 instruction, for understanding words of 21:49.067 --> 21:50.947 insight, for gaining instruction and 21:50.950 --> 21:52.410 wise dealing, righteousness, 21:52.406 --> 21:54.556 justice and equity, to teach shrewdness to the 21:54.555 --> 21:56.365 simple, knowledge and prudence to the 21:56.373 --> 21:58.333 young, let the wise also hear and gain 21:58.330 --> 22:01.380 in learning and the discerning acquire skill to understand a 22:01.377 --> 22:04.477 proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their 22:04.482 --> 22:05.012 riddles. 22:05.009 --> 22:07.629 The fear of the Lord [this is one of my mom's favorite verses 22:07.634 --> 22:10.254 when I was a kid, quoted all the time to us] 22:10.249 --> 22:13.989 is the beginning of wisdom, fools despise wisdom and 22:13.992 --> 22:14.972 instruction. 22:14.970 --> 22:18.330 Kind of a motherly type verse isn't it? 22:18.328 --> 22:23.918 What you've got in Proverbs is a whole series of teachings, 22:23.920 --> 22:26.660 wisdom sayings, and some of them are pretty -- 22:26.660 --> 22:31.710 they're just like cover your mouth when you cough type 22:31.707 --> 22:33.777 things, there are some things that 22:33.776 --> 22:35.706 aren't particularly heavy or philosophical, 22:35.710 --> 22:38.710 or theological, but just sayings, 22:38.707 --> 22:40.297 wisdom sayings. 22:40.298 --> 22:42.828 Another one of my mother's favorite ones was, 22:42.828 --> 22:45.658 there was a women's club at the college she went too, 22:45.660 --> 22:46.870 the Christian college she went too, 22:46.868 --> 22:50.328 and the quotation of it was from this proverb where it's 22:50.328 --> 22:54.098 talking about a worthy woman and the quotation from the Bible 22:54.103 --> 22:56.033 was, "Her price is far above 22:56.034 --> 22:58.184 rubies," and that was the motto for this 22:58.176 --> 22:58.856 girls club. 22:58.858 --> 23:04.168 And my mother always said, "I wonder how much Ruby 23:04.166 --> 23:05.736 charges." 23:05.740 --> 23:08.170 That's sort of--it's little sayings-- 23:08.170 --> 23:10.230 not "how much does Ruby charge," 23:10.228 --> 23:12.988 that's not part of the scripture but the other part, 23:12.990 --> 23:14.510 is part of the scripture. 23:14.509 --> 23:17.199 These are wisdom sayings, and this is wisdom literature, 23:17.200 --> 23:19.800 so in the Jewish scripture you have whole books that are 23:19.796 --> 23:22.376 basically wisdom literature, and scholars will use that term. 23:22.380 --> 23:24.780 They're sayings of wisdom kind of sayings. 23:24.778 --> 23:29.198 You get it also in Job, look at Job, 23:29.196 --> 23:33.106 it's before Psalms, Job 14:1. 23:33.109 --> 23:37.379 23:37.380 --> 23:43.140 Job is also one version of wisdom literature. 23:43.140 --> 23:46.200 A mortal born of woman, few of days, 23:46.204 --> 23:50.234 and full of trouble, comes up like a flower and 23:50.232 --> 23:54.702 withers, flees like a shadow and does not last. 23:54.700 --> 23:58.850 Ah, how sad. 23:58.848 --> 24:01.968 Notice wisdom literature isn't always very cheery. 24:01.970 --> 24:06.100 A lot of wisdom literature is about how difficult life is, 24:06.098 --> 24:08.668 that life is fleeting, that you just come up like a 24:08.673 --> 24:11.033 flower, you're beautiful and young for 24:11.029 --> 24:14.159 two weeks and then you fade and get old and ugly, 24:14.160 --> 24:15.710 and then you die. 24:15.710 --> 24:18.730 A lot of wisdom literature is sort of like, 24:18.730 --> 24:22.410 life's a bitch so just enjoy it while you can, 24:22.410 --> 24:25.450 and that's where you get some of the sayings out of Job and 24:25.452 --> 24:26.242 the Proverbs. 24:26.240 --> 24:29.950 The Wisdom of Solomon, that may be in your--I don't 24:29.954 --> 24:32.114 have the Wisdom of Solomon. 24:32.108 --> 24:35.118 In your Apocrypha, if you have a Bible that has 24:35.115 --> 24:37.715 the Apocrypha in it, you would find the Wisdom of 24:37.717 --> 24:40.847 Solomon, which also has--if you look at 24:40.854 --> 24:45.794 the Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20 has some wonderful wisdom 24:45.792 --> 24:46.802 sayings. 24:46.798 --> 24:52.738 Sirach 4 has sayings about the poor, 24:52.740 --> 24:55.370 about remembering the poor, it's an admonition to rich 24:55.371 --> 24:58.891 people to remember the poor, do not forsake the poor, 24:58.890 --> 25:02.520 and Sirach 6:5 has a warning about speech, 25:02.519 --> 25:04.589 control your speech, watch your tongue. 25:04.588 --> 25:08.108 Notice these sayings, things about how life is 25:08.111 --> 25:10.521 fleeting, you come up like flowers, 25:10.517 --> 25:12.727 like grass, it fades, take care of the 25:12.730 --> 25:14.350 poor, don't forget the poor. 25:14.348 --> 25:17.378 Wisdom literature often seems to be written within a context 25:17.376 --> 25:19.836 of people who are fairly well off themselves, 25:19.838 --> 25:22.198 rich people, and it's written to these rich 25:22.198 --> 25:25.678 people but in order to also get them not to forget the poor. 25:25.680 --> 25:29.720 Then the saying about watch your mouth, control the tongue 25:29.715 --> 25:32.685 that we see in Sirach 6:5 is also there. 25:32.690 --> 25:41.500 Now, with that in mind, all these other kinds of wisdom 25:41.501 --> 25:51.131 literature, turn to James and look at chapter 3 of James. 25:51.130 --> 25:54.560 Not many of you should become teachers my brothers [my 25:54.560 --> 25:56.830 translation says "sisters" 25:56.827 --> 25:59.867 but in the Greek it's just "brothers"] 25:59.868 --> 26:03.558 for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater 26:03.558 --> 26:04.788 strictness. 26:04.788 --> 26:07.568 For all of us make many mistakes. 26:07.568 --> 26:10.248 Anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect, 26:10.247 --> 26:13.027 able to keep the whole body in check with a bridle. 26:13.028 --> 26:16.698 If we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us 26:16.695 --> 26:18.525 we guide their whole bodies. 26:18.528 --> 26:23.238 Notice this is just folk wisdom, right? 26:23.240 --> 26:26.840 Look how you control a horse, you put a bit in its mouth, 26:26.844 --> 26:30.904 you pull the horse's mouth this way, the horse goes this way; 26:30.900 --> 26:33.290 you pull the horse's mouth that way, the horse goes that way. 26:33.288 --> 26:36.048 This is nothing really big revelation type stuff right? 26:36.048 --> 26:38.958 This is not kind of revealing secrets of God, 26:38.962 --> 26:42.342 or this is not even revealing secrets of the Gospel, 26:42.338 --> 26:44.258 this is just folk wisdom. 26:44.259 --> 26:47.149 That's what a lot of wisdom literature in the Bible also 26:47.154 --> 26:48.474 looks like folk wisdom. 26:48.470 --> 26:51.170 Or look at ships he says, another example: 26:51.170 --> 26:51.500 ... 26:51.500 --> 26:54.140 though they are so large that it takes strong winds to drive 26:54.141 --> 26:56.061 them, yet they are guided by a very 26:56.061 --> 26:58.211 small rudder, wherever the will of the pilot 26:58.211 --> 27:00.821 directs, so also the tongue is a small 27:00.819 --> 27:03.799 member yet it boasts of great exploits. 27:03.798 --> 27:07.978 Almost--it just really echoes that kind of stuff you can see 27:07.982 --> 27:11.672 in Sirach, in Proverbs, and those kinds of things. 27:11.670 --> 27:15.750 One of the things that James is, the letter of James is a 27:15.753 --> 27:19.623 representation of typical Jewish wisdom literature. 27:19.619 --> 27:21.359 Why do I say Jewish? 27:21.358 --> 27:23.488 Because this is actually a very Jewish document, 27:23.487 --> 27:25.477 there's almost no mention of Christ in it. 27:25.480 --> 27:28.190 If you took out a few sentences here and there, 27:28.190 --> 27:30.880 the letter of James could read as a non-Christian document, 27:30.880 --> 27:33.520 because most of this stuff about the tongue, 27:33.519 --> 27:35.779 how you control the tongue, about remembering the poor, 27:35.779 --> 27:37.569 all these sorts of things, this is stuff anybody-- 27:37.568 --> 27:39.668 any Jewish person in the ancient world could have said. 27:39.670 --> 27:41.160 It's not particularly Christian. 27:41.160 --> 27:45.550 So James is an example of ancient typical Jewish wisdom 27:45.551 --> 27:46.611 literature. 27:46.608 --> 27:50.668 But, and here's where James becomes very interesting for 27:50.669 --> 27:52.219 Christian readings. 27:52.220 --> 28:05.160 28:05.160 --> 28:19.060 Let's read Romans 4, Romans 4:1. 28:19.058 --> 28:21.568 Now you're familiar with this, you've already talked about 28:21.571 --> 28:24.041 Paul, you've written about Paul, you know about Paul: 28:24.038 --> 28:26.508 What then are we to say was gained by Abraham, 28:26.506 --> 28:28.586 our ancestor according to the flesh? 28:28.588 --> 28:32.628 For if Abraham was justified by works he has something to boast 28:32.630 --> 28:34.390 about but not before God. 28:34.390 --> 28:36.440 For what does the scripture say? 28:36.440 --> 28:39.250 " Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as 28:39.247 --> 28:40.347 righteousness." 28:40.348 --> 28:42.838 Now keep that scripture in mind, that's a quotation from 28:42.836 --> 28:43.286 Genesis. 28:43.288 --> 28:45.788 Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as 28:45.785 --> 28:46.595 righteousness. 28:46.598 --> 28:49.448 Now to one who works, wages are not reckoned as a 28:49.454 --> 28:51.184 gift, but as something due. 28:51.180 --> 28:53.450 But to one who without work trusts him who justifies the 28:53.452 --> 28:55.562 ungodly, such faith is reckoned as righteousness. 28:55.558 --> 28:58.318 Then Paul goes on and takes his argument further. 28:58.318 --> 29:02.098 Galatians 3 has a very similar thing, it quotes the same kind 29:02.102 --> 29:05.882 of scriptures from Galatians, and Paul in Galatians makes the 29:05.884 --> 29:06.834 same point. 29:06.828 --> 29:09.358 Abraham was not justified by works, 29:09.358 --> 29:12.248 and he quotes some of this very scripture to prove, 29:12.250 --> 29:15.570 according to Paul, that Genesis shows that Abraham 29:15.567 --> 29:18.737 was not justified by works, he was justified by faith. 29:18.740 --> 29:32.620 Now look back at James 1, first chapter of James, 29:32.615 --> 29:39.395 verses 22-25: But be doers of the word and 29:39.404 --> 29:42.734 not merely hearers who deceive themselves. 29:42.730 --> 29:46.390 For if any are hearers of the word and not doers they are like 29:46.394 --> 29:48.984 those who look at themselves in a mirror. 29:48.980 --> 29:52.650 For they look at themselves and on going away immediately forget 29:52.647 --> 29:53.927 what they were like. 29:53.930 --> 29:55.440 But those who look into the perfect law, 29:55.440 --> 29:59.270 the law of liberty and persevere, not being hearers who 29:59.271 --> 30:03.121 forgot but doers who act, they will be blessed in their 30:03.119 --> 30:03.569 doing. 30:03.569 --> 30:09.769 Look at James 2:14: What good is it my brothers if 30:09.770 --> 30:13.270 you say you have faith but do not have works? 30:13.269 --> 30:14.649 Can faith save you? 30:14.650 --> 30:19.150 [Well I think Paul would say, as a matter of fact James, 30:19.150 --> 30:21.470 yes.] If a brother or sister is naked 30:21.469 --> 30:24.819 and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, 30:24.818 --> 30:26.438 "Go in peace, be warmed and eat your 30:26.442 --> 30:28.882 fill," and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, 30:28.880 --> 30:29.880 what good is that? 30:29.880 --> 30:32.630 Faith by itself, if it has no works, 30:32.625 --> 30:33.405 is dead. 30:33.410 --> 30:41.360 Look at 21-26 of the same chapter, James 2:21-26: 30:41.358 --> 30:45.428 Was not our ancestor Abraham justified by works when he 30:45.430 --> 30:48.220 offered his son Isaac on the altar? 30:48.220 --> 30:51.160 You see that faith was active along with his works, 30:51.160 --> 30:54.160 and faith was brought to completion by the works. 30:54.160 --> 30:56.320 Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, 30:56.320 --> 30:59.200 "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as 30:59.203 --> 31:00.443 righteousness." 31:00.440 --> 31:06.340 Notice this guy quotes the exact same verse Paul quotes, 31:06.338 --> 31:09.878 but to make the opposite point. 31:09.880 --> 31:13.320 Paul had quoted this very verse to argue that Abraham was 31:13.317 --> 31:15.647 justified by his faith not by works; 31:15.650 --> 31:19.140 this writer quotes the same verse from Genesis to say 31:19.143 --> 31:21.363 Abraham was justified by works. 31:21.358 --> 31:24.408 You see that a person is justified by works and not by 31:24.413 --> 31:25.223 faith alone. 31:25.220 --> 31:27.840 Likewise was not Rahab the prostitute also justified by 31:27.844 --> 31:30.664 works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by 31:30.663 --> 31:31.493 another road? 31:31.490 --> 31:34.130 This is when the Israelites were surrounding the city of 31:34.127 --> 31:36.957 Jericho before they marched around it and made all the walls 31:36.958 --> 31:37.628 fall down. 31:37.630 --> 31:39.960 Two of the spies came into Jericho and they were received 31:39.959 --> 31:42.359 by a prostitute, Rahab, "For just as the 31:42.364 --> 31:45.884 body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is also 31:45.882 --> 31:46.692 dead." 31:46.690 --> 31:51.930 Now these texts seem to be arguing against Paul, 31:51.930 --> 31:57.730 and it makes us wonder, does the author actually have 31:57.728 --> 32:01.518 texts of Paul in front of him? 32:01.519 --> 32:04.679 Is he actually reading Romans and Galatians and he sees that 32:04.675 --> 32:06.865 Paul quotes this passage from Genesis, 32:06.868 --> 32:09.108 and therefore, he quotes the same passage to 32:09.113 --> 32:10.473 make the opposite point? 32:10.470 --> 32:14.530 Or has he heard about Paul's Gospel about a works free Gospel 32:14.528 --> 32:17.708 in some places and he's responding to rumors? 32:17.710 --> 32:24.040 Or is he just responding to Paul-type Christians? 32:24.038 --> 32:26.378 He may not know Paul himself, he may not even have access to 32:26.375 --> 32:28.825 Paul's work, but he's heard some people who 32:28.832 --> 32:32.372 are followers of Paul and promote his kind of law-free, 32:32.368 --> 32:35.368 faith dominated Gospel, and he's writing against those 32:35.369 --> 32:36.389 kinds of people. 32:36.390 --> 32:39.750 It's very difficult to say. 32:39.750 --> 32:43.600 As I think Bart Ehrman in the textbook points out, 32:43.595 --> 32:48.455 and other people have said all along, there is a way to sort of 32:48.461 --> 32:51.131 get beyond this contradiction. 32:51.130 --> 32:55.160 To say that maybe the writer of James is not saying really the 32:55.161 --> 32:58.071 opposite of what Paul is saying after all. 32:58.068 --> 33:01.148 Have any of you picked up on that argument? 33:01.150 --> 33:03.990 Yes, what's the argument? 33:03.990 --> 33:05.740 Student: They're operating on different 33:05.736 --> 33:06.986 definitions of works and faith? 33:06.990 --> 33:09.610 Prof: Yes, they're operating on different 33:09.613 --> 33:13.133 definitions of works and faith, and that's a very good point. 33:13.130 --> 33:17.520 Notice for example, what was faith for Paul? 33:17.519 --> 33:20.699 Faith, and this is something that modern people, 33:20.700 --> 33:22.820 Christians as well as non-Christians, 33:22.818 --> 33:26.898 radical atheists, Richard Dawkins and Christopher 33:26.896 --> 33:30.376 Hitchens published these books saying, 33:30.380 --> 33:34.530 religious people in general are crazy people who believe lots of 33:34.534 --> 33:37.044 ridiculous things before breakfast, 33:37.038 --> 33:40.208 and just think that--the idea is that if you're a religious 33:40.210 --> 33:43.110 person you do believe that people go around walking on 33:43.106 --> 33:45.986 water all the time, that hell exists under the 33:45.994 --> 33:48.594 ground below our feet, that God is this man with a 33:48.586 --> 33:50.436 beard who sits up in the clouds somewhere, 33:50.440 --> 33:52.200 and so there are a lot of people who think, 33:52.200 --> 33:53.370 what is religious faith? 33:53.368 --> 33:55.618 Well, it's actually believing certain propositions. 33:55.618 --> 33:58.168 Its believing a proposition like there is a God, 33:58.173 --> 34:01.113 God is alive in the same way that you would believe the 34:01.107 --> 34:03.497 proposition is it's sun shining outside. 34:03.500 --> 34:05.380 It's a proposition, you just look at nature, 34:05.375 --> 34:06.245 you figure it out. 34:06.250 --> 34:11.300 Now in the Terry lectures a year ago--I believe a year ago, 34:11.300 --> 34:16.350 Terry Eagleton who's a very famous Marxist literary critic, 34:16.351 --> 34:18.791 but he grew up Catholic. 34:18.789 --> 34:21.079 He gave the Terry lectures; they've just come out in 34:21.076 --> 34:23.156 publication by Yale University Press. 34:23.159 --> 34:24.549 I recommend them very highly. 34:24.550 --> 34:28.060 He gave four lectures in which he took on these sort of radical 34:28.059 --> 34:30.219 atheists, and Terry Eagleton wasn't 34:30.224 --> 34:32.484 arguing himself for Christian faith, 34:32.480 --> 34:35.810 I don't even know whether he believes Christian stuff or not, 34:35.809 --> 34:39.079 but what he was trying to argue is that what has counted as 34:39.083 --> 34:42.073 Christian faith over the centuries is more complicated 34:42.074 --> 34:44.394 than simply believing a proposition, 34:44.389 --> 34:46.329 that say the proposition God exists. 34:46.329 --> 34:50.659 For Paul, as a matter of fact, having faith is more a sense of 34:50.661 --> 34:54.841 putting your trust in God, so talking about trust, 34:54.842 --> 34:59.642 faith for Paul is trusting God to do what you need. 34:59.639 --> 35:03.219 Faith is not simply a belief in certain kinds of propositions, 35:03.219 --> 35:07.169 like a scientific proposition, it's actually an attitude of 35:07.172 --> 35:10.992 putting all of your trust in God through Jesus Christ. 35:10.989 --> 35:14.589 This notion therefore that faith is something that you 35:14.588 --> 35:18.388 believe about is not really matched by Paul's writings on 35:18.391 --> 35:20.341 faith, which are much more complex and 35:20.336 --> 35:22.766 they're much more like the idea that faith is a way of living; 35:22.769 --> 35:25.929 faith is a decision. 35:25.929 --> 35:28.069 Soren Kierkegaard, The Great Leap of Faith, 35:28.067 --> 35:29.947 the nineteenth century philosopher. 35:29.949 --> 35:33.559 Faith is this willingness to just throw it all in even though 35:33.561 --> 35:36.211 all the evidence might be to the contrary. 35:36.210 --> 35:38.470 It's a decision you make, it's a leap of faith, 35:38.469 --> 35:40.089 in Kierkegaard's understanding. 35:40.090 --> 35:41.930 That's what it's more like for Paul. 35:41.929 --> 35:45.769 But notice that's not exactly what James seems to think faith 35:45.766 --> 35:47.066 is, and this is why some people 35:47.072 --> 35:49.122 have said that Paul and James are not really disagreeing with 35:49.123 --> 35:51.043 each other because they're working with different notions 35:51.039 --> 35:51.859 of faith and works. 35:51.860 --> 35:53.190 What does James say? 35:53.190 --> 36:01.720 James 2:19, "You believe that God is one, 36:01.724 --> 36:04.384 you do well. 36:04.380 --> 36:07.010 Even the demons believe and shudder." 36:07.010 --> 36:10.700 That's a pretty big clue. 36:10.699 --> 36:15.069 Do you think Paul would have ever said that demons have faith 36:15.074 --> 36:15.954 in Christ? 36:15.949 --> 36:17.799 No. 36:17.800 --> 36:20.530 Paul actually doesn't talk about demons enough for us to 36:20.527 --> 36:21.367 really be sure. 36:21.369 --> 36:24.209 He only mentions demons once in all of his letters, 36:24.210 --> 36:27.250 and that's in 1 Corinthians 10, and he's just talking to the 36:27.246 --> 36:29.706 Corinthians saying, don't participate in idol 36:29.713 --> 36:32.603 sacrifices because that's participating in the table of 36:32.596 --> 36:33.126 demons. 36:33.130 --> 36:35.190 Paul's not too concerned about demons. 36:35.190 --> 36:38.650 I would think it would be outlandish to think that Paul 36:38.648 --> 36:42.298 would have considered demons as having faith in Christ. 36:42.300 --> 36:44.480 Do demons believe that Christ exists? 36:44.480 --> 36:46.120 Paul would say, yeah, of course. 36:46.119 --> 36:49.409 Demons know God exists, demons know Christ exists, 36:49.411 --> 36:53.041 so that's not what Paul's definition of Christian faith 36:53.039 --> 36:53.509 is. 36:53.510 --> 36:56.890 But that is what James seems to be thinking faith is. 36:56.889 --> 37:00.449 It's simply the mental acknowledgement of the existence 37:00.445 --> 37:03.545 of God and that God is one, that is, the rejection of 37:03.545 --> 37:05.975 idolatry and polytheism and the idea that God is one. 37:05.980 --> 37:09.820 Now faith, therefore, for James is not the same kind 37:09.822 --> 37:13.792 of thing as faith is for Paul, and that's why you can have 37:13.791 --> 37:16.271 Paul saying, you're justified by faith and 37:16.273 --> 37:18.583 James disagreeing with him by saying, 37:18.579 --> 37:21.199 look even demons have faith, they believe and they're not 37:21.197 --> 37:23.687 saved by it, so you have to have works also. 37:23.690 --> 37:27.780 But also works is not really the same thing for Paul as for 37:27.775 --> 37:28.335 James. 37:28.340 --> 37:31.200 Remember I talked about how the traditional way of understanding 37:31.197 --> 37:33.007 Paul, this sort of Lutheran way, 37:33.012 --> 37:36.422 was that when Paul was talking about salvation by works versus 37:36.423 --> 37:39.093 salvation by faith, what he's talking about--and 37:39.088 --> 37:41.998 this is sort of the Protestant way of thinking that's become 37:41.996 --> 37:43.816 more popular in the modern world-- 37:43.820 --> 37:45.750 "works" stand for anything humans can 37:45.750 --> 37:45.960 do. 37:45.960 --> 37:49.960 For Martin Luther works weren't just circumcision or keeping 37:49.956 --> 37:53.136 kashrut, or keeping the Sabbath--in other words, 37:53.141 --> 37:55.041 works of the Jewish law. 37:55.039 --> 37:58.509 For Martin Luther works were indulgences sold by the Roman 37:58.505 --> 37:59.595 Catholic Church. 37:59.599 --> 38:06.359 Works were even being baptized; works were confessing and doing 38:06.364 --> 38:07.364 penance. 38:07.360 --> 38:10.710 For Martin Luther, the works he was saying don't 38:10.706 --> 38:15.116 save you were any activity that human beings do in order to try 38:15.123 --> 38:17.193 earn their own salvation. 38:17.190 --> 38:21.620 That's not what works are for Paul. 38:21.619 --> 38:25.429 When Paul talks about works in Romans he's clearly talking 38:25.434 --> 38:27.314 about works of Jewish law. 38:27.309 --> 38:29.339 He's talking about circumcision. 38:29.340 --> 38:32.480 Now I'm not saying that that means that you can't read Paul 38:32.483 --> 38:33.463 as a Protestant. 38:33.460 --> 38:35.150 If you want to read Paul as a Protestant that's fine. 38:35.150 --> 38:38.750 You can read a certain kind of idea of salvation by grace 38:38.746 --> 38:41.506 through faith, apart from even human endeavor, 38:41.510 --> 38:44.680 in Paul's letter to the Romans, but that's not the main thing 38:44.679 --> 38:45.829 Paul was talking about. 38:45.829 --> 38:49.079 The main thing Paul was doing was trying to get Gentiles in 38:49.079 --> 38:52.049 Rome not to feel like they had to keep Jewish law, 38:52.050 --> 38:55.110 but also then not to despise Jewish followers of Jesus and 38:55.110 --> 38:56.400 not to despise Israel. 38:56.400 --> 39:00.650 Romans is a complicated letter, but it wasn't as simple you 39:00.653 --> 39:04.473 might give the idea from traditional Protestant piety 39:04.469 --> 39:07.329 which is, works are human activity. 39:07.329 --> 39:10.469 That is obviously what James takes works to be, 39:10.472 --> 39:11.022 right? 39:11.018 --> 39:13.608 He's not talking about works of Jewish law; 39:13.610 --> 39:15.140 he's not talking about circumcision. 39:15.139 --> 39:17.289 There's nowhere in the letter of James that he tells his 39:17.293 --> 39:18.863 followers, you have to be circumcised. 39:18.860 --> 39:21.530 There's nowhere he says, you have to keep the Sabbath. 39:21.530 --> 39:24.610 What he does say, is you've got to take care of 39:24.612 --> 39:27.962 the poor, you have to do justice, you have to right 39:27.961 --> 39:28.701 things. 39:28.699 --> 39:32.799 Notice how the social situation of James churches might tell us 39:32.802 --> 39:36.972 something about why he comes to his belief in faith that he does 39:36.971 --> 39:40.811 and why he comes to a belief about works that he does. 39:40.809 --> 39:43.309 Look at James 2:1-7, and remember now, 39:43.311 --> 39:47.301 when I was reading about--I mentioned Sirach and these other 39:47.300 --> 39:50.410 wisdom literature that mentioned the poor. 39:50.409 --> 39:53.729 My brothers do you with your acts of favoritism [that is 39:53.728 --> 39:55.658 favoring the rich in your church] 39:55.661 --> 39:58.861 really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ? 39:58.860 --> 40:02.170 If a person with gold rings and fine clothes come into your 40:02.173 --> 40:04.313 assembly, and if a poor person in dirty 40:04.309 --> 40:06.659 clothes also comes in, you take no notice of the one 40:06.655 --> 40:08.035 wearing the fine clothes and say, 40:08.039 --> 40:09.439 "Have a seat here please," 40:09.440 --> 40:11.040 while to the one who is poor you say, 40:11.039 --> 40:13.359 "Stand there," or "Sit at my feet," 40:13.356 --> 40:15.796 have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become 40:15.802 --> 40:17.092 judges with evil thoughts? 40:17.090 --> 40:20.180 Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen the poor in 40:20.177 --> 40:23.317 the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom 40:23.318 --> 40:25.818 that he has promised to those who love him? 40:25.820 --> 40:27.690 But you have dishonored the poor. 40:27.690 --> 40:29.970 Is it not the rich who oppress you? 40:29.969 --> 40:31.789 Is it not they who drag you into court? 40:31.789 --> 40:34.599 Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that is 40:34.599 --> 40:35.589 invoked over you? 40:35.590 --> 40:40.200 James is written not to the rich, it's written to the poor. 40:40.199 --> 40:42.979 It's saying, don't kow-tow to the rich in 40:42.978 --> 40:46.798 your town, don't give them the best places in church. 40:46.800 --> 40:49.820 Look at James 5:1-6, he gets really heated toward 40:49.822 --> 40:53.792 the end of the sermon because it actually reads more like sermon 40:53.791 --> 40:55.431 than it does a letter. 40:55.429 --> 40:57.199 "Come now you rich people," 40:57.202 --> 41:00.162 now he's talking to the rich but I think he's kind of talking 41:00.157 --> 41:02.467 to the rich with the understanding that his real 41:02.471 --> 41:03.851 audience are the poor. 41:03.849 --> 41:06.779 He wants them to overhear him condemn the rich. 41:06.780 --> 41:10.850 …weep and wail for the miseries that are coming on you. 41:10.849 --> 41:14.029 Your riches have rotted, your clothes are moth eaten, 41:14.030 --> 41:16.830 your gold and silver have rusted, their rust will be 41:16.831 --> 41:19.641 evidence against you, and it will eat your flesh like 41:19.641 --> 41:19.931 fire. 41:19.929 --> 41:22.549 You have laid up treasure for the last days. 41:22.550 --> 41:23.600 Listen! 41:23.599 --> 41:26.539 The wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, 41:26.539 --> 41:29.829 which you kept by back by fraud, cry out, 41:29.829 --> 41:32.789 and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the 41:32.786 --> 41:33.586 Lord of Hosts. 41:33.590 --> 41:36.320 You have lived on the earth in luxury and in pleasure, 41:36.320 --> 41:38.800 you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter, 41:38.800 --> 41:41.170 you have condemned and murdered the righteous one, 41:41.170 --> 41:42.780 who does not resist you. 41:42.780 --> 41:47.070 James is written to a Christian community that's apparently 41:47.072 --> 41:51.592 either very Jewish or he himself is writing from a very Jewish 41:51.585 --> 41:53.505 kind of point of view. 41:53.510 --> 41:57.080 He uses this wisdom tradition of Jewish literature that's 41:57.081 --> 41:59.571 already very well known by the time-- 41:59.570 --> 42:02.030 we've got all kinds of books in this kind of wisdom tradition. 42:02.030 --> 42:04.960 He uses common sayings, but notice what kind of context 42:04.961 --> 42:05.941 he's writing in. 42:05.940 --> 42:08.780 He's writing in a context where most of the members of his 42:08.777 --> 42:10.317 church are poor, not wealthy. 42:10.320 --> 42:14.240 He's writing to condemn the rich for not taking that into 42:14.239 --> 42:14.939 account. 42:14.940 --> 42:19.790 When James says you can't be saved by faith apart from works, 42:19.793 --> 42:23.033 what are the works he's talking about? 42:23.030 --> 42:24.840 Justice. 42:24.840 --> 42:29.800 It's sort of like that bumper sticker that says you can't have 42:29.797 --> 42:31.747 peace without justice. 42:31.750 --> 42:34.220 Some people running around the world saying, 42:34.219 --> 42:35.639 oh let's have peace, let's have peace, 42:35.639 --> 42:38.719 let's have peace, well it's easy to say if you're 42:38.724 --> 42:41.074 rich, or you're middle class, 42:41.065 --> 42:44.395 but if you're poor and you're oppressed, 42:44.400 --> 42:49.400 then just hollering about peace all the time doesn't sound very 42:49.404 --> 42:51.124 just, does it? 42:51.119 --> 42:55.239 The bumper sticker, if you want peace work for 42:55.239 --> 42:58.259 justice, that's where James is. 42:58.260 --> 43:00.670 What works is for James doesn't--he's not talking so 43:00.666 --> 43:02.736 much about circumcision, the Sabbath, 43:02.742 --> 43:06.292 keeping Kosher like it seems to have been for Paul, 43:06.289 --> 43:09.529 what he's talking about is, you have to have justice. 43:09.530 --> 43:15.470 It's almost as if the writer of James is in a social situation 43:15.467 --> 43:21.407 where he didn't have the luxury of teaching salvation by faith 43:21.405 --> 43:22.375 alone. 43:22.380 --> 43:27.740 He needed to talk about what you needed to do to supplement 43:27.742 --> 43:33.202 your belief that God exists with pursuing justice toward the 43:33.197 --> 43:34.027 poor. 43:34.030 --> 43:39.280 And here's the debate among scholars, some people have given 43:39.284 --> 43:44.454 this answer of why James and Paul don't really disagree. 43:44.449 --> 43:48.199 Because, as some of you already picked up, they're working with 43:48.199 --> 43:51.469 what seem to be different definitions of both faith and 43:51.465 --> 43:52.065 works. 43:52.070 --> 43:57.380 Clearly, James thinks he's disagreeing with some kind of 43:57.376 --> 44:02.966 version of Christianity that looks an awful lot like Paul's 44:02.972 --> 44:04.132 letters. 44:04.130 --> 44:07.330 James may think he's disagreeing with Paul even, 44:07.333 --> 44:10.543 it's hard to say, he doesn't ever mention him by 44:10.536 --> 44:11.146 name. 44:11.150 --> 44:14.250 But this writer may indeed think he's disagreeing with 44:14.251 --> 44:17.591 another form of Christianity that he may view as dangerous 44:17.585 --> 44:21.155 because if it teaches you that you're justified by faith alone 44:21.155 --> 44:24.525 apart from works, then that may let a lot of rich 44:24.527 --> 44:25.857 people off the hook. 44:25.860 --> 44:29.970 They don't have to do anything to prove their faith. 44:29.969 --> 44:34.329 James and Paul may indeed still be in something of a 44:34.331 --> 44:37.181 disagreement, although you can see how they 44:37.184 --> 44:40.054 wouldn't be disagreeing with each other quite directly. 44:40.050 --> 44:43.990 But James is operating in a situation where it's almost as 44:43.992 --> 44:46.762 if he looks at some Gospel that says, 44:46.760 --> 44:49.290 you're not saved by works, you're saved by faith, 44:49.289 --> 44:50.849 and he says, well that's nice and 44:50.853 --> 44:53.593 convenient for those people who don't want to work 44:53.588 --> 44:54.368 for justice. 44:54.369 --> 44:58.319 He writes his letter even interpreting the same verses 44:58.318 --> 45:02.638 from Genesis that Paul had used but using them to emphasize 45:02.639 --> 45:07.029 justice as the work that has to supplement your faith rather 45:07.034 --> 45:10.914 than an idea that you're saved by faith alone. 45:10.909 --> 45:13.779 So does he disagree with Paul? 45:13.780 --> 45:17.460 Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe it's a little bit of 45:17.460 --> 45:18.020 both. 45:18.018 --> 45:20.408 Does he have a different view of law? 45:20.409 --> 45:22.509 Maybe yes, maybe no. 45:22.510 --> 45:28.390 That's for you to decide and to write your paper about this week 45:28.393 --> 45:34.093 or make scintillating comments in your discussion sections. 45:34.090 --> 45:40.760 Questions, comments, outbursts? 45:40.760 --> 45:44.030 We're more than halfway through the semester; 45:44.030 --> 45:47.370 you're not confused about anything? 45:47.369 --> 45:49.129 Good, I'm such a good teacher. 45:49.130 --> 45:50.970 See you next week. 45:50.969 --> 45:56.999