WEBVTT 00:02.220 --> 00:07.400 Prof: Paul founded several, probably small, 00:07.395 --> 00:11.615 house churches in the area of Galatia. 00:11.620 --> 00:14.080 There's some debate about exactly what part of Asia Minor 00:14.075 --> 00:16.705 he's referring to because there are different parts that were 00:16.706 --> 00:17.536 called Galatia. 00:17.540 --> 00:19.270 Of course the word "Galatia" 00:19.267 --> 00:21.597 you recognize probably just comes from the word for 00:21.602 --> 00:25.312 "Gaul", that is the people who occupied 00:25.311 --> 00:27.581 France, later the Gauls were tribes 00:27.579 --> 00:30.779 that tended to be in different parts of Europe at different 00:30.778 --> 00:32.658 times, so there's part of Asia Minor, 00:32.656 --> 00:34.166 that is, modern day Turkey, 00:34.166 --> 00:37.956 the central part of it that was called Galatia after the Gauls. 00:37.960 --> 00:41.390 Paul was there at some point, we don't know exactly when, 00:41.389 --> 00:43.409 he founded some churches there. 00:43.410 --> 00:47.260 These were all Gentile churches, there's no record at 00:47.256 --> 00:51.986 all that he had any contact in the area with Jews themselves, 00:51.990 --> 00:56.260 and there is no record in the letter to the Galatians that 00:56.262 --> 00:59.562 he's addressing Jews at all in the letter. 00:59.560 --> 01:04.420 If you notice from the letter, also, it's not directed simply 01:04.420 --> 01:07.580 to one house church or even one town. 01:07.578 --> 01:10.698 Galatia refers to an area that included different towns, 01:10.700 --> 01:14.140 and so this is something like a circular letter that would have 01:14.144 --> 01:15.984 gone around to different parts. 01:15.980 --> 01:20.260 Other traveling teachers obviously have come along at 01:20.257 --> 01:23.347 some point, and quite reasonable enough, 01:23.349 --> 01:27.439 they may themselves be Jewish followers of Jesus or they may 01:27.439 --> 01:31.599 be Gentiles themselves but who became law observant when they 01:31.599 --> 01:33.609 started following Jesus. 01:33.610 --> 01:34.860 This would be natural. 01:34.860 --> 01:37.420 I mean if you come along and say, well you're now worshipping 01:37.415 --> 01:40.145 the God of Israel, now you're sort of claiming to 01:40.152 --> 01:42.952 be followers of Abraham, you're claiming to be children 01:42.950 --> 01:44.820 of Abraham, you're claiming to be followers 01:44.822 --> 01:45.742 of a Jewish Messiah. 01:45.739 --> 01:48.059 Well, it's okay that you're followers and its okay that you 01:48.060 --> 01:50.950 were baptized, but if you really want to be a 01:50.953 --> 01:55.233 full citizen in this group you need to get circumcised like 01:55.232 --> 01:57.962 other Jews do, you need to keep kosher; 01:57.959 --> 01:59.389 you need to follow the Jewish law. 01:59.390 --> 02:01.890 The Jewish ethnic laws are written for Jews; 02:01.890 --> 02:04.770 they're still enforced, and if you want to be a part of 02:04.774 --> 02:07.394 the people of Israel and follow the God of Israel, 02:07.391 --> 02:08.941 then keep the Jewish law. 02:08.938 --> 02:13.728 A perfectly natural idea, but it sends Paul way over the 02:13.729 --> 02:14.339 edge. 02:14.340 --> 02:18.920 He writes Galatians to this group trying to convince them 02:18.919 --> 02:22.279 not to accept this, what he calls a new teaching or 02:22.281 --> 02:25.471 a different Gospel, and this is where Paul is in 02:25.474 --> 02:29.524 his most angry and most vituperative of just about all 02:29.516 --> 02:30.886 of his letters. 02:30.889 --> 02:33.699 We're going to go through several parts of it because what 02:33.696 --> 02:36.846 I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince 02:36.846 --> 02:37.286 them? 02:37.288 --> 02:41.368 Look at Galatians with me, we're going to skip around in 02:41.372 --> 02:42.562 several parts. 02:42.560 --> 02:46.080 Galatians 2:15, the first two chapters you've 02:46.083 --> 02:50.813 already read because we read it at the very beginning of the 02:50.807 --> 02:53.617 semester, this is when Paul tells the 02:53.621 --> 02:55.941 story of where he was in Jerusalem, 02:55.940 --> 02:58.710 where he was in Damascus, how he got his own Gospel. 02:58.710 --> 03:02.240 He emphasizes his independence from the leadership of the 03:02.244 --> 03:04.374 churches in Judea, Peter, James, 03:04.371 --> 03:08.071 John, precisely because it may well have been that the people 03:08.069 --> 03:11.889 who came to Galatia after he did and were teaching these people 03:11.893 --> 03:14.313 otherwise, they might have said, 03:14.312 --> 03:16.802 well Paul, sure, he told you some of the Gospel, 03:16.801 --> 03:18.921 but Paul's not really one of the original Apostles. 03:18.919 --> 03:21.049 The original Apostles are Peter, and James, 03:21.046 --> 03:23.526 and John, and we represent their point of view. 03:23.530 --> 03:26.800 Paul initially separates himself from that at all and 03:26.796 --> 03:28.566 says, I didn't get my Gospel from 03:28.566 --> 03:32.016 Peter, James, and John, they are not the core 03:32.022 --> 03:34.262 Apostles, I am just as much an Apostle as 03:34.262 --> 03:36.432 they are, I got my Gospel straight from 03:36.432 --> 03:36.852 Jesus. 03:36.848 --> 03:39.858 Then he goes on to talk about the law 2:15, 03:39.858 --> 03:43.508 "We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile 03:43.509 --> 03:44.799 sinners." 03:44.800 --> 03:47.350 "Gentile sinners" was just like two words that 03:47.349 --> 03:49.989 almost automatically went together in some Jewish rhetoric 03:49.992 --> 03:51.572 and propaganda in this period. 03:51.568 --> 03:55.248 Being outside of Israel, being outside of the people of 03:55.252 --> 03:58.462 God made you a sinner practically in itself, 03:58.460 --> 04:00.220 at least according to some points of view, 04:00.218 --> 04:03.848 and Paul tends to share that point of view because he uses 04:03.852 --> 04:07.232 "Gentile sinners" himself more than once. 04:07.229 --> 04:09.999 Yet we know that a person is justified not by works of law 04:10.000 --> 04:11.750 but through faith in Jesus Christ. 04:11.750 --> 04:14.170 We have come to believe in Jesus Christ so that we might be 04:14.167 --> 04:16.707 justified by faith in Christ and not by doing the works of the 04:16.709 --> 04:18.999 law because no one will be justified by the works of the 04:19.002 --> 04:19.422 law. 04:19.420 --> 04:21.850 But if in our effort to be justified in Christ we ourselves 04:21.848 --> 04:24.238 have been found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of 04:24.235 --> 04:24.565 sin? 04:24.569 --> 04:25.569 Certainly not! 04:25.569 --> 04:27.939 But if I build up again the very things that I once tore 04:27.940 --> 04:30.140 down, then I demonstrate that I'm a transgressor. 04:30.139 --> 04:34.069 For through the law I died to the law so that I might live to 04:34.067 --> 04:34.457 God. 04:34.459 --> 04:35.849 I have been crucified with Christ. 04:35.850 --> 04:39.480 It is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me. 04:39.480 --> 04:42.530 The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son 04:42.526 --> 04:42.996 of God. 04:43.000 --> 04:46.890 For if justification comes through the law then Christ died 04:46.889 --> 04:49.229 for nothing That's a pretty big statement. 04:49.230 --> 04:53.770 If the law gets you anywhere, then Christ didn't need to die 04:53.766 --> 04:54.456 at all. 04:54.459 --> 04:59.769 Notice what he says in 3:12, he gets even worse with what he 04:59.769 --> 05:02.389 says--3:12: The law does not rest on faith, 05:02.386 --> 05:04.356 on the contrary, whoever does the works of the 05:04.355 --> 05:05.445 law will live by them. 05:05.449 --> 05:08.489 Notice he's separating out faith and law, 05:08.488 --> 05:12.438 that's not something that almost any Jew would do. 05:12.439 --> 05:17.239 The idea that somehow you don't have faith in God because you 05:17.240 --> 05:20.840 keep kosher is ridiculous to a lot of Jews. 05:20.839 --> 05:24.089 In fact you're keeping kosher, you're keeping the law is an 05:24.086 --> 05:25.986 expression of your faith in God. 05:25.990 --> 05:29.240 And so Paul's saying this, it might sound almost 05:29.235 --> 05:33.445 commonsensical if you've been raised in a Christian church. 05:33.449 --> 05:36.169 But if you put yourself in the mind of a Jew of the first 05:36.166 --> 05:37.346 century, hearing this, 05:37.351 --> 05:40.361 that somehow the law and faith are opposed to one another, 05:40.360 --> 05:42.090 is just very shocking. 05:42.089 --> 05:46.079 Look at 3:15: Brothers I give an example from 05:46.081 --> 05:51.041 daily life, once a person's will has been ratified no one adds to 05:51.038 --> 05:52.508 it or annuls it. 05:52.509 --> 05:55.199 The promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. 05:55.199 --> 05:57.579 It does not say "and to offsprings." 05:57.579 --> 06:00.009 And what he's doing is he's playing on the Greek word 06:00.014 --> 06:02.124 "seed" is what is translated here as 06:02.122 --> 06:03.342 "offspring." 06:03.338 --> 06:06.278 He's saying this was given to Abraham's seed and the Greek 06:06.278 --> 06:08.208 word is singular, "seed," 06:08.206 --> 06:09.896 it doesn't say "seeds," 06:09.896 --> 06:12.426 so that means that it has to refer to Christ. 06:12.430 --> 06:16.000 Christ is the seed of Abraham not all the people of Israel. 06:16.000 --> 06:18.970 My point is this, the law which came four hundred 06:18.968 --> 06:21.988 thirty years later, does not annul a covenant 06:21.994 --> 06:25.794 previously ratified by God so as to nullify the promise. 06:25.790 --> 06:28.400 For if the inheritance comes from the law it no longer is 06:28.403 --> 06:30.233 from promise, but God granted to Abraham 06:30.226 --> 06:31.156 through promise. 06:31.160 --> 06:34.840 Notice what he's doing here, he differentiates the law from 06:34.843 --> 06:38.913 promise, which would be very odd coming for a Jew at the time. 06:38.910 --> 06:41.850 Separating off the law from faith, separating off the law 06:41.851 --> 06:44.691 from promise is counter intuitive in Jewish theology at 06:44.687 --> 06:45.367 the time. 06:45.370 --> 06:50.260 Then what he also says is the law came 430 years after God 06:50.255 --> 06:53.595 made his first covenant with Abraham. 06:53.600 --> 06:56.220 Abraham just--God justified Abraham by faith, 06:56.218 --> 06:59.668 although he was circumcised later, but the circumcision was 06:59.672 --> 07:03.282 not what justified him; it was his faith that justified 07:03.276 --> 07:04.496 him, even Abraham. 07:04.500 --> 07:07.150 He takes all the way back to the father of the Jews and says, 07:07.149 --> 07:08.689 God made a commitment with Abraham, 07:08.689 --> 07:12.529 the law came 430 years later, so the law is a late comer in 07:12.531 --> 07:16.111 the whole system of how God was dealing with people. 07:16.110 --> 07:18.690 Then look at what he says in 3:19 right after that, 07:18.689 --> 07:20.289 "Why then the law?" 07:20.290 --> 07:23.510 In other words if you had the covenant with Abraham why did 07:23.505 --> 07:25.055 the law come about anyway? 07:25.060 --> 07:28.200 You didn't need the law to have the covenant according to his 07:28.202 --> 07:28.782 theology. 07:28.779 --> 07:30.269 He says, Why then the law? 07:30.269 --> 07:32.719 It was added because of transgressions until the 07:32.721 --> 07:35.751 offspring would come to whom the promise had been made, 07:35.750 --> 07:38.860 and it was ordained through angels by a mediator. 07:38.860 --> 07:40.850 Now this is really weird. 07:40.850 --> 07:44.940 "The law came about for transgressions." 07:44.940 --> 07:48.710 Now there's a way to--there's a couple ways you could understand 07:48.711 --> 07:50.611 this, and the way most modern 07:50.613 --> 07:54.273 Christians read it is the law came about to keep people from 07:54.267 --> 07:54.947 sinning. 07:54.949 --> 07:57.419 You know what you're not supposed to do by reading the 07:57.423 --> 07:59.053 law, so the law comes back to keep 07:59.048 --> 08:02.058 you from transgressing, but I don't think that's what 08:02.060 --> 08:05.980 Paul's doing because precisely in Romans 5:20 when he makes a 08:05.975 --> 08:09.435 similar statement, it's very clear there that the 08:09.440 --> 08:12.150 law came in to increase transgressions. 08:12.149 --> 08:15.109 What he's saying here is somehow the law came in after 08:15.105 --> 08:18.225 the covenant was already established and it was precisely 08:18.230 --> 08:22.510 brought in through-- much later and it was added to 08:22.512 --> 08:25.852 increase sin in the world. 08:25.850 --> 08:27.650 It's a very odd thing to say. 08:27.649 --> 08:30.049 Notice what he also says, "It was ordained by 08:30.045 --> 08:30.775 angels." 08:30.778 --> 08:33.338 I've talked about this before when we talked about the speech 08:33.336 --> 08:33.886 of Stephen. 08:33.889 --> 08:38.169 Paul's saying that God wasn't even the one who gave the law to 08:38.166 --> 08:40.406 Moses, it was given by angels. 08:40.408 --> 08:45.168 He says, "It was ordained through angels by a 08:45.168 --> 08:46.818 mediator." 08:46.820 --> 08:48.080 Well who was the mediator? 08:48.080 --> 08:49.990 Moses right? 08:49.990 --> 08:52.680 "Now a mediator involves more than one party; 08:52.679 --> 08:54.589 but God is one." 08:54.590 --> 08:58.350 That's odd, but it seems to express what would have been 08:58.346 --> 09:01.486 sort of a legal theory in the ancient world. 09:01.490 --> 09:04.900 For example, if I want to sign a contract 09:04.898 --> 09:09.328 with all of you we don't have to have a mediator, 09:09.330 --> 09:12.150 you just basically choose one of you or a committee of you to 09:12.149 --> 09:14.659 represent you, and I represent myself. 09:14.658 --> 09:17.078 If I want to sign a contract just with Jude, 09:17.081 --> 09:20.181 then we don't need a mediator, we just sign the contract 09:20.177 --> 09:20.907 together. 09:20.908 --> 09:24.378 But if you have two groups of people wanting to come to some 09:24.378 --> 09:26.728 kind of agreement to have a contract, 09:26.730 --> 09:30.340 a covenant, you need a mediator who can be in the middle and not 09:30.341 --> 09:33.381 represent either of their interests but be neutral. 09:33.379 --> 09:36.149 What he's saying is that there's a mediator here, 09:36.149 --> 09:38.609 all the Jews know that Moses was the mediator, 09:38.610 --> 09:41.890 but if the contract was between God-- 09:41.889 --> 09:45.159 if the law was between God and the Israelites you didn't have 09:45.159 --> 09:47.849 to have a mediator, and he says that's precisely 09:47.847 --> 09:50.587 why they had to have mediator, it wasn't between God and the 09:50.591 --> 09:52.801 Israelites, it was between the angels and 09:52.798 --> 09:53.758 the Israelites. 09:53.759 --> 09:58.029 Notice how demoting this is, how a certain piety of the law, 09:58.029 --> 10:01.019 you believe the law came 430 years after the covenant, 10:01.019 --> 10:05.009 it was given by angels to Moses, not even directly from 10:05.011 --> 10:08.991 God, and it was given in order to 10:08.986 --> 10:13.676 make sin worse not to get rid of sin. 10:13.678 --> 10:17.548 Look what he says in 3:23, he's digging himself deeper 10:17.552 --> 10:18.212 though. 10:18.210 --> 10:21.490 He's saying more and more negative things about the Jewish 10:21.494 --> 10:21.844 law. 10:21.840 --> 10:25.840 3:23: "Before faith came we were imprisoned and guarded 10:25.836 --> 10:29.356 under the law until faith would be revealed." 10:29.360 --> 10:33.560 Now the law becomes a prison guard that keeps humanity, 10:33.558 --> 10:36.488 and he seems to talking about all of humanity not just Jews, 10:36.490 --> 10:39.160 somehow the law, the Jewish law put all of 10:39.158 --> 10:42.738 humanity in prison and kept it there all those years. 10:42.740 --> 10:45.820 Look what he says in 3:24, "Therefore the law was our 10:45.817 --> 10:49.267 disciplinarian until Christ came so that we might be justified by 10:49.274 --> 10:50.144 faith." 10:50.139 --> 10:52.529 Well the word "disciplinarian" 10:52.533 --> 10:55.483 there is the Greek word "pedagogue." 10:55.480 --> 11:00.950 Does anybody have pedagogue in your Greek translation there at 11:00.951 --> 11:01.581 3:24? 11:01.580 --> 11:04.930 Does anybody have a different translation at 3:24 then 11:04.926 --> 11:05.996 disciplinarian? 11:06.000 --> 11:08.190 Yes sir in the back. 11:08.190 --> 11:10.650 Student: > 11:10.649 --> 11:13.299 Prof: What is 3:24, "Therefore the law was 11:13.298 --> 11:15.468 our-- Student: The law was 11:15.472 --> 11:17.122 > 11:17.120 --> 11:19.280 Prof: Okay, it was put in charge, 11:19.277 --> 11:20.657 so it's someone charge. 11:20.658 --> 11:23.608 It refers to the slave, because these were almost 11:23.609 --> 11:26.129 always slaves, who took care of young boys 11:26.129 --> 11:28.279 when they were going to school. 11:28.278 --> 11:31.278 A child would, up to a certain age, 11:31.278 --> 11:33.978 would under the care--obviously they were talking about upper 11:33.976 --> 11:35.816 class people who had slaves and could-- 11:35.820 --> 11:38.120 and would put their children into the care of nurses and 11:38.123 --> 11:38.503 slaves. 11:38.500 --> 11:41.000 The child at a very young age would be under the care of a 11:41.004 --> 11:42.654 nurse, but at a certain age, 11:42.654 --> 11:45.674 maybe five or six, the child, the boy especially, 11:45.674 --> 11:49.514 would be put in the charge of a slave who basically was assigned 11:49.508 --> 11:51.028 to watch over the kid. 11:51.029 --> 11:53.609 The "pedagogue," contrary to the way this has 11:53.606 --> 11:56.976 come into English as pedagogue, didn't refer primarily to the 11:56.980 --> 11:58.310 teacher of the child. 11:58.309 --> 11:59.639 That was a different term. 11:59.639 --> 12:03.369 The pedagogue was a slave who just basically took care of the 12:03.374 --> 12:05.924 boy, made sure the boy--carried the 12:05.921 --> 12:08.471 kid's books to school, had the tablets, 12:08.474 --> 12:11.774 the wax tablets they wrote on and the blocks they wrote on, 12:11.769 --> 12:14.769 kept the kid's stuff in a little satchel, 12:14.769 --> 12:17.569 and watched the kid, took the kid to school to make 12:17.571 --> 12:20.511 sure the kid got there safely, make sure no older boys were 12:20.514 --> 12:22.824 bullies or make sure the kid didn't get into any trouble, 12:22.820 --> 12:25.320 and then stayed in school and sat--maybe sat in the classroom 12:25.320 --> 12:27.570 or sat outside the classroom until school was over, 12:27.570 --> 12:29.490 then took the kid back home, made sure the kid did his 12:29.490 --> 12:29.890 homework. 12:29.889 --> 12:32.139 And according to a lot of Greek literature, 12:32.139 --> 12:34.559 pedagogues are--not only are they slaves, 12:34.558 --> 12:36.538 they're ugly, we have lots and lots of 12:36.543 --> 12:39.443 artistic representations of pedagogues in ancient terra 12:39.437 --> 12:42.687 cotta and that sort of thing, and they're usually depicted as 12:42.687 --> 12:44.177 this ugly, stumped slaves, 12:44.184 --> 12:47.154 and they're often depicted as mean and cruel, 12:47.149 --> 12:48.939 and they beat the kids all the time. 12:48.940 --> 12:52.090 By calling the law a pedagogue here, 12:52.090 --> 12:54.950 I don't think Paul's saying that the law was our teacher, 12:54.950 --> 12:58.040 I think what he's saying is the law is that slave, 12:58.038 --> 13:01.698 a serviling who kept us basically enslaved; 13:01.700 --> 13:03.000 remember he just said we're prisoners. 13:03.000 --> 13:09.580 Look what he says in 4:3, "So with us when we were 13:09.578 --> 13:16.158 minors we were enslaved to the elemental spirits of the 13:16.158 --> 13:18.228 cosmos." 13:18.230 --> 13:20.070 The term "elemental spirits" 13:20.071 --> 13:22.611 goes back to something I talked about previously; 13:22.610 --> 13:25.120 I think it was in my lecture when I talked about Stephen's 13:25.120 --> 13:25.870 speech in Acts. 13:25.870 --> 13:29.940 This is that Greek word stoichea, 13:29.942 --> 13:35.382 stoichea is a very, very big major Greek word, 13:35.375 --> 13:39.235 it can used in all kinds of ways. 13:39.240 --> 13:41.810 For one thing it just referred to ranks of soldiers. 13:41.808 --> 13:45.818 If soldiers were lined up in different ranks those ranks were 13:45.817 --> 13:47.417 stoichea, rows. 13:47.418 --> 13:49.008 It could refer to all kinds of other rows, 13:49.009 --> 13:51.989 it could refer to letters of an alphabet that could be talked 13:51.993 --> 13:54.533 about as stoichea because what do you do, 13:54.529 --> 13:56.469 you put them--you put all the letters of the alphabet in a row 13:56.470 --> 13:57.590 and you-- and there are different 13:57.592 --> 13:57.932 elements. 13:57.928 --> 14:01.268 Stoichea also could refer to what we would call 14:01.269 --> 14:03.979 chemical elements, the table of elements; 14:03.980 --> 14:06.910 those would be called stoichea in Greek. 14:06.908 --> 14:09.128 For example, they took wind, 14:09.130 --> 14:11.050 fire, water, and air, 14:11.052 --> 14:14.252 and sometimes there were other four-- 14:14.250 --> 14:16.790 earth sometimes, you've heard this theory right, 14:16.788 --> 14:19.468 that the Greeks believed and the ancient people believed 14:19.474 --> 14:22.114 there were four fundamental elements of all matter, 14:22.110 --> 14:25.010 and those--or sometimes they said six, 14:25.009 --> 14:26.559 sometimes eight, sometimes others, 14:26.559 --> 14:29.379 but quite often they'd settle on four classical elements-- 14:29.379 --> 14:31.639 and they believed that everything was made up of some 14:31.636 --> 14:33.616 combination of earth, fire, water, 14:33.619 --> 14:37.299 and air, and everything is some matter though. 14:37.298 --> 14:39.548 The thicker stuff has more earth in it and less air, 14:39.548 --> 14:41.868 the lighter stuff has more air in it and less earth, 14:41.870 --> 14:44.270 but all matter is made up of these four elements. 14:44.269 --> 14:48.749 These elements constitute the whole cosmos but what's really 14:48.751 --> 14:51.611 interesting is, at least a lot of people in the 14:51.614 --> 14:53.354 ancient world believed that these-- 14:53.350 --> 14:57.730 this term also referred to the sort of angelic or demonic, 14:57.730 --> 15:01.760 or godlike beings who constitute the universe also. 15:01.759 --> 15:04.159 In other words, they didn't believe necessarily 15:04.155 --> 15:06.235 that air was simply an inert material. 15:06.240 --> 15:10.230 It also was a god or some kind of demonic being. 15:10.230 --> 15:14.040 Or some people would say that each of these different layers 15:14.042 --> 15:17.092 of the universe, say the layer that is earth or 15:17.086 --> 15:20.036 the layer that is water, or the layer that is air, 15:20.042 --> 15:22.312 or the top layer that is fire or ether, 15:22.308 --> 15:25.638 that those are all divine beings themselves, 15:25.639 --> 15:28.619 or they could talk about them as being not divine beings 15:28.624 --> 15:31.124 themselves but being ruled by divine beings. 15:31.120 --> 15:34.030 Even Jews, for example, would think that there were 15:34.032 --> 15:37.352 certain angels who were in charge of different rows of the 15:37.351 --> 15:38.111 universe. 15:38.110 --> 15:40.150 For example, if you--this is what we talked 15:40.150 --> 15:43.030 about in Gnosticism, if you wanted to go to God, 15:43.025 --> 15:46.015 according to some magical texts for example, 15:46.019 --> 15:49.139 you had to figure out the tricks to go through the 15:49.138 --> 15:52.698 different ranks of demons or angels that lived in the sky 15:52.702 --> 15:54.232 between you and God. 15:54.230 --> 15:57.150 One way to do that is to learn the secret passwords, 15:57.149 --> 15:59.979 so magical texts often will give you what look like 15:59.982 --> 16:01.832 passwords, because we've had this 16:01.828 --> 16:04.398 password, and when your soul is flying up to God, 16:04.399 --> 16:06.959 you can give the password to whatever demon or angel is 16:06.955 --> 16:09.175 guarding different gates between you and God. 16:09.178 --> 16:12.678 These stoichea refers to elements of the universe in a 16:12.678 --> 16:16.058 physical sense but it also refers to these spiritual beings 16:16.062 --> 16:18.922 that rule the cosmos, or even make up the stuff of 16:18.923 --> 16:20.893 the cosmos and a lot of ancient thought. 16:20.889 --> 16:22.999 Now notice what Paul is saying here, 16:23.000 --> 16:26.660 "When we were under the law we were enslaved to the 16:26.657 --> 16:29.447 elemental spirits of the universe." 16:29.450 --> 16:31.650 Being under the law is being enslaved to these, 16:31.653 --> 16:34.053 and he says you want to go back to that slavery? 16:34.048 --> 16:36.078 Wait a minute, what are the Galatians doing? 16:36.080 --> 16:37.770 They're not saying, we want to go back and serve 16:37.772 --> 16:38.062 idols. 16:38.058 --> 16:41.378 What Paul is saying is, when you served idols you were 16:41.381 --> 16:44.831 actually serving the stoichea of the universe. 16:44.830 --> 16:47.330 They weren't real gods they were fake gods. 16:47.330 --> 16:50.010 These are some kind of angelic beings or demonic beings. 16:50.009 --> 16:52.389 Paul, I think, believed they were real beings 16:52.393 --> 16:55.433 behind idols but they were demons or something like that, 16:55.427 --> 16:57.537 and the stoichea were those. 16:57.538 --> 16:59.858 The Galatians are not wanting to go back to idol worship 16:59.859 --> 17:01.629 apparently, what are they wanting to do? 17:01.629 --> 17:03.229 They're just thinking, well we're going to keep the 17:03.225 --> 17:03.635 Jewish law. 17:03.639 --> 17:08.649 But Paul, not they, equates keeping the Jewish law, 17:08.648 --> 17:13.758 if you're a Gentile, with going back to idolatry. 17:13.759 --> 17:17.259 That is radical, for any Jew in the first 17:17.255 --> 17:21.445 century to equate law observance, keeping kosher, 17:21.450 --> 17:26.170 being circumcised with actually worshipping idols. 17:26.170 --> 17:31.130 That's radical, and yet that's what Paul's 17:31.132 --> 17:34.282 doing here in Galatians. 17:34.279 --> 17:36.819 I say that because in 4:8 he says, 17:36.818 --> 17:39.278 "Formerly, when you did not know God you 17:39.278 --> 17:42.628 were enslaved to beings that are by nature not gods." 17:42.630 --> 17:45.080 That is you're enslaved to demons or some kind of other 17:45.075 --> 17:45.885 being like that. 17:45.890 --> 17:47.780 "Now however that you've come to know God, 17:47.779 --> 17:51.679 or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to 17:51.684 --> 17:54.734 the weak and beggarly stoichea?" 17:54.730 --> 17:59.750 He's equating their attempt to keep kosher or be circumcised 17:59.750 --> 18:02.730 with their returning to idolatry. 18:02.730 --> 18:05.290 Then look what he says in his little exegesis in 4:21, 18:05.291 --> 18:08.191 here he has a good ten verses that are important so I'm going 18:08.193 --> 18:09.793 to read the whole ten verses. 18:09.788 --> 18:14.908 Tell me, you who desire to be subject to the law will you not 18:14.912 --> 18:16.622 listen to the law? 18:16.618 --> 18:19.158 [He's going to give you a little exegesis here.] 18:19.156 --> 18:21.476 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, 18:21.480 --> 18:24.450 one by a slave woman and the other by a free woman. 18:24.450 --> 18:26.950 One, the child of a slave, was born according to the 18:26.948 --> 18:29.148 flesh, the other, the child of the free woman, 18:29.153 --> 18:30.773 was born through the promise. 18:30.769 --> 18:34.509 Now this is an allegory, these women are two covenants. 18:34.509 --> 18:37.199 One woman in fact is Hagar from Mt. 18:37.195 --> 18:40.115 Sinai bearing children for slavery. 18:40.118 --> 18:45.518 Wait minute, Hagar is the slave of 18:45.516 --> 18:48.616 Abraham not his wife. 18:48.618 --> 18:53.398 Sarah is the wife of Abraham not his slave. 18:53.400 --> 18:58.330 Isaac, who then had Jacob, who then had Joseph and all the 18:58.330 --> 19:02.220 brothers, from whom the people of Israel came, 19:02.223 --> 19:05.083 came through Sarah not Hagar. 19:05.078 --> 19:08.728 According to Jewish mythology who were the descendants of 19:08.727 --> 19:10.027 Hagar and Ishmael? 19:10.028 --> 19:11.308 Student: > 19:11.309 --> 19:13.259 Prof: Pardon? 19:13.259 --> 19:15.309 Who are the-- Student: 19:15.308 --> 19:16.168 > 19:16.170 --> 19:18.840 Prof: Not Muslims but Arabs. 19:18.838 --> 19:21.598 Yes--because not all Muslims--but according to Jewish 19:21.596 --> 19:24.936 mythology Arabs are the ones who descend from Hagar and Ishmael, 19:24.938 --> 19:25.838 not the Jews. 19:25.838 --> 19:29.118 Paul equates Hagar with Mt. 19:29.119 --> 19:36.289 Sinai, which is the mountain from which Moses got the law. 19:36.288 --> 19:40.878 Why does he connect Hagar who represents the non-Jews with 19:40.881 --> 19:43.541 Sinai which represents the law? 19:43.538 --> 19:48.148 You would think he would represent Sarah with Sinai. 19:48.150 --> 19:50.080 "Now Hagar is Mt. 19:50.079 --> 19:54.909 Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem 19:54.905 --> 19:55.955 ..." 19:55.960 --> 19:57.400 Jerusalem? 19:57.400 --> 20:02.030 Sarah should correspond to Jerusalem, "... 20:02.028 --> 20:06.558 for she is in slavery with her children, but the other woman 20:06.558 --> 20:09.858 corresponds to the Jerusalem above." 20:09.858 --> 20:13.348 Now he gets another Jerusalem, now there's some kind of 20:13.351 --> 20:16.391 heavenly Jerusalem that's--what's represented by 20:16.390 --> 20:17.490 Sarah." 20:17.490 --> 20:21.490 She is free and she is our mother. 20:21.490 --> 20:23.080 For it is written, "Rejoice, 20:23.078 --> 20:24.568 you childless one who bear no children, 20:24.568 --> 20:27.208 burst into song and shout, you who endure no birth pains, 20:27.210 --> 20:29.190 for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous 20:29.193 --> 20:31.073 then the children of the one who is married." 20:31.068 --> 20:34.308 Now you my friends are children of promise like Isaac. 20:34.308 --> 20:37.188 Now he's talking to Gentiles here, he's not talking to Jews. 20:37.190 --> 20:39.810 He's saying, you Gentiles are children of 20:39.807 --> 20:42.227 promise, you're connected to Isaac. 20:42.230 --> 20:44.900 "But just as that time the child who was born according to 20:44.904 --> 20:47.454 the flesh persecuted the child who was born according to the 20:47.452 --> 20:49.502 spirit, so it is now also." 20:49.500 --> 20:54.160 Wait a minute, it seems like he's accusing the 20:54.159 --> 20:59.439 Jews of persecuting non-Jews, followers of Jesus. 20:59.440 --> 21:02.000 What does the scripture say? 21:02.000 --> 21:04.400 "Drive out the slave and her child for the child of the 21:04.397 --> 21:06.547 slave will not share the inheritance with the child of 21:06.553 --> 21:07.573 the free woman." 21:07.568 --> 21:10.078 So friends we are children not of the slave but of the free 21:10.083 --> 21:10.433 woman. 21:10.430 --> 21:13.620 Drive out the slave woman. 21:13.618 --> 21:18.378 If he's equated the slave woman Hagar with Mt. 21:18.380 --> 21:24.110 Sinai, with Jerusalem in Judea, it seems like he's equating 21:24.114 --> 21:28.664 Hagar with the Jews, at least the law observant 21:28.662 --> 21:32.422 Jews, and he says, drive them out? 21:32.420 --> 21:35.620 That is very radical. 21:35.618 --> 21:40.898 And then finally he ends up later in Chapter 5:4 and then 21:40.901 --> 21:44.641 I'll move on, "You who want to be 21:44.635 --> 21:50.105 justified by the law have cut yourselves off from Christ, 21:50.108 --> 21:54.328 you have fallen away from grace." 21:54.328 --> 21:58.528 Notice he's not saying that you're going to fall away from 21:58.529 --> 21:59.929 grace if you sin. 21:59.930 --> 22:02.250 That doesn't seem to be the problem. 22:02.250 --> 22:05.650 He's saying, if you Gentile followers of 22:05.645 --> 22:10.785 Jesus even attempt to keep the Jewish law, you'll be cut off 22:10.785 --> 22:13.045 from the grace of God. 22:13.049 --> 22:16.279 That's radical. 22:16.278 --> 22:21.448 It's no wonder that all this stuff got Paul into trouble. 22:21.450 --> 22:23.980 Now we don't know what happened with Paul's letters to the 22:23.977 --> 22:24.507 Galatians. 22:24.509 --> 22:28.539 We don't know whether he convinced them that he was right 22:28.539 --> 22:31.419 and the other people who were coming-- 22:31.420 --> 22:33.730 telling them--teaching them to obey the law were wrong. 22:33.730 --> 22:36.030 We don't have second Galatians unfortunately, 22:36.028 --> 22:37.228 or any other letters. 22:37.230 --> 22:41.270 It has been pointed by some scholars that Paul never talks 22:41.266 --> 22:45.016 about the collection that he later takes up which-- 22:45.019 --> 22:46.899 among his different churches which I'll talk about in a 22:46.904 --> 22:47.224 minute. 22:47.220 --> 22:49.310 He never talks about that in Galatians, 22:49.308 --> 22:52.648 nor does he ever mention the area of Galatians again to any 22:52.646 --> 22:54.946 of his other churches in other areas, 22:54.950 --> 22:57.210 and that's led some people to suggest, 22:57.210 --> 23:00.930 well maybe Paul lost the battle in the churches of Galatia, 23:00.930 --> 23:03.230 and, therefore, he just didn't deal with them 23:03.230 --> 23:04.330 anymore after that. 23:04.328 --> 23:08.018 We have references in his his letters to churches in Achaea, 23:08.020 --> 23:08.960 like Corinth. 23:08.960 --> 23:12.260 We have reference to his churches in Macedonia, 23:12.259 --> 23:14.079 we have reference to churches in Ephesus, 23:14.078 --> 23:16.168 we have reference to different churches where we know Paul 23:16.173 --> 23:18.003 founded churches, but we don't ever have any 23:17.999 --> 23:19.339 reference elsewhere to Galatia. 23:19.338 --> 23:21.488 Some people have said, maybe he lost the battle, 23:21.487 --> 23:23.997 maybe he lost the argument, and that's why we don't hear 23:24.000 --> 23:24.960 anymore about it. 23:24.960 --> 23:26.440 But we don't know that for sure. 23:26.440 --> 23:29.120 The letter though, if Paul went around teaching 23:29.117 --> 23:31.487 this kind of stuff, it clearly, though, 23:31.486 --> 23:34.686 got him in trouble with other people who just thought, 23:34.690 --> 23:37.710 not only was this wrong but it sounded antinomian, 23:37.710 --> 23:42.360 it sounded anti-law in general, and that leads us to Romans. 23:42.359 --> 23:44.119 Now turn over to Romans. 23:44.118 --> 23:48.268 Romans is written in a very different situation, 23:48.266 --> 23:53.116 but let's first just see, what does Romans tell us about 23:53.118 --> 23:57.088 Paul's reputation with regard to the law? 23:57.089 --> 24:00.219 Look in Romans 3:8. 24:00.220 --> 24:07.100 24:07.098 --> 24:10.328 Now in chapter 3 he's talking about a lot of different things 24:10.327 --> 24:12.827 about justification by faith, apart from law, 24:12.830 --> 24:16.010 but just in verse 8 I'm just going to take a clue out here, 24:16.009 --> 24:19.569 "But why not say, as some people slander us by 24:19.565 --> 24:23.335 saying that we say, let us do evil that good may 24:23.336 --> 24:23.806 come? 24:23.808 --> 24:26.688 Their condemnation is deserved." 24:26.690 --> 24:30.180 Paul denies the charge, but is it very hard to imagine 24:30.183 --> 24:34.013 why some people who may have heard about the kinds of stuff 24:34.009 --> 24:37.089 he says about the law, the law was brought in to 24:37.088 --> 24:39.508 increase transgression, and then transgression 24:39.509 --> 24:42.309 increased so that God could have more grace and mercy? 24:42.308 --> 24:45.758 Doesn't that sound like Paul is saying, let us do evil so that 24:45.763 --> 24:46.673 good may come? 24:46.670 --> 24:48.570 Apparently some people thought it did, 24:48.568 --> 24:51.648 so Paul brings up the charge and denies it, 24:51.650 --> 24:54.550 but it shows that Paul had already developed by this time 24:54.546 --> 24:56.456 some kind of antinomian reputation. 24:56.460 --> 25:00.900 Notice what he says in Romans 6, in the sixth chapter: 25:00.896 --> 25:05.166 "What then are we to say, should we continue in sin in 25:05.171 --> 25:07.061 order that grace may abound?" 25:07.058 --> 25:09.558 It sounds like that would be the logical outcome, 25:09.556 --> 25:09.916 Paul. 25:09.920 --> 25:14.810 You've just said several times that as sin increased in the 25:14.806 --> 25:18.426 world grace increases more, so let's sin. 25:18.430 --> 25:21.260 We're not saved by doing good anyway, we're not saved by 25:21.259 --> 25:23.629 following the law, so let's just ignore the law 25:23.627 --> 25:25.427 and sin, and grace will abound. 25:25.430 --> 25:28.460 Paul again seems to be echoing something that could be a very 25:28.455 --> 25:29.915 logical charge against him. 25:29.920 --> 25:31.030 How does he answer it? 25:31.029 --> 25:32.429 "By no means! 25:32.430 --> 25:37.060 How can we who died to sin go on living in it?" 25:37.058 --> 25:40.738 Here he goes on to answer the charge in the rest of Chapter 6 25:40.741 --> 25:43.411 by saying, by coming--by being baptized in 25:43.413 --> 25:47.163 the Christ you have so vacated the whole realm of sin that it's 25:47.160 --> 25:49.940 inconceivable that you could go back to it. 25:49.940 --> 25:52.260 As long as you're in Christ you can have nothing to do with the 25:52.255 --> 25:53.035 whole world of sin. 25:53.038 --> 25:56.048 He gets rid of that charge, but we can see that some people 25:56.048 --> 25:59.058 saw that there was a logical connection between some of the 25:59.058 --> 26:01.548 things he had said in places like Galatians. 26:01.549 --> 26:03.209 He has to deny it. 26:03.210 --> 26:05.520 He does the same thing in 6:15, "What then? 26:05.519 --> 26:07.819 Should we sin because we are not under law but under 26:07.817 --> 26:08.447 grace?" 26:08.450 --> 26:10.740 He says no, no, no, no by no means; 26:10.740 --> 26:12.180 that's not what I mean. 26:12.180 --> 26:17.060 You can see how he got the accusation. 26:17.058 --> 26:20.988 Then in 3:20, some of the other places he 26:20.992 --> 26:24.142 talks about the law in Romans. 26:24.140 --> 26:27.510 "For no human being will be justified in his sight by 26:27.508 --> 26:31.268 deeds prescribed by the law, for through the law comes 26:31.268 --> 26:33.118 knowledge of sin." 26:33.118 --> 26:37.378 You can hear Paul's gears working, he's trying to nuance 26:37.375 --> 26:42.165 some of the things he's saying about the law so that it doesn't 26:42.173 --> 26:46.743 sound quite as radical as he had sounded in Galatians, 26:46.740 --> 26:49.180 and that he may likely have sounded elsewhere. 26:49.180 --> 26:52.070 Right here he admits, therefore, well the law is good 26:52.073 --> 26:54.633 for some things, through the law came knowledge 26:54.632 --> 26:56.582 of sin, so that's a good thing. 26:56.578 --> 27:00.308 Look what he says in 3:21, right below that: 27:00.308 --> 27:05.158 "But now apart from law the righteousness of God has 27:05.164 --> 27:08.564 been disclosed, and it is attested by the law 27:08.563 --> 27:09.943 and the prophets." 27:09.940 --> 27:13.340 So both the Torah, the law, and the prophets at 27:13.335 --> 27:17.095 least bears witness to the righteousness of God, 27:17.098 --> 27:20.318 because, as you'll notice, throughout both Galatians and 27:20.323 --> 27:22.483 Romans, Paul quotes Jewish scripture 27:22.484 --> 27:25.134 more than he does in any of his other letters. 27:25.130 --> 27:29.580 It's precisely when Paul is dealing with the problem of what 27:29.580 --> 27:34.030 is the relationship between non-Jews to Jewish law that Paul 27:34.032 --> 27:37.582 actually quotes Jewish scripture the most, 27:37.578 --> 27:39.378 and that's in Galatians and Romans. 27:39.380 --> 27:43.170 Here he's saying we can look at the law and the prophets to 27:43.171 --> 27:46.701 learn about this doctrine of righteousness that I'm now 27:46.700 --> 27:50.100 saying to you because the law will attest to it. 27:50.098 --> 27:53.028 It's a much more positive view of the law. 27:53.029 --> 27:56.359 And then he also says, we uphold the law by doing 27:56.355 --> 27:56.835 this. 27:56.839 --> 28:08.349 Look at 3:27: Then what becomes of boasting? 28:08.349 --> 28:09.039 It is excluded. 28:09.039 --> 28:09.619 By what law? 28:09.619 --> 28:10.279 By that of works? 28:10.279 --> 28:11.159 No, but by the law of faith. 28:11.160 --> 28:13.340 For we hold that a person is justified by faith apart from 28:13.336 --> 28:14.556 what is prescribed by the law. 28:14.558 --> 28:17.248 Or is God the God of the Jews only? 28:17.250 --> 28:19.180 Is he not God of the Gentiles also? 28:19.180 --> 28:21.610 Yes, of Gentiles also, since God is one. 28:21.608 --> 28:23.578 Look at the last verse of that chapter: "Do we then 28:23.577 --> 28:25.007 overthrow the law by this faith?" 28:25.009 --> 28:27.359 You would have thought from things that he said in Galatians 28:27.364 --> 28:29.404 that the answer to that would be "yes." 28:29.400 --> 28:33.130 "By no means, on the contrary, 28:33.127 --> 28:35.977 we uphold the law." 28:35.980 --> 28:39.760 And then look one more place here 7:12, 28:39.759 --> 28:49.579 Romans 7:12 --back up one verse to verse 11, 28:49.578 --> 28:52.788 "For sin seizing an opportunity in the commandment 28:52.791 --> 28:55.471 deceived me and through it killed me." 28:55.470 --> 28:57.870 Notice what happens here. 28:57.868 --> 29:01.848 Sin is talked about as this agent of the cosmos; 29:01.848 --> 29:04.098 sin is almost like one of the stoichea, 29:04.098 --> 29:05.648 kind of an intelligent being. 29:05.650 --> 29:08.570 This is actually a debate among scholars of Paul. 29:08.568 --> 29:13.448 Some people really believe that sin is a hypostatized 29:13.453 --> 29:17.873 intelligent being of some sort in the cosmos. 29:17.868 --> 29:19.718 Other people say no, no, Paul's talking 29:19.718 --> 29:22.488 metaphorically when he talks about sin in these words, 29:22.490 --> 29:26.980 and we need to see sin not at this actual hypostatized being 29:26.978 --> 29:30.598 but simply a metaphor, a metaphorical being. 29:30.598 --> 29:34.138 So scholars themselves debate about what Paul means when he 29:34.144 --> 29:36.104 talks about sin as this agent. 29:36.098 --> 29:44.208 At least he talks about sin as the agent who uses the 29:44.209 --> 29:52.629 commandment, uses the law--where was I just reading? 29:52.630 --> 29:53.510 Student: 7:11. 29:53.509 --> 29:55.839 Prof: 7:11 yes, "Sin seizing an 29:55.836 --> 29:57.696 opportunity of the commandment," 29:57.703 --> 30:00.713 so sin uses the commandment to deceive the human beings and 30:00.711 --> 30:01.491 kill them. 30:01.490 --> 30:04.120 Paul is not talking about himself personally here; 30:04.118 --> 30:06.018 he's talking about himself as a representative of all human 30:06.015 --> 30:06.305 beings. 30:06.308 --> 30:08.768 Then he says, "So the law is holy and 30:08.769 --> 30:11.889 the commandment is holy, and just, and good." 30:11.890 --> 30:16.820 Doesn't it strike you that that little addition of verse 12 30:16.818 --> 30:21.238 doesn't seem to follow so logically from verse 11? 30:21.240 --> 30:27.810 How can the law be holy, and just, and good if it's 30:27.811 --> 30:30.311 deceiving people? 30:30.308 --> 30:33.718 What's clearly going on is Paul is backing off the more radical 30:33.720 --> 30:37.020 things he's said about the law and trying to nuance this, 30:37.019 --> 30:38.269 and that's the question I'll ask. 30:38.269 --> 30:41.849 Let's read the rest of that, For we know that the law is 30:41.846 --> 30:47.186 spiritual but I am of the flesh, sold into slavery under sin. 30:47.190 --> 30:50.880 I do not understand my own actions, for I do not do what I 30:50.876 --> 30:52.696 want; I do the very thing I hate. 30:52.700 --> 30:55.650 Now if I do what I do not want I agree that the law is good, 30:55.650 --> 30:58.500 but in fact it is no longer I that do it, but the sin that 30:58.500 --> 30:59.350 dwells in me. 30:59.348 --> 31:01.588 For I know that nothing good dwells within me, 31:01.586 --> 31:02.676 that is in my flesh. 31:02.680 --> 31:05.060 I can will what is right, but I cannot do it. 31:05.058 --> 31:08.578 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want 31:08.578 --> 31:09.488 is what I do. 31:09.490 --> 31:12.770 Now if I do what I do not want it is no longer I that do it but 31:12.770 --> 31:14.200 sin that lives within me. 31:14.200 --> 31:17.920 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do what is good, 31:17.924 --> 31:19.544 evil lies close at hand. 31:19.538 --> 31:23.278 For I delight in the law of God in my inmost self but I see in 31:23.276 --> 31:26.826 my members another law at work with the law of my mind, 31:26.828 --> 31:30.148 making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. 31:30.150 --> 31:33.000 Well all of that is very confusing, and if you want to 31:32.997 --> 31:35.897 get a PhD you can do the exegesis of it for the rest of 31:35.896 --> 31:36.646 your life. 31:36.650 --> 31:41.210 The main thing I'm pointing out here is that Paul is being very 31:41.205 --> 31:44.505 careful to nuance a straightforwardly negative 31:44.512 --> 31:47.602 depiction of Jewish law and say that, 31:47.599 --> 31:49.419 well it's still good in a sense. 31:49.420 --> 31:51.970 It still is true, it's still holy, 31:51.969 --> 31:56.529 and he's doing this because I think he knows that he's got a 31:56.527 --> 32:00.697 reputation as being anti-law and being antinomian. 32:00.700 --> 32:05.110 So why these differences between Romans and Galatians? 32:05.108 --> 32:07.048 Well we need to understand a little bit more about the Roman 32:07.046 --> 32:07.436 situation. 32:07.440 --> 32:11.190 First, Paul did not found the church in Rome; 32:11.190 --> 32:14.420 it grew up on its own by other people. 32:14.420 --> 32:16.400 According to church tradition, according to Roman Catholic 32:16.397 --> 32:18.097 tradition, Peter, the Apostle Peter 32:18.095 --> 32:21.255 founded the church in Rome, but that's tradition and we 32:21.260 --> 32:24.400 don't have any historical data to really prove it. 32:24.400 --> 32:28.360 And I personally believe that probably the church in Rome was 32:28.359 --> 32:32.389 started by anonymous Jews who happened to hear about Jesus and 32:32.386 --> 32:36.146 went to Rome and then started little house groups of Jesus 32:36.148 --> 32:39.618 followers on their own, and then Apostles came later, 32:39.617 --> 32:42.027 just like Paul seems to have gone there later. 32:42.029 --> 32:45.429 The Roman church, at the time Paul is writing 32:45.425 --> 32:50.285 this letter, is by this time no longer a purely Jewish group. 32:50.288 --> 32:53.258 They now seem to be predominantly Gentile, 32:53.262 --> 32:56.602 with some Jews in the churches in Rome also. 32:56.598 --> 32:58.558 And remember we're not talking about one church building or 32:58.558 --> 33:00.268 even one house church; we're talking about probably 33:00.268 --> 33:02.258 several different house churches that met in different people's 33:02.257 --> 33:03.657 houses, or in their apartments, 33:03.664 --> 33:05.504 in tenements and these sorts of things. 33:05.500 --> 33:08.430 Maybe some of them had more Judaism than others. 33:08.430 --> 33:12.820 But the overall church in Rome is by now apparently Gentile and 33:12.815 --> 33:16.275 when Paul writes Romans he directs his rhetoric to 33:16.279 --> 33:17.199 Gentiles. 33:17.200 --> 33:20.950 He does say hello to some Jews in the last chapter. 33:20.950 --> 33:23.580 He greets the Jews who are there that he knows. 33:23.578 --> 33:25.598 But if you look through the rhetoric of Romans, 33:25.598 --> 33:28.898 more and more of us scholars are convinced that the main 33:28.900 --> 33:32.740 recipients of Paul's rhetoric is supposed to be Gentile believers 33:32.740 --> 33:33.520 in Jesus. 33:33.519 --> 33:37.229 Why does Paul write this letter? 33:37.230 --> 33:39.420 Several different reasons, not just one. 33:39.420 --> 33:42.120 For one thing he can't write like he's written most of his 33:42.118 --> 33:44.438 other letters as talking to a group he founded. 33:44.440 --> 33:47.690 He can't talk about himself as their father in the faith in 33:47.688 --> 33:50.008 that way, he can't set himself up as 33:50.009 --> 33:53.179 their Apostle in a straightforward way because he's 33:53.182 --> 33:55.342 never been there at this point. 33:55.338 --> 33:57.088 He didn't found the churches there, 33:57.088 --> 33:59.198 so he's writing a letter, this is one of the very, 33:59.200 --> 34:02.160 very few things we have of him--well the only letter 34:02.160 --> 34:05.590 perhaps where he writes a letter to a church that he himself 34:05.585 --> 34:08.055 didn't found, so that's important. 34:08.059 --> 34:09.869 What do we find out? 34:09.869 --> 34:10.879 Why is he writing it? 34:10.880 --> 34:13.260 Look at 15--Romans 15:22: 34:13.260 --> 34:20.960 34:20.960 --> 34:23.740 This is the reason I have so often been hindered from coming 34:23.744 --> 34:24.174 to you. 34:24.170 --> 34:27.670 [so he's wanted to go to Rome] But now with no further place 34:27.668 --> 34:30.808 for me in these regions, I desire, as I have for many 34:30.809 --> 34:33.179 years, to come to you when I go to 34:33.179 --> 34:33.679 Spain. 34:33.679 --> 34:37.029 For I do hope to see you on my journey and to be sent on by you 34:37.030 --> 34:39.950 once I have enjoyed your company for a little while. 34:39.949 --> 34:43.549 Paul sees himself as the Apostle to the Gentiles, 34:43.547 --> 34:46.467 as Peter was the Apostle to the Jews. 34:46.469 --> 34:50.149 So why not?--I mean he didn't found the church there but if he 34:50.150 --> 34:53.770 believes that he's already done all this missionizing in Asia 34:53.771 --> 34:55.041 Minor and Greece. 34:55.039 --> 34:57.339 It's kind of ironic for Paul to say this because what had he 34:57.336 --> 34:57.956 actually done? 34:57.960 --> 35:00.090 Christianity wasn't this big movement with thousands of 35:00.090 --> 35:00.880 people everywhere. 35:00.880 --> 35:03.400 It wasn't even like there was a Christian church in each city or 35:03.403 --> 35:05.893 town, but Paul seems to act like he's done everything he can in 35:05.889 --> 35:06.409 the East. 35:06.409 --> 35:10.539 Yep, everything in Greece and Asia Minor, my churches are all 35:10.536 --> 35:14.796 doing great, I got to get out of here, my work here is done. 35:14.800 --> 35:16.940 And so he's taking off to the west. 35:16.940 --> 35:18.690 It's kind of exaggerating, I think, 35:18.690 --> 35:21.310 just exactly what he's accomplished, 35:21.309 --> 35:25.039 but in his mind by planting a few house churches in major 35:25.043 --> 35:27.643 cities, he's sort of done the first job 35:27.641 --> 35:31.321 of evangelization that he saw himself called by God and sent 35:31.318 --> 35:32.128 out to do. 35:32.130 --> 35:35.640 Now he's looking to the west, and he wants to go to Spain, 35:35.635 --> 35:37.845 and so he's going to stop in Rome. 35:37.849 --> 35:39.419 Notice how he says, "I want you to send me 35:39.422 --> 35:39.802 on." 35:39.800 --> 35:43.300 That Greek actually means that he's asking them-- 35:43.300 --> 35:45.100 he's asking them for a financial contribution, 35:45.099 --> 35:48.759 sending him along is not just, hey Paul don't let the door hit 35:48.760 --> 35:50.380 your butt on the way out! 35:50.380 --> 35:52.990 It's sending him along with money. 35:52.989 --> 35:56.799 What he's doing is saying, I want a little contribution 35:56.795 --> 36:01.165 from you so I want some support from you, both symbolic support 36:01.166 --> 36:02.996 and financial support. 36:03.000 --> 36:05.860 That's what he's--he's writing to them to talk about his 36:05.856 --> 36:07.256 further mission to Spain. 36:07.260 --> 36:10.180 He's writing to them also because Rome is the center of 36:10.177 --> 36:12.767 the earth for the Romans and for many people, 36:12.768 --> 36:16.718 and so he's the Apostle to the Gentiles of the whole earth. 36:16.719 --> 36:19.109 So what more likely place for him to go than to Rome, 36:19.112 --> 36:21.002 at least sometime, on his way to Spain. 36:21.000 --> 36:24.390 That's one thing he's doing. 36:24.389 --> 36:33.199 We'll keep reading there at 15:25. 36:33.199 --> 36:35.519 "At present, however, I am going to 36:35.516 --> 36:38.246 Jerusalem in a ministry to the saints." 36:38.250 --> 36:42.820 A liturgy, he's taking some help to what he calls "the 36:42.815 --> 36:45.015 saints" in Jerusalem. 36:45.018 --> 36:47.258 "The saints" just means "the holy 36:47.257 --> 36:50.017 ones," he's probably talking about believing Jews, 36:50.018 --> 36:52.568 Jews in Judean Jerusalem who believe that Jesus is the 36:52.568 --> 36:53.048 Messiah. 36:53.050 --> 36:56.280 So he's taking them some kind of help too. 36:56.280 --> 36:59.620 For Macedonia and Achaea [remember his churches in 36:59.621 --> 37:02.691 Philippi and Thessalonica or in Macedonia, 37:02.690 --> 37:04.990 his church in Corinth is in Achaea] 37:04.989 --> 37:08.709 have been pleased to share their resources with the poor 37:08.710 --> 37:11.010 among the saints in Jerusalem. 37:11.010 --> 37:13.560 They were pleased to do this, and indeed they owe it to them. 37:13.559 --> 37:16.079 For the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual 37:16.079 --> 37:19.029 blessings, they also ought to be of service to them in material 37:19.027 --> 37:19.547 things. 37:19.550 --> 37:22.800 He's taking money that he's been collecting in his different 37:22.795 --> 37:25.875 churches that are Gentiles churches back as a gift to the 37:25.878 --> 37:28.188 poor followers of Jesus in Jerusalem, 37:28.190 --> 37:29.050 the Jews. 37:29.050 --> 37:31.290 So when I have completed this and have delivered to them 37:31.289 --> 37:33.569 what--has been collected, I will set out by way of you to 37:33.572 --> 37:33.982 Spain. 37:33.980 --> 37:36.840 And I know that when I come I will come in the fullness of the 37:36.844 --> 37:37.834 blessing of Christ. 37:37.829 --> 37:41.209 This collection was much more important to Paul than a lot of 37:41.211 --> 37:43.131 modern Christians seem to think. 37:43.130 --> 37:46.270 It's just kind of--all churches take up money. 37:46.268 --> 37:50.988 But remember Paul had agreed when he met in Jerusalem with 37:50.994 --> 37:52.484 Peter, James, and John, 37:52.481 --> 37:54.341 and other people, that he would go to the 37:54.336 --> 37:55.766 Gentiles, and they didn't have to 37:55.768 --> 37:56.668 circumcise the Gentiles. 37:56.670 --> 37:57.840 Peter would go to the Jews. 37:57.840 --> 38:01.100 The one thing they said was, remember the poor. 38:01.099 --> 38:05.499 And so this was interpreted that in the different churches 38:05.500 --> 38:08.280 that Paul founded among non-Jews, 38:08.280 --> 38:11.510 he would continue to take up financial contributions to send 38:11.512 --> 38:12.612 back to Jerusalem. 38:12.610 --> 38:14.400 This was partly, just of course, 38:14.402 --> 38:15.852 they were poorer there. 38:15.849 --> 38:20.039 But it's also apparently seen by Paul as very symbolically 38:20.038 --> 38:20.918 important. 38:20.920 --> 38:23.610 The giving of money from the Gentile churches to the 38:23.614 --> 38:26.684 Jerusalem churches would be an acknowledgement by them, 38:26.679 --> 38:30.439 by the Gentiles, of the somewhat superiority, 38:30.440 --> 38:33.040 at least in time in the Gospel. 38:33.039 --> 38:35.249 They got their Gospel from the Jews; 38:35.250 --> 38:39.580 it's an acknowledgement of the importance and the centrality of 38:39.577 --> 38:42.437 Jews in the Jesus movement by Gentiles. 38:42.440 --> 38:44.840 It's also reciprocal. 38:44.840 --> 38:47.590 Remember I talked about--we talked about the patron client 38:47.588 --> 38:50.338 structures and we've talked about gifts, and people giving 38:50.336 --> 38:51.636 things to other people. 38:51.639 --> 38:54.169 In the ancient world the whole patron client structure was very 38:54.172 --> 38:56.012 much centered around giving and receiving, 38:56.010 --> 38:59.180 so if I give you something you're indebted to me and if you 38:59.177 --> 39:02.727 don't want to be shamed you have to give something back to me, 39:02.730 --> 39:05.700 so giving and receiving is always a very important issue 39:05.699 --> 39:08.889 with status and relationships and friendships in the ancient 39:08.885 --> 39:10.925 world, whether you're talking about 39:10.925 --> 39:12.985 equals or people on different statuses. 39:12.989 --> 39:15.879 Paul is setting up the relationship between the Judean 39:15.884 --> 39:17.704 churches, predominantly Jewish, 39:17.702 --> 39:21.082 and his Gentile churches that he's founded as something like a 39:21.079 --> 39:24.119 patron client structure where the Jews gave the Gentiles 39:24.123 --> 39:26.303 something, the Gospel; 39:26.300 --> 39:30.210 now the Gentiles owe it to the Jewish followers to give them 39:30.213 --> 39:31.013 something. 39:31.010 --> 39:32.730 So he's taking this collection. 39:32.730 --> 39:35.600 Paul has talked about this collection in several of his 39:35.597 --> 39:37.717 letters, it's been very important to him, 39:37.721 --> 39:40.431 and so he's on his way to Jerusalem to do this. 39:40.429 --> 39:41.679 But now notice what happens. 39:41.679 --> 39:46.099 We know a little bit about Paul's last trip to Jerusalem as 39:46.101 --> 39:47.781 is depicted in Acts. 39:47.780 --> 39:49.740 How does Acts portray this? 39:49.739 --> 39:51.989 Paul goes to Jerusalem, he's got some Gentiles with 39:51.987 --> 39:53.827 him, he's got some other Jews with him. 39:53.829 --> 39:57.409 He goes to the temple purely to pray, to be a good Jew. 39:57.409 --> 39:58.889 Other people, non-believing Jews, 39:58.887 --> 40:00.967 see him there, and they think that he's trying 40:00.965 --> 40:02.715 to bring Gentiles into the temple. 40:02.719 --> 40:05.729 So he's arrested, he's tried, and then he has to 40:05.728 --> 40:08.608 eventually appeal to Caesar to get to Rome. 40:08.610 --> 40:12.150 What does Acts tell us about the collection? 40:12.150 --> 40:17.600 What happened to the collection in Acts? 40:17.599 --> 40:19.469 We don't know. 40:19.469 --> 40:24.409 The writer of Acts may have known about this collection. 40:24.409 --> 40:26.669 It was certainly one of the most important things to Paul in 40:26.673 --> 40:27.253 his ministry. 40:27.250 --> 40:28.750 The writer of Acts tells us nothing. 40:28.750 --> 40:30.670 Notice also, Paul seems to be a little 40:30.666 --> 40:32.786 nervous if you read between the lines, 40:32.789 --> 40:36.359 because what happens if he's collected all this money and he 40:36.360 --> 40:39.510 takes it to Jerusalem and the Jewish leaders say, 40:39.510 --> 40:43.030 Paul do you know what kind of rumors have been flying about 40:43.027 --> 40:45.147 what you're saying about the law? 40:45.150 --> 40:46.670 Do you know what we've heard? 40:46.670 --> 40:49.140 We're not going to take your money; 40:49.139 --> 40:53.139 we're not going to justify your activities. 40:53.139 --> 40:57.739 I think Paul was concerned that the Jerusalem churches wouldn't 40:57.742 --> 41:01.532 take his money, and that would be catastrophic 41:01.532 --> 41:05.052 for his vision of having a united church, 41:05.050 --> 41:07.510 that included both Jews and Gentiles. 41:07.510 --> 41:12.910 He writes to the Romans partly because he's going to Spain and 41:12.907 --> 41:18.747 he wants to prepare the ground for a trip to Rome and to Spain, 41:18.750 --> 41:22.500 but also he goes so carefully to explain what he really 41:22.496 --> 41:25.546 believes about the law and justification, 41:25.550 --> 41:29.260 because I think, he's afraid of what may happen 41:29.260 --> 41:30.470 in Jerusalem. 41:30.469 --> 41:32.779 He's, in a sense, trying to get the Roman 41:32.784 --> 41:35.914 Christians on his side before his trip to Jerusalem. 41:35.909 --> 41:41.219 That takes us to what's become a new interpretation of Romans. 41:41.219 --> 41:43.629 I'm going to do this quickly and we can talk about it maybe 41:43.630 --> 41:45.950 more after the break, but the traditional 41:45.945 --> 41:50.095 interpretation of Romans was that this was Paul's theological 41:50.099 --> 41:50.929 treatise. 41:50.929 --> 41:53.219 It didn't have much of anything to do with the circumstances. 41:53.219 --> 41:55.599 Paul just kind of decided he was going to Rome, 41:55.603 --> 41:58.563 so he sits down and he says, what's really my Gospel in 16 41:58.556 --> 41:59.226 chapters? 41:59.230 --> 42:02.880 He writes it up; he sends it to the churches in 42:02.884 --> 42:05.064 Rome to present my Gospel to them. 42:05.059 --> 42:07.639 This is sort of a theological treatise, 42:07.639 --> 42:10.179 and the main point of the treatise is: you're not 42:10.177 --> 42:13.547 justified by works of law, by any works no matter which 42:13.550 --> 42:16.970 law, you're justified by grace through faith alone. 42:16.969 --> 42:18.869 The big Protestant, the Lutheran, 42:18.865 --> 42:22.595 the Calvinist reading of Romans set Romans as the center book of 42:22.599 --> 42:24.989 the Bible, and it's thought that what it's 42:24.985 --> 42:26.865 mainly about is individual salvation, 42:26.869 --> 42:28.659 your personal salvation. 42:28.659 --> 42:31.399 You need to recognize that you won't be saved by your works, 42:31.402 --> 42:32.382 by anything you do. 42:32.380 --> 42:33.980 Not only you're not saved by Jewish law; 42:33.980 --> 42:35.550 you're not saved by Roman Catholic rules, 42:35.550 --> 42:38.160 you're not saved by any law, you're saved by putting your 42:38.159 --> 42:40.609 faith in Jesus, accepting Jesus as your Lord 42:40.612 --> 42:43.172 and personal Savior, or something like that. 42:43.170 --> 42:45.490 It's individual salvation, and it's a doctrine of 42:45.494 --> 42:48.264 individual salvation by faith that's the reason Paul wrote 42:48.257 --> 42:48.787 Romans. 42:48.789 --> 42:51.259 And that's what its central message is: very 42:51.260 --> 42:53.040 individualistic, very doctrinal, 42:53.043 --> 42:54.253 very theological. 42:54.250 --> 42:57.630 That reading of Romans has been severely challenged in the last 42:57.628 --> 42:58.718 forty years or so. 42:58.719 --> 43:01.769 Now people are starting to say it's not the first few chapters 43:01.773 --> 43:04.933 of Romans that constitute the most important part of Romans, 43:04.929 --> 43:06.419 which has always been the Protestant interpretation, 43:06.420 --> 43:09.150 because that's where Paul talks doctrinally about justification 43:09.153 --> 43:09.643 by faith. 43:09.639 --> 43:13.969 Scholars have said now, look to the end of Romans, 43:13.969 --> 43:16.979 chapter 9-11 the latter part of Romans, 43:16.980 --> 43:20.470 that's where you'll see what the real point of Romans is, 43:20.469 --> 43:22.399 and it's not about individual salvation. 43:22.400 --> 43:25.280 It's about the relationship between the nations-- 43:25.280 --> 43:27.670 when I say "Gentiles" remember that's just a term 43:27.666 --> 43:29.966 that Jews used for all the nations except themselves, 43:29.969 --> 43:31.509 so when I say "the nations" 43:31.514 --> 43:33.794 I mean all non-Jewish peoples in the ancient world. 43:33.789 --> 43:34.949 That's the way the Gentiles [correction: Jews] 43:34.954 --> 43:35.374 used the term. 43:35.369 --> 43:38.429 In fact, "Gentiles" is just sort of Latinized 43:38.431 --> 43:41.381 translation of the Greek work "nations." 43:41.380 --> 43:42.990 When you see "Gentiles" 43:42.994 --> 43:45.014 in Paul's text, read "nations," 43:45.010 --> 43:47.080 they refer to the non-Jewish nations. 43:47.079 --> 43:50.319 What's the relationship of the nations to Israel and the God of 43:50.318 --> 43:50.788 Israel? 43:50.789 --> 43:52.439 Look at a few places. 43:52.440 --> 43:56.140 In chapter 9 Paul basically gives this apocalyptic 43:56.137 --> 43:58.847 expectation, he even quotes Hosea saying, 43:58.851 --> 44:02.471 "The people who are not my people will be my people." 44:02.469 --> 44:05.199 In other words, again Paul's quoting Jewish 44:05.195 --> 44:09.285 scripture to enforce his belief that at the end of time Gentiles 44:09.286 --> 44:12.856 would become people of God and this was common in Jewish 44:12.856 --> 44:14.346 apocalyptic idea. 44:14.349 --> 44:17.299 The basic scenario was, the Messiah's going to come at 44:17.302 --> 44:17.862 the end. 44:17.860 --> 44:22.420 The Messiah will bring in--will overthrow the oppressors of the 44:22.420 --> 44:24.790 Jews, and the Messiah will bring in 44:24.793 --> 44:26.963 all the other nations, all the nations, 44:26.963 --> 44:28.183 the Egyptians, the Greeks, 44:28.179 --> 44:30.639 the Romans will all come to the temple in Jerusalem. 44:30.639 --> 44:33.169 They'll bring gifts; they'll all worship the God of 44:33.172 --> 44:33.552 Israel. 44:33.550 --> 44:36.720 You find this in Isaiah; you find it in Hosea. 44:36.719 --> 44:40.649 So Jewish scripture itself gave Jews of Paul's day the idea that 44:40.652 --> 44:43.962 the apocalyptic end would bring all the nations in. 44:43.960 --> 44:47.590 The Messiah had already come for Paul, so that's why he seems 44:47.588 --> 44:50.128 himself as going to get the Gentiles in. 44:50.130 --> 44:54.020 His whole mission is part of this end time scenario. 44:54.019 --> 44:54.999 What does that mean? 44:55.000 --> 44:58.380 Look at Romans 11:13: I'm speaking to you Gentiles, 44:58.378 --> 45:00.368 [so he turns directly to the Romans] 45:00.371 --> 45:03.501 in as much then as I am an Apostle of the Gentiles, 45:03.500 --> 45:06.460 I glorify my ministry in order to make my own people jealous 45:06.456 --> 45:07.906 and thus save some of them. 45:07.909 --> 45:10.469 For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, 45:10.469 --> 45:12.939 what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? 45:12.940 --> 45:16.660 If a part of dough offered as first fruits is holy, 45:16.655 --> 45:18.955 then the whole batch is holy. 45:18.960 --> 45:21.110 If the root is holy then the branches are also holy. 45:21.110 --> 45:23.280 Paul gives a theology here of the remnant. 45:23.280 --> 45:26.660 Some of the--a lot of the Jews have not accepted that Jesus is 45:26.663 --> 45:27.443 the Messiah. 45:27.440 --> 45:30.570 Therefore, they seem to be cut off, they're like branches of an 45:30.565 --> 45:32.075 olive tree that are cut off. 45:32.079 --> 45:33.969 And the Gentiles, who are not natural branches of 45:33.974 --> 45:35.594 the olive tree, have been grafted in their 45:35.594 --> 45:35.994 place. 45:35.989 --> 45:38.409 That means that they're part of Israel now. 45:38.409 --> 45:39.849 Notice what this means. 45:39.849 --> 45:43.449 That you may not claim to be wiser than you are brothers and 45:43.454 --> 45:46.454 sisters, I want you to understand this mystery. 45:46.449 --> 45:50.509 A hardening has come upon part of Israel [some of the Jews 45:50.512 --> 45:53.512 don't believe] until the full number of the 45:53.507 --> 45:55.287 Gentiles has come in. 45:55.289 --> 45:59.119 [That's his job is trying to bring in the full number of the 45:59.119 --> 46:01.389 Gentiles.] And so all Israel will be 46:01.389 --> 46:02.039 saved. 46:02.039 --> 46:05.159 Wow, all Israel? 46:05.159 --> 46:08.269 Notice he doesn't explain how this happens, 46:08.268 --> 46:11.618 but in Romans 9-11 Paul presents this magnificent 46:11.617 --> 46:15.727 scenario that he believes was prophesied in Jewish scripture 46:15.731 --> 46:16.501 itself. 46:16.500 --> 46:20.010 That at the end of this cosmos, the end of this world, 46:20.010 --> 46:22.750 the Messiah would come, overthrow the oppressors of the 46:22.753 --> 46:24.823 Jews, set up Jerusalem as the center 46:24.822 --> 46:25.602 of the earth. 46:25.599 --> 46:27.759 And then all the Gentiles, all the nations, 46:27.760 --> 46:30.860 would come to the God of Israel, they would be grafted 46:30.862 --> 46:33.892 into the nation of Israel, they would worship the God of 46:33.891 --> 46:34.261 Israel. 46:34.260 --> 46:38.460 Paul's addition to this myth is simply that you don't need to 46:38.460 --> 46:40.910 keep the law in order to do this. 46:40.909 --> 46:45.149 All that Paul is saying about the law is secondary to his main 46:45.150 --> 46:48.280 point, which is, you're now part of Israel. 46:48.280 --> 46:52.340 Paul is not about starting a new religion. 46:52.340 --> 46:53.890 There's no "Christianity" 46:53.885 --> 46:54.335 in Paul. 46:54.340 --> 46:56.590 There are no "Christians" 46:56.594 --> 46:57.924 in Paul's letters. 46:57.920 --> 46:58.940 You can't find the word. 46:58.940 --> 47:00.290 You can't find the concept. 47:00.289 --> 47:01.659 There's no "Christianity" 47:01.657 --> 47:03.427 or "Christians" in Paul's world. 47:03.429 --> 47:08.009 He believed that he was the Apostle to the Gentiles to bring 47:08.005 --> 47:12.265 them into Israel to make the Gentiles part of Israel. 47:12.268 --> 47:15.718 Then, as he says right here, most wildly along he somehow 47:15.719 --> 47:17.369 believes, although he doesn't tell us how 47:17.371 --> 47:19.731 it's going to happen, that somehow God and God's 47:19.730 --> 47:23.480 miraculous mercy is going to figure out a way in the end to 47:23.478 --> 47:26.128 even bring all of Israel back in also. 47:26.130 --> 47:30.200 All Israel, he says, will be saved. 47:30.199 --> 47:34.879 Paul's not necessarily the first Christian theologian. 47:34.880 --> 47:39.620 He's one of the most radical Jewish theologians in the 47:39.619 --> 47:41.049 ancient world. 47:41.050 --> 47:46.210 Okay, we'll stop now and papers will be handed out. 47:46.210 --> 47:48.520 You all come up here to hand out the papers. 47:48.519 --> 47:54.999