WEBVTT 00:01.660 --> 00:05.510 Prof: We're going to continue with the lecture on the 00:05.506 --> 00:08.566 Gospel of John that I talked about last time. 00:08.570 --> 00:12.040 I want to finish up with some of the material on John that I 00:12.038 --> 00:14.388 didn't get to as much as I'd like to, 00:14.390 --> 00:16.540 and then we're going to switch to the letters of John-- 00:16.540 --> 00:18.310 1,2, and 3 John, so we're going to do both of 00:18.307 --> 00:18.907 those things. 00:18.910 --> 00:22.040 Now, remember, the rubric under which today's 00:22.035 --> 00:26.435 lecture happens is not just the Gospel of John and not just the 00:26.439 --> 00:27.859 letters of John. 00:27.860 --> 00:31.170 As I've brought up several times, the method that I'm 00:31.169 --> 00:35.109 teaching you right now in this class is the historical critical 00:35.114 --> 00:38.934 method as it was developed in the twentieth century in Europe 00:38.932 --> 00:40.462 and North America. 00:40.460 --> 00:44.050 This means that we're not reading these texts for just 00:44.053 --> 00:47.443 what the texts say about theology or even the early 00:47.442 --> 00:50.312 church or doctrine, or ethics or something like 00:50.305 --> 00:50.575 that. 00:50.580 --> 00:53.390 We're trying to read the text in a way against the very 00:53.390 --> 00:54.640 intention of the text. 00:54.640 --> 00:58.440 We're taking the text as being something like a window that we 00:58.438 --> 01:00.928 can look through to try to construct, 01:00.929 --> 01:03.869 as best as we can guess at it, what kind of social context, 01:03.869 --> 01:06.529 what kind of political context, what kind of church, 01:06.530 --> 01:11.040 what kind of social groups produced these texts and found 01:11.037 --> 01:14.107 them to be compelling, found them to be believable. 01:14.110 --> 01:17.060 There are lots of other ways to read this. 01:17.060 --> 01:19.170 Obviously the Gospel of John is very important for Christian 01:19.167 --> 01:19.557 doctrine. 01:19.560 --> 01:22.420 It's the most Christological of the Gospels, 01:22.420 --> 01:24.310 it has the highest form of Christology, 01:24.310 --> 01:27.850 that is the Christology--it's the most divine rather than 01:27.849 --> 01:31.769 simply being human and so it's very important for doctrine, 01:31.769 --> 01:33.029 and for theology, and for faith. 01:33.030 --> 01:36.150 What I'm doing right now is just one particular way of 01:36.152 --> 01:39.142 reading, which is reading this text as a 01:39.141 --> 01:41.601 clue, as a series of clues and traces 01:41.598 --> 01:45.388 that we might use to reconstruct what we think was going on in 01:45.393 --> 01:48.693 the first century with the growth of Christianity. 01:48.690 --> 01:51.470 I'm trying to show you by this that there are different kinds 01:51.470 --> 01:53.880 of Christianity that grew up in different places, 01:53.879 --> 01:56.229 different geographical settings, and different times. 01:56.230 --> 01:59.290 So what we call Johannine Christianity is what we're going 01:59.289 --> 02:00.469 to talk about today. 02:00.468 --> 02:02.818 And we're also--one of the wonderful things about the John 02:02.817 --> 02:04.587 literature is that by having the Gospel, 02:04.590 --> 02:08.210 which is written at one time, and then having 1 John which is 02:08.205 --> 02:11.215 the letter written after that time we can tell, 02:11.218 --> 02:15.278 that shows us a development of this form of Christianity and 02:15.276 --> 02:18.926 than by having 2 and 3 John, which we believe were written 02:18.932 --> 02:22.302 still later than 1 John, that gives us a third stage. 02:22.300 --> 02:25.720 In fact, what I'm going to be talking about is three or four 02:25.718 --> 02:29.018 stages in the development of Johannine Christianity as one 02:29.022 --> 02:31.402 branch of early Christian literature. 02:31.400 --> 02:34.660 In order to do this--I talked last time about how one of the 02:34.655 --> 02:38.125 things going on in the Gospel of John is Jesus and the Gospel of 02:38.131 --> 02:41.501 John seems to start off lots of conversations and they lead to 02:41.497 --> 02:44.167 division, so the causation of division is 02:44.172 --> 02:47.702 one of the themes of the Gospel of John and to show that we're 02:47.699 --> 02:50.359 going to walk through a couple of chapters. 02:50.360 --> 02:54.440 First look at chapter 3, this is the story of Nicodemus, 02:54.440 --> 02:57.210 so get your Bibles out and follow along with me, 02:57.210 --> 02:59.300 because we're going to look at this in depth and then we're 02:59.300 --> 03:00.600 going to look at chapter 8 a bit, 03:00.598 --> 03:02.018 and then we're going to move off. 03:02.020 --> 03:04.430 I said division is the issue, so what we're going to talk 03:04.431 --> 03:05.811 about is what the division is. 03:05.810 --> 03:10.200 One of the ways that this author does this is he sets up 03:10.199 --> 03:15.149 Jesus in these dialogues that don't actually work very well. 03:15.150 --> 03:18.910 Jesus is not good on interpersonal communication in 03:18.909 --> 03:20.489 the Gospel of John. 03:20.490 --> 03:23.060 I'm sorry to have to tell you that. 03:23.060 --> 03:24.810 We'll talk about why that's the case. 03:24.810 --> 03:27.940 Jesus talks in riddles, so the question we're going to 03:27.935 --> 03:31.645 have is why does Jesus talk in riddles in the Gospel of John? 03:31.650 --> 03:34.880 What do we get out of that? 03:34.878 --> 03:39.718 Chapter 3, "There was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, 03:39.720 --> 03:42.180 a leader of the Jews, he came to Jesus by night and 03:42.184 --> 03:44.024 said to him"-- now by night, 03:44.021 --> 03:47.601 darkness is kind of a thematic issue in the Gospel of John, 03:47.604 --> 03:48.164 right? 03:48.160 --> 03:50.350 Notice I'm not going to bring up all these themes this time, 03:50.348 --> 03:53.338 but keep noticing these themes that I talked about last time as 03:53.335 --> 03:55.305 they occur even in this little passage. 03:55.310 --> 03:57.540 "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher 03:57.535 --> 04:00.565 who has come from God, and no one else can do these 04:00.568 --> 04:03.988 signs that you do apart from the presence of God." 04:03.990 --> 04:06.660 Jesus answered him, "Very truly I tell you, 04:06.658 --> 04:09.838 no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from 04:09.841 --> 04:10.751 above." 04:10.750 --> 04:16.330 How the hell does that follow from what Nicodemus just said? 04:16.329 --> 04:19.119 He's gives Jesus a compliment, "you're a teacher from 04:19.122 --> 04:21.182 God, no one else can do these signs, ... 04:21.180 --> 04:22.790 apart from the presence of God…," 04:22.788 --> 04:23.988 Jesus says, "No one can see the 04:23.992 --> 04:25.272 kingdom of"-- what is there, 04:25.266 --> 04:26.406 is there a thank you? 04:26.410 --> 04:31.010 Can Jesus say, "You're smart"? 04:31.009 --> 04:32.929 "You just got something there"? 04:32.930 --> 04:36.100 No, Jesus starts off changing the subject. 04:36.100 --> 04:39.240 Jesus changes the subject in the Gospel of John quite a lot. 04:39.240 --> 04:43.000 "No one can see the Kingdom of God without being 04:43.002 --> 04:44.742 born from above." 04:44.740 --> 04:47.590 Now you're reading it in English translation. 04:47.589 --> 04:50.059 My text just said "from above," does anybody's 04:50.057 --> 04:52.257 translation have something different there besides 04:52.257 --> 04:53.467 "from above"? 04:53.470 --> 04:53.970 Student: > 04:53.970 --> 04:57.610 Prof: "Without being born anew," 04:57.612 --> 04:59.132 "again." 04:59.129 --> 05:01.849 The problem is the Greek actually can be translated 05:01.845 --> 05:04.775 either "being born again" or "being born 05:04.778 --> 05:07.218 all over again," or "being born from 05:07.221 --> 05:08.201 above." 05:08.199 --> 05:10.149 The same Greek word means both things. 05:10.149 --> 05:12.499 Now this is the one place, basically, 05:12.500 --> 05:16.340 in the Bible which born-again kind of language comes out, 05:16.338 --> 05:18.768 so it's kind of ironic that there's whole branches of 05:18.774 --> 05:21.444 American Christianity which base their entire theology and 05:21.442 --> 05:24.282 ideology on the idea, have you been born again? 05:24.278 --> 05:26.118 Because really it's just from this passage, 05:26.117 --> 05:28.477 the other Gospels don't talk about being born again. 05:28.480 --> 05:31.800 It's a rather rare metaphor in early Christianity. 05:31.800 --> 05:33.630 It comes from this chapter right here, 05:33.629 --> 05:36.889 and it comes from a Greek word that could be just as easily 05:36.892 --> 05:40.102 translated "be born from above" as "be born 05:40.098 --> 05:40.998 again." 05:41.000 --> 05:42.690 My English translation--translators have 05:42.687 --> 05:45.207 decided to translated, "from above," 05:45.206 --> 05:48.766 but notice it's confusing for the hearer because Nicodemus 05:48.767 --> 05:51.327 then answers as if he heard it to be, 05:51.329 --> 05:55.409 "being born again," so Nicodemus said to him, 05:55.410 --> 05:58.660 "How can anyone be born after having grown old? 05:58.660 --> 06:02.240 Can one enter a second time into the mother's womb and be 06:02.238 --> 06:03.068 born?" 06:03.069 --> 06:07.569 Jesus said, "Nicodemus I'm speaking metaphorically and 06:07.567 --> 06:11.107 spiritually here, you need to understand that I 06:11.105 --> 06:15.145 don't mean particularly that someone has to be actually born 06:15.146 --> 06:18.156 physically from their mother again." 06:18.160 --> 06:20.720 No, Jesus doesn't say any of that, right? 06:20.720 --> 06:23.100 That's what Jesus should have said, 06:23.100 --> 06:26.610 probably, if Jesus really wanted to communicate with 06:26.605 --> 06:28.595 Nicodemus, but apparently, 06:28.600 --> 06:32.850 in John, Jesus is not that interested in communicating very 06:32.853 --> 06:36.303 directly with Nicodemus because Jesus says, 06:36.300 --> 06:39.680 "Truly I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of 06:39.684 --> 06:42.884 God without being born of water and spirit." 06:42.879 --> 06:45.909 What the hell does that mean? 06:45.910 --> 06:49.420 "What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of 06:49.416 --> 06:50.756 the spirit is spirit. 06:50.759 --> 06:53.789 Do not be astonished that I said to you, 'You must be born 06:53.786 --> 06:54.526 from above.' 06:54.529 --> 06:58.189 The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound 06:58.189 --> 07:01.979 of it but you do not know where it comes from or where it 07:01.983 --> 07:03.003 goes." 07:03.000 --> 07:04.990 What does that mean? 07:04.990 --> 07:08.460 Does it help you to know the Greek word translated here 07:08.458 --> 07:11.408 "spirit" is also the Greek word which 07:11.411 --> 07:14.111 can be translated as "wind." 07:14.110 --> 07:17.860 Notice that the Gospel of John is playing with you with puns, 07:17.855 --> 07:20.535 there's already two puns in this passage. 07:20.540 --> 07:23.870 One, does the Greek word--is the Greek word "being born 07:23.870 --> 07:26.750 again" or is it "born from above"? 07:26.750 --> 07:29.770 Well you're not told in the text, in fact it sounds like it 07:29.766 --> 07:31.426 may mean a little bit of both. 07:31.430 --> 07:33.480 Is this Greek word, pneuma, 07:33.478 --> 07:37.328 is it supposed to represent the spirit as a theological term or 07:37.329 --> 07:40.249 is it supposed to represent breath or wind? 07:40.250 --> 07:43.550 It seems to be doing double duty. 07:43.550 --> 07:46.070 Anyway, with all that stuff about wind blowing where it 07:46.074 --> 07:48.364 will, so it is with everyone who is 07:48.357 --> 07:52.497 born of the spirit Nicodemus tries one more time said to him, 07:52.500 --> 07:54.100 "How can these things be?" 07:54.100 --> 07:56.290 In other words, Jesus can you give me an 07:56.286 --> 07:58.696 explanation of what you're talking about? 07:58.699 --> 08:00.309 It's not an unreasonable request. 08:00.310 --> 08:02.690 Jesus answered, "Are you a teacher of 08:02.690 --> 08:05.480 Israel and you do not understand these things? 08:05.480 --> 08:10.060 [Well that's helpful.] Truly I tell you. 08:10.060 --> 08:12.550 we speak of what we know and testify to what we've seen, 08:12.552 --> 08:14.322 yet you do not receive our testimony. 08:14.319 --> 08:16.489 If I had told you about earthly things and you do not believe, 08:16.490 --> 08:18.590 how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? 08:18.589 --> 08:20.719 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended 08:20.716 --> 08:21.796 from heaven, the Son of Man. 08:21.800 --> 08:23.770 And just as Moses lifted up the servant in the wilderness, 08:23.769 --> 08:25.559 so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 08:25.560 --> 08:29.230 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life." 08:29.230 --> 08:31.940 Well at this point Nicodemus just gives up. 08:31.939 --> 08:33.999 We don't hear about Nicodemus anymore in the story so 08:33.995 --> 08:36.085 apparently he's decided, I can't get a straight answer 08:36.089 --> 08:36.879 out of this guy. 08:36.879 --> 08:40.529 Notice also how Jesus starts off in a dialogical stance with 08:40.533 --> 08:43.323 Nicodemus but never answers his questions, 08:43.320 --> 08:45.110 and then Jesus almost gets kind of, 08:45.110 --> 08:47.740 well nasty, toward the end. 08:47.740 --> 08:50.750 He kind of just almost insults Nicodemus rather than just 08:50.754 --> 08:52.214 explaining what he means. 08:52.210 --> 08:55.920 This is kind of the way Jesus sometimes talks in the Gospel of 08:55.916 --> 08:58.586 John, and my question is going to be, why? 08:58.590 --> 09:01.730 Is Jesus just lacking in social skills? 09:01.730 --> 09:15.720 09:15.720 --> 09:21.590 Look in 8:31, another little interesting 09:21.585 --> 09:23.235 dialogue. 09:23.240 --> 09:26.790 Jesus has been teaching and now "Jesus said to the Jews who 09:26.791 --> 09:28.371 had believed in him." 09:28.370 --> 09:32.040 Now notice the scene starts out--often in the Gospel of John 09:32.039 --> 09:35.709 the Jews are talked about as if they're something other than 09:35.711 --> 09:36.521 Jesus is. 09:36.519 --> 09:38.299 Of course Jesus is a Jew, his disciples are Jews, 09:38.298 --> 09:41.138 they're all Jews in this story but the term "the 09:41.139 --> 09:44.029 Jews" gets packed in the Gospel of John with this 09:44.033 --> 09:47.043 otherness and this is a reflection of the sectarianism I 09:47.035 --> 09:48.615 talked about last time. 09:48.620 --> 09:51.300 Now notice Jesus is now starting to talk to the Jews 09:51.304 --> 09:52.784 who believe in him. 09:52.779 --> 09:54.459 These are not the Jews who have rejected him, 09:54.462 --> 09:56.762 that's very important to see at this point in the chapter. 09:56.759 --> 09:58.489 These are the Jews who now believe in him. 09:58.490 --> 10:01.390 "If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples 10:01.394 --> 10:04.104 and you will know the truth and the truth will make you 10:04.097 --> 10:04.847 free." 10:04.850 --> 10:07.880 They answered him, "We are the descendants of 10:07.875 --> 10:10.775 Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. 10:10.778 --> 10:14.208 What do you mean by saying you will be made free?" 10:14.210 --> 10:16.960 Jesus answered them, "Well I was speaking 10:16.960 --> 10:18.000 metaphorically. 10:18.000 --> 10:21.140 I meant that, let's say you're slaves to sin 10:21.136 --> 10:24.996 and, if you follow me, then I will make you truly free 10:25.004 --> 10:27.854 in a spiritual sense, I mean." 10:27.850 --> 10:30.290 That's not what Jesus does, right? 10:30.289 --> 10:32.819 All right 34: Jesus answered them, 10:32.818 --> 10:35.498 "Very truly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a 10:35.498 --> 10:36.248 slave to sin. 10:36.250 --> 10:38.530 The slave does not have a permanent place in the 10:38.528 --> 10:39.108 household. 10:39.110 --> 10:42.040 The son has a place there forever, so if the son makes you 10:42.035 --> 10:43.675 free, you will be free indeed. 10:43.678 --> 10:45.708 I know that you are descendants of Abraham, 10:45.710 --> 10:50.050 yet you look for an opportunity to kill me [Wait a minute, 10:50.048 --> 10:54.368 Jesus, these are the people who believe in you.] 10:54.365 --> 10:58.585 because there's no place in you for my word. 10:58.590 --> 11:00.110 I declare what I have seen in the Father's presence. 11:00.110 --> 11:01.930 As for you, you should do what you have heard from the 11:01.932 --> 11:02.452 Father." 11:02.450 --> 11:04.890 They answered him, Well Abraham's our father, 11:04.889 --> 11:05.609 we're Jews. 11:05.610 --> 11:07.550 Jesus said to them, "If you are Abraham's 11:07.551 --> 11:09.581 children you would be doing what Abraham did. 11:09.580 --> 11:11.910 But now you are trying to kill me and a man who has told you 11:11.905 --> 11:14.385 the truth that I heard from God, that's not what Abraham did. 11:14.389 --> 11:16.429 You are indeed doing what your father said." 11:16.428 --> 11:18.648 They said to him, "We are not bastards, 11:18.653 --> 11:21.503 we are not illegitimate children, we have one father God 11:21.499 --> 11:22.119 Himself. 11:22.120 --> 11:24.170 So they try another tactic, well if he won't be satisfied 11:24.169 --> 11:25.559 with Abraham as being the Father, okay, 11:25.561 --> 11:26.771 we'll have God as our Father. 11:26.769 --> 11:28.729 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father 11:28.725 --> 11:30.265 you would love me, for I came from God, 11:30.273 --> 11:31.173 and now I am here. 11:31.168 --> 11:32.838 I did not come of my own, but he sent me. 11:32.840 --> 11:34.250 Why do you not understand what I say? 11:34.250 --> 11:35.390 Is it because you cannot accept my word? 11:35.389 --> 11:36.689 You are from your father the devil." 11:36.690 --> 11:40.480 The devil? 11:40.480 --> 11:42.520 These are the people who believe in him, 11:42.519 --> 11:45.819 and Jesus ends up the whole thing as I told-- 11:45.820 --> 11:49.350 they finally end up saying, yeah the Jews in verse 48 the 11:49.351 --> 11:51.431 Jews are saying, "Are we not right in 11:51.432 --> 11:53.412 saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?" 11:53.408 --> 11:56.868 Now they're both being antagonistic, 11:56.865 --> 12:02.785 and finally the chapter ends way down there as I talked about 12:02.789 --> 12:06.269 last time verse 56, "Your ancestor Abraham 12:06.265 --> 12:08.355 rejoiced that he would see my day, he saw it and was 12:08.355 --> 12:08.925 glad." 12:08.928 --> 12:10.598 Then the Jews said to him, "You are not yet fifty 12:10.595 --> 12:12.005 years old, and have you seen Abraham?" 12:12.009 --> 12:15.229 Jesus said to him, "Very truly I tell you, 12:15.230 --> 12:17.540 before Abraham was, I am." 12:17.538 --> 12:20.568 There's that strong Christological claim of Jesus 12:20.572 --> 12:23.532 being God himself, and of course they picked up 12:23.532 --> 12:26.192 stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went 12:26.190 --> 12:26.950 out of the temple. 12:26.950 --> 12:30.330 Notice there are these things going on, Jesus speaks in 12:30.327 --> 12:32.327 riddles in the Gospel of John. 12:32.330 --> 12:37.150 Jesus does not do what a good Yale instructor is supposed to 12:37.148 --> 12:40.168 do, which is explain things to you. 12:40.169 --> 12:42.069 Jesus talks in riddles. 12:42.070 --> 12:45.380 When they ask questions he responds in--with non-sequiturs. 12:45.379 --> 12:49.239 And then when they act like they want to believe in him he 12:49.238 --> 12:52.418 pushes them and then starts picking at them, 12:52.418 --> 12:55.428 and accusing them of stuff and eventually the scene ends up 12:55.431 --> 12:57.301 with everybody is all frustrated, 12:57.298 --> 12:59.308 Jesus is accusing them of trying to kill him, 12:59.308 --> 13:02.888 and sure enough then they do start to try to kill him. 13:02.889 --> 13:07.009 Notice how in the Gospel of John repeatedly these issues 13:07.014 --> 13:09.044 come down to Christology. 13:09.039 --> 13:11.419 Who is the person of Jesus? 13:11.418 --> 13:15.138 The point at which they pick up the stones to throw at him is 13:15.144 --> 13:18.004 when he makes this claim by quoting Exodus, 13:18.000 --> 13:23.460 the very name of God, that Jesus himself is God. 13:23.460 --> 13:26.740 Now with all that going on let's look at how this then 13:26.740 --> 13:29.650 plays itself out in the first letter of John. 13:29.649 --> 13:34.039 13:34.038 --> 13:37.868 Just to back up, remember how diverse we're 13:37.870 --> 13:41.330 finding Christianity, and we're going to start seeing 13:41.325 --> 13:43.565 that diversity now representing itself in Christology. 13:43.570 --> 13:47.530 We have seen it already in geography, right? 13:47.529 --> 13:49.689 We've seen that, and according to the Book of 13:49.687 --> 13:51.757 Acts, the Gospel spread out in 13:51.755 --> 13:54.895 concentric circles from Jerusalem to Judea, 13:54.899 --> 13:56.519 to Samaria to the ends of the earth, 13:56.519 --> 13:59.509 but we also saw how in Acts if you read it critically between 13:59.514 --> 14:02.364 the lines you can see it didn't really spread that way. 14:02.360 --> 14:05.490 There were anonymous Christians who went off out of Jerusalem 14:05.485 --> 14:08.295 after a certain period of persecution and they took the 14:08.298 --> 14:11.108 message to Cyrene and to different parts of the east of 14:11.110 --> 14:14.080 the Mediterranean and these were anonymous people, 14:14.080 --> 14:15.340 we don't know them, they weren't Peter. 14:15.340 --> 14:17.880 Then later Paul and Barnabas take things around, 14:17.879 --> 14:20.439 and Phillip goes off to Samaria, and maybe there's this 14:20.437 --> 14:23.087 Ethiopian eunuch in the Book of Acts who's converted, 14:23.090 --> 14:25.210 and he may take the Gospel back to Ethiopia. 14:25.210 --> 14:28.210 So the spread of Christianity historically was much messier 14:28.211 --> 14:31.321 then it really is portrayed in any straightforward way in the 14:31.317 --> 14:32.247 New Testament. 14:32.250 --> 14:35.090 It seemed to have been spread by just people going to their 14:35.085 --> 14:38.015 home villages and hometowns and taking back this message that 14:38.018 --> 14:39.728 they heard in different places. 14:39.730 --> 14:42.860 The way the Gospel spreads, the way Christianity spreads is 14:42.855 --> 14:43.605 differently. 14:43.610 --> 14:46.140 We saw, for example, that in Thomasine Christianity, 14:46.139 --> 14:48.829 which seems to have been very popular in Syria and then all 14:48.828 --> 14:51.518 the way into India, that's a form of Christianity 14:51.523 --> 14:55.043 that's slightly different from the form of Christianity that's 14:55.044 --> 14:56.954 rising up in Rome at the time. 14:56.950 --> 15:00.260 Although church tradition says that Peter was the one who took 15:00.260 --> 15:03.030 the Gospel to Rome and founded the church there, 15:03.028 --> 15:06.058 well, we have good reasons as you can tell why we historians 15:06.056 --> 15:07.026 tend to doubt that. 15:07.029 --> 15:07.389 Why? 15:07.389 --> 15:10.739 Because we attend--we believe basically that again anonymous 15:10.738 --> 15:13.968 Christians who are lost to history probably were the first 15:13.972 --> 15:16.132 ones who took the Gospel to Rome, 15:16.129 --> 15:19.869 and then Peter became connected --with that tradition. 15:19.870 --> 15:22.420 There's a certain kind of Christianity that's growing up 15:22.418 --> 15:24.208 in Rome, there's another kind of 15:24.207 --> 15:27.097 Christianity that's growing up in Syria and India, 15:27.100 --> 15:29.940 there's another kind of Christianity that's growing up 15:29.937 --> 15:32.507 in Antioch and in that part of western Syria, 15:32.509 --> 15:34.539 and there's another kind of Christianity we don't know 15:34.538 --> 15:36.718 anything about at this point that's probably growing up in 15:36.719 --> 15:38.319 Egypt, we just don't have enough 15:38.322 --> 15:40.882 sources to know what kind of Christianity may have been 15:40.879 --> 15:41.969 growing up in Egypt. 15:41.970 --> 15:45.650 There's different geographical regions experiencing different 15:45.654 --> 15:48.514 kinds of Christianity, and those different kinds of 15:48.509 --> 15:51.009 Christianity are diverse with respect to the Torah, 15:51.009 --> 15:52.439 the Jewish law right? 15:52.440 --> 15:56.080 If there's another--if there is still a form of Christianity 15:56.081 --> 15:59.661 that's predominantly Jewish that's located in Jerusalem and 15:59.663 --> 16:02.383 it's led by James the brother of Jesus, 16:02.379 --> 16:05.909 who seems to have been famous for advocating a certain kind of 16:05.905 --> 16:09.485 law observant Torah obedient form of discipleship to Jesus, 16:09.490 --> 16:12.050 then you've got a form of Jewish Christianity that still 16:12.048 --> 16:14.988 seems to be keeping the law, and we've seen that reflected 16:14.989 --> 16:16.849 possibly in the Gospel of Matthew, 16:16.850 --> 16:20.310 with its teaching that the law is still something that people 16:20.307 --> 16:21.227 ought to obey. 16:21.230 --> 16:23.970 We've seen though that the Gospel of Mark teaches a 16:23.966 --> 16:26.596 Christianity that maybe it-- some people say Mark was 16:26.597 --> 16:28.887 written in Rome, other people say maybe Mark was 16:28.894 --> 16:31.514 written in Syria or in Galilee, but it's some kind of 16:31.514 --> 16:33.724 Christianity that's now predominantly Gentile, 16:33.720 --> 16:35.530 although it still has Jewish elements, 16:35.529 --> 16:38.069 but these are people who are not keeping the law. 16:38.070 --> 16:40.180 They seem to believe that they don't have to keep the Jewish 16:40.183 --> 16:40.403 law. 16:40.399 --> 16:43.599 Then we've got the form of Christianity in Luke that we saw 16:43.601 --> 16:47.421 where the Torah, the law, represents a certain 16:47.424 --> 16:52.104 an ethnic tradition of the Jews, so if you're Jewish you should 16:52.095 --> 16:54.825 keep the law but if you're a Gentile you don't need to keep 16:54.831 --> 16:55.351 the law. 16:55.350 --> 16:58.940 Then we saw from the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John 16:58.941 --> 17:01.621 where is the concern about the law at all? 17:01.620 --> 17:02.810 It's not really there. 17:02.808 --> 17:05.128 You can read all the way through the Gospel of John, 17:05.130 --> 17:07.320 sure there are some controversies about the Sabbath, 17:07.318 --> 17:08.638 about what you can do on the Sabbath, 17:08.640 --> 17:13.250 but disputes about observation of Jewish law are not really at 17:13.246 --> 17:17.776 issue in the Gospel of Thomas and they're not really at issue 17:17.776 --> 17:19.736 in the Gospel of John. 17:19.740 --> 17:24.430 What is at issue in the Gospel of John is Christology. 17:24.430 --> 17:25.600 What do you believe about Jesus? 17:25.598 --> 17:28.418 Let's look at the different kinds of Christologies you get 17:28.420 --> 17:31.390 in early Christianity too before we move onto the letters. 17:31.390 --> 17:36.890 First Mark, the Gospel of Mark, what is Mark's Christology? 17:36.890 --> 17:38.530 What is his doctrine of Christ? 17:38.529 --> 17:41.259 Well for one thing, according to Mark, 17:41.262 --> 17:45.102 Jesus is the Son of God, now that doesn't necessarily 17:45.104 --> 17:48.874 mean yet that Jesus is completely divine or equal to 17:48.871 --> 17:49.611 God. 17:49.608 --> 17:53.138 You can be called a Son of God without necessarily being God 17:53.144 --> 17:55.664 himself in this period of Christianity, 17:55.660 --> 17:58.610 but at least Mark certainly considers Jesus the Son of God. 17:58.608 --> 18:01.918 He also, though, considers Jesus to be the 18:01.923 --> 18:05.803 Messiah, the Christ, who has to suffer and Jesus' 18:05.803 --> 18:10.413 suffering is for the purpose of ransoming us sinners. 18:10.410 --> 18:14.300 Now the Christology that Mark's working with is Jesus is the 18:14.295 --> 18:15.955 Messiah, the Son of God, 18:15.961 --> 18:19.351 it's mandated that he suffers, so it's God's will that the 18:19.345 --> 18:20.155 Messiah suffer. 18:20.160 --> 18:22.610 And that's one of the reasons he writes his Gospel is to 18:22.611 --> 18:25.371 convince his readers that Jesus' suffering and execution wasn't 18:25.374 --> 18:27.384 an accident and it wasn't a catastrophe, 18:27.380 --> 18:29.410 and it wasn't a calamity, it was God's will, 18:29.410 --> 18:31.130 it needed to happen. 18:31.130 --> 18:35.490 So the suffering Son of God is part of Mark's Christology. 18:35.490 --> 18:38.820 If you get to Luke, as I've said before, 18:38.817 --> 18:43.507 this whole idea that Jesus' death was a ransom is not in 18:43.510 --> 18:44.280 Luke. 18:44.279 --> 18:47.659 In fact, Luke excises that part of Mark when he's copying that 18:47.662 --> 18:50.412 part of Mark, and he leaves out that ransom 18:50.413 --> 18:54.273 passage from Mark because that doesn't fit his Christology. 18:54.269 --> 18:57.189 For the Christology of Luke, do you remember, 18:57.189 --> 18:59.839 Luke and Acts, what is the Christology of 18:59.842 --> 19:00.442 Luke? 19:00.440 --> 19:03.730 Anybody want to venture a remembrance? 19:03.730 --> 19:06.340 The martyr prophet exactly. 19:06.338 --> 19:11.098 Jesus is the martyr prophet who's an example for Stephen, 19:11.098 --> 19:14.898 or Paul, or all of us who are followers of Jesus, 19:14.900 --> 19:16.920 we're all martyr prophets, we're called to be martyr 19:16.923 --> 19:19.333 prophets, that's not a ransom for many. 19:19.328 --> 19:23.608 Luke doesn't have a doctrine of the atonement, 19:23.608 --> 19:28.028 the Christian doctrine that says, the death of Jesus was to 19:28.030 --> 19:32.760 pay for the sins of humanity or to redeem human beings from the 19:32.757 --> 19:36.287 debts of sin, so that's Luke's. 19:36.288 --> 19:39.918 The Gospel of Thomas, there's no death at all in the 19:39.924 --> 19:41.284 Gospel of Thomas. 19:41.279 --> 19:44.839 The Christology of the Gospel of Thomas though is that Jesus 19:44.838 --> 19:48.458 comes across as practically an already resurrected figure. 19:48.460 --> 19:51.260 He's a knower, he's a figure of wisdom who's 19:51.258 --> 19:54.058 come from the Father, who's come from above, 19:54.056 --> 19:57.566 and he comes to give his disciples true knowledge. 19:57.568 --> 20:02.978 So Jesus as the revealer of hidden knowledge is the main 20:02.980 --> 20:06.720 Christology of the Gospel of Thomas. 20:06.720 --> 20:11.170 Now the Gospel of John, this is when you get closest to 20:11.170 --> 20:14.880 what will be seen as orthodox Christianity. 20:14.880 --> 20:20.170 A lot of orthodox Christology was set at least, 20:20.172 --> 20:26.502 at one of the main periods, at the Council of Nicaea. 20:26.500 --> 20:35.840 So we call this the Council of Nicaea in 325 of our era CE, 20:35.838 --> 20:38.218 there was a council called together by the Emperor 20:38.220 --> 20:41.330 Constantine who was tired of all these Christians squabbling, 20:41.328 --> 20:45.258 especially about Christology, and he got bishops and people 20:45.258 --> 20:48.188 from around the empire, and he tried to get them to 20:48.188 --> 20:49.138 come to an agreement. 20:49.140 --> 20:53.260 They wrote what has come down to be called the Nicene Creed. 20:53.259 --> 20:57.479 And a lot of Christians, Roman Catholics, 20:57.480 --> 21:00.590 Episcopalians, Anglicans, some other churches, 21:00.588 --> 21:04.778 will actually say the Nicene Creed in church as part of the 21:04.779 --> 21:05.719 literature. 21:05.720 --> 21:08.000 Can anybody say it? 21:08.000 --> 21:12.410 We believe in--some of you know it, 21:12.410 --> 21:15.840 yes, you know the Nicene Creed, so that Nicene Creed about 21:15.836 --> 21:17.886 Jesus being very God, from very God, 21:17.893 --> 21:19.343 God from God, light from light, 21:19.338 --> 21:22.178 begotten not made, because that was one of the 21:22.182 --> 21:25.632 Christological-- so was Jesus Son of God because 21:25.626 --> 21:29.796 he was born from eternity as divine or did God say at one 21:29.796 --> 21:34.336 point okay he's a really good guy I'm going to graduate him to 21:34.336 --> 21:35.896 divinity status? 21:35.900 --> 21:38.470 That was one Christology. 21:38.470 --> 21:41.910 The Nicene Creed said, no, Jesus did not become divine 21:41.913 --> 21:43.413 he always was divine. 21:43.410 --> 21:47.500 The orthodox Christology was set to a great extent by the 21:47.500 --> 21:51.930 Nicene Creed in 325, but how do we get from the year 21:51.928 --> 21:56.118 30 when Jesus is crucified, the year 70 when the Jerusalem 21:56.115 --> 21:59.075 temple is destroyed and the Gospel of Mark may have been 21:59.076 --> 22:01.696 published, the 50s when Paul was writing 22:01.698 --> 22:03.938 his letters, maybe a year in the 90s when 22:03.939 --> 22:07.359 the Gospel of John is writing, from those times all the way to 22:07.361 --> 22:11.141 year 325 where there's a whole lot of fighting going on between 22:11.144 --> 22:14.684 Christians trying to solidify what the orthodox Christology 22:14.683 --> 22:15.603 should be? 22:15.598 --> 22:17.618 Of these different sources we've talked about, 22:17.618 --> 22:20.878 the one that comes the closest to the Nicene Creed is this 22:20.875 --> 22:22.985 Christology of the Gospel of John, 22:22.990 --> 22:26.450 because according to John, Jesus is fully God, 22:26.450 --> 22:31.620 co-equal with the Father, he's I am, 22:31.618 --> 22:34.188 that is identifying himself with the figure who appeared to 22:34.192 --> 22:37.292 Moses in the burning bush, he's the descending and 22:37.288 --> 22:41.108 ascending redeemer, he's also the lamb of God 22:41.114 --> 22:45.914 sacrificed for the people, and in his sacrifice he takes 22:45.914 --> 22:48.204 away the sins of the world. 22:48.200 --> 22:52.090 All those elements that would end up becoming orthodox 22:52.089 --> 22:54.589 Christianity, orthodox Christology, 22:54.586 --> 22:57.886 those can be found in the Gospel of John. 22:57.890 --> 23:00.520 Now how do we get from there to 1 John? 23:00.519 --> 23:02.079 Any questions about that? 23:02.078 --> 23:04.518 What I want you to really see is I want you to be able to 23:04.517 --> 23:06.427 anchor down, not just take my word for it 23:06.430 --> 23:08.620 that well, Professor Martin knows all 23:08.618 --> 23:11.488 things about all things, and he tells me that there are 23:11.488 --> 23:13.678 these different Christology's and these different early 23:13.682 --> 23:15.962 Christian documents and so that's what I'm going to write 23:15.955 --> 23:16.805 back on a paper. 23:16.809 --> 23:17.389 I don't want that. 23:17.390 --> 23:20.110 What I want you to do is be able to actually anchor down 23:20.113 --> 23:22.743 these ideas into these particular texts that come from 23:22.736 --> 23:25.456 particular different places in early Christianity, 23:25.460 --> 23:29.860 so any questions about that? 23:29.859 --> 23:30.619 Yes sir? 23:30.618 --> 23:33.508 Student: > 23:33.509 --> 23:35.699 Prof: The Christology of Matthew is quite a bit like 23:35.704 --> 23:35.974 Mark. 23:35.970 --> 23:39.090 Matthew also believes that the death of Jesus, 23:39.093 --> 23:42.013 for example, was as a ransom for people and 23:42.007 --> 23:42.907 for sins. 23:42.910 --> 23:46.830 Matthew also believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that 23:46.827 --> 23:48.177 he is the Messiah. 23:48.180 --> 23:54.360 Exactly how divine Jesus is in the Gospel of Matthew is up for 23:54.357 --> 23:56.037 grabs, it's not clear, 23:56.038 --> 23:58.958 but he still--he definitely seems to believe that Jesus is 23:58.960 --> 24:00.190 divine in some sense. 24:00.190 --> 24:03.740 Matthew's Christology is not too much different from Mark's. 24:03.740 --> 24:06.860 The one thing that makes him a bit different is that he seems 24:06.858 --> 24:09.668 to also take Jesus to be something like a new Moses who 24:09.665 --> 24:11.815 either-- who not is giving a new law but 24:11.824 --> 24:14.354 is interpreting the Mosaic Law in the proper way, 24:14.348 --> 24:16.998 so Jesus as a law giver and Jesus as a teacher is also 24:17.000 --> 24:18.900 important for Matthew's Christology. 24:18.900 --> 24:23.420 Any other questions? 24:23.420 --> 24:28.300 Okay look at 1 John, the first letter of John, 24:28.304 --> 24:33.084 right toward the end of the New Testament. 24:33.078 --> 24:37.028 Now, first, there are several different connections with 1 24:37.027 --> 24:40.487 John to the Gospel that you can see immediately. 24:40.490 --> 24:42.900 Let's hop through the Gospel and see these. 24:42.900 --> 24:44.210 First look at the very beginning, 24:44.210 --> 24:46.610 "We declare to you what was from the beginning, 24:46.608 --> 24:49.028 what we have heard, what we have seen with our 24:49.029 --> 24:50.619 eyes, what we have looked at and 24:50.619 --> 24:52.589 touched with our hands concerning the word of 24:52.585 --> 24:53.205 life." 24:53.210 --> 24:56.420 That all should sound familiar, there's the seeing motif, 24:56.420 --> 24:58.670 the hearing motif, and even the touching thing 24:58.670 --> 25:00.080 because, if you remember, 25:00.080 --> 25:03.470 it's in the Gospel of John that you have that famous scene where 25:03.474 --> 25:07.034 doubting Thomas wants to touch Jesus' body to make sure about-- 25:07.029 --> 25:08.449 that this is the real Jesus. 25:08.450 --> 25:11.580 "This life was revealed, and we have seen it and 25:11.584 --> 25:14.524 testified to it [testimony and testifying and witnessing is 25:14.519 --> 25:17.659 part of the Gospel of John also] and declare to you the eternal 25:17.656 --> 25:20.846 life [eternal life is one of the themes from the Gospel of John] 25:20.846 --> 25:23.626 that was with the Father and was revealed to us. 25:23.630 --> 25:25.020 [There's Jesus as the revealer.] 25:25.016 --> 25:27.736 We declared to you what we have seen and heard so that you may 25:27.743 --> 25:29.223 also have fellowship with us. 25:29.220 --> 25:31.800 And truly our fellowship is with the Father and his Son 25:31.801 --> 25:32.521 Jesus Christ. 25:32.519 --> 25:35.249 We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete. 25:35.250 --> 25:38.710 We're in the same world, the same linguistic, 25:38.709 --> 25:42.559 the same discursive, the same theological world as 25:42.560 --> 25:44.370 the Gospel of John. 25:44.368 --> 25:46.178 Look at 1:5, "This is the message we 25:46.178 --> 25:48.528 have heard from him and proclaimed to you that God is 25:48.529 --> 25:50.699 light and in him there is no darkness." 25:50.700 --> 25:53.010 That wonderful light/darkness motif. 25:53.009 --> 25:55.379 Look at verse 7: If we walk in the light, 25:55.377 --> 25:58.067 as he himself in the light, we have fellowship with one 25:58.074 --> 26:00.974 another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all 26:00.970 --> 26:01.420 sin. 26:01.420 --> 26:05.530 The blood of Jesus being significant there too. 26:05.528 --> 26:09.968 2:29: "If you know that he is righteous you, 26:09.971 --> 26:15.151 may be sure that everyone who does right has been born of 26:15.153 --> 26:16.453 him." 26:16.450 --> 26:22.020 So born of him recalls this birth stuff we've just seen in 26:22.019 --> 26:22.899 John 3. 26:22.900 --> 26:25.430 And there are lots of others, if you just read through the 26:25.432 --> 26:28.012 first letter of John and you keep your ear attuned to those 26:28.008 --> 26:30.628 themes that you've already seen in the Gospel of John, 26:30.630 --> 26:32.600 you can just underline them and highlight them all the way 26:32.595 --> 26:34.565 through the letter of John, so they're there. 26:34.568 --> 26:37.978 There are some interesting problems with this letter also. 26:37.980 --> 26:42.980 Look at 1:8: If we say we have no sin we 26:42.980 --> 26:47.840 deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 26:47.838 --> 26:51.018 If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just 26:51.019 --> 26:54.009 will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all 26:54.008 --> 26:55.278 unrighteousness. 26:55.279 --> 26:58.049 If we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and 26:58.049 --> 26:59.259 his word is not in us. 26:59.259 --> 27:02.309 All of us are sinners, yay! 27:02.308 --> 27:05.458 You just have to confess your sin and Jesus will cure you of 27:05.459 --> 27:05.779 sin. 27:05.779 --> 27:06.959 We're all sinners. 27:06.960 --> 27:09.280 Anybody who says they're not sinners has a problem. 27:09.278 --> 27:13.218 Now look at 3:5, "You know that he was 27:13.215 --> 27:18.555 revealed to take away sins and in him there is no sin, 27:18.558 --> 27:24.218 no one who abides in him sins." 27:24.220 --> 27:28.590 I thought we just said we are sinners. 27:28.588 --> 27:33.208 "No one who sins has either seen him or known 27:33.208 --> 27:34.338 him." 27:34.338 --> 27:42.488 That sounds a little problematic. 27:42.490 --> 27:45.900 Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil, 27:45.902 --> 27:49.602 for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. 27:49.598 --> 27:52.048 The Son of God was revealed to this person to destroy the works 27:52.047 --> 27:52.637 of the devil. 27:52.640 --> 27:55.870 Those who have been born of God do not sin because God's seed 27:55.865 --> 27:56.775 abides in them. 27:56.779 --> 27:59.009 They cannot sin because they have been born of God. 27:59.009 --> 28:01.269 The children of God and the children of the devil are 28:01.269 --> 28:02.269 revealed in this way. 28:02.269 --> 28:04.419 All who do not do what is right are not from God, 28:04.417 --> 28:07.057 nor are those who do not love their brothers and sisters. 28:07.058 --> 28:09.888 Now wait a minute, the first part he says, 28:09.886 --> 28:12.986 we all sin and we have to confess our sins. 28:12.990 --> 28:15.750 In this part it says, if you're in him you don't sin, 28:15.752 --> 28:17.882 and if you do sin you're in the devil. 28:17.880 --> 28:22.030 Look at 5:18, "We know that those who 28:22.030 --> 28:26.750 are born of God do not sin, but the one who is born of God 28:26.747 --> 28:29.987 protects them and the evil one does not touch them." 28:29.990 --> 28:33.600 Well which is it? 28:33.598 --> 28:40.328 Do Christians in John's church sin or do they not sin? 28:40.328 --> 28:45.478 Is there a contradiction here in the text? 28:45.480 --> 28:47.600 That's not the only weird place in this letter, 28:47.598 --> 28:55.108 look at what he says about love in 2:5: "Whoever obeys his 28:55.112 --> 29:01.412 word truly in this person the love of God has reached 29:01.412 --> 29:03.232 perfection. 29:03.230 --> 29:07.590 By this we may be sure that we are in him." 29:07.588 --> 29:13.748 Love is supposed to be there, 2:10, 29:13.750 --> 29:15.550 "Whoever loves a brother," 29:15.554 --> 29:18.544 now your English translation may say "or sister," 29:18.544 --> 29:20.714 but the Greek just says "brother" 29:20.709 --> 29:23.489 and maybe it's supposed to include sisters also but the 29:23.492 --> 29:26.122 gender of the Greek word is just "brother" 29:26.122 --> 29:28.032 at this point in the Greek. 29:28.028 --> 29:31.058 "Whoever loves a brother lives in the light and in such a 29:31.063 --> 29:33.403 person there is no cause for stumbling." 29:33.400 --> 29:37.550 Okay so that talks about loving one's brother, 29:37.545 --> 29:39.935 well who is the brother? 29:39.940 --> 29:44.550 It seems like the brothers for this writer are other members of 29:44.548 --> 29:46.108 the same community. 29:46.108 --> 29:48.788 He's not necessarily talking about your physical brother, 29:48.786 --> 29:51.166 your blood brother, but he's also not talking about 29:51.174 --> 29:52.374 just any human being. 29:52.368 --> 29:54.098 Notice how this works several times, 29:54.098 --> 29:56.958 so look at 2:15, so we're supposed to love and 29:56.959 --> 30:00.009 we're supposed to love our brothers but 2:15, 30:00.009 --> 30:03.579 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. 30:03.578 --> 30:07.238 The love of the Father is not in those who love the 30:07.236 --> 30:08.256 world." 30:08.259 --> 30:14.589 So we're not supposed to love the world, "Love not the 30:14.590 --> 30:18.630 world, do not love the world." 30:18.630 --> 30:20.930 Remember the word for world I said last time was 30:20.929 --> 30:22.739 cosmos, the entire universe. 30:22.740 --> 30:27.280 Does this sound a little odd if you think back on what may be 30:27.281 --> 30:31.221 the most famous verse in the entire New Testament? 30:31.220 --> 30:36.480 If you go to football games anybody know what the most 30:36.480 --> 30:39.160 famous football verse is? 30:39.160 --> 30:42.820 John 3:16, you see it on posters--do they still--they did 30:42.817 --> 30:46.607 that years ago do--they don't still do the posters I guess, 30:46.605 --> 30:47.255 right? 30:47.259 --> 30:50.529 Just one guy does it all over the whole NFL? 30:50.529 --> 30:53.999 John 3:16--yes sir? 30:54.000 --> 30:56.690 Student: Well I was going to say during the VCS 30:56.688 --> 30:59.428 National Championship game before the quarterback wore a 30:59.425 --> 31:00.965 John 3:16 on his eye block. 31:00.970 --> 31:01.860 Prof: Did they win? 31:01.858 --> 31:03.558 Student: They did win and he made it the number one 31:03.558 --> 31:04.378 Google search (inaudible). 31:04.380 --> 31:05.460 Prof: Great! 31:05.460 --> 31:10.440 The Florida quarterback wore John 3:16 on his cheeks, 31:10.444 --> 31:14.954 these cheeks I suppose, and that's why they won, 31:14.951 --> 31:16.391 okay, good. 31:16.390 --> 31:19.340 What does John 3:16 say, let's quote it, 31:19.335 --> 31:22.125 "For God so loved the world-- 31:22.130 --> 31:23.390 Students: "…that he gave 31:23.391 --> 31:26.671 his only begotten Son--" Prof: You all are wimpy. 31:26.670 --> 31:29.790 "For God so loved the word that he gave his only begotten 31:29.790 --> 31:30.970 Son-- ," "--for God so 31:30.967 --> 31:31.687 loved the world." 31:31.690 --> 31:36.570 1 John 2:15, "Do not love the 31:36.568 --> 31:38.638 world." 31:38.640 --> 31:40.370 Yes sir? 31:40.368 --> 31:43.788 Student: > 31:43.788 --> 31:45.208 Prof: I believe so, I actually haven't checked, 31:45.207 --> 31:46.327 does anybody have a Greek New Testament? 31:46.328 --> 31:48.928 Michael has a Greek, Michael's going to look it up 31:48.929 --> 31:51.739 while I continue, this is 2:15 and see if 31:51.740 --> 31:56.540 cosmos or some other word is the word for world though. 31:56.538 --> 31:57.958 We'll get back to you on that question. 31:57.960 --> 32:02.360 Look at 3:1: See what love the Father has 32:02.361 --> 32:05.271 given us that we should be called children of God, 32:05.268 --> 32:06.868 and that is what we are. 32:06.868 --> 32:11.718 The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know 32:11.723 --> 32:12.213 him. 32:12.210 --> 32:14.910 Love is part of that, look at 3:11: 32:14.910 --> 32:18.090 For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, 32:18.085 --> 32:19.975 that we should love one another. 32:19.980 --> 32:26.310 This is loving one another; it's not talking here so much 32:26.308 --> 32:27.988 about loving the world. 32:27.990 --> 32:30.400 Look at 3:14: We know that we have passed 32:30.398 --> 32:32.548 from death to life because we love one another. 32:32.548 --> 32:34.718 Whoever does not love abides in death. 32:34.720 --> 32:37.380 Look at 3:23: And this is his commandment, 32:37.380 --> 32:39.820 that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and 32:39.818 --> 32:41.778 love one another, just as he has commanded us. 32:41.779 --> 32:44.359 Look at 4:7: Beloved let us love one another 32:44.355 --> 32:46.755 because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born 32:46.759 --> 32:47.809 of God and knows God. 32:47.809 --> 32:51.389 Look at 4:11: Beloved since God loved us so 32:51.393 --> 32:54.603 much we ought to love [not the world but] 32:54.597 --> 32:55.797 one another. 32:55.799 --> 32:57.609 Verse 12: No one has ever seen God. 32:57.608 --> 33:00.318 If we love one another, God loves is in us and his love 33:00.324 --> 33:01.384 is perfected in us. 33:01.380 --> 33:03.270 What about the translation? 33:03.269 --> 33:04.819 Student: Same verb, same noun. 33:04.818 --> 33:09.298 Prof: Same verb, same noun in John 3:16 and 1 33:09.298 --> 33:12.898 John 2:15, so is there a contradiction? 33:12.900 --> 33:15.620 That's just all I'm asking, the Gospel of John talks about 33:15.615 --> 33:18.725 God loving the world, the cosmos, and 1 John says 33:18.731 --> 33:22.241 Christians are not supposed to love the cosmos. 33:22.240 --> 33:24.330 Contradiction, we don't know, 33:24.326 --> 33:25.216 maybe not. 33:25.220 --> 33:31.910 Look at 4:16: So we have known and believe 33:31.907 --> 33:33.887 the love that God has for us. 33:33.890 --> 33:38.360 God is love and those who abide in love abide in God and God 33:38.361 --> 33:39.651 abides in them. 33:39.650 --> 33:42.120 [Keep reading.] Love has indeed been perfected 33:42.123 --> 33:45.143 among us in this that we may have boldness in the Day of 33:45.144 --> 33:45.864 Judgment. 33:45.858 --> 33:50.018 Because as he is so are we in this world. 33:50.019 --> 33:53.409 There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear. 33:53.410 --> 33:55.550 For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears 33:55.554 --> 33:57.084 has not reached perfection in love. 33:57.078 --> 33:59.068 We love because he first loved us. 33:59.068 --> 34:00.858 Those who say, "I love God," 34:00.857 --> 34:03.127 and hate their brothers or sisters are liars. 34:03.130 --> 34:06.400 And for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have 34:06.400 --> 34:08.840 seen cannot love God whom they have not seen. 34:08.840 --> 34:12.700 The commandment we have from his is this: those who love God 34:12.704 --> 34:14.544 must love all of humanity. 34:14.539 --> 34:18.249 34:18.250 --> 34:20.990 What? 34:20.989 --> 34:26.109 No, I'm lying to you again; follow along in your Bibles. 34:26.110 --> 34:28.070 See, some of you went to sleep. 34:28.070 --> 34:31.090 Look at 21: The commandment we have from 34:31.090 --> 34:33.580 him is this, those who love God must love their brothers. 34:33.579 --> 34:38.119 There's nothing in 1 John about loving the world, 34:38.119 --> 34:43.489 about loving humanity, about loving all humankind, 34:43.489 --> 34:45.639 all mankind, there's nothing like that in 34:45.639 --> 34:47.089 the first letter of John. 34:47.090 --> 34:50.870 What you do have in the first letter of John is that God is 34:50.867 --> 34:53.987 love, but that Christians, the followers of John, 34:53.994 --> 34:55.824 must not love the world. 34:55.820 --> 34:58.320 The world doesn't love them, they don't love the world. 34:58.320 --> 35:01.170 This is again a radically sectarian kind of stance, 35:01.168 --> 35:03.328 and in fact, there's nothing here about 35:03.333 --> 35:04.533 loving outsiders. 35:04.530 --> 35:08.810 According to the first letter of John, all this love that's 35:08.807 --> 35:12.857 talked about is basically centered only on the community 35:12.864 --> 35:14.124 of believers. 35:14.119 --> 35:17.089 It's an internal love, it's brotherly love but that 35:17.090 --> 35:19.410 means that the term "brothers" 35:19.409 --> 35:22.559 is taken to mean members of John's own community. 35:22.559 --> 35:27.019 There's nowhere that Christians in 1 John are told to love 35:27.016 --> 35:29.436 people outside the community. 35:29.440 --> 35:32.830 They're told repeatedly to love people inside the community. 35:32.829 --> 35:33.659 Yes sir? 35:33.659 --> 35:36.979 Student: > 35:36.980 --> 35:39.610 Prof: Out of brother--just to the community 35:39.606 --> 35:40.406 of believers? 35:40.409 --> 35:43.639 Well you just have to analyze the letter and see how does it 35:43.639 --> 35:46.649 occur here and just go through it, it occurs all the way 35:46.652 --> 35:47.312 through. 35:47.309 --> 35:49.639 For example, I think you could definitely 35:49.637 --> 35:53.947 prove it with letters of Paul, who specifically uses it for 35:53.947 --> 35:58.977 both Gentiles and Jews but only within the body of Christ. 35:58.980 --> 36:01.390 Whether that's the case here, you just have to read the 36:01.387 --> 36:01.787 letter. 36:01.789 --> 36:05.359 I would argue that it is, and it's precisely because I 36:05.356 --> 36:09.056 read the letter as setting up this dichotomy between the 36:09.056 --> 36:12.216 outside cosmos and the inside brotherhood, 36:12.219 --> 36:15.219 but it's just a matter of reading the letter. 36:15.219 --> 36:18.379 The word in itself wouldn't necessarily supply that. 36:18.380 --> 36:19.500 Any other questions? 36:19.500 --> 36:20.630 Yes sir? 36:20.630 --> 36:21.930 Student: Is that the same as 36:21.929 --> 36:22.969 >? 36:22.969 --> 36:24.719 Prof: Yes, I believe--well sometimes it's 36:24.724 --> 36:26.334 philia and sometimes agape. 36:26.329 --> 36:29.199 Student: > 36:29.199 --> 36:32.499 Prof: Okay, in the epistles it's almost 36:32.496 --> 36:34.106 always agape. 36:34.110 --> 36:39.340 Any other questions? 36:39.340 --> 36:41.350 In other words, what I'm reading in 1 John is 36:41.346 --> 36:43.486 representing again a radical sectarian group. 36:43.489 --> 36:46.269 These are people who see themselves as a community set 36:46.269 --> 36:47.529 apart from the cosmos. 36:47.530 --> 36:50.040 The cosmos is a place of darkness and a place of the 36:50.041 --> 36:51.571 devil and that sort of thing. 36:51.570 --> 36:55.310 In fact--so now what is the cause of this radical 36:55.309 --> 36:56.479 sectarianism? 36:56.480 --> 36:59.040 This is the most interesting problem of the letter. 36:59.039 --> 37:04.199 Look at 2:18: Children, it is the last hour. 37:04.199 --> 37:07.409 As you have heard that the antichrist is coming, 37:07.405 --> 37:09.855 so now many antichrists have come. 37:09.860 --> 37:14.110 There are these antichrists, and notice it says: 37:14.110 --> 37:17.100 They went out from among us but they did not belong to us. 37:17.099 --> 37:20.459 For if they had belonged to us they would have remained in us, 37:20.456 --> 37:23.756 but by going out they made it plain that none of them belongs 37:23.759 --> 37:24.309 to us. 37:24.309 --> 37:28.919 The people he's calling antichrist are people that used 37:28.920 --> 37:34.210 to members of his own community and they left the community for 37:34.213 --> 37:35.583 some reason. 37:35.579 --> 37:39.219 Now look at 2:22, "Who is the liar but the 37:39.215 --> 37:43.005 one who denies that Jesus is the Christ." 37:43.010 --> 37:45.890 He's saying you must believe that Jesus is the Messiah, 37:45.893 --> 37:48.193 that's one thing, is that the only thing? 37:48.190 --> 37:50.400 Not necessarily; this is the antichrist, 37:50.400 --> 37:53.470 "The one who denies the Father and the Son," 37:53.469 --> 37:55.309 so some people, he's saying, 37:55.306 --> 37:58.986 have left the community because their Christology is not high 37:58.994 --> 37:59.614 enough. 37:59.610 --> 38:02.140 They're not allowing the true sonship of Jesus, 38:02.135 --> 38:04.765 they're not allowing the Messiahship of Jesus; 38:04.768 --> 38:07.768 maybe you're saying he's just a prophet or he's just a human 38:07.768 --> 38:10.308 being, that's one of the things that's going on. 38:10.309 --> 38:14.729 Look at 5:1: Everyone who believes that 38:14.728 --> 38:17.278 Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. 38:17.280 --> 38:19.940 Everyone who loves the parent loves the child. 38:19.940 --> 38:23.800 That's the main part about Jesus being the Christ, 38:23.804 --> 38:27.754 but now look at 4:2, I'll start at the beginning of 38:27.746 --> 38:30.326 chapter 4: Beloved, do not believe every 38:30.326 --> 38:33.206 spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, 38:33.213 --> 38:35.913 for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 38:35.909 --> 38:40.329 By this you know the spirit of God: every spirit that confesses 38:40.329 --> 38:44.249 that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 38:44.250 --> 38:48.020 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God, 38:48.018 --> 38:51.128 and this is the spirit of the antichrist. 38:51.130 --> 38:53.910 One of the things that's going on here--look at also 5:8, 38:53.911 --> 38:55.651 just briefly, and we'll move on: 38:55.650 --> 39:01.140 39:01.139 --> 39:03.879 These are three that testified: the spirit and the water and 39:03.882 --> 39:04.442 the blood. 39:04.440 --> 39:05.640 And these three agree. 39:05.639 --> 39:08.199 In other words, this author is objecting to 39:08.202 --> 39:11.622 some people who don't admit the Messiahship of Jesus, 39:11.619 --> 39:13.709 and that may have been reflected also in the Gospel. 39:13.710 --> 39:15.640 Remember some of the reasons--some of the people 39:15.635 --> 39:18.125 there's a division is because the writer of the Gospel of John 39:18.134 --> 39:20.764 believes that some people aren't willing to confess that Jesus is 39:20.755 --> 39:22.335 divine, that Jesus is the Messiah, 39:22.335 --> 39:23.335 that he's the Son of God. 39:23.340 --> 39:25.150 Now we get to a different situation, 39:25.150 --> 39:28.320 apparently there are other people who have now come up in 39:28.315 --> 39:31.245 the community who may be accepting that Jesus was the 39:31.253 --> 39:34.423 Christ but they're denying that he was fully human, 39:34.420 --> 39:35.870 they're denying that he was flesh and blood, 39:35.869 --> 39:38.539 and actually we do see different beginnings of 39:38.538 --> 39:40.078 different Christologies. 39:40.079 --> 39:42.689 The people--we have a term for this, 39:42.690 --> 39:47.260 these early Christians who said--they said that Jesus-- 39:47.260 --> 39:49.170 maybe there was a human Jesus but that's not really the 39:49.166 --> 39:52.026 Christ, the Christ was this spirit that 39:52.032 --> 39:56.102 maybe looked like he was human-- in fact some of them said, 39:56.101 --> 39:58.881 well if he walked along a wet beach he wouldn't leave 39:58.882 --> 40:01.512 footprints because he didn't have a physical body, 40:01.505 --> 40:02.785 he just was spirit. 40:02.789 --> 40:07.879 He just seemed to be a body, he seemed to be flesh and blood 40:07.875 --> 40:09.965 and that-- the Greek word for 40:09.971 --> 40:12.271 "seem" he just looked like, 40:12.268 --> 40:15.648 we get this term we call Docetics. 40:15.650 --> 40:21.230 40:21.230 --> 40:24.640 Dokeo is the Greek word for "to seem" 40:24.639 --> 40:28.309 or "to look like," so other Christians used this 40:28.307 --> 40:31.587 term as a label for those Christians who said, 40:31.590 --> 40:33.490 Jesus wasn't truly flesh and blood, 40:33.489 --> 40:35.179 because how can a divine being be flesh and blood? 40:35.179 --> 40:36.689 That's a contradiction in terms. 40:36.690 --> 40:39.720 You can't have a being that's both God and flesh and blood 40:39.722 --> 40:42.652 because flesh and blood rots and dies, and goes away. 40:42.650 --> 40:45.240 God is eternal, so God by definition can't be 40:45.235 --> 40:47.175 flesh and blood, and so they said, 40:47.175 --> 40:50.755 if Jesus is divine he must not have been flesh and blood. 40:50.760 --> 40:53.340 He must have just seemed like he was flesh and blood. 40:53.340 --> 40:57.400 Other Christians said, that's wrong and they call 40:57.402 --> 41:00.622 these people the "Seemsters," 41:00.619 --> 41:01.719 Docetics. 41:01.719 --> 41:05.669 Docetism refers to a Christology that says Jesus is 41:05.668 --> 41:07.668 spirit; the Christ is spirit, 41:07.672 --> 41:10.012 but not really flesh and blood human. 41:10.010 --> 41:13.610 Notice how this author is arguing against different kinds 41:13.606 --> 41:17.586 of ideas and it shows a further split in early Christianity. 41:17.590 --> 41:20.540 You have some people believing that Jesus was human but not 41:20.536 --> 41:22.936 fully divine, other people believing that he 41:22.936 --> 41:25.156 was so divine that he wasn't even human, 41:25.159 --> 41:28.729 and this author is trying to hold together these two things. 41:28.730 --> 41:31.490 Now how this happened--so that's what's going on, 41:31.489 --> 41:34.969 the Gospel--the first letter of John shows a community that's 41:34.974 --> 41:38.174 again divided but now it's divided by some of the people 41:38.170 --> 41:41.250 within its midst going off because they thought, 41:41.250 --> 41:43.530 you can't have a flesh and blood God, 41:43.530 --> 41:45.490 and therefore, if you're going to have Jesus 41:45.494 --> 41:47.234 as God he can't be flesh and blood, 41:47.230 --> 41:50.500 so they've left the community. 41:50.500 --> 41:52.630 Let's look at 2 John, this is a little-- 41:52.630 --> 41:55.860 I'm going to read all the way through this one because this is 41:55.862 --> 41:57.392 going-- we need to sort of figure out 41:57.391 --> 41:58.011 what's going on. 41:58.010 --> 41:59.030 It's a very short letter. 41:59.030 --> 42:02.170 "The elder," so he calls himself the elder, 42:02.172 --> 42:04.472 so he doesn't even give us his name. 42:04.469 --> 42:06.479 The elder to the elect lady and her children, 42:06.480 --> 42:09.530 whom I love in the truth, and not only I but also all who 42:09.528 --> 42:11.978 know the truth, because of the truth that 42:11.976 --> 42:14.616 abides in us and will be with us forever ... 42:14.619 --> 42:17.299 I was overjoyed to find some of your children walking in the 42:17.300 --> 42:19.710 truth just as we have been commanded by the Father. 42:19.710 --> 42:21.730 He's talking to an elect lady and her children, 42:21.726 --> 42:24.006 most of us think this is a metaphor and he's actually 42:24.005 --> 42:25.405 addressing this to a church. 42:25.409 --> 42:27.829 The elect lady probably means the church itself, 42:27.831 --> 42:30.721 not a particular human person, but that's just a judgment 42:30.715 --> 42:31.175 call. 42:31.179 --> 42:34.069 But now, dear lady, I ask you not as though I were 42:34.068 --> 42:37.308 writing to you a new commandment but one we had from the 42:37.309 --> 42:39.609 beginning, let us love one another. 42:39.610 --> 42:41.750 There's that love thing, so we're know we're still in 42:41.748 --> 42:44.258 the same kind of Christianity that we were with the others. 42:44.260 --> 42:46.760 This is love, that we walk according to his 42:46.757 --> 42:48.727 commandments; this is the commandment that 42:48.731 --> 42:50.201 you have heard from the beginning ... 42:50.199 --> 42:52.779 Many deceivers have gone out into the world, 42:52.780 --> 42:56.200 those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the 42:56.199 --> 42:56.799 flesh. 42:56.800 --> 43:00.190 [There are those people again.] Any such person is the deceiver 43:00.190 --> 43:01.340 and the antichrist. 43:01.340 --> 43:04.390 Be on your guard so that you do not lose what we have worked for 43:04.389 --> 43:05.939 but may receive a full reward. 43:05.940 --> 43:08.880 Everyone who does not abide in the teaching of Christ but goes 43:08.876 --> 43:10.316 beyond it does not have God. 43:10.320 --> 43:13.280 Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 43:13.280 --> 43:16.880 Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to 43:16.878 --> 43:19.318 you and does not bring this teaching, 43:19.320 --> 43:22.090 for to welcome is to participate in the evil deeds of 43:22.094 --> 43:22.954 such a person. 43:22.949 --> 43:26.489 The main purpose of this very short letter is to say, 43:26.489 --> 43:29.239 to another church that's in the same kind of community with this 43:29.235 --> 43:30.935 one, there are people who have left 43:30.942 --> 43:33.702 our community and the reason is they don't believe Jesus was 43:33.701 --> 43:34.871 fully flesh and blood. 43:34.869 --> 43:37.709 Don't even let them come to visit you, 43:37.710 --> 43:39.640 these are traveling preachers, and he says, 43:39.639 --> 43:41.279 don't receive them, don't give them money, 43:41.280 --> 43:43.320 don't give them food, don't put them up in your guest 43:43.324 --> 43:45.694 room, just completely shun them, 43:45.686 --> 43:49.696 so he's writing to another church because of this. 43:49.699 --> 43:52.449 Now look at 3 John: "The elder to the beloved 43:52.445 --> 43:55.185 Gaius," now it's the same person writing, 43:55.190 --> 43:57.090 he says, but now it's to a man named Gaius, 43:57.090 --> 43:59.470 not to the elect lady. 43:59.469 --> 44:02.369 I pray that all may go with you, in good health ... 44:02.369 --> 44:05.359 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, 44:05.364 --> 44:07.434 even though they are strangers to you. 44:07.429 --> 44:09.009 They have testified to your love before the church. 44:09.010 --> 44:12.610 You will do well to send them on in a manner worthy of God, 44:12.610 --> 44:15.220 for they began their journey for the sake of Christ accepting 44:15.217 --> 44:16.607 no support from non-believers. 44:16.610 --> 44:18.560 This is a letter that has been sent around, 44:18.559 --> 44:21.159 probably with other traveling preachers, 44:21.159 --> 44:24.669 but these traveling preachers seem to be representatives of 44:24.668 --> 44:26.828 the elder himself, the author. 44:26.829 --> 44:28.919 He's writing to a man named Gaius and says, 44:28.923 --> 44:31.173 you're a good guy, you receive our messengers, 44:31.168 --> 44:34.308 you receive the people that we're sending around to preach. 44:34.309 --> 44:36.199 "I have written something to the church" 44:36.204 --> 44:38.204 -- oh he did write a letter to the 44:38.204 --> 44:40.324 church, so now you see he wrote another 44:40.324 --> 44:42.964 letter to the church, he's writing this letter to an 44:42.956 --> 44:43.536 individual. 44:43.539 --> 44:47.399 "But Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, 44:47.396 --> 44:50.136 does not acknowledge our authority. 44:50.139 --> 44:52.069 So if I come"--in other words, 44:52.070 --> 44:56.150 Diotrephes seems to be the leader of a church and has not 44:56.152 --> 45:00.092 allowed the elder to send his letter to that church. 45:00.090 --> 45:03.580 He's intercepting letters and not allowing these things to be 45:03.579 --> 45:05.149 read aloud in the church. 45:05.150 --> 45:07.240 All these letters were supposed to be read aloud in churches. 45:07.239 --> 45:10.749 If I come I will call attention to what he is doing in spreading 45:10.746 --> 45:12.246 false charges against us. 45:12.250 --> 45:14.870 And not content with these charges, he refuses to welcome 45:14.867 --> 45:17.477 the friends and even prevents those who want to do so and 45:17.483 --> 45:18.983 expels them from the church. 45:18.980 --> 45:24.260 Diotrephes is refusing to welcome the messengers from the 45:24.262 --> 45:30.112 elder that the elder sent ahead of himself with the letter that 45:30.112 --> 45:32.002 makes up 2 John. 45:32.000 --> 45:34.380 You see what's going on here? 45:34.380 --> 45:36.700 There's a leader of this Johannine church, 45:36.699 --> 45:39.189 probably after the writing of the Gospel, 45:39.190 --> 45:41.030 probably after the writing of 1 John, 45:41.030 --> 45:44.310 and he writes 2 John as a sort of introductory letter to a 45:44.313 --> 45:45.673 church, and he says, 45:45.672 --> 45:48.282 I'm sending you some of my messengers, 45:48.280 --> 45:50.760 receive them, listen to the letter, 45:50.760 --> 45:52.700 give them what they need, help them out financially, 45:52.699 --> 45:55.649 put them up in your guest room, and then send them on their way 45:55.646 --> 45:58.306 so they can travel around to other Christian churches. 45:58.309 --> 46:01.989 Something's gone wrong though, maybe this is a different-- 46:01.989 --> 46:04.309 maybe 3 John--we don't know, this is speculation, 46:04.309 --> 46:08.479 maybe 3 John is another letter that he had to write to an 46:08.476 --> 46:12.416 individual in that town because 2 John didn't work. 46:12.420 --> 46:13.770 Why? 46:13.768 --> 46:16.118 It may be that those people disagreed with him about his 46:16.123 --> 46:18.843 Christology also, so they may have received the 46:18.838 --> 46:22.168 very people that he thought they shouldn't receive. 46:22.170 --> 46:26.330 And so he writes 3 John to an individual saying, 46:26.329 --> 46:29.559 Diotrephes is causing a bunch of problems not receiving my 46:29.563 --> 46:33.083 messengers and not allowing my letters to be read in church. 46:33.079 --> 46:36.679 You see how this represents--this is all guess 46:36.679 --> 46:37.239 work. 46:37.239 --> 46:40.809 We don't know what's going on but we see several things about 46:40.806 --> 46:41.576 the letter. 46:41.579 --> 46:43.929 There's a greeting, there are well wishes, 46:43.929 --> 46:46.499 there's praise of the reputation and behavior of the 46:46.503 --> 46:49.093 recipients, he attempts to establish a 46:49.092 --> 46:51.722 relationship, he talks to this person--he's 46:51.717 --> 46:54.847 the father's son or a patron client relationship and there's 46:54.847 --> 46:56.437 a letter of recommendation. 46:56.440 --> 46:58.020 Send them on, this is what you do in the 46:58.021 --> 46:59.761 ancient world, you give a messenger--there's 46:59.764 --> 47:00.904 no post office you know. 47:00.900 --> 47:04.210 You give a letter to someone who's traveling and that person 47:04.208 --> 47:06.788 gets to a friend of yours to where it says, 47:06.789 --> 47:09.149 and they show the letter, that letter is read outside-- 47:09.150 --> 47:12.490 read aloud to the group, and then you put that person up 47:12.492 --> 47:15.242 or those people up, you host them for a while, 47:15.244 --> 47:17.424 they talk and you share your messages, 47:17.420 --> 47:19.360 and then you send them on--you give them a little bit of 47:19.360 --> 47:21.510 financial support to send them on their way to the rest of the 47:21.510 --> 47:21.900 travel. 47:21.900 --> 47:25.040 That's clearly what is going on and both of these letters are 47:25.036 --> 47:27.336 letters of recommendation, typical letters of 47:27.335 --> 47:28.325 recommendation. 47:28.329 --> 47:33.989 What makes it interesting is that 2 John seems to have been a 47:33.994 --> 47:38.814 letter of recommendation that didn't work, maybe. 47:38.809 --> 47:42.669 And then 3 John had to be written to an individual because 47:42.666 --> 47:46.316 his letter couldn't get through to the whole church. 47:46.320 --> 47:50.050 What's the cause of this division? 47:50.050 --> 47:53.720 Clearly the cause of division in the Gospel of John is that 47:53.722 --> 47:57.462 some people are not accepting a high enough Christology, 47:57.460 --> 47:59.810 they're not accepting that Jesus is truly divine. 47:59.809 --> 48:02.959 They might be accepting that Jesus is human but not that he 48:02.958 --> 48:03.608 is divine. 48:03.610 --> 48:07.530 The situation has shifted slightly by the time we get to 48:07.530 --> 48:09.900 the 1 John, the letter, because there it 48:09.902 --> 48:12.742 seems like yes he's talked about some people are antichrist 48:12.744 --> 48:15.544 because they've denied that Jesus is the Messiah but other 48:15.539 --> 48:18.329 people are antichrist because they've denied that Jesus is 48:18.331 --> 48:18.971 flesh. 48:18.969 --> 48:22.139 He says they have gone out from among us, 48:22.139 --> 48:25.519 so the church has been split again on the issue of 48:25.521 --> 48:29.321 Christology but now the Christology is do you accept the 48:29.318 --> 48:33.028 full fleshness of Jesus, but then when you get to 2 John 48:33.025 --> 48:36.705 and 3 John, the split--is the split now 48:36.710 --> 48:37.920 doctrinal? 48:37.920 --> 48:39.670 Is it Christological? 48:39.670 --> 48:42.920 Or is this just a split over who gets to be the leader? 48:42.920 --> 48:46.040 Who gets to be the recognized leader of these churches? 48:46.039 --> 48:48.019 Is it the elder? 48:48.018 --> 48:51.628 Do his letters have to be accepted and his emissaries get 48:51.630 --> 48:53.760 accepted in different churches? 48:53.760 --> 48:55.730 Or is it this guy Diotrephes? 48:55.730 --> 48:58.530 Is he sort of trying to buck the elder for the leadership? 48:58.530 --> 49:01.690 Is there a dispute over Christology? 49:01.690 --> 49:04.690 Do they disagree about Christology or is it now a 49:04.686 --> 49:07.056 purely a personnel leadership issue? 49:07.059 --> 49:11.639 It's very difficult to see but you can very quickly see by 49:11.641 --> 49:15.261 looking at these four different documents, 49:15.260 --> 49:18.620 the Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, 49:18.619 --> 49:21.879 3 John, four different documents which may have been 49:21.878 --> 49:23.868 written in the-- not by the same person, 49:23.867 --> 49:25.907 we don't think they're all written by the same person, 49:25.909 --> 49:28.109 but they're clearly written by the same school of early 49:28.108 --> 49:28.718 Christianity. 49:28.719 --> 49:30.949 They share enough the vocabulary and enough theology. 49:30.949 --> 49:34.359 You can almost see four different stages of development 49:34.358 --> 49:36.568 and you see what we might expect. 49:36.570 --> 49:38.970 Remember I said that in growing up in Texas we always said 49:38.974 --> 49:41.384 "let's make like a Baptist church and split." 49:41.380 --> 49:46.400 Early churches also seem to split a lot, is that what we see 49:46.402 --> 49:47.002 here? 49:47.000 --> 49:50.020 Four different stages of a church with different kinds of 49:50.021 --> 49:52.501 divisions happening and, therefore different, 49:52.503 --> 49:54.753 kinds of Christianity developing due to these 49:54.753 --> 49:57.073 divisions; very possible. 49:57.070 --> 49:59.360 Any questions about that? 49:59.360 --> 50:01.250 Questions, comments, outbursts? 50:01.250 --> 50:06.100 Now what I've just given you is one reading of these texts, 50:06.103 --> 50:09.203 and I've done a lot of speculating. 50:09.199 --> 50:10.489 For example, you could just say, 50:10.492 --> 50:12.872 well 2 John may have been written to one church and 3 John 50:12.869 --> 50:15.329 is written to a totally different geographical region, 50:15.329 --> 50:16.519 that's entirely possible. 50:16.518 --> 50:19.558 I think it's interesting to put them in this way and read them 50:19.561 --> 50:21.501 this way, but that's just one historical 50:21.501 --> 50:24.411 reconstruction because a lot of what I'm teaching you is let's-- 50:24.409 --> 50:27.279 how do you imagine history developing if all you have are 50:27.280 --> 50:29.950 these texts by which you construct the history of the 50:29.947 --> 50:30.817 early church? 50:30.820 --> 50:34.070 Next time we're going to shift gears dramatically because now 50:34.067 --> 50:37.257 we're not going to be talking about the historical situation 50:37.260 --> 50:39.910 of the text, we're going to be talking about 50:39.914 --> 50:43.384 how do you get through all these texts to try to figure out the 50:43.382 --> 50:44.952 historical Jesus himself? 50:44.949 --> 50:47.699 Did Jesus of Nazareth really exist? 50:47.699 --> 50:49.819 What did he do? 50:49.820 --> 50:50.850 What did he say? 50:50.849 --> 50:52.849 What did he think of himself? 50:52.849 --> 50:55.149 That's what we'll talk about next time. 50:55.150 --> 51:00.000