WEBVTT 00:01.820 --> 00:04.250 Prof: Turn to the beginning of the Gospel of Luke. 00:04.250 --> 00:08.700 00:08.700 --> 00:13.430 We're going to go through a lot of Luke and Acts today. 00:13.430 --> 00:17.030 Today I'll--I sort of lied on the syllabus. 00:17.030 --> 00:20.730 You know how untrustworthy I am by now. 00:20.730 --> 00:24.770 I said on the syllabus that we're going to talk about Luke 00:24.774 --> 00:28.184 today and have a lecture on Acts on Wednesday. 00:28.180 --> 00:31.500 That's not quite true because you can't really talk about Luke 00:31.498 --> 00:34.758 without also talking about Acts and you can't much talk about 00:34.762 --> 00:38.082 Acts without talking about Luke because they're written by the 00:38.080 --> 00:39.060 same person. 00:39.060 --> 00:42.680 Almost no scholar doubts that they're written by the same 00:42.678 --> 00:43.258 person. 00:43.260 --> 00:45.900 There are some scholars who actually argue that you 00:45.899 --> 00:48.749 shouldn't read them as two volumes of the same work. 00:48.750 --> 00:52.080 Some people even say they think Acts was written a good bit 00:52.081 --> 00:55.281 after the Gospel of Luke, but I'm going to treat them as 00:55.275 --> 00:57.385 basically two volumes of the same work. 00:57.390 --> 01:01.720 Part of the lecture today will focus on Acts, 01:01.719 --> 01:03.619 but a whole lot of the lecture will also focus on-- 01:03.619 --> 01:06.599 I mean part of Luke but also on Acts, 01:06.599 --> 01:09.689 and then next time, also, though talking about Acts 01:09.694 --> 01:11.864 I'll go back and talk about Luke. 01:11.860 --> 01:15.610 Did everyone get a handout of the outline of Luke and Acts? 01:15.610 --> 01:19.450 If anybody doesn't--didn't get a handout hold up your hands and 01:19.447 --> 01:22.727 we'll get the teaching fellows to hand them around. 01:22.730 --> 01:24.700 Look at the beginning of Luke. 01:24.700 --> 01:29.230 "Since many have undertaken to set down an 01:29.229 --> 01:32.809 orderly account-- " now what will 01:32.813 --> 01:35.733 "orderly account" mean? 01:35.730 --> 01:39.050 "--of the events that have been fulfilled among us, 01:39.050 --> 01:43.340 just as they were handed onto us by those who were from the 01:43.337 --> 01:47.477 beginning eyewitnesses and servants of the word." 01:47.480 --> 01:51.640 When he tells you that he's gotten some things from-- 01:51.640 --> 01:54.760 handed down, traditions, accounts from 01:54.763 --> 01:59.833 eyewitnesses what's the first thing that that tells you about 01:59.828 --> 02:01.178 this author? 02:01.180 --> 02:03.640 He's not an eyewitness, precisely. 02:03.640 --> 02:06.020 I, too, decided, after investigating everything 02:06.015 --> 02:10.085 carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account 02:10.091 --> 02:12.201 [there again] for you, 02:12.199 --> 02:15.669 most excellent Theopholis, so that you may know the truth 02:15.674 --> 02:19.464 concerning the things about which you have been instructed. 02:19.460 --> 02:23.650 There are several things that this prologue to the Gospel of 02:23.651 --> 02:24.791 Luke tells us. 02:24.788 --> 02:26.848 One of the things of course, as you just noticed, 02:26.849 --> 02:28.739 it's not written by someone who was there. 02:28.740 --> 02:32.090 Some people will say that when we get to Acts, 02:32.090 --> 02:34.800 at least part of Acts seems to have been written by a person 02:34.797 --> 02:37.197 who was actually there, because about halfway through 02:37.202 --> 02:39.252 the book of Acts he starts about "we." 02:39.250 --> 02:40.400 We did this, and we did this, 02:40.395 --> 02:42.845 rather than just Paul or other people in the third person. 02:42.849 --> 02:45.349 I don't believe that's the case. 02:45.348 --> 02:48.808 I believe he may have used some kind of written document that 02:48.806 --> 02:50.176 was-- that used the term 02:50.182 --> 02:52.672 "we" or sometimes an ancient text, 02:52.669 --> 02:56.599 I think sometimes a person would just insert themselves 02:56.599 --> 03:00.239 into the narrative to give it a more directness. 03:00.240 --> 03:04.220 So I'm not going to teach that this author was an eyewitness of 03:04.217 --> 03:06.847 any of the stuff that he writes about, 03:06.848 --> 03:08.948 but certainly he's not an eyewitness of the stuff that 03:08.949 --> 03:11.089 happens in the Gospels, as he also says. 03:11.090 --> 03:12.940 That's one thing that it tells us. 03:12.938 --> 03:16.578 This also tells us that this is a compilation of sources. 03:16.580 --> 03:18.800 Now already, when you've been working on the 03:18.800 --> 03:21.640 synoptic problem and how to write an exegesis paper, 03:21.639 --> 03:24.469 you have figured out that the Gospel writers used other 03:24.473 --> 03:25.003 sources. 03:25.000 --> 03:26.930 Some of them are written sources, some of them are oral 03:26.931 --> 03:27.291 sources. 03:27.288 --> 03:30.268 This guy actually admits it up front, so it sounds like he's 03:30.272 --> 03:32.602 using both written sources and oral sources. 03:32.598 --> 03:35.318 What's one of the written sources we know he used? 03:35.318 --> 03:37.818 Mark, exactly, and we think that there's 03:37.822 --> 03:41.802 another written source that we call Q that he may have used. 03:41.800 --> 03:44.460 What does he mean by "orderly account"? 03:44.460 --> 03:47.870 Does it mean that Mark kind of wrote things in one order and 03:47.866 --> 03:50.346 this guy knows a better chronological order, 03:50.351 --> 03:51.681 a historical order? 03:51.680 --> 03:54.230 Is he talking about, I'm writing to you an account 03:54.234 --> 03:57.314 that's more like what actually happened when it happened? 03:57.310 --> 03:59.820 That's the way this has sometimes been interpreted by 03:59.824 --> 04:00.264 people. 04:00.258 --> 04:03.918 As we'll see today that's not likely right because we can even 04:03.924 --> 04:06.934 tell when this author is creatively shifting events 04:06.926 --> 04:08.846 around for his own purposes. 04:08.848 --> 04:11.988 He's claiming to write an orderly account, 04:11.990 --> 04:15.500 but if he is claiming that he's giving us a more chronologically 04:15.496 --> 04:17.496 accurate account then he's wrong, 04:17.500 --> 04:18.870 as we'll see. 04:18.870 --> 04:21.950 Probably he doesn't even mean that, probably this is no claim 04:21.954 --> 04:22.834 to historicity. 04:22.829 --> 04:26.009 He's probably just saying that, the way I tell this is better 04:26.014 --> 04:29.204 than the way that Mark or Q or some other sources tell it. 04:29.199 --> 04:32.049 He's thought about the order in which he puts it and he's 04:32.052 --> 04:34.552 thought about how he wants to write his Gospel. 04:34.550 --> 04:37.920 This also tells you what literary form this is. 04:37.920 --> 04:41.300 He knows he's writing something that's like other literature in 04:41.298 --> 04:42.388 the ancient world. 04:42.389 --> 04:46.669 The Gospel of Luke is not a biography but it could have been 04:46.670 --> 04:48.340 thought of as a life. 04:48.339 --> 04:53.749 In fact, the Greek word for life is bios, 04:53.745 --> 04:56.385 where we get biology. 04:56.389 --> 05:02.439 Bios could be the name of genre of literature that told 05:02.439 --> 05:04.719 about some great man. 05:04.720 --> 05:07.230 We separate it from biography because it doesn't have the same 05:07.226 --> 05:09.196 kind of concerns that a modern biography does. 05:09.199 --> 05:12.999 It seems like he knows that for the Gospel of Luke anyway he's 05:13.002 --> 05:16.122 writing a bios of Jesus, a life of Jesus. 05:16.120 --> 05:17.340 How do we know that? 05:17.339 --> 05:20.879 Because he starts off later in the Gospel with the same kind of 05:20.877 --> 05:24.357 stuff that you would see if you read a book about Augustus the 05:24.358 --> 05:28.118 Emperor, or Plato the great philosopher. 05:28.120 --> 05:31.560 That is, he starts off with narratives about a miraculous 05:31.557 --> 05:32.047 birth. 05:32.050 --> 05:36.150 Telling stories about a great man and his miraculous birth was 05:36.146 --> 05:39.366 a not uncommon way to start a life of someone. 05:39.370 --> 05:42.180 Then in Acts it also looks like he knows he's writing something 05:42.182 --> 05:44.182 that would look something like a history, 05:44.180 --> 05:47.270 and we have histories also from the ancient world. 05:47.269 --> 05:50.559 This guy is--much more then Mark, this author is much more 05:50.560 --> 05:53.790 self conscious in setting himself forward and setting his 05:53.791 --> 05:56.881 work up as a literary work, it has literary form. 05:56.879 --> 05:58.439 Who is Theophilus though? 05:58.440 --> 06:01.220 Some people would think, well maybe this is the guy's 06:01.216 --> 06:03.066 patron, because often in the ancient 06:03.071 --> 06:06.141 world when you wrote a book you started off with the dedication. 06:06.139 --> 06:08.059 The dedication, you didn't say, 06:08.062 --> 06:10.972 dedicated to so and so, what you said was Dear 06:10.968 --> 06:14.288 Theophilus, I am writing this because you've asked me to set 06:14.293 --> 06:15.423 down my thoughts. 06:15.420 --> 06:16.810 In other words you give a fiction, 06:16.810 --> 06:20.370 it's a fiction that your patron, maybe the person who 06:20.370 --> 06:23.110 supports you financially or socially, 06:23.110 --> 06:26.910 or whatever that person has asked you to set down an account 06:26.913 --> 06:27.883 of something. 06:27.879 --> 06:31.119 You would start off, Dear Mr. Smith you've asked 06:31.120 --> 06:34.360 me repeatedly when we had lunch at Mori's, 06:34.360 --> 06:36.730 to describe my recent trip to Africa, 06:36.730 --> 06:38.770 so I'm writing this down at your request. 06:38.769 --> 06:40.549 That's a dedication to your patron. 06:40.550 --> 06:42.780 Who is Theophilus, though? 06:42.779 --> 06:45.649 Some people say maybe he's an actual historic person, 06:45.649 --> 06:47.719 he calls him "most excellent," 06:47.723 --> 06:50.913 the Greek word would seem to imply that this guy is of fairly 06:50.911 --> 06:54.001 high class or that our author wants us to believe that he's 06:53.995 --> 06:54.895 high class. 06:54.899 --> 06:57.389 It's also, though, possible, some people have 06:57.387 --> 06:59.627 said, maybe he's a fiction because 06:59.634 --> 07:03.674 Theophilus comes from two Greek words meaning theos which 07:03.673 --> 07:06.453 is God, and philos beloved or 07:06.447 --> 07:07.037 friend. 07:07.040 --> 07:10.900 Some people have said he's making up a name that's sort of 07:10.903 --> 07:15.043 a fictive name for any God loving or beloved by God reader. 07:15.040 --> 07:18.020 We really don't know, so scholars are completely at 07:18.021 --> 07:21.421 sea as far is if Theophilus a real person or is he not. 07:21.420 --> 07:25.570 Those are several things about that we need to notice. 07:25.569 --> 07:29.939 He sets himself up as writing a history by the ancient standards 07:29.939 --> 07:34.099 of history, but is it history by our standards of history? 07:34.100 --> 07:37.230 The only way to figure that out is to analyze the text itself, 07:37.226 --> 07:39.016 so that's what we're going to do. 07:39.019 --> 07:42.939 On your outline you have--on your handout you have an outline 07:42.935 --> 07:45.085 of Luke and an outline of Acts. 07:45.089 --> 07:47.809 I think I didn't get one, I gave mine away, 07:47.809 --> 07:48.909 can I have one? 07:48.910 --> 07:52.510 07:52.509 --> 07:56.949 Thank you, Michael. 07:56.949 --> 07:59.049 Notice how it's divided up. 07:59.050 --> 08:04.310 First you get the beginning of the Gospel which actually starts 08:04.305 --> 08:08.285 off with the birth and childhood narratives, 08:08.290 --> 08:11.260 and Jesus and John the Baptist, in chapter 1, 08:11.259 --> 08:13.759 and then in chapter 3 you get Jesus meeting-- 08:13.759 --> 08:16.249 Jesus relationship to John the Baptist. 08:16.250 --> 08:19.930 All of this starts off partly in Galilee but also partly in 08:19.932 --> 08:20.442 Judea. 08:20.439 --> 08:22.759 The birth of John happens in Judea, the birth of Jesus, 08:22.764 --> 08:24.884 according to Luke, happens in Galilee [correction: 08:24.875 --> 08:25.345 Judea]. 08:25.350 --> 08:28.210 Luke also, though, has Jesus family go from Judea 08:28.208 --> 08:30.888 to Galilee [correction: from Galilee to Judea] 08:30.887 --> 08:31.957 for the birth. 08:31.959 --> 08:34.629 Now that's different from Matthew, Matthew just started 08:34.633 --> 08:36.963 off with the holy family living in Bethlehem. 08:36.960 --> 08:41.400 Luke has the idea that this family is living in Galilee and, 08:41.399 --> 08:45.239 because of a census, the family is required to go to 08:45.235 --> 08:47.715 Bethlehem, which is in Judea. 08:47.720 --> 08:51.210 The family is from Galilee, but Luke really starts the 08:51.206 --> 08:54.626 action of his Gospel, both for John the Baptist birth 08:54.628 --> 08:57.258 and for the birth of Jesus in Judea. 08:57.259 --> 08:58.179 That's going to be important. 08:58.178 --> 09:00.928 Then you have, starting in 3:23, 09:00.929 --> 09:05.719 the beginning of Jesus' Galilean ministry and that goes 09:05.720 --> 09:07.850 all the way to 9:50. 09:07.850 --> 09:09.250 You have the beginning of the ministry, 09:09.250 --> 09:12.710 there's an announcement in 3:23, this is Jesus began to-- 09:12.710 --> 09:14.480 in the fifteenth year of reign of Tiberius, 09:14.480 --> 09:17.630 then you have a genealogy, then you have the temptation 09:17.634 --> 09:20.684 story in chapter 4, and then you have Jesus' 09:20.676 --> 09:23.866 inaugural address, which we'll talk about both 09:23.869 --> 09:25.469 this time and next time. 09:25.470 --> 09:29.300 In 4:14-30 is Jesus' first sermon, it's very clear Luke 09:29.298 --> 09:33.338 wants to set this up as Jesus' first sermon and we'll talk 09:33.341 --> 09:34.761 about why later. 09:34.759 --> 09:41.159 Then you have 4:31 to 8:56, the Galilean ministry proper. 09:41.158 --> 09:43.768 That is, this is Jesus going around Galilee, 09:43.765 --> 09:46.065 healing people, preaching, teaching. 09:46.070 --> 09:49.230 Now look in chapter 9, though, then you get a 09:49.225 --> 09:50.655 transition period. 09:50.659 --> 09:54.689 09:54.690 --> 09:58.380 Most of chapter 9 is a transition from the Galilee 09:58.384 --> 10:01.784 ministry to the other main part of Jesus'-- 10:01.778 --> 10:07.478 of Luke's passage in the Gospel which is Jesus' trip to 10:07.481 --> 10:08.751 Jerusalem. 10:08.750 --> 10:11.240 9:1, "Then Jesus called the twelve together and gave 10:11.240 --> 10:14.090 them power and authority over demons and cured diseases." 10:14.090 --> 10:17.020 Notice now, he's not really doing the Galilean ministry 10:17.023 --> 10:19.743 anymore, he's setting up other things to happen. 10:19.740 --> 10:30.740 Look at--now look all the way at the end of that chapter at 10:30.741 --> 10:32.071 9:51. 10:32.070 --> 10:35.010 This is a very big verse in Luke although--but you'd never 10:35.014 --> 10:38.274 know it unless you had a scholar kind of point it out to you; 10:38.269 --> 10:42.229 9:51: "When the days drew near for him to be taken up, 10:42.231 --> 10:45.171 he set his face to go to Jerusalem." 10:45.169 --> 10:46.769 Now what is that? 10:46.769 --> 10:49.589 "Taken up," --does that refer to Jesus 10:49.590 --> 10:51.030 ascension into heaven? 10:51.029 --> 10:53.989 Is it for his crucifixion because you put somebody up on a 10:53.985 --> 10:54.395 cross? 10:54.399 --> 10:56.319 Whatever it is, but notice, we're not even 10:56.317 --> 10:58.047 toward the end of the Gospel here, 10:58.048 --> 11:00.028 we're only about halfway through--we're not even halfway 11:00.032 --> 11:00.792 through the Gospel. 11:00.788 --> 11:04.118 We're at still very early in the Gospel compared to what the 11:04.120 --> 11:06.910 rest of it is, and yet, what Luke is doing is 11:06.912 --> 11:10.152 turning your attention as a reader now to Jerusalem. 11:10.149 --> 11:13.329 "When the days drew near for him to be taken up, 11:13.330 --> 11:15.060 he set his face to go to Jerusalem, 11:15.058 --> 11:17.188 he sent messengers ahead of him," and they go through 11:17.188 --> 11:17.748 the villages. 11:17.750 --> 11:22.100 So all the rest of the next ten chapters Jesus is on the road. 11:22.100 --> 11:23.400 "On the road again." 11:23.399 --> 11:25.509 It's on the road to Jerusalem. 11:25.509 --> 11:29.559 Now this big ten chapter on the road trip, Jesus' road trip to 11:29.562 --> 11:32.492 Jerusalem, is not found in the other Gospels, 11:32.486 --> 11:33.946 it's only in Luke. 11:33.950 --> 11:36.550 What does--what is it there for? 11:36.548 --> 11:39.698 Then in 19:45, Jesus finally gets to 11:39.696 --> 11:45.176 Jerusalem, and from 19:45 until the end of Luke you have Jesus 11:45.181 --> 11:46.711 in Jerusalem. 11:46.710 --> 11:49.960 Then Acts starts out, and as I've said before, 11:49.956 --> 11:54.426 the next volume Acts starts by retelling a bit of what happened 11:54.429 --> 11:56.089 at the end of Luke. 11:56.090 --> 11:59.420 You know you're in the second volume of a two volume work here 11:59.416 --> 12:01.976 because he rehashes at the beginning of Acts. 12:01.980 --> 12:06.300 First you get the time--from one, Acts 1:1 to 9:43, 12:06.298 --> 12:10.618 I've designated as the time before the Gentiles. 12:10.620 --> 12:13.380 The church is all a Jewish community, 12:13.379 --> 12:16.609 they all live mainly in Judea and Jerusalem, 12:16.610 --> 12:18.550 they worship together, they even spend a lot of time 12:18.552 --> 12:19.892 in the temple, in the Jewish temple. 12:19.889 --> 12:22.519 This is very much a Jewish organization, 12:22.519 --> 12:24.619 the Gentiles haven't been brought in, 12:24.620 --> 12:27.110 and then you have another transition period just like when 12:27.105 --> 12:29.325 we had a transition period in Chapter 9 of Luke, 12:29.330 --> 12:34.170 in Chapter 10 of Acts you have a transition period from 10:1 to 12:34.173 --> 12:34.803 12:25. 12:34.798 --> 12:38.708 First you have the conversion of the first Gentile convert, 12:38.710 --> 12:42.330 he's a Roman Centurion, Cornelius, and you have Peter 12:42.327 --> 12:45.177 defending his conversion of Cornelius, 12:45.178 --> 12:47.778 because this is controversial to bring someone into the church 12:47.782 --> 12:49.832 without them being circumcised at this point, 12:49.830 --> 12:51.310 according to Luke's narrative. 12:51.308 --> 12:58.468 Then you have 11:19-30, look at that, 12:58.469 --> 13:03.369 Acts 11:19-30: Now those who were scattered, 13:03.370 --> 13:06.260 because of the persecution that took place over Stephen, 13:06.258 --> 13:09.038 traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. 13:09.038 --> 13:10.458 And they spoke the word to no one but Jews. 13:10.460 --> 13:13.800 But among them were some men from Cyprus and Cyrene who on 13:13.798 --> 13:16.488 coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, 13:16.493 --> 13:18.313 proclaiming the Lord Jesus. 13:18.308 --> 13:20.548 Now you may have a footnote after the word 13:20.553 --> 13:23.403 "Hellenists," does anybody have a food note 13:23.400 --> 13:25.810 after the word Hellenist there in your-- 13:25.809 --> 13:27.259 what does your footnote say? 13:27.259 --> 13:29.329 Student: > 13:29.330 --> 13:31.350 Prof: Greeks, so some texts have 13:31.346 --> 13:33.886 "Hellenists" which would be sort of Greek 13:33.894 --> 13:36.604 speaking Jews and other manuscripts have just the word 13:36.596 --> 13:37.816 "Greeks." 13:37.820 --> 13:40.820 In fact, you can even take this term "Hellenist" 13:40.817 --> 13:42.447 to be just Greeks themselves. 13:42.450 --> 13:45.290 At least there's some idea that these people were speaking not 13:45.293 --> 13:48.093 just too Greek--speaking to Greek Jews but also to Greeks. 13:48.090 --> 13:51.750 That introduces, then, this period of the 13:51.751 --> 13:52.761 Gentiles. 13:52.759 --> 13:56.939 You have the introduction to a predominantly Gentile church in 13:56.936 --> 13:59.476 Antioch, and that's what you get from 13:59.476 --> 14:01.826 11:19-30, and then you get some 14:01.831 --> 14:05.061 persecution in Jerusalem in Chapter 12, 14:05.058 --> 14:10.458 and then you get a shift of attention from Jerusalem to the 14:10.456 --> 14:14.006 Gentiles in 12:25: But the word of God continued 14:14.009 --> 14:15.719 to advance and gain adherence. 14:15.720 --> 14:18.020 Then after completing their mission, Barnabus and Saul 14:18.018 --> 14:20.098 returned to Jerusalem and brought with them John, 14:20.099 --> 14:21.399 whose other name was Mark. 14:21.399 --> 14:23.329 I actually think that's supposed to be "returned 14:23.327 --> 14:24.587 from Jerusalem to Antioch." 14:24.590 --> 14:28.460 There's again some manuscript problems because in 13:1 you 14:28.456 --> 14:29.996 have, "Now in the church at 14:29.996 --> 14:31.836 Antioch there were prophets and teachers." 14:31.840 --> 14:36.080 From chapter 13 to the rest of Acts, the attention is not in 14:36.077 --> 14:36.937 Jerusalem. 14:36.940 --> 14:39.160 They go back to Jerusalem, Paul goes back to Jerusalem a 14:39.163 --> 14:40.853 few times, and Paul is eventually arrested 14:40.846 --> 14:42.186 in Jerusalem and there is a trial, 14:42.190 --> 14:43.780 and there's all kinds of interesting, 14:43.779 --> 14:46.579 exciting riots and things that happen in Jerusalem. 14:46.580 --> 14:50.130 But the rest of Acts the attention is away from Jerusalem 14:50.128 --> 14:54.118 and to the rest of the world, the rest of--all the way there. 14:54.120 --> 14:56.310 Then you have from 13:1 you have the period called 14:56.307 --> 14:58.897 "after the Gentiles," this is after Gentiles have 14:58.898 --> 15:01.748 been brought into the church and then the focus is going to be on 15:01.754 --> 15:03.814 the Gentile church for the rest of Acts. 15:03.808 --> 15:06.268 You get, for example, the first missionary journey of 15:06.272 --> 15:08.832 Paul, then you have the Jerusalem conference in chapter 15:08.827 --> 15:10.767 15, which we've talked about already. 15:10.769 --> 15:13.449 Then you have the second missionary journey of Paul, 15:13.450 --> 15:15.540 and then the third missionary journey of Paul, 15:15.538 --> 15:19.378 and then you have Paul in Jerusalem and then arrested and 15:19.375 --> 15:22.325 taken to Rome, and then you have Paul in Rome 15:22.333 --> 15:26.493 and ending the whole book, chapter 28:17-31. 15:26.490 --> 15:28.630 Notice what's going on here. 15:28.629 --> 15:33.949 Luke constructs his two-volume work like this. 15:33.950 --> 15:39.280 15:39.279 --> 15:44.979 It starts off in Judea, it keeps coming to Jerusalem, 15:44.980 --> 15:46.870 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, it focuses you on Jerusalem, 15:46.870 --> 15:50.120 through all the Gospel of Luke, and then the last week of 15:50.118 --> 15:52.958 Jesus' life in Jerusalem where he's crucified, 15:52.960 --> 15:54.110 he's resurrected. 15:54.110 --> 15:59.190 Where did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection 15:59.192 --> 16:01.112 according to Matthew? 16:01.110 --> 16:03.700 Galilee, exactly. 16:03.700 --> 16:07.360 Did Jesus appear to any of his disciples in Jerusalem according 16:07.361 --> 16:08.131 to Matthew? 16:08.129 --> 16:10.239 No. 16:10.240 --> 16:13.100 All the appearances of Jesus--the resurrected Jesus in 16:13.104 --> 16:15.594 Matthew take place in Galilee not Jerusalem. 16:15.590 --> 16:20.300 Just the opposite of that, at the end of Luke and the 16:20.304 --> 16:23.764 beginning of Acts, Jesus tells his disciples after 16:23.759 --> 16:25.639 he's risen, several of them see him, 16:25.640 --> 16:28.190 and he says, "Stay in Jerusalem, 16:28.187 --> 16:32.377 don't go out of Jerusalem or Judea until the Holy Spirit 16:32.376 --> 16:33.516 comes." 16:33.519 --> 16:36.069 And it says, they stayed in Jerusalem the 16:36.065 --> 16:40.135 whole--he--Jesus appeared to his disciples for a stated period of 16:40.138 --> 16:43.588 time, according to Acts; I think its forty days. 16:43.590 --> 16:44.930 Is that right? 16:44.929 --> 16:46.409 Something like that. 16:46.408 --> 16:49.578 After that period of time Jesus no longer appeared to his 16:49.575 --> 16:51.185 disciples, according to Acts, 16:51.192 --> 16:54.062 he ascended into heaven, but that whole time they stayed 16:54.063 --> 16:56.123 in Judea, so all the appearances of the 16:56.120 --> 16:58.310 resurrected Jesus, according to Luke, 16:58.312 --> 16:59.932 take place in Jerusalem. 16:59.928 --> 17:02.738 That's interesting see that he starts off in Galilee, 17:02.740 --> 17:06.170 he ends up in Jerusalem, and then Acts starts off again 17:06.166 --> 17:08.766 in Jerusalem and then it goes out and-- 17:08.769 --> 17:12.639 to part of the world--it expands its vision to Antioch, 17:12.640 --> 17:16.940 to Asia Minor, to Greece, to Europe, 17:16.940 --> 17:20.250 and finally Paul ends up in Rome at the end. 17:20.250 --> 17:24.690 There's a very schematic geographical system to the way 17:24.685 --> 17:28.215 Luke has organized this two volume work, 17:28.220 --> 17:32.450 and that's even reflected in the layout of the outline of the 17:32.454 --> 17:34.154 book, which is why I wanted to give 17:34.150 --> 17:35.320 you that very simple outline. 17:35.318 --> 17:37.728 Now let's go back and see how this is reflected in other 17:37.729 --> 17:38.079 parts. 17:38.078 --> 17:44.148 Look at Jesus' inaugural speech as put forward by Luke in 17:44.151 --> 17:46.321 chapter 4 of Luke. 17:46.318 --> 17:49.648 Now we're going to spend a lot of time talking about this 17:49.648 --> 17:53.338 because you're going to imitate me when you write your exegesis 17:53.335 --> 17:53.985 papers. 17:53.990 --> 17:57.770 You're going to pay really good attention to all the details of 17:57.773 --> 17:58.693 the pericope. 17:58.690 --> 18:02.600 You've learned now that pericope is just a fancy 18:02.597 --> 18:05.827 Greek word for section, it's the Greek form of section, 18:05.826 --> 18:07.476 both of them mean something cut out, 18:07.480 --> 18:11.010 and so pericope is what we biblical scholars often call a 18:11.009 --> 18:14.159 little piece of text that you do an exegesis of. 18:14.160 --> 18:17.800 You want to concentrate on the details of your pericope to try 18:17.799 --> 18:19.829 to find out what the message is. 18:19.828 --> 18:23.138 So that's what we're going to do with this passage 4:16-30. 18:23.140 --> 18:26.090 Now it would help if you also compared this-- 18:26.088 --> 18:27.408 we're not going to do that so much right now-- 18:27.410 --> 18:32.320 with Mark 6:1-6 because Luke is getting this scene from Mark. 18:32.318 --> 18:35.788 What's going to be interesting to us is, what does Luke change 18:35.790 --> 18:37.840 about the scene he gets from Mark? 18:37.838 --> 18:40.288 What does he add to the scene he gets from Mark? 18:40.288 --> 18:44.638 You could also compare it with Matthew 13:53-58 because that's 18:44.638 --> 18:46.278 where Matthew has it. 18:46.279 --> 18:50.339 If you were to compare Mark and Matthew, what you would see is 18:50.336 --> 18:53.326 Matthew pretty much just follows Mark here. 18:53.328 --> 18:57.258 He takes this story about where he finds it in the story of 18:57.255 --> 19:01.105 Mark, and he puts it in his story at chronologically about 19:01.113 --> 19:02.403 the same place. 19:02.400 --> 19:05.490 And he doesn't have Jesus give a long speech, 19:05.492 --> 19:09.292 he just has him appear there and that sort of thing. 19:09.289 --> 19:10.579 Now notice what Luke does. 19:10.578 --> 19:13.028 Luke takes this text and he does a lot more with it, 19:13.026 --> 19:15.326 so we're going to read it and talk about that. 19:15.328 --> 19:19.408 "When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, 19:19.405 --> 19:23.075 he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his 19:23.075 --> 19:24.225 custom." 19:24.230 --> 19:26.290 Now if you were a good exegete you would notice, 19:26.289 --> 19:30.579 "as was his custom"-- you might need to look up in a 19:30.575 --> 19:35.545 concordance to see if Luke likes that phrase, 19:35.549 --> 19:37.649 because he does. 19:37.650 --> 19:42.270 19:42.269 --> 19:44.619 He stood up and read, and the scroll of the Prophet 19:44.617 --> 19:45.837 Isaiah was given to him. 19:45.838 --> 19:48.568 He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it is 19:48.571 --> 19:50.881 written, "The spirit of the Lord is 19:50.878 --> 19:54.188 upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the 19:54.191 --> 19:54.641 poor. 19:54.640 --> 19:57.360 He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and 19:57.363 --> 20:00.583 recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, 20:00.577 --> 20:03.007 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." 20:03.009 --> 20:07.239 And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant 20:07.237 --> 20:08.347 and sat down. 20:08.348 --> 20:12.078 The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 20:12.078 --> 20:15.318 Then he began to say to them, "Today this scripture has 20:15.317 --> 20:17.457 been fulfilled in your hearing." 20:17.460 --> 20:20.360 All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words 20:20.358 --> 20:21.708 that came from his mouth. 20:21.710 --> 20:23.520 They said, "Is not this Joseph's son?" 20:23.519 --> 20:25.719 He said to them, "Doubtless you will quote 20:25.723 --> 20:27.933 to me this proverb, 'Doctor, cure yourself!' 20:27.930 --> 20:32.390 And you will say, 'Do here also in your hometown 20:32.392 --> 20:37.712 the things we have heard you did in Capernaum.'" 20:37.710 --> 20:42.980 That's interesting, because he hasn't really got to 20:42.980 --> 20:46.460 Capernaum yet in Luke's Gospel. 20:46.460 --> 20:47.920 And he said, "Truly I tell you, 20:47.921 --> 20:50.051 no prophet is accepted in the prophet's hometown. 20:50.048 --> 20:52.398 But the truth is, there were many widows in 20:52.404 --> 20:55.624 Israel in the time of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up for 20:55.619 --> 20:58.399 three years and six months, and there was a severe famine 20:58.400 --> 20:59.350 over all the land. 20:59.348 --> 21:02.818 Yet Elijah was sent to none of them except to a widow at 21:02.816 --> 21:04.136 Zarephath in Sidon. 21:04.140 --> 21:07.460 There were also many lepers in Israel in the time of prophet 21:07.457 --> 21:10.487 Elisha, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the 21:10.493 --> 21:11.453 Syrian." 21:11.450 --> 21:14.940 When they heard this-- Now notice they started out the 21:14.944 --> 21:17.864 scene, they're all happy, he's the hometown boy, 21:17.864 --> 21:20.164 he's come home, they are amazed at his 21:20.162 --> 21:22.152 teaching, the mood changes. 21:22.150 --> 21:27.450 Why does the mood change right there? 21:27.450 --> 21:30.390 When they heard this, all in the synagogue were 21:30.385 --> 21:31.595 filled with rage. 21:31.598 --> 21:33.128 They got up, drove him out of town, 21:33.134 --> 21:35.754 and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was 21:35.751 --> 21:38.101 built so that they might hurl him off the cliff. 21:38.098 --> 21:40.528 But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way. 21:40.529 --> 21:43.159 He went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, 21:43.159 --> 21:45.489 and was teaching them on the Sabbath. 21:45.490 --> 21:49.520 Notice, this is when he moves to Capernaum from Nazareth in 21:49.518 --> 21:50.628 Luke's Gospel. 21:50.630 --> 21:54.510 In all the synoptic Gospels, Jesus makes Capernaum his home 21:54.509 --> 21:57.719 base in Galilee, not his hometown of Nazareth. 21:57.720 --> 22:01.940 According to Mark and Matthew it's later in their Gospels that 22:01.943 --> 22:05.203 Jesus is rejected in Nazareth and makes his-- 22:05.200 --> 22:07.200 then moves and makes his home in Capernaum. 22:07.200 --> 22:11.450 Notice that Luke knows this, Luke is giving us a clue that 22:11.448 --> 22:15.618 he knows he's taking this passage out of its context from 22:15.621 --> 22:19.051 where he found it because the people say, 22:19.048 --> 22:21.518 "Do for us what you did in Capernaum." 22:21.519 --> 22:26.439 Implying that they think of Capernaum as his home base, 22:26.440 --> 22:28.750 well that's because by that time in Mark and Matthew, 22:28.750 --> 22:30.860 it was his home base, by the time he gives this 22:30.864 --> 22:31.834 speech in Nazareth. 22:31.828 --> 22:37.068 Luke takes this passage that he finds later in Mark and he moves 22:37.067 --> 22:41.637 it and plops it down at the beginning of Jesus' Galilean 22:41.638 --> 22:42.718 ministry. 22:42.720 --> 22:47.180 He wants this speech to be Jesus' first speech, 22:47.178 --> 22:50.568 this sermon, Jesus' first sermon. 22:50.568 --> 22:53.578 Maybe that means that if we analyze the content of the 22:53.575 --> 22:57.585 sermon we can try to figure out, why did Luke change the setting 22:57.586 --> 23:01.116 of the story to be at the beginning of the ministry and 23:01.116 --> 23:04.186 then also why did he make it so much bigger? 23:04.190 --> 23:06.510 It occupies only a few little verses in Mark, 23:06.509 --> 23:09.429 and Luke expands it into this whole speech and makes it this 23:09.428 --> 23:11.208 big conflict, so let's look at several 23:11.213 --> 23:11.963 different things. 23:11.960 --> 23:15.610 First, I said--he says, "as was his custom." 23:15.608 --> 23:19.908 As we'll talk about next week, one of the main themes of the 23:19.913 --> 23:24.443 Gospel of Luke and Acts is that good Jewish boys do good Jewish 23:24.436 --> 23:25.236 things. 23:25.240 --> 23:27.930 They go to synagogue, they know their scripture, 23:27.929 --> 23:30.049 they're circumcised, they keep kosher, 23:30.046 --> 23:31.816 they worship in the temple. 23:31.818 --> 23:36.818 So Jesus also is depicted by Luke as a good Jewish boy. 23:36.818 --> 23:39.268 We'll see next time, and I'm going to talk about 23:39.269 --> 23:42.499 some of these themes a bit more fully in both Luke and Acts. 23:42.500 --> 23:44.400 And I'll talk about, for example, 23:44.403 --> 23:48.153 why is it only in Luke that he tells us that Jesus' parents, 23:48.150 --> 23:50.330 after he was born, circumcised him on the eighth 23:50.325 --> 23:53.585 day like they were supposed to, after a month they take him to 23:53.589 --> 23:55.449 the temple for the presentation. 23:55.450 --> 23:57.130 All of this, and Luke even tells us, 23:57.134 --> 23:59.544 this is to fulfill the scripture and to fulfill the 23:59.544 --> 24:01.764 law, and he's referring back to Leviticus. 24:01.759 --> 24:04.709 So Jesus' mother and father are good Jewish parents, 24:04.710 --> 24:06.600 they do exactly what the law tells them to do, 24:06.598 --> 24:09.308 and Jesus is a good Jewish boy, so another clue here, 24:09.308 --> 24:13.508 "as was his custom," this is like Jesus goes to 24:13.509 --> 24:15.309 temple every Saturday. 24:15.308 --> 24:18.078 Look also, "the spirit of the Lord," 24:18.082 --> 24:20.352 he says in verse 18, he cites the text, 24:20.345 --> 24:23.255 "The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed 24:23.259 --> 24:25.279 me to bring good news to the poor." 24:25.278 --> 24:29.148 Again, if you took a concordance and searched all the 24:29.145 --> 24:32.725 times in Luke and Acts, when the spirit either called 24:32.727 --> 24:36.137 the Holy Spirit or sometimes just the spirit or the spirit of 24:36.136 --> 24:38.366 God occurs, you'll find this is one of 24:38.366 --> 24:39.636 Luke's favorite themes. 24:39.640 --> 24:42.350 The Holy Spirit, in fact, is the main actor in 24:42.354 --> 24:43.504 the book of Acts. 24:43.500 --> 24:46.720 Jesus is the main actor in the Gospel of Luke, 24:46.720 --> 24:49.420 Jesus leaves the scene, he kind of talks from offstage 24:49.423 --> 24:51.793 every once in a while-- talk to Saul, 24:51.785 --> 24:54.285 Saul why do you persecute me? 24:54.288 --> 24:56.618 But Jesus is kind of saying that from offstage. 24:56.618 --> 25:00.398 The real actor in the book of Luke is the Holy Spirit. 25:00.400 --> 25:02.920 --So, again, at the beginning of this 25:02.923 --> 25:06.643 lecture, this sermon, Jesus talks about the spirit. 25:06.640 --> 25:10.420 Notice also the--"sent me to bring good news to the poor, 25:10.420 --> 25:12.320 he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, 25:12.318 --> 25:16.408 recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go 25:16.405 --> 25:17.385 free." 25:17.390 --> 25:19.100 Any of you know the Magnificat? 25:19.098 --> 25:23.018 The song that's sung by Mary when she's told by the angel 25:23.019 --> 25:24.629 that she is pregnant? 25:24.630 --> 25:28.800 It's a very important liturgical piece; 25:28.798 --> 25:31.418 I'll talk about it again next time in a little bit more depth. 25:31.420 --> 25:35.020 If you go to a Catholic church or an Episcopalian church, 25:35.019 --> 25:37.799 chances are you'll say the Magnificat, 25:37.798 --> 25:39.688 "My soul blesses the Lord." 25:39.690 --> 25:42.370 It's called the Magnificat because "my soul magnifies 25:42.369 --> 25:43.169 the Lord." 25:43.170 --> 25:47.390 In the Latin the first word of the song that Mary says is 25:47.387 --> 25:50.527 magnificat, that is "magnifies," 25:50.529 --> 25:52.609 "my soul magnifies the Lord." 25:52.608 --> 25:56.118 That song that Mary says has all this stuff about God 25:56.116 --> 25:59.756 will--that her son will lift up the poor and oppressed, 25:59.759 --> 26:03.569 God will help the poor; he will send the rich away 26:03.565 --> 26:04.095 empty. 26:04.098 --> 26:06.218 Over and over again that song by Mary, 26:06.220 --> 26:09.710 this idea that God's going to perform this great reversal of 26:09.712 --> 26:12.052 rich and poor, the poor will be helped and 26:12.048 --> 26:13.998 made rich, the rich will be made poor, 26:13.999 --> 26:17.239 the high will be sent down low, the low will be raised up high, 26:17.244 --> 26:20.114 so we've already seen this theme already in the Gospel of 26:20.108 --> 26:21.798 Luke, and now it's right here in 26:21.803 --> 26:22.803 Jesus' first sermon. 26:22.799 --> 26:24.469 That's another theme. 26:24.470 --> 26:27.880 26:27.880 --> 26:31.860 Look at verse 19, "To proclaim the year of 26:31.857 --> 26:34.017 the Lord's favor." 26:34.019 --> 26:36.659 If you use an older translation, like the King James 26:36.660 --> 26:38.470 Version, anybody else have--what do you 26:38.470 --> 26:40.450 have for 19, "To proclaim the year of 26:40.452 --> 26:42.722 the Lord's favor," anybody have a different 26:42.723 --> 26:43.453 translation? 26:43.450 --> 26:44.870 Nope--yes sir? 26:44.868 --> 26:47.918 Student: > 26:47.920 --> 26:49.870 Prof: "The year acceptable to the Lord." 26:49.868 --> 26:52.618 A lot of translations--the older translations will say, 26:52.623 --> 26:54.823 "To proclaim the acceptable year of the 26:54.815 --> 26:55.575 Lord." 26:55.578 --> 26:59.058 That's--as we'll see--that's another theme of Luke. 26:59.058 --> 27:02.068 He's quoting it from scripture but then he incorporates it. 27:02.068 --> 27:04.548 For example, there will be a time later 27:04.547 --> 27:08.257 where we'll see that at one point Jesus condemns Jerusalem 27:08.263 --> 27:11.723 because "they did not recognize the time of their 27:11.720 --> 27:13.220 visitation." 27:13.220 --> 27:19.560 Jesus' being there on earth represents this special time. 27:19.558 --> 27:23.248 It's a focus of history on one point of time. 27:23.250 --> 27:25.870 Again, Jesus in his first sermon quotes this 27:25.866 --> 27:29.516 "acceptable year of the Lord" as being his year; 27:29.519 --> 27:32.569 it's the Jesus year in Judea. 27:32.568 --> 27:37.778 Then another theme that you see here is what happens to Jesus. 27:37.779 --> 27:39.719 First Jesus sets himself up as a prophet, 27:39.720 --> 27:43.420 right, by quoting--by citing stories about Elijah, 27:43.420 --> 27:45.830 who helped the woman--the widow's son, 27:45.828 --> 27:50.068 and Elisha, so Elijah and Elisha are important prophets 27:50.066 --> 27:53.986 for Luke and Jesus portrays as being like that, 27:53.990 --> 28:00.040 so that's why he says: No prophet is accepted in the 28:00.038 --> 28:01.278 prophet's hometown. 28:01.278 --> 28:03.528 But the truth is there were many widows in Israel in the 28:03.528 --> 28:06.028 time of Elijah when the heaven was shut up for three years and 28:06.025 --> 28:07.635 six months, there was severe famine, 28:07.640 --> 28:08.960 yet Elijah was not sent to them. 28:08.960 --> 28:12.320 Elijah wasn't sent to the Jews, to any Jewish widows 28:12.317 --> 28:16.197 didn't--weren't there Jewish widows who needed a little help 28:16.202 --> 28:17.062 too, God? 28:17.058 --> 28:21.608 Well yeah, but he wasn't sent to the Jewish widows he was sent 28:21.609 --> 28:25.489 to a non-Jewish widow, a woman who lived in Sidon. 28:25.490 --> 28:28.210 "There were many lepers in Israel in the time of prophet 28:28.210 --> 28:28.890 Elisha." 28:28.890 --> 28:33.100 Elisha was the junior prophet to Elijah, 28:33.098 --> 28:35.178 Elijah anointed Elisha--not anoint him, 28:35.180 --> 28:36.640 he gave him his mantel and so Elisha, 28:36.640 --> 28:39.930 after Elijah went up in the fiery chariot, 28:39.930 --> 28:42.110 the flying fiery chariot you've heard the story, 28:42.109 --> 28:43.879 "swing low swing chariot, coming for to take me 28:43.876 --> 28:44.386 home." 28:44.390 --> 28:47.910 Elijah doesn't die at the end of his life he's swooped up in a 28:47.913 --> 28:50.893 fiery chariot into heaven and, right before that, 28:50.891 --> 28:54.281 he gives his mantel to his disciple Elisha and then Elisha 28:54.282 --> 28:56.012 is the prophet from there. 28:56.009 --> 28:59.019 Elisha also, weren't there many Jewish 28:59.018 --> 29:00.318 lepers Elisha? 29:00.318 --> 29:03.218 Couldn't you take a nice Jewish leper to heal Elisha? 29:03.220 --> 29:06.910 No Jesus says, he wasn't sent to them he was 29:06.913 --> 29:09.323 sent to Naaman the Syrian. 29:09.318 --> 29:13.348 So I said, when they heard this, all in the synagogue were 29:13.349 --> 29:16.249 filled with rage, and I said, why this? 29:16.250 --> 29:18.100 What were they so upset with? 29:18.098 --> 29:22.448 Now you tell me, why does he say they were 29:22.453 --> 29:25.643 filled with rage right then? 29:25.640 --> 29:27.890 What, just say it, shout it out. 29:27.890 --> 29:31.230 You know. 29:31.230 --> 29:35.230 Are there are no Jewish lepers, Elisha? 29:35.230 --> 29:40.410 Are there no Jewish widows, Elijah? 29:40.410 --> 29:43.900 Why are they mad? 29:43.900 --> 29:45.680 Student: He's saying he's not there for them. 29:45.680 --> 29:47.440 Prof: Yeah, Jesus is saying, 29:47.438 --> 29:50.958 I'm not here for you, or at least he's saying Elijah 29:50.960 --> 29:53.620 and Elisha were sent to Gentiles, 29:53.619 --> 29:55.579 not to Jews. 29:55.579 --> 29:57.879 Notice what Luke has done here. 29:57.880 --> 30:02.040 He's set up Jesus as a prophet like Elijah and Elisha, 30:02.039 --> 30:06.439 and he had Jesus himself predict that the message will go 30:06.435 --> 30:08.315 out to the Gentiles. 30:08.318 --> 30:11.298 It hasn't gone out yet to Gentiles, in the Gospel of Luke 30:11.298 --> 30:13.478 Jesus pretty much sticks with the Jews. 30:13.480 --> 30:17.740 In fact, Peter has to have a revelation in Acts before he 30:17.740 --> 30:21.850 will go preach to a Gentile, as we'll see next time. 30:21.848 --> 30:25.838 The Gentiles are not receiving the Gospel yet but Jesus is 30:25.835 --> 30:29.605 predicting that they will, so that's another theme here 30:29.612 --> 30:31.572 that Luke is playing on. 30:31.568 --> 30:34.838 Notice the other thing, what happens when Jesus does 30:34.840 --> 30:35.290 this? 30:35.289 --> 30:37.099 He's rejected by his own people. 30:37.098 --> 30:43.158 So another theme of Luke and Acts is true prophets get 30:43.163 --> 30:46.713 rejected by their own people. 30:46.710 --> 30:50.270 A prophet in his own country is not accepted. 30:50.269 --> 30:54.759 Jesus is a great Prophet like Elijah and Elisha, 30:54.759 --> 30:57.069 he's not accepted in his own country, 30:57.068 --> 31:00.168 he's rejected, and the Gentile mission happens 31:00.173 --> 31:02.523 after the rejection by the Jews. 31:02.519 --> 31:04.779 That's going to be a theme that we'll see over and over in Acts; 31:04.778 --> 31:06.008 not so much in the Gospel of Luke. 31:06.009 --> 31:09.969 Luke is foreshadowing the book of Acts in this chapter with 31:09.972 --> 31:13.732 Jesus' sermon because Jesus himself doesn't go preach to 31:13.730 --> 31:14.620 Gentiles. 31:14.618 --> 31:17.078 You have to wait until Acts to get that. 31:17.078 --> 31:20.668 But Luke is foreshadowing the rejection of the Gospel by Jews 31:20.674 --> 31:24.274 and the taking of the Gospel to the Gentiles that you'll then 31:24.270 --> 31:26.960 see in Acts, and he foreshadows it all right 31:26.963 --> 31:28.913 here in this first sermon by Jesus. 31:28.910 --> 31:32.080 Then the last theme that you have here is them trying to kill 31:32.084 --> 31:34.624 Jesus for what he says, which that's going to 31:34.619 --> 31:37.879 foreshadow the theme all the way through that the Gospel-- 31:37.880 --> 31:40.420 wherever the Gospel goes you get persecution. 31:40.420 --> 31:44.290 When we get to Acts you'll see this in a way that just drums it 31:44.287 --> 31:46.717 into your head: Paul goes to a town, 31:46.720 --> 31:49.680 he goes first to the synagogue in the town, 31:49.680 --> 31:51.800 he preaches to the Jews in the synagogue, 31:51.798 --> 31:54.418 they get all mad, some of them usually accept, 31:54.420 --> 31:57.160 a few of them will accept, we'll see that as a theme in 31:57.160 --> 31:59.350 Acts also, but the majority of them don't. 31:59.348 --> 32:01.328 They reject Paul, they throw him out, 32:01.328 --> 32:03.668 they try to stone him, or they try to persecute him, 32:03.670 --> 32:07.100 or they try to throw him out town and then Paul turns and 32:07.102 --> 32:09.862 preaches the same message to the Gentiles, 32:09.858 --> 32:13.108 and they accept, and they form a church. 32:13.108 --> 32:16.368 He goes to the next town, he does this in Thessalonica, 32:16.368 --> 32:18.498 he does it in Philippi, he does it in Corinth, 32:18.500 --> 32:21.100 he tries it in Athens but he's not successful because nobody 32:21.096 --> 32:22.766 pays any attention to him in Athens. 32:22.769 --> 32:26.659 That's a university town after all, they know better, 32:26.661 --> 32:27.261 right? 32:27.259 --> 32:30.059 This theme of the prophets being rejected and it's the 32:30.058 --> 32:33.168 rejection of the message by the Jews that causes the message 32:33.174 --> 32:35.134 then to be taken to the Gentiles. 32:35.130 --> 32:38.740 That will play out over and over again, and here again you 32:38.741 --> 32:39.631 get it here. 32:39.630 --> 32:44.730 So Luke has transposed the story about Jesus preaching in 32:44.731 --> 32:48.651 Nazareth from where he finds it in Mark, 32:48.650 --> 32:51.970 which is later in Jesus' ministry, and he puts it at the 32:51.968 --> 32:55.488 beginning of Jesus' ministry, and he packs it up with all 32:55.490 --> 32:56.550 this other stuff. 32:56.548 --> 32:59.408 That should be a very good clue to you if you're comparing Luke 32:59.414 --> 33:01.484 with Mark; you just know this must be 33:01.480 --> 33:03.440 important; this must be a way where we 33:03.440 --> 33:05.300 really see what this author is about. 33:05.298 --> 33:11.388 Notice: is Luke concerned about when the event in Nazareth 33:11.392 --> 33:14.922 actually historically happened? 33:14.920 --> 33:19.560 No, he's even--you can tell he's even getting it out of his 33:19.555 --> 33:23.865 source from one spot and consciously transferring it to 33:23.871 --> 33:26.861 another spot, which tells us one thing, 33:26.855 --> 33:30.435 is that to him it's not that important chronologically when 33:30.441 --> 33:32.421 this story actually happened. 33:32.420 --> 33:35.710 What's important to him is using the story to emphasize the 33:35.714 --> 33:38.504 theological message that he wants to emphasize. 33:38.500 --> 33:41.720 Now let's look at another place where Luke does this. 33:41.720 --> 33:48.870 You have to turn to Acts for this though, look at Acts 11. 33:48.868 --> 33:53.408 Any questions about that before I go on? 33:53.410 --> 33:54.730 No questions? 33:54.730 --> 34:01.640 I love good docile students, always happy with everything I 34:01.644 --> 34:02.364 say. 34:02.359 --> 34:05.779 Look at Chapter 11:19. 34:05.779 --> 34:13.009 34:13.010 --> 34:15.850 Now I already read this earlier and then I read it actually in 34:15.847 --> 34:17.987 another lecture, but it's very important to see 34:17.989 --> 34:19.059 what Luke is doing. 34:19.059 --> 34:22.079 Now those who were scattered, because of the persecution that 34:22.079 --> 34:24.809 took place over Stephen, traveled as far as Phoenicia, 34:24.813 --> 34:25.913 Cyprus, and Antioch, 34:25.913 --> 34:28.553 and they spoke the word to no one except Jews. 34:28.550 --> 34:31.240 But among them were some men of Cyrus and Cyrene who, 34:31.239 --> 34:33.779 on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, 34:33.775 --> 34:35.375 proclaiming the Lord Jesus. 34:35.380 --> 34:38.050 The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number became 34:38.050 --> 34:39.610 believers and turned to the Lord. 34:39.610 --> 34:42.350 News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, 34:42.349 --> 34:44.109 and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 34:44.110 --> 34:46.110 When he came and saw the grace of God, 34:46.110 --> 34:47.730 he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to 34:47.726 --> 34:50.336 remain faithful in the Lord with steadfast devotion for he was a 34:50.338 --> 34:52.158 good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of 34:52.159 --> 34:52.449 faith. 34:52.449 --> 34:53.859 And a great many ... 34:53.860 --> 34:56.160 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 34:56.155 --> 34:58.755 and when he found, him he brought him to Antioch. 34:58.760 --> 35:01.150 So it was that for an entire year they met with the church 35:01.152 --> 35:04.562 and taught a great many people, and it was in Antioch that the 35:04.559 --> 35:07.199 disciples were first called Christians. 35:07.199 --> 35:09.889 Isn't that a nice little encapsulation? 35:09.889 --> 35:13.229 In that little paragraph Luke, the author, 35:13.230 --> 35:15.590 who we still tend to call these Gospel writers by these names 35:15.590 --> 35:17.870 even though we don't believe historically that this was the 35:17.873 --> 35:19.903 historical Luke, but I'll still keep calling him 35:19.902 --> 35:22.162 Luke because it's easier then saying "the author" 35:22.155 --> 35:22.655 each time. 35:22.659 --> 35:26.439 Luke takes a little paragraph in which he shifts your focus 35:26.438 --> 35:30.708 here from the whole Jerusalem, Judea, Jewish oriented form of 35:30.710 --> 35:33.860 the movement, and now he goes to Antioch and 35:33.860 --> 35:36.790 now you get this Greek kind of movement, 35:36.789 --> 35:38.629 it's predominantly in a Greek speaking city, 35:38.630 --> 35:39.500 Antioch. 35:39.500 --> 35:42.330 This is one of the reasons that I think that that word that my 35:42.331 --> 35:44.761 translation translates, "Hellenist," 35:44.757 --> 35:46.857 they spoke to Hellenists in verse 20; 35:46.860 --> 35:48.770 I think that's not correct. 35:48.768 --> 35:51.008 I think that either in the original Greek, 35:51.010 --> 35:53.640 and some manuscripts have this, or you just would translate 35:53.639 --> 35:55.329 this word, it must be that they--it's 35:55.329 --> 35:56.809 saying that they spoke to Greeks, 35:56.809 --> 35:58.419 that is ethnic Greeks. 35:58.420 --> 36:02.990 Why do I think this is a reference to ethnic Greeks and 36:02.987 --> 36:05.607 not just Greek speaking Jews? 36:05.610 --> 36:09.640 Anybody have an idea? 36:09.639 --> 36:13.829 Because this isn't the first time that people--that followers 36:13.833 --> 36:17.053 of Jesus have spoken to Greek speaking Jews. 36:17.050 --> 36:19.770 We already have in Jerusalem--he has already told 36:19.768 --> 36:23.048 us in the earlier part of Acts that in Jerusalem there were 36:23.052 --> 36:26.112 already Greek speaking Jews part of the community. 36:26.110 --> 36:29.350 In fact it says that, Stephen himself would have 36:29.351 --> 36:32.111 talked with these Greek speaking Jews. 36:32.110 --> 36:35.060 So we already have before we get to chapter 11, 36:35.059 --> 36:38.909 the idea that the Gospel of Jesus has been taken both to 36:38.913 --> 36:42.913 Aramaic speaking Jews and Greek speaking Jews because it's 36:42.907 --> 36:45.077 already there in Jerusalem. 36:45.079 --> 36:48.689 He's talking about something new happening here, 36:48.690 --> 36:51.940 this is people not just speaking to Aramaic speaking 36:51.942 --> 36:56.452 Jews or to Greek speaking Jews, they're actually speaking to 36:56.445 --> 36:57.275 non-Jews. 36:57.280 --> 37:01.430 This is the first time you get this indication in the book of 37:01.427 --> 37:03.657 Acts, that the movement has now 37:03.663 --> 37:08.303 spread out from Jerusalem, and it's also being spread to 37:08.297 --> 37:10.417 Greeks, ethnic Greeks. 37:10.420 --> 37:11.490 And I think by "Greeks" 37:11.489 --> 37:14.039 he just means Gentiles, not just Greeks ethnically but 37:14.036 --> 37:17.106 anybody who wasn't a Jew is what he mainly means here. 37:17.110 --> 37:22.590 What's interesting is that this is kind of out of place. 37:22.590 --> 37:25.700 One of the things I'm arguing is that unlike this translation 37:25.702 --> 37:27.682 I just read, which might lead you to believe 37:27.675 --> 37:29.835 that the author is telling us this is the first time they 37:29.835 --> 37:32.875 spoke to Greek speaking Jews, I think that the original text 37:32.876 --> 37:35.536 must have meant that, this is the first time that 37:35.539 --> 37:37.769 these people are speaking to actual non-Jews. 37:37.768 --> 37:41.788 Now it's not the first time, though, that people in Acts 37:41.788 --> 37:44.198 have spoken to non-Jews, right? 37:44.199 --> 37:46.349 When's the first time, according to Acts, 37:46.349 --> 37:49.149 that people actually speak to non-Jews and preach the Gospel 37:49.148 --> 37:51.358 to non-Jews, and non-Jews become members of 37:51.360 --> 37:51.960 the church? 37:51.960 --> 37:54.360 When? 37:54.360 --> 37:55.880 Have you read Acts yet? 37:55.880 --> 38:00.340 Cornelius, the centurion, the Roman centurion. 38:00.340 --> 38:02.800 Remember I said, Peter has to have a whole 38:02.800 --> 38:06.460 series of revelations on top of the roof before he's convinced 38:06.460 --> 38:09.880 to finally go preach to a Gentile and convert him and that 38:09.880 --> 38:11.620 takes place in Acts 10. 38:11.619 --> 38:19.399 Now keep your finger on Acts 11:19 and flip over to Acts 38:19.398 --> 38:20.528 8:1-4. 38:20.530 --> 38:23.830 I think I may have mentioned this already but let's look at 38:23.827 --> 38:25.077 it a bit closer now. 38:25.079 --> 38:29.269 Acts 8:1-4, this takes place right after the stoning of 38:29.273 --> 38:30.053 Stephen. 38:30.050 --> 38:31.860 Hmmm. 38:31.860 --> 38:39.310 Stephen, is that a good Hebrew or Aramaic name? 38:39.309 --> 38:42.949 No, does anybody know where the word--where the name Stephen 38:42.947 --> 38:43.747 comes from? 38:43.750 --> 38:45.510 Raise your hand, yes sir? 38:45.510 --> 38:46.330 Student: Crown. 38:46.329 --> 38:48.019 Prof: Crown, are you a Stephen? 38:48.019 --> 38:49.659 No, you just know. 38:49.659 --> 38:51.429 Yes, it comes from the word stephanos in Greek, 38:51.429 --> 38:52.499 which means "crown." 38:52.500 --> 38:56.220 Notice already there are Greek speaking Jews who have Greeks 38:56.219 --> 38:59.309 names in the church, and Stephen's one of them. 38:59.309 --> 39:02.359 In fact, the seven deacons who are appointed that we could have 39:02.362 --> 39:04.582 read about just right before this in Acts, 39:04.579 --> 39:07.139 those are appointed precisely in order, 39:07.139 --> 39:09.749 according to Acts, to be able to minister to the 39:09.750 --> 39:12.280 Greek speakers, because some Greek speaking 39:12.278 --> 39:15.558 widows were being neglected in the distribution of food and 39:15.563 --> 39:17.293 funds, according to the text. 39:17.289 --> 39:18.989 The seven deacons are appointed. 39:18.989 --> 39:21.069 Those seven deacons some of them have--they have Greek 39:21.068 --> 39:23.068 names, so there are Greek speaking Jews in Jerusalem 39:23.068 --> 39:23.538 already. 39:23.539 --> 39:28.199 So right after the stoning of Stephen you have this, 39:28.201 --> 39:30.241 chapter 8: And Saul approved of their 39:30.242 --> 39:30.672 killing him. 39:30.670 --> 39:34.650 That day a severe persecution began against the church in 39:34.646 --> 39:37.396 Jerusalem, and all except the apostles 39:37.402 --> 39:41.002 were scattered throughout the countryside of Judea and 39:41.001 --> 39:41.751 Samaria. 39:41.750 --> 39:46.930 Devout men buried Stephen and made loud lamentation over him. 39:46.929 --> 39:49.929 But Saul was ravaging the church by entering house after 39:49.934 --> 39:53.164 house, dragging off both men and women, he committed them to 39:53.157 --> 39:53.757 prison. 39:53.760 --> 39:57.920 Now those who were scattered, after the stoning of Stephen, 39:57.922 --> 40:01.372 went from place to place proclaiming the word. 40:01.369 --> 40:04.969 Phillip, who was one of those deacons along with Stephen, 40:04.969 --> 40:07.669 Phillip, that's a good Greek name right? 40:07.670 --> 40:10.880 At least it's a Macedonian name, named after the king of 40:10.876 --> 40:11.456 Macedon. 40:11.460 --> 40:13.690 "Phillip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed 40:13.688 --> 40:14.728 the Messiah to them." 40:14.730 --> 40:17.900 Then you get Phillip going to Samaria and so forth and you'll 40:17.902 --> 40:19.492 have other things happening. 40:19.489 --> 40:21.959 Now keep your finger--you had your finger there, 40:21.960 --> 40:24.330 notice that he's saying, "Now those who were 40:24.333 --> 40:26.763 scattered went from place to place proclaiming the 40:26.757 --> 40:27.497 word." 40:27.500 --> 40:31.290 Flip over without thinking anything, 40:31.289 --> 40:34.259 don't think anything, Acts 11:19, "Now those who 40:34.257 --> 40:37.507 were scattered because of the persecutions that took place 40:37.512 --> 40:39.912 over Stephen traveled as far as." 40:39.909 --> 40:43.769 You see Luke seems to have had a source, 40:43.768 --> 40:47.578 maybe a written source, that had this message about the 40:47.577 --> 40:51.137 stoning of Stephen, the persecution that arose in 40:51.137 --> 40:54.317 Jerusalem, and then the dispersal of Greek 40:54.317 --> 40:58.057 speaking followers of Jesus, and they don't just go to 40:58.059 --> 41:00.699 Samaria as Phillip did, it actually says, "Then, 41:00.699 --> 41:03.619 they went to Phoenicia, Cyprus, Antioch ... 41:03.619 --> 41:06.779 speaking to no one but Jews," but then it has this 41:06.780 --> 41:09.180 message to the Greeks and the Gentiles. 41:09.179 --> 41:12.639 In other word, from 8:4 it must have 41:12.639 --> 41:18.469 originally joined on to what goes with 11:19 because you can 41:18.469 --> 41:24.979 just see this narrative stops, and then it picks up again in 41:24.983 --> 41:25.723 11:19. 41:25.719 --> 41:30.309 Luke took what was a text or a source for him that had this 41:30.306 --> 41:33.546 story that this kind of thing in order. 41:33.550 --> 41:37.970 Stephen preaches the Gospel to the Jews, they get mad at him, 41:37.971 --> 41:40.551 they persecute him and stone him. 41:40.550 --> 41:44.430 The persecution of Stephen leads to more persecution of the 41:44.429 --> 41:47.179 church in Jerusalem, the rejection of the Gospel by 41:47.177 --> 41:49.327 the Jews, the disciples are scattered and 41:49.327 --> 41:51.307 they go and who do they preach too? 41:51.309 --> 41:52.349 The Gentiles. 41:52.349 --> 41:54.969 Haven't we seen this pattern before? 41:54.969 --> 41:58.259 We all saw it in the very first sermon of Jesus, 41:58.260 --> 41:58.820 right? 41:58.820 --> 42:02.470 What Luke has done is he's split this thing which showed 42:02.467 --> 42:05.477 that pattern, and in it he put all the stuff 42:05.481 --> 42:10.061 that's in chapters 8, 9, and 10 and the first part of 42:10.061 --> 42:12.151 11 in between there. 42:12.150 --> 42:16.490 Now you tell me, why did Luke split a narrative 42:16.485 --> 42:21.665 and put this material in between those two sentences? 42:21.670 --> 42:26.820 What's in that material between 8,9, 10, and 11 that was--that 42:26.818 --> 42:29.348 Luke wanted to insert there? 42:29.349 --> 42:31.449 What? 42:31.449 --> 42:33.409 Pardon? 42:33.409 --> 42:34.679 Student: > 42:34.679 --> 42:40.819 Prof: Peter preaching to Cornelius, the Gentile. 42:40.820 --> 42:44.960 What Luke is doing is he has a source that basically--who were 42:44.958 --> 42:47.738 the first people to preach to Gentiles? 42:47.739 --> 42:50.009 They're anonymous, according to his source; 42:50.010 --> 42:51.090 we don't know who they are. 42:51.090 --> 42:53.380 Just some people, some followers of Jesus, 42:53.380 --> 42:56.130 Greek speaking followers of Jesus who were-- 42:56.130 --> 42:58.230 left Jerusalem and Judea, they traveled around different 42:58.226 --> 42:59.486 parts, they went to the Eastern 42:59.494 --> 43:01.114 Mediterranean, and as they went they took the 43:01.114 --> 43:02.764 Gospel with them, and along the way they even 43:02.759 --> 43:04.959 spoke not only to Greek speaking Jews but they even spoke to 43:04.963 --> 43:06.713 Gentiles, that's what his source says. 43:06.710 --> 43:09.640 Luke splits that and--he doesn't want to do that. 43:09.639 --> 43:13.009 First he wants to say, well Phillip went to Samaria 43:13.007 --> 43:16.777 and he preached to Samaria, so you have Samaria there. 43:16.780 --> 43:18.520 Then you have this whole thing with Peter. 43:18.518 --> 43:19.698 And you know the story about Peter, 43:19.699 --> 43:23.219 he's up on the rooftop praying and this sheet with all these 43:23.217 --> 43:25.637 unclean animals, with alligators and snakes, 43:25.643 --> 43:28.663 and stuff that was somehow some Sunday school material I had, 43:28.659 --> 43:32.389 had a sheet with alligators and snakes and stuff coming down for 43:32.394 --> 43:32.874 Peter. 43:32.869 --> 43:35.849 It doesn't tell us in the text that there were alligators and 43:35.853 --> 43:38.343 snakes, it just part of my Sunday school memory. 43:38.340 --> 43:40.660 There are unclean animals, and he's commanded to kill them 43:40.659 --> 43:41.669 and eat them, and he says, 43:41.672 --> 43:42.732 I'm a good Jew, I don't eat that, 43:42.730 --> 43:44.880 that's not kosher, and a voice from heaven says, 43:44.880 --> 43:47.080 what God has cleansed don't you declare unclean. 43:47.079 --> 43:48.929 The vision happens three times. 43:48.931 --> 43:49.231 Why? 43:49.230 --> 43:53.090 Because Peter does not want to take the message to Gentiles. 43:53.090 --> 43:54.170 Is your hand up? 43:54.170 --> 43:54.980 Nope okay. 43:54.980 --> 43:58.550 So finally Peter is forced to take the message to Gentiles, 43:58.550 --> 44:00.890 by God, by revelation, and then you have the story of 44:00.889 --> 44:02.779 the baptism of Cornelius and his house, 44:02.780 --> 44:04.010 the first Gentile converts. 44:04.010 --> 44:06.590 And then Peter goes back to Jerusalem and all the people-- 44:06.590 --> 44:08.450 the Jews in Jerusalem say, why did you do that, 44:08.449 --> 44:10.499 you're not supposed to bring in uncircumcised people in the 44:10.501 --> 44:10.821 church. 44:10.820 --> 44:13.490 And Peter has to defend the whole thing and then finally 44:13.489 --> 44:15.779 Peter wins the argument, and even James, 44:15.775 --> 44:18.245 the conservative head of the church, 44:18.250 --> 44:20.400 turns to them and says, okay well God must have been 44:20.402 --> 44:21.672 including the Gentiles also. 44:21.670 --> 44:25.300 Luke wants Peter to be the first person to take the message 44:25.298 --> 44:28.798 to Gentiles, and he wants Peter to do so only after being 44:28.802 --> 44:30.682 compelled by God to do so. 44:30.679 --> 44:33.169 Luke knows that the first people who took the message to 44:33.168 --> 44:35.698 Gentiles were probably just anonymous followers of Jesus, 44:35.704 --> 44:37.384 because in the source it's there. 44:37.380 --> 44:40.690 He splits that source and he puts all this stuff about Peter 44:40.693 --> 44:44.123 there because he wants Peter to be the first and only then the 44:44.121 --> 44:44.741 others. 44:44.739 --> 44:48.269 In other words, what you get there is a key to 44:48.268 --> 44:51.168 what is the entire outline of Acts. 44:51.170 --> 44:54.850 Look back at Acts 1:8. 44:54.849 --> 45:01.989 Acts 1:8 gives you, in a sense, the outline of 45:01.989 --> 45:03.099 Acts. 45:03.099 --> 45:06.969 This is Jesus about to ascend into heaven, talking to his 45:06.969 --> 45:10.489 disciples, right outside Jerusalem in the suburbs of 45:10.492 --> 45:11.462 Jerusalem. 45:11.460 --> 45:13.730 "But you will receive power when the Holy 45:13.730 --> 45:15.900 Spirit," again there's that Holy Spirit 45:15.898 --> 45:18.138 important for Luke, "has come upon you. 45:18.139 --> 45:22.259 You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea, 45:22.260 --> 45:25.010 and Samaria, and to the ends of the 45:25.007 --> 45:26.297 earth." 45:26.300 --> 45:31.210 That's exactly the way he will construct the book of Acts. 45:31.210 --> 45:35.460 Jerusalem--Judea is the country of Jerusalem; 45:35.460 --> 45:38.300 Samaria is actually another part here, but you have this 45:38.300 --> 45:41.350 idea that the message is going out in concentric circles. 45:41.349 --> 45:44.819 That's why Phillip went--he has Phillip going to Samaria right 45:44.817 --> 45:47.717 before Peter goes to the Gentiles with--Cornelius in 45:47.717 --> 45:48.567 chapter 10. 45:48.570 --> 45:51.490 In chapter 8, Phillip goes to Samaria and 45:51.489 --> 45:55.109 then chapter 10 Peter goes-- and then so Gentiles--then you 45:55.108 --> 45:59.528 have the Gentiles, and you have Rome as where the 45:59.530 --> 46:01.150 book ends up. 46:01.150 --> 46:05.880 Rome sort of representing symbolically the very ultimate 46:05.880 --> 46:07.600 ends of the earth. 46:07.599 --> 46:11.139 This is the whole world so why--by looking at the details 46:11.143 --> 46:14.883 we can tell that the Luke is not telling us what happened by 46:14.875 --> 46:17.465 chronological or historical accuracy. 46:17.469 --> 46:20.539 He puts it in an order--even in the order he puts it, 46:20.539 --> 46:23.469 even the outline on his books because he wants to have this 46:23.467 --> 46:25.887 message of the Gospel centering on Jerusalem, 46:25.889 --> 46:28.489 that's why the whole first part of Luke centers in-- 46:28.489 --> 46:30.859 that's why he has ten full chapters on the journey to 46:30.862 --> 46:31.412 Jerusalem. 46:31.409 --> 46:34.939 He wants to focus your attention on Jerusalem--through 46:34.938 --> 46:36.468 the book, the Gospel. 46:36.469 --> 46:39.759 But then what he does is once you're in Jerusalem he focuses 46:39.757 --> 46:42.707 your attention on the fact that the Gospel goes beyond 46:42.710 --> 46:43.490 Jerusalem. 46:43.489 --> 46:50.739 One last thing, look at Luke 21:20-27. 46:50.739 --> 46:55.889 46:55.889 --> 46:59.119 We'll unpack a lot of this much more--next time when we talk 46:59.117 --> 47:02.457 about both Luke and Acts as far as what are the major thematic 47:02.456 --> 47:03.766 issues in these two. 47:03.769 --> 47:07.969 47:07.969 --> 47:12.029 I'll start in again next time with this, or I'll reiterate 47:12.032 --> 47:15.812 this, but just to get you thinking look at Luke 21. 47:15.809 --> 47:17.749 Luke gets this from Mark 13. 47:17.750 --> 47:20.180 Do you remember when we talked about how could we tell when 47:20.184 --> 47:22.754 Mark was written because it has this abomination of desolation 47:22.746 --> 47:25.496 being set up in the temple, which probably refers 47:25.503 --> 47:29.273 to--recalls this idea of the profanation of the temple by 47:29.271 --> 47:31.931 Antiochus IV Epiphanes, but Mark believed it was going 47:31.931 --> 47:33.641 to happen in the future, probably by the Romans. 47:33.639 --> 47:35.449 Right after that happens then the Messiah comes, 47:35.452 --> 47:37.612 you have all these terrible things happen and the Messiah 47:37.614 --> 47:38.004 comes. 47:38.000 --> 47:40.300 Luke is using Mark as his source, Mark 13, 47:40.304 --> 47:42.164 but notice how Luke changes it. 47:42.159 --> 47:45.979 Verse 20, "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by 47:45.978 --> 47:48.598 armies," that's not in Mark. 47:48.599 --> 47:50.739 When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, 47:50.744 --> 47:53.044 then know that its desolation has come near. 47:53.039 --> 47:54.739 Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains, 47:54.739 --> 47:56.849 those inside the city must flee, for these are the days of 47:56.847 --> 47:58.357 vengeance-- I'm going quickly through this, 47:58.356 --> 47:59.476 you'll have to read over it yourself. 47:59.480 --> 48:01.770 Look at verse 24, "They will fall by the 48:01.771 --> 48:04.531 edge of the sword," so the Jews will be defeated, 48:04.534 --> 48:05.164 he says. 48:05.159 --> 48:07.699 Not only do you have Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army, 48:07.695 --> 48:09.755 but you have them defeated, fall by the sword. 48:09.760 --> 48:12.460 "They will be taken away as captives among all 48:12.463 --> 48:13.333 nations." 48:13.329 --> 48:15.549 Yes, the Jews were taken as slaves to Rome, 48:15.550 --> 48:18.880 and then they were sold off and dispersed throughout the nations 48:18.880 --> 48:19.620 as slaves. 48:19.619 --> 48:23.549 "And Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles 48:23.545 --> 48:27.465 until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." 48:27.469 --> 48:32.409 None of that was in Luke's source of Mark. 48:32.409 --> 48:35.509 This tells us that Luke is writing after the destruction of 48:35.509 --> 48:37.859 Jerusalem because he tells you it happens. 48:37.860 --> 48:41.260 It even says that there's going to be a time of the Gentile 48:41.264 --> 48:42.794 domination of Jerusalem. 48:42.789 --> 48:46.809 If you read on it's only after that that you have the Messiah 48:46.809 --> 48:50.829 coming on the clouds then as--he picks up again the story. 48:50.829 --> 48:54.229 Notice all over Luke and Acts, we can tell by looking at his 48:54.228 --> 48:56.128 sources, his editing procedure. 48:56.130 --> 49:00.400 Luke was written sometime after the destruction of Jerusalem, 49:00.396 --> 49:03.736 and the time he's telling this story is here. 49:03.739 --> 49:05.169 What's that time? 49:05.170 --> 49:09.960 "the time of the Gentiles." 49:09.960 --> 49:12.500 Any questions? 49:12.500 --> 49:14.880 See you next time. 49:14.880 --> 49:21.000