WEBVTT 00:02.670 --> 00:07.870 Okay, what I did last time was describe to you a certain heat 00:07.865 --> 00:10.805 engine called the Carnot engine. 00:10.810 --> 00:14.220 So, let me refresh your memory on what that was. 00:14.220 --> 00:22.630 The whole engine consisted of a gas at some pressure and some 00:22.628 --> 00:26.308 volume. And the gas was subject to a 00:26.306 --> 00:29.496 cycle, and the cycle went like this. 00:29.500 --> 00:34.500 You start at some point A, you expand at a 00:34.496 --> 00:38.656 certain temperature T_1, 00:38.660 --> 00:42.410 isothermally, until you come to point 00:42.408 --> 00:45.898 B. So, the way you should imagine 00:45.899 --> 00:49.949 that is that this gas is placed on a reservoir whose temperature 00:49.950 --> 00:53.230 is frozen, I mean stuck at T_1. 00:53.230 --> 00:55.600 Reservoirs never change the temperature. 00:55.600 --> 00:59.600 And what you do is you lift one grain after another of sand, 00:59.601 --> 01:03.671 so you let the gas expand, but you don't let it cool down. 01:03.670 --> 01:07.300 The minute it tries to cool some heat will go from below to 01:07.302 --> 01:11.002 maintain the temperature and start at that volume and end at 01:10.997 --> 01:13.717 that volume. During this process, 01:13.719 --> 01:18.019 some amount of heat Q_1 enters the 01:18.018 --> 01:20.148 gas. Next thing you do, 01:20.154 --> 01:25.104 you let the gas expand some more, but now you let it expand 01:25.100 --> 01:28.970 adiabatically. Adiabatic means you put the 01:28.971 --> 01:34.531 whole thing in a heat insulating material, so no heat can go in 01:34.533 --> 01:37.053 or out. Now, you can see if it expands, 01:37.047 --> 01:40.227 it's going to have to pay for it with its own internal energy, 01:40.230 --> 01:41.900 so the temperature will drop. 01:41.900 --> 01:45.320 So, you wait till it drops to a lower temperature 01:45.324 --> 01:48.684 T_2, then you go backwards like 01:48.677 --> 01:51.117 this; that's when you start 01:51.115 --> 01:55.985 compressing the gas by putting some grains of sand back, 01:55.989 --> 02:00.099 but this time the gas is kept in a lower temperature on top of 02:00.096 --> 02:03.256 a temperature reservoir T_2, 02:03.260 --> 02:09.640 and you drop more sand on it to compress it, that is this part. 02:09.639 --> 02:13.229 During this portion, heat will actually be rejected 02:13.227 --> 02:15.767 by the gas. Why is heat rejected? 02:15.770 --> 02:18.010 Because normally, when you compress a gas, 02:18.010 --> 02:20.630 you're doing work on it, the energy should go up, 02:20.633 --> 02:23.533 the energy goes up, the temperature should go up; 02:23.530 --> 02:25.100 but you're not letting the temperature go up, 02:25.104 --> 02:26.544 you're forcing it to have the temperature 02:26.535 --> 02:27.425 T_2. 02:27.430 --> 02:30.880 So, it will reject heat into this heat bath. 02:30.879 --> 02:33.939 And finally, you come back to the starting 02:33.940 --> 02:37.150 point by further compression, but adiabatic, 02:37.151 --> 02:40.881 and adiabatic means it's insulated from the outside 02:40.884 --> 02:43.094 world; no heat flow. 02:43.090 --> 02:44.890 So, there are four parts. 02:44.889 --> 02:49.629 There are two things you have to notice about the Carnot 02:49.633 --> 02:51.443 engine. In fact, let me draw a 02:51.436 --> 02:52.926 schematic of the Carnot engine. 02:52.930 --> 02:55.750 This is the standard way people draw that. 02:55.750 --> 02:59.060 The engine takes some heat Q_1 from the 02:59.056 --> 03:01.766 furnace at T_1, it has some 03:01.770 --> 03:05.180 Q_2 rejected at the exhaust, which is at 03:05.183 --> 03:08.533 T_2 and it delivers a certain amount of 03:08.534 --> 03:10.684 work which, by the Law of Conservation of 03:10.680 --> 03:12.090 Energy, has to be Q_1 - 03:12.092 --> 03:12.942 Q_2. 03:12.940 --> 03:16.480 03:16.480 --> 03:18.310 Do you understand that? 03:18.310 --> 03:20.810 The work done by the gas equal to that. 03:20.810 --> 03:22.270 And who paid for it? 03:22.270 --> 03:24.770 It is the reservoir, upper reservoir furnished the 03:24.773 --> 03:27.693 heat, some heat was rejected downstairs and the difference 03:27.685 --> 03:29.315 between the two is the work. 03:29.320 --> 03:33.830 03:33.830 --> 03:38.250 Now, we call this a cyclic process because at the end of 03:38.251 --> 03:41.951 the day, the gases come back to where it is. 03:41.949 --> 03:44.639 That's very important, if you want to make an engine, 03:44.639 --> 03:47.899 it's not enough to convert; the whole purpose of heat 03:47.901 --> 03:52.061 engines was to burn something and get some work out of it. 03:52.060 --> 03:53.720 But you don't want it to be a one shot thing. 03:53.720 --> 03:56.440 You want to be able to do it over and over and over again and 03:56.437 --> 03:59.107 you can do that with this engine because after the cycle, 03:59.110 --> 04:01.720 it's back to where it started and you can do this any number 04:01.722 --> 04:04.842 of times. Now, we define an efficiency 04:04.837 --> 04:09.057 for this engine, which is what you get divided 04:09.061 --> 04:11.221 by what you pay for. 04:11.219 --> 04:14.789 What you get from the engine is of course, the work W and 04:14.794 --> 04:17.634 what you pay for is the coal that you burn which is 04:17.631 --> 04:19.051 Q_1. 04:19.050 --> 04:21.620 Now, writing W as Q_1 - 04:21.618 --> 04:24.428 Q_2 you can write this as 1 minus 04:24.431 --> 04:27.551 Q_2 over Q_1. 04:27.550 --> 04:29.850 This is true for any engine. 04:29.850 --> 04:32.180 Any engine, even if it's not a Carnot engine; 04:32.180 --> 04:36.730 with the Law of Conservation of Energy you can write something 04:36.725 --> 04:39.205 like this. Anyway, let me say with the 04:39.213 --> 04:41.813 Carnot engine I got this as the efficiency. 04:41.810 --> 04:45.560 Now, why is the efficiency not 100%? 04:45.560 --> 04:47.690 That's because Q_2 is not 04:47.686 --> 04:49.956 zero. You can say why are we building 04:49.962 --> 04:52.432 a stupid engine that rejects some heat? 04:52.430 --> 04:55.060 Why not just use all of it in some other fashion, 04:55.059 --> 04:57.469 and that's what we're going to talk about, 04:57.470 --> 05:00.430 but assuming that the engine operates between two 05:00.428 --> 05:03.138 temperatures, the furnace temperature and the 05:03.140 --> 05:06.540 ambient atmospheric temperature, you can calculate the 05:06.535 --> 05:09.275 efficiency for this engine by actually calculating 05:09.277 --> 05:12.017 Q_2 and Q_1. 05:12.019 --> 05:16.039 That's a simple problem of integrating the work done and 05:16.039 --> 05:17.939 going from here to here. 05:17.940 --> 05:19.380 Do you remember that? 05:19.379 --> 05:25.409 1 - nRT_1 log V_B over 05:25.407 --> 05:30.777 V_A and downstairs you have NR 05:30.777 --> 05:35.047 T_2 log V_C over 05:35.051 --> 05:38.011 V_D. 05:38.009 --> 05:39.999 Again, you've got to remember why that is true. 05:40.000 --> 05:43.000 When you go from A to B there is no change in 05:43.002 --> 05:45.592 internal energy because temperature is the same. 05:45.589 --> 05:47.829 Therefore, the work done and the heat import are equal 05:47.828 --> 05:49.808 numerically, so Q_2 is the work 05:49.812 --> 05:52.222 done and Q_1 is the work done there. 05:52.220 --> 05:53.640 So, that's what I got. 05:53.639 --> 05:56.659 Then, I did a little bit of calculation to show you by using 05:56.661 --> 05:59.431 the fact that B and C are on an adiabatic 05:59.427 --> 06:02.287 curve, A and D are on an 06:02.293 --> 06:05.333 adiabatic curve, that these logs actually 06:05.330 --> 06:06.850 cancel, these guys of course, 06:06.845 --> 06:08.965 cancel to give the final result 1 minus T_2 06:08.967 --> 06:10.007 over T_1. 06:10.010 --> 06:11.980 That's the bottom line. 06:11.980 --> 06:15.410 I don't care what else you remember but this is something I 06:15.407 --> 06:17.177 need for today's discussion. 06:17.180 --> 06:20.700 Efficiency of the Carnot engine is 1 minus T_2 06:20.700 --> 06:22.290 over T_1. 06:22.290 --> 06:28.350 06:28.350 --> 06:32.440 Okay now, you can say why I'd be interested in this very 06:32.441 --> 06:36.831 primitive engine containing a cylinder and gas and so on. 06:36.829 --> 06:39.379 Okay, this efficiency of this stupid engine, 06:39.380 --> 06:41.990 I'm sure people can build a better engine. 06:41.990 --> 06:45.290 So, here is Carnot's claim. 06:45.290 --> 06:51.360 Mr. Carnot say,s "No engine can 06:51.358 --> 06:56.858 beat my engine." Okay that's his claim. 06:56.860 --> 07:01.000 By "beat my engine" he means, no engine can be more efficient 07:00.997 --> 07:04.807 than my engine. And he's going to demonstrate 07:04.813 --> 07:06.543 that. I'm going to demonstrate that 07:06.535 --> 07:08.175 for you. You don't get something for 07:08.175 --> 07:10.005 nothing. It's based on the following 07:10.011 --> 07:12.051 postulate, which I told you last time. 07:12.050 --> 07:14.640 I'm just now going to write it; I will repeat it. 07:14.639 --> 07:18.989 We are going to postulate, as the Second Law of 07:18.994 --> 07:23.254 Thermodynamics, that it's impossible to find a 07:23.254 --> 07:26.454 process, the sole result of which is to 07:26.445 --> 07:29.935 transfer some heat from a cold body to a hot body. 07:29.939 --> 07:33.579 We all know you can transfer heat from a cold body to a hot 07:33.580 --> 07:35.150 body in a refrigerator. 07:35.149 --> 07:37.329 You take heat out of the freezer and dump it into the 07:37.326 --> 07:40.266 room; no one says that's wrong. 07:40.269 --> 07:42.589 But that's not the sole effect, because you get an electric 07:42.594 --> 07:44.884 bill at the end of the month, because there's a compressor 07:44.878 --> 07:45.838 doing a lot of work. 07:45.839 --> 07:49.059 The claim is--not--no other agency in the end should be 07:49.059 --> 07:50.609 affected in any fashion. 07:50.610 --> 07:53.910 If at the end of the day all you had was heat flow up hill. 07:53.910 --> 07:56.920 That's not allowed; that's a postulate and you have 07:56.915 --> 07:59.595 to grant him that postulate which we accept to be 07:59.602 --> 08:01.172 phenomenologically valid. 08:01.170 --> 08:04.620 But taking that postulate, Carnot will now show you that 08:04.615 --> 08:06.615 no engine can beat his engine. 08:06.620 --> 08:11.310 The key to the whole Carnot engine is that it is a 08:11.314 --> 08:13.234 reversible engine. 08:13.230 --> 08:18.610 By reversible engine I mean on every step in the Carnot cycle, 08:18.610 --> 08:23.990 let's say going from here to here, I can also go backwards. 08:23.990 --> 08:27.020 I can put a grain of sand and compress a piston, 08:27.019 --> 08:30.499 or I can take a grain it'll go back to where it was. 08:30.500 --> 08:33.080 You're never far from equilibrium and if you can go 08:33.076 --> 08:34.876 one way you can go the other way. 08:34.879 --> 08:38.099 That also means the Carnot engine, starting at the point 08:38.101 --> 08:41.561 A, can go backwards to D then C then to 08:41.558 --> 08:43.548 B and then to A. 08:43.549 --> 08:47.489 If the Carnot engine went backwards it would look like 08:47.493 --> 08:51.513 this: it will take heat Q_1--I'm sorry 08:51.510 --> 08:54.710 it will take heat Q_2, 08:54.710 --> 08:58.290 somebody will give it work W and it'll reject 08:58.290 --> 09:01.310 Q_1 at this temperature. 09:01.309 --> 09:07.039 This is the Carnot refrigerator and that's the Carnot engine. 09:07.039 --> 09:09.279 The Carnot engine and the refrigerator are the same 09:09.281 --> 09:10.911 machine; you just can make it run 09:10.911 --> 09:12.341 one-way or the opposite way. 09:12.340 --> 09:15.440 That's what we're going to use. 09:15.440 --> 09:18.830 So, let me give you a demonstration that's for--as far 09:18.831 --> 09:22.161 as I can tell is good enough for our present purpose, 09:22.158 --> 09:24.908 that you cannot beat the Carnot engine. 09:24.909 --> 09:29.999 So, let us say a Carnot engine takes some heat, 09:30.003 --> 09:35.433 say 100 calories, delivers 20 calories in work, 09:35.429 --> 09:37.869 rejects 80 calories is operating between some two 09:37.869 --> 09:39.699 temperatures T_1 and 09:39.699 --> 09:40.969 T_2. 09:40.970 --> 09:41.480 This is the Carnot. 09:41.480 --> 09:46.770 09:46.769 --> 09:51.139 I am taking a particular example where the efficiency is 09:51.139 --> 09:54.409 what, one-fifth. But don't worry about the fact 09:54.408 --> 09:56.978 that, yeah, so it's one-fifth, so one minus 09:56.981 --> 10:00.351 T_2 over T_1 should be 10:00.350 --> 10:03.400 one-fifth. Now, if you say you have a 10:03.397 --> 10:07.077 better engine, you have a better efficiency. 10:07.080 --> 10:11.440 What you really mean is that your engine can take a 100 10:11.438 --> 10:15.068 calories and deliver more than 20 calories, 10:15.070 --> 10:18.520 maybe even deliver 40 calories and reject only 60 calories, 10:18.515 --> 10:22.075 but it's also operating between the same two temperatures. 10:22.080 --> 10:23.890 So, this is your engine. 10:23.889 --> 10:28.449 U for--no, Y for your engine, 10:28.450 --> 10:30.810 okay; your engine is better than 10:30.812 --> 10:33.342 Carnot's engine, okay that's your claim. 10:33.340 --> 10:35.810 You're now going to get shot down. 10:35.809 --> 10:38.769 So, how am I going to shoot this down? 10:38.769 --> 10:43.459 I am going to run the Carnot engine backwards first thing, 10:43.462 --> 10:48.572 then I am going to get a Carnot engine which is twice as big as 10:48.566 --> 10:51.966 this Carnot engine, it's not more efficient, 10:51.969 --> 10:54.169 it has just got twice as much gas. 10:54.169 --> 10:57.569 If you take a Carnot engine and do the following things, 10:57.570 --> 11:00.290 run it backwards and make it twice as big. 11:00.290 --> 11:02.620 What will that Carnot engine do? 11:02.620 --> 11:07.280 It will look like this; it will take up 160 calories 11:07.275 --> 11:11.835 from downstairs, it will want 40 calories input 11:11.835 --> 11:15.795 and it'll dump 200 calories upstairs. 11:15.800 --> 11:20.330 So, this is a two-times Carnot; let me put a star saying it's 11:20.331 --> 11:21.911 Carnot run backwards. 11:21.909 --> 11:27.389 See, it doesn't take any special genius to make an engine 11:27.389 --> 11:29.369 bigger. It won't be more efficient; 11:29.370 --> 11:30.820 it'll have the same efficiency. 11:30.820 --> 11:33.080 But if you can build something with one piston, 11:33.083 --> 11:35.893 I can make the same design with a bigger piston or smaller 11:35.888 --> 11:38.348 piston. I'm just saying I want it to be 11:38.346 --> 11:41.186 twice as big for the following simple reason. 11:41.190 --> 11:45.280 Your engine's giving out 40 units of work; 11:45.280 --> 11:47.890 my refrigerator needs 40 to run. 11:47.889 --> 11:52.079 So, what we do is we directly take the output from your engine 11:52.082 --> 11:54.352 and feed it to my refrigerator. 11:54.350 --> 11:59.860 Okay, your heat engine makes work, my refrigerator needs work 11:59.861 --> 12:05.741 and I've scaled mine so that its appetite matches your output; 12:05.740 --> 12:07.230 that's all I've done. 12:07.230 --> 12:12.060 Now, let's draw a box around these guys, don't look under the 12:12.062 --> 12:14.562 hood and see what you've got. 12:14.559 --> 12:17.259 At the end of a full cycle, when everything is done, 12:17.256 --> 12:18.836 all the gases, all the pistons, 12:18.842 --> 12:21.382 everything has come back to where it starts. 12:21.379 --> 12:27.069 But, no need to plug this gadget into the wall. 12:27.070 --> 12:30.150 You don't have to plug this into anything because this 12:30.148 --> 12:33.338 refrigerator is getting the power from this heat engine, 12:33.342 --> 12:35.552 so it doesn't need external power. 12:35.550 --> 12:39.090 I look at the lower reservoir; I see 100 calories leaving. 12:39.090 --> 12:41.620 You see that 60 coming down and 160 going up? 12:41.620 --> 12:47.660 I look at the upper reservoir; I see 200 calories out, 12:47.655 --> 12:49.975 in and 100 out, so basically, 12:49.975 --> 12:53.945 the combined gadgets, yours and mine are equal to 12:53.951 --> 12:57.741 this gadget. It simply transfers heat from a 12:57.744 --> 13:02.204 cold body to hot body with no other changes anywhere in the 13:02.204 --> 13:05.054 universe, and that is not allowed. 13:05.049 --> 13:09.469 Therefore, you cannot have an engine more efficient that the 13:09.471 --> 13:12.211 Carnot engine. The logic is pretty simple. 13:12.210 --> 13:14.220 These numbers picked are representative, 13:14.218 --> 13:17.358 but you can take any number as long as your engine does better 13:17.359 --> 13:20.269 than mine, instead of 40 calories, 13:20.274 --> 13:23.714 would have made 30 calories needed. 13:23.710 --> 13:26.010 If it produced 30, I'll get an engine which is 13:26.006 --> 13:28.656 one-half times as bigger than the standard engine; 13:28.659 --> 13:31.109 run it backwards, your 30 will feed my engine and 13:31.105 --> 13:34.315 you will find once again heat is flowing from a cold body to hot 13:34.316 --> 13:37.166 body with no other changes anywhere in the universe, 13:37.169 --> 13:40.239 that is forbidden by the postulate. 13:40.240 --> 13:44.780 So, this is how Carnot's engine, even though it's a very 13:44.778 --> 13:48.078 primitive engine, is the standard for all 13:48.079 --> 13:50.259 engines. No engine can be better than 13:50.261 --> 13:51.071 the Carnot engine. 13:51.070 --> 13:53.760 Now, the key to the Carnot engine is that it's a reversible 13:53.762 --> 13:55.642 engine. If I had more time I could show 13:55.641 --> 13:58.091 you that all reversible engines operating between two 13:58.091 --> 14:00.261 temperatures will have the same efficiency, 14:00.259 --> 14:02.519 namely that of the Carnot engine. 14:02.519 --> 14:10.609 Okay, now what has the Carnot engine got to do with what I 14:10.611 --> 14:14.161 started saying earlier? 14:14.159 --> 14:17.129 You remember I started saying earlier there are certain things 14:17.127 --> 14:19.947 in our world that seem allowed but don't seem to happen. 14:19.950 --> 14:22.090 Like you know, drop an egg it doesn't come 14:22.087 --> 14:23.127 back in your hand. 14:23.129 --> 14:25.529 You let the weight go down and turn the paddle. 14:25.529 --> 14:27.889 The paddle doesn't turn backwards and lift the weight. 14:27.889 --> 14:30.589 I said many things are forbidden and there is a law 14:30.585 --> 14:33.655 that's going to forbid all of them, so I am coming to that 14:33.658 --> 14:35.628 law. But it all started with a 14:35.631 --> 14:39.331 person asking a very practical question, "How good can I make 14:39.330 --> 14:42.170 engines?" And what Carnot is telling you 14:42.166 --> 14:45.796 is the best efficiency any engine can have is this. 14:45.799 --> 14:50.279 Therefore, even today hundreds of years after Carnot, 14:50.284 --> 14:54.814 no company in America or Japan, China, anywhere can build an 14:54.809 --> 14:58.229 internal combustion engine for example, whose efficiency's 14:58.230 --> 14:59.670 better than this one. 14:59.670 --> 15:01.740 It's a theoretical maximum. 15:01.740 --> 15:05.620 In reality, efficiency will be less than this because most 15:05.621 --> 15:08.091 engines have a loss; there is heat leaking, 15:08.090 --> 15:10.520 there is friction that's good for nothing, so in the end 15:10.515 --> 15:12.495 efficiency will be always lower than this. 15:12.500 --> 15:17.820 Okay now, let me leave the practical domain and go to more 15:17.818 --> 15:21.828 theoretical issues that follow from this. 15:21.830 --> 15:24.530 What I want you to notice if the following: 15:24.529 --> 15:27.359 for a Carnot engine Q_1 over 15:27.358 --> 15:31.338 Q_2 turned out to be T_1 over 15:31.344 --> 15:33.084 T_2. 15:33.080 --> 15:35.240 Right, I did that for you here. 15:35.240 --> 15:38.370 Therefore, I am going to write it as follows: 15:38.369 --> 15:41.999 Q_1 over T_1 minus 15:41.996 --> 15:45.836 Q_2 over T_2 equal to 15:45.837 --> 15:49.567 zero. That's just a simple rewrite. 15:49.570 --> 15:52.750 But I am going to write this in another rotation. 15:52.750 --> 15:55.860 My cycle had four parts; remember, I did this, 15:55.860 --> 15:57.570 then I did this, then I did this, 15:57.566 --> 16:00.716 then I did that. In this segment I had 16:00.719 --> 16:05.609 Q_1 over T_1. 16:05.610 --> 16:08.320 In this segment there was no Q_1 or 16:08.321 --> 16:10.611 Q_2, there was no Q, 16:10.607 --> 16:12.837 because this is the adiabatic process. 16:12.840 --> 16:15.120 In this segment, I had minus 16:15.120 --> 16:19.600 Q_2 over T_2 and the 16:19.597 --> 16:23.987 last segment I had zero and whole thing is zero. 16:23.990 --> 16:27.780 In other words, what I'm telling you is the 16:27.777 --> 16:30.817 following. At every stage, 16:30.815 --> 16:37.065 if you looked at the heat absorbed by the system, 16:37.072 --> 16:41.922 in stage i, divided by the temperature of 16:41.922 --> 16:45.932 stage i and you added all of them you get zero. 16:45.930 --> 16:48.950 My process had four stages. 16:48.950 --> 16:51.920 Stage 1 is here, stage 2 is adiabatic, 16:51.923 --> 16:55.543 state 3 is this, and stage 4 is zero again. 16:55.539 --> 17:01.279 In this summation Q_i is defined 17:01.277 --> 17:08.927 to be ∆Q_i is the heat input in stage i 17:08.927 --> 17:13.227 in the cycle, or in the process. 17:13.230 --> 17:16.180 So, we define Q_2 to be 17:16.178 --> 17:20.258 positive, even though it was rejected by the engine, 17:20.259 --> 17:22.559 but in this summation, the agreement I make is 17:22.557 --> 17:25.617 ∆Q is positive if the heat comes into the system, 17:25.619 --> 17:28.469 ∆Q is negative if heat leaves the system. 17:28.470 --> 17:32.510 So, why is that important? 17:32.509 --> 17:36.249 Now, this is the heart of the whole entropy concept. 17:36.250 --> 17:41.790 Remember I told you there is nothing called the heat in a 17:41.789 --> 17:44.119 system. You cannot look at a gas and 17:44.122 --> 17:46.442 say that's the amount of heat in the system. 17:46.440 --> 17:49.620 Why? Because if you take a point 17:49.618 --> 17:54.068 there and say there's some amount of heat in the system, 17:54.069 --> 17:57.589 if you go through some kind of cycle and come back to the same 17:57.585 --> 18:00.865 point, then since you come back to the same point internal 18:00.871 --> 18:04.191 energy doesn't change, this is the work done, 18:04.190 --> 18:08.990 therefore, the work done is equal to the heat and it is not 18:08.988 --> 18:11.228 zero. So, in this example what 18:11.226 --> 18:15.296 would've happened is you'd added heat Q to the system. 18:15.299 --> 18:19.109 So, if there is some notion of how much heat is there in the 18:19.112 --> 18:23.182 beginning, you got that plus the Q that you added and yet 18:23.183 --> 18:25.383 you are back to where you are. 18:25.380 --> 18:28.230 Therefore, you cannot define something and say that's the 18:28.228 --> 18:31.178 amount of Q in the system because you're able to add 18:31.178 --> 18:34.228 Q to the system and bring it back to where it is. 18:34.230 --> 18:35.970 What happened, of course, is you added 18:35.969 --> 18:37.519 Q and you did some work. 18:37.519 --> 18:40.689 But the point is you cannot say the Q here is so and so. 18:40.690 --> 18:42.460 But you can say the energy here is so and so. 18:42.460 --> 18:44.910 Because if you come back to the same point P times 18:44.913 --> 18:47.543 V is equal to 3 is equal to RT and the internal 18:47.541 --> 18:49.821 energy of a gas is proportional to the T, 18:49.820 --> 18:51.650 energy returns to the old value. 18:51.650 --> 18:55.660 But now I'm going to tell you so listen very carefully. 18:55.660 --> 19:00.120 Energy is a state variable because it comes to the starting 19:00.116 --> 19:03.416 value, if you come to the starting point. 19:03.420 --> 19:05.800 It doesn't matter where you wander off in the PV 19:05.799 --> 19:07.879 diagram. Heat is not a state variable, 19:07.881 --> 19:10.321 there's nothing called a heat at that point, 19:10.315 --> 19:12.405 because I am able to go on a loop, 19:12.410 --> 19:14.960 change the value of Q or add some Q to it, 19:14.955 --> 19:16.385 and I come to the same point. 19:16.390 --> 19:19.530 So, there's no unique Q associated with that point. 19:19.529 --> 19:23.049 But there is a new unique quantity S, 19:23.049 --> 19:26.569 called entropy, which has a fixed value at a 19:26.568 --> 19:31.398 given point and if you go for a little loop in the PV 19:31.397 --> 19:35.077 diagram and you come to the same point, 19:35.079 --> 19:37.879 S will return to the starting value. 19:37.880 --> 19:39.840 So, who is this S? 19:39.839 --> 19:45.749 That S is defined by saying the change in the entropy 19:45.750 --> 19:50.660 is the heat you add divided by the temperature. 19:50.660 --> 19:53.920 In a tiny little process, if you are at some temperature 19:53.922 --> 19:56.772 T, you add a little amount of Q, 19:56.769 --> 20:03.169 keep track of all the changes, and that change will be zero, 20:03.169 --> 20:07.399 as I showed you in this Carnot cycle. 20:07.400 --> 20:11.250 You can show more generally that if you take any path, 20:11.252 --> 20:14.892 not just the Carnot engine bounded by adiabatic and 20:14.886 --> 20:17.776 isothermals, but any path you take, 20:17.781 --> 20:21.561 you can show that the ∆Q added up is not 20:21.560 --> 20:23.400 zero, but ∆Q/T, 20:23.404 --> 20:27.394 namely give a weighting factor of 1/T to the heat you 20:27.387 --> 20:29.427 add, then the positives and 20:29.426 --> 20:32.556 negatives cancel and give you exactly zero. 20:32.559 --> 20:34.119 In other words, Q_1 was not 20:34.120 --> 20:35.970 Q_2, Q_1 is bigger 20:35.971 --> 20:38.131 than Q_2, but Q_1/T 20:38.125 --> 20:40.685 _1 precisely balances Q_2/T 20:40.691 --> 20:41.661 _2. 20:41.660 --> 20:44.530 The heat absorbed at higher temperature if divided by 20:44.531 --> 20:47.021 T_1, to compute the change in 20:47.017 --> 20:49.507 entropy, then in the upper part of the 20:49.513 --> 20:52.233 Carnot cycle here, and the lower part of the 20:52.231 --> 20:55.511 Carnot here; the two cancel as far as the 20:55.513 --> 20:57.933 entropy change is concerned. 20:57.930 --> 21:01.050 So, entropy is a new variable; it's a mathematically 21:01.045 --> 21:02.275 discovered variable. 21:02.279 --> 21:05.289 What we find is that if I postulate there's a variable 21:05.291 --> 21:07.451 called entropy, the change in which, 21:07.450 --> 21:11.510 in any process, is the heat transfer divided by 21:11.505 --> 21:16.965 temperature, then that has the property that when you go around 21:16.971 --> 21:20.851 on a loop you come back net zero change. 21:20.849 --> 21:23.839 That means every point can be associated with a number you can 21:23.843 --> 21:25.763 call entropy. Entropy is like a height. 21:25.759 --> 21:29.259 Suppose you are walking around on some landscape, 21:29.258 --> 21:31.078 each point is a height. 21:31.079 --> 21:34.689 You can walk here and there and come back at every stage; 21:34.690 --> 21:37.300 you keep track of the change in height if you come back to where 21:37.303 --> 21:39.463 you are, the change in height will add up to zero. 21:39.460 --> 21:42.850 That's what I told you in the case of a potential energy 21:42.851 --> 21:45.101 function. It is just like a potential 21:45.100 --> 21:48.170 energy function. Internal energy and the entropy 21:48.171 --> 21:49.851 are now state variables. 21:49.849 --> 21:53.459 At every point the gas has a certain internal energy and an 21:53.457 --> 21:55.427 entropy. They deserve to be called state 21:55.432 --> 21:58.232 variables because when you go on a loop and come back they return 21:58.225 --> 21:59.355 to the starting values. 21:59.360 --> 22:02.550 22:02.549 --> 22:06.199 Now, you have no idea what this quantity stands for; 22:06.200 --> 22:07.460 you agree it's bizarre. 22:07.460 --> 22:09.460 Work done, we understand. 22:09.460 --> 22:12.550 Heat absorbed and heat rejected we understand. 22:12.549 --> 22:14.839 What is ∆Q over T? 22:14.839 --> 22:18.089 Why is dividing by T make such a big difference? 22:18.089 --> 22:19.519 Why does it produce a new variable? 22:19.520 --> 22:22.370 We can see it is true; at least in the Carnot cycle 22:22.368 --> 22:25.708 you can verify in detail that the change in the total of all 22:25.714 --> 22:28.554 the ∆Qs over T is in fact zero. 22:28.549 --> 22:31.109 So, we'll develop up a feeling for what it means, 22:31.111 --> 22:33.301 but historically this is what happened. 22:33.299 --> 22:36.379 People realized, hey there's another state 22:36.375 --> 22:38.555 variable. We introduce this new variable, 22:38.562 --> 22:41.112 we have no idea what it means but it is a state variable so 22:41.110 --> 22:42.780 we'd better take it very seriously. 22:42.779 --> 22:45.719 So, I'm going to tell you what it means. 22:45.720 --> 22:49.070 But first I want you to get some practice calculating the 22:49.074 --> 22:51.654 entropy change for a couple of processes. 22:51.650 --> 22:55.630 So, let us take for example, one gram of water, 22:55.633 --> 22:59.533 let's say m grams of some substance. 22:59.529 --> 23:03.769 It's got some specific heat C. 23:03.769 --> 23:07.909 And I'll change the temperature say from some T initial 23:07.906 --> 23:09.666 for some T final. 23:09.670 --> 23:14.130 23:14.130 --> 23:17.910 I do that by keeping the system--starting the system at 23:17.905 --> 23:21.395 T_i and I should never be far from 23:21.401 --> 23:23.651 equilibrium. That's one of the conditions on 23:23.651 --> 23:26.221 this. In fact, you can say it should 23:26.223 --> 23:28.893 be near, always near equilibrium. 23:28.890 --> 23:31.730 So, the system starts at temperature 23:31.732 --> 23:35.632 T_i, I put it on a heat bath, 23:35.630 --> 23:39.560 which is infinitesimally warmer than this and I let it heat up 23:39.559 --> 23:41.929 at that point. Then, I put it on another 23:41.933 --> 23:44.193 reservoir, slightly hotter than this one. 23:44.190 --> 23:48.610 At all stages I want the system to be almost near equilibrium. 23:48.609 --> 23:51.779 In the sense of calculus you can make the difference as small 23:51.783 --> 23:54.593 as you like provided you do enough number of times and 23:54.586 --> 23:57.016 slowly I raise this guy from here to here. 23:57.019 --> 23:59.839 At every stage the system has a well-defined temperature, 23:59.838 --> 24:02.958 has a well-defined heat input and I wanted to add it all up. 24:02.960 --> 24:04.800 So, what's the change in entropy? 24:04.799 --> 24:09.119 S final minus S initial is equal to dQ 24:09.124 --> 24:12.334 over T, summed over all the parts, 24:12.329 --> 24:18.739 I should write this as an integral, mC ∆T over T. 24:18.740 --> 24:21.400 Do you see that, dQ is mC ∆T? 24:21.400 --> 24:24.980 But I got to divide by T and that integral is done 24:24.980 --> 24:28.820 between some initial and final temperature and we can do this 24:28.815 --> 24:32.455 integral rather trivially in an mC log T final over 24:32.459 --> 24:33.929 T initial. 24:33.930 --> 24:37.940 24:37.940 --> 24:40.800 That is the increase in entropy of some m grams of some 24:40.802 --> 24:43.292 substance of specific heat C that's heated from 24:43.289 --> 24:45.119 T initial to T final. 24:45.119 --> 24:49.049 We're just getting practice calculating this. 24:49.049 --> 24:50.909 We still don't know what this guy means. 24:50.910 --> 24:52.750 So, don't worry about that right now. 24:52.750 --> 24:55.940 If it did not divide by T, what are you 24:55.938 --> 24:58.668 calculating? mC ∆T integrated is 24:58.668 --> 25:01.398 just mC times change in temperature. 25:01.400 --> 25:03.920 That's the old calorimetric problem you did. 25:03.920 --> 25:07.100 How many calories does it take to raise the substance from 25:07.100 --> 25:08.830 initial to final temperature? 25:08.830 --> 25:10.820 That you understand. 25:10.819 --> 25:13.479 When you divide by T, something you don't understand, 25:13.479 --> 25:15.959 but anyway, let's make sure we know how to calculate the 25:15.958 --> 25:18.618 increase in entropy when water or something is heated from a 25:18.617 --> 25:20.147 lower to higher temperature. 25:20.150 --> 25:23.000 If you cooled it from a higher to lower temperature, 25:23.004 --> 25:25.974 you can use the same formula T_f over 25:25.970 --> 25:28.350 T_i, but T_f will 25:28.350 --> 25:29.770 now be smaller than T_i; 25:29.769 --> 25:31.629 if you cooled it, if the log of a number less 25:31.630 --> 25:33.830 than one is negative and the entropy changes it'll be 25:33.830 --> 25:36.810 negative. So, let me do one more entropy 25:36.811 --> 25:41.351 calculation that's going to be pretty important for us. 25:41.349 --> 25:43.629 That entropy calculation is this. 25:43.630 --> 25:49.040 Take a gas and watch it expand isothermally from some starting 25:49.038 --> 25:53.918 point, at some fixed temperature T that goes from 25:53.915 --> 25:58.255 V_1 to V_2. 25:58.259 --> 26:01.839 What is the change in entropy when it goes from here to here? 26:01.840 --> 26:06.180 26:06.180 --> 26:09.630 Again, the system must always be in equilibrium or near 26:09.634 --> 26:13.154 equilibrium so I can plot it as a point in the PV 26:13.152 --> 26:15.532 diagram, so I slowly take grain after 26:15.530 --> 26:19.210 grain, do the whole thing I told you, and find S_2 - 26:19.212 --> 26:22.722 S_1, this is 2 and this is 1. 26:22.720 --> 26:27.070 That is equal to the sum of all the heat transfers divided by 26:27.072 --> 26:30.412 temperature at every little step of the way. 26:30.410 --> 26:38.000 But remember this is also the same as P∆V over 26:38.003 --> 26:40.483 T. Why? 26:40.480 --> 26:43.640 Because on an isothermal ∆U is zero, 26:43.642 --> 26:47.382 I repeated it many times but you've got to know this, 26:47.380 --> 26:49.680 ∆Q is P∆V. 26:49.680 --> 26:55.530 But P over T is nRT over V, 26:55.532 --> 26:59.272 ∆V. You also want to divide it by a 26:59.265 --> 27:02.485 T. Do you understand P over 27:02.487 --> 27:05.477 T is nR over V? 27:05.480 --> 27:09.970 So, P = nRT over V, I'm just saying, 27:09.965 --> 27:14.725 PV is nRT, so P over T is 27:14.726 --> 27:17.286 NR over V. 27:17.289 --> 27:20.819 Now, dV over V when you sum or integrate will 27:20.821 --> 27:23.261 give you nR log V_2 over 27:23.257 --> 27:24.777 V_1. 27:24.780 --> 27:29.380 27:29.380 --> 27:32.390 That is the change in entropy of this gas when it went from 27:32.387 --> 27:35.237 volume V and went to volume V_2, 27:35.239 --> 27:36.639 at a given temperature. 27:36.640 --> 27:40.070 You don't have to use calculus to do this. 27:40.069 --> 27:42.919 Does everybody understand why this could have been done a lot 27:42.922 --> 27:45.052 easier? You don't need to do the 27:45.054 --> 27:46.124 integral here. 27:46.120 --> 27:49.420 27:49.420 --> 27:52.900 Because I showed you in studying the heat engine that 27:52.899 --> 27:56.709 the heat transfer Q is nRT log V_2 27:56.712 --> 27:58.722 over V_1. 27:58.720 --> 28:01.640 Since the whole process takes place at fixed temperature, 28:01.643 --> 28:03.993 instead of dividing by T at every step, 28:03.992 --> 28:06.292 you can just divide by T overall. 28:06.290 --> 28:11.430 Just bring the T here; that's why this is a change in 28:11.428 --> 28:13.108 entropy. In other words, 28:13.114 --> 28:16.454 during the whole process you feel at one temperature then 28:16.454 --> 28:20.034 integral of ∆Q over T is just 1 over T 28:20.032 --> 28:23.842 times integral of ∆Q, which is the total heat 28:23.841 --> 28:26.171 transfer. Anyway, this is the heat, 28:26.165 --> 28:29.435 this is the change in entropy, S_2 - 28:29.443 --> 28:32.913 S_1 is nR log V_2 over 28:32.911 --> 28:34.551 V_1. 28:34.550 --> 28:43.680 28:43.680 --> 28:46.760 Okay, so what have I done so far? 28:46.760 --> 28:50.220 Let's collect our thoughts here. 28:50.220 --> 28:54.110 I went to the Carnot engine today and reminded you what the 28:54.110 --> 28:56.660 efficiency of the Carnot engine was. 28:56.660 --> 28:59.300 Then, I showed you no engine can be better than the Carnot 28:59.302 --> 29:01.382 engine. That's a separate story. 29:01.380 --> 29:04.930 That has to do with how efficient things can be. 29:04.930 --> 29:08.590 Then, a byproduct of the Carnot engine was this great 29:08.594 --> 29:12.894 realization that if you go on a closed loop and at every stage 29:12.894 --> 29:15.404 you add, you compute the heat absorbed, 29:15.400 --> 29:17.890 but divide by the temperature at that point, 29:17.890 --> 29:20.020 the sum of all those is zero. 29:20.019 --> 29:23.979 What that means is that, there is a quantity S 29:23.980 --> 29:26.650 whose change, if it is defined to be 29:26.645 --> 29:30.355 ∆Q over T, has a property the total change 29:30.355 --> 29:32.465 in S is zero and you go around a loop. 29:32.470 --> 29:35.840 That means at every point you can associate an S. 29:35.839 --> 29:38.849 S is a property of the point. 29:38.849 --> 29:42.119 Another example--so then, I said let's get used to 29:42.118 --> 29:44.118 computing change in entropy. 29:44.119 --> 29:47.549 I took one example of heating a substance of some mass and 29:47.546 --> 29:50.906 specific heat C by a temperature dT and the 29:50.913 --> 29:54.403 change in entropy was mC log TF over TI. 29:54.400 --> 29:57.710 You got the log because of integral of dT over 29:57.709 --> 29:59.299 T was logarithm. 29:59.299 --> 30:03.239 Then, I took an ideal gas, I let it expand isothermally, 30:03.240 --> 30:06.680 I found the entropy change, I got this answer. 30:06.680 --> 30:08.550 By the way, here's an interesting exercise, 30:08.552 --> 30:11.052 I don't have time to do it, but you can ask the following 30:11.050 --> 30:13.750 question. If you tell me that every point 30:13.752 --> 30:17.382 there is a unique entropy, then the entropy difference 30:17.380 --> 30:21.150 between 2 and 1 should be independent of how I go from 1 30:21.145 --> 30:22.825 to 2. Do you understand? 30:22.829 --> 30:24.839 If you're walking on a mountain, you take two points, 30:24.835 --> 30:27.415 they have a height difference, and I can find the height 30:27.417 --> 30:30.757 difference by going on this path keeping track of the change in 30:30.760 --> 30:32.270 height or any other path. 30:32.269 --> 30:34.439 In the end, the height difference between two points is 30:34.443 --> 30:35.413 the height difference. 30:35.410 --> 30:37.900 So, I could find the entropy another way. 30:37.900 --> 30:40.850 Let me show you another way that's easy for you guys to work 30:40.849 --> 30:43.399 out. Come down like this and go to 30:43.400 --> 30:45.030 the right like this. 30:45.030 --> 30:47.640 And find the entropy change. 30:47.640 --> 30:51.300 You'll get the same answer as I got on this thing. 30:51.299 --> 30:54.789 Okay, it's too tempting for me to just leave it here. 30:54.790 --> 30:56.100 Let me tell you how it works. 30:56.099 --> 31:00.309 Call this intermediate point, give a subscript zero for all 31:00.306 --> 31:02.966 its parameters. Then in this step, 31:02.974 --> 31:07.364 when you come from here to here, the entropy change will 31:07.358 --> 31:12.458 be--let's take one mole of a gas when I go from here to here. 31:12.460 --> 31:16.420 Then for one mole of a gas the heat transfer dQ is 31:16.421 --> 31:20.601 C_VdT and I divide by T and I do the 31:20.595 --> 31:23.495 integral from T_1 to this 31:23.495 --> 31:25.825 point T_0. 31:25.830 --> 31:28.170 That's the entropy change here. 31:28.170 --> 31:32.080 Then in the horizontal part, since I'm going at constant 31:32.078 --> 31:34.988 pressure, I go C_PdT over 31:34.991 --> 31:38.121 T from T_0 up to back 31:38.118 --> 31:40.728 to T_1, because this 31:40.731 --> 31:42.821 T_1 and T_2 are the 31:42.817 --> 31:43.617 same temperature. 31:43.619 --> 31:48.159 I have to add all these to get the entropy change. 31:48.160 --> 31:51.400 Now it's a two-step process, you come down because you're at 31:51.402 --> 31:54.482 constant volume and you're doing something to the gas, 31:54.480 --> 31:56.740 dQ is C_VdT. 31:56.740 --> 31:58.820 Horizontally, you're at constant pressure, 31:58.815 --> 32:00.735 dQ is C_PdT. 32:00.740 --> 32:03.030 That's the definition of specific heat at constant 32:03.030 --> 32:04.340 volume, constant pressure. 32:04.339 --> 32:07.939 But notice the following: C_P is equal 32:07.936 --> 32:10.396 to C_V + R. 32:10.400 --> 32:14.230 So, put C_V + R here and look what you 32:14.232 --> 32:17.282 get, then you get C_V times 32:17.284 --> 32:21.124 log T_0 over T_1 plus 32:21.117 --> 32:25.657 log T_1 over T_0, 32:25.660 --> 32:29.270 which we can write as the product here, 32:29.268 --> 32:33.258 plus R log T_1 over 32:33.256 --> 32:35.626 T_0. 32:35.630 --> 32:38.970 32:38.970 --> 32:39.960 In other words, this log is log of 32:39.955 --> 32:41.415 T_0 over T_1, 32:41.420 --> 32:44.260 the next log is log of T_1 over 32:44.263 --> 32:47.353 T_0, log A plus log B 32:47.348 --> 32:48.798 is log of AB. 32:48.799 --> 32:50.789 But when you do this look what happens here. 32:50.789 --> 32:55.219 This all cancels, log of 1 is zero; 32:55.220 --> 32:57.730 the total entropy change is R log T_1 over 32:57.726 --> 32:58.716 T_0. 32:58.720 --> 33:02.610 33:02.609 --> 33:07.449 But for a gas at constant pressure, using PV = RT, 33:07.448 --> 33:12.718 this ratio of temperature is also the ratio of the volumes. 33:12.720 --> 33:18.030 33:18.029 --> 33:21.859 So this one--I'm sorry I should write it more carefully. 33:21.859 --> 33:25.859 When I say T_1 I really meant the temperature 33:25.861 --> 33:27.831 at this point, second point. 33:27.829 --> 33:30.409 So, that temperature, or this temperature is also 33:30.413 --> 33:32.623 that volume divided by the initial volume, 33:32.620 --> 33:34.450 which is V_1. 33:34.450 --> 33:36.060 See, this is a confusing problem because 33:36.062 --> 33:38.462 T_1 happens to be T_0. 33:38.460 --> 33:40.670 The correct way to do this for me would be to write 33:40.667 --> 33:42.917 T_0 over T_1 times 33:42.918 --> 33:45.168 T_2 over T_0, 33:45.170 --> 33:48.200 then realize the fact that T_2 and 33:48.201 --> 33:51.901 T_1 are equal because I am on an isotherm. 33:51.900 --> 33:53.250 That's what I should have done. 33:53.250 --> 33:55.550 So, I should cancel this factor because T_2 is 33:55.554 --> 33:57.204 T_1, but here T_2 33:57.197 --> 33:58.637 over T_0 is V_2 over 33:58.637 --> 34:00.167 V_0, which is V_2 34:00.170 --> 34:00.990 over V_1. 34:00.990 --> 34:04.360 That's, of course, the entropy change I got in one 34:04.355 --> 34:06.875 shot here. So, you can find entropy change 34:06.878 --> 34:09.278 anyway you like. You usually pick the easiest 34:09.284 --> 34:09.604 path. 34:09.600 --> 34:13.460 34:13.460 --> 34:18.890 Alright, so we have now learned how to find entropy change. 34:18.890 --> 34:21.520 We have no idea what it means. 34:21.519 --> 34:24.599 It seems as if when you heat something entropy goes up; 34:24.599 --> 34:27.139 when you cool something entropy goes down. 34:27.139 --> 34:30.079 That's certainly correct, because ∆Q is positive 34:30.084 --> 34:32.244 for heating and you divide by T, 34:32.239 --> 34:34.359 and you make it a logarithm, but we know at every 34:34.357 --> 34:36.737 infinitesimal portion we're adding positive numbers. 34:36.739 --> 34:38.949 And when I cooled things it goes down. 34:38.949 --> 34:40.749 Why not just call it temperature? 34:40.750 --> 34:43.070 Why do you need this new concept called entropy? 34:43.070 --> 34:45.320 So, that's what the rest of the lecture is about. 34:45.320 --> 34:47.500 It's a very, very powerful and beautiful 34:47.501 --> 34:50.971 concept so I wanted to explain it, make sure I get it right. 34:50.969 --> 34:56.189 Here is now the result for all this hard work. 34:56.190 --> 35:00.960 Remember I told you there are many, many, many phenomena that 35:00.956 --> 35:05.266 seem forbidden in our world, and we're not quite sure what 35:05.270 --> 35:08.800 law to invoke to prevent all of them from happening. 35:08.800 --> 35:11.950 Do we want a law for each one that says if you drop a bottle 35:11.946 --> 35:13.916 and it shatters it won't come back? 35:13.920 --> 35:15.420 If you drop an egg it won't come back. 35:15.420 --> 35:19.880 If you let hot and cold mix, they're not going to unmix. 35:19.880 --> 35:23.890 Or if you let a gas trapped in half a room, escape to the whole 35:23.894 --> 35:27.524 room, it'll never untrap and go back to half the room. 35:27.519 --> 35:30.209 A lot of things happen one way but not the other and I said I 35:30.211 --> 35:32.861 am looking for a mega law that will prevent all these things 35:32.857 --> 35:35.997 from happening. Now, I'm ready to state that 35:36.000 --> 35:38.660 law. This is the third law--I mean, 35:38.659 --> 35:41.209 the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 35:41.210 --> 35:43.670 Carnot said it one way, but I'm going to say it in a 35:43.673 --> 35:45.223 way that's very, very general. 35:45.219 --> 35:50.799 The Second Law of Thermodynamics says ∆S 35:50.796 --> 35:56.136 for the universe is either zero or positive. 35:56.139 --> 35:58.729 There you have it, that's the great law. 35:58.730 --> 36:01.740 The law says, take any process, 36:01.743 --> 36:07.573 if at the end of the process the entropy of the universe is 36:07.568 --> 36:12.388 bigger than it was before, that will happen. 36:12.389 --> 36:16.029 If the entropy of the universe is smaller than it was before, 36:16.034 --> 36:17.314 it will not happen. 36:17.309 --> 36:20.999 Now, we have to make sure that this law has anything whatsoever 36:20.997 --> 36:24.677 to do with all the other things we have studied and I will show 36:24.684 --> 36:26.334 you; this will forbid everything 36:26.326 --> 36:28.866 that should be forbidden and allow everything that should be 36:28.874 --> 36:32.564 allowed. So, let me start with the most 36:32.555 --> 36:34.795 obvious formulation. 36:34.800 --> 36:36.840 Mr. Carnot's version of the Second 36:36.844 --> 36:40.314 Law was that you cannot have a process in which some heat 36:40.314 --> 36:43.354 Q goes from a hot body to a cold body. 36:43.349 --> 36:48.449 I'm sorry this allowed, right, according to Carnot, 36:48.447 --> 36:50.687 this is not allowed. 36:50.690 --> 36:54.900 36:54.900 --> 36:59.060 Right, heat can flow downhill, cannot flow up hill. 36:59.059 --> 37:03.049 Let's see the entropy change the universe with the two cases. 37:03.050 --> 37:05.510 In this case, with this guy, 37:05.505 --> 37:10.775 the change in entropy is the following: the upper reservoir 37:10.781 --> 37:15.181 lost some amount Q, so ∆Q is a negative 37:15.175 --> 37:18.205 number, add some temperature T_1, 37:18.210 --> 37:22.590 the lower reservoir gained Q at temperature 37:22.592 --> 37:24.652 T_2. 37:24.650 --> 37:26.630 Now, what's the overall sign of this? 37:26.630 --> 37:29.140 Think about it. T_1 is bigger 37:29.138 --> 37:31.348 than T_2, so this negative number is 37:31.353 --> 37:32.933 smaller than this positive number, 37:32.930 --> 37:34.400 so the whole thing is positive. 37:34.400 --> 37:39.080 That means it's allowed; it's okay. 37:39.079 --> 37:41.789 By the same token, if you take this process when 37:41.790 --> 37:44.620 heat flows up hill, then this reservoir loses some 37:44.615 --> 37:47.725 heat Q at temperature T_2, 37:47.730 --> 37:50.520 the other one gains heat Q at temperature 37:50.517 --> 37:53.477 T_1, but this is clearly less than 37:53.482 --> 37:56.632 zero because this positive number is smaller than this 37:56.625 --> 37:59.475 negative number. So, there you have a very 37:59.476 --> 38:02.446 simple example where if heat flows the wrong way, 38:02.446 --> 38:04.856 the entropy of the universe goes up. 38:04.860 --> 38:08.800 38:08.800 --> 38:11.610 And it's very simple, it's only--it's because, 38:11.607 --> 38:15.287 it's true that the heat loss of this guy is the heat gain of 38:15.288 --> 38:16.928 that guy, that's the Law of the 38:16.925 --> 38:17.865 Conservation of Energy. 38:17.869 --> 38:20.289 So, energy doesn't change, but entropy changes, 38:20.294 --> 38:22.884 because for entropy it's not the heat transferred, 38:22.877 --> 38:25.457 it's heat transferred divided by temperature. 38:25.460 --> 38:28.800 Therefore, a heat loss at one temperature and a [equal] 38:28.797 --> 38:32.007 heat gain at a lower temperature don't cancel when it 38:32.011 --> 38:33.311 comes to entropy. 38:33.309 --> 38:35.449 In one case the entropy goes up and is allowed; 38:35.449 --> 38:37.269 other case entropy goes down, that's not allowed. 38:37.270 --> 38:40.730 38:40.730 --> 38:43.740 Okay so let's try, that's certainly one process 38:43.735 --> 38:47.455 that you know should not be allowed, but it's forbidden by 38:47.459 --> 38:50.529 the Third Law, by a computation of entropy. 38:50.530 --> 38:53.920 So, the reason when you put a hot and cold body together, 38:53.924 --> 38:57.624 heat flows from the cold to the hot--I'm sorry from the hot to 38:57.621 --> 38:59.361 the cold, is because that's the way the 38:59.362 --> 39:00.022 entropy will go up. 39:00.020 --> 39:05.970 39:05.970 --> 39:10.100 So, let's take one more example. 39:10.099 --> 39:14.229 Suppose I have some mass of water at some temperature 39:14.233 --> 39:18.133 T_1 and an equal mass of water at 39:18.128 --> 39:21.068 temperature T_2. 39:21.070 --> 39:24.900 One is hot and one is cold. 39:24.900 --> 39:29.920 I put them together, what will happen? 39:29.920 --> 39:32.650 We believe it will then get this big mass, 39:32.648 --> 39:36.108 all at some common temperature T star which is 39:36.108 --> 39:38.968 T_1 + T_2/2; 39:38.970 --> 39:40.600 this is just by symmetry. 39:40.599 --> 39:42.589 It's equal mass, equal specific heat, 39:42.589 --> 39:43.859 where will they meet? 39:43.860 --> 39:45.380 They will meet half way. 39:45.380 --> 39:48.080 They will meet here. 39:48.079 --> 39:49.779 Energies, of course, is conserved, 39:49.776 --> 39:52.806 and that's how we determine in fact where they will meet. 39:52.810 --> 39:54.310 But look at the entropy. 39:54.309 --> 39:56.869 What happens with entropy change? 39:56.869 --> 40:00.269 With entropy change, you should imagine this water 40:00.267 --> 40:04.357 being steadily heated by putting it in contact with a lot of 40:04.359 --> 40:06.639 reservoir, so it's never far from 40:06.640 --> 40:09.620 equilibrium and slowly bringing it to this point. 40:09.619 --> 40:15.109 Then, the ∆S total will be M specific heat 40:15.111 --> 40:19.831 is 1, then ∆T over T starting from 40:19.831 --> 40:26.001 T_1 to T star for one thing and dT 40:25.996 --> 40:30.806 over T from T_2 to T 40:30.813 --> 40:33.803 star for the other one. 40:33.800 --> 40:34.740 Do you understand that? 40:34.739 --> 40:36.629 They both meet at T star, upper limit is T 40:36.634 --> 40:38.364 star, lower one is T_1 for one and 40:38.356 --> 40:39.696 T_2 for the other, 40:39.699 --> 40:44.159 so the change in entropy becomes M log T 40:44.155 --> 40:47.005 star squared over T_1T 40:47.014 --> 40:48.784 _2. 40:48.780 --> 40:54.550 40:54.550 --> 40:56.090 Now, we have to ask, okay you got an entropy change 40:56.087 --> 40:57.467 from start to finish, but how do you know it's 40:57.470 --> 40:57.870 positive? 40:57.870 --> 41:02.240 41:02.239 --> 41:04.799 Can anybody give some reason why this has to be a positive 41:04.802 --> 41:07.412 without looking into properties of logarithms and so on? 41:07.410 --> 41:11.700 41:11.700 --> 41:12.800 Any of these in, what--yes? 41:12.800 --> 41:17.920 Student: [inaudible] Professor Ramamurti 41:17.917 --> 41:23.137 Shankar: Yeah, that's one way to prove that. 41:23.139 --> 41:24.999 But I am saying, I'm going to prove it to you 41:24.996 --> 41:27.236 that way. But can you think of a reason 41:27.242 --> 41:30.442 why at every step of the process, when I brought this 41:30.439 --> 41:34.189 down and when I pushed that up, the entropy change is always 41:34.188 --> 41:35.548 positive in each step. 41:35.550 --> 41:37.060 So, let me explain why. 41:37.059 --> 41:40.379 Imagine cooling this down a little bit, by putting, 41:40.384 --> 41:43.514 taking some heat ∆Q out of this guy. 41:43.510 --> 41:46.500 That's happening at some temperature here, 41:46.501 --> 41:50.221 this one is gaining some ∆Q, but at a lower 41:50.222 --> 41:53.402 temperature. Okay. 41:53.400 --> 41:56.760 Therefore, the gain has got the same ∆Q, 41:56.764 --> 42:00.484 but at a lower temperature, this is always at an upper 42:00.478 --> 42:02.938 temperature. Throughout the process, 42:02.935 --> 42:05.365 at every stage, this guy's hotter than this 42:05.373 --> 42:07.303 guy. So, every calorie of heat it 42:07.303 --> 42:10.293 gains at a higher temperature, every calorie it loses is 42:10.294 --> 42:13.224 divided by higher temperature, every calorie this gained is 42:13.219 --> 42:14.429 divided by lower temperature. 42:14.429 --> 42:17.639 At every increment, at every infinitesimal step you 42:17.636 --> 42:20.646 can see the total entropy change is positive. 42:20.650 --> 42:24.600 Now, to prove it, we will do what he just said. 42:24.599 --> 42:27.409 If you want to prove this is positive, you want to show that 42:27.410 --> 42:29.840 the fellow inside the logarithm is bigger than 1, 42:29.840 --> 42:32.810 so I'm asking is T_1 plus 42:32.814 --> 42:37.174 T_2^(2) over 4 bigger than T_1T 42:37.166 --> 42:38.686 _2? 42:38.690 --> 42:40.230 Or I'm saying is T_1 plus 42:40.231 --> 42:42.261 T_2^(2) bigger than 4T_1T 42:42.260 --> 42:43.050 _2? 42:43.050 --> 42:45.580 If you rearrange this, you can show the left-hand side 42:45.577 --> 42:48.007 becomes T_1 - T_2^(2); 42:48.010 --> 42:50.520 that's of course, a positive number because this 42:50.524 --> 42:53.364 will be T_1^(2) + T_2^(2) + 42:53.360 --> 42:55.500 2T_1T _2. 42:55.500 --> 42:58.160 When I bring this guy to the other side, it'll become minus 42:58.163 --> 43:00.283 2T_1T _2 and so it's 43:00.275 --> 43:01.235 clearly positive. 43:01.239 --> 43:05.879 So, when hot and cold meet and create lukewarm, 43:05.878 --> 43:09.708 entropy of the universe has gone up. 43:09.710 --> 43:12.680 It follows, therefore, if lukewarm spontaneously 43:12.675 --> 43:16.265 separated into hot and cold, the entropy would go down and 43:16.271 --> 43:18.481 that's why that doesn't happen. 43:18.480 --> 43:21.200 That's why if you leave a jar of water at one temperature, 43:21.202 --> 43:23.642 it doesn't spontaneously separate into a part on top 43:23.637 --> 43:25.497 which is cold and a part on bottom, 43:25.500 --> 43:27.870 which is hot. Such a separation would not 43:27.867 --> 43:28.777 violate anything. 43:28.780 --> 43:32.260 It would not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy, 43:32.255 --> 43:35.855 but it will violate the law that entropy has to always go 43:35.859 --> 43:37.829 up. So, one way is allowed another 43:37.827 --> 43:38.837 way is not allowed. 43:38.840 --> 43:41.800 So, you see over and over again, that anything that's 43:41.800 --> 43:44.760 allowed is in the direction of increasing entropy; 43:44.760 --> 43:47.970 anything that is forbidden is in the direction of decreasing 43:47.966 --> 43:51.506 entropy. But who is this entropy? 43:51.510 --> 43:52.740 What does it mean? 43:52.739 --> 43:55.209 Well, that we have not understood at all from any of 43:55.212 --> 43:56.232 these calculations. 43:56.230 --> 43:59.370 Because dQ over T doesn't speak to us the way 43:59.374 --> 44:01.764 dU or dQ or PdV does. 44:01.760 --> 44:07.490 So, that last part of what I'm going to do is going to explain 44:07.491 --> 44:12.191 to you what is the microscopic basis of entropy. 44:12.190 --> 44:14.130 Why is the entropy going up? 44:14.130 --> 44:19.130 Why is--why do we understand the tendency of things to go the 44:19.134 --> 44:21.974 direction of increasing entropy? 44:21.969 --> 44:25.759 All I've shown you now is that it's a mystical quantity called 44:25.759 --> 44:29.299 entropy, circumstantially you find every time something is 44:29.300 --> 44:31.880 forbidden, it's because had it taken place 44:31.882 --> 44:33.542 entropy would have gone down. 44:33.540 --> 44:34.930 Do you remember the examples? 44:34.929 --> 44:38.089 Heat flowing from hot to cold entropy goes up, 44:38.088 --> 44:40.398 allowed. Flowing from cold to hot, 44:40.395 --> 44:42.445 entropy goes down, not allowed. 44:42.449 --> 44:45.189 Hot and cold mix and become lukewarm; 44:45.190 --> 44:47.590 allowed, entropy goes up. 44:47.590 --> 44:49.480 Luke warm separates into hot and cold; 44:49.480 --> 44:51.630 not allowed, entropy goes down. 44:51.630 --> 44:53.490 So, there's definitely a correlation. 44:53.489 --> 44:55.729 And yet we don't know what it means. 44:55.730 --> 44:57.800 So, we're going to talk about what it means. 44:57.800 --> 45:01.390 For that, I'm going to consider the following process. 45:01.389 --> 45:08.699 I take a gas and I put it in a room in a box where there's a 45:08.703 --> 45:11.433 partition, half way. 45:11.429 --> 45:15.099 The molecules are stuck on the left side, gas has reached 45:15.096 --> 45:19.026 equilibrium and it's done what it can, which is to spread out 45:19.025 --> 45:20.395 over this volume. 45:20.400 --> 45:23.370 Now, I suddenly remove the partition, rip it out. 45:23.370 --> 45:26.870 45:26.870 --> 45:30.950 So, let's follow this gas. 45:30.950 --> 45:32.640 Initially, it is a point here. 45:32.640 --> 45:37.170 45:37.170 --> 45:40.870 Then, there is a period when it goes off the radar because I 45:40.867 --> 45:43.497 told you when you suddenly remove the wall, 45:43.499 --> 45:46.319 the gas is not in a state of equilibrium. 45:46.320 --> 45:48.100 It doesn't even have a well-defined pressure. 45:48.099 --> 45:50.659 The minute you remove the wall, pressure is something here, 45:50.655 --> 45:52.105 pressure is zero in the vacuum. 45:52.110 --> 45:56.990 So, you got to wait a bit, so gas has gone off the radar. 45:56.989 --> 45:58.839 We cannot talk about what's happening. 45:58.840 --> 46:02.670 Then, if you wait long enough, I get a gas that looks like 46:02.673 --> 46:06.173 this after some seconds, or whatever milliseconds. 46:06.170 --> 46:08.460 That is again gas in equilibrium. 46:08.460 --> 46:11.710 It's got a certain state; I can call it 2. 46:11.710 --> 46:16.820 What is the entropy change now? 46:16.820 --> 46:19.260 That's what I want to ask. 46:19.260 --> 46:21.210 What's the change in entropy here? 46:21.210 --> 46:26.510 Because I know that this is allowed, that is forbidden, 46:26.513 --> 46:30.543 so I want to ask did the entropy go up? 46:30.539 --> 46:33.649 Now, how do we do the entropy calculation? 46:33.650 --> 46:35.620 Here's the wrong way to do the calculation. 46:35.619 --> 46:39.399 You go back and say ∆S at ∆Q over T, 46:39.396 --> 46:42.476 but this whole box I forgot to mention--I'm sorry, 46:42.479 --> 46:45.059 this whole box is thermally isolated. 46:45.059 --> 46:47.419 It's not in contact with anything. 46:47.420 --> 46:51.230 I just ripped out the partition in the middle; 46:51.230 --> 46:53.480 that's it. So, you might say, 46:53.482 --> 46:57.072 well, if it's thermally isolated, ∆Q = 0 so you 46:57.066 --> 47:00.016 can divide by T, you can do what you want, 47:00.018 --> 47:01.628 so this entropy change is zero. 47:01.630 --> 47:03.090 But that is a wrong argument. 47:03.090 --> 47:06.100 47:06.099 --> 47:08.899 Can you think about why that's not the way to do the entropy 47:08.902 --> 47:11.042 change? Why that's the wrong analysis? 47:11.040 --> 47:15.460 47:15.460 --> 47:17.560 First of all, could that be the right answer? 47:17.560 --> 47:21.250 Yes. Student: It can't 47:21.246 --> 47:25.346 because then that would mean that going backwards is not a 47:25.347 --> 47:27.267 valid process. Professor Ramamurti 47:27.265 --> 47:28.275 Shankar: No, that is correct, 47:28.276 --> 47:29.726 but I'm saying this computation of entropy. 47:29.730 --> 47:33.380 The one line calculation I did, namely there is no heat inflow, 47:33.382 --> 47:36.212 the ∆Q = 0, so ∆Q over T 47:36.209 --> 47:37.799 summed up is also zero. 47:37.800 --> 47:39.190 That's not how you do the entropy change. 47:39.190 --> 47:42.790 47:42.789 --> 47:45.029 Is there any condition I made on computing? 47:45.030 --> 47:47.140 Yes. Student: Well, 47:47.144 --> 47:49.144 uhm… there's a gas [inaudible] 47:49.142 --> 47:52.242 Professor Ramamurti Shankar: Wait in fact, 47:52.237 --> 47:54.427 here's the interesting thing. 47:54.429 --> 47:57.449 What's going to be the temperature difference between 47:57.447 --> 47:58.547 before and after? 47:58.550 --> 48:00.410 Which is going to be hotter or cooler? 48:00.410 --> 48:04.350 48:04.350 --> 48:06.450 Any views on this? 48:06.450 --> 48:11.000 Yep. Student: [inaudible] 48:10.995 --> 48:13.715 Professor Ramamurti Shankar: Ah, 48:13.719 --> 48:17.879 well, you can say it is cooler because it was insulated and 48:17.876 --> 48:20.936 expanded, but you cool down because you 48:20.937 --> 48:24.057 expand against an external pressure, right? 48:24.059 --> 48:26.429 If, when--If I were to move this piston here, 48:26.433 --> 48:28.863 there is no pressure pushing this gas back. 48:28.860 --> 48:30.150 Do you understand that? 48:30.150 --> 48:33.920 Doesn't do any work, doesn't take any heat. 48:33.920 --> 48:35.720 So, what does that mean? 48:35.719 --> 48:39.329 In the end when you settle down, what can you conclude? 48:39.329 --> 48:41.459 No heat input, no work done, 48:41.458 --> 48:45.318 so what does that mean in terms of temperature? 48:45.320 --> 48:46.450 Student: Same. 48:46.449 --> 48:48.449 Professor Ramamurti Shankar: Same. 48:48.449 --> 48:50.549 Because the internal energy cannot change because 48:50.545 --> 48:52.155 ∆Q = 0, work done is zero. 48:52.160 --> 48:54.490 So, in fact, this is a surprise. 48:54.489 --> 48:57.759 This gas when it expands will be at the same temperature. 48:57.760 --> 48:59.860 You guys are thinking of the computer air, 48:59.861 --> 49:02.681 where if you let it expand it cools down because that is 49:02.680 --> 49:05.090 expanding against the atmospheric pressure. 49:05.090 --> 49:07.940 This gas is expanding into a complete vacuum. 49:07.940 --> 49:10.630 It's got no piston to push against, nothing from outside 49:10.625 --> 49:13.355 pushing, so these two points are the same temperature. 49:13.360 --> 49:16.650 49:16.650 --> 49:19.150 So, the correct answer, maybe you didn't catch on, 49:19.152 --> 49:22.272 but I will tell you the correct answer is: There is an entropy 49:22.268 --> 49:25.268 increase in this problem, because the final state 49:25.265 --> 49:29.015 definitely has a well-defined entropy you can calculate, 49:29.019 --> 49:30.639 because it's an equilibrium state. 49:30.639 --> 49:34.039 Initial one has a well-defined entropy, in between stages here, 49:34.036 --> 49:36.936 are not on the PV diagram because they were not 49:36.940 --> 49:38.200 equilibrium states. 49:38.199 --> 49:40.889 So in this experiment, the way to calculate the 49:40.888 --> 49:44.278 entropy change is not to do ∆Q over T as it 49:44.279 --> 49:46.149 happened in this experiment. 49:46.150 --> 49:49.410 What you really want to say is my gas was here in the 49:49.405 --> 49:51.905 beginning, my gas is there in the end, 49:51.909 --> 49:54.449 both are states of equilibrium, both have well-defined 49:54.447 --> 49:57.217 temperature and I can find the entropy change in going from 49:57.224 --> 49:59.144 here to here for any process I want. 49:59.139 --> 50:02.989 As long as that process keeps the system near equilibrium, 50:02.993 --> 50:06.643 so I can follow dot by dot where I'm moving and add the 50:06.644 --> 50:08.744 ∆Q over Ts. 50:08.739 --> 50:12.539 The correct rule for entropy change is ∆Q/T computed 50:12.541 --> 50:16.471 on a path in which the system never strays from equilibrium. 50:16.469 --> 50:19.879 Now, your system strayed from equilibrium all the time. 50:19.880 --> 50:22.390 But we're not interested in how it got from here to here. 50:22.389 --> 50:25.109 We are saying what's the entropy here and what's the 50:25.110 --> 50:27.080 entropy here. Since this at the same 50:27.082 --> 50:30.182 temperature, I know one way to go from there to there is to 50:30.175 --> 50:33.205 follow the isotherm because that'll connect the two points 50:33.213 --> 50:34.923 in this particular problem. 50:34.920 --> 50:38.400 Then I know the entropy change is S_2 - 50:38.402 --> 50:41.952 S_1 is nR log V_2 over 50:41.952 --> 50:43.662 V_1. 50:43.660 --> 50:54.750 50:54.750 --> 50:57.960 So, here is the subtle point I want to explain to you. 50:57.960 --> 50:59.070 This is worth understanding. 50:59.070 --> 51:01.450 A lot of people do all the problems and get everything 51:01.445 --> 51:03.905 right, but don't appreciate this particular question. 51:03.909 --> 51:08.179 The free expansion of a gas into a vacuum takes it from one 51:08.178 --> 51:12.668 equilibrium state called 1 to another equilibrium state called 51:12.668 --> 51:14.568 2. In the actual expansion, 51:14.565 --> 51:18.195 the system went through a stage which cannot be even shown in 51:18.203 --> 51:20.813 the PV diagram, they were not equilibrium 51:20.805 --> 51:22.795 states, they didn't have well defined pressure, 51:22.803 --> 51:24.543 didn't have well defined temperature. 51:24.539 --> 51:27.219 How do you find a temperature when half the box is empty? 51:27.219 --> 51:28.989 Doesn't have it, you cannot it T 51:28.987 --> 51:30.147 temperature of the gas. 51:30.150 --> 51:32.280 So, what do you mean by ∆Q over T, 51:32.280 --> 51:33.280 there is no T. 51:33.280 --> 51:35.520 Only when it settles down, there is a T. 51:35.519 --> 51:39.279 Every settled down equilibrium state is a well-defined entropy. 51:39.280 --> 51:41.590 What we're trying to do is to compute that difference. 51:41.590 --> 51:45.380 The way to compute the difference is to forget about 51:45.383 --> 51:49.403 what actually happened and instead do the following. 51:49.400 --> 51:55.280 Take the gas like that and turn it this way, [90 degree 51:55.284 --> 51:57.904 rotation] if you like. 51:57.900 --> 52:01.260 Just for convenience, put a piston there at the 52:01.261 --> 52:04.481 halfway point, put some weights on it so that 52:04.476 --> 52:09.076 the pressure equals the pressure inside and slowly remove little 52:09.080 --> 52:12.420 by little, and keeping it on a reservoir a 52:12.415 --> 52:14.785 temperature T_1. 52:14.789 --> 52:17.849 Which is the temperature at which all of this happens, 52:17.848 --> 52:19.808 or at some temperature T. 52:19.809 --> 52:24.429 As you remove the grain of sand, what happens is the gas 52:24.429 --> 52:28.119 gets some energy, that's the ∆Q over 52:28.124 --> 52:31.824 T, the reservoir loses some heat; 52:31.820 --> 52:35.430 in fact, the reservoir loses the same amount of heat 52:35.426 --> 52:38.746 ∆Q at the same temperature T. 52:38.750 --> 52:42.580 So in fact, what happens in this process is entropy of the 52:42.583 --> 52:44.873 universe does not change at all. 52:44.870 --> 52:48.930 The entropy gain of the gas; this is an entropy loss of the 52:48.932 --> 52:51.702 reservoir. But I used this as a device for 52:51.699 --> 52:55.439 finding the entropy gain of the gas in the other process. 52:55.440 --> 53:00.680 53:00.679 --> 53:06.219 So, this is the part that is absolutely central to this whole 53:06.222 --> 53:09.642 argument how entropy is calculated. 53:09.639 --> 53:13.169 In a real spontaneous expansion of a gas, where there was no 53:13.165 --> 53:16.315 reservoir, no nothing, we just broke the partition and 53:16.320 --> 53:18.540 expanded, there is a change in entropy. 53:18.540 --> 53:21.220 That's an irreversible process. 53:21.219 --> 53:24.569 But to find the change in entropy in this problem, 53:24.570 --> 53:27.580 since 1 and 2 have well-defined entropies, 53:27.579 --> 53:31.909 we can find the change between 1 and 2 by going to a different 53:31.911 --> 53:35.391 experiment in which it was brought from 1 to 2, 53:35.389 --> 53:37.879 not in this crazy irreversible way, but by putting it in 53:37.882 --> 53:40.512 contact with the heat bath at that temperature T, 53:40.510 --> 53:43.290 removing grain after grain, never straying far from 53:43.293 --> 53:45.913 equilibrium, that's when we find this change. 53:45.909 --> 53:49.699 So, you replace the dotted line, where you cannot compute 53:49.704 --> 53:52.554 anything, by a solid line where you can. 53:52.550 --> 53:55.820 But since the change in entropy between 1 and 2 doesn't depend 53:55.819 --> 53:58.069 on how you got there, that's the answer. 53:58.070 --> 54:00.920 But this process, where you can actually see it 54:00.921 --> 54:04.701 is the one in which ∆S of the universe is actually at 54:04.702 --> 54:06.202 zero. Why? 54:06.199 --> 54:09.109 Because you are putting in contact with the reservoir at 54:09.105 --> 54:11.895 the same temperature, so ∆Q over T 54:11.896 --> 54:15.156 for the gas and ∆Q over T for the reservoir 54:15.162 --> 54:18.372 exactly cancel because they're at the same temperature and 54:18.371 --> 54:21.751 ∆Q for one is minus ∆Q for the other. 54:21.750 --> 54:26.390 So, don't confuse the two processes. 54:26.389 --> 54:29.879 One is a reversible process in which a gas is slowly allowed to 54:29.878 --> 54:33.198 expand from the initial state of the final stage by removing 54:33.198 --> 54:36.408 grain after grain of some externally applied pressure in a 54:36.405 --> 54:39.945 process where the entropy of the universe doesn't change, 54:39.949 --> 54:42.629 gas and reservoir change by equal amounts. 54:42.630 --> 54:45.510 But the punch line is I don't care what happens in reservoir, 54:45.511 --> 54:47.481 I want to know how much the gas gained, 54:47.480 --> 54:50.520 because that is the gain I need to find S_2 - 54:50.517 --> 54:52.487 S_1 for this process. 54:52.489 --> 54:56.089 So, this is how we always find entropy change. 54:56.090 --> 54:59.730 In real life processes happen in a way in which entropy of the 54:59.734 --> 55:00.874 universe goes up. 55:00.869 --> 55:03.859 Because take this box, in the real experiment, 55:03.864 --> 55:07.994 remember there is no reservoir, there's only the box of gas. 55:07.989 --> 55:09.829 It expanded, its entropy went up, 55:09.827 --> 55:12.467 so entropy of the universe actually went up. 55:12.470 --> 55:16.540 That's why it's allowed. 55:16.539 --> 55:20.379 The entropy of the universe went up by an amount equal to 55:20.379 --> 55:24.629 the increase in entropy of the gas when it goes from 1 to 2. 55:24.630 --> 55:28.400 To find the increase in entropy of the gas when it goes from 1 55:28.399 --> 55:31.919 to 2, I create a second process in which I can compute the 55:31.921 --> 55:35.511 change by letting it go in a sequence of connected dots and 55:35.505 --> 55:37.045 finding the change. 55:37.050 --> 55:40.840 So, the way you use to find the change in entropy is not the way 55:40.840 --> 55:44.090 the entropy increase took place in the real process. 55:44.090 --> 55:46.250 So, I don't think I want to repeat it anymore, 55:46.245 --> 55:49.115 but it's an important point and you should really think about 55:49.118 --> 55:53.028 that. Alright, now the last point is, 55:53.034 --> 55:59.784 what does--Let's analyze this final formula I got for entropy 55:59.778 --> 56:04.048 change for free expansion of a gas. 56:04.050 --> 56:07.730 56:07.730 --> 56:12.610 Let's take a simple case where the gas expanded from some 56:12.614 --> 56:16.544 volume V to volume 2 times V. 56:16.539 --> 56:19.529 What is S_2 - S_1? 56:19.530 --> 56:25.040 S_2 - S_1 = nR 56:25.041 --> 56:27.601 log 2. 2 happens to be 56:27.601 --> 56:30.121 V_2/V _1; 56:30.120 --> 56:31.760 the volume is doubled. 56:31.760 --> 56:38.120 Let me re-write this as Nk log 2, because the number of 56:38.116 --> 56:43.536 moles times R is the number of molecules times 56:43.535 --> 56:47.565 k. Let me re-write that as log of 56:47.571 --> 56:50.611 2 to the N times k. 56:50.610 --> 56:55.680 56:55.679 --> 57:02.399 Now, I will tell you what all these factors mean and that 57:02.400 --> 57:05.640 comes from the following. 57:05.639 --> 57:09.289 Thermodynamics only told you the formula for the change in 57:09.289 --> 57:12.169 the entropy of a gas, didn't tell you what the 57:12.171 --> 57:13.581 entropy itself is. 57:13.579 --> 57:17.519 So, the formula for the entropy of a gas, without talking about 57:17.524 --> 57:21.534 the change and also this formula ∆S is ∆Q over 57:21.532 --> 57:23.702 T, doesn't even believe in atoms. 57:23.699 --> 57:25.359 You don't need atoms, you don't need molecules, 57:25.363 --> 57:27.283 you don't need to know what anything is made up of. 57:27.280 --> 57:30.760 In fact, it was discovered long before atoms were proven to 57:30.760 --> 57:33.950 exist. Boltzmann is the guy who gave 57:33.948 --> 57:39.918 the formula for what the entropy of a gas is in terms of what the 57:39.924 --> 57:43.104 individual molecules are doing. 57:43.099 --> 57:46.659 That's the punch line of what's called statistical mechanics, 57:46.659 --> 57:50.159 which gives you the microscopic origin of thermodynamics. 57:50.159 --> 57:53.549 Thermodynamics to this stage talk about fluids and solids and 57:53.553 --> 57:57.003 gases and nothing there requires that everything be made up of 57:57.004 --> 57:58.684 atoms, you don't have to know what 57:58.676 --> 58:00.986 it's made of. But if you tell me it's made up 58:00.991 --> 58:04.481 of atoms, you have a better idea of what entropy means and here 58:04.475 --> 58:06.605 is Boltzmann's formula for entropy. 58:06.610 --> 58:08.610 I am going to write it down. 58:08.610 --> 58:14.740 Boltzmann constant times log Ω. 58:14.739 --> 58:16.769 I'll tell you what omega is in a minute. 58:16.769 --> 58:20.399 This is such an important formula it is written in 58:20.401 --> 58:22.181 Boltzmann's tombstone. 58:22.179 --> 58:24.939 So, when physicists go to Vienna, we skip the orchestras 58:24.944 --> 58:27.984 and everything else, we go to Boltzmann's tomb and 58:27.977 --> 58:31.297 we read this formula once more with some passion. 58:31.300 --> 58:33.720 That's a summary of a lifetime of work. 58:33.719 --> 58:36.299 But it's a great formula and you will understand once you 58:36.295 --> 58:38.085 know the formula what all this means. 58:38.090 --> 58:41.880 So, let me tell you what omega means. 58:41.880 --> 58:43.940 I am going to say it in words and then I am going to apply it 58:43.941 --> 58:46.081 to this problem. If you took any gas, 58:46.077 --> 58:50.167 let it be under certain conditions that macroscopically 58:50.174 --> 58:53.744 has some pressure and some volume and so on. 58:53.739 --> 58:57.549 So, here is the gas at one instant; 58:57.550 --> 59:00.430 now we believe in atoms, here are these atoms scattered 59:00.429 --> 59:01.549 all over the place. 59:01.550 --> 59:05.260 59:05.260 --> 59:11.420 Suppose I wait a little bit, what did the gas look like? 59:11.420 --> 59:12.590 It looks like that. 59:12.590 --> 59:17.530 If you can see every atom, the atomic configuration has 59:17.534 --> 59:20.994 changed. But macroscopically nothing has 59:20.992 --> 59:23.262 changed. Instead of atom A being 59:23.261 --> 59:26.121 here, maybe A has gone there and B has come 59:26.121 --> 59:27.271 here. In particular, 59:27.274 --> 59:30.524 if you divide the volume into some number of little cells that 59:30.516 --> 59:33.366 you can count, on the average the gas' uniform 59:33.368 --> 59:37.198 density, there are some number of atoms, per every little cube 59:37.204 --> 59:40.274 you can form, a little later I move on and 59:40.266 --> 59:42.026 somebody else moves in. 59:42.030 --> 59:44.130 Macroscopically, it looks the same to me. 59:44.130 --> 59:46.010 Microscopically, stuff is going on. 59:46.010 --> 59:51.100 Omega is the number of different microscopic 59:51.099 --> 59:58.199 arrangements that agree with what is seen macroscopically. 59:58.199 --> 1:00:00.239 When I say microscopic arrangements, 1:00:00.238 --> 1:00:03.438 I really mean the following: give every molecule a name, 1:00:03.442 --> 1:00:05.662 A, B, C, D, 1:00:05.656 --> 1:00:07.776 whatever. Then put A here and 1:00:07.777 --> 1:00:09.697 B here, C here and D 1:00:09.697 --> 1:00:11.687 there; that's one arrangement. 1:00:11.690 --> 1:00:13.350 Then permute them, put D here and B 1:00:13.349 --> 1:00:14.769 here and C here and A there, 1:00:14.767 --> 1:00:15.837 that's another arrangement. 1:00:15.840 --> 1:00:17.960 To my naked eye they, all look the same, 1:00:17.959 --> 1:00:20.569 but they all produce the same macroscopic effect, 1:00:20.568 --> 1:00:23.338 but they're different microscopic arrangements. 1:00:23.340 --> 1:00:27.560 And you're supposed to take the log of the number of these 1:00:27.556 --> 1:00:30.586 arrangements multiply by this constant, 1:00:30.590 --> 1:00:33.670 called Boltzmann's constant, to get the entropy of the 1:00:33.665 --> 1:00:36.415 state. So, now let's apply it to this 1:00:36.417 --> 1:00:37.177 gas here. 1:00:37.180 --> 1:00:40.640 1:00:40.639 --> 1:00:43.609 Now, the number of microscopic arrangements, 1:00:43.608 --> 1:00:46.298 if you really want to get down to it, 1:00:46.300 --> 1:00:49.080 requires dividing the box into tiny little cells, 1:00:49.079 --> 1:00:52.319 maybe 1 cubic millimeter and saying how many atoms are in 1:00:52.323 --> 1:00:54.773 each region. But we're going to do a crude 1:00:54.769 --> 1:00:57.339 calculation in which we'll only say the following: 1:00:57.336 --> 1:01:00.476 that either a molecule is on the left or is on the right. 1:01:00.480 --> 1:01:04.620 We are saying these are the only two positions open to the 1:01:04.623 --> 1:01:06.283 gas; left or right. 1:01:06.280 --> 1:01:08.720 Of course, in the left, there is left corner top and 1:01:08.715 --> 1:01:10.955 left corner bottom, but don't worry about it. 1:01:10.960 --> 1:01:13.680 Just say that only two things it can do, it can be on the left 1:01:13.681 --> 1:01:14.931 or it can be on the right. 1:01:14.929 --> 1:01:20.739 Now, let's ask ourselves if the gas looks like this. 1:01:20.740 --> 1:01:25.170 1:01:25.170 --> 1:01:29.750 How many ways can it be in this arrangement? 1:01:29.750 --> 1:01:34.620 As compared to how many ways it can be in this arrangement? 1:01:34.620 --> 1:01:40.530 1:01:40.530 --> 1:01:44.350 It is like the following: molecules are moving randomly, 1:01:44.352 --> 1:01:48.522 a given molecule has got 50/50 chance of being on the left or 1:01:48.521 --> 1:01:50.121 being on the right. 1:01:50.119 --> 1:01:53.889 You are demanding that all the N molecules on their own, 1:01:53.888 --> 1:01:56.748 there's no partition now, on their own be on the 1:01:56.745 --> 1:02:00.825 left-hand side. You can see it's like tossing a 1:02:00.827 --> 1:02:05.547 coin N times and wanting heads every time. 1:02:05.550 --> 1:02:09.900 Because you want every guy in a random process to end up picking 1:02:09.896 --> 1:02:12.146 left. So, if you want them all to be 1:02:12.153 --> 1:02:15.823 left, there's only one way to do that, and that's like saying I 1:02:15.820 --> 1:02:18.540 tossed a million coins, I wanted all heads. 1:02:18.540 --> 1:02:20.530 There's only one way to do that. 1:02:20.530 --> 1:02:23.150 So, that arrangement, if you like, 1:02:23.148 --> 1:02:26.718 we will say looks like this, left, left, left, 1:02:26.719 --> 1:02:28.969 left, left; for everybody, 1:02:28.968 --> 1:02:31.158 that's the arrangement here. 1:02:31.159 --> 1:02:36.219 Take another one where one molecule is over here, 1:02:36.222 --> 1:02:41.182 and all the others are here on the left side. 1:02:41.179 --> 1:02:44.579 That looks like left, left, left, right, 1:02:44.582 --> 1:02:46.242 left, left, left. 1:02:46.240 --> 1:02:48.820 But that's one arrangement. 1:02:48.820 --> 1:02:51.420 But have I done my complete homework here? 1:02:51.420 --> 1:02:52.740 Are there more arrangements? 1:02:52.740 --> 1:02:54.170 I want you to think about it. 1:02:54.170 --> 1:02:56.490 Student: [inaudible] arrangements Professor 1:02:56.489 --> 1:02:58.049 Ramamurti Shankar: Pardon me. 1:02:58.050 --> 1:02:59.890 Student: [inaudible] arrangements. 1:02:59.889 --> 1:03:01.219 Professor Ramamurti Shankar: This is only one of 1:03:01.221 --> 1:03:02.431 the arrangements for the molecule on the right. 1:03:02.429 --> 1:03:06.529 There's another arrangement in which I can have the second 1:03:06.526 --> 1:03:10.476 molecule, molecule Moe or Joe or Poe, whoever's here. 1:03:10.480 --> 1:03:12.300 You can pick them in N ways. 1:03:12.300 --> 1:03:15.150 Already when one is on the left and N - 1 on the right, 1:03:15.146 --> 1:03:17.336 there are more ways in which that can happen. 1:03:17.340 --> 1:03:20.350 So, your eye sees one on the right, N - 1 on the left. 1:03:20.349 --> 1:03:22.559 There are N ways in which that can happen. 1:03:22.559 --> 1:03:27.859 It's like saying if I toss coins, I want 1 head and 99 1:03:27.860 --> 1:03:30.930 tails. Well, it turns out there are a 1:03:30.933 --> 1:03:35.333 100 ways in which it can happen, because the one head I got 1:03:35.327 --> 1:03:39.947 could have occurred in one of the hundred different turns. 1:03:39.949 --> 1:03:45.709 Now, suppose I want 2 heads and 98 tails, then as you know the 1:03:45.710 --> 1:03:50.810 way to do that is 100 times 99 divided by 1 times 2. 1:03:50.809 --> 1:03:53.289 These are some combinatorics you learn in high school. 1:03:53.289 --> 1:03:59.659 So, you find that if you plot number heads over the total 1:03:59.655 --> 1:04:06.585 number, and ask for how many ways in which that can happen, 1:04:06.590 --> 1:04:11.350 all heads can occur in only way, every coin has to be head, 1:04:11.350 --> 1:04:14.720 1 head less, 1 tail and 99 heads can occur 1:04:14.716 --> 1:04:17.926 in N ways, then it'll become more and more 1:04:17.929 --> 1:04:20.129 and more. And you will find the 50/50 1:04:20.134 --> 1:04:23.714 chance of half the number of heads and half the number of 1:04:23.711 --> 1:04:26.331 tails has the biggest occurrence rate, 1:04:26.330 --> 1:04:30.280 1:04:30.280 --> 1:04:33.320 because that's the most number of ways to get 50/50 than 1:04:33.316 --> 1:04:36.916 anything else. And 100 heads is as bad as 100 1:04:36.916 --> 1:04:38.656 tails. Again, there's only one way in 1:04:38.658 --> 1:04:40.838 which you can get all heads in one way and which you can get 1:04:40.839 --> 1:04:42.639 all tails. But as you start scrambling 1:04:42.639 --> 1:04:44.349 them there are more and more ways. 1:04:44.349 --> 1:04:48.959 That means for the molecule, if you have a 100 molecules, 1:04:48.960 --> 1:04:53.650 the number of states omega is largest when they're equally 1:04:53.652 --> 1:04:56.492 distributed. In fact, as the number 1:04:56.492 --> 1:05:00.302 molecules goes from 100 to 1000 to million to 10^(23), 1:05:00.300 --> 1:05:04.250 this function is so sharply peaked that the approximate 1:05:04.246 --> 1:05:07.896 formula for omega, when it's at the 50/50 thing, 1:05:07.900 --> 1:05:09.590 is in fact 2 to the N. 1:05:09.590 --> 1:05:13.420 Namely, all the arrangements more or less belong to this 1:05:13.416 --> 1:05:16.586 configuration. Therefore, if you go back to 1:05:16.586 --> 1:05:20.546 the Boltzmann formula and, wait let me keep the formula 1:05:20.552 --> 1:05:23.312 here, and look at S = K log 1:05:23.314 --> 1:05:27.844 Ω, then you find S_1 is when 1:05:27.843 --> 1:05:32.863 everybody is on the left, that is k log 1, 1:05:32.862 --> 1:05:39.122 and S_2 is 50/50 mix, half on the left and 1:05:39.123 --> 1:05:44.563 half on the right, that entropy is k log 1:05:44.561 --> 1:05:48.341 2^(N),. Therefore, you can see that's 1:05:48.340 --> 1:05:52.000 what I wrote down here, K log 2^(N). 1:05:52.000 --> 1:05:57.200 1:05:57.199 --> 1:06:01.689 So, the way to understand entropy is the following. 1:06:01.690 --> 1:06:07.950 If I give you a gas and ask, "Will they ever like to be in 1:06:07.954 --> 1:06:12.464 the left half of the box on their own?" 1:06:12.460 --> 1:06:13.450 Of course they won't. 1:06:13.449 --> 1:06:16.189 But if you start them out that way, you force them to be on the 1:06:16.186 --> 1:06:17.506 left they'll be on the left. 1:06:17.510 --> 1:06:20.330 The question is if you remove the partition, 1:06:20.326 --> 1:06:22.156 what would they likely do? 1:06:22.159 --> 1:06:24.079 Unlike coins, which once they land on the 1:06:24.084 --> 1:06:26.974 head, they have to stay on the head, these molecules can move 1:06:26.970 --> 1:06:29.120 around. The question is if they were 1:06:29.120 --> 1:06:31.960 all left to begin with, how long can they possibly 1:06:31.956 --> 1:06:34.306 last? If they start moving randomly, 1:06:34.310 --> 1:06:37.900 they will always end up doing this because there are many, 1:06:37.901 --> 1:06:40.801 many more ways to do this, than to do this. 1:06:40.800 --> 1:06:44.050 1:06:44.050 --> 1:06:47.230 So, things go from one arrangement, macroscopic to 1:06:47.226 --> 1:06:49.816 another one, left to their own device, 1:06:49.820 --> 1:06:53.650 because the final state can be realized in many, 1:06:53.650 --> 1:06:56.910 many more ways than the initial state. 1:06:56.909 --> 1:07:02.089 Similarly, if you combine a hot gas and cold gas--This is hot 1:07:02.089 --> 1:07:05.359 and this is cold, with a thermally insulating 1:07:05.355 --> 1:07:09.025 partition, then all the hots are on the left and all the colds 1:07:09.026 --> 1:07:10.226 are on the right. 1:07:10.230 --> 1:07:13.040 If you remove the thermal insulation, but not even remove 1:07:13.037 --> 1:07:15.337 it, just replace it by a heat-conducting thing, 1:07:15.343 --> 1:07:17.703 eventually the temperatures would equalize. 1:07:17.699 --> 1:07:20.679 So, what you find every time is, there's many, 1:07:20.676 --> 1:07:24.706 many ways in which you can pack your atoms--if you put all the 1:07:24.712 --> 1:07:28.022 hot on the left and all the cold on the right, 1:07:28.019 --> 1:07:30.329 that can be achieved in fewer ways than in which you let them 1:07:30.329 --> 1:07:31.179 go wherever they like. 1:07:31.176 --> 1:07:33.176 [He should have said, "If you put all hot ones on one 1:07:33.178 --> 1:07:34.818 side and cold on the other, there are fewer ways of doing 1:07:34.819 --> 1:07:35.529 that, than if you let them go wherever they liked"] 1:07:35.525 --> 1:07:37.625 So, what you find is entropy is the 1:07:37.632 --> 1:07:40.832 direct measure of how disordered your system is. 1:07:40.829 --> 1:07:44.499 One technical measure of disorder is to ask how many 1:07:44.498 --> 1:07:47.878 microscopic arrangements can lead to what I see, 1:07:47.880 --> 1:07:50.470 and take the log of that number. 1:07:50.469 --> 1:07:53.919 And what you find is this has a very low entropy; 1:07:53.920 --> 1:07:55.870 this is a very high entropy. 1:07:55.869 --> 1:07:59.119 Because this configuration--In other words, if you took a gas 1:07:59.122 --> 1:08:01.722 in a whole room and asked will it ever go to this 1:08:01.724 --> 1:08:05.454 configuration, there is a slight chance it 1:08:05.449 --> 1:08:07.679 will. That chance is one part and 1:08:07.677 --> 1:08:10.007 2^(N), where N is 10^(23), 1:08:10.014 --> 1:08:12.474 so it's not something you should wait for, 1:08:12.471 --> 1:08:13.851 but it can happen. 1:08:13.849 --> 1:08:17.069 So, the Second Law of Thermodynamics is a statistical 1:08:17.068 --> 1:08:18.498 law. Microscopically, 1:08:18.496 --> 1:08:22.456 it's perfectly allowed for a gas, for suddenly all the gas in 1:08:22.458 --> 1:08:25.098 the whole room to come to where I am. 1:08:25.100 --> 1:08:28.120 It's allowed but you don't hold your breath, because that's not 1:08:28.123 --> 1:08:29.053 likely to happen. 1:08:29.050 --> 1:08:32.340 The odds for that is again one part in 1 over 2 to some huge 1:08:32.338 --> 1:08:33.688 number. On the other hand, 1:08:33.685 --> 1:08:35.885 if in this part of the room we release some gas, 1:08:35.894 --> 1:08:38.714 it'll very quickly spread out, because there are more ways to 1:08:38.713 --> 1:08:41.683 do it. So, we understand completely 1:08:41.684 --> 1:08:45.984 now why certain things occur and why they don't. 1:08:45.979 --> 1:08:48.909 Because if you took hot water and cold water, 1:08:48.911 --> 1:08:53.111 you are separating them to fast molecules and slow molecules, 1:08:53.109 --> 1:08:55.429 as long as they're in different insulated containers, 1:08:55.430 --> 1:08:56.770 that's the best they can do. 1:08:56.770 --> 1:08:59.710 But if you put them in contact, so that they no longer have to 1:08:59.708 --> 1:09:01.538 be separated, the question is will they 1:09:01.538 --> 1:09:02.548 remain separated. 1:09:02.550 --> 1:09:05.590 It's like saying I have bunch of coins which are all left and 1:09:05.590 --> 1:09:08.630 all right, but they're allowed to flip as a function time, 1:09:08.630 --> 1:09:10.440 but they'll never remain that way. 1:09:10.439 --> 1:09:13.409 Okay, so what'll happen is the cold molecules and hot will 1:09:13.412 --> 1:09:16.492 mingle, and soon the container will have cold everywhere and 1:09:16.488 --> 1:09:19.928 hot everywhere and you will get some intermediate temperature. 1:09:19.930 --> 1:09:22.830 Or if you took two different dyes, you know water here, 1:09:22.827 --> 1:09:24.917 on top of it you pour some red paint, 1:09:24.920 --> 1:09:27.890 they'll be initially separated after a while they will mix, 1:09:27.894 --> 1:09:30.924 because there's no reason for the hot--for the red molecules 1:09:30.920 --> 1:09:33.890 to stay on the top forever; they would like to occupy the 1:09:33.892 --> 1:09:35.852 whole box and so would the colorless ones, 1:09:35.847 --> 1:09:37.657 and eventually it will become pink. 1:09:37.659 --> 1:09:41.169 Because there's more ways to remain pink than to remain 1:09:41.170 --> 1:09:44.050 separated. Likewise, if pink spontaneously 1:09:44.050 --> 1:09:47.170 separated into red and colorless, that is very, 1:09:47.167 --> 1:09:50.277 very improbable, because entropy for that state 1:09:50.284 --> 1:09:53.494 would be lower. So, you have to understand the 1:09:53.485 --> 1:09:57.045 Second Law of Thermodynamics is saying certain things occur 1:09:57.052 --> 1:10:00.432 because if you go in that direction you can realize that 1:10:00.434 --> 1:10:02.284 arrangement in more ways. 1:10:02.279 --> 1:10:06.809 And since microscopic motion is random, it's like tossing coins 1:10:06.811 --> 1:10:10.321 to ask for N heads many thousand times; 1:10:10.319 --> 1:10:12.779 it's like asking all the molecules to be on the left side 1:10:12.782 --> 1:10:14.852 of the room, to ask for 50/50 head and tails, 1:10:14.850 --> 1:10:18.520 is like asking for molecules to populate the room equally. 1:10:18.520 --> 1:10:21.520 Okay, so that's called the arrow of time. 1:10:21.520 --> 1:10:23.540 But you've got to be careful about one thing; 1:10:23.539 --> 1:10:26.479 the entropy of a part of the universe can go down. 1:10:26.479 --> 1:10:29.859 It's just the entropy of the whole universe will not go down. 1:10:29.859 --> 1:10:33.679 So, all of life is an example of lowering entropy because, 1:10:33.675 --> 1:10:37.755 you know, the creation of life or the creation of tomatoes out 1:10:37.757 --> 1:10:41.767 of mud is a highly organizing process so the entropy there is 1:10:41.773 --> 1:10:43.383 really going down. 1:10:43.380 --> 1:10:45.620 But if you kept track of the rest of the world, 1:10:45.616 --> 1:10:48.096 you will find there's some corresponding increase of 1:10:48.097 --> 1:10:49.407 entropy somewhere else. 1:10:49.409 --> 1:10:51.979 Or take your freezer, you know, your refrigerator 1:10:51.975 --> 1:10:55.075 sucks heat out of your freezer, ∆Q over T for 1:10:55.082 --> 1:10:57.172 that is negative, but somewhere there's bigger 1:10:57.165 --> 1:10:59.985 heat emitted outside from the exhaust of the refrigerator. 1:10:59.989 --> 1:11:01.959 If you took care of all of that, entropy of the universe 1:11:01.964 --> 1:11:51.004 will go up or remain same; it really doesn't go down.