WEBVTT 00:01.560 --> 00:03.940 Prof: Good morning. 00:03.940 --> 00:08.290 The title of today's lecture is "Hometown Boy, 00:08.287 --> 00:13.327 Honoring an Emperor's Roots in Roman North Africa." 00:13.330 --> 00:16.380 And who was that hometown boy? 00:16.379 --> 00:19.569 We met him before; we met him in the last lecture. 00:19.570 --> 00:25.100 His name was Lucius Septimius Severus, and he was emperor of 00:25.096 --> 00:27.996 Rome between 193 and 211 A.D. 00:28.000 --> 00:32.590 And we saw him in this extraordinary round painting, 00:32.590 --> 00:36.390 on wood, that comes from Egypt and is now in the museum in 00:36.392 --> 00:39.272 Berlin, that depicts Lucius Septimius 00:39.272 --> 00:41.182 Severus with his family. 00:41.180 --> 00:44.250 You see Septimius Severus on the right-hand side of the 00:44.248 --> 00:44.758 screen. 00:44.760 --> 00:47.110 You see his wife, Julia Domna, 00:47.112 --> 00:52.222 on the left, with her famous wig and pearls, 00:52.219 --> 00:56.039 and then, down below, their two sons, 00:56.036 --> 00:58.826 Caracalla, over here on the right, 00:58.828 --> 01:02.538 and Geta, whose face has been erased because of the 01:02.542 --> 01:06.922 damnatio memoriae that was voted him by the Senate at 01:06.924 --> 01:08.044 his death. 01:08.040 --> 01:11.790 We learned that Julia Domna came from Syria. 01:11.790 --> 01:17.270 She was the daughter of a priest by the name of Bassianus, 01:17.265 --> 01:21.775 and Septimius Severus came from North Africa. 01:21.780 --> 01:25.120 He was the third Roman emperor to be from somewhere other than 01:25.120 --> 01:25.560 Italy. 01:25.560 --> 01:29.100 You'll recall that Trajan and Hadrian came from Spain, 01:29.095 --> 01:31.625 Septimius Severus from North Africa. 01:31.629 --> 01:35.189 And after he ascended to the throne, 01:35.190 --> 01:39.630 and after he began his reign, and with all the interesting 01:39.631 --> 01:42.671 things that he initiated as emperor, 01:42.670 --> 01:46.570 he was honored by his hometown, as hometown boys often are, 01:46.569 --> 01:50.819 and the city of Leptis Magna was renovated quite 01:50.822 --> 01:53.812 significantly during his reign. 01:53.810 --> 01:57.500 And it's to that renovation, and to the history of Leptis 01:57.504 --> 02:00.014 Magna in general, and its architecture, 02:00.010 --> 02:01.990 that I want to turn today. 02:01.989 --> 02:04.879 Before I do that, however, it's important for us 02:04.876 --> 02:07.516 to get a sense of this part of the world; 02:07.519 --> 02:10.629 this part of the world before the Romans took over. 02:10.628 --> 02:15.598 And any of you who are working on term papers that are on works 02:15.602 --> 02:18.492 of architecture in the provinces, 02:18.490 --> 02:23.380 or are designing a Roman city in anywhere other than Italy, 02:23.378 --> 02:27.158 have definitely found out that in order to analyze those, 02:27.158 --> 02:30.208 in order to think about them and figure out what's happening, 02:30.210 --> 02:33.550 you have to not only look at what's going on in the center of 02:33.550 --> 02:35.960 the Empire-- that is, in Rome--and what may 02:35.958 --> 02:38.888 have been sent from the center out to the periphery, 02:38.889 --> 02:43.759 but you also have to understand what was going on in the local 02:43.757 --> 02:46.947 area in which that building was built; 02:46.949 --> 02:49.779 the local culture, the civilizations that preceded 02:49.776 --> 02:51.216 the Roman civilization. 02:51.220 --> 02:55.000 And what's fascinating about provincial Roman architecture is 02:54.997 --> 02:58.207 the way in which those two things come together, 02:58.210 --> 03:03.190 that is, what comes from Rome to the frontiers, 03:03.188 --> 03:07.158 but also the indigenous culture that mixes with what comes from 03:07.157 --> 03:09.197 Rome, to make something unique, 03:09.195 --> 03:11.635 in the case of each of these provinces. 03:11.639 --> 03:16.009 So it's absolutely critical for us to understand the area that 03:16.014 --> 03:19.244 we're looking at, and in this case Roman North 03:19.241 --> 03:20.031 Africa. 03:20.030 --> 03:26.060 Before the Romans got to the northern part of Africa, 03:26.055 --> 03:32.655 it was an area that was overseen primarily by Carthage; 03:32.658 --> 03:36.598 there was a very significant Carthaginian period in this part 03:36.596 --> 03:37.576 of the world. 03:37.580 --> 03:43.440 The language was neo-Punic and Berber, before it was Latin, 03:43.441 --> 03:48.091 and neo-Punic stays on, even when Latin becomes 03:48.089 --> 03:50.009 important here. 03:50.008 --> 03:53.718 The Greeks did have some impact, but they didn't have as 03:53.716 --> 03:57.486 strong a foothold in this particular part of the world as 03:57.490 --> 03:59.040 they did elsewhere. 03:59.038 --> 04:03.958 And then eventually the area is colonized by Rome and begins to 04:03.957 --> 04:07.527 be--and Roman colonies begin to be built here, 04:07.526 --> 04:10.776 all over the northern part of Africa. 04:10.780 --> 04:14.230 I show you here a map of the Western Empire, 04:14.229 --> 04:18.819 where we see not only places that we've already studied-- 04:18.819 --> 04:24.579 Rome and Ostia and Pompeii--but also down here the continent of 04:24.576 --> 04:26.986 Africa; you see it here. 04:26.990 --> 04:29.640 And the cities that we're going to be talking about-- 04:29.639 --> 04:33.179 there were lots of Roman cities in this part of the world, 04:33.180 --> 04:36.500 but the two that we're going to be focusing on today are the 04:36.497 --> 04:39.417 city of Timgad, which you see over here, 04:39.416 --> 04:42.196 and then the city of Leptis Magna. 04:42.199 --> 04:45.319 And please note while the map is on the screen that Leptis 04:45.317 --> 04:48.647 Magna is right on the coast; in fact it was an extremely 04:48.646 --> 04:52.026 important sea port, which is one of the reasons 04:52.033 --> 04:56.643 that it grew to the size and significance that it did have in 04:56.642 --> 04:57.952 ancient times. 04:57.949 --> 05:02.919 Timgad, a little bit further into the mainland of North 05:02.920 --> 05:03.750 Africa. 05:03.750 --> 05:07.250 And you can also see, of course, the relationship-- 05:07.250 --> 05:09.470 when you think of Leptis Magna as a port, 05:09.470 --> 05:12.220 you can see the relationship, the easy relationship in a 05:12.220 --> 05:14.240 sense, that it had to other major 05:14.240 --> 05:16.870 ports in Roman times, specifically Ostia, 05:16.867 --> 05:20.707 and how easy it clearly was to send things from one place to 05:20.713 --> 05:23.463 another; which again led to the 05:23.463 --> 05:26.333 efflorescence of Leptis Magna. 05:26.329 --> 05:29.379 Now the reason I've chosen these particular cities-- 05:29.379 --> 05:32.569 we're going to be talking primarily about Leptis today-- 05:32.569 --> 05:35.999 but the reason that I've also chosen to look at Timgad is 05:36.004 --> 05:39.134 because they make a very interesting contrast to one 05:39.132 --> 05:39.872 another. 05:39.870 --> 05:42.480 Both of them have extraordinarily well-preserved 05:42.480 --> 05:43.370 Roman remains. 05:43.370 --> 05:46.890 But they're interesting to play off against one another because 05:46.889 --> 05:50.029 the city of Leptis Magna-- and this is extremely important 05:50.029 --> 05:53.999 in analyzing it-- the city of Leptis Magna had a 05:54.004 --> 05:56.264 longer Roman history. 05:56.259 --> 06:01.679 It was already--it too had a Carthaginian period, 06:01.680 --> 06:05.300 but most important, in this regard, 06:05.300 --> 06:08.960 was the fact that the Romans began to build there already in 06:08.958 --> 06:11.728 the first century B.C., as we shall see. 06:11.730 --> 06:14.530 It was built up under Augustus, then under Hadrian; 06:14.528 --> 06:17.828 renovated under Septimius Severus. 06:17.829 --> 06:22.289 So there're not only the local structures and buildings and 06:22.291 --> 06:25.141 customs and so on to contend with, 06:25.139 --> 06:27.829 but also earlier Roman architecture, 06:27.829 --> 06:30.709 by the time we get to the time of Septimius Severus. 06:30.709 --> 06:34.389 In the case of Timgad, the city was built entirely 06:34.391 --> 06:35.521 from scratch. 06:35.519 --> 06:40.719 There was nothing on the site when Trajan founded the city as 06:40.720 --> 06:45.390 a Roman colony in 100 A.D., and it was at that time that 06:45.394 --> 06:48.214 the Romans laid out their ideal plan. 06:48.209 --> 06:51.999 And what we're looking at here is a view from the air of 06:52.000 --> 06:54.560 Timgad, as it would have looked after 06:54.560 --> 06:56.820 it was laid out by Trajan in 100, 06:56.819 --> 06:59.159 as it continues to look today. 06:59.160 --> 07:02.720 We are looking down from the air, and we see here one of the 07:02.721 --> 07:06.351 best examples that I have been able to show you this semester 07:06.346 --> 07:09.586 of the way in which the Romans, when they are left to their own 07:09.593 --> 07:11.353 devices, when there are no earlier 07:11.345 --> 07:13.815 structures that they need to contend with, 07:13.819 --> 07:17.149 no earlier customs on the site, no earlier temples and the like 07:17.151 --> 07:20.801 that they need to contend with, this is what they do when they 07:20.795 --> 07:22.605 build their ideal Roman city. 07:22.610 --> 07:26.110 And you can see it is exactly as we described it in the 07:26.110 --> 07:27.600 mid-fourth century B.C. 07:27.601 --> 07:30.191 at Ostia; that is, a castrum plan. 07:30.189 --> 07:33.389 It's laid out like a military camp -- very regular, 07:33.387 --> 07:36.647 either rectangular or square, as you see it here. 07:36.649 --> 07:39.249 It is surrounded by city walls. 07:39.250 --> 07:43.420 It has the two main streets, the cardo and the 07:43.423 --> 07:46.583 decumanus, exactly in the center of the 07:46.584 --> 07:49.644 city, intersecting with one another at the center of the 07:49.639 --> 07:51.929 city, and then right at that 07:51.928 --> 07:56.198 intersection, as was customary for Roman town 07:56.201 --> 08:00.041 planning of this castrum type, 08:00.040 --> 08:01.550 they have placed the forum right at the intersection of 08:01.547 --> 08:03.457 those two, and you can see it here also 08:03.456 --> 08:04.226 from the air. 08:04.230 --> 08:06.910 The forum has a great open rectangular space. 08:06.910 --> 08:07.910 It has a basilica. 08:07.910 --> 08:09.970 It has a temple on one short end. 08:09.970 --> 08:13.440 I'm not going to show you that forum in any-- 08:13.439 --> 08:16.999 I'm not going to show it to you at all, 08:17.000 --> 08:20.010 except for what you see here, but it is similar to others 08:20.011 --> 08:20.981 that we've seen. 08:20.980 --> 08:25.950 We can also see from the air the theater of the city of 08:25.952 --> 08:29.542 Timgad, also taking its customary shape, 08:29.543 --> 08:34.243 and in this case again very close to the forum. 08:34.240 --> 08:36.400 But as you look at the rest of this from the air, 08:36.399 --> 08:40.239 you can see again not only is it a regular- is the whole city 08:40.235 --> 08:43.335 a regular shape, but it has been laid out within 08:43.336 --> 08:46.496 the city in very regular insulae or blocks, 08:46.500 --> 08:52.270 with the streets very straight, as again the Romans were wont 08:52.269 --> 08:53.039 to do. 08:53.038 --> 08:56.298 The city of Timgad, by the way, is located in the 08:56.296 --> 08:59.006 high plains of what is Algeria today, 08:59.009 --> 09:01.399 just for you to get your bearings in terms of the modern 09:01.403 --> 09:02.453 location of this city. 09:02.450 --> 09:06.100 What I hope you can also see, from this view from the air, 09:06.100 --> 09:08.760 if you look very, very closely at the individual 09:08.756 --> 09:11.176 streets, and especially this one right 09:11.176 --> 09:14.066 here, you will see--perhaps it's 09:14.066 --> 09:17.196 clearest over here-- you will see that one of the 09:17.202 --> 09:19.512 ways in which this however differs from a town like Ostia 09:19.508 --> 09:22.768 and the way Ostia was laid out, is although the general layout 09:22.769 --> 09:26.259 is comparable, the city streets are lined with 09:26.258 --> 09:26.988 columns. 09:26.990 --> 09:29.350 We've talked about the fact that colonnaded streets-- 09:29.350 --> 09:33.460 we never see colonnaded streets in Rome or in Italy, 09:33.460 --> 09:36.850 but we do see them quite extensively in the provinces. 09:36.850 --> 09:41.230 This is an area that is part of the western provinces, 09:41.226 --> 09:45.846 but we see them also even more extensively in the eastern 09:45.852 --> 09:47.012 provinces. 09:47.009 --> 09:49.469 So you see this colonnaded, this very dramatic colonnaded 09:49.465 --> 09:49.855 street. 09:49.860 --> 09:54.340 And I can show you a detail of one of the colonnaded streets of 09:54.340 --> 09:56.910 the city of Timgad, as it looks today, 09:56.907 --> 09:59.947 and you can see the effect that putting those columns, 09:59.950 --> 10:02.350 the punctuation points of those columns, 10:02.350 --> 10:05.200 along the way, which actually adds to-- 10:05.200 --> 10:09.150 makes the vista that one sees from one part of the street to 10:09.149 --> 10:12.289 another very, very interesting indeed; 10:12.288 --> 10:15.538 as those columns, in a sense, march toward the 10:15.544 --> 10:18.154 arch that you see at the end here. 10:18.149 --> 10:21.969 I'm going to show you that arch, just as the one example of 10:21.971 --> 10:24.741 a monument in the city of Leptis Magna . 10:24.740 --> 10:26.270 It's very well preserved. 10:26.269 --> 10:28.839 It's usually called the Arch of Trajan, 10:28.840 --> 10:32.290 because Trajan was the one to have founded this particular 10:32.285 --> 10:34.705 city, but it is almost certainly not 10:34.714 --> 10:38.104 an Arch of Trajan, since we believe it was put up 10:38.095 --> 10:40.315 in the late second century A.D. 10:40.320 --> 10:43.980 But we still call it the Arch of Trajan, because that's its 10:43.977 --> 10:45.237 conventional name. 10:45.240 --> 10:49.440 And I can show you a detail of that arch, as it looks today, 10:49.440 --> 10:50.580 on the screen. 10:50.580 --> 10:53.270 And I think it's interesting to compare it to another, 10:53.269 --> 10:56.169 in this case early third-century arch, 10:56.168 --> 10:59.158 the Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum, 10:59.158 --> 11:02.678 put up to Septimius' Parthian victories in the eastern part of 11:02.681 --> 11:07.011 the Empire, that we looked at last time. 11:07.009 --> 11:08.519 And I think you'll see immediately why I've chosen to 11:08.524 --> 11:10.464 pair those two, not only because they are 11:10.461 --> 11:14.111 roughly comparable in date, but because both of them have a 11:14.106 --> 11:15.846 triple bay, triple bays: 11:15.852 --> 11:19.392 a central, a very central large arcuated bay, 11:19.389 --> 11:23.209 two smaller arcuated bays, one on either side. 11:23.210 --> 11:26.720 And since the building that you see here we believe dates to the 11:26.720 --> 11:31.110 late second century A.D., and this building is not until 11:31.105 --> 11:34.775 the early third century A.D., 203 A.D. 11:34.779 --> 11:37.399 to be precise, it is another example--I 11:37.404 --> 11:41.014 mentioned this last time; I talked about the fact that 11:41.011 --> 11:44.611 the arch in the Roman Forum, the Arch of Septimius Severus 11:44.614 --> 11:48.294 in the Roman Forum, is our first preserved Roman 11:48.289 --> 11:53.339 arch with a triple arcuated bay, in Rome, but that there was an 11:53.336 --> 11:57.476 earlier example that I showed you in the south of France, 11:57.480 --> 12:00.410 at a place called Orange, in what is now Provence, 12:00.408 --> 12:03.808 where we seem to have a Tiberian arch -- 12:03.808 --> 12:06.938 a Tiberian arch that is also tripled bayed. 12:06.940 --> 12:11.180 So I raised the point with you that while we usually think of 12:11.177 --> 12:14.707 ideas flowing from the center to the periphery, 12:14.710 --> 12:18.360 this may be an instance where certain ideas are developed 12:18.363 --> 12:22.323 first in the provinces, and then make their way to Rome. 12:22.320 --> 12:25.510 Or it is also possible that there may have been 12:25.514 --> 12:29.894 triple-arcuated arches in Rome that no longer survive today, 12:29.889 --> 12:32.429 that we don't know about, that might have been earlier 12:32.426 --> 12:33.906 than the early third century. 12:33.908 --> 12:36.458 But the fact that here we have another example, 12:36.460 --> 12:39.030 in one of the provinces--a completely different part of the 12:39.030 --> 12:41.100 world, but the western provinces 12:41.102 --> 12:44.452 nonetheless-- we have another example of a 12:44.447 --> 12:49.607 triple-arcuated bay arch that was put up prior to the Arch of 12:49.609 --> 12:53.049 Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum. 12:53.048 --> 12:57.968 So it just makes us think even more so that this idea was 12:57.970 --> 13:01.310 floating around the Empire earlier, 13:01.308 --> 13:04.448 clearly, than the time of Septimius Severus, 13:04.450 --> 13:10.890 and makes it more possible that the idea may have begun in the 13:10.890 --> 13:15.010 provinces rather than in Rome itself. 13:15.009 --> 13:17.659 The other major difference between this arch and the Arch 13:17.658 --> 13:20.068 of Septimius Severus, in the Roman Forum--well there 13:20.072 --> 13:20.642 are two. 13:20.639 --> 13:23.119 But the main one is that it relies, 13:23.120 --> 13:25.080 for the most part, for its effects, 13:25.080 --> 13:28.810 for its visual effects, on its architectonic elements: 13:28.812 --> 13:33.162 on its columns, on its niches, on its pediments. 13:33.158 --> 13:35.918 The Arch of Septimius Severus in Rome, 13:35.918 --> 13:38.368 yes, has projecting columns and the like, 13:38.370 --> 13:42.290 but it relies for its effects largely on the figural sculpture 13:42.285 --> 13:45.595 that decorates it; that decorates the panels over 13:45.604 --> 13:49.204 each of the smaller bays, the frieze, and so on and so 13:49.198 --> 13:49.808 forth. 13:49.809 --> 13:51.189 That is not true here. 13:51.190 --> 13:53.400 This may have had some sculpture. 13:53.399 --> 13:57.479 It probably had a quadriga group or a group 13:57.476 --> 13:59.636 of statues on the attic. 13:59.639 --> 14:03.289 It probably had a statue or two in these niches. 14:03.288 --> 14:07.548 But it has no relief sculpture, no figural relief sculpture at 14:07.551 --> 14:09.381 all, and relies instead, 14:09.380 --> 14:13.760 as I said, on the architectural elements to enliven the surface 14:13.758 --> 14:17.918 and to make it an interesting billboard for whoever this was 14:17.923 --> 14:19.833 put up to commemorate. 14:19.830 --> 14:23.940 We see, for example, these large Corinthian columns 14:23.942 --> 14:26.752 on tall bases; the bases are not decorated. 14:26.750 --> 14:31.350 And we also see, if we look very carefully, 14:31.352 --> 14:35.082 that there were smaller columns. 14:35.080 --> 14:38.280 There are capitals still preserved on either side of the 14:38.284 --> 14:38.814 niches. 14:38.808 --> 14:40.848 So there were smaller columns here as well; 14:40.850 --> 14:44.190 an interesting contrast between the larger columns and the 14:44.192 --> 14:45.252 smaller columns. 14:45.250 --> 14:49.120 And then if you look very closely at the pediment above, 14:49.121 --> 14:52.081 you see that it is an arcuated pediment. 14:52.080 --> 14:55.260 Sometimes these are referred to as segmental, 14:55.264 --> 14:58.094 s-e-g-m-e-n-t-a-l, segmental or arcuated 14:58.086 --> 14:59.096 pediments. 14:59.100 --> 15:02.870 And you can see that it is not only an arcuated pediment, 15:02.865 --> 15:05.415 but it's a broken arcuated pediment. 15:05.419 --> 15:10.309 The bottom is not complete; it's broken on either side. 15:10.308 --> 15:13.938 We've seen an increasing taste for these broken triangular or 15:13.943 --> 15:16.673 segmental pediments in Roman architecture, 15:16.668 --> 15:20.908 this willingness to break the rules of traditional columnar 15:20.912 --> 15:22.012 architecture. 15:22.009 --> 15:23.559 We see that here. 15:23.558 --> 15:27.728 So again, it is--the surface is enlivened through architectural 15:27.734 --> 15:30.294 means entirely, which is an interesting 15:30.292 --> 15:33.122 phenomenon for this part of the world. 15:33.120 --> 15:36.920 You can also see, I think, that the stone that is 15:36.923 --> 15:42.873 used here is a local limestone, a wonderful tan color that goes 15:42.868 --> 15:49.048 very well with the desert area in which this finds itself. 15:49.048 --> 15:51.938 So local stone used in the so-called Arch of Titus in the 15:51.942 --> 15:52.822 city of Timgad. 15:52.820 --> 15:55.770 I talked about the sand, and there's a lot of sand in 15:55.765 --> 16:00.065 this part of the world-- this is essentially desert--and 16:00.072 --> 16:05.012 we see it especially around the city of Leptis Magna. 16:05.009 --> 16:08.799 If Timgad is in modern Algeria, Leptis Magna is in modern 16:08.797 --> 16:11.027 Libya, Colonel Gaddafi country. 16:11.029 --> 16:14.349 And it is an amazing site. 16:14.350 --> 16:18.340 A few words about the history of Leptis Magna prior to the 16:18.340 --> 16:20.370 birth of Septimius Severus. 16:20.370 --> 16:22.850 It too--well it was, as I mentioned, 16:22.847 --> 16:23.837 a port city. 16:23.840 --> 16:28.740 It was a Phoenician port actually initially. 16:28.740 --> 16:32.890 Then it came under the sway of Carthage, of the Carthaginians. 16:32.889 --> 16:35.959 It had some interactions with Greece, 16:35.960 --> 16:41.190 but again, just as this area as a whole in this part of Africa 16:41.188 --> 16:48.258 that Leptis Magna is located in, was known as Tripolitania. 16:48.259 --> 16:53.029 And so we see the Carthaginians holding sway. 16:53.029 --> 16:56.259 We see some interactions with Greece, but again it doesn't 16:56.264 --> 16:59.784 take as significant a foothold here as it did in other parts of 16:59.783 --> 17:00.923 the Roman world. 17:00.918 --> 17:07.098 And then Rome takes over Leptis Magna and makes it a colony, 17:07.096 --> 17:11.776 makes the area a colony; Tripolitania is a colony. 17:11.778 --> 17:15.678 And it begins to be built up, as I mentioned to you before, 17:15.676 --> 17:19.706 already in the Late Republic and into the Augustan period. 17:19.710 --> 17:22.150 We'll see that there was significant Augustan 17:22.153 --> 17:24.433 architecture there that still survives. 17:24.430 --> 17:29.240 It was then that architecture was added to by Hadrian, 17:29.240 --> 17:32.180 or during the period of Hadrian, during the time, 17:32.180 --> 17:35.080 during the reign of Hadrian when there was continued 17:35.076 --> 17:36.606 interest in Leptis Magna. 17:36.608 --> 17:41.658 And then it was built up and renovated significantly under 17:41.664 --> 17:45.824 Septimius Severus; so in the early third century 17:45.818 --> 17:46.228 A.D. 17:46.230 --> 17:48.930 It continued to thrive throughout the third century, 17:48.931 --> 17:50.521 into the fourth century A.D. 17:50.519 --> 17:52.559 But in the fifth century A.D. 17:52.561 --> 17:56.381 it was attacked; a significant attack by the 17:56.382 --> 17:57.842 Vandal tribes. 17:57.838 --> 18:01.818 It was devastated actually during that period. 18:01.818 --> 18:06.118 But it had a brief renaissance under the Byzantines. 18:06.118 --> 18:10.668 A Byzantine wall was added to the city, as well as a church, 18:10.670 --> 18:12.290 during that period. 18:12.288 --> 18:15.728 In Medieval and Modern times though it was essentially 18:15.726 --> 18:18.666 abandoned, and it became a place where 18:18.671 --> 18:22.801 treasure hunters did not hesitate to go and take stone 18:22.798 --> 18:25.988 and works of sculpture away with them. 18:25.990 --> 18:27.920 But fortunately, because of these sands, 18:27.920 --> 18:30.180 because these sands shifted over time, 18:30.180 --> 18:32.660 with the winds, with the sirocco and so on, 18:32.660 --> 18:37.650 they eventually did their job by covering over a good part of 18:37.651 --> 18:40.201 the city, which was actually fortunate 18:40.199 --> 18:43.679 because it meant that everything that hadn't already been looted 18:43.684 --> 18:46.844 by those treasure hunters was at that point preserved. 18:46.838 --> 18:48.568 It stayed covered, for the most part, 18:48.566 --> 18:49.906 until around World War II. 18:49.910 --> 18:52.850 At that time, in the twentieth century, 18:52.851 --> 18:57.111 Tripolitania was essentially a protectorate of Italy. 18:57.108 --> 19:00.958 And in, right at the time of World War II, 19:00.960 --> 19:05.000 and right after World War II, Italian archaeologists went in 19:04.999 --> 19:08.859 and excavated the site, and revealed it in the way that 19:08.857 --> 19:14.727 we can experience it, if we visit Leptis Magna today. 19:14.730 --> 19:18.390 And if we visit Leptis Magna today, we're going to see sights 19:18.387 --> 19:19.117 like this. 19:19.118 --> 19:23.258 What I'm showing you is a view from the air of the forum that 19:23.262 --> 19:27.542 was put in the time of Septimius Severus, the so-called Severan 19:27.544 --> 19:29.344 Forum of Leptis Magna. 19:29.338 --> 19:32.088 And you can see that this is another one of these 19:32.089 --> 19:34.439 "bigger is better" buildings. 19:34.440 --> 19:36.110 It's extraordinarily large. 19:36.108 --> 19:41.028 And you can see that it is not in the best of conditions, 19:41.025 --> 19:44.005 that much of it has fallen down. 19:44.009 --> 19:49.779 We see extensive fragments of columns and entablatures and 19:49.781 --> 19:55.661 arcades and so on and so forth, strewn around the structure 19:55.656 --> 19:56.666 today. 19:56.670 --> 20:00.410 But there's enough there that we can get a quite good sense, 20:00.413 --> 20:03.333 as we shall see, of what these buildings looked 20:03.333 --> 20:04.733 like in antiquity. 20:04.730 --> 20:09.260 If one goes to the sculpture depot, on the site, 20:09.255 --> 20:13.005 one can also see a host of sculpture; 20:13.009 --> 20:14.749 despite the looting, one can also see a host of 20:14.749 --> 20:15.959 sculpture that still survives. 20:15.960 --> 20:19.470 In fact, it's interesting, right in the center here we see 20:19.468 --> 20:21.128 a portrait of--who is it? 20:21.130 --> 20:24.480 20:24.480 --> 20:28.480 Sorry to put you on the spot, but having taken Roman--it's 20:28.478 --> 20:29.248 Augustus. 20:29.250 --> 20:30.510 Good, excellent. 20:30.509 --> 20:32.859 It's the emperor Augustus, right there in the center, 20:32.858 --> 20:35.578 which proves, or which tends to make it 20:35.583 --> 20:38.813 likely, to support the point that this 20:38.811 --> 20:42.751 was an area that was built up under Augustus, 20:42.750 --> 20:45.680 and decorated with Augustan sculpture. 20:45.680 --> 20:50.790 We see a host of statues--men, women, fragments of body parts, 20:50.792 --> 20:55.242 including hands and arms, as you can see over here--at 20:55.236 --> 20:56.406 the depot. 20:56.410 --> 21:00.700 And this again gives us some general sense of how heavily 21:00.699 --> 21:03.839 decorated this town was in its heyday, 21:03.838 --> 21:06.988 with sculpture of the imperial family surely, 21:06.990 --> 21:14.310 and local magistrates, as well as gods and goddesses. 21:14.308 --> 21:19.188 This is a plan of Leptis Magna as it would have looked in the 21:19.194 --> 21:20.584 ancient period. 21:20.578 --> 21:22.648 If we look at it here, we will see, 21:22.654 --> 21:26.444 number one that it is--you can tell very well from this that it 21:26.440 --> 21:29.310 was a port city, and that a port was built. 21:29.309 --> 21:32.019 You're seeing the Mediterranean. 21:32.019 --> 21:36.269 Then you're seeing a tributary of that river. 21:36.269 --> 21:39.289 And you can see, right below that river, 21:39.288 --> 21:43.038 you can see a sort of roughly circular area that was the port 21:43.040 --> 21:45.450 of Leptis Magna, not so different from the Port 21:45.450 --> 21:47.790 of Claudius, for example, at Portus. 21:47.788 --> 21:51.098 And then you see the rest of the city as it was laid out from 21:51.104 --> 21:52.434 the first century B.C. 21:52.430 --> 21:56.410 until, or through, the time of Septimius Severus. 21:56.410 --> 21:59.090 And if you look very carefully you will see a host of 21:59.090 --> 21:59.710 buildings. 21:59.710 --> 22:03.080 The one that's right in the uppermost part there, 22:03.079 --> 22:06.029 closest to the harbor, is the Old Forum. 22:06.028 --> 22:09.038 It's not on your Monument List, but I'm going to show it to you 22:09.042 --> 22:09.532 briefly. 22:09.528 --> 22:11.808 If you go down from that, to the left, 22:11.807 --> 22:14.517 you will see the theater--that's easy to pick 22:14.516 --> 22:18.576 out--the theater that was put up during the reign of Augustus. 22:18.578 --> 22:21.918 And, to the right of the theater, you see two circles 22:21.922 --> 22:25.842 there, that is the marketplace that was also put up during the 22:25.844 --> 22:27.134 age of Augustus. 22:27.130 --> 22:32.150 Down here, you see a very large bath, in the imperial bath type 22:32.146 --> 22:35.786 that was built during the reign of Hadrian. 22:35.788 --> 22:38.898 And then right above, to the right of the bath, 22:38.900 --> 22:42.360 you see the forum, as it was laid out-- 22:42.358 --> 22:44.518 the forum, the basilica and the temple, 22:44.519 --> 22:50.039 as they were laid out during the reign of Septimius Severus. 22:50.038 --> 22:52.778 And then down here, to the left of the Hadrianic 22:52.777 --> 22:56.037 Baths, there was an arch put up on one of the streets; 22:56.038 --> 22:59.198 an arch put up also to Septimius Severus, 22:59.199 --> 23:02.279 which we will look at together today. 23:02.278 --> 23:04.708 I want to begin with the Augustan remains. 23:04.710 --> 23:08.460 I'm going to show you two Augustan buildings from Leptis 23:08.462 --> 23:09.012 Magna. 23:09.009 --> 23:12.009 The first is the markets, and the second will be the 23:12.010 --> 23:14.590 theater; and they're very interesting in 23:14.589 --> 23:15.809 all kinds of ways. 23:15.808 --> 23:19.558 You see a restored view of what the market would have looked 23:19.561 --> 23:21.471 like in the Augustan period. 23:21.470 --> 23:24.840 This is a restored view that comes from your textbook, 23:24.842 --> 23:26.372 from the Ward-Perkins. 23:26.368 --> 23:30.808 We know that the building dated precisely to 8 B.C., 23:30.807 --> 23:34.547 that is, in the reign of Augustus, 8 B.C. 23:34.549 --> 23:35.709 How do we know that? 23:35.710 --> 23:39.170 Because there is an inscription on the building that 23:39.166 --> 23:43.166 interestingly enough is written in both Latin and then has a 23:43.166 --> 23:44.926 neo-Punic translation. 23:44.930 --> 23:47.460 So this is a nod, still in the Augustan age, 23:47.460 --> 23:51.410 to the Carthaginian segment of the population, 23:51.410 --> 23:54.840 who still continue to live there, even with the Roman 23:54.836 --> 23:55.426 advent. 23:55.430 --> 23:57.260 So 8 B.C. 23:57.259 --> 23:59.589 And as we look at this, we know, in fact, 23:59.593 --> 24:01.113 what was built in 8 B.C. 24:01.109 --> 24:02.519 was only part of this. 24:02.519 --> 24:05.579 It was the two pavilions, the two market pavilions that 24:05.584 --> 24:07.234 you see in the center here. 24:07.230 --> 24:12.360 This scheme of having a round or roundish structure, 24:12.358 --> 24:16.218 either one or two pavilions in the center of an open courtyard, 24:16.220 --> 24:19.380 is actually not special to Leptis Magna. 24:19.380 --> 24:20.970 We know this type in Italy. 24:20.970 --> 24:23.610 There are examples still preserved, for example, 24:23.605 --> 24:24.385 in Campania. 24:24.390 --> 24:27.220 I showed you one, although we didn't discuss it 24:27.224 --> 24:30.374 in the plan of the Forum of Pompeii, for example. 24:30.368 --> 24:34.578 But so this is not--this is an idea that probably made its way 24:34.583 --> 24:39.003 from--may have made its way from Italy to Leptis Magna in the age 24:39.003 --> 24:40.113 of Augustus. 24:40.108 --> 24:42.118 We see it here, these two pavilions. 24:42.118 --> 24:44.058 But if we look at these pavilions carefully, 24:44.059 --> 24:45.639 we see some interesting features. 24:45.640 --> 24:48.650 We see that the central element is indeed circular. 24:48.650 --> 24:53.550 There's a circular wall here, that has in it arcuated windows 24:53.546 --> 24:57.296 and doorways, that pierce it and open it up. 24:57.298 --> 24:59.898 Then around it though, interestingly enough, 24:59.900 --> 25:03.930 we see that the staircase, the way in which the columns 25:03.925 --> 25:06.455 are arranged, and the roof, 25:06.464 --> 25:10.714 make up an octagon, make up an octagon, 25:10.710 --> 25:13.320 in the case of both of these pavilions. 25:13.318 --> 25:15.598 Now that is very, very interesting, 25:15.602 --> 25:18.762 when we talk about what happens first and where, 25:18.756 --> 25:21.366 in Rome itself, Campania, central Italy, 25:21.374 --> 25:23.124 or in the provinces. 25:23.118 --> 25:26.318 Because in this particular instance we are seeing an 25:26.318 --> 25:27.948 octagon extremely early. 25:27.950 --> 25:33.090 This is 8 B.C., the age of Augustus. 25:33.088 --> 25:35.288 We don't see the octagon used in Rome until the age of Nero -- 25:35.288 --> 25:38.078 until the Domus Transitoria, sort of, 25:38.078 --> 25:41.638 and then fully blown in the Domus Aurea, 25:41.640 --> 25:45.020 in the octagonal room of the Domus Aurea. 25:45.019 --> 25:48.009 So is this a formulation that begins first in the provinces, 25:48.013 --> 25:50.603 and ends up in Rome, or are again there some missing 25:50.602 --> 25:51.112 links? 25:51.108 --> 25:53.948 Were there octagons earlier in Rome that have no longer 25:53.951 --> 25:54.531 survived? 25:54.529 --> 25:58.799 It's an interesting and almost certainly unanswerable question, 25:58.804 --> 26:02.184 unless something new is excavated that changes the 26:02.182 --> 26:03.012 picture. 26:03.009 --> 26:05.809 So for now it looks as if we see an octagon earlier in the 26:05.809 --> 26:07.529 provinces than we see it in Rome. 26:07.528 --> 26:13.858 While the pavilions--and the pavilions were indeed these 26:13.855 --> 26:16.035 market pavilions. 26:16.038 --> 26:20.048 And by the way I should mention that there were no permanent 26:20.049 --> 26:21.069 markets here. 26:21.068 --> 26:24.138 There were temporary stalls that would've been set up daily 26:24.144 --> 26:26.694 between the columns, around the pavilions and the 26:26.688 --> 26:28.118 columns in the portico. 26:28.118 --> 26:30.958 The open portico was not done in 8 B.C., 26:30.960 --> 26:32.530 it was not done in the age of Augustus, 26:32.528 --> 26:35.838 but was added under Tiberius, Augustus' successor, 26:35.838 --> 26:41.078 between 31 and 37 A.D., as is indicated on your 26:41.077 --> 26:42.897 Monument List. 26:42.900 --> 26:45.750 And there is a difference in the materials that were used 26:45.752 --> 26:46.112 here. 26:46.108 --> 26:48.498 And the materials, interestingly enough-- 26:48.500 --> 26:51.630 and this is very important for our understanding of the 26:51.632 --> 26:54.302 evolution of architecture and Leptis Magna-- 26:54.298 --> 26:56.188 during this period, the age of Augustus, 26:56.190 --> 26:59.570 local stone was used entirely. 26:59.568 --> 27:03.648 They used a local sandstone and limestone--I'll show it to you 27:03.648 --> 27:05.988 in a moment--for these pavilions. 27:05.990 --> 27:11.350 And then when Tiberius added, or when the outer area, 27:11.348 --> 27:14.108 the portico was added, in the age of Tiberius, 27:14.108 --> 27:17.328 the columns were made out of a grey stone, 27:17.328 --> 27:20.468 but a grey stone that was also local. 27:20.470 --> 27:22.610 So only local stone used here. 27:22.608 --> 27:25.278 No concrete used in this building. 27:25.278 --> 27:30.378 This is an entirely stone building, put up in the Augustan 27:30.375 --> 27:32.605 period in Leptis Magna. 27:32.608 --> 27:35.058 One of the pavilions, very well preserved, 27:35.056 --> 27:36.366 as you can see here. 27:36.368 --> 27:40.008 And you can see that we are dealing again with a very 27:40.005 --> 27:44.125 attractive local sandstone or limestone that is used for the 27:44.131 --> 27:47.301 structure, for the central pavilions 27:47.300 --> 27:48.150 entirely. 27:48.150 --> 27:51.840 And then you can see the contrast between the coloration 27:51.837 --> 27:55.787 of that and the grey columns, also local stone that are used 27:55.794 --> 27:57.944 for the surrounding portico. 27:57.940 --> 28:01.790 If we look at this pavilion, we can see both the central 28:01.788 --> 28:04.938 round element that I've already described, 28:04.940 --> 28:07.880 with its arcuated windows and doorways, 28:07.880 --> 28:09.140 on a tall base. 28:09.140 --> 28:12.860 We can also see the columns that surround it; 28:12.858 --> 28:15.468 and you can tell very well that these are Ionic columns. 28:15.470 --> 28:17.840 Some of them are columns; some of them are, 28:17.838 --> 28:18.898 in a sense, piers. 28:18.900 --> 28:23.080 They're wider, and those wider ones are at the 28:23.079 --> 28:24.009 corners. 28:24.009 --> 28:27.009 And it's interesting to see how the architects have gotten 28:27.007 --> 28:30.007 around the fact that they have to turn the corners in this 28:30.005 --> 28:32.995 octagon by making these wider and making them splay out on 28:33.002 --> 28:33.952 either side. 28:33.950 --> 28:39.820 You can also see some stone benches in between some, 28:39.819 --> 28:43.849 but not all, of the columns here. 28:43.848 --> 28:50.878 Let me go back for a second, just to show you also that 28:50.875 --> 28:55.815 while the columns of the pavilions, 28:55.818 --> 29:00.018 or the macella--by the way, that's the word in Latin, 29:00.019 --> 29:03.829 m-a-c-e-l-l-a, or macellum, 29:03.834 --> 29:07.694 m-a-c-e-l-l-u-m, in the singular--the columns, 29:07.685 --> 29:10.995 the capitals of the surrounding portico were Corinthian, 29:11.000 --> 29:14.820 as opposed to the Ionic ones that are used for the earlier 29:14.817 --> 29:16.087 market pavilions. 29:16.089 --> 29:18.169 Here's another detail; this is the one that's on your 29:18.170 --> 29:18.670 Monument List. 29:18.670 --> 29:20.710 And although it's in black and white, 29:20.710 --> 29:23.200 doesn't give you a sense of the coloration of the stone, 29:23.200 --> 29:26.970 it's useful because you can see one of these piers that turns a 29:26.971 --> 29:30.791 corner better here, and you can also see that there 29:30.786 --> 29:35.816 are striations that make up the flutes of the pilasters that are 29:35.817 --> 29:40.287 located in between these arcuated openings on the central 29:40.290 --> 29:41.330 element. 29:41.328 --> 29:44.908 This is another view that shows you the less preserved second 29:44.913 --> 29:45.573 pavilion. 29:45.568 --> 29:48.818 You can see here again the color of the stone. 29:48.818 --> 29:52.758 You can see the way in which the piers turn the corner here, 29:52.759 --> 29:57.669 and get a sense of the remains, a further sense of the remains 29:57.667 --> 30:01.287 of the Augustan marketplace from this view. 30:01.288 --> 30:03.838 The other Augustan building, as I mentioned, 30:03.844 --> 30:07.054 was the Theater of Leptis Magna, and this theater again 30:07.051 --> 30:09.371 also put up in the age of Augustus. 30:09.368 --> 30:12.938 It dates specifically to A.D. 30:12.943 --> 30:16.033 1 to 2; so a very early Roman theater, 30:16.034 --> 30:18.984 and a quite well-preserved Roman theater. 30:18.980 --> 30:23.090 And we should think of it in connection to the other Augustan 30:23.087 --> 30:25.757 Roman theaters that we saw, for example, 30:25.758 --> 30:28.358 the Theater of Marcellus, in Rome. 30:28.358 --> 30:31.998 This one, as we'll see, better preserved in some of its 30:32.001 --> 30:35.241 aspects than the Theater of Marcellus in Rome. 30:35.240 --> 30:41.090 If we look at the plan we see some interesting features. 30:41.088 --> 30:43.798 We see first of all that it corresponds extremely well to 30:43.803 --> 30:46.423 the theaters that we've seen thus far this semester; 30:46.420 --> 30:48.740 in that sense it's a conventional building. 30:48.740 --> 30:51.720 I should mention that it is not built on a hillside, 30:51.724 --> 30:54.364 in the Greek manner, but is built on a hill of 30:54.358 --> 30:55.118 concrete. 30:55.118 --> 30:59.258 We're going to see that very little concrete is used in 30:59.261 --> 31:03.331 Leptis Magna, is used in Roman North Africa 31:03.326 --> 31:06.846 in general, where the work is primarily of 31:06.848 --> 31:08.218 stone, the buildings are made 31:08.220 --> 31:09.060 primarily out of stone. 31:09.059 --> 31:10.499 Very little concrete. 31:10.500 --> 31:13.710 But they did use it here to create a hill, 31:13.710 --> 31:16.250 a manmade artificial hill, out of concrete, 31:16.250 --> 31:20.040 on which they could rest the seats of the theater, 31:20.038 --> 31:21.458 or the cavea of the theater. 31:21.460 --> 31:24.920 The seats themselves are done in local stone. 31:24.920 --> 31:29.780 And we can also see the other features of the typical Roman 31:29.782 --> 31:32.972 theater: the semicircular orchestra; 31:32.970 --> 31:36.500 the semicircular cavea; the division of the 31:36.499 --> 31:39.659 cavea into these cunei or wedge-shaped 31:39.664 --> 31:40.414 sections. 31:40.410 --> 31:43.700 We can also see that the stage building-- 31:43.700 --> 31:46.570 we know quite a bit about the stage building because it's 31:46.567 --> 31:49.227 extremely well preserved in a way that the Theater of 31:49.230 --> 31:50.920 Marcellus, of course, is not. 31:50.920 --> 31:55.150 We see that it was made up of these three very large niches 31:55.145 --> 31:58.315 here, that have columns screening the 31:58.317 --> 32:00.627 inside, following the curvature, 32:00.630 --> 32:02.320 in fact, of those niches. 32:02.318 --> 32:06.218 And you can also see there are architectural elements in the 32:06.223 --> 32:09.603 center here that seem to project into that space. 32:09.598 --> 32:13.878 And this pretty early, this is A.D. 32:13.884 --> 32:15.024 1 to 2. 32:15.019 --> 32:16.879 So it does give us some sense--when we talked about 32:16.881 --> 32:19.261 painting and we talked about the fact that we see things in Roman 32:19.263 --> 32:21.763 painting of the Second Style-- in particular, 32:21.760 --> 32:27.040 60 B.C., 50 B.C.--that we don't see in built architecture, 32:27.038 --> 32:31.018 and I mentioned at that time it's conceivable that they are 32:31.019 --> 32:35.069 based on lost theatrical sets that were made out of wood. 32:35.068 --> 32:38.218 But a building like this, where we do have local stone 32:38.222 --> 32:41.502 used for this forest of columns that we see inside these 32:41.496 --> 32:42.946 niches-- and I'll show it to you, 32:42.946 --> 32:45.876 because it's well preserved, in a moment--we get a sense of 32:45.877 --> 32:48.687 the kind of thing that may have existed, 32:48.690 --> 32:53.240 that may have had some impact on some of the paintings that we 32:53.244 --> 32:56.904 saw of the Second Style in places like Pompeii and 32:56.904 --> 32:57.954 elsewhere. 32:57.950 --> 32:59.760 This is also interesting, because if you look-- 32:59.759 --> 33:01.869 it's hard, you can't really see it in plan-- 33:01.868 --> 33:03.848 but if you look at the very top of the cavea, 33:03.848 --> 33:06.338 the top of the cavea, in the center, 33:06.339 --> 33:09.079 was the location of a temple. 33:09.078 --> 33:12.748 And that temple was put up to Ceres, the goddess Ceres, 33:12.750 --> 33:16.040 C-e-r-e-s, the goddess Ceres; Ceres Augusta, 33:16.038 --> 33:18.898 so the Augustan version of Ceres. 33:18.900 --> 33:22.830 And that was at the very top, and that makes this temple a 33:22.832 --> 33:27.112 type of temple that we have not talked about this semester, 33:27.108 --> 33:30.008 and that is what is called a theater temple; 33:30.009 --> 33:34.679 a theater that has a temple as an integral part of it. 33:34.680 --> 33:39.010 This is not a new idea to Leptis Magna. 33:39.009 --> 33:41.789 We know, for example, in Rome that the Republican 33:41.788 --> 33:44.508 general Pompey built such a theater in Rome, 33:44.509 --> 33:47.209 a temple theater, a theater that had a temple at 33:47.209 --> 33:48.989 the apex of the cavea. 33:48.990 --> 33:51.140 It is not preserved, although there is enough 33:51.137 --> 33:54.257 evidence and fragments and so on for us to get a quite good sense 33:54.261 --> 33:57.081 of what it looked like, and it was one of these. 33:57.078 --> 34:00.798 So again, ideas that seem to have been developed in Rome 34:00.799 --> 34:03.509 first are making their way, in this case, 34:03.506 --> 34:04.856 to Leptis Magna. 34:04.858 --> 34:09.588 Notice that the theater at the apex is aligned with another 34:09.588 --> 34:12.928 theater that's located down here, a large, 34:12.929 --> 34:15.049 possibly a larger one. 34:15.050 --> 34:20.010 And this one seems to have been put up to the divine Augustus, 34:20.010 --> 34:23.560 or to a number of divi, and again purposefully aligned 34:23.561 --> 34:25.281 with the temple at the top. 34:25.280 --> 34:26.880 Here's something very interesting. 34:26.880 --> 34:31.090 We see the porticus in the back; 34:31.090 --> 34:34.320 this porticus that we saw, for example, 34:34.324 --> 34:38.284 at the theater in Pompeii, the early theater in Pompeii, 34:38.277 --> 34:41.007 80 to 70 B.C., as you'll remember. 34:41.010 --> 34:44.430 We see it here, and you can see that it is not 34:44.432 --> 34:48.012 as regular as the porticus in Pompeii. 34:48.010 --> 34:50.760 And the reason for that is likely because of the 34:50.762 --> 34:52.932 preexisting buildings on this site. 34:52.929 --> 34:56.009 And this is where we see a significant difference with the 34:56.005 --> 34:57.135 planning of Timgad. 34:57.139 --> 35:00.389 Timgad, again the Romans could just lay this out any way they 35:00.385 --> 35:03.515 wanted, because nothing was there and they chose this ideal 35:03.521 --> 35:07.191 castrum plan; and the theater and so on, 35:07.188 --> 35:09.008 very, very regular. 35:09.010 --> 35:10.520 Here they have to contend with earlier structures. 35:10.518 --> 35:16.008 They have to design their building keeping those in mind. 35:16.010 --> 35:17.970 They certainly don't want to destroy temples, 35:17.969 --> 35:19.749 for example, or shrines of the locals. 35:19.750 --> 35:22.540 That would not be good politics, so they don't. 35:22.539 --> 35:25.659 And they have to build their building with that in mind; 35:25.659 --> 35:29.369 and so we see some very unusual shapes here. 35:29.369 --> 35:32.609 It's not what they would have done if they could have done 35:32.605 --> 35:35.945 differently, but they had to do it, given the reality of the 35:35.954 --> 35:36.754 situation. 35:36.750 --> 35:42.860 This is a view of the Theater of Augustus at Leptis Magna, 35:42.864 --> 35:45.014 as it looks today. 35:45.010 --> 35:49.010 You can see once again that the stone of choice is local stone, 35:49.009 --> 35:51.979 local limestone and sandstone, for the columns, 35:51.976 --> 35:54.296 as well as for the cavea; 35:54.300 --> 35:59.530 but again the cavea rests on a concrete foundation. 35:59.530 --> 36:01.790 And we can see again what I described before: 36:01.791 --> 36:05.011 the three great niches, as well as these square 36:05.007 --> 36:09.057 elements, with columns, that project into our space, 36:09.059 --> 36:12.719 that give a very interesting scenic view of columnar 36:12.719 --> 36:16.109 architecture, that again gives us an idea of 36:16.105 --> 36:19.925 perhaps some of those temporary structures in wood, 36:19.929 --> 36:24.049 that would've had a significant impact on Second Style Roman 36:24.052 --> 36:25.172 wall painting. 36:25.170 --> 36:28.010 This is interesting. 36:28.010 --> 36:30.650 This is an extremely well-preserved inscription that 36:30.646 --> 36:34.006 comes from the Theater of Leptis Magna, and is still preserved. 36:34.010 --> 36:38.810 And we can see here, as in the Market of Augustus 36:38.809 --> 36:42.909 that is in Latin, but also translated into 36:42.909 --> 36:45.009 neo-Punic, below. 36:45.010 --> 36:46.530 And I thought you might be interested in hearing what it 36:46.534 --> 36:46.734 says. 36:46.730 --> 36:49.480 And it says, and I quote--and I'll do that 36:49.478 --> 36:53.368 in English: "When the father of the fatherland, 36:53.369 --> 36:55.679 Caesar Augustus, son of the deified 36:55.679 --> 36:58.399 Caesar"-- namely Julius Caesar; 36:58.400 --> 37:00.880 so this is again one of the ways we know that this is an 37:00.882 --> 37:02.972 Augustan building-- "was pontifex 37:02.967 --> 37:05.857 maximus"-- that is, Chief Priest of Rome, 37:05.858 --> 37:09.358 because state and religion very closely allied in the Roman 37:09.356 --> 37:11.656 period, and Augustus was at one point 37:11.663 --> 37:14.843 both Chief Priest of Rome, as well as imperator or 37:14.840 --> 37:16.700 emperor-- when Augustus was 37:16.702 --> 37:20.232 "pontifex maximus, vested with the tribunician 37:20.228 --> 37:22.638 power for the twenty-fourth time, 37:22.639 --> 37:25.919 being consul for the thirteenth time, 37:25.920 --> 37:29.250 a man by the name of Annobal Rufus, 37:29.250 --> 37:31.760 the adorner of his country--so he must have 37:31.764 --> 37:35.104 commissioned not only this but other buildings as well-- 37:35.099 --> 37:38.399 the adorner of his country and lover of concord, 37:38.400 --> 37:42.030 priest, suffete, prefect of the sacred objects, 37:42.030 --> 37:47.360 the son of Himilco Tapapius, took care to build this at his 37:47.360 --> 37:50.200 own expense, and dedicated it." 37:50.199 --> 37:53.919 So here we see a good example of the sort of thing that we see 37:53.916 --> 37:57.496 often in the provinces; that is, buildings put up in 37:57.501 --> 38:01.011 honor of the emperors, during the period in which they 38:01.009 --> 38:03.499 reigned, but put up by major local 38:03.498 --> 38:06.468 benefactors, who have significant funds at 38:06.465 --> 38:08.945 their disposal, who want to do the same sort of 38:08.951 --> 38:11.671 thing that anyone who wants to put their name on a building at 38:11.668 --> 38:13.668 Yale, preserve their name for 38:13.666 --> 38:18.066 posterity, their generosity, their benefaction, 38:18.068 --> 38:22.098 for posterity; and at the same time do good by 38:22.097 --> 38:25.337 providing the kind of amenities that cities need, 38:25.344 --> 38:28.054 like theaters and baths and the like. 38:28.050 --> 38:31.900 I mentioned already that building continued apace during 38:31.900 --> 38:36.780 the time of the emperor Hadrian, and the main building that was 38:36.782 --> 38:41.152 added to Leptis Magna, during the Hadrianic period, 38:41.152 --> 38:44.012 was a very large bath structure; 38:44.010 --> 38:47.140 the second largest bath structure preserved in Roman 38:47.139 --> 38:48.059 North Africa. 38:48.059 --> 38:51.919 And we see it in plan here: the building block on the 38:51.923 --> 38:54.673 right, and then a view, a fuller view, 38:54.673 --> 38:57.873 of the entire bath complex at the left. 38:57.869 --> 39:00.709 It dates to A.D. 39:00.706 --> 39:02.656 126 to A.D. 39:02.655 --> 39:03.715 127. 39:03.719 --> 39:08.379 Just looking quickly at the plan over here, 39:08.380 --> 39:10.720 you can see not only the bathing block, 39:10.719 --> 39:15.439 same as we see on the right, but also the palaestra 39:15.436 --> 39:17.006 of the structure. 39:17.010 --> 39:19.380 And the palaestra of the structure should strike you as 39:19.380 --> 39:21.750 very different from any other palaestra that we've seen 39:21.750 --> 39:22.800 thus far this semester. 39:22.800 --> 39:25.340 It's almost shaped like a hippodrome, although it doesn't 39:25.342 --> 39:28.022 have the hairpin shape with one curved and one straight end, 39:28.019 --> 39:29.109 but two curved ends. 39:29.110 --> 39:31.540 In fact, it might remind you, more than a hippodrome, 39:31.539 --> 39:35.979 of the Basilica Ulpia in the Forum of Trajan, 39:35.980 --> 39:38.240 with its two curved ends, one on either side, 39:38.239 --> 39:40.589 and columns running around the center, 39:40.590 --> 39:45.240 and then two radiating apses, up here on the right-- 39:45.239 --> 39:47.669 on the uppermost part, excuse me. 39:47.670 --> 39:50.400 So a very unusually shaped palaestra. 39:50.400 --> 39:52.210 We've never seen a palaestra like this 39:52.208 --> 39:52.578 before. 39:52.579 --> 39:55.729 But perhaps even more interesting than the shape of 39:55.731 --> 39:59.391 the structure is the way it's off axis with the rest of the 39:59.389 --> 40:00.209 building. 40:00.210 --> 40:04.740 Right? It's off axis; it's not lined up axially and 40:04.735 --> 40:09.085 symmetrically with the rest of the building. 40:09.090 --> 40:13.060 The reason for that is almost certainly the same as we saw 40:13.061 --> 40:16.061 with the porticus in the theater, 40:16.059 --> 40:19.589 the Augustan theater, and that is something else must 40:19.594 --> 40:23.404 have stood on the site that forced them to design this in 40:23.400 --> 40:27.000 such a way that it was off center with the rest of the 40:27.001 --> 40:28.091 structure. 40:28.090 --> 40:29.690 But it actually made it--it makes it more interesting, 40:29.692 --> 40:30.602 in a sense, architecturally. 40:30.599 --> 40:33.909 With regard to the bathing block, that is very 40:33.907 --> 40:35.007 conventional. 40:35.010 --> 40:39.280 You can pick out all the rooms that we've become so accustomed 40:39.280 --> 40:42.010 to naming in Roman bath architecture. 40:42.010 --> 40:45.550 This is an example of the imperial bath type that we've 40:45.552 --> 40:48.512 seen developed in Rome from the time of Titus, 40:48.505 --> 40:52.395 up through Trajan; the Baths of Titus and the 40:52.396 --> 40:55.816 Baths of Trajan, the imperial bath type, 40:55.820 --> 40:59.960 where we have the main bathing rooms placed in a row, 40:59.960 --> 41:06.040 in the center of the structure, axially related to one another. 41:06.039 --> 41:10.469 What do we see at the top, with the columns around it, 41:10.467 --> 41:14.727 or the bases and then columns above, is the what? 41:14.730 --> 41:16.420 Natatio, the natatio. 41:16.420 --> 41:26.010 The frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium; 41:26.010 --> 41:28.890 caldarium here with its radiating niches, 41:28.894 --> 41:30.014 as you can see. 41:30.010 --> 41:31.950 So natatio, frigidarium, 41:31.949 --> 41:35.229 tepidarium, caldarium, all in succession, 41:35.233 --> 41:39.193 and then the other rooms symmetrically arranged around 41:39.188 --> 41:42.508 them; duplicated, mirror images of 41:42.510 --> 41:45.010 one another on either side. 41:45.010 --> 41:47.990 In this plan it doesn't show the frigidarium as if it 41:47.994 --> 41:50.724 were triple-groin vaulted, but most who've studied this 41:50.724 --> 41:51.944 believe that it was. 41:51.940 --> 41:56.010 And I'll show you a view of that in a moment. 41:56.010 --> 41:59.160 Before I get to that, a view into the remains of the 41:59.157 --> 42:00.697 Baths of Hadrian today. 42:00.699 --> 42:05.159 And we see with the Baths of Hadrian a very major change in 42:05.163 --> 42:09.323 terms of building stone in the city of Leptis Magna. 42:09.320 --> 42:11.860 And that is, while up to this point they 42:11.864 --> 42:15.104 were using entirely local stone, all of a sudden, 42:15.097 --> 42:18.337 in the time of Hadrian-- and it's not surprising, 42:18.340 --> 42:21.250 I suppose, with Hadrian and his era being 42:21.248 --> 42:24.358 a time of international travel and the like, 42:24.360 --> 42:30.140 internationalism--we see the beginning to import marbles from 42:30.141 --> 42:35.541 all over the world for the buildings of Leptis Magna, 42:35.539 --> 42:37.299 this being the prime example. 42:37.300 --> 42:40.220 We have building stone in this building-- 42:40.219 --> 42:41.999 we have some local stone in this building, 42:42.000 --> 42:44.260 but we also have marble from Greece, 42:44.260 --> 42:47.700 marble from Asia Minor, and even marble from Italy, 42:47.699 --> 42:52.219 used in the Baths of Hadrian at Leptis Magna, 42:52.219 --> 42:56.629 making it a very quite magnificent building, 42:56.630 --> 42:58.210 to say the least. 42:58.210 --> 43:02.050 So this is a very significant change in the way they are 43:02.047 --> 43:05.467 thinking about the building materials used for the 43:05.465 --> 43:07.205 structures of Leptis. 43:07.210 --> 43:11.310 Here is a restored view of what scholars -- some scholars at 43:11.313 --> 43:14.863 least -- believe the frigidarium of the Baths 43:14.860 --> 43:18.560 of Hadrian looked like; very similar to what we imagine 43:18.556 --> 43:21.776 that the frigidaria of baths in Rome looked like, 43:21.782 --> 43:23.192 of the imperial type. 43:23.190 --> 43:27.490 Think of the later Baths of Caracalla that we looked at last 43:27.487 --> 43:29.907 time, with the same triple groin 43:29.907 --> 43:33.157 vaulted scheme, supported by engaged columns on 43:33.161 --> 43:35.891 either side, and then very heavily decorated. 43:35.889 --> 43:40.569 It could be that those who have thought about this have been too 43:40.567 --> 43:44.947 influenced by spaces like the frigidaria in the Baths 43:44.947 --> 43:46.207 of Caracalla. 43:46.210 --> 43:49.470 Because to do this--we know that very little concrete was 43:49.469 --> 43:53.139 used in Leptis Magna to do this kind of building at this kind of 43:53.137 --> 43:53.717 scale. 43:53.719 --> 43:56.309 To vault this kind of room, at this kind of scale, 43:56.313 --> 43:58.753 you would need to use concrete construction. 43:58.750 --> 44:00.290 So there are two possibilities here. 44:00.289 --> 44:02.259 Either they did use it in this building, 44:02.260 --> 44:05.200 and used it very well to create a space that was quite 44:05.195 --> 44:07.795 comparable to what was being put up in Rome, 44:07.800 --> 44:13.010 or it may have been vaulted somewhat differently. 44:13.010 --> 44:15.760 But those who've studied this with some, who are very 44:15.760 --> 44:19.140 knowledgeable about this kind of thing, seem to believe that this 44:19.143 --> 44:20.893 was a groin-vaulted building. 44:20.889 --> 44:23.479 Now groin vaults can be done out of material other than 44:23.481 --> 44:24.011 concrete. 44:24.010 --> 44:28.900 We saw some vaulting in Pompeii--not groin vaults but 44:28.900 --> 44:34.170 regular vaults--in Pompeii that were made out of wood. 44:34.170 --> 44:37.770 But to do it at this scale would be near impossible, 44:37.771 --> 44:42.011 and one has to imagine that concrete would have been used. 44:42.010 --> 44:47.010 So that's controversial and we don't know for sure exactly how 44:47.012 --> 44:49.312 this building was vaulted. 44:49.309 --> 44:53.929 Septimius Severus follows the lead of Hadrian, 44:53.929 --> 44:58.339 or of those benefactors of Leptis Magna building buildings 44:58.340 --> 45:03.240 in the Hadrianic period, by continuing to have the 45:03.242 --> 45:09.432 buildings of his renovated hometown sheathed in imported 45:09.431 --> 45:10.671 marbles. 45:10.670 --> 45:16.170 And in fact it could be said, if Septimius Severus were to 45:16.170 --> 45:18.490 boast, as Augustus had before him, 45:18.492 --> 45:21.292 that he had transformed the city of Leptis Magna -- 45:21.289 --> 45:23.349 instead of saying, as Augustus did, 45:23.349 --> 45:26.739 that he found Rome a city of brick and left Rome a city of 45:26.744 --> 45:30.284 marble, Septimius Severus might have 45:30.284 --> 45:36.594 said he found Leptis Magna a city of local limestone and left 45:36.592 --> 45:41.012 Leptis Magna a city of imported marble. 45:41.010 --> 45:45.790 Because from this time forth all of the buildings that we see 45:45.786 --> 45:50.476 in the Severan city of Leptis Magna are made out of imported 45:50.483 --> 45:51.363 marble. 45:51.360 --> 45:54.030 I'm going to show you a series of these, 45:54.030 --> 45:57.020 and I'm going to begin first--oh excuse me-- 45:57.018 --> 46:01.108 begin first with the so-called fountain or nymphaeum of 46:01.110 --> 46:04.650 the city of Leptis Magna, which does indeed date to the 46:04.646 --> 46:05.556 Severan period. 46:05.559 --> 46:09.129 Before I show you that though, I should mention that we know 46:09.134 --> 46:11.924 that Septimius Severus traveled back to Leptis, 46:11.920 --> 46:13.860 once he was emperor of Rome. 46:13.860 --> 46:16.000 He was involved in, you'll remember, 46:15.998 --> 46:18.808 that war in Parthia, so he couldn't do it right 46:18.809 --> 46:19.359 away. 46:19.360 --> 46:21.100 But after the great Parthian victory-- 46:21.099 --> 46:24.999 and you'll remember the arch in Rome, 46:25.000 --> 46:27.920 the Arch of Septimius Severus in the Roman Forum was put up to 46:27.918 --> 46:29.878 celebrate that Parthian victory in 203. 46:29.880 --> 46:33.410 And in precisely that same year, 203 A.D., 46:33.409 --> 46:35.659 Septimius appears to have made his way, 46:35.659 --> 46:36.819 along with his wife, Julia Domna, 46:36.818 --> 46:40.018 and his family, to the city of Leptis Magna: 46:40.019 --> 46:44.849 hometown boy comes back to great parades and the like, 46:44.847 --> 46:45.937 for sure. 46:45.940 --> 46:51.270 And it also jumpstarted a major building renovation, 46:51.268 --> 46:53.918 as I've mentioned, and although we think that the 46:53.918 --> 46:56.878 Arch of Septimius Severus, in Leptis--and I'll show it to 46:56.884 --> 47:00.514 you today-- was put up to honor Septimius 47:00.512 --> 47:06.392 on his visit to Leptis Magna, and probably stood in 203 when 47:06.391 --> 47:09.491 he arrived-- we date it to 203--the other 47:09.485 --> 47:12.445 buildings were begun at about that time, 47:12.449 --> 47:15.689 and then some of them were completed by his son, 47:15.690 --> 47:18.160 Caracalla, after his death. 47:18.159 --> 47:21.609 One of the buildings that belongs to the Severan city is 47:21.610 --> 47:23.680 this fountain or nymphaeum, 47:23.679 --> 47:26.189 that you find on your Monument List; 47:26.190 --> 47:31.150 the nymphaeum in Leptis Magna, that we believe dates to 47:31.146 --> 47:31.466 A.D. 47:31.471 --> 47:32.041 211. 47:32.039 --> 47:35.829 You see it here in plan, and you can see it's located 47:35.827 --> 47:36.917 next to what? 47:36.920 --> 47:37.870 What's this over here? 47:37.869 --> 47:43.469 47:43.469 --> 47:45.679 Student: The palaestra.. 47:45.681 --> 47:48.241 Prof: The palaestra--excellent, 47:48.244 --> 47:51.564 that coffee did you good--that palaestra over here, 47:51.563 --> 47:54.013 with its projecting convexity here. 47:54.010 --> 47:59.410 And we see on the other side the nymphaeum or 47:59.405 --> 48:00.565 fountain. 48:00.570 --> 48:04.700 And you can see how very carefully orchestrated it was in 48:04.695 --> 48:07.565 terms of making cities, building cities, 48:07.568 --> 48:09.408 building urban areas. 48:09.409 --> 48:12.509 The architects have paid a great deal of attention to 48:12.507 --> 48:15.247 exactly where they're siting this fountain, 48:15.250 --> 48:19.050 and its relationship to these other buildings, 48:19.050 --> 48:21.760 by playing off concavities against convexities and so on. 48:21.760 --> 48:25.450 We can see that the plan of the nymphaeum shows it to be 48:25.451 --> 48:28.311 a structure that had one large central niche, 48:28.309 --> 48:32.199 which we're going to see had--or one central apse, 48:32.199 --> 48:36.289 or a niche--that had in it a series of smaller niches for 48:36.286 --> 48:39.046 statuary; probably images of the emperor 48:39.048 --> 48:42.318 and the imperial family, as well as important local 48:42.315 --> 48:45.315 magistrates, as well as gods and goddesses. 48:45.320 --> 48:51.340 In front of it there was what would be the basin where the 48:51.344 --> 48:52.724 water went. 48:52.719 --> 48:57.959 Water would have flowed out of the center, or out of those 48:57.960 --> 49:03.020 niches in between the statuary, into the basin below. 49:03.018 --> 49:05.418 And you can see the way it's been kind of splayed off, 49:05.418 --> 49:07.228 to either side, to give it an interesting 49:07.228 --> 49:09.308 shape, and to make it seem very welcoming. 49:09.309 --> 49:12.419 Now why did a city like Leptis Magna need a fountain of this 49:12.416 --> 49:13.046 magnitude? 49:13.050 --> 49:16.850 Well yes it did supply water; it was helpful in that regard. 49:16.849 --> 49:18.539 But I think it was much more than that. 49:18.539 --> 49:22.549 I think it was viewed as a kind of showpiece for the city. 49:22.550 --> 49:26.030 There came a time when every city worth its salt needed to 49:26.025 --> 49:29.375 have a showpiece like this, an ostentatious fountain. 49:29.380 --> 49:33.840 Leptis was no exception, and so they build such an 49:33.842 --> 49:37.762 ostentatious fountain in the Severan period, 49:37.757 --> 49:39.577 in Leptis Magna. 49:39.579 --> 49:42.319 Here's a view of part of it, as it looks today-- 49:42.320 --> 49:44.160 it's actually decently well preserved-- 49:44.159 --> 49:51.039 and we can see the great niche, or part of the great niche 49:51.043 --> 49:52.933 here, with its great apse here, 49:52.927 --> 49:54.357 with its smaller niches for statuary, 49:54.360 --> 49:55.810 as I've described. 49:55.809 --> 49:58.429 We can also see that we are dealing here, 49:58.425 --> 50:01.555 with regard to the walls, with local sandstone or 50:01.563 --> 50:04.903 limestone being used for the wall construction. 50:04.900 --> 50:08.540 But all of the columns--and you can see a columnar scheme here 50:08.536 --> 50:11.856 on two stories, very similar to the sort of 50:11.860 --> 50:16.610 thing that we saw in the theater: a display of columns, 50:16.610 --> 50:20.450 and they go into the niches as well, 50:20.449 --> 50:23.559 as you can see here, in two tiers. 50:23.559 --> 50:27.429 These are made out of marble that is brought in from Asia 50:27.431 --> 50:30.681 Minor: Asia Minor marble, so imported marble. 50:30.679 --> 50:35.219 And we do believe that the stone carvers who were used to 50:35.224 --> 50:38.754 carving this kind of marble, in Asia Minor, 50:38.748 --> 50:42.858 were brought in with them to do the carving on the spot. 50:42.860 --> 50:47.470 So one of these examples of the use of imported marble in 50:47.472 --> 50:51.842 buildings that were put up in Severan Leptis Magna. 50:51.840 --> 50:54.960 I mentioned that I would show you just in passing the Old 50:54.960 --> 50:57.800 Forum of Leptis Magna, before we look at the Severan 50:57.800 --> 50:59.640 Forum, just so that you know. 50:59.639 --> 51:02.449 It's not on your Monument List, you're not responsible for it, 51:02.452 --> 51:05.452 although it is in Ward-Perkins and you can read about it there. 51:05.449 --> 51:08.559 But I show it to you to make a couple of very important points. 51:08.559 --> 51:10.839 One, that there was an earlier forum on this site. 51:10.840 --> 51:14.230 It was begun in the Late Republic, and continued into the 51:14.230 --> 51:15.320 Augustan period. 51:15.320 --> 51:19.430 It was laid out very close to the port, which makes a lot of 51:19.431 --> 51:19.991 sense. 51:19.989 --> 51:24.319 And you can see that like other fora we've seen, 51:24.322 --> 51:28.012 it had a great open rectangular space. 51:28.010 --> 51:31.740 It had a basilica down here, very similar in shape and plan 51:31.744 --> 51:35.034 to basilicas we've seen, like the one at Pompeii. 51:35.030 --> 51:38.240 But it's interesting both because again it is not exactly 51:38.237 --> 51:42.347 square or rectangular in shape; it has one side that is 51:42.353 --> 51:45.813 different from that, that's on the diagonal, 51:45.813 --> 51:49.123 and this indicates to us once again that likely there were 51:49.119 --> 51:51.959 some remains on the site that had to be taken into 51:51.963 --> 51:54.983 consideration when this structure was designed. 51:54.980 --> 51:56.980 But otherwise it has a colonnade around it. 51:56.980 --> 51:59.450 It has, in this case, three temples on one end, 51:59.447 --> 52:02.177 which is different from what we usually see in Rome, 52:02.184 --> 52:03.424 but not unheard of. 52:03.420 --> 52:06.870 I didn't show you an example, but we do know of triple 52:06.871 --> 52:10.131 temples in architectural spaces, complexes in Rome, 52:10.128 --> 52:13.058 fairly early on, already in the Republic. 52:13.059 --> 52:15.719 But we see three of them here, and they're very instructive. 52:15.719 --> 52:18.209 One's the North Temple; we don't know to whom that was 52:18.206 --> 52:18.766 dedicated. 52:18.768 --> 52:20.778 The other is a Temple of Roma and Augustus, 52:20.777 --> 52:22.737 which one sees in most Augustan cities. 52:22.739 --> 52:26.819 And then over here a Temple of Liber Pater. 52:26.820 --> 52:28.260 Who was Liber Pater? 52:28.260 --> 52:30.920 Well Liber Pater was a god who was very important to this 52:30.923 --> 52:32.403 particular part of the world. 52:32.400 --> 52:35.860 So this interesting coming together of Roman gods, 52:35.860 --> 52:39.990 local gods, are another indication that we are dealing 52:39.985 --> 52:44.335 here with a Roman society that is being laid on top of an 52:44.344 --> 52:47.394 earlier society, and that the cultures, 52:47.389 --> 52:50.339 religion, architectural practices and so on, 52:50.340 --> 52:53.490 of them, merged together to make a very interesting 52:56.969 --> 52:58.789 well in this Old Forum. 52:58.789 --> 53:02.139 The Old Forum was replaced by the New Forum, 53:02.143 --> 53:05.653 the new Severan Forum, in the age of Septimius 53:05.652 --> 53:06.592 Severus. 53:06.590 --> 53:10.910 And that is the single most important building still 53:10.907 --> 53:15.397 surviving in the city of--building complex in the city 53:15.396 --> 53:17.086 of Leptis Magna. 53:17.090 --> 53:20.620 And I show you once again that view, from the air, 53:20.619 --> 53:22.849 of the forum, the Severan Forum, 53:22.851 --> 53:25.591 that we believe dates to 216 A.D.; 53:25.590 --> 53:30.330 in fact completed by Caracalla in 216 A.D. 53:30.329 --> 53:33.429 And now that you know a bit more about Leptis Magna and 53:33.429 --> 53:36.559 building practice there, I think you'll see something 53:36.561 --> 53:38.881 that you probably didn't notice before, 53:38.880 --> 53:41.850 when you looked at this image; when we looked at it earlier. 53:41.849 --> 53:47.129 And that is if you look at the actual remains of the columnar 53:47.130 --> 53:49.670 architecture, for example, 53:49.668 --> 53:52.678 from this forum, you will see, 53:52.679 --> 53:55.199 very quickly, that we are dealing not with 53:55.202 --> 53:57.852 local limestone but with imported marble. 53:57.849 --> 54:00.209 If you look at this marble, in the foreground in 54:00.213 --> 54:03.033 particular, you can see that it has a pink tint to it. 54:03.030 --> 54:08.160 That pink tint tells us that it is granite, pink granite that we 54:08.159 --> 54:10.519 know was quarried in Egypt. 54:10.518 --> 54:16.138 So we are seeing marbles being brought from all over the world, 54:16.144 --> 54:21.684 to be used in the construction of these Severan structures. 54:21.679 --> 54:27.469 A plan of the Severan Forum in Leptis Magna shows it to be a 54:27.474 --> 54:31.014 very interesting structure indeed; 54:31.010 --> 54:33.260 one that is based on earlier models in Rome, 54:33.264 --> 54:36.524 especially the Forum of Trajan, but one that departs from it in 54:36.516 --> 54:38.296 all kinds of interesting ways. 54:38.300 --> 54:42.090 It's also interesting to us not only because it tells us what-- 54:42.090 --> 54:45.930 or it shows us what was being built in Severan Leptis Magna, 54:45.929 --> 54:49.059 but it also gives us some indication of what an emperor 54:49.056 --> 54:52.006 like Septimius Severus might have built in Rome, 54:52.010 --> 54:54.070 if he had built a forum in Rome. 54:54.070 --> 54:57.540 You'll remember that I told the last great imperial forum in 54:57.541 --> 55:00.841 Rome was the Forum of Trajan, and that there was no other 55:00.836 --> 55:02.716 forum built later than that. 55:02.719 --> 55:06.739 But what if--you know, the what if--what if Septimius 55:06.735 --> 55:10.285 Severus had built a forum and basilica in Rome, 55:10.286 --> 55:12.986 what would it have looked like? 55:12.989 --> 55:15.519 Well maybe it would've looked something like this, 55:15.519 --> 55:17.789 at least in plan, but almost certainly not in 55:17.791 --> 55:18.981 building materials. 55:18.980 --> 55:22.080 As we look at it here, we see that it is conventional 55:22.083 --> 55:24.333 in that-- it's very large in scale, 55:24.331 --> 55:26.421 by the way-- it's conventional in that it 55:26.416 --> 55:28.166 has one great open rectangular space, 55:28.170 --> 55:31.330 surrounded by columns, with a temple put up against 55:31.327 --> 55:34.197 one of the short walls-- in fact pushed up against one 55:34.199 --> 55:36.989 of the short walls-- dominating the space in front 55:36.990 --> 55:37.450 of it. 55:37.449 --> 55:40.069 If we look quickly at the plan of the temple, 55:40.072 --> 55:42.522 we will see it's fairly conventional also: 55:42.516 --> 55:45.406 plain back wall; single cella, in this case; 55:45.409 --> 55:48.339 freestanding columns in the porch; 55:48.340 --> 55:50.430 deep porch; single staircase; 55:51.880 --> 55:54.810 So very much in keeping with what we've seen throughout the 55:54.813 --> 55:56.133 course of this semester. 55:56.130 --> 55:59.180 You'll notice also on this side of the structure, 55:59.177 --> 56:02.667 the southern side of the structure, a series of shops or 56:02.670 --> 56:03.940 tabernae. 56:03.940 --> 56:08.010 We've seen that in forum design before. 56:08.010 --> 56:10.650 Think of the Forum of Julius Caesar where they were placed in 56:10.652 --> 56:11.932 exactly that same position. 56:11.929 --> 56:15.549 We see over here the basilica of the structure. 56:15.550 --> 56:17.770 I'm not going to describe its plan for the moment; 56:17.768 --> 56:19.328 we'll return to it a little bit later. 56:19.329 --> 56:23.949 But what's interesting about it here is the way in which it is 56:23.949 --> 56:25.009 splayed off. 56:25.010 --> 56:30.650 It is not axially related exactly to the forum proper. 56:30.650 --> 56:33.130 It moves off in a slightly different direction. 56:33.130 --> 56:36.440 Would the Romans have done this if they didn't have to? 56:36.438 --> 56:37.418 Certainly not. 56:37.420 --> 56:41.330 They probably again had to contend with some sort of 56:41.331 --> 56:46.011 earlier building on the site, which forced them to do this. 56:46.010 --> 56:47.570 But they've done something quite extraordinary, 56:47.572 --> 56:48.322 as you can see here. 56:48.320 --> 56:51.700 They wanted to make sure that when you were standing in the 56:51.704 --> 56:53.624 forum, and looking toward the 56:53.619 --> 56:57.219 basilica, that you wouldn't realize that that basilica was 56:57.222 --> 56:59.122 not on axis with the forum. 56:59.119 --> 57:02.399 And so they've done something extraordinarily ingenious. 57:02.400 --> 57:04.840 And what they've done is to create this series, 57:04.840 --> 57:08.960 this wedge-shaped series of shops that forms the transition 57:08.960 --> 57:11.660 between the forum and the basilica, 57:11.659 --> 57:15.199 that's narrow on one end and is wider on the other end. 57:15.199 --> 57:18.689 And when you stand and look at it, from the inside--and I'll 57:18.686 --> 57:21.576 show you an image in a moment--it looks like it is 57:21.581 --> 57:23.431 completely straight; which it is, 57:23.429 --> 57:24.899 in the front, but you can't tell what lies 57:24.900 --> 57:25.260 behind. 57:25.260 --> 57:27.870 So when you're standing there, you do get the sense, 57:27.869 --> 57:33.519 and as you move from the forum, into this apsed area here, 57:33.518 --> 57:35.718 through columns, into the columns of the 57:35.722 --> 57:38.432 basilica-- which you can do--you don't 57:38.427 --> 57:42.937 realize that the basilica is really off axis with the rest of 57:42.936 --> 57:44.136 the building. 57:44.139 --> 57:49.689 So some ingenious work here on the part of the designers of the 57:49.688 --> 57:51.118 Severan Forum. 57:51.119 --> 57:54.999 I'll come back to the basilica again momentarily. 57:55.000 --> 57:57.510 But for the moment, just to stick with the forum 57:57.510 --> 58:00.610 proper, we are looking here at one of the entranceways into 58:00.608 --> 58:01.408 that forum. 58:01.409 --> 58:04.299 And you can see, even in black and white, 58:04.300 --> 58:07.960 that we're dealing with local sandstone or limestone for the 58:07.960 --> 58:11.270 walls, but with imported marble for 58:11.266 --> 58:14.796 the doorways and for the pilasters. 58:14.800 --> 58:18.380 And if you look very carefully, you will see that these are 58:18.380 --> 58:21.840 capitals that are unlike any capitals we've seen thus far 58:21.836 --> 58:24.086 this semester, and underscore again this 58:24.086 --> 58:25.636 interesting merging of influences, 58:25.639 --> 58:29.089 not only from Rome but elsewhere in the Roman Empire. 58:29.090 --> 58:34.160 We see these striated capitals on the pilasters up above that 58:34.164 --> 58:39.074 are very similar to the sorts of things we see in Egypt. 58:39.070 --> 58:41.610 And then if we look at these capitals down below--and we see 58:41.608 --> 58:43.628 these capitals used extensively in the forum; 58:43.630 --> 58:45.650 I'll show you other examples momentarily-- 58:45.650 --> 58:49.750 you will see that what we are dealing with here are the Roman 58:49.753 --> 58:53.133 acanthus leaves at the bottom, but growing out of those Roman 58:53.128 --> 58:54.468 acanthus leaves are lotus leaves -- 58:54.469 --> 58:57.289 lotus leaves that come from Egypt, 58:57.289 --> 59:00.599 lotus leaves that were used in Egyptian capitals. 59:00.599 --> 59:04.369 So this interesting merging of Roman culture, 59:04.367 --> 59:08.127 Egyptian culture, for this structure in Roman 59:08.134 --> 59:09.594 North Africa. 59:09.590 --> 59:13.660 This is a view of the shops, of that wedge-shaped section of 59:13.657 --> 59:14.207 shops. 59:14.210 --> 59:17.030 We're standing in the forum, looking back toward the 59:17.032 --> 59:19.582 basilica, about to go from one to the other. 59:19.579 --> 59:21.849 And you can see that they are in a straight line and that you 59:21.851 --> 59:24.351 would not be able to tell, as you were standing in front 59:24.347 --> 59:28.347 of them, that the forum was not axially 59:28.351 --> 59:32.461 related to the basilica next door. 59:32.460 --> 59:37.150 We can also see some remains of statuary, columns preserved in 59:37.146 --> 59:39.956 their entirety, as well as capitals of the same 59:39.958 --> 59:43.598 type that I just showed you, the combination of lotus leaves 59:43.599 --> 59:45.129 and acanthus leaves. 59:45.130 --> 59:47.810 The Temple. 59:47.809 --> 59:51.119 The temple in this, the temple here is the one that 59:51.117 --> 59:52.107 you see here. 59:52.110 --> 59:53.130 It is a restored view. 59:53.130 --> 59:55.160 It is from Ward-Perkins. 59:55.159 --> 59:58.189 It is a temple that was put up by Caracalla. 59:58.190 --> 1:00:01.360 It's the temple at the back wall that we looked at in plan 1:00:01.360 --> 1:00:02.140 just before. 1:00:02.139 --> 1:00:06.039 It was put up by Caracalla to honor his parents as 1:00:06.043 --> 1:00:09.463 divi; Septimius Severus and Julia 1:00:09.461 --> 1:00:10.061 Domna. 1:00:10.059 --> 1:00:12.179 It's interesting in a variety of ways. 1:00:12.179 --> 1:00:15.939 It's interesting because it is surrounded by an arcade; 1:00:15.940 --> 1:00:18.410 columns supporting arcuations. 1:00:18.409 --> 1:00:22.109 We've seen an interest in this sort of thing starting to come 1:00:22.112 --> 1:00:23.782 to the fore at this time. 1:00:23.780 --> 1:00:28.010 We saw it in late domestic architecture in Ostia. 1:00:28.010 --> 1:00:29.910 Think of the House of Cupid and Psyche, for example, 1:00:29.905 --> 1:00:31.015 of the early fourth century. 1:00:31.018 --> 1:00:34.548 So placing these arcades on columns, with Medusa heads in 1:00:34.550 --> 1:00:37.260 between them, is something that comes to the 1:00:37.262 --> 1:00:38.652 fore at this time. 1:00:38.650 --> 1:00:41.280 We see that the temple is placed on a very, 1:00:41.277 --> 1:00:43.717 very tall podium, nineteen feet tall. 1:00:43.719 --> 1:00:44.049 Why? 1:00:44.050 --> 1:00:49.110 To raise it up over the walls, so that you could see it from a 1:00:49.114 --> 1:00:50.114 distance. 1:00:50.110 --> 1:00:52.770 It's like when they raised the Capitolium in Ostia also up high 1:00:52.773 --> 1:00:55.053 so that it could compete with the apartment houses; 1:00:55.050 --> 1:00:57.020 the same general idea here. 1:00:57.018 --> 1:01:01.348 Local limestone for the walls, imported marble for the 1:01:01.351 --> 1:01:02.171 columns. 1:01:02.170 --> 1:01:09.010 The staircase is interesting. 1:01:09.010 --> 1:01:10.960 It's a single staircase, but you can see it is pyramidal 1:01:10.960 --> 1:01:11.350 in shape. 1:01:11.349 --> 1:01:13.769 I don't want to push the Egyptian thing too far, 1:01:13.773 --> 1:01:16.763 but it's conceivable that it might have been designed under 1:01:16.764 --> 1:01:17.954 Egyptian influence. 1:01:17.949 --> 1:01:21.999 And if you look at the column bases, 1:01:22.000 --> 1:01:24.580 we know that they were depicted with images of the battle 1:01:24.577 --> 1:01:28.837 between gods and giants, a very important theme in Greek 1:01:28.842 --> 1:01:29.332 art. 1:01:29.329 --> 1:01:34.379 So we see once again what's so interesting about some of these 1:01:34.382 --> 1:01:37.222 provincial cities; this coming together of 1:01:37.217 --> 1:01:39.627 influences from all over the world, from Greece, 1:01:39.626 --> 1:01:41.876 from Carthage, from Egypt, and also of course 1:01:41.880 --> 1:01:42.650 from Rome. 1:01:42.650 --> 1:01:47.210 Here's a view of the arcades, the Medusa's heads very deeply 1:01:47.210 --> 1:01:51.200 carved, as you can see here; characteristic also of the 1:01:51.197 --> 1:01:53.697 decorative work of the Severan period. 1:01:53.699 --> 1:01:58.239 The plan, once again, that shows us the basilica, 1:01:58.239 --> 1:02:00.479 central nave, side aisles, 1:02:00.483 --> 1:02:04.273 apses on either side, looking very much like the 1:02:04.268 --> 1:02:06.458 Basilica Ulpia of Trajan in Rome, 1:02:06.460 --> 1:02:08.890 probably influenced by that. 1:02:08.889 --> 1:02:12.129 Look also, there's a wall here--you can walk into the wall 1:02:12.126 --> 1:02:14.446 at several points-- and there are columns 1:02:14.445 --> 1:02:17.075 decorating that wall, columns that just project into 1:02:17.077 --> 1:02:17.587 our space. 1:02:17.590 --> 1:02:19.920 They have no structural purpose whatsoever. 1:02:19.920 --> 1:02:22.660 The in-and-out undulation of the wall, 1:02:22.659 --> 1:02:25.279 through the traditional vocabulary of architecture, 1:02:25.280 --> 1:02:30.000 another sign that we're moving toward what I've called a 1:02:29.996 --> 1:02:32.996 baroque phase in Roman antiquity. 1:02:33.000 --> 1:02:34.590 This is an amazing view, from the air, 1:02:34.588 --> 1:02:36.948 of the remains of the forum and also of the basilica. 1:02:36.949 --> 1:02:39.709 The basilica is better preserved than the forum. 1:02:39.710 --> 1:02:42.790 The basilica--and you can see how beautifully this is sited, 1:02:42.791 --> 1:02:43.891 right near the sea. 1:02:43.889 --> 1:02:46.679 Again, we're dealing with a port here, a port city here. 1:02:46.679 --> 1:02:47.809 You can see the apses. 1:02:47.809 --> 1:02:49.729 You can see the preserved columns. 1:02:49.730 --> 1:02:53.090 You can see the wedge-shaped section of shops here. 1:02:53.090 --> 1:02:58.240 And you can see again that the basilica has many of its columns 1:02:58.244 --> 1:03:01.824 better preserved than those in the forum. 1:03:01.820 --> 1:03:03.110 We see them here. 1:03:03.110 --> 1:03:06.590 We can get a much better sense of what the basilica looked like 1:03:06.588 --> 1:03:10.018 in antiquity; in fact, this is much better 1:03:10.023 --> 1:03:14.013 preserved than the Basilica Ulpia in Rome. 1:03:14.010 --> 1:03:15.780 And we see the difference in the materials: 1:03:15.782 --> 1:03:17.852 the pink granite from Egypt, used here as well; 1:03:17.849 --> 1:03:20.069 the Corinthian, in this case, 1:03:20.068 --> 1:03:24.428 Corinthian capitals rather than the lotus leaf capitals; 1:03:24.429 --> 1:03:26.649 sandstone for the walls. 1:03:26.650 --> 1:03:30.610 So this combination of local stone and especially imported 1:03:30.612 --> 1:03:32.632 marbles for this structure. 1:03:32.630 --> 1:03:37.000 Here's a restored view of the interior, where we can see it 1:03:37.000 --> 1:03:41.370 was two-storied originally, just like the Basilica Ulpia in 1:03:41.371 --> 1:03:42.051 Rome. 1:03:42.050 --> 1:03:44.340 Like the Basilica Ulpia in Rome, a flat ceiling with a 1:03:44.338 --> 1:03:46.108 coffered ceiling, as you can see above. 1:03:46.110 --> 1:03:50.360 And we can also see the niches have coffering in them. 1:03:50.360 --> 1:03:52.560 Very interesting decoration. 1:03:52.559 --> 1:03:56.149 Use of columns on two tiers; no structural purpose 1:03:56.152 --> 1:04:00.272 whatsoever, decorative only, projecting into our space, 1:04:00.271 --> 1:04:04.011 creating that in-and-out, undulating movement. 1:04:04.010 --> 1:04:06.020 And then a very unusual motif, architectural motif, 1:04:06.016 --> 1:04:06.656 in the center. 1:04:06.659 --> 1:04:09.909 I show you here the south apse, where we can see the pink 1:04:09.911 --> 1:04:13.541 granite, once again preserved; Ionic capitals in this 1:04:13.541 --> 1:04:17.911 particular case for that niche; and then these very heavily 1:04:17.907 --> 1:04:20.357 decorated pilasters, on either side. 1:04:20.360 --> 1:04:24.530 And in the center of the niche, these very tall columns-- 1:04:24.530 --> 1:04:27.350 this is very interesting because it seems to have had no 1:04:27.351 --> 1:04:30.481 purpose whatsoever than just to stand there and look good-- 1:04:30.480 --> 1:04:33.160 two colossal columns on tall bases, 1:04:33.159 --> 1:04:37.219 with Corinthian capitals, and then a lintel on top of 1:04:37.217 --> 1:04:39.407 those, and then griffins, 1:04:39.413 --> 1:04:42.403 and then another lintel on the top. 1:04:42.400 --> 1:04:43.480 What was the purpose of this? 1:04:43.480 --> 1:04:45.550 Did it have some kind of religious purpose? 1:04:45.550 --> 1:04:47.710 Well this is a civic structure, so unlikely. 1:04:47.710 --> 1:04:50.560 It's just a decoration, among other decorations, 1:04:50.563 --> 1:04:53.603 but using architectural elements in toto. 1:04:53.599 --> 1:04:55.919 The piers are very, very interesting. 1:04:55.920 --> 1:04:58.310 They're eaten away, dematerialized by their 1:04:58.306 --> 1:05:00.586 sculpture; as you can see here, 1:05:00.594 --> 1:05:02.844 light and dark accentuated. 1:05:02.840 --> 1:05:06.660 And if you look at the details of them, you will see that one 1:05:06.663 --> 1:05:10.103 of them, or a couple of them, have scenes of the Twelve 1:05:10.103 --> 1:05:11.573 Labors of Hercules. 1:05:11.570 --> 1:05:16.010 Remember, this was a building that was completed by Caracalla. 1:05:16.010 --> 1:05:19.260 Is it a stretch to say that Caracalla might have wanted to 1:05:19.255 --> 1:05:22.325 have Herculean imagery here, as he did in the Baths of 1:05:22.329 --> 1:05:24.909 Caracalla, or the benefactor who helped 1:05:24.905 --> 1:05:28.305 build this might have had that in mind as well, 1:05:28.309 --> 1:05:29.579 to make that connection? 1:05:29.579 --> 1:05:32.059 It might be far-fetched, but certainly something worth 1:05:32.063 --> 1:05:32.863 thinking about. 1:05:32.860 --> 1:05:36.060 And two more details of that decoration here. 1:05:36.059 --> 1:05:39.699 I want to mention just in passing the Arch of Septimius 1:05:39.704 --> 1:05:40.384 Severus. 1:05:40.380 --> 1:05:42.920 It's more a work of sculpture than it is of architecture, 1:05:42.923 --> 1:05:45.563 and it has a lot of figural scenes that are interesting for 1:05:45.559 --> 1:05:46.559 their iconography. 1:05:46.559 --> 1:05:50.009 But I just want to make passing reference to it, 1:05:50.010 --> 1:05:52.400 because it is the one building that I mentioned that we do 1:05:52.402 --> 1:05:56.452 believe was put up in 203, and ready for Septimius' visit 1:05:56.452 --> 1:05:57.682 to the city. 1:05:57.679 --> 1:06:03.239 It also is interesting because it was made at the same time as 1:06:03.244 --> 1:06:06.934 the arch in Rome, the Parthian Arch in Rome, 1:06:06.931 --> 1:06:10.861 203 A.D., and also celebrates Septimius 1:06:10.862 --> 1:06:15.092 Severus' victories over the Parthians. 1:06:15.090 --> 1:06:16.910 That's exactly what it celebrates, and those scenes are 1:06:16.914 --> 1:06:18.204 alluded to in the figural sculpture. 1:06:18.199 --> 1:06:21.029 But it is very different from the arch in Rome, 1:06:21.027 --> 1:06:23.237 because it is a tetrapylon. 1:06:23.239 --> 1:06:25.219 I mentioned the tetrapylon when we went 1:06:25.222 --> 1:06:27.662 over the paper topics; the four-sided arch, 1:06:27.663 --> 1:06:32.163 the purpose of which is to span two streets that cross at that-- 1:06:32.159 --> 1:06:34.049 that intersect at that particular point, 1:06:34.050 --> 1:06:40.050 so that traffic can go through the arch, going both ways. 1:06:40.050 --> 1:06:42.180 It's really quite ingenious, and we see the 1:06:42.177 --> 1:06:45.367 tetrapylon does not take off in Rome, but is very popular 1:06:45.371 --> 1:06:47.451 in the provinces, and we see it here. 1:06:47.449 --> 1:06:50.319 We also see as we look at this structure, 1:06:50.320 --> 1:06:53.460 and it has been--by the way, it had fallen down completely 1:06:53.460 --> 1:06:57.500 but has been re-erected, although the sculpture on it is 1:06:57.501 --> 1:06:59.551 casts, and the original sculpture in 1:06:59.545 --> 1:07:00.115 the museum. 1:07:00.119 --> 1:07:03.619 But we do see here something very interesting, 1:07:03.621 --> 1:07:08.371 and that is that they have used the broken triangular pediment 1:07:08.369 --> 1:07:09.069 here. 1:07:09.070 --> 1:07:12.150 You can see the way the pediment is broken apart, 1:07:12.146 --> 1:07:15.666 and used only in part here, which is something we do not 1:07:15.670 --> 1:07:17.530 see in Roman arch design. 1:07:17.530 --> 1:07:19.190 Here's a view of it from the side, 1:07:19.190 --> 1:07:22.510 where you can get a sense of the drama of those broken 1:07:22.507 --> 1:07:25.447 triangular pediments, as well as the way in which 1:07:25.452 --> 1:07:28.392 this structure was completely covered with sculpture, 1:07:28.389 --> 1:07:31.539 and you can see some of that sculpture also dematerializing 1:07:31.538 --> 1:07:34.588 the arch, in a way very similar to the 1:07:34.585 --> 1:07:38.005 piers that we saw also in the basilica. 1:07:38.010 --> 1:07:41.970 And I just show you quickly two details of the figural sculpture 1:07:41.972 --> 1:07:45.432 that we see there honoring Septimius Severus and his two 1:07:45.431 --> 1:07:48.201 sons in a triumphal chariot, at the top. 1:07:48.199 --> 1:07:51.829 And then down here below, Septimius shaking hands with 1:07:51.827 --> 1:07:54.637 his elder son, Caracalla, as if giving him 1:07:54.635 --> 1:07:55.315 power. 1:07:55.320 --> 1:07:59.580 Geta stands in the center; Geta's still alive and not 1:07:59.581 --> 1:08:05.081 erased on this monument here, and Geta's standing here. 1:08:05.079 --> 1:08:07.529 And then this wonderful image of Julia Domna, 1:08:07.528 --> 1:08:10.138 with her fabulous wig, standing next to them and 1:08:10.144 --> 1:08:10.984 looking on. 1:08:10.980 --> 1:08:13.070 But look at this figure here. 1:08:13.072 --> 1:08:14.012 Who is this? 1:08:14.010 --> 1:08:15.700 Hercules with his club, standing right behind the 1:08:15.702 --> 1:08:16.552 shoulder of Caracalla. 1:08:16.550 --> 1:08:20.840 So once again this very close association between Caracalla 1:08:20.840 --> 1:08:22.320 and his alter ego. 1:08:22.319 --> 1:08:28.109 I want to end today with my favorite building in Leptis 1:08:28.108 --> 1:08:30.018 Magna -- in fact, one of my favorite 1:08:30.019 --> 1:08:31.169 buildings from the entire semester, 1:08:31.170 --> 1:08:33.070 because it's so unique. 1:08:33.069 --> 1:08:37.019 This is the so-called Hunting Baths at Leptis Magna. 1:08:37.020 --> 1:08:42.720 They date to the late second to early third century A.D. 1:08:42.720 --> 1:08:45.830 I show you an axonometric view from Ward-Perkins. 1:08:45.828 --> 1:08:49.028 They're very well preserved, and I'll show them to you in a 1:08:49.032 --> 1:08:49.532 moment. 1:08:49.529 --> 1:08:52.179 This bath is interesting in all kinds of ways, 1:08:52.182 --> 1:08:55.602 but it's interesting primarily because it's a private bath, 1:08:55.601 --> 1:08:58.101 not a public bath; we've looked at so many public 1:08:58.100 --> 1:08:58.940 baths this semester. 1:08:58.939 --> 1:09:00.699 What do I mean by a private bath? 1:09:00.699 --> 1:09:02.069 Not one individual. 1:09:02.069 --> 1:09:05.449 I suppose one could call Hadrian's baths in his villa 1:09:05.452 --> 1:09:08.772 private, in that they were for his private villa. 1:09:08.770 --> 1:09:11.730 But here a private bath within a city, 1:09:11.729 --> 1:09:14.329 a private bath, not for a single individual but 1:09:14.329 --> 1:09:17.459 a group of individuals, a guild of men, 1:09:17.456 --> 1:09:23.636 whose profession we believe it was to collect animals, 1:09:23.640 --> 1:09:25.920 wild animals, in the wilds of Africa, 1:09:25.920 --> 1:09:31.210 and send them to Italy; that was their business, 1:09:31.213 --> 1:09:34.483 send them--to feed, in a sense, the amphitheaters 1:09:34.481 --> 1:09:36.731 of Rome and the rest of Italy. 1:09:36.729 --> 1:09:37.879 That was their job. 1:09:37.880 --> 1:09:40.430 They probably made quite a fortune doing that. 1:09:40.430 --> 1:09:43.620 And they got together and built for themselves this wonderful 1:09:43.623 --> 1:09:45.283 bath, which you're going to see right 1:09:45.283 --> 1:09:47.413 near the sea, where they could kick back and 1:09:47.411 --> 1:09:49.251 relax and hang out with each other. 1:09:49.250 --> 1:09:53.000 And what a place it was. 1:09:53.000 --> 1:09:56.750 And what's interesting about it is although we have seen that 1:09:56.752 --> 1:10:00.072 concrete was not used extensively in Leptis Magna, 1:10:00.069 --> 1:10:02.499 it is used for this building, and this building is much more 1:10:02.496 --> 1:10:04.916 innovative for that reason than most of the other structures 1:10:04.921 --> 1:10:06.971 we've seen, even those that honor Septimius 1:10:06.970 --> 1:10:08.170 Severus, like the arch, 1:10:08.171 --> 1:10:10.271 like the forum, and like the basilica. 1:10:10.270 --> 1:10:11.910 What do I mean by innovative? 1:10:11.908 --> 1:10:15.038 You can see the way in which concrete has been used here, 1:10:15.043 --> 1:10:15.943 to its utmost. 1:10:15.939 --> 1:10:17.459 You enter into the structure. 1:10:17.460 --> 1:10:21.600 The forecourt is an octagon, the entrance vestibule is an 1:10:21.600 --> 1:10:22.340 octagon. 1:10:22.340 --> 1:10:24.130 From the entrance vestibule, you go into the 1:10:24.127 --> 1:10:26.407 tepidarium, which you can see has a 1:10:26.408 --> 1:10:28.818 segmented dome, a kind of pumpkin dome, 1:10:28.823 --> 1:10:31.573 influenced by those earlier ones of Hadrian, 1:10:31.569 --> 1:10:33.389 into the caldarium over here, 1:10:33.390 --> 1:10:34.990 which is large and barrel vaulted. 1:10:34.988 --> 1:10:37.848 The frigidarium, also barrel vaulted here, 1:10:37.846 --> 1:10:38.856 as you can see. 1:10:38.859 --> 1:10:43.269 But what makes these rooms particularly exciting 1:10:43.274 --> 1:10:46.534 architecturally, and different than anything 1:10:46.530 --> 1:10:48.790 we've seen-- in fact, unique--is that not 1:10:48.788 --> 1:10:51.278 only can we see the shapes of these vaults, 1:10:51.279 --> 1:10:54.339 these concrete vaults, on the inside when we stand 1:10:54.340 --> 1:10:56.410 here, but also from the outside; 1:10:56.408 --> 1:11:00.998 the shapes are visible from the outside as well. 1:11:01.000 --> 1:11:03.060 You can see from the outside that this was a barrel vaulted 1:11:03.060 --> 1:11:04.840 room; you can see from the outside 1:11:04.842 --> 1:11:06.872 that this was a barrel vaulted room; 1:11:06.868 --> 1:11:09.578 and you can see from the outside that this one had a 1:11:09.577 --> 1:11:10.477 segmented dome. 1:11:10.479 --> 1:11:13.839 We haven't seen that in other architecture. 1:11:13.840 --> 1:11:16.060 Yes, you can get a little glimmer of it; 1:11:16.060 --> 1:11:18.540 when you look at the frigidaria of the great 1:11:18.542 --> 1:11:20.982 imperial baths in Rome, you can get a sense of the 1:11:20.975 --> 1:11:23.105 groin vaults from the outside, sort of. 1:11:23.109 --> 1:11:25.979 But not in the way that you can here. 1:11:25.979 --> 1:11:29.199 This is very revolutionary, very different, 1:11:29.198 --> 1:11:32.798 and very special to this particular building. 1:11:32.800 --> 1:11:35.560 And I'll show you two last images where you can see that, 1:11:35.556 --> 1:11:36.736 also from the outside. 1:11:36.738 --> 1:11:39.598 This one in black and white, and you can see the massing of 1:11:39.604 --> 1:11:42.134 these geometric forms, from the outside, 1:11:42.132 --> 1:11:46.092 which make very clear what lies inside, very clear. 1:11:46.090 --> 1:11:48.630 Remember the Pantheon with its surprise. 1:11:48.630 --> 1:11:51.660 You're standing outside; it looks like a typical Greek 1:11:51.659 --> 1:11:52.189 temple. 1:11:52.189 --> 1:11:55.349 You walk inside, wow, it's a Roman interior. 1:11:55.350 --> 1:11:58.800 Here it's inside and outside are brought together in a way 1:11:58.796 --> 1:12:00.606 that we haven't seen before. 1:12:00.609 --> 1:12:03.219 When you stand at the outside of this building and look at it, 1:12:03.220 --> 1:12:06.010 you can tell what those shapes are like on the inside, 1:12:06.010 --> 1:12:07.980 in a way that we have not seen before -- 1:12:07.979 --> 1:12:11.009 a truly revolutionary building. 1:12:11.010 --> 1:12:12.500 And I show you one last image. 1:12:12.500 --> 1:12:15.170 It's faded, but it's the best I've got, 1:12:15.170 --> 1:12:20.010 and it's a really I think very effective image, 1:12:20.010 --> 1:12:22.620 in terms of showing you what these baths looked like 1:12:22.618 --> 1:12:25.838 silhouetted against the sand and the sea: the barrel vaults, 1:12:25.840 --> 1:12:28.830 the segmented vaults, all of those clearly revealed 1:12:28.832 --> 1:12:31.732 on the outside, as they were on the inside. 1:12:31.729 --> 1:12:35.519 A very innovative structure, put up not by the emperor, 1:12:35.520 --> 1:12:38.880 not by the reigning emperor, not by benefactors who wanted 1:12:38.876 --> 1:12:41.806 to honor the emperor, and not part of that great 1:12:41.810 --> 1:12:44.730 Severan renovation, but part of the individual 1:12:44.733 --> 1:12:47.993 hearts and minds of this particular group of men. 1:12:47.988 --> 1:12:52.348 And what can I say to end this lecture, except for those men in 1:12:52.345 --> 1:12:55.145 the late second/early third century A.D., 1:12:55.154 --> 1:12:56.424 life was good. 1:12:56.420 --> 1:12:57.860 Thank you all. 1:12:57.859 --> 1:13:03.999