WEBVTT 00:01.980 --> 00:03.750 Prof: Good morning all. 00:03.750 --> 00:07.490 Today's lecture I have called, as you can see, 00:07.486 --> 00:12.216 "The Mother of All Forums: Civic Architecture in Rome 00:12.220 --> 00:14.130 Under Trajan." 00:14.130 --> 00:17.310 And I think you'll see what I mean when we look both at a 00:17.312 --> 00:21.342 Trajanic bath building, and also the Forum of Trajan in 00:21.335 --> 00:23.305 Rome, what I mean by 'Mother of all 00:23.306 --> 00:23.736 Forums.' 00:23.740 --> 00:27.510 These were gargantuan buildings, bigger than anything 00:27.513 --> 00:31.583 that we have seen before, and interesting in all kinds of 00:31.576 --> 00:32.226 ways. 00:32.229 --> 00:35.169 We left off with Nerva, with the emperor Nerva. 00:35.170 --> 00:39.480 And you'll recall that Nerva was old, and in fact also 00:39.475 --> 00:43.695 relatively sickly, when he became emperor of Rome. 00:43.700 --> 00:46.010 You'll also remember--and I remind you of his portrait on 00:46.006 --> 00:47.486 the left-hand side of the screen-- 00:47.490 --> 00:50.870 you'll also recall that he was a member of the Senate, 00:50.870 --> 00:53.770 and that he was chosen by the Senate, 00:53.770 --> 00:57.070 one of their own, to become emperor of Rome, 00:57.070 --> 01:01.890 the first emperor to come from the senatorial ranks in the 01:01.892 --> 01:06.392 history of Rome, and he was very popular with 01:06.391 --> 01:07.631 the Senate. 01:07.629 --> 01:11.059 But Nerva recognized quite early on that, 01:11.060 --> 01:14.430 although he was popular with the Senate and with the 01:14.429 --> 01:17.499 aristocracy, he was not a favorite of the 01:17.498 --> 01:22.098 army, and he realized that was not a good position to be in, 01:22.099 --> 01:25.009 and so he wisely decided, very early on, 01:25.010 --> 01:29.480 that he would select the most popular military man and the 01:29.476 --> 01:33.156 most highly successful military man in Rome, 01:33.160 --> 01:36.360 a man by the name of Trajan, as his heir. 01:36.360 --> 01:40.000 And so Nerva adopts Trajan--and you see Trajan's portrait on the 01:39.995 --> 01:45.875 right-hand side of the screen-- Nerva adopts Trajan in 97 A.D., 01:45.876 --> 01:49.486 so that in 98, when Nerva dies--because he 01:49.488 --> 01:51.968 dies after only sixteen months in office-- 01:51.970 --> 01:55.840 when Nerva dies, Trajan succeeds him without 01:55.840 --> 01:56.740 contest. 01:56.739 --> 02:01.049 Trajan was an extraordinary emperor for Rome. 02:01.049 --> 02:05.329 There are a number of important points about Trajan that should 02:05.325 --> 02:09.455 be made that have an impact on our understanding and analysis 02:09.463 --> 02:11.123 of his architecture. 02:11.120 --> 02:15.400 One of those is he's the first Roman emperor to be born outside 02:15.400 --> 02:16.160 of Italy. 02:16.158 --> 02:19.748 He was born in Spain, the first emperor born in 02:19.753 --> 02:20.383 Spain. 02:20.378 --> 02:23.558 That's not to say that Spain was the boondocks, 02:23.560 --> 02:26.050 by any stretch of the imagination. 02:26.050 --> 02:28.680 Spain had already been colonized by Rome and was very 02:28.680 --> 02:31.260 highly developed with regard to its civilization. 02:31.258 --> 02:34.568 He also came to power as a relatively young man. 02:34.568 --> 02:37.998 He was only 45 years of age--a couple of years younger than 02:37.997 --> 02:41.037 Obama-- and consequently he was in--and 02:41.041 --> 02:44.041 he was in very good physical shape, 02:44.038 --> 02:47.818 and so he had the physical wherewithal to be the kind of 02:47.824 --> 02:52.094 energetic emperor that Rome needed at this particular point. 02:52.090 --> 02:55.920 He undertook many military campaigns, 02:55.919 --> 02:59.369 and very successfully, and he was the emperor that 02:59.371 --> 03:02.261 extended Rome to its furthest reaches, 03:02.258 --> 03:05.338 to its greatest borders, to its most extensive borders, 03:05.340 --> 03:07.700 during his reign. 03:07.699 --> 03:11.809 And actually these were borders that were never gone beyond. 03:11.810 --> 03:14.340 After this point, we'll see that the emperor 03:14.337 --> 03:17.217 Hadrian consolidates the extent of the Empire, 03:17.220 --> 03:20.390 as reached by Trajan, and no one ever takes it beyond 03:20.391 --> 03:20.821 that. 03:20.818 --> 03:25.238 So this is going to be the furthest extent of the Empire 03:25.235 --> 03:29.005 that we'll see in the course of the semester. 03:29.008 --> 03:31.518 And he was also extremely wise when it came to his choice of 03:31.520 --> 03:33.690 the kinds of buildings that he wanted to put up, 03:33.690 --> 03:37.410 because he followed in the footsteps of Vespasian and 03:37.414 --> 03:40.144 Titus, by favoring major public 03:40.143 --> 03:44.063 architecture in Rome, and by eschewing private 03:44.060 --> 03:45.180 architecture. 03:45.180 --> 03:48.880 He wanted, above all, to disassociate himself from 03:48.879 --> 03:52.509 Nero, and from Domitian, who had favored palatial 03:52.506 --> 03:55.146 architecture, as you'll recall. 03:55.150 --> 03:58.570 And so he builds public architecture in Rome, 03:58.568 --> 04:04.238 and allies himself in this regard to such earlier emperors 04:04.235 --> 04:09.995 as Augustus and as Claudius and as the Flavian dynasts, 04:10.000 --> 04:13.350 and we're going to see that in his building projects today. 04:13.348 --> 04:18.368 Like so many other emperors, when he first came to power, 04:18.370 --> 04:22.080 he looked around to see which buildings had fallen into 04:22.084 --> 04:25.484 disrepair, and he decided to restore as 04:25.478 --> 04:27.888 many of those as he could. 04:27.889 --> 04:29.959 And he chose very carefully. 04:29.959 --> 04:33.989 Again, he obviously did not choose buildings of Nero, 04:33.990 --> 04:37.320 many of which had already been destroyed, 04:37.319 --> 04:39.219 in any case, but rather looked back further, 04:39.220 --> 04:41.390 in fact, dug deep into the Republic, 04:41.389 --> 04:43.989 a time, a simpler time in many respects, 04:43.990 --> 04:50.810 and a time prior to the shenanigans of the monarchically 04:50.805 --> 04:56.005 minded emperors like Nero and Domitian, 04:56.009 --> 04:59.499 and he restored buildings from the Republic and from the 04:59.497 --> 05:00.637 Augustan period. 05:00.639 --> 05:02.799 And he looked back, for example, 05:02.800 --> 05:06.080 to the Forum of Caesar in Rome, the Forum Iulium, 05:06.079 --> 05:09.369 which you all know well, and we've talked about it 05:09.367 --> 05:13.997 before, and I'm not going to discuss it in any detail today. 05:14.000 --> 05:15.910 Just to remind you that it began to be restored-- 05:15.910 --> 05:19.040 that is, the Forum of Julius Caesar-- 05:19.040 --> 05:21.450 under Domitian, and that that restoration was 05:21.446 --> 05:24.396 completed by Trajan at some point during his reign, 05:24.399 --> 05:28.039 between 98 and 117 A.D. 05:28.040 --> 05:30.240 And I remind you of that here. 05:30.240 --> 05:34.220 You'll recall its location, right next to the Victor 05:34.223 --> 05:36.413 Emmanuel Monument in Rome. 05:36.410 --> 05:39.560 You'll remember that even though it was restored by 05:39.557 --> 05:42.767 Domitian and Trajan, it has fallen on hard times. 05:42.769 --> 05:45.069 And if you look at the Temple of Venus Genetrix, 05:45.069 --> 05:48.829 you see that all that survives, besides the podium and the 05:48.831 --> 05:51.741 staircase, are three columns from that 05:51.738 --> 05:54.618 restored version, by Trajan. 05:54.620 --> 05:56.790 You see the same three columns over here, 05:56.790 --> 05:59.310 and then you'll recall the great open space, 05:59.310 --> 06:02.890 with colonnades on either side, and then the market area, 06:02.889 --> 06:05.659 the shops or tabernae on the left. 06:05.660 --> 06:11.070 I showed you this view as well, pointing out one of the 06:11.074 --> 06:15.994 architectural blocks that belonged to the restored 06:15.988 --> 06:19.998 building, the building under Trajan. 06:20.000 --> 06:23.100 And you can see that Trajan continues this interest in 06:23.101 --> 06:26.091 ornamentation that was characteristic of the Flavian 06:26.088 --> 06:29.248 period: very ornamental architectural decoration, 06:29.250 --> 06:32.780 very deeply carved, with a strong contrast between 06:32.783 --> 06:34.013 light and dark. 06:34.009 --> 06:38.399 So he does continue this Flavian interest in very 06:38.403 --> 06:41.793 elaborate architectural decoration. 06:41.790 --> 06:45.450 You'll remember that the Temple of Venus Genetrix, 06:45.449 --> 06:49.889 in the Forum of Julius Caesar, had a pediment that had in the 06:49.894 --> 06:54.494 center of that pediment a scene depicting Venus rising from the 06:54.487 --> 06:55.077 sea. 06:55.079 --> 06:58.759 And there is other Venus imagery, and I show you a 06:58.759 --> 07:01.279 detail-- and it's on your Monument 07:01.278 --> 07:05.308 List--I show you a detail of part of a frieze that depicts 07:05.310 --> 07:08.180 cupids-- chubby, winged babies, 07:08.180 --> 07:11.920 as you can see here, cupids--who are carrying the 07:11.918 --> 07:15.568 arms--you can see one of them with a sword sheath over here-- 07:15.569 --> 07:17.509 they are carrying the arms and armor of Mars: 07:17.507 --> 07:19.557 Mars, of course, the consort of 07:19.562 --> 07:23.582 Venus, and Mars making reference also to military victory. 07:23.579 --> 07:26.239 This frieze, as far as we can tell, 07:26.240 --> 07:30.190 does belong to the Trajanic renovation of the building, 07:30.189 --> 07:36.199 but it probably does look back to an earlier Julian frieze that 07:36.201 --> 07:40.081 decorated the original temple in Rome. 07:40.079 --> 07:45.559 And I use that restoration of the Temple of Venus Genetrix, 07:45.560 --> 07:49.220 in the Forum of Julius Caesar, as an example of the kind of 07:49.216 --> 07:51.986 restoration work that Trajan embarked on, 07:51.990 --> 07:54.420 at the beginning of his principate. 07:54.420 --> 07:58.090 But much more important to us today are two buildings, 07:58.089 --> 08:02.599 the first a bath, and the second a forum, 08:02.600 --> 08:07.360 that are examples of the devotion that Trajan had to 08:07.360 --> 08:11.000 public architecture during his reign. 08:11.000 --> 08:15.630 And I show you a view here, in fact, a plan of the 08:15.630 --> 08:21.300 so-called Baths of Trajan in Rome that were dedicated in A.D. 08:21.302 --> 08:22.062 109. 08:22.060 --> 08:23.510 As you can see from the Monument List, 08:23.509 --> 08:25.389 we know the architect in this particular case. 08:25.389 --> 08:27.729 It is Apollodorus of Damascus. 08:27.730 --> 08:32.310 And his name says a lot about him: Apollodorus from Damascus, 08:32.306 --> 08:33.446 modern Syria. 08:33.450 --> 08:35.590 So it's very interesting. 08:35.590 --> 08:39.620 We have an emperor from Spain and an architect from Syria, 08:39.623 --> 08:41.183 who worked together. 08:41.178 --> 08:45.008 This is a sign that things are beginning to change in the Roman 08:45.011 --> 08:48.601 Empire, as the Romans--as Trajan extends those borders even 08:48.597 --> 08:49.337 further. 08:49.340 --> 08:53.920 It brings in even more multifaceted civilizations 08:53.923 --> 08:58.413 around the world, and talent begins to pour into 08:58.412 --> 09:01.662 Rome from all of those places. 09:01.658 --> 09:04.258 Apollodorus of Damascus, as we'll see today, 09:04.259 --> 09:07.949 was an extraordinary architect, right up there with Severus and 09:07.952 --> 09:09.482 Celer, and with Rabirius: 09:09.482 --> 09:12.412 in fact, one could argue even the equal of Rabirius. 09:12.408 --> 09:16.568 And what's particularly interesting is that Apollodorus 09:16.565 --> 09:19.335 of Damascus, like Severus and Celer before 09:19.341 --> 09:23.031 him, appears to have been, above all, a great engineer. 09:23.028 --> 09:29.128 He actually accompanied Trajan on Trajan's military campaigns, 09:29.134 --> 09:33.544 and served as Trajan's military architect. 09:33.538 --> 09:36.468 So his first commissions were building bridges-- 09:36.470 --> 09:39.300 I'm going to show you a reference to one today-- 09:39.298 --> 09:42.808 building bridges, or building forts and camps on 09:42.812 --> 09:48.142 Trajan's military campaigns, and then using that expertise, 09:48.138 --> 09:52.148 ingratiating himself with the emperor, 09:52.149 --> 09:54.699 who sees that he is enormously talented-- 09:54.700 --> 09:59.020 because Trajan participated in these campaigns himself-- 09:59.019 --> 10:02.119 seeing how talented he was, and then putting him in charge 10:02.120 --> 10:04.080 of his building projects in Rome, 10:04.080 --> 10:06.070 which is really quite interesting. 10:06.070 --> 10:10.740 And so these projects are not only aesthetically pleasing and 10:10.740 --> 10:13.920 fascinating, but also show extraordinary 10:13.916 --> 10:17.926 engineering skill on the part of the major designer, 10:17.929 --> 10:20.689 namely Apollodorus of Damascus. 10:20.690 --> 10:24.720 Now these Baths of Trajan are very interesting in all kinds of 10:24.716 --> 10:25.176 ways. 10:25.178 --> 10:27.908 You can already see, by looking at the plan, 10:27.909 --> 10:28.989 their location. 10:28.990 --> 10:33.280 They are located on the Esquiline Hill and part of the 10:33.275 --> 10:36.995 Oppian Hill, which I don't think I've mentioned 10:36.995 --> 10:40.955 before--O-p-p-i-a-n, the smaller Oppian Hill. 10:40.960 --> 10:45.930 And the Baths of Titus--well let me remind you first that the 10:45.928 --> 10:51.228 Domus Aurea of Nero was built, in part, on the Esquiline Hill. 10:51.230 --> 10:54.050 And you'll recall the so-called Esquiline Wing, 10:54.047 --> 10:57.477 which is the one wing of Nero's Domus Aurea that is still 10:57.476 --> 10:59.066 preserved underground. 10:59.070 --> 11:03.540 You'll recall that after Nero's damnatio memoriae, 11:03.538 --> 11:06.728 and the coming to power of the Flavian dynasty, 11:06.730 --> 11:10.470 that Vespasian and Titus, and even Domitian, 11:10.470 --> 11:14.670 razed to the ground Nero's buildings-- 11:14.668 --> 11:18.958 Vespasian did that--and then he and Titus and Domitian built new 11:18.962 --> 11:21.012 buildings, on top of those, 11:21.009 --> 11:24.709 and chose to make those buildings the kind of public 11:24.710 --> 11:28.700 buildings that the citizenry as a whole would enjoy; 11:28.700 --> 11:33.290 from the Colosseum and amphitheater to the Baths of 11:33.285 --> 11:34.015 Titus. 11:34.019 --> 11:37.989 And you see again the Baths of Titus here, located right again 11:37.994 --> 11:41.454 on top of this area that originally belonged to Nero's 11:41.447 --> 11:42.487 Domus Aurea. 11:42.490 --> 11:44.340 Trajan follows suit. 11:44.340 --> 11:46.360 He not only is interested in public architecture, 11:46.360 --> 11:48.370 like Vespasian and Titus before him, 11:48.370 --> 11:52.740 but he follows their lead in building these buildings on top 11:52.738 --> 11:57.888 of earlier structures, now destroyed, of Nero. 11:57.889 --> 12:01.319 So it's again this same message, giving back to the 12:01.317 --> 12:05.497 people the land that Nero had taken illegally from Rome during 12:05.500 --> 12:06.460 his reign. 12:06.460 --> 12:09.780 The Baths of Trajan are based, in large part, 12:09.783 --> 12:14.093 on the plan of the Baths of Titus, with some additions. 12:14.090 --> 12:18.190 But you can see the extraordinary difference in 12:18.187 --> 12:18.897 scale. 12:18.899 --> 12:23.429 The Baths of Titus were not small, and yet the Baths of 12:23.433 --> 12:27.303 Trajan are at least three, if not four or more, 12:27.297 --> 12:30.737 times the size of the Baths of Titus. 12:30.740 --> 12:34.740 So this tells us something again about the grandiosity of 12:34.744 --> 12:38.414 the vision of Trajan, about the funds that he had at 12:38.413 --> 12:40.593 his disposal, and he got those funds, 12:40.592 --> 12:42.872 in large part, because of all these military 12:42.865 --> 12:45.785 victories in which he took all kinds of spoils and booty, 12:45.788 --> 12:49.628 which he used to fund his building campaigns in Rome. 12:49.629 --> 12:52.279 And it also tells us something about his ambitions. 12:52.279 --> 12:55.129 Now I don't want you to get the impression that we never had big 12:55.129 --> 12:55.989 buildings before. 12:55.990 --> 12:58.940 You can think back way to the beginning of the semester when 12:58.940 --> 13:01.640 we talked about Julius Caesar and his architecture, 13:01.639 --> 13:04.509 and his bragging that he had built a-- 13:04.509 --> 13:08.139 or one of the authors of that period tells us that Julius 13:08.139 --> 13:10.539 Caesar had built a Temple to Mars, 13:10.539 --> 13:12.109 the biggest in the world. 13:12.110 --> 13:15.570 So in its own day it was, supposedly, the biggest in the 13:15.567 --> 13:16.067 world. 13:19.441 --> 13:19.951 scale. 13:19.950 --> 13:24.010 And I think--perhaps again I'm psychoanalyzing Trajan too 13:24.009 --> 13:26.699 much-- but I think the fact that this 13:26.697 --> 13:29.857 is a man who had the ambitions that he did, 13:29.860 --> 13:32.910 to extend the Empire to its furthest reaches, 13:32.908 --> 13:37.558 seems to be in keeping with the kind of man who would want to 13:37.556 --> 13:41.036 make the buildings in Rome, that he built, 13:41.038 --> 13:45.338 a kind of microcosm of that hugely expanded Empire. 13:45.340 --> 13:47.330 With regard to the plan of the baths, 13:47.330 --> 13:51.780 you will see that it follows the so-called Imperial Bath type 13:51.783 --> 13:55.053 that was initiated by the Baths of Titus, 13:55.048 --> 13:58.128 at least with regard to baths that are still preserved. 13:58.129 --> 14:00.419 I mentioned to you, when we talked about the Baths 14:00.418 --> 14:02.718 of Titus, there may have been an earlier 14:02.722 --> 14:06.102 bath of Nero that actually followed this same Imperial Bath 14:06.095 --> 14:06.555 form. 14:06.558 --> 14:09.058 But we're not absolutely sure about its plan, 14:09.062 --> 14:10.772 that is, the Neronian Baths. 14:10.769 --> 14:12.419 They existed, but we're not absolutely sure 14:12.422 --> 14:13.172 about their plan. 14:13.168 --> 14:16.418 But if we look back at the Baths of Titus, 14:16.418 --> 14:19.468 you'll remember that what made them distinctive, 14:19.470 --> 14:22.980 and what made them differ from the earlier Stabian Baths or 14:22.984 --> 14:26.004 Forum Baths at Pompeii, was the way in which they 14:25.995 --> 14:28.345 placed the bathing block in the center, 14:28.350 --> 14:33.940 rather than to the side; that they arranged the main 14:33.943 --> 14:40.393 rooms--the tepidarium, the frigidarium and the 14:40.394 --> 14:43.094 caldaria, in this case--in axial 14:43.089 --> 14:45.039 relationship to one another. 14:45.038 --> 14:48.888 And then all the other rooms of the bath were displayed around 14:48.886 --> 14:50.776 those, in a symmetrical way. 14:50.779 --> 14:56.009 So axiality and symmetry reigned supreme. 14:56.009 --> 14:58.429 And then otherwise we saw here the rest of the precinct, 14:58.431 --> 15:00.281 with an elaborate entranceway over here. 15:00.278 --> 15:04.388 We see roughly the same in the Baths of Trajan, 15:04.389 --> 15:08.689 in that again the bathing block is located right at the center 15:08.690 --> 15:13.290 of the structure, and the main rooms are aligned 15:13.287 --> 15:16.047 with one another axially. 15:16.048 --> 15:18.658 If you look up to where it says Baths of Trajan that at the 15:18.658 --> 15:20.728 northern end is the entrance into the baths. 15:20.730 --> 15:23.360 You enter from there, into N, which is a 15:23.357 --> 15:26.687 natatio or swimming pool; a piscina. 15:26.690 --> 15:30.180 And then you can see that is surrounded by columns. 15:30.178 --> 15:34.728 On axis with the swimming pool is the frigidarium, 15:34.730 --> 15:38.900 at F, and you can see, just like that of the Baths of 15:38.898 --> 15:42.188 Titus, it is a groin-vaulted room: 15:42.187 --> 15:46.327 a triple groin vaulted room, as you can see by the three x's 15:46.332 --> 15:47.462 over the rectangular area. 15:47.460 --> 15:52.760 It has a kind of an apse or exedra at the uppermost part, 15:52.759 --> 15:55.909 through which one comes from the natatio into the 15:55.908 --> 15:58.428 frigidarium, and you can see that is 15:58.428 --> 15:59.578 screened by columns. 15:59.580 --> 16:01.700 Then from there into the fairly simple, 16:01.700 --> 16:04.540 rectangularly shaped tepidarium, 16:04.538 --> 16:07.628 that serves more as a kind of passageway from the 16:07.631 --> 16:10.871 frigidarium, into C, which of course is the 16:10.874 --> 16:13.614 caldarium, or the warmest room, 16:13.606 --> 16:15.496 the sauna of the baths. 16:15.500 --> 16:19.370 That also has a rectangular shape, but with these radiating 16:19.365 --> 16:23.495 alcoves, radiating alcoves that we're going to see are screened 16:23.500 --> 16:24.500 by columns. 16:24.500 --> 16:27.600 And they are, of course, facing the southern 16:27.601 --> 16:30.201 end where the sun is, and that would, 16:30.197 --> 16:34.307 of course, help to heat the caldarium as well. 16:34.308 --> 16:37.678 And then what we see though with regard to the Baths of 16:37.683 --> 16:40.383 Trajan, that make them differ from the 16:40.378 --> 16:43.538 Baths of Titus, and are part of this evolution 16:43.542 --> 16:46.202 of Imperial Bath architecture in Rome, 16:46.200 --> 16:50.660 is the fact that the bathing block is placed in this very 16:50.659 --> 16:52.969 large rectangular precinct. 16:52.970 --> 16:56.840 And this large rectangular precinct has a series of rooms 16:56.836 --> 17:00.766 around it, as you can see, real rooms, and rooms that take 17:00.772 --> 17:02.432 all kinds of shapes. 17:02.428 --> 17:07.128 Many of them are these hemicycle type shapes, 17:07.130 --> 17:13.360 screened with columns from the larger central space, 17:13.358 --> 17:16.978 but some of them also look like the tabernae that we've 17:16.977 --> 17:18.457 become used to in plan. 17:18.460 --> 17:21.680 We see all of those there, and these were used, 17:21.680 --> 17:24.760 as far as we can determine, as meeting halls, 17:24.759 --> 17:27.909 lecture halls, Greek and Latin libraries. 17:27.910 --> 17:31.070 So there's this extension of the bath, 17:31.068 --> 17:35.348 from being just a place where you went for wellness 17:35.354 --> 17:39.404 essentially, to bathe and to relax and to 17:39.400 --> 17:43.640 have social interaction with your friends. 17:43.640 --> 17:48.870 They are adding an intellectual element to the bath buildings, 17:48.868 --> 17:51.618 so that you can also go there if you want to read-- 17:51.618 --> 17:53.698 if you want to go to the library and read Greek books, 17:53.700 --> 17:56.430 read Latin books--go to lectures, go to seminars, 17:56.430 --> 17:59.610 have conversations, intellectual conversations, 17:59.608 --> 18:03.038 are also beginning to happen here. 18:03.038 --> 18:06.048 So the bath becomes even more of a mecca for people who are 18:06.051 --> 18:12.011 interested in intellectual life, as well as bathing and social 18:12.009 --> 18:14.059 life, which is a very important 18:14.064 --> 18:15.714 development culturally for the Romans. 18:15.710 --> 18:18.370 Note here also this great hemicycle, 18:18.368 --> 18:21.718 down here, which is part of the bath building -- 18:21.720 --> 18:26.140 a hemicycle that had seats on it, which probably served for 18:26.143 --> 18:30.533 performances of whatever kind, that would have taken place 18:30.532 --> 18:30.952 here. 18:30.950 --> 18:34.650 So that's another interesting addition to the bathing scene, 18:34.650 --> 18:37.980 and should you remind you of the kind of hemicycles that we 18:37.978 --> 18:39.188 saw, for example, 18:39.186 --> 18:42.886 in the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia at Palestrina, 18:42.890 --> 18:45.640 or the Sanctuary of Hercules at Tivoli, 18:45.640 --> 18:48.520 where they also had those performance areas. 18:48.519 --> 18:55.069 So bringing in some of those elements from sanctuary design, 18:55.067 --> 19:00.727 into bath design, in the Baths of Trajan in Rome. 19:00.730 --> 19:04.400 The Baths of Trajan, some parts of them still exist, 19:04.400 --> 19:08.060 but scattered, and in fact they are located 19:08.060 --> 19:11.810 now in a kind of a pleasant garden area, 19:11.809 --> 19:13.049 as you can see here. 19:13.048 --> 19:17.328 This is a Google Earth view that shows you their proximity 19:17.332 --> 19:19.722 to the Colosseum; we see the edge of the 19:19.721 --> 19:20.641 Colosseum over here. 19:20.640 --> 19:23.400 So the Esquiline Hill, in large part. 19:23.400 --> 19:25.970 And you can just barely make out here-- 19:25.970 --> 19:28.260 if you look, see this curved wall, 19:28.258 --> 19:30.868 down here, that curved wall is in fact 19:30.865 --> 19:34.155 that hemicycle with the-- for the theatrical performances 19:34.156 --> 19:36.896 that I showed you, just before. 19:36.900 --> 19:40.020 And that is actually the entrance -- for anyone going to 19:40.015 --> 19:42.675 Rome over break, that's actually the entrance to 19:42.676 --> 19:43.806 the Domus Aurea. 19:43.808 --> 19:46.568 If it's open--it periodically closes, sometimes, 19:46.570 --> 19:49.160 if things are falling down--but if it's open, 19:49.156 --> 19:50.916 that's how one gets there. 19:50.920 --> 19:53.940 And over here you can actually see this is the-- 19:53.940 --> 19:56.130 I may have shown this to you before-- 19:56.130 --> 20:00.340 but this is actually the oculus of the octagonal 20:00.338 --> 20:02.598 room of Nero's Domus Aurea. 20:02.598 --> 20:04.378 You can see it, if you wander through this 20:04.382 --> 20:06.342 park, you can see it from above, 20:06.337 --> 20:09.487 with a grate on top of it, as well as down below, 20:09.490 --> 20:11.560 if you visit the palace itself. 20:11.558 --> 20:13.798 And then up here, you can see another-- 20:13.798 --> 20:16.898 just right up above my finger--you can see another 20:16.900 --> 20:19.520 curved wall, and there's another one 20:19.516 --> 20:24.706 somewhere down here, that are part of those curved 20:24.707 --> 20:28.727 rooms, those hemicycle-shaped rooms, 20:28.730 --> 20:34.790 that are these lecture halls and meeting halls and so on. 20:34.788 --> 20:37.648 And actually that one, the one that's up here, 20:37.650 --> 20:42.870 actually has niches in the wall, with shelves, 20:42.868 --> 20:46.748 which indicates to us that that was used as one of the 20:46.750 --> 20:47.630 libraries. 20:47.630 --> 20:50.350 The scrolls would have been placed on those shelves, 20:50.353 --> 20:52.653 and then have cupboards in front of them. 20:52.650 --> 20:56.200 So one can see remains--it's made out of concrete, 20:56.204 --> 21:00.854 faced with brick--one can see remains on the top of that hill. 21:00.848 --> 21:03.978 But a model over here gives you a better sense of what it looked 21:03.983 --> 21:04.983 like in antiquity. 21:04.980 --> 21:08.160 We're again looking at that large hemicycle that served, 21:08.160 --> 21:11.110 with its seats that served for performances here. 21:11.108 --> 21:13.528 We're looking at the outer precinct wall. 21:13.528 --> 21:17.178 We can see the semi-domes of some of the hemicycles here. 21:17.180 --> 21:20.470 And we can also see the bathing block; 21:20.470 --> 21:23.230 at the uppermost part, the entranceway; 21:23.230 --> 21:25.380 the courtyard, surrounded by columns, 21:25.377 --> 21:28.717 which is where the pool or natatio was located. 21:28.720 --> 21:32.880 The covered area here was the frigidarium; 21:32.880 --> 21:34.350 then the tepidarium. 21:34.348 --> 21:36.708 The caldarium is here, and here you can see those 21:36.709 --> 21:38.679 radiating alcoves, with columns, 21:38.682 --> 21:42.482 that opened them up for vistas and the like, 21:42.480 --> 21:45.310 as well as to the warmth of the sun. 21:45.308 --> 21:49.398 So an incredible bathing establishment, 21:49.400 --> 21:53.690 and one that has taken us a step further in the evolution of 21:53.688 --> 21:56.448 imperial bath architecture in Rome, 21:56.450 --> 22:01.070 and will serve as the major model for the two most famous 22:01.065 --> 22:04.605 and much better preserved baths in Rome, 22:04.608 --> 22:07.128 and that is the Baths of Caracalla and the Baths of 22:07.125 --> 22:09.815 Diocletian, which we'll look at later in 22:09.823 --> 22:10.823 the semester. 22:10.818 --> 22:15.408 But I'd like to turn from the Trajanic baths to unquestionably 22:15.406 --> 22:19.536 the most important public building that was commissioned 22:19.542 --> 22:23.652 by Trajan during his reign, and I can't overemphasize 22:23.654 --> 22:27.824 enough the importance of this building in the history of Roman 22:27.817 --> 22:28.907 architecture. 22:28.910 --> 22:33.390 And we're going to see that it is two part, in the sense that 22:33.394 --> 22:36.844 it has--it is a forum, it has the forum proper, 22:36.835 --> 22:40.045 and it also has markets appended to it. 22:40.048 --> 22:42.058 They are done in a different architectural style, 22:42.058 --> 22:43.648 and herald something very important; 22:43.650 --> 22:48.410 a very important development in Roman architecture that's going 22:48.410 --> 22:52.020 to be carried further by Trajan's successors. 22:52.019 --> 22:56.599 What we're looking at here is a spectacular aerial view of the 22:56.595 --> 23:00.865 part of Rome in which the Forum of Trajan finds itself. 23:00.868 --> 23:05.078 We are looking at buildings that we have looked at before; 23:05.079 --> 23:06.749 so we can get our bearings. 23:06.750 --> 23:09.590 This is, of course, the wedding cake of Victor 23:09.590 --> 23:10.980 Emmanuel, over here. 23:10.980 --> 23:14.820 You can see a part of the oval piazza, designed by 23:14.817 --> 23:17.557 Michelangelo, of the Campidoglio. 23:17.558 --> 23:22.578 You can also see--what's this, down here? 23:22.579 --> 23:26.189 23:26.190 --> 23:26.570 Forum? 23:26.569 --> 23:28.409 Student: The Julian. 23:28.410 --> 23:31.700 Prof: The Julian Forum, the Forum of Julius Caesar, 23:31.701 --> 23:35.051 much lower ground level than the rest of the city today. 23:35.048 --> 23:37.288 And you can actually see those three columns, 23:37.288 --> 23:39.628 from the temple, that I showed you just before, 23:39.630 --> 23:42.430 as well as the tabernae of the Julian Forum. 23:42.430 --> 23:47.040 And note the relationship of the Julian Forum to the Trajanic 23:47.035 --> 23:47.645 Forum. 23:47.650 --> 23:50.290 He's restoring Julius Caesar's Forum, at the same time he's 23:50.286 --> 23:51.146 building his own. 23:51.150 --> 23:56.510 I can also show you here--if you look right above my hand you 23:56.511 --> 24:01.251 can see the Piazza Venezia and the Palazzo Venezia. 24:01.250 --> 24:03.400 If you look at the center of that building, 24:03.397 --> 24:05.647 right over the doorway, there's a balcony. 24:05.650 --> 24:08.550 That is the famous Mussolini balcony; 24:08.548 --> 24:12.298 that's the balcony from which Mussolini made all his speeches, 24:12.295 --> 24:15.545 with his followers gathering in the Piazza Venezia. 24:15.548 --> 24:18.278 And from that, from the Piazza Venezia, 24:18.278 --> 24:22.338 the street that goes from there to the Piazza del Popolo, 24:22.338 --> 24:24.588 is the Corso, the racecourse, 24:24.585 --> 24:27.605 the Corso of Rome, which is one of the major 24:27.606 --> 24:29.306 streets of Rome, one of the major shopping 24:29.307 --> 24:30.847 streets of Rome, as well as one of the major 24:30.849 --> 24:33.339 thoroughfares, that takes you--if you go down 24:33.338 --> 24:34.828 halfway, take a right, 24:34.827 --> 24:39.187 you are at the Via Condotti, and ultimately at the Piazza di 24:39.189 --> 24:41.219 Spagna, or the Spanish Steps, 24:41.221 --> 24:44.731 which of course is a trek that everybody who visits Rome 24:44.733 --> 24:48.223 follows that path, to see the Spanish Steps. 24:48.220 --> 24:52.900 Over here, the forum that we're going to be talking about today, 24:52.895 --> 24:54.525 the Forum of Trajan. 24:54.529 --> 24:58.319 Much of that forum is underground, and some of it was 24:58.317 --> 25:01.297 turned into a garden, as you can see here: 25:01.303 --> 25:04.293 a pleasant park, as you can see here. 25:04.288 --> 25:08.038 Here we are looking at some of the columns from the Basilica 25:08.036 --> 25:11.466 that's part of that forum, from the very well-preserved 25:11.465 --> 25:12.795 Column of Trajan. 25:12.798 --> 25:17.938 And also over here we'll see the markets of the forum. 25:17.940 --> 25:21.010 But I just wanted you to get your bearings again in terms of 25:21.013 --> 25:24.513 where it's situated in Rome, and what it looks like today 25:24.510 --> 25:27.610 from the air, although it is changing all the 25:27.614 --> 25:28.024 time. 25:28.019 --> 25:30.449 And I wanted to show you a Google Earth image as well, 25:30.446 --> 25:33.326 because this is much more up to date than the aerial view that I 25:33.333 --> 25:34.573 showed you just before. 25:34.568 --> 25:37.618 And you'll see the same buildings. 25:37.618 --> 25:40.388 You'll see the Victor Emmanuel Monument, and you'll see part of 25:40.385 --> 25:41.185 the Campidoglio. 25:41.190 --> 25:44.850 You'll see the Mussolini balcony and the Corso, 25:44.853 --> 25:48.913 and you'll see the Column of Trajan, and part of the 25:48.913 --> 25:49.953 Basilica. 25:49.950 --> 25:54.480 But what you see here is that park has been replaced by 25:54.482 --> 25:58.012 structures, because they are excavating. 25:58.009 --> 26:01.519 I've mentioned this before, they are excavating more of 26:01.516 --> 26:04.956 this now, with the hope of someday rejoining the Roman 26:04.957 --> 26:07.097 Forum with the Imperial Fora. 26:07.098 --> 26:10.238 That may not be able to happen, because of traffic concerns, 26:10.238 --> 26:13.428 but it is certainly something that's on the drawing board. 26:13.430 --> 26:16.500 And at the very least, right now, without narrowing 26:16.497 --> 26:19.127 the street, the main Via dei Fori Imperiali, 26:19.134 --> 26:22.084 they are doing excavation in that park area. 26:22.078 --> 26:24.198 And you can see what they've brought up. 26:24.200 --> 26:27.320 This is not ancient, it's actually mostly Medieval 26:27.317 --> 26:27.887 houses. 26:27.890 --> 26:30.700 I hope--I felt there are no Medievalists among you-- 26:30.700 --> 26:32.800 but I hope they'll eventually realize that these are-- 26:32.798 --> 26:37.268 well, who's to say?--that they should probably remove these as 26:37.268 --> 26:41.368 well and take us back to the original Forum of Trajan; 26:41.369 --> 26:43.079 I hope that happens someday. 26:43.079 --> 26:43.769 They're not very distinctive. 26:43.769 --> 26:46.039 If one looks at them, they're just mainly rectangular 26:46.039 --> 26:46.389 rooms. 26:46.390 --> 26:48.940 But nonetheless they're at that Medieval level now, 26:48.944 --> 26:51.764 and the question is whether they're going to go down any 26:51.756 --> 26:52.366 further. 26:52.368 --> 26:54.888 But here you can see, not only the remains of the 26:54.886 --> 26:57.506 Forum of Trajan, but also the Forum of Augustus. 26:57.509 --> 27:01.099 Here's the Temple of Mars Ultor -- that great precinct wall that 27:01.102 --> 27:03.842 divided it from the Subura, also visible here. 27:03.838 --> 27:07.928 And here we see the great hemicycle that we'll look at 27:07.928 --> 27:11.628 today of Trajan's Forum, behind it the Markets of 27:11.631 --> 27:12.481 Trajan. 27:12.480 --> 27:16.470 It's important for us to look back at the general plan of the 27:16.465 --> 27:19.055 Imperial Fora, to see where the Forum of 27:19.057 --> 27:20.317 Trajan fits in. 27:20.318 --> 27:23.628 We have already looked at the Forum of Julius Caesar, 27:23.628 --> 27:25.918 with its Temple of Venus Genetrix. 27:25.920 --> 27:28.830 We have looked at the Forum of Augustus, with its Temple of 27:28.827 --> 27:29.477 Mars Ultor. 27:29.480 --> 27:32.100 Remember the exedrae on either side of that temple, 27:32.098 --> 27:35.558 the embracing arms, that were new at that time, 27:35.558 --> 27:38.448 and an important component of the Forum of Augustus. 27:38.450 --> 27:41.850 Vespasian adds his Forum Pacis over here. 27:41.848 --> 27:46.178 Domitian adds a narrow forum, the so-called Forum 27:46.182 --> 27:51.332 Transitorium that served as a point of transit between the 27:51.328 --> 27:54.578 Roman Forum and the Subura here. 27:54.578 --> 27:59.948 He puts a temple to his patron goddess, Minerva, 27:59.951 --> 28:01.781 in that forum. 28:01.778 --> 28:06.268 But it is, at his death, it is taken over by Nerva and 28:06.265 --> 28:08.715 renamed the Forum of Nerva. 28:08.720 --> 28:12.060 I mentioned to you, when we talked about the Forum 28:12.061 --> 28:14.991 Transitorium, that Domitian also had his eye 28:14.994 --> 28:17.114 on this property over here. 28:17.108 --> 28:22.468 He had schemes as grandiose for public architecture, 28:22.470 --> 28:26.010 at one point, as for palatial architecture, 28:26.009 --> 28:28.559 but palatial architecture won out and he put all of his effort 28:28.556 --> 28:30.726 into the palace, on the Palatine Hill, 28:30.733 --> 28:34.033 and never realized any construction in this area. 28:34.029 --> 28:38.089 When Trajan became emperor, he decided that he would again 28:38.093 --> 28:42.373 focus on public architecture, and that he would build a forum 28:42.371 --> 28:44.511 like none other before it. 28:44.509 --> 28:48.009 And so he begins to do that. 28:48.009 --> 28:51.239 Now that was no small feat in this particular part of the 28:51.236 --> 28:54.516 city, because most of this area was occupied by a hill; 28:54.519 --> 28:58.779 the so-called Quirinal--Q-u-i-r-i-n-a-l--the 28:58.779 --> 29:03.139 Quirinal Hill, in Rome, occupied most of this 29:03.138 --> 29:04.128 space. 29:04.130 --> 29:07.540 So what he needed to do--it's great to have an architect 29:07.536 --> 29:10.816 engineer in your back pocket, so he set Apollodorus of 29:10.818 --> 29:12.118 Damascus to work. 29:12.118 --> 29:15.008 He said: "You're a great engineer. 29:15.009 --> 29:17.649 All you need to do is take down a good part of the Quirinal 29:17.646 --> 29:20.006 Hill, to make way for this great forum that I want to 29:20.011 --> 29:20.741 build." 29:20.740 --> 29:23.970 And lo and behold, Apollodorus was absolutely up 29:23.974 --> 29:27.834 to the job, and that's exactly what he sets out to do. 29:27.828 --> 29:32.718 He removes 125 feet of the Quirinal Hill, 29:32.721 --> 29:38.471 in order to make way for the Forum of Trajan. 29:38.470 --> 29:42.100 And that very number, 125 feet, is actually 29:42.096 --> 29:45.546 commemorated in the Column of Trajan, 29:45.548 --> 29:48.398 because the Column of Trajan was built to that very same 29:48.401 --> 29:50.261 height, 125 feet, to show you, 29:50.260 --> 29:54.610 as you stand in the forum, how much of that hill had to be 29:54.613 --> 29:58.453 cut back in order to make way for the forum. 29:58.450 --> 30:02.230 You can see by looking at this plan of the Imperial Fora as a 30:02.231 --> 30:04.001 whole-- and this is--not only did 30:04.001 --> 30:06.311 Trajan take the Empire to its furthest extent, 30:06.308 --> 30:11.298 this is the last forum that was added to the Imperial Fora, 30:11.299 --> 30:12.569 in Rome. 30:12.568 --> 30:15.078 You can see, by looking at it in connection 30:15.082 --> 30:17.562 to the others, that if you count it, 30:17.558 --> 30:20.628 plus the markets-- which you see wending their way 30:20.625 --> 30:23.605 up what was left of the Quirinal Hill here in plan-- 30:23.608 --> 30:27.518 if you compare that to the others, you can see that the 30:27.522 --> 30:30.512 Forum of Trajan, and the Markets of Trajan, 30:30.511 --> 30:33.491 were almost as large as all of the other fora-- 30:33.490 --> 30:36.310 not counting the Roman Forum--but all of the other 30:36.311 --> 30:39.771 Imperial Fora together, which gives you some sense of 30:39.768 --> 30:43.548 why I called this "The Mother of All Forums." 30:43.548 --> 30:45.698 Now we're going to look at the plan of this, 30:45.703 --> 30:48.663 and I'm going to show you an individual plan in a moment. 30:48.660 --> 30:51.130 But what I want to say, while this is still on the 30:51.125 --> 30:53.875 screen, is that I want you to look at 30:53.877 --> 30:58.447 the exedrae that you see on either side of the main space of 30:58.453 --> 31:00.773 the forum, and on either side of the 31:00.772 --> 31:01.762 basilica over here. 31:01.759 --> 31:04.099 These are not coincidental. 31:04.098 --> 31:08.228 They are certainly meant to make reference to the exedrae of 31:08.230 --> 31:09.490 Augustus' forum. 31:09.490 --> 31:11.690 Trajan modeled himself after Augustus. 31:11.690 --> 31:14.080 He became a kind of neo-Augustus. 31:14.078 --> 31:17.338 He took on Augustus' hairstyle and his manners, 31:17.335 --> 31:20.235 and so he was trying to associate himself, 31:20.236 --> 31:22.426 in his life, with Augustus. 31:22.430 --> 31:25.770 He's doing it here also, through architecture, 31:25.772 --> 31:29.862 by placing those exedrae on either side of his forum. 31:29.858 --> 31:34.418 Here's a plan of the forum itself, on the left-hand side of 31:34.419 --> 31:38.899 the screen, where we can see all of its major features. 31:38.900 --> 31:41.390 You'd enter into the forum down here. 31:41.390 --> 31:45.680 There was a very elaborate entranceway, here. 31:48.574 --> 31:50.914 straight, but convex, convex: 31:57.824 --> 31:58.824 over here. 31:58.818 --> 32:02.568 The entrance into the main part of the forum, 32:02.568 --> 32:04.528 rectangular in shape. 32:04.528 --> 32:08.018 There's a base here for an equestrian statue of Trajan. 32:08.019 --> 32:11.939 The exedrae on either side, mimicking those of the Forum of 32:11.944 --> 32:12.694 Augustus. 32:12.690 --> 32:16.720 Colonnades, also on either side, and some additional 32:16.722 --> 32:17.912 columns here. 32:17.910 --> 32:21.080 And we're going to see that just as in Augustus' forum-- 32:21.078 --> 32:22.958 another reference back to Augustus-- 32:22.960 --> 32:27.670 that the columns in this main area are Corinthian below, 32:27.670 --> 32:29.950 but in the second tier there are figures -- 32:29.950 --> 32:33.250 not figures of caryatids, but different kinds of figures, 32:33.250 --> 32:35.280 and I'm going to show you those soon. 32:35.279 --> 32:40.499 Over here the basilica, which is perpendicular to the 32:40.502 --> 32:42.012 forum proper. 32:42.009 --> 32:44.569 This is quite different from the Forum at Pompeii, 32:44.566 --> 32:47.166 where you'll remember the basilica was splayed off, 32:47.174 --> 32:48.014 to the side. 32:48.009 --> 32:50.599 Here we have it as a more integral part of the forum, 32:50.598 --> 32:52.738 and perpendicular to the main space here. 32:52.740 --> 32:55.040 It's a very large basilica. 32:55.038 --> 32:57.688 It takes the name of Trajan's family. 32:57.690 --> 33:01.680 His family name was Ulpius, U-l-p-i-u-s. 33:01.680 --> 33:05.700 This is the Basilica Ulpia in Rome, with a central nave, 33:05.702 --> 33:09.072 and side aisles, a couple of side aisles around 33:09.067 --> 33:09.577 it. 33:09.578 --> 33:14.208 So a veritable forest of columns, and then other exedrae, 33:14.211 --> 33:17.021 matching exedrae, or, in this case, 33:17.023 --> 33:19.013 apses on either end. 33:19.009 --> 33:22.879 Then through here you see the location of the Column of 33:22.875 --> 33:26.305 Trajan, in a small piazza, and to left and right, 33:26.314 --> 33:29.254 libraries, Greek and Latin libraries. 33:29.250 --> 33:31.330 And then at the end, a temple. 33:31.328 --> 33:34.108 We don't know what Trajan actually-- 33:34.108 --> 33:39.308 the northern end of the structure was not completed at 33:39.311 --> 33:42.651 Trajan's death, and we don't know if he would 33:42.647 --> 33:43.997 have put a temple there. 33:44.000 --> 33:46.150 It's highly likely, because what forum have we 33:46.151 --> 33:48.161 seen, without a temple at the short end? 33:48.160 --> 33:49.330 They all had them. 33:49.328 --> 33:52.588 So it's a good guess that Trajan had that in mind too. 33:52.588 --> 33:55.188 But the temple that was built there was actually built after 33:55.194 --> 33:56.954 his death, by his successor, 33:56.948 --> 34:00.828 Hadrian: a temple that Hadrian put up to honor Trajan, 34:00.828 --> 34:05.548 and also Trajan's wife, Plotina, P-l-o-t-i-n-a. 34:05.549 --> 34:06.869 Now we know quite a bit. 34:06.868 --> 34:08.588 A lot of the forum, some of the forum, 34:08.585 --> 34:10.855 is still preserved, and we have evidence for other 34:10.860 --> 34:12.670 parts of it that are not preserved. 34:12.670 --> 34:14.580 This entrance gate, down here. 34:14.579 --> 34:17.529 Believe it or not, we have coins that have an 34:17.532 --> 34:20.452 entrance gate on them, and nicely they 34:20.451 --> 34:25.111 say--fortunately they say, down below, FORVMTRAIAN, 34:25.110 --> 34:26.770 Forum of Trajan. 34:26.768 --> 34:29.798 So putting two and two together, we have to go on the 34:29.802 --> 34:33.422 assumption that what we are looking at here is a rendition, 34:33.420 --> 34:37.770 on a coin, of the entrance gate into the Forum of Trajan, 34:37.769 --> 34:39.209 FORVMTRAIAN. 34:39.210 --> 34:42.410 And if we look at it here, we see some interesting things. 34:42.409 --> 34:46.369 We see, first of all, that it has a single arcuation 34:46.369 --> 34:49.009 in the center -- so one doorway. 34:49.010 --> 34:51.740 It has a series of bays, that have in them what we call 34:51.739 --> 34:54.609 aediculae, a-e-d-i-c-u-l-a-e, 34:54.608 --> 34:58.858 aediculae, which are little temple fronts 34:58.860 --> 35:00.760 that are-- niches with little temple 35:00.764 --> 35:02.984 fronts around them, with columns and pediments. 35:02.980 --> 35:06.460 And then you can see statuary, inside those. 35:06.460 --> 35:08.360 So a series of bays, decorated with these 35:08.364 --> 35:09.894 aediculae with statues. 35:09.889 --> 35:15.009 Then a series of circles with blobs in them. 35:15.010 --> 35:17.670 I think those series of circles with blobs in them are probably 35:17.666 --> 35:19.206 portraits represented on shields, 35:19.210 --> 35:23.300 because we have remains of actual portraits on shields from 35:23.304 --> 35:25.144 the inside of the forum. 35:25.139 --> 35:27.439 So that seems to be the case here as well. 35:27.440 --> 35:32.000 And then in the uppermost part, we see that the gate looks very 35:32.003 --> 35:35.263 much like an arch, in the sense that it supports a 35:35.264 --> 35:37.394 quadriga, at the top, and that 35:37.389 --> 35:39.649 quadriga represents two people, 35:39.650 --> 35:42.730 possibly the emperor--again, we're dealing with blobs here; 35:42.730 --> 35:44.250 we have to do the best we can to interpret them-- 35:44.250 --> 35:47.760 but they seem to be probably the emperor, 35:47.760 --> 35:50.770 and possibly Victory crowning him, the way we saw Victory 35:50.768 --> 35:53.698 crowing Titus in his chariot, on his arch. 35:53.699 --> 35:57.499 Six horses in this particular case, and then on either side 35:57.498 --> 36:01.358 trophies, these tree trunks decorated with captured arms and 36:01.364 --> 36:02.024 armor. 36:02.018 --> 36:05.888 And we're not absolutely sure what's surrounding them in this 36:05.893 --> 36:09.253 case, whether they're prisoners or Roman soldiers. 36:09.250 --> 36:13.550 So this gives you a very good idea of the entrance gate into 36:13.550 --> 36:14.790 this structure. 36:14.789 --> 36:17.839 And I also want to point out, if you look very closely at the 36:17.842 --> 36:20.492 columns and the elements above them in the attic, 36:20.489 --> 36:22.299 you can see that the columns project, 36:22.300 --> 36:25.670 and the attic seems to have projecting entablatures. 36:25.670 --> 36:29.330 So it looks as if we have the kind of scheme here that we saw 36:29.329 --> 36:32.889 in the Forum Transitorium, with that wall decorated with 36:32.894 --> 36:35.314 columns that project out of the wall, 36:35.309 --> 36:37.479 and that have projecting entablature, 36:37.480 --> 36:40.630 giving this undulation--undulating movement 36:40.632 --> 36:44.592 from projecting to receding, projecting to receding, 36:47.929 --> 36:53.279 The figures that were located on the upper tier of the 36:53.280 --> 36:57.320 center-- of the main body of this forum 36:57.315 --> 37:00.975 again were not caryatids, or female figures, 37:00.983 --> 37:03.503 but rather male figures: male figures of captured 37:03.500 --> 37:06.570 Dacians, because the war that Trajan 37:06.568 --> 37:11.088 had, that enabled him to celebrate and to fund this 37:11.085 --> 37:14.615 building, was his wars against the 37:14.619 --> 37:16.979 Dacians, D-a-c-i-a-n-s. 37:16.980 --> 37:21.010 Dacia, ancient Dacia, modern Romania today. 37:21.010 --> 37:24.350 Trajan had two military campaigns there, 37:24.346 --> 37:29.476 one from 102 to--excuse me, the first one from 101 to 102; 37:29.480 --> 37:32.910 the second one from 105 to 107. 37:32.909 --> 37:37.909 He was victorious in both of those, and this forum was built 37:37.914 --> 37:42.754 from the spoils of that war, to honor his victory over the 37:42.751 --> 37:43.771 Dacians. 37:43.768 --> 37:47.378 And we see therefore that the figures that are in the 37:47.382 --> 37:50.512 uppermost tier, of the main body of the forum, 37:50.510 --> 37:53.220 are depictions of captured Dacians; 37:53.219 --> 37:56.559 of Dacian prisoners brought back to Rome. 37:56.559 --> 37:58.129 You see two of them here. 37:58.130 --> 38:01.200 Here a headless figure, here a much more complete 38:01.202 --> 38:01.782 figure. 38:01.780 --> 38:04.780 The headless figure still can be seen on the site, 38:04.777 --> 38:08.267 and the one on the left-hand side of the screen now in the 38:08.266 --> 38:09.976 Vatican Museums in Rome. 38:09.980 --> 38:12.420 The one on the left gives you a better sense of what these 38:12.422 --> 38:13.582 looked like in antiquity. 38:13.579 --> 38:15.009 You can tell that these are not Romans; 38:15.010 --> 38:18.860 wearing leggings, a tunic, a fringed mantle, 38:18.856 --> 38:23.686 that the Romans did not wear, a long fringed mantle. 38:23.690 --> 38:25.860 And then above you see that he has, 38:25.860 --> 38:31.230 unlike Trajan's closely cropped Augustan-type hairstyle, 38:31.230 --> 38:35.200 you can see he has very long hair, and also a beard, 38:35.199 --> 38:37.869 and this identifies him as a very different-- 38:37.869 --> 38:42.329 sort of boots that seem to be made out of suede or felt of 38:42.329 --> 38:43.269 some sort. 38:43.268 --> 38:45.408 So a very different kind of image. 38:45.409 --> 38:48.959 Clearly these are again the Dacian prisoners, 38:48.958 --> 38:52.748 one after another, aligning that second tier. 38:52.750 --> 38:56.010 And for any of you interested in the fact that the Romans made 38:56.010 --> 38:57.990 nearly exact duplicates of things, 38:57.989 --> 39:01.159 mechanical copies, you can see in this particular 39:01.159 --> 39:03.319 statue-- we rarely have this preserved, 39:03.315 --> 39:05.755 so it's an interesting example of these points-- 39:05.760 --> 39:08.310 you see these little excess pieces of marble. 39:08.309 --> 39:12.399 The Romans had created a kind of pointing machine, 39:12.396 --> 39:16.896 which they used to make exact replicas of originals. 39:16.900 --> 39:19.540 And they usually, when the statue was done, 39:19.541 --> 39:22.311 they would usually obviously take these away, 39:22.307 --> 39:24.947 carve them away, which they didn't do. 39:24.949 --> 39:28.039 This one probably was not used, for some reason; 39:28.039 --> 39:31.999 it was copied and never put up on the building, 39:31.998 --> 39:35.008 and so those points still remain. 39:35.010 --> 39:37.390 This is a model of the Forum of Trajan, as it would have looked 39:37.385 --> 39:39.105 in antiquity, with that convex entranceway; 39:39.110 --> 39:42.890 the location of the equestrian statue, the exedrae on either 39:42.889 --> 39:43.659 side here. 39:43.659 --> 39:46.569 You can imagine the Dacians in the second tier. 39:46.570 --> 39:49.910 The roofed Basilica Ulpia here. 39:49.909 --> 39:53.659 The Column of Trajan, flanked by the Latin and Greek 39:53.659 --> 39:58.069 libraries, and then over here the Temple to Divine Trajan. 39:58.070 --> 40:01.760 The plan, again, and here I just want to 40:01.759 --> 40:04.379 mention, looking back at that plan, 40:04.378 --> 40:07.838 that there was also another elaborate entranceway from the 40:07.840 --> 40:11.080 main part of the forum, into the Basilica Ulpia, 40:11.079 --> 40:12.279 on its long side. 40:12.280 --> 40:15.340 And once again, how fortunate we are that we 40:15.338 --> 40:17.688 have coins that say BASILICAVLPIA, 40:17.688 --> 40:19.038 Basilica Ulpia. 40:19.039 --> 40:21.989 So we can guess, I think quite accurately, 40:21.987 --> 40:25.437 that this must be the entranceway to the Basilica 40:25.440 --> 40:26.160 Ulpia. 40:26.159 --> 40:27.789 Here we see something different. 40:27.789 --> 40:30.479 We see three openings, not arcuated openings but 40:30.476 --> 40:33.046 trabeated openings, straight lintels above. 40:33.050 --> 40:36.660 But look again in the way in which they're represented. 40:36.659 --> 40:39.819 It looks like they're quite solid, and that they project 40:39.822 --> 40:41.492 into the spectator's space. 40:41.489 --> 40:44.239 So again this idea of projection, recession, 40:47.500 --> 40:49.470 This is very important because, as I mentioned, 40:49.469 --> 40:53.799 Roman architecture, using the traditional language 40:53.800 --> 40:57.020 of Greek architecture, ultimately developed something 40:57.021 --> 40:58.811 that we call a baroque trend in Roman architecture, 40:58.809 --> 41:01.239 and you see it happening here, in Rome, 41:01.239 --> 41:06.199 based on the experiments of Domitian's Forum Transitorium. 41:06.199 --> 41:09.729 And you can see that same, roughly that same scheme here. 41:09.730 --> 41:12.330 Up above, once again, a chariot, in this case a 41:12.327 --> 41:15.007 four-horse chariot, seemingly with one figure, 41:15.009 --> 41:19.489 and a series of standards, being held, possibly by Roman 41:19.489 --> 41:20.499 soldiers. 41:20.500 --> 41:26.570 The Forum of Trajan has been the professional, 41:26.570 --> 41:33.250 the life work of a professor, formerly of Northwestern 41:33.246 --> 41:35.716 University, James Packer, 41:35.722 --> 41:38.472 who spent a very long time pulling together all the 41:38.469 --> 41:41.379 evidence that the Forum of Trajan still provides, 41:41.380 --> 41:44.690 to allow a very good reconstruction of what that 41:44.690 --> 41:46.100 forum looked like. 41:46.099 --> 41:47.459 It's computer generated. 41:47.460 --> 41:49.610 I urge you all to look at it. 41:49.610 --> 41:53.950 If you just Google James Packer, Forum of Trajan, 41:53.949 --> 41:57.229 UCLA--because that's the, or the Getty, 41:57.230 --> 41:59.500 either of those two, because UCLA and the Getty 41:59.503 --> 42:02.723 supported this work-- you will be able to see 42:02.717 --> 42:05.787 computer simulations of his work. 42:05.789 --> 42:09.649 There's also a book by James Packer on the Forum of Trajan, 42:09.646 --> 42:12.036 that's on reserve for this course. 42:12.039 --> 42:14.469 I send you to it, less for the Forum of Trajan, 42:14.471 --> 42:17.641 but for any of you working on city plans, again this could be 42:17.643 --> 42:19.603 a very inspiring book to look at. 42:19.599 --> 42:22.999 Not that I expect you to come up with something like this, 42:23.000 --> 42:27.430 but nonetheless I think it can give you an idea of what one can 42:27.434 --> 42:31.014 do as one thinks about designing one's own city. 42:31.010 --> 42:33.740 He has done enough research to allow a very accurate 42:33.744 --> 42:36.804 reconstruction of what this forum would've looked like. 42:36.800 --> 42:39.750 We're looking at the entranceway into the Basilica 42:39.746 --> 42:40.526 Ulpia here. 42:40.530 --> 42:44.990 We are looking at the marble; you can see real marble and 42:44.987 --> 42:47.657 variegated marbles brought from all over the world. 42:47.659 --> 42:51.339 So Trajan continues the Flavian tradition of bringing marbles 42:51.344 --> 42:53.534 from all over, from places outside of 42:53.525 --> 42:55.825 Italy--from Africa, from Asia Minor, 42:55.827 --> 42:59.197 from Egypt and so on-- for the decoration of these 42:59.199 --> 43:02.129 buildings, and an interest in multicolored 43:02.132 --> 43:03.492 marbles as facing. 43:03.489 --> 43:06.839 We see also up here the Dacian prisoners, and between them, 43:06.835 --> 43:08.615 in this instance, these shields, 43:08.621 --> 43:10.181 with portraits on them. 43:10.179 --> 43:11.629 We have remains of some of those. 43:11.630 --> 43:13.390 So that's an accurate reconstruction, 43:13.389 --> 43:16.129 the same sort of thing that we saw on the entranceway. 43:16.130 --> 43:20.430 Then up there an inscription, several other Dacians, 43:20.434 --> 43:23.814 and some other decoration at the apex. 43:23.809 --> 43:26.069 I'm going to show you just a few of these quickly, 43:26.070 --> 43:27.040 from Packer's book. 43:27.039 --> 43:30.409 You see here a corridor with a barrel vault, 43:30.413 --> 43:33.633 stuccoed and painted, lots of statuary. 43:33.630 --> 43:36.890 There would have been lots of honorific statuary in this 43:36.887 --> 43:37.597 structure. 43:37.599 --> 43:40.969 Sometimes instead of the shields, with portraits between 43:40.971 --> 43:44.161 the Dacians, we see piles of captured arms and armor, 43:44.157 --> 43:46.117 as you can see in that view. 43:46.119 --> 43:49.589 Here a couple more, showing again the marble 43:49.594 --> 43:53.074 decoration of the walls, varied in color. 43:53.070 --> 43:57.670 Here niches with portraits. 43:57.670 --> 44:00.180 Over here, more shields with portraits. 44:00.179 --> 44:04.719 And here you can see some of the sculptural remains: 44:04.717 --> 44:08.987 some parts of a military figure in a breastplate, 44:08.989 --> 44:13.439 a man--both of them headless--a man in a toga. 44:13.440 --> 44:17.130 And over here part of one of these decorative shields with a 44:17.130 --> 44:17.820 portrait. 44:17.820 --> 44:20.030 We actually think this is a portrait of Nerva, 44:20.030 --> 44:24.000 a portrait of Nerva that would've been placed inside this 44:24.000 --> 44:27.830 shield and hung on the upper part of the wall above the 44:27.829 --> 44:28.679 columns. 44:28.679 --> 44:31.629 And this is important, and on your Monument List. 44:31.630 --> 44:35.370 This is a view of the Basilica Ulpia in Rome, 44:35.373 --> 44:39.293 what it would have looked like in antiquity. 44:39.289 --> 44:42.319 You can see it conforms to basilican architecture that 44:42.315 --> 44:46.035 we've looked at before, with a central nave, 44:46.036 --> 44:49.726 divided by its two side aisles-- 44:49.730 --> 44:51.560 in this case, as you'll recall in plan-- 44:51.559 --> 44:57.659 and those are Corinthian capitals, as you can see down 44:57.663 --> 44:58.473 here. 44:58.469 --> 45:02.369 You can see also that it's a gargantuan structure. 45:02.369 --> 45:06.339 Look at the size of the people, the men in their togas, 45:06.338 --> 45:08.248 and the building itself. 45:08.250 --> 45:11.490 And it had a flat roof with a coffered ceiling, 45:11.494 --> 45:14.534 and you can see that it had a clerestory. 45:14.530 --> 45:16.070 We've talked about the clerestory before. 45:16.070 --> 45:18.950 We saw it in the House of the Mosaic Atrium, 45:18.949 --> 45:20.519 for example, the clerestory, 45:20.516 --> 45:22.776 which is the opening up of the wall, 45:22.780 --> 45:26.250 in this case through Ionic columns, 45:26.250 --> 45:29.910 to see the vistas that lie beyond, and to let light into 45:29.905 --> 45:30.965 the structure. 45:30.969 --> 45:36.069 And you can see the vista that lies beyond, of the Column of 45:36.070 --> 45:39.010 Trajan and one of the libraries. 45:39.010 --> 45:42.360 This is a photograph that I'm incredibly proud of, 45:42.360 --> 45:46.190 because I took it from on top of the Column of Trajan. 45:46.190 --> 45:48.730 It's not that difficult to climb the Column the Trajan 45:48.730 --> 45:51.320 because there's a spiral staircase in the center of it, 45:51.318 --> 45:52.658 that goes up to the top. 45:52.659 --> 45:56.999 The part that's hard is getting permission to get in there. 45:57.000 --> 45:58.430 It's always locked, and you have to get special 45:58.425 --> 45:59.165 permission to do that. 45:59.170 --> 46:02.000 So I did it only once, but it was a great thing to do, 46:02.003 --> 46:04.893 and you go way up to the top, and you can look down. 46:04.889 --> 46:06.529 You can see fantastic views of Rome. 46:06.530 --> 46:10.470 But you can also get a very good sense of what the Basilica 46:10.471 --> 46:12.851 Ulpia looks like today: not much. 46:12.849 --> 46:14.709 But you can see the central space. 46:14.710 --> 46:16.050 You can see some of the columns. 46:16.050 --> 46:18.370 We can tell that those columns were grey granite. 46:18.369 --> 46:21.139 So again, this interest in contrasting marbles, 46:21.141 --> 46:24.521 grey granite with white marble, in the Basilica Ulpia and 46:24.516 --> 46:25.356 elsewhere. 46:25.360 --> 46:27.930 And you can also see the relationship between modern 46:27.931 --> 46:29.811 ground level, which is much higher, 46:29.811 --> 46:32.381 and ancient ground level, and the possibilities that 46:32.375 --> 46:34.965 still remain, if they want to excavate this 46:34.965 --> 46:37.915 part of the city -- what more of the Forum of 46:37.918 --> 46:39.948 Trajan may be able to be seen. 46:39.949 --> 46:42.049 Some of it can actually be seen under the street, 46:42.050 --> 46:45.230 and Packer and others have actually gone in to look at what 46:45.231 --> 46:47.521 is there, which is what has enabled him 46:47.523 --> 46:50.793 to make the kind of accurate reconstructions that he has. 46:50.789 --> 46:53.339 Everywhere in this monument there are references--yes, 46:53.335 --> 46:55.875 this is a forum; yes, forums have practical 46:55.882 --> 46:56.532 purposes. 46:56.530 --> 47:01.290 They're a place for people to meet and to market and to 47:01.293 --> 47:05.443 conduct law cases and so on, in the basilica. 47:05.440 --> 47:09.760 But this monument reminds you again and again and again and 47:09.760 --> 47:14.380 again that it is a monument in stone to Trajan's victories over 47:14.378 --> 47:15.568 the Dacians. 47:15.570 --> 47:18.600 And not only do we see those Dacians, as we looked at before, 47:18.603 --> 47:21.383 but we see lots of other imagery that refers to military 47:21.382 --> 47:21.992 victory. 47:21.989 --> 47:24.699 This is a fragment of what we think was a frieze, 47:24.699 --> 47:28.899 in the Basilica Ulpia, that depicts victories, 47:28.900 --> 47:31.210 female personifications of victory, 47:31.210 --> 47:33.890 winged, either kneeling at candelabra, 47:33.889 --> 47:36.699 or over here, this woman, kneeling on the 47:36.697 --> 47:37.887 back of a bull. 47:37.889 --> 47:39.659 You can see that she's winged. 47:39.659 --> 47:41.889 She's holding the snout of that bull back. 47:41.889 --> 47:45.749 She's got a knife in her right hand, and she is about to slit 47:45.751 --> 47:47.361 the throat of the bull. 47:47.360 --> 47:53.050 And she is doing this to--not only is victory over the Dacians 47:53.050 --> 47:56.440 being marked here, but she is also representing 47:56.442 --> 47:59.412 the sacrifice that takes place in honor of that victory, 47:59.409 --> 48:05.739 by being shown depicting killing a bull. 48:05.739 --> 48:08.959 Back to the plan once again, just to remind you that when we 48:08.960 --> 48:12.100 leave the Basilica Ulpia-- a doorway also in its long 48:12.101 --> 48:14.461 side--we end up in this small plaza, 48:14.460 --> 48:17.880 where the temple--where the Column of Trajan is located, 48:17.880 --> 48:20.390 flanked by Greek and Latin libraries, 48:20.389 --> 48:25.559 on axis with the entranceway, the equestrian statue of 48:25.563 --> 48:28.283 Trajan, the other entranceway, 48:28.275 --> 48:31.425 the column, and ultimately the temple, 48:31.429 --> 48:34.639 at the very end: the temple ultimately to divine 48:34.635 --> 48:35.245 Trajan. 48:35.250 --> 48:37.660 This is a model of what we think the library may have 48:37.663 --> 48:39.713 looked like, or both of the libraries may 48:39.711 --> 48:41.501 have looked like from the outside -- 48:41.500 --> 48:44.730 fairly smallish square buildings with a portico in the 48:44.731 --> 48:47.131 front, and then, most important, 48:47.126 --> 48:48.676 a balcony over here. 48:48.679 --> 48:50.109 Why a balcony? 48:50.110 --> 48:53.350 So that you could come out and look at the Column of Trajan, 48:53.351 --> 48:55.991 and read some of the scenes that encircled it. 48:55.989 --> 48:58.269 This is a reconstruction, from Packer again, 48:58.271 --> 49:00.931 showing what he thinks the interior of one of these 49:00.925 --> 49:02.885 libraries might have looked like. 49:02.889 --> 49:04.479 It looks larger here than it actually was. 49:04.480 --> 49:07.390 But you can get a sense of it, with the reading tables, 49:07.389 --> 49:11.159 with the scrolls inside these cabinets here, 49:11.159 --> 49:14.629 with the statuary, and in this case he believes 49:14.634 --> 49:19.814 that it had a vaulted roof, as you can see on top. 49:19.809 --> 49:23.009 The Column of Trajan, you see it here in two views; 49:23.010 --> 49:27.390 an extraordinary work of art, extremely well preserved. 49:27.389 --> 49:28.859 Why so well preserved? 49:28.860 --> 49:32.550 Well likely because Pope Sixtus V, in the Renaissance, 49:32.550 --> 49:35.430 used this column, and also the column of the 49:35.431 --> 49:37.761 later emperor, Marcus Aurelius, 49:37.759 --> 49:41.779 as important nodes in his reconstruction of the city of 49:41.775 --> 49:42.365 Rome. 49:42.369 --> 49:44.359 What he did, however, at that time, 49:44.360 --> 49:47.930 was that he took the statues of Trajan that would've stood on 49:47.934 --> 49:50.324 this one, and Marcus Aurelius on the 49:50.322 --> 49:53.992 other, and replaced them with statues of Peter and Paul. 49:53.989 --> 49:56.669 And it's Peter who's on the Column of Trajan, 49:56.666 --> 49:59.766 and Paul who is on the Column of Marcus Aurelius. 49:59.768 --> 50:01.528 But you can see how well preserved they are here. 50:01.530 --> 50:05.250 The column shaft rests on a base, decorated with arms and 50:05.251 --> 50:07.781 armor, Dacian arms and armor, 50:07.784 --> 50:10.954 with a statue of Trajan up at the-- 50:10.949 --> 50:12.809 a bronze statue of Trajan at the uppermost part. 50:12.809 --> 50:16.969 But what's particularly interesting is the sculpture-- 50:16.969 --> 50:18.409 I'm not going to go into that in great detail, 50:18.409 --> 50:20.939 but I want you to know about it, because it does tell us 50:20.938 --> 50:23.528 something about architecture, as we'll see. 50:23.530 --> 50:25.800 It's a spiral frieze, done all in marble, 50:25.804 --> 50:28.594 of course, that wraps from the base of the column, 50:28.592 --> 50:30.302 all the way up to the top. 50:30.300 --> 50:33.400 And it tells, in documentary form, 50:33.400 --> 50:35.900 the exploits, the military exploits of 50:35.902 --> 50:38.482 Trajan, in his two Dacian military 50:38.481 --> 50:41.511 campaigns-- those two campaigns that I've 50:41.507 --> 50:44.637 already mentioned-- divided in the center by a 50:44.635 --> 50:46.465 Victory writing on a shield. 50:46.469 --> 50:49.279 There's been a lot of speculation; 50:49.280 --> 50:52.840 there's nothing like this earlier in Roman art quite like 50:52.844 --> 50:53.294 this. 50:53.289 --> 50:56.919 And so it is a new innovation, probably at the behest 50:56.918 --> 51:00.198 of--possibly out of the mind, the creative mind, 51:00.197 --> 51:02.357 of Apollodorus of Damascus. 51:02.360 --> 51:05.300 And some scholars have suggested, and I think very 51:05.300 --> 51:07.650 convincingly, it's an intriguing idea, 51:07.646 --> 51:10.766 that because this was located between two libraries, 51:10.768 --> 51:14.158 the likelihood--and that the Romans had scrolls-- 51:14.159 --> 51:17.189 the likelihood is what we are dealing with here is one of 51:17.190 --> 51:20.140 these scrolls, sort of wrapped around the 51:20.135 --> 51:24.865 column, from base to top, unfurled and wrapped around the 51:24.865 --> 51:28.485 column from base to top, with the text removed, 51:28.489 --> 51:30.359 with images instead of text. 51:30.360 --> 51:34.520 And that makes a lot of sense, again given that you could view 51:34.523 --> 51:37.803 it best from the two libraries on either side. 51:37.800 --> 51:41.170 A detail of the base, just to show you how very well 51:41.170 --> 51:43.880 preserved the sculptural decoration is. 51:43.880 --> 51:45.170 This is not a course in sculpture. 51:45.170 --> 51:46.850 I'm not going to go into this in detail, 51:46.849 --> 51:49.279 but I want to quickly show you some of the scenes, 51:49.280 --> 51:51.090 because again they can be revealing, 51:51.090 --> 51:52.790 from the point of view of architecture. 51:52.789 --> 51:53.739 This is at the very base. 51:53.739 --> 51:57.189 We see a personification of the Danube River, 51:57.186 --> 52:01.336 in that area up north, in Dacia, where the Romans went 52:01.336 --> 52:03.526 to conquer those tribes. 52:03.530 --> 52:07.010 And this is very important, because we know that 52:07.014 --> 52:10.944 Apollodorus of Damascus was responsible for building a 52:10.943 --> 52:13.393 bridge over the Danube River. 52:13.389 --> 52:16.459 It was one of his great engineering feats. 52:16.460 --> 52:20.070 And you actually see that bridge located here, 52:20.070 --> 52:23.480 which even increases the likelihood that Apollodorus of 52:23.480 --> 52:27.080 Damascus was the designer of this particular structure. 52:27.079 --> 52:29.599 You see the Roman soldiers have gotten off boats. 52:29.599 --> 52:32.449 They're walking through an archway. 52:32.449 --> 52:34.459 Here you see the Roman soldiers. 52:34.460 --> 52:38.070 The Roman soldiers did not only do battle, but they also 52:38.070 --> 52:40.500 Romanized the areas that they went. 52:40.500 --> 52:43.510 We've talked about this a lot: the colonization of the Roman 52:43.510 --> 52:46.420 world, Trajan extending the borders to their furthest most 52:46.418 --> 52:46.978 points. 52:46.980 --> 52:49.160 The Romans get there, what do they do? 52:49.159 --> 52:50.849 They start to build architecture. 52:50.849 --> 52:53.909 They start to build walls with headers and stretchers. 52:53.909 --> 52:58.409 They start to build forts and city walls, in which they put 52:58.409 --> 53:00.969 buildings with Roman amenities. 53:00.969 --> 53:05.929 Remember, after the war is over, they're often given land 53:05.925 --> 53:10.025 by the general, or the emperor -- it becomes 53:10.032 --> 53:13.012 theirs, and where they can live from 53:13.014 --> 53:14.184 that point on. 53:14.179 --> 53:17.489 So they had every reason to want to fill these towns with 53:17.487 --> 53:18.547 Roman amenities. 53:18.550 --> 53:22.420 And we see the Roman soldiers building cities in many of these 53:22.418 --> 53:22.988 scenes. 53:22.989 --> 53:25.299 This is the most famous scene from the column, 53:25.302 --> 53:27.512 in which we see a battle between the Romans, 53:27.512 --> 53:30.032 inside one of these forts that they've built. 53:30.030 --> 53:33.000 They are all with helmets and shields. 53:33.000 --> 53:34.870 They have their hands around something; 53:34.869 --> 53:38.309 we think these were probably spears that were added in metal, 53:38.313 --> 53:39.063 originally. 53:39.059 --> 53:41.039 The Dacians down below. 53:41.039 --> 53:45.029 You can identify them by their leggings and tunics and scraggly 53:45.025 --> 53:46.565 hair and beards, here. 53:46.570 --> 53:49.160 They are attacking the camp. 53:49.159 --> 53:51.019 The Romans are, of course, going to be 53:51.016 --> 53:53.146 victorious, but the Dacians are shown as 53:53.154 --> 53:56.094 heroic and valiant, and enemies who are pretty much 53:56.085 --> 53:58.415 the equals of the Romans in strength, 53:58.420 --> 54:02.500 which only underscores that the Romans were stronger still, 54:02.500 --> 54:03.880 to have conquered them. 54:03.880 --> 54:06.490 And then over here, if you've ever wondered where 54:06.485 --> 54:08.545 the term 'battering ram' came from, 54:08.550 --> 54:10.330 you can see it right here--I told you the Romans invented 54:10.333 --> 54:12.863 everything-- you can see it right here: 54:12.860 --> 54:15.640 this pole, with a ram's head at the end, 54:15.639 --> 54:18.399 which is serving again as a battering ram, 54:18.400 --> 54:22.550 as they try to tear down the walls of the Roman fort. 54:22.550 --> 54:26.120 Perhaps the most poignant and interesting scene happens way up 54:26.119 --> 54:29.219 at the top of the column, where the leader of the 54:29.217 --> 54:32.257 Dacians, Decebalus, D-e-c-e-b-a-l-u-s, 54:32.255 --> 54:35.255 is shown kneeling, almost like one of those 54:35.255 --> 54:37.645 Victories, on the bull. 54:37.650 --> 54:40.660 He has a knife in his hand. 54:40.659 --> 54:41.969 What is he doing? 54:41.969 --> 54:43.119 He is kneeling here. 54:43.119 --> 54:45.359 He has decided--you can see the Romans; 54:45.360 --> 54:47.650 he's got Romans to the left of him, Romans to the right of him. 54:47.650 --> 54:50.990 He's about to be taken prisoner by them and paraded in a 54:50.990 --> 54:54.090 triumphal procession in Rome, in honor of Trajan. 54:54.090 --> 54:56.720 He doesn't want to do that, so he heroically, 54:56.724 --> 54:58.644 valiantly, takes his own life. 54:58.639 --> 55:01.229 He is about to plunge that knife into his heart, 55:01.226 --> 55:04.086 so that he doesn't have to be taken by the Romans. 55:04.090 --> 55:08.160 It's very interesting to see them depicting, 55:08.164 --> 55:12.814 the Romans depicting, the Dacians in such a heroic 55:12.809 --> 55:14.989 way on this column. 55:14.989 --> 55:19.089 I mentioned the museum in Rome that is located in EUR, 55:21.268 --> 55:24.328 the Museum of Roman Civilization, 55:24.331 --> 55:27.011 that has casts and models. 55:27.010 --> 55:28.590 I mentioned that they had casts of all the scenes from the 55:28.592 --> 55:29.122 Column of Trajan. 55:29.119 --> 55:31.519 I show you a view that I took in that museum, 55:31.518 --> 55:34.368 just to give you a sense of how one can see those, 55:34.369 --> 55:36.419 and how one can see those at eye's level, 55:36.420 --> 55:38.310 to get a good sense of them. 55:38.309 --> 55:40.609 In antiquity they would have been harder to read. 55:40.610 --> 55:44.700 But I should point out that the background was likely painted 55:44.695 --> 55:46.495 blue, and there probably would have 55:46.501 --> 55:48.581 been some additions, like the metal spears, 55:48.579 --> 55:50.669 that might have made it easier to read-- 55:50.670 --> 55:54.560 almost like Wedgwood--might have made it easier to read in 55:54.559 --> 55:55.379 antiquity. 55:55.380 --> 55:58.390 And I also thought I would mention-- 55:58.389 --> 56:00.589 I'm sure all of you have been down to Ground Zero, 56:00.590 --> 56:04.120 but if you go a block or two away from Ground Zero itself, 56:04.119 --> 56:05.969 there's the Fireman's Memorial there, 56:05.969 --> 56:09.529 that was put up to many of the fireman who sadly lost their 56:09.532 --> 56:12.482 lives fighting those fires in the Twin Towers. 56:12.480 --> 56:15.380 We see this here: "Dedicated to those who 56:15.382 --> 56:18.222 fell and to those who carry on" here. 56:18.219 --> 56:19.739 And what's interesting about this, 56:19.739 --> 56:21.449 if you look, if you Google this and look at 56:21.445 --> 56:23.635 the website for the Fireman's Memorial in New York, 56:23.639 --> 56:28.189 you will find out that the designer for this talks 56:28.190 --> 56:33.390 unabashedly of his admiration for the Column of Trajan in 56:33.391 --> 56:35.501 Rome, and that he used, 56:35.501 --> 56:38.851 as an artistic model, for the way in which he massed 56:38.846 --> 56:41.356 figures here, showing them in relationship to 56:41.356 --> 56:43.656 buildings, he used, as his model, 56:43.657 --> 56:46.537 the figures on the Column of Trajan, 56:46.539 --> 56:48.229 in Rome. 56:48.230 --> 56:51.060 At the end again, the column, surrounded by the 56:51.057 --> 56:54.317 Greek and Latin libraries, the temple over here at the 56:54.318 --> 56:54.808 end. 56:54.809 --> 56:56.639 You can see it's a conventional Roman temple: 56:56.637 --> 56:59.477 deep porch, freestanding columns, 57:03.599 --> 57:05.739 just as we saw elsewhere. 57:05.739 --> 57:09.759 Here we see an engraving showing the spiral staircase 57:09.757 --> 57:12.227 that leads from bottom to top. 57:12.230 --> 57:15.510 And over here, that the staircase also goes 57:15.514 --> 57:18.334 down below, into a burial chamber. 57:18.329 --> 57:20.619 Two urns were found in that burial chamber; 57:20.619 --> 57:23.499 the urns of Trajan and Plotina, which tells us, 57:23.496 --> 57:26.746 of course, that this also served as Trajan's tomb. 57:26.750 --> 57:29.210 So a victory, not only one of his great 57:29.210 --> 57:33.160 victories, military victories, but also victory over death. 57:33.159 --> 57:36.449 And then at the apex, we see a good view of the top, 57:36.454 --> 57:37.754 with a statue of St. 57:37.748 --> 57:40.728 Peter; but we have coins depicting 57:40.731 --> 57:44.001 Trajan on-- depicting the original 57:44.000 --> 57:48.190 statue--the base, the shaft, a portrait of 57:48.188 --> 57:51.718 Trajan, a naked portrait of Trajan, 57:51.719 --> 57:55.159 a heroicized portrait of Trajan, depicted after death, 57:55.159 --> 57:57.359 divinized at the apex of the column. 57:57.360 --> 58:01.240 And if you read the inscription on the coin, you see it refers 58:01.242 --> 58:03.282 to Trajan as Optimus Princeps. 58:03.280 --> 58:04.980 Trajan received many titles. 58:04.980 --> 58:07.000 One was Dacicus, D-a-c-i-c-u-s, 58:07.003 --> 58:09.503 for his victories over the Dacians; 58:09.500 --> 58:11.730 but at the end of his life Optimus Princeps, 58:11.730 --> 58:13.960 the greatest princeps of all time. 58:13.960 --> 58:16.600 The implication: greater than Augustus. 58:16.599 --> 58:19.499 And it is arguable, I think probably correct, 58:19.503 --> 58:22.543 that Trajan was the even greater of the two. 58:22.539 --> 58:26.349 This is a restored view, a spectacular restored view, 58:26.349 --> 58:30.169 of the building complex, where you can see again the 58:30.168 --> 58:33.368 entranceway over here, the equestrian statue, 58:33.367 --> 58:35.357 everything that we've described. 58:35.360 --> 58:38.280 But I think it's interesting, if you think of yourself having 58:38.284 --> 58:40.484 entered into this forum, standing here, 58:40.483 --> 58:43.833 looking back at the basilica bearing Trajan's name, 58:43.829 --> 58:46.619 looking toward the column and the temple. 58:46.619 --> 58:50.419 What you would have likely seen when you stood here was only the 58:50.420 --> 58:53.740 uppermost part of the column; because most of it would have 58:53.742 --> 58:56.052 been blocked by the very tall Basilica Ulpia. 58:56.050 --> 58:59.050 So it's a very theatrical representation, 58:59.050 --> 59:03.080 in the sense that you would be standing here with Trajan, 59:03.079 --> 59:05.279 during life, looking back toward that 59:05.278 --> 59:06.928 column, looking back at the 59:06.934 --> 59:09.334 divinization of Trajan, a bronze statue, 59:09.327 --> 59:13.007 which would have seemed as if it was floating on top of the 59:13.014 --> 59:14.164 Basilica Ulpia. 59:14.159 --> 59:17.399 This is a very dramatic tableau, created here by 59:17.398 --> 59:19.188 Apollodorus of Damascus. 59:19.190 --> 59:23.920 And I think it was not equaled until the seventeenth century by 59:23.922 --> 59:28.352 architects like Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who also created such 59:28.351 --> 59:30.261 spectacular tableaus. 59:30.260 --> 59:33.490 Just to show you again the location of the Markets of 59:33.487 --> 59:36.527 Trajan, in relationship to the Forum of Trajan. 59:36.530 --> 59:41.470 While the forum was the Romans imposing a rectangular plan on 59:41.467 --> 59:43.757 nature-- remember, they have to cut back 59:43.757 --> 59:46.067 the hill, to make way for it--the markets 59:46.074 --> 59:47.874 are something quite different. 59:47.869 --> 59:51.049 They are the Romans accepting the shape of the remaining 59:51.047 --> 59:54.067 Quirinal Hill, and allowing the shape of that 59:54.068 --> 59:57.738 hill to determine the irregular shape of the markets. 59:57.739 --> 1:00:01.639 The markets, unlike the forum that is made 1:00:01.641 --> 1:00:04.891 out of marble, for the most part--as we've 1:00:04.894 --> 1:00:09.064 seen, variegated marble-- the markets are made out of 1:00:09.063 --> 1:00:11.173 concrete, faced with brick: 1:00:11.170 --> 1:00:13.910 a very different material, but a material that is 1:00:13.914 --> 1:00:16.914 absolutely appropriate, when you want to cover a 1:00:16.909 --> 1:00:21.209 hillside with tiered buildings, looking back very much to the 1:00:21.213 --> 1:00:23.323 spa at Baia, looking back to Fortuna 1:00:23.322 --> 1:00:25.672 Primigenia, at Palestrina. 1:00:25.670 --> 1:00:27.800 The same idea, to turn this hill, 1:00:27.802 --> 1:00:31.472 what remained of the Quirinal Hill, into essentially the 1:00:31.469 --> 1:00:34.269 precursor of the modern shopping mall. 1:00:34.268 --> 1:00:37.618 You have shopping--there are 150 shops in the Markets of 1:00:37.621 --> 1:00:38.171 Trajan. 1:00:38.170 --> 1:00:41.690 All of these things date, by the way, to the same period, 1:00:41.688 --> 1:00:42.378 around A.D. 1:00:42.378 --> 1:00:44.828 113, the forum and also the markets. 1:00:44.829 --> 1:00:50.009 We see 150 shops here, on a variety of levels. 1:00:50.010 --> 1:00:53.120 This is the bottom level, that is located where the 1:00:53.115 --> 1:00:56.155 exedra, the first exedra is, on the right side. 1:00:56.159 --> 1:00:58.119 A great hemicycle, with shops. 1:00:58.119 --> 1:01:01.649 Here, a street, called the Via Biberatica; 1:01:01.650 --> 1:01:03.510 that name is on your Monument List. 1:01:03.510 --> 1:01:06.260 And then a covered bazaar up here. 1:01:06.260 --> 1:01:09.610 All of this on different levels; all of this done in a very 1:01:09.614 --> 1:01:12.544 innovative way, with concrete faced with brick. 1:01:12.539 --> 1:01:15.569 You can also see here the very large windows; 1:01:15.570 --> 1:01:17.510 the semi-dome, that I'll show you in detail in 1:01:17.505 --> 1:01:17.975 a moment. 1:01:17.980 --> 1:01:21.640 These large windows indicate to us that the architects are real 1:01:21.637 --> 1:01:23.937 masters of the concrete medium here, 1:01:23.940 --> 1:01:29.870 able to de-materialize the wall, by putting up these very, 1:01:29.869 --> 1:01:31.009 very large windows. 1:01:31.010 --> 1:01:33.430 That's how good they were in building this, 1:01:33.427 --> 1:01:34.347 at this point. 1:01:34.349 --> 1:01:37.749 The building block here is essentially the taberna: 1:01:37.751 --> 1:01:39.961 not unlike what we saw in Pompeii, 1:01:39.960 --> 1:01:43.030 this small space with a barrel vault, 1:01:43.030 --> 1:01:46.920 an attic window above, and in this case with a post 1:01:46.916 --> 1:01:50.016 and lintel scheme, made out of travertine, 1:01:50.018 --> 1:01:52.508 to mark the entranceway into the shop. 1:01:52.510 --> 1:01:56.610 They took this individual motif, and they replicated it 1:01:56.608 --> 1:02:00.708 throughout this building, over and over and over again, 1:02:00.706 --> 1:02:03.056 offering 150 possibilities. 1:02:03.059 --> 1:02:04.889 Here you see a series of these in a row, 1:02:04.889 --> 1:02:06.509 a series of these tabernae, 1:02:06.512 --> 1:02:09.242 with their attic windows, with their travertine 1:02:09.237 --> 1:02:11.547 decoration, with their sidewalks -- 1:02:11.550 --> 1:02:13.680 a kind of mini city within a city. 1:02:13.679 --> 1:02:16.889 And then over here the polygonal masonry of the 1:02:16.889 --> 1:02:20.379 streets, looking very much like streets in Rome. 1:02:20.380 --> 1:02:23.670 Here is a view of the great hemicycle, down on the first 1:02:23.670 --> 1:02:24.150 story. 1:02:24.150 --> 1:02:25.900 We see the shops again. 1:02:25.900 --> 1:02:29.200 What's interesting here is in the second story you see 1:02:29.202 --> 1:02:30.452 arcuated elements. 1:02:30.449 --> 1:02:33.019 You can see the facing with--the brick facing, 1:02:33.023 --> 1:02:35.603 although we do believe this was stuccoed over, 1:02:35.597 --> 1:02:36.567 in this case. 1:02:36.570 --> 1:02:38.040 Here, pilasters. 1:02:38.039 --> 1:02:39.149 But look very carefully. 1:02:39.150 --> 1:02:40.770 You'll see these pilasters support, 1:02:40.768 --> 1:02:43.938 in the center, an arcuated pediment, 1:02:43.940 --> 1:02:47.350 and then on either side these broken triangular pediments, 1:02:47.349 --> 1:02:50.419 as if the pediment has broken, been broken, 1:02:50.420 --> 1:02:53.840 to allow the arcuated pediment to show through. 1:02:53.840 --> 1:02:55.360 We have never seen that before. 1:02:55.360 --> 1:02:57.830 Yes, we saw it in the paper topics, but that stuff is later. 1:02:57.829 --> 1:02:59.969 We have not seen that, up to this point 1:02:59.969 --> 1:03:02.279 chronologically, in built architecture. 1:03:02.280 --> 1:03:05.660 We have seen it in painting--Cubiculum at the Met, 1:03:05.659 --> 1:03:09.099 over here, for example--this breaking the triangular pediment 1:03:09.101 --> 1:03:11.511 to allow something else to show through. 1:03:11.510 --> 1:03:14.620 This is the beginning of this experimentation that ultimately 1:03:14.623 --> 1:03:17.683 leads to this baroque element in Roman architecture that I'm 1:03:17.684 --> 1:03:18.934 going to talk about. 1:03:18.929 --> 1:03:21.989 Behind the hemicycle, annular vault, 1:03:21.987 --> 1:03:26.787 with an additional set of shops, and attic windows there 1:03:26.791 --> 1:03:27.841 as well. 1:03:27.840 --> 1:03:34.410 This is the most famous street, from the Markets of Trajan. 1:03:34.409 --> 1:03:36.549 It's an incredible place to wander, by the way. 1:03:36.550 --> 1:03:39.070 And they have just recently, in the last couple of years, 1:03:39.070 --> 1:03:41.550 opened an entirely new museum here, 1:03:41.550 --> 1:03:45.320 which has a lot of remains from the forum, 1:03:45.320 --> 1:03:47.860 from the markets, and a great deal of very useful 1:03:47.860 --> 1:03:50.610 information: an absolute must-see for anyone going to 1:03:50.612 --> 1:03:51.092 Rome. 1:03:51.090 --> 1:03:55.250 This is the famous Via Biberatica of the Markets of 1:03:55.248 --> 1:03:57.268 Trajan, where again you get the sense, 1:03:57.269 --> 1:03:59.889 once you're in here that you're in a kind of city within a city, 1:03:59.889 --> 1:04:01.799 but with all these wonderful shops. 1:04:01.800 --> 1:04:05.140 You can see how skilled they are in using ramps, 1:04:05.139 --> 1:04:08.709 with polygonal masonry, as well as sidewalks and 1:04:08.710 --> 1:04:11.410 stairs, so that you can make your way 1:04:11.411 --> 1:04:13.621 up with either alternative here. 1:04:13.619 --> 1:04:16.259 Again, the tabernae on either side; 1:04:16.260 --> 1:04:21.280 the opening up of the walls, with these incredible windows 1:04:21.275 --> 1:04:22.415 throughout. 1:04:22.420 --> 1:04:25.980 A restored view of what the whole thing looked like in 1:04:25.976 --> 1:04:30.196 antiquity: the hemicycle; the decoration here of the 1:04:30.197 --> 1:04:34.127 central arcuated pediment; broken triangular pediments 1:04:34.126 --> 1:04:35.836 over here-- a very interesting space, 1:04:35.838 --> 1:04:37.608 that I'm going to show you in a second-- 1:04:37.610 --> 1:04:40.080 vaulted with a semi-dome, done out of concrete, 1:04:40.079 --> 1:04:44.009 with very large windows opening up the space. 1:04:44.010 --> 1:04:47.070 The Via Biberatica, that we already saw here, 1:04:47.068 --> 1:04:49.778 and then the covered bazaar up there. 1:04:49.780 --> 1:04:52.520 A quick view of the semi-dome, made out of concrete. 1:04:52.518 --> 1:04:54.388 It doesn't have an oculus, 1:04:54.385 --> 1:04:57.875 but otherwise it looks kind of like the dome of the Temple of 1:04:57.880 --> 1:04:59.980 Mercury at Baia, as you can see. 1:04:59.980 --> 1:05:01.840 And over here, this wall that I've already 1:05:01.840 --> 1:05:04.360 described, that shows you how well the 1:05:04.360 --> 1:05:08.430 Romans can work concrete, now enabling them to open up 1:05:08.429 --> 1:05:10.859 the wall, much more than they've been 1:05:10.856 --> 1:05:14.376 able to do so before, and allow even more light into 1:05:14.382 --> 1:05:15.472 the structure. 1:05:15.469 --> 1:05:18.449 The greatest part, perhaps, of the Markets of 1:05:18.449 --> 1:05:20.549 Trajan is this building here. 1:05:20.550 --> 1:05:24.120 It's the covered bazaar, and it really is a market 1:05:24.121 --> 1:05:25.801 bazaar, on two tiers. 1:05:25.800 --> 1:05:28.700 You can see in this restored view, this series of 1:05:28.697 --> 1:05:32.047 tabernae down below; the attic up above. 1:05:32.050 --> 1:05:34.900 You can see that groin vaults are used here, 1:05:34.902 --> 1:05:36.432 in an incredible way. 1:05:36.429 --> 1:05:37.719 I'll show you in a moment how. 1:05:37.719 --> 1:05:39.589 A second story up here, with additional 1:05:39.592 --> 1:05:42.492 tabernae, opened almost completely to the 1:05:42.489 --> 1:05:45.389 sky, an incredible feat on the part 1:05:45.391 --> 1:05:50.231 of Apollodorus of Damascus, assuming he also designed these 1:05:50.231 --> 1:05:50.931 markets. 1:05:50.929 --> 1:05:52.739 Here is the market hall, as it looks today. 1:05:52.739 --> 1:05:54.299 What is its ancestor? 1:05:54.300 --> 1:05:57.710 The Ferentino Market Hall that we saw way back when, 1:05:57.713 --> 1:06:00.433 with its single barrel vault; or some of the 1:06:00.434 --> 1:06:03.114 cryptoporticuses that we also saw, with their barrel 1:06:03.108 --> 1:06:03.568 vaults. 1:06:03.570 --> 1:06:06.090 It's that idea, that market hall idea. 1:06:06.090 --> 1:06:10.150 But look how sophisticated the Romans have become in their use 1:06:10.146 --> 1:06:12.206 of concrete faced with brick. 1:06:12.210 --> 1:06:15.200 They have realized that they don't even need a wall, 1:06:15.204 --> 1:06:16.384 to support vaults. 1:06:16.380 --> 1:06:19.930 They can lift their vault on top of individual piers, 1:06:19.925 --> 1:06:22.785 as they have done so spectacularly here; 1:06:22.789 --> 1:06:24.259 lift them up. 1:06:24.260 --> 1:06:26.650 I described this, I think, in the introductory 1:06:26.648 --> 1:06:29.938 lecture as in a sense opening up a series of umbrellas over the 1:06:29.938 --> 1:06:30.468 space. 1:06:30.469 --> 1:06:33.939 They have opened it up so that light can flow in from the 1:06:33.943 --> 1:06:36.683 sides; light can flow in from either 1:06:36.684 --> 1:06:40.794 long end, just flooding the whole system with light. 1:06:40.789 --> 1:06:43.499 Down below, again, the typical markets, 1:06:43.503 --> 1:06:45.863 with their attic windows above. 1:06:45.860 --> 1:06:49.050 But this is a real tour de force, probably the greatest -- 1:06:49.050 --> 1:06:52.500 certainly the greatest vaulting that we have seen thus far, 1:06:52.500 --> 1:06:56.610 and again a test to just how far the Romans have come from 1:06:56.606 --> 1:06:59.826 this to this, by the time of the emperor 1:06:59.831 --> 1:07:00.471 Trajan. 1:07:00.469 --> 1:07:02.409 And any of you headed to San Francisco, 1:07:02.409 --> 1:07:07.369 if you go to the Marketplace there, 1:07:07.369 --> 1:07:12.139 you will see that that owes so much to Roman antiquity, 1:07:12.139 --> 1:07:14.579 with all the tabernae-like structures 1:07:14.583 --> 1:07:16.583 on either side; the vaulting. 1:07:16.579 --> 1:07:19.989 I mean, this sort of thing absolutely presupposes this kind 1:07:19.994 --> 1:07:21.824 of architectural development. 1:07:21.820 --> 1:07:24.530 In the one minute that remains--and that's all I need 1:07:24.532 --> 1:07:26.672 for this-- I just want to show you one 1:07:26.666 --> 1:07:29.166 last monument, and make one basic point about 1:07:29.170 --> 1:07:32.440 it, that really has more to do with the transition from Trajan 1:07:32.443 --> 1:07:34.533 to Hadrian, than anything else. 1:07:34.530 --> 1:07:36.710 An arch went up, not in Rome, 1:07:36.713 --> 1:07:40.543 but in a place called Benevento, which is about an 1:07:40.538 --> 1:07:44.198 hour's drive from Naples, in the south of Italy, 1:07:44.204 --> 1:07:47.294 in Campania; a place called Benevento. 1:07:47.289 --> 1:07:50.659 An arch went up between 114 to 118, honoring Trajan, 1:07:50.664 --> 1:07:53.184 and all of Trajan's accomplishments. 1:07:53.179 --> 1:07:56.189 You can see it's covered with sculpture, and each of those 1:07:56.190 --> 1:07:59.200 scenes represents one of the accomplishments of Trajan. 1:07:59.199 --> 1:08:02.199 It was put up on the so-called Via Traiana, 1:08:02.199 --> 1:08:05.559 taking Trajan's name, a road that was built from Rome 1:08:05.563 --> 1:08:09.503 to Benevento, and was opened during Trajan's 1:08:09.496 --> 1:08:12.516 reign, and again, a compendium of all 1:08:12.516 --> 1:08:14.086 his accomplishments. 1:08:14.090 --> 1:08:17.500 You can see very clearly that it is based in general form on 1:08:17.500 --> 1:08:20.910 the Arch of Titus in Rome: a single central arcuated bay; 1:08:20.908 --> 1:08:24.598 the pedestals supporting double columns on either side; 1:08:24.600 --> 1:08:28.390 the inscription at the top; the receding panels on either 1:08:28.390 --> 1:08:30.680 side of that inscription. 1:08:30.680 --> 1:08:33.030 The major difference, of course, between the two, 1:08:33.029 --> 1:08:35.989 that this has sculpture only on the inside, 1:08:35.988 --> 1:08:39.838 and sparingly in the center and around the frieze, 1:08:39.840 --> 1:08:43.430 and this has much more sculpture, again telling us in 1:08:43.429 --> 1:08:47.299 much greater detail a list-- or describing a list of the 1:08:47.300 --> 1:08:49.500 great accomplishments of Trajan. 1:08:49.500 --> 1:08:51.250 The main reason that I show it to you today, 1:08:51.250 --> 1:08:55.650 besides to show that the Flavians again served-- 1:08:55.649 --> 1:09:00.309 Flavian architecture served as an important model for Trajanic 1:09:00.307 --> 1:09:03.517 architecture, is that a couple of the scenes 1:09:03.520 --> 1:09:06.310 in the attic above are very interesting, 1:09:06.310 --> 1:09:08.310 and tell us something about the succession. 1:09:08.310 --> 1:09:14.010 Hadrian does not appear in the lower part of the arch, 1:09:14.010 --> 1:09:15.570 in any of the scenes, but he appears in two of the 1:09:15.569 --> 1:09:17.599 scenes in the uppermost part, which has led scholars, 1:09:17.604 --> 1:09:20.604 I think rightly, to conclude that the arch was 1:09:20.596 --> 1:09:24.306 finished up to the attic before Trajan's death, 1:09:24.310 --> 1:09:25.880 and that Hadrian finished it. 1:09:25.880 --> 1:09:27.270 And what did he do? 1:09:27.270 --> 1:09:29.580 He put his own portrait up there, with Trajan's. 1:09:29.579 --> 1:09:31.939 Why was he motivated to do that? 1:09:31.939 --> 1:09:34.609 Well he had an ego, as we'll see when we talk about 1:09:34.613 --> 1:09:35.953 Hadrian's architecture. 1:09:35.948 --> 1:09:38.418 But more than that, it had something to do with the 1:09:38.417 --> 1:09:39.057 succession. 1:09:39.060 --> 1:09:45.700 We know that Trajan died on August 8^(th) in 117 A.D. 1:09:45.698 --> 1:09:49.338 We know that on August 8^(th) he had no successor officially 1:09:49.335 --> 1:09:49.885 chosen. 1:09:49.890 --> 1:09:53.150 Plotina, his wife, was--she had no children of her 1:09:53.149 --> 1:09:55.909 own; she was crazy about Hadrian, 1:09:55.908 --> 1:10:00.208 very much his sponsor, and wanted to see him succeed 1:10:00.207 --> 1:10:01.047 Trajan. 1:10:01.050 --> 1:10:03.090 It's likely that Trajan had the same idea in mind, 1:10:03.085 --> 1:10:05.365 but it's a little strange, because wouldn't he then have 1:10:05.368 --> 1:10:06.738 adopted him before his death? 1:10:06.739 --> 1:10:08.089 Why would he have waited? 1:10:08.090 --> 1:10:10.720 But Plotina decides--she consults with advisors. 1:10:10.720 --> 1:10:12.830 She says: "We're not going to announce Trajan's death. 1:10:12.829 --> 1:10:14.469 We're going to keep it a secret. 1:10:14.470 --> 1:10:17.550 Tomorrow we're going to announce that Trajan has adopted 1:10:17.552 --> 1:10:18.452 Hadrian." 1:10:18.449 --> 1:10:19.969 That happens on August 9^(th). 1:10:19.970 --> 1:10:24.190 And then it was only on the 11^(th), the 11^(th) of August 1:10:24.194 --> 1:10:27.904 that Trajan's death was announced to the public. 1:10:27.899 --> 1:10:31.349 So some hanky-panky was going on behind the scenes. 1:10:31.350 --> 1:10:35.350 But whoever made the choice, whether it was Trajan himself 1:10:35.351 --> 1:10:38.511 or Plotina, they made a great choice: Hadrian, 1:10:38.511 --> 1:10:41.111 an extraordinary emperor as well. 1:10:41.109 --> 1:10:43.749 And the one point that I want you to hold, 1:10:43.750 --> 1:10:45.830 and keep with you over break, and bring back when we get back 1:10:45.831 --> 1:10:48.561 together and talk, when we get back together, 1:10:48.557 --> 1:10:52.477 about the Pantheon and Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli, 1:10:52.479 --> 1:10:54.909 the main point that I want you to keep in mind is what we 1:10:54.908 --> 1:10:56.468 learned from the Forum of Trajan, 1:10:56.470 --> 1:10:59.760 and that is that Trajan combined, in an incredible way, 1:10:59.760 --> 1:11:03.890 with the help of Apollodorus, traditional architecture in the 1:11:03.885 --> 1:11:07.955 form of the Forum, with its marble columns and the 1:11:07.956 --> 1:11:09.896 like, and innovative Roman 1:11:09.900 --> 1:11:12.810 architecture, in the form of the brick-faced 1:11:12.807 --> 1:11:15.907 concrete market, brought those together in one 1:11:15.907 --> 1:11:18.357 building, in a way that is very different 1:11:18.358 --> 1:11:20.838 from anything we've seen up to this point. 1:11:20.840 --> 1:11:24.310 And we're going to see that Hadrian keeps that tradition 1:11:24.305 --> 1:11:27.835 alive, not only in the Pantheon, but also in his Villa of 1:11:27.836 --> 1:11:28.526 Tivoli. 1:11:28.529 --> 1:11:29.989 Take care. 1:11:29.989 --> 1:11:32.339 Good Spring Break to everybody. 1:11:32.340 --> 1:11:38.000