WEBVTT 00:01.610 --> 00:03.850 Prof: Good morning everyone. 00:03.850 --> 00:06.570 Back to Rome today, back to Rome, 00:06.574 --> 00:10.664 which was beginning to emerge as the world's, 00:10.660 --> 00:13.980 or the ancient world's, greatest superpower, 00:13.980 --> 00:18.880 an emergence that we're going to see had a profound impact on 00:18.883 --> 00:20.603 Roman architecture. 00:20.600 --> 00:24.520 And we'll also see that there were a number of men who 00:24.517 --> 00:27.397 effected this superstardom for Rome, 00:27.400 --> 00:31.540 and they're men that I'm going to talk about with you today. 00:31.540 --> 00:36.070 These included Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great, 00:36.070 --> 00:40.020 Mark Antony, and Octavian Augustus, 00:40.020 --> 00:42.660 especially Octavian Augustus: Augustus, 00:42.660 --> 00:46.340 first emperor of Rome, and it's the reason that I have 00:46.337 --> 00:50.017 decided to call this lecture today "From Brick to 00:50.015 --> 00:52.925 Marble: Augustus Assembles Rome." 00:52.930 --> 00:57.910 You see on the left-hand side of the screen a portrait of 00:57.907 --> 00:59.327 Julius Caesar. 00:59.330 --> 01:02.530 It's a green diabase portrait of Caesar. 01:02.530 --> 01:05.980 It's now in Berlin, and I believe actually that it 01:05.977 --> 01:09.277 is a portrait that was commissioned by Cleopatra 01:09.284 --> 01:10.134 herself. 01:10.129 --> 01:13.799 She commissioned it for a building that she and Caesar 01:13.796 --> 01:18.096 were putting up in Alexandria, called the Caesareum that 01:18.102 --> 01:21.402 honored Caesar, and you can see that he is 01:21.403 --> 01:24.783 represented as he was-- it's a quite realistic portrait 01:24.780 --> 01:28.830 with the lines and wrinkles, with his receding hairline and 01:28.825 --> 01:31.815 so on accentuated in this portrait. 01:31.819 --> 01:35.799 On the right hand-side of the screen we see an image of Pompey 01:35.803 --> 01:39.663 the Great, a marble portrait that is now in the Ny Carlsberg 01:39.656 --> 01:41.546 Glyptotek, in Copenhagen. 01:41.550 --> 01:44.720 And a portrait that shows that Pompey the Great very much 01:44.721 --> 01:47.611 wanted to ally himself with Alexander the Great, 01:47.610 --> 01:50.070 because if you look at his very full head of hair, 01:50.069 --> 01:52.609 you can see that he wears it in the center, 01:52.610 --> 01:57.590 pushed up in a kind of pompadour, which is a reference 01:57.587 --> 02:03.877 to the same kind of upsweep that was worn by Alexander the Great. 02:03.879 --> 02:08.069 I want to give you a little bit of information about Caesar, 02:08.068 --> 02:09.478 about his life, about some of his 02:09.480 --> 02:12.460 accomplishments, because these are going to have 02:12.460 --> 02:15.870 an impact on the architecture, on our discussion of the 02:15.866 --> 02:18.006 architecture that he commissioned in Rome. 02:18.008 --> 02:22.848 We know that Caesar was elected consul, in 59 B.C. 02:22.848 --> 02:26.988 He then joined with Pompey the Great, and with a man by the 02:26.994 --> 02:30.144 name of Crassus, to form what is known as the 02:30.138 --> 02:31.708 First Triumvirate. 02:31.710 --> 02:36.860 The result of that First Triumvirate was in part that 02:36.864 --> 02:40.734 Caesar received a consulship in Gaul. 02:40.729 --> 02:45.869 But despite all good intentions, just a few years 02:45.870 --> 02:51.010 later, in 54 B.C., the Triumvirate fell apart. 02:51.008 --> 02:56.008 Difficult times were the case in Rome between 53 and 50 B.C. 02:56.008 --> 02:59.838 There were food shortages and riots in the city, 02:59.840 --> 03:04.410 and the Senate was very concerned that these uprisings 03:04.407 --> 03:09.147 would lead to a takeover by the populace of the city. 03:09.150 --> 03:10.890 Pompey took charge. 03:10.889 --> 03:14.199 He took control of the Senate and he restored order, 03:14.199 --> 03:18.439 and his reward for so doing is that the Senate was willing to 03:18.438 --> 03:21.758 work with him to try to overthrow his rival, 03:21.759 --> 03:24.029 that is, Julius Caesar. 03:24.030 --> 03:26.720 Crassus, the other member of the Triumvirate, 03:26.720 --> 03:27.760 had since died. 03:27.758 --> 03:31.758 But Caesar got the upper hand, at the end of the day, 03:31.758 --> 03:34.888 and it was Caesar who defeated Pompey the Great at a very 03:34.889 --> 03:38.779 famous battle, the Battle of Pharsalos, 03:38.775 --> 03:42.195 which took place in 48 B.C. 03:42.199 --> 03:46.219 After the Battle of Pharsalos and his defeat by Julius Caesar, 03:46.220 --> 03:49.620 Pompey fled to Egypt where he was murdered, 03:49.620 --> 03:52.890 and in fact the Egyptians slit Pompey's head, 03:52.889 --> 03:56.409 put it on a plate and presented it to Caesar. 03:56.410 --> 03:58.640 Now you'd think Caesar would have been happy about that. 03:58.639 --> 04:01.199 He wasn't, because although he was thrilled to have defeated 04:01.200 --> 04:05.160 Pompey the Great, he did not like seeing the head 04:05.162 --> 04:09.852 of a fellow Roman delivered to him on a plate. 04:09.848 --> 04:13.698 Caesar, at that point, despite his victory, 04:13.699 --> 04:17.259 what was foremost in his mind was his affair with Cleopatra, 04:17.259 --> 04:21.939 and he stayed in Egypt with Cleopatra for a period of time. 04:21.939 --> 04:26.189 But in 45 B.C., by 45 B.C., he had returned to 04:26.189 --> 04:26.849 Rome. 04:26.850 --> 04:30.020 He was acclaimed Dictator in that year, 04:30.019 --> 04:35.379 in 45, and after that he pursued fiscal reforms for Rome, 04:35.379 --> 04:39.389 and also he commissioned a number of very important public 04:39.387 --> 04:41.697 works, and that's where Roman 04:41.704 --> 04:44.774 architecture obviously comes into play. 04:44.769 --> 04:48.839 Despite the fact that he initiated those reforms and 04:48.836 --> 04:53.696 built buildings and built up the city in interesting ways, 04:53.699 --> 04:57.549 the aristocrats in Rome considered Caesar a tyrant. 04:57.550 --> 05:00.700 They considered him a tyrant because they felt that the 05:00.699 --> 05:03.969 influence of Cleopatra had rubbed off too much on him and 05:03.966 --> 05:06.296 his ambitions were too monarchical, 05:06.300 --> 05:11.180 and the aristocrats encouraged his murder. 05:11.180 --> 05:13.780 And he was assassinated, as all of you know, 05:13.778 --> 05:17.918 by Cassius and Brutus in the year 44 B.C., 05:17.920 --> 05:21.110 on the Ides of March, and he was divinized by the 05:21.113 --> 05:24.303 Senate, he was made a god by the 05:24.303 --> 05:27.253 Senate, in the year 42 B.C. 05:27.250 --> 05:30.310 In his biography of Julius Caesar, 05:30.310 --> 05:34.170 the writer Suetonius, who was a secretary and a 05:34.173 --> 05:38.713 biographer to the emperor Hadrian in the second century 05:38.709 --> 05:42.009 A.D., Suetonius wrote a biography of 05:42.007 --> 05:45.407 the Twelve Caesars, a very famous biography that 05:45.406 --> 05:48.876 many of you may know served as the basis for Robert Graves' 05:48.882 --> 05:52.812 very well-known Claudius, which also accentuates again 05:52.805 --> 05:55.765 the biographies of those first Twelve Caesars. 05:55.769 --> 05:58.949 And although Caesar himself was dictator, not emperor, 05:58.949 --> 06:02.609 he is the first of the Caesars who is covered by Suetonius. 06:02.610 --> 06:05.940 And in Suetonius' biography of Julius Caesar, 06:05.939 --> 06:10.629 he tells us about some of these major architectural commissions 06:10.634 --> 06:13.364 that Caesar embarked on in Rome. 06:13.360 --> 06:17.360 And it's interesting to read about these because we'll see 06:17.363 --> 06:21.793 that all of them seem to have been the best and the greatest. 06:21.790 --> 06:25.050 And I think one of the explanations for this is the 06:25.045 --> 06:28.035 time that Caesar spent in Alexandria, in Egypt, 06:28.041 --> 06:29.281 with Cleopatra. 06:29.278 --> 06:33.958 She wanted to show him the sites, and in fact they went on 06:33.961 --> 06:37.001 a very famous barge trip together, 06:37.000 --> 06:39.580 down the Nile, in which she showed him the 06:39.579 --> 06:43.039 pyramids and the sphinxes that were there to be seen. 06:43.040 --> 06:44.900 And he was extremely impressed by what he saw in Egypt, 06:44.899 --> 06:48.529 and decided that one of the most important things that he 06:48.531 --> 06:50.741 could do, that he could contribute to 06:54.473 --> 06:56.883 that was the equal of Alexandria, 06:56.879 --> 07:00.649 that had similar large-scale buildings and impressive 07:00.648 --> 07:03.608 monuments, the way Alexandria did. 07:03.610 --> 07:06.630 So he came back to Rome, he undertook this major 07:06.632 --> 07:10.292 building project, and Suetonius tells us that he 07:10.288 --> 07:12.148 built-- he wanted to build, 07:12.151 --> 07:16.241 he started to build a Temple to Mars that Suetonius describes as 07:16.235 --> 07:18.045 the biggest in the world. 07:18.050 --> 07:18.970 Why? 07:18.970 --> 07:20.970 To compete with the buildings of Alexandria. 07:20.970 --> 07:24.120 A vast--not just a theater--a vast theater. 07:24.120 --> 07:26.650 Greek and Latin public libraries. 07:26.649 --> 07:29.379 We know, of course, that the greatest library in 07:29.384 --> 07:32.644 the ancient world at this particular time was the Library 07:32.641 --> 07:33.691 at Alexandria. 07:33.690 --> 07:37.740 So he wanted libraries in Rome that could compete with the 07:37.738 --> 07:39.868 great Library of Alexandria. 07:39.870 --> 07:43.870 And he was also particularly interested in engineering 07:43.874 --> 07:44.634 marvels. 07:44.629 --> 07:49.069 He built, or he began to build, a highway from the Adriatic, 07:49.069 --> 07:51.609 across the Apennines, to the Tiber, 07:51.610 --> 07:56.230 and then most famously a canal cut through the Isthmus of 07:56.233 --> 07:57.063 Corinth. 07:57.060 --> 08:01.670 That was, in large part, achieved, and one can still see 08:01.665 --> 08:06.015 that canal, if one visits Corinth in Greece today. 08:06.019 --> 08:08.039 So he had vast ambitions. 08:08.040 --> 08:13.230 But many of these ambitions were cut short by his 08:13.228 --> 08:16.038 assassination in 44 B.C. 08:16.040 --> 08:17.700 He was not able to achieve architecturally all that he had 08:17.697 --> 08:17.927 hoped. 08:17.930 --> 08:23.930 One building that he was able to complete, or almost complete, 08:23.934 --> 08:26.104 was a forum in Rome. 08:26.100 --> 08:28.990 The Forum Iulium, I-u-l-i-u-m, 08:28.990 --> 08:32.980 which is after his family name Iulius. 08:32.980 --> 08:37.050 The Forum Iulium, or as we usually call it the 08:37.046 --> 08:42.556 Forum of Julius Caesar in Rome was a building that he was able 08:42.557 --> 08:51.127 to begin in the year 52 B.C., and then it was inaugurated in 08:51.134 --> 08:54.364 46 B.C., which is a couple of years 08:54.360 --> 08:55.750 before his assassination. 08:55.750 --> 08:59.240 It wasn't quite finished at the time of its inauguration and it 08:59.235 --> 09:02.845 was left to Caesar's follower, Augustus, first emperor of 09:02.852 --> 09:06.992 Rome, to actually complete some of the details of the forum. 09:06.990 --> 09:10.980 But for all intents and purposes it was done by 46. 09:10.980 --> 09:17.500 I show you a Google Earth aerial view of the Roman Forum, 09:17.500 --> 09:20.260 as you see it here--we've looked at this before-- 09:20.259 --> 09:21.789 the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, 09:21.785 --> 09:23.665 just for you to get your bearings, 09:23.668 --> 09:26.548 the Circus Maximus, the Palatine Hill, 09:26.548 --> 09:29.818 the Capitoline Hill, the Victor Emmanuel Monument 09:29.815 --> 09:32.155 here, Mussolini's Via dei Fori 09:32.162 --> 09:35.432 Imperiali here, the so-called Imperial Fora, 09:35.434 --> 09:38.744 of which Augustus' forum, which we're also going to talk 09:38.735 --> 09:39.785 about today is a part. 09:39.788 --> 09:44.498 The Forum of Caesar is very close to the Roman Forum. 09:44.500 --> 09:47.600 It's located just to the left here, and above, 09:47.595 --> 09:50.205 the wedding cake of Victor Emmanuel. 09:50.210 --> 09:53.330 You see it here, and you can barely make out the 09:53.327 --> 09:57.167 three columns that are still preserved from the temple that 09:57.173 --> 09:59.433 was located inside this forum. 09:59.428 --> 10:04.498 So you can see it was adjacent to, and in fact connected to, 10:04.500 --> 10:07.680 the Roman forum that lay over here. 10:07.678 --> 10:11.318 So a forum, and in that forum a temple, 10:11.320 --> 10:16.830 a temple to Venus, Venus Genetrix, 10:16.827 --> 10:20.847 G-e-n-e-t-r-i-x, Venus Genetrix, 10:20.851 --> 10:23.811 who was the divine ancestress of the Julian family. 10:23.808 --> 10:27.808 The Julian family traced its ancestry back to Venus via 10:27.807 --> 10:29.657 Aeneas, through Aeneas. 10:29.658 --> 10:34.018 So this was the very special patron goddess of not only 10:34.024 --> 10:37.424 Caesar himself but of the Julian family. 10:37.418 --> 10:40.618 This is a plan of the Forum of Julius Caesar, 10:40.623 --> 10:44.923 as it would have looked when the building was inaugurated in 10:44.918 --> 10:45.718 46 B.C. 10:45.720 --> 10:51.000 And I think you can see here that it has two major 10:50.995 --> 10:57.235 prototypes, models that were being looked back at when this 10:57.239 --> 11:00.899 was designed, beginning in 52. 11:00.899 --> 11:04.939 You can see that it is based heavily on earlier Roman forum 11:04.942 --> 11:09.052 -- Samnite/Roman forum design -- as we saw it in the city of 11:09.052 --> 11:12.112 Pompeii; think of the Forum of Pompeii. 11:12.110 --> 11:15.400 But it also was based in part on a building that we have not 11:15.403 --> 11:17.753 looked at and which no longer survives, 11:17.750 --> 11:22.200 but we have information about, and that is that Caesareum, 11:22.200 --> 11:26.410 or Caesareum of Julius Caesar, that he and Cleopatra put up in 11:26.412 --> 11:27.312 Alexandria. 11:27.308 --> 11:31.048 And we know enough about that building to know it too was an 11:31.052 --> 11:34.412 open rectangular space with colonnades around it and a 11:34.413 --> 11:36.003 temple as part of it. 11:36.000 --> 11:39.160 So this whole idea of temple in a rectangular complex. 11:39.159 --> 11:40.869 We see it in Alexandria. 11:40.870 --> 11:44.930 Contemporaneously we see it earlier in Pompeii at the Forum 11:44.928 --> 11:45.838 of Pompeii. 11:45.840 --> 11:49.860 So a great open rectangular space, open to the sky, 11:49.864 --> 11:52.524 with colonnades on either side. 11:52.519 --> 11:56.329 You can see on this side there are some additional chambers, 11:56.326 --> 11:58.966 and based on what those look like in plan, 11:58.971 --> 12:01.811 I am sure you can tell me what they are. 12:01.809 --> 12:03.049 Does anyone know? 12:03.048 --> 12:07.188 Think back to what we saw in Pompeii that looked similar to 12:07.190 --> 12:07.690 this. 12:07.690 --> 12:09.150 What are these here? 12:09.149 --> 12:09.419 What? 12:09.417 --> 12:11.657 Student: > 12:11.658 --> 12:15.298 Prof: Storage did you say, or-- Student: 12:15.303 --> 12:16.423 Storage. 12:16.418 --> 12:17.128 Prof: Storage. 12:17.134 --> 12:19.424 Not exactly storage; shops, tabernae. 12:19.418 --> 12:22.578 Remember the tabernae that we saw fronting the houses 12:22.582 --> 12:23.282 in Pompeii. 12:23.278 --> 12:25.968 These are a series of shops, or tabernae, 12:25.970 --> 12:30.070 opening off the left colonnade of the forum, 12:30.070 --> 12:32.860 and then on one of the short sides, 12:32.860 --> 12:35.770 pushed up against the back wall--in fact, 12:35.769 --> 12:38.289 in this case, almost projecting out of the 12:38.293 --> 12:43.113 forum to a certain extent-- the Temple of Venus Genetrix. 12:43.110 --> 12:46.300 We can see it in plan, and it dominates the space in 12:46.297 --> 12:49.607 front of it, just as the Capitolium did at Pompeii. 12:49.610 --> 12:54.880 We can see the general plan conforms to early Roman temple 12:54.879 --> 12:57.889 architecture, as we've described it, 12:57.890 --> 13:02.000 with its use of the Etruscan plan and the Greek elevation. 13:02.000 --> 13:05.980 We can see that there is--well I'll show you this in a moment, 13:05.975 --> 13:08.645 but take my word--it has a high podium; 13:08.649 --> 13:12.129 it has a deep porch; it has freestanding columns in 13:12.131 --> 13:12.851 that porch. 13:15.288 --> 13:19.898 although one idiosyncrasy of this particular temple is that 13:19.903 --> 13:23.783 the staircase is located, not just on the front, 13:23.777 --> 13:27.397 but on the two sides, but only at the level of the 13:27.397 --> 13:27.937 podium. 13:27.940 --> 13:30.200 The staircase does not encircle the building, 13:30.200 --> 13:32.170 as it would have in a Greek temple, 13:32.168 --> 13:36.578 but it goes beyond the front to the sides of the podium, 13:36.580 --> 13:41.010 to allow access to it that way as well. 13:41.009 --> 13:44.229 A single entrance, because this is the Temple of 13:44.232 --> 13:46.842 Venus and not the Capitoline Triad, 13:46.840 --> 13:49.920 and then columns, freestanding columns on either 13:49.916 --> 13:53.486 side, but a flat back wall very much 13:53.490 --> 13:55.930 in the Etruscan manner. 13:55.928 --> 13:59.478 So a temple that is very much in keeping with the other kind 13:59.475 --> 14:02.595 of temple architecture that we have seen thus far. 14:02.600 --> 14:07.350 What's significant though again is that the choice of goddess to 14:07.352 --> 14:10.092 honor here, the fact that it is Venus 14:10.090 --> 14:12.190 Genetrix, a personal goddess, 14:12.186 --> 14:14.966 from the point of view of Julius Caesar: 14:14.971 --> 14:18.901 someone who was associated closely with his family, 14:18.899 --> 14:22.779 with the genesis of his family, and not with the Roman State as 14:22.783 --> 14:23.413 a whole. 14:23.408 --> 14:24.968 And that's a very important distinction, 14:24.970 --> 14:28.100 the difference between putting up a temple to the Capitoline 14:28.101 --> 14:30.491 Triad, a very state-oriented thing to 14:30.485 --> 14:34.165 do, and putting up a temple to your own personal goddess. 14:37.765 --> 14:40.285 individuals thought about themselves, 14:40.288 --> 14:43.628 and may again have had something to do with the way 14:43.630 --> 14:47.700 Caesar was perceived in Rome, and to his eventual demise. 14:47.700 --> 14:49.670 In fact, I should also add that Caesar, 14:49.668 --> 14:53.138 because of his relationship with Cleopatra, 14:53.139 --> 14:58.069 ended up putting up a statue of Cleopatra as the Egyptian 14:58.071 --> 15:01.101 goddess Isis, in this temple as well, 15:01.096 --> 15:03.836 standing right next to Venus Genetrix. 15:03.840 --> 15:08.910 Which was a pretty arrogant and probably a pretty stupid thing 15:08.910 --> 15:13.980 to do in Republican Rome where Cleopatra was considered a very 15:13.981 --> 15:18.071 interesting public figure, because she did come with him 15:18.065 --> 15:23.115 to visit Rome at one point, but was also maligned by many 15:23.121 --> 15:28.391 among the aristocracy as an enemy of Rome. 15:28.389 --> 15:32.009 I'm showing you here a view of the Forum of Caesar, 15:32.006 --> 15:35.476 as it looks today, and you can see the columns on 15:35.479 --> 15:38.589 the left-hand side, from the colonnade. 15:38.590 --> 15:40.100 Some of those still stand. 15:40.100 --> 15:44.440 You can see the staircase or the foundations of the staircase 15:44.438 --> 15:46.828 and the podium, tall podium again, 15:46.826 --> 15:49.426 of the Temple of Venus Genetrix. 15:49.428 --> 15:52.058 But you can see that only a very small number, 15:52.059 --> 15:54.749 three in fact, of the columns are preserved. 15:54.750 --> 15:56.830 So it is in actually quite ruinous state. 15:56.830 --> 16:00.130 And what you're looking at here is actually not even, 16:00.129 --> 16:03.189 for the most part, the Julian building, 16:03.190 --> 16:06.510 because we know that this building was seriously damaged 16:06.514 --> 16:09.654 in a fire, later, and that it was restored 16:09.649 --> 16:13.369 by the emperor Domitian, in the late first century A.D., 16:13.368 --> 16:16.588 and then by the emperor Trajan, into the early second century 16:16.586 --> 16:16.816 A.D. 16:16.820 --> 16:21.070 And so what stands today is primarily a later structure. 16:21.070 --> 16:24.530 But we do believe it was based very closely on the original 16:24.533 --> 16:27.343 Julian building, and in that regard is a very 16:27.339 --> 16:30.379 good reflection of what it would have looked like. 16:30.379 --> 16:34.219 This coin over here shows the temple as it was in the time of 16:34.216 --> 16:35.236 Julius Caesar. 16:35.240 --> 16:38.860 We see the altar in the front, the altar; 16:38.860 --> 16:41.730 because the sacrifice always takes place in the front of a 16:41.732 --> 16:42.492 Roman temple. 16:42.490 --> 16:45.210 The temple itself, with its columns that are 16:45.210 --> 16:48.120 parted on this coin, only to show the statue of 16:48.119 --> 16:50.839 Venus Genetrix inside: the cult statue. 16:50.840 --> 16:53.090 The colonnades on either side. 16:53.090 --> 16:55.090 And then if you look closely at the pediment, 16:55.090 --> 16:57.120 you can see that there's sculpture in there, 16:57.120 --> 16:59.970 and we have literary descriptions of what that 16:59.974 --> 17:03.164 sculpture depicted, and we know it was a scene of 17:03.160 --> 17:06.560 Venus rising from the sea: so Venus Genetrix rising from 17:06.559 --> 17:07.239 the sea. 17:07.240 --> 17:10.290 The closest thing probably to it is something like, 17:10.288 --> 17:13.658 for those of you who know it--Botticelli's Primavera 17:13.663 --> 17:16.973 in Florence is probably sort of the idea here for 17:16.974 --> 17:21.634 emerging from the waters, and her depiction in this 17:21.633 --> 17:24.643 particular pediment above. 17:24.640 --> 17:28.580 And we know that there were also scenes of cupids carrying 17:28.582 --> 17:31.282 the arms and armor, probably of Mars. 17:31.278 --> 17:34.408 This is me with a former graduate student of mine and 17:34.406 --> 17:36.656 pointing out-- he wrote a dissertation on the 17:36.663 --> 17:39.233 Forum of Caesar, which was afterwards published 17:39.231 --> 17:39.891 as a book. 17:39.890 --> 17:44.540 But he's pointing out to me here some of the architectural 17:44.535 --> 17:48.765 detail that still survives, that one can see when one 17:48.773 --> 17:51.793 wanders through that forum today. 17:51.788 --> 17:55.358 And you can see the very deep drill work here, 17:55.358 --> 17:57.908 deep drill work that is actually not characteristic of 17:57.913 --> 18:01.103 the time of Julius Caesar, but rather of the time of 18:01.103 --> 18:02.613 Domitian and Trajan. 18:02.608 --> 18:08.078 So probably this decoration belongs to the later renovation 18:08.084 --> 18:11.014 of this particular structure. 18:11.009 --> 18:14.419 This gives you perhaps the best idea of what the temple would 18:14.417 --> 18:17.767 have looked like in the forum: a restored view of the Temple 18:17.769 --> 18:20.779 of Venus Genetrix in the Forum of Julius Caesar, 18:20.778 --> 18:23.568 with its inscription telling us that Caesar, 18:23.569 --> 18:26.889 a dictator of Rome, put it up; "fecit," 18:26.890 --> 18:28.010 as you can see here. 18:28.009 --> 18:30.239 You can see the tall podium. 18:34.077 --> 18:37.777 there was a staircase on three sides of that podium. 18:37.779 --> 18:41.649 You can see the birth of Venus in the pediment above. 18:41.650 --> 18:44.550 You can see the columns over here of the side, 18:44.548 --> 18:47.828 the colonnade of one--of the left side of the forum, 18:47.834 --> 18:50.544 which would have had statues on bases. 18:50.539 --> 18:52.459 The shops behind. 18:52.460 --> 18:57.170 And most importantly what this restored view shows you is the 18:57.173 --> 19:01.963 relationship between the Temple of Venus Genetrix and Caesar's 19:01.964 --> 19:04.234 Forum, and the Capitolium, 19:04.230 --> 19:06.810 on the top of the Capitoline Hill. 19:06.808 --> 19:09.408 Because when you take away the Victor Emmanuel Monument, 19:09.410 --> 19:13.950 which is there now and which we saw in the earlier image, 19:13.950 --> 19:17.450 you can see that the building that was up on top of the hill 19:17.448 --> 19:20.768 at this particular time was of course the Capitolium, 19:20.769 --> 19:22.589 the Temple of Jupiter OMC. 19:22.588 --> 19:26.338 And I mentioned to you at the time we talked about the Temple 19:26.336 --> 19:28.936 of Jupiter OMC, although the Campidoglio, 19:28.942 --> 19:32.732 as redesigned by Michelangelo, with the Senatorial Palace in 19:32.731 --> 19:35.511 the back, which is where the Temple of 19:35.507 --> 19:38.307 Jupiter OMC was, faces modern Rome. 19:38.308 --> 19:40.748 The ancient temple faced ancient Rome, 19:40.749 --> 19:44.049 faced the Roman Forum, and so you see it facing the 19:44.045 --> 19:46.545 Roman Forum in this restored view. 19:46.548 --> 19:48.668 So I don't think it was coincidental. 19:48.670 --> 19:50.870 The Romans were very careful, as we've learned, 19:50.867 --> 19:53.447 about how they sited their buildings, and they liked to 19:53.448 --> 19:55.788 make references from one building to another. 19:55.788 --> 19:58.778 I don't think it is any coincidence that Caesar chose 19:58.781 --> 20:02.061 this site for his Temple of Venus so that anyone who gazed 20:02.063 --> 20:05.433 at it would also see, out of the corner of their eye, 20:05.432 --> 20:07.672 the Temple of the Capitoline Triad, 20:07.670 --> 20:11.640 on the Capitoline Hill, and that would only enhance 20:11.644 --> 20:15.864 Caesar's stature in the eyes of his contemporaries. 20:15.858 --> 20:21.848 You see now portraits of Mark Antony, 20:21.848 --> 20:25.608 on the right-hand of the screen, a black basalt portrait 20:25.611 --> 20:27.601 of Antony, now in England, 20:27.597 --> 20:30.597 and a portrait of Rome's first emperor, 20:30.598 --> 20:34.818 Octavian Augustus, on the left-hand of the screen, 20:34.818 --> 20:39.758 a fantastic bronze image of him that was part of an equestrian 20:39.762 --> 20:43.332 statue found in the North Sea near Greece. 20:43.328 --> 20:48.278 With regard to Antony and Octavian, after Caesar's 20:48.280 --> 20:53.840 assassination in 44 B.C., it was Mark Antony who rose to 20:53.838 --> 20:54.848 power. 20:54.848 --> 21:01.368 Octavian was only 19 at the time--so your age--and he was 21:01.368 --> 21:04.628 the grandnephew of Caesar. 21:04.630 --> 21:06.840 So he had a familial relationship, 21:06.843 --> 21:10.803 although a fairly distant one, to Caesar: the grandnephew of 21:10.801 --> 21:11.541 Caesar. 21:11.538 --> 21:17.008 And this 19-year-old upstart tried to overthrow Mark Antony, 21:17.011 --> 21:19.611 and he was not successful. 21:19.608 --> 21:22.558 In the wise "If you can't beat them, 21:22.558 --> 21:25.458 join them" way of thinking about life and 21:25.461 --> 21:28.201 the world, Octavian joined, 21:28.202 --> 21:32.012 with Antony, with Mark Antony, 21:32.009 --> 21:35.379 and a man by the name of Lepidus, to form what we know of 21:35.375 --> 21:39.835 as the Second Triumvirate, and that happened in the year 21:39.838 --> 21:40.588 43 B.C. 21:40.588 --> 21:45.158 Once they had formed the Second Triumvirate together, 21:45.160 --> 21:48.660 Octavian and Antony took all of their military forces-- 21:48.660 --> 21:51.190 and each of them had a considerable amount-- 21:51.190 --> 21:54.910 and they combined them, with the objective of going 21:54.907 --> 21:58.917 after Cassius and Brutus: Cassius and Brutus who you'll 21:58.924 --> 22:01.384 remember had murdered Caesar. 22:01.380 --> 22:04.380 And they were successful at so doing. 22:04.380 --> 22:09.920 They beat and murdered Cassius and Brutus at the Battle of 22:09.917 --> 22:12.927 Philippi, in the year 42 B.C. 22:12.930 --> 22:17.570 A very important battle, the Battle of Philippi in 42 22:17.574 --> 22:18.114 B.C. 22:18.108 --> 22:21.628 Mark Antony, who not only rose to power 22:21.630 --> 22:27.100 after Caesar's assassination, but rose in the life and times 22:27.095 --> 22:28.665 of Cleopatra. 22:28.670 --> 22:31.740 They had entered into--well there's some rumors that this 22:31.743 --> 22:34.053 happened, or began much earlier in time. 22:34.048 --> 22:36.768 But at any rate, Mark Antony takes up with 22:36.769 --> 22:40.749 Cleopatra and he joins her in Egypt and he spends a good deal 22:40.749 --> 22:45.259 of his time in the eastern part of the Empire with his paramour. 22:45.259 --> 22:49.469 Octavian very smartly realized Antony is distracted. 22:49.470 --> 22:54.550 "This is a perfect time for me to try once again to gain 22:54.549 --> 22:57.259 the supreme power that I want. 22:57.259 --> 23:00.939 I don't want to be part of a threesome, I want to rule Rome 23:00.936 --> 23:02.646 completely, myself." 23:02.650 --> 23:06.800 And he defeats Antony and Cleopatra at one of the most 23:06.799 --> 23:10.899 famous battles of all time, the Battle of Actium, 23:10.895 --> 23:15.875 a naval battle which took place off the northwestern coast of 23:15.884 --> 23:19.754 Greece, in 31 B.C. 23:19.750 --> 23:24.920 After that very famous battle, Antony and Cleopatra commit 23:24.923 --> 23:30.193 suicide and Octavian becomes the sole emperor of this newly 23:30.189 --> 23:33.909 emerging super power, and he is appointed as 23:33.913 --> 23:37.763 Augustus, which meant that he had a special kind of majesty, 23:37.759 --> 23:42.039 in the year 27 B.C. 23:42.038 --> 23:47.538 We have additional information about Augustus from Suetonius' 23:47.537 --> 23:52.097 biography of him-- he wrote one of him obviously 23:52.097 --> 23:56.267 as well-- and from Augustus' own account 23:56.270 --> 24:00.580 of his life and of his accomplishments. 24:00.578 --> 24:04.158 I mentioned that Octavian--and that's called the Res Gestae 24:04.156 --> 24:07.846 Divi Augusti-- I mentioned that Octavian took 24:07.854 --> 24:10.804 the title of Augustus in 27 B.C., 24:10.798 --> 24:14.228 and he was emperor of Rome for a very long time, 24:14.230 --> 24:20.270 from that year 27 until his death in AD 1.4., 24:20.269 --> 24:24.069 at the age of 76, which was a very ripe old age 24:24.065 --> 24:26.635 to live to, at a time when most 24:26.642 --> 24:30.612 people--women were dying in childbirth at 10 to 20, 24:30.608 --> 24:33.658 and men were dying, for the most part, 24:33.660 --> 24:34.890 in their thirties. 24:34.890 --> 24:37.960 So 76 was a very old age indeed, in ancient times, 24:37.964 --> 24:41.804 and it meant that Augustus was emperor of Rome for a very long 24:41.795 --> 24:43.485 period, as you can see. 24:43.490 --> 24:47.180 Now at his death, Augustus deposited three 24:47.180 --> 24:49.750 documents, besides his will, 24:49.750 --> 24:52.550 with the Vestal Virgins in Rome, 24:52.548 --> 24:55.918 and these included instructions for his funeral; 24:55.920 --> 24:58.890 a kind of state of the union address; 24:58.890 --> 25:02.400 what was the situation in Rome and in the Empire, 25:02.404 --> 25:06.364 at the time of his death, or right before his death? 25:11.425 --> 25:13.895 of all of his accomplishments during his lifetime, 25:13.900 --> 25:18.530 which were meant to be carved on two bronze plaques that were 25:18.531 --> 25:21.931 to be set up in front of his tomb in Rome. 25:21.930 --> 25:27.160 These are the famous Res Gestae Divi Augusti, 25:27.160 --> 25:31.090 and that means the list of things accomplished of the 25:31.085 --> 25:33.365 divine Augustus, because Augustus, 25:33.365 --> 25:35.695 like Caesar before him, was made a god, 25:35.696 --> 25:38.666 was transformed into a god at his death. 25:38.670 --> 25:42.100 And this lists all of his accomplishments at home and 25:42.099 --> 25:43.979 abroad-- the battles that he won, 25:43.982 --> 25:47.382 the cities that he formed-- but most important for us, 25:47.378 --> 25:51.088 it lists dozens and dozens of building projects. 25:51.088 --> 25:54.428 For example, it lists eighty-two temples 25:54.432 --> 25:59.492 that he either restored or built in Rome, in Rome itself. 25:59.490 --> 26:04.280 So it gives you some sense of the magnitude of this man's 26:04.281 --> 26:09.591 building objectives and is very important to us as a compendium 26:09.587 --> 26:11.297 of what he does. 26:11.298 --> 26:12.888 Some of these buildings still survive. 26:12.890 --> 26:14.090 Some of them don't. 26:14.088 --> 26:16.818 But this is a very informative list indeed, 26:16.818 --> 26:20.178 and it shows us that to Augustus, as to Caesar before 26:20.176 --> 26:22.526 him, the building of buildings was 26:22.528 --> 26:25.608 extremely important: the making of buildings not 26:25.605 --> 26:29.595 only to remake Rome as a great city of the ancient world, 26:29.598 --> 26:32.938 but also to leave something for posterity, 26:32.940 --> 26:36.060 and, of course, both of them were successful in 26:36.058 --> 26:37.888 both of those objectives. 26:37.890 --> 26:42.400 Very important for us today are also the words of Suetonius. 26:42.400 --> 26:47.610 Suetonius tells us that Augustus bragged that he-- 26:47.608 --> 26:50.828 and I quote--"found Rome a city of brick, 26:50.828 --> 26:54.468 and left Rome a city of marble." 26:54.470 --> 26:57.550 A city of brick, meaning that brick tile that we 26:57.549 --> 27:00.439 saw in Pompeii, he found a Rome that was built 27:00.443 --> 27:03.933 out of that same kind of brick tile that we saw at Pompeii, 27:03.930 --> 27:08.390 but he wanted to transform, he left the city of Rome a city 27:08.394 --> 27:09.324 of marble. 27:09.318 --> 27:14.108 And that's exactly the major thrust of today's lecture: 27:14.111 --> 27:18.721 Augustus builds Rome as a marble city in the model of 27:18.724 --> 27:22.804 ancient Greece, in the model of Athens, 27:22.798 --> 27:25.998 in the Greek part of the world. 27:26.000 --> 27:27.700 It's a rhetorical exaggeration, but we're going to see, 27:27.700 --> 27:31.090 from the two Augustan buildings that I show you today, 27:31.088 --> 27:34.808 that it wasn't far off the mark, that he really did create 27:34.813 --> 27:37.323 a city of marble, on the Tiber, 27:37.319 --> 27:42.029 and he left for posterity that Greek marble city, 27:42.029 --> 27:48.099 a Hellenized city that builds on the Hellenization of Roman 27:48.095 --> 27:53.005 architecture that we've already talked about. 27:53.009 --> 27:58.519 What made Augustus' boast possible was the fact for the 27:58.523 --> 28:04.963 first time in its history a high quality marble was available to 28:04.958 --> 28:09.538 Rome, in close proximity; that is, marble from Italy 28:09.535 --> 28:12.015 itself, as opposed to imported marbles. 28:12.019 --> 28:15.529 We've seen up to this point that the Romans wanted to build 28:15.529 --> 28:19.219 marble buildings; that they created faux marble 28:19.221 --> 28:23.261 walls, the First Style, at Pompeii for example, 28:23.256 --> 28:25.006 and also in Rome. 28:25.009 --> 28:29.569 That they created temples with columns and superstructures that 28:29.569 --> 28:32.589 were made out of tufa, or travertine, 28:32.592 --> 28:36.142 and then they stuccoed those over white, 28:36.140 --> 28:39.200 to make them look like marble, even though they were not 28:39.199 --> 28:39.699 marble. 28:39.700 --> 28:43.940 But that they just didn't have access to marble readily enough 28:43.942 --> 28:46.382 to transform, to actually make these 28:46.375 --> 28:48.805 buildings out of marble itself. 28:48.808 --> 28:51.648 There was some flirtation with it. 28:51.650 --> 28:56.010 They did import a certain amount of Greek marble to use, 28:56.009 --> 28:58.559 for some buildings, but it wasn't available at a 28:58.559 --> 29:01.439 low enough cost to allow the kind of full-scale marble 29:01.435 --> 29:03.385 building that they wanted to do. 29:03.390 --> 29:09.310 What happens in the end of the reign of Caesar and into-- 29:09.308 --> 29:13.148 or the dictatorship of Caesar and into the emperorship of 29:13.145 --> 29:16.635 Augustus is that all of a sudden a high quality, 29:16.640 --> 29:20.160 relatively inexpensive marble becomes available. 29:20.160 --> 29:23.590 Because what happens is the Romans begin to exploit, 29:23.588 --> 29:26.858 in the late Caesarian period and into the age of Augustus, 29:26.858 --> 29:31.588 the marble quarries at Luna, on the northwest coast of 29:31.586 --> 29:32.296 Italy. 29:32.298 --> 29:37.508 This is the same town as modern Carrara, the same quarries that 29:37.511 --> 29:42.221 were used centuries later by none other than Michelangelo 29:42.221 --> 29:43.231 himself. 29:43.230 --> 29:45.910 Carrara marble, you all know Carrara marble, 29:45.905 --> 29:48.575 called Luna, the site called Luna in ancient 29:48.583 --> 29:49.583 Roman times. 29:49.579 --> 29:51.259 So Luna or Carrara marble. 29:51.259 --> 29:54.699 I show you a view here of the marble quarries, 29:54.698 --> 29:58.208 or one of the marble quarries, at Luna/Carrara, 29:58.212 --> 30:00.432 what it looks like today. 30:00.430 --> 30:04.570 This is a re-enactment of bringing the marble blocks down 30:04.567 --> 30:07.817 from the mountain for use in construction. 30:07.818 --> 30:11.748 They basically do it the same way today as they probably did 30:11.752 --> 30:13.622 it in ancient Roman times. 30:13.618 --> 30:18.008 And it was fairly easy to get this. 30:18.009 --> 30:20.979 Since it was on the coast, it was fairly easy to load this 30:20.980 --> 30:23.120 marble into boats, bring it down to Ostia, 30:23.116 --> 30:24.886 and then up the Tiber to Rome. 30:24.890 --> 30:27.890 And that began to be done, with great success, 30:27.890 --> 30:30.290 especially in the age of Augustus. 30:30.288 --> 30:32.778 Going to Carrara today is a pleasure. 30:32.779 --> 30:34.589 It's an interesting place to visit, 30:34.588 --> 30:38.838 especially if you go there at the time of the marble 30:38.836 --> 30:43.746 exhibition that they have and the competition that they have 30:43.750 --> 30:48.660 where people make whatever out of Carrara marble and compete 30:48.663 --> 30:50.083 for prizes. 30:50.078 --> 30:55.408 And I show you a view taken during one of these contests 30:55.407 --> 30:57.827 here now on the screen. 30:57.828 --> 31:01.158 And there are some amazing, amazing works of art, 31:01.157 --> 31:03.997 we might call them, that come out of these 31:04.000 --> 31:05.180 competitions. 31:05.180 --> 31:06.520 Here's one of my favorites. 31:06.519 --> 31:14.219 You see over here the Luna marble version of an Italian 31:14.221 --> 31:16.221 Cinquecento. 31:16.220 --> 31:19.010 These Cinquecentos, which were miniscule, 31:19.005 --> 31:23.315 are not--not many of them exist today, although you do see some 31:23.323 --> 31:25.833 antique versions here and there. 31:25.828 --> 31:28.508 But I had one of these once, and you can see a picture of me 31:28.511 --> 31:31.211 in fact here, in front of American Express, 31:31.209 --> 31:34.869 not far from the Spanish Steps, the Piazza di Spagna, 31:34.865 --> 31:36.275 with my Cinquecento. 31:36.279 --> 31:37.539 It was a long time ago. 31:37.539 --> 31:39.219 But you can see how small it is. 31:39.220 --> 31:44.760 I'm actually standing on the front passenger side and popping 31:44.759 --> 31:47.159 up through the sun roof. 31:47.160 --> 31:50.890 But my size there--and I'm about 5'7--compared to the car, 31:50.892 --> 31:54.692 gives you some sense of how small these cars were today. 31:54.690 --> 31:57.690 So the Italians have been very good about this sort of thing 31:57.685 --> 31:59.055 for some time, and continue, 31:59.059 --> 32:00.199 as you well know, to drive, 32:00.200 --> 32:03.860 for the most part, small cars through the city. 32:03.858 --> 32:08.558 And another one of my favorite entries into the competition are 32:08.555 --> 32:12.485 these Luna marble decapitated heads of Juan and Evita 32:16.203 --> 32:18.783 competitions some years ago. 32:18.778 --> 32:23.238 With regard to transforming Rome into a marble city, 32:23.240 --> 32:27.880 now that Carrara marble was available at a fairly low cost, 32:27.880 --> 32:30.850 compared to the importation of Greek marbles, 32:30.848 --> 32:34.168 Augustus begins to build his marble city. 32:34.170 --> 32:38.910 And I'm going to show you two major commissions of Augustus 32:38.914 --> 32:39.574 today. 32:39.568 --> 32:42.958 The first of these is the Forum of Augustus in Rome, 32:42.960 --> 32:46.840 a forum--or the Forum Augustum in Rome-- 32:46.838 --> 32:52.268 that was very much in Augustus' mind from the beginning of his 32:52.273 --> 32:53.703 rise to power. 32:53.700 --> 32:58.100 In fact, it's Suetonius who tells us that the reason that 32:58.102 --> 33:02.742 Augustus built a forum in Rome was because even though there 33:02.740 --> 33:05.650 were already two forums in Rome-- 33:05.650 --> 33:08.860 that includes the Roman Forum and the Forum of Julius Caesar-- 33:08.858 --> 33:11.938 even though those two existed and were both being used, 33:11.940 --> 33:15.530 that the population--Suetonius tells us the population was 33:15.534 --> 33:19.374 growing by leaps and bounds, as were the need to try 33:19.369 --> 33:23.739 judicial cases, and that the spaces in the 33:23.738 --> 33:28.648 forums--of the Roman Forum, and in the Forum of Julius 33:28.646 --> 33:32.366 Caesar--did not allow for the needs of the populace or for the 33:32.373 --> 33:36.103 needs of these judicial cases, and that they needed to build 33:36.096 --> 33:36.946 another forum. 33:36.950 --> 33:39.750 Well, that's a good story, but the likelihood is it had 33:39.748 --> 33:41.768 pretty much nothing to do with that-- 33:41.769 --> 33:43.089 it may have had something to do with that, 33:43.088 --> 33:46.308 but not a lot to do with that--because Augustus had 33:46.307 --> 33:47.527 ulterior motives. 33:47.529 --> 33:50.439 Augustus -- it was at the Battle of Philippi, 33:50.441 --> 33:52.031 that battle of 42 B.C. 33:52.029 --> 33:57.119 when Mark Antony and Octavian joined forces to defeat the 33:57.122 --> 33:59.762 assassins of Julius Caesar. 33:59.759 --> 34:03.939 It was right before that battle that Augustus vowed that if he 34:03.940 --> 34:06.040 won, if he were successful, 34:06.035 --> 34:09.775 that he would build a temple to Mars the Avenger, 34:09.780 --> 34:14.320 Mars Ultor, U-l-t-o-r, Mars Ultor, Mars the Avenger, 34:14.320 --> 34:18.890 in gratitude for helping him avenge the death of Julius 34:18.893 --> 34:21.423 Caesar, the murder of Julius Caesar, 34:21.420 --> 34:23.580 the assassination of Julius Caesar. 34:23.579 --> 34:26.949 And so when he was successful, he said, "I will build 34:26.947 --> 34:28.127 that temple." 34:28.130 --> 34:30.500 And that temple needed an environment, 34:30.500 --> 34:33.810 and as we've seen, Romans often built temples 34:33.806 --> 34:37.196 inside complexes, whether it was sanctuaries or 34:37.195 --> 34:40.215 forums, and so he had a good excuse to 34:40.224 --> 34:45.944 build a major forum in Rome, as a domicile for the Temple of 34:45.943 --> 34:47.213 Mars Ultor. 34:47.210 --> 34:49.320 He didn't get around to it for awhile-- 34:49.320 --> 34:53.010 again, the Battle of Philippi, 42--but he had a lot of other 34:53.012 --> 34:55.812 things to contend with, namely Mark Antony and 34:55.806 --> 34:56.386 Cleopatra. 34:56.389 --> 34:58.839 It wasn't until after the Battle of Actium, 34:58.835 --> 35:02.325 when he got rid of the two of them, that he had time to build 35:02.331 --> 35:04.081 this Temple to Mars Ultor. 35:04.079 --> 35:07.569 And we see it beginning to go up in 28 B.C.-- 35:07.570 --> 35:10.310 so considerably later than the original battle-- 35:10.309 --> 35:13.429 28 B.C., and it was dedicated in Rome, 35:13.429 --> 35:19.369 on a very important date, the date of 2 B.C. 35:19.369 --> 35:23.429 So begun in 28 B.C. 35:23.429 --> 35:26.209 and dedicated in 2 B.C., and that's the date that I've 35:26.213 --> 35:30.163 given you on the Monument List, the dedication of the Temple of 35:30.157 --> 35:33.427 Mars Ultor and the Forum of Augustus in 2 B.C. 35:33.429 --> 35:35.119 We see its plan here. 35:35.119 --> 35:39.009 We will see momentarily that it was built in very close 35:39.014 --> 35:42.004 approximation ; in fact, right next to the 35:42.001 --> 35:43.631 Forum of Julius Caesar. 35:43.630 --> 35:44.720 Why? 35:44.719 --> 35:47.499 Because, of course, Augustus wanted to associate 35:47.500 --> 35:50.400 himself with his divine adoptive father Caesar. 35:50.400 --> 35:53.220 So he puts his own forum right next to Caesar's. 35:53.219 --> 35:55.209 We see the Forum of Augustus here. 35:55.210 --> 35:59.070 We can see that it follows in the main, the plan of the Forum 35:59.074 --> 36:00.304 of Julius Caesar. 36:00.300 --> 36:03.950 It is a rectangular space, open to the sky, 36:03.949 --> 36:09.719 with colonnades on either side, with a temple in the center, 36:09.719 --> 36:13.169 pushed up against the back wall, and dominating the space 36:13.172 --> 36:14.222 in front of it. 36:14.219 --> 36:17.969 The only change here is the addition of these hemicycles, 36:17.969 --> 36:20.989 one on either side, looking very much like the 36:20.994 --> 36:24.824 hemicycles that we looked at from the Sanctuary of Fortuna 36:24.824 --> 36:26.874 Primigenia, at Palestrina: 36:26.869 --> 36:29.979 these embracing arms that served to accentuate 36:29.983 --> 36:34.003 architecturally and visually the temple in the center, 36:34.000 --> 36:36.910 and that also served as a place--there are niches on 36:36.909 --> 36:40.219 either side where they could put statuary and the like, 36:40.219 --> 36:43.629 seen through the columns, as you can see here. 36:43.630 --> 36:46.870 The Temple of Mars Ultor itself, again very similar to 36:46.867 --> 36:48.807 temples, early Roman temples that we've 36:48.809 --> 36:51.669 been talking about, using the Etruscan plan: 36:55.286 --> 36:59.106 deep porch, freestanding columns in that porch, 36:59.110 --> 37:01.620 freestanding columns on either side, 37:01.619 --> 37:04.959 but yet, like an Etruscan temple, a flat back wall. 37:04.960 --> 37:08.230 As you can see here, some columns inside, 37:08.231 --> 37:12.971 decorating the cella of the temple, and then a single niche 37:12.974 --> 37:15.514 for the cult statue inside. 37:15.510 --> 37:19.260 And note here also the base--I'll say something about 37:19.264 --> 37:22.374 the statue that stood on that base later. 37:22.369 --> 37:26.879 Here's a Google Earth view of this part of Rome, 37:26.882 --> 37:30.052 showing the connection between. 37:30.050 --> 37:33.250 You can see here the Forum of Julius Caesar as it looks today. 37:33.250 --> 37:34.360 This is the entrance. 37:34.360 --> 37:36.740 We're moving back toward the Capitoline Hill. 37:36.739 --> 37:39.289 These are those three columns that I showed you before, 37:39.289 --> 37:41.679 are still preserved, as well as the columns of the 37:41.684 --> 37:43.644 colonnade, on the left side, 37:43.639 --> 37:45.889 that entered into the shops. 37:45.889 --> 37:51.999 Here's the modern Via dei Fori Imperiali, built by Mussolini. 37:52.000 --> 37:55.480 What Mussolini did was slice the Roman Forum and Julian Forum 37:55.483 --> 37:58.453 from the so-called Imperial Fora, to which they were 37:58.445 --> 38:01.585 originally attached; and any of you who've been in 38:01.585 --> 38:05.255 Rome recently know that this entire area is being excavated. 38:05.260 --> 38:07.700 The plan is--the street is still there now, 38:07.699 --> 38:09.829 but the plan is eventually--we'll see whether 38:09.827 --> 38:13.907 this really happens, because it would be a traffic 38:13.909 --> 38:16.679 nightmare-- but the plan is to take that 38:16.679 --> 38:20.139 Mussolini street down eventually and reunite all of these forums 38:20.143 --> 38:22.623 in some great archaeological park someday. 38:22.619 --> 38:24.519 It would be exciting if that were to happen. 38:24.519 --> 38:25.829 So the modern street. 38:25.829 --> 38:29.859 But initially the Forum of Caesar would have stood exactly 38:29.864 --> 38:32.134 next to the Forum of Augustus. 38:32.130 --> 38:35.190 We see that here, and if you look carefully you 38:35.193 --> 38:38.323 can see the remains of the Temple of Mars Ultor, 38:38.324 --> 38:41.594 as well as a precinct wall that is preserved. 38:41.590 --> 38:46.350 It was a 115-foot precinct wall, protecting the forum from 38:46.353 --> 38:50.203 just the area we were talking about before-- 38:50.199 --> 38:53.609 that question about housing for the well-to-do and the less 38:53.614 --> 38:58.174 well-to-do in ancient Rome-- protecting the forum from the 38:58.170 --> 39:00.420 so-called Subura, S-u-b-u-r-a, 39:00.422 --> 39:02.542 which was that area of Rome in which all of those rickety, 39:02.539 --> 39:05.559 wooden tenement houses were located and which were 39:05.557 --> 39:09.407 constantly going up in fires, to protect the temple--because 39:09.411 --> 39:12.821 marble can burn-- to protect the Temple of Mars 39:12.822 --> 39:17.072 Ultor from all of that stuff that was back there in the 39:17.072 --> 39:17.862 Subura. 39:17.860 --> 39:20.200 Here's another view from Google Earth, 39:20.199 --> 39:23.589 taken from the other side, showing the remains of the 39:23.585 --> 39:27.185 Temple of Mars Ultor, pushed up against the back 39:27.188 --> 39:30.008 wall, and then that precinct wall, 39:30.010 --> 39:31.760 that is very well-preserved, snaking its way around, 39:31.760 --> 39:36.030 dividing the forum proper, the sacred space, 39:36.030 --> 39:38.810 from the residential area called the Subura that was 39:38.809 --> 39:39.299 behind. 39:39.300 --> 39:44.940 Here's a view of the precinct wall as it looks from the 39:44.940 --> 39:47.970 outside of the forum today. 39:47.969 --> 39:50.929 There are some additions that were made in later times, 39:50.927 --> 39:54.157 Medieval-looking windows and the like, but for the most part 39:54.161 --> 39:55.751 it's preserved as it was. 39:55.750 --> 39:58.290 You can see we're dealing with ashlar blocks, 39:58.289 --> 40:01.349 made out of peperino stone, p-e-p-e-r-i-n-o. 40:01.349 --> 40:03.279 We've talked about peperino before. 40:03.280 --> 40:06.960 It's a form of tufa, a stone that was used here with 40:06.960 --> 40:09.920 ashlar blocks, for the encircling precinct 40:09.920 --> 40:10.570 wall. 40:10.570 --> 40:14.290 You can see the coloration of those peperino blocks, 40:14.286 --> 40:16.206 grayish/brownish color here. 40:16.210 --> 40:20.770 And you can see the difference between that and the temple, 40:20.768 --> 40:22.858 the remains of the temple, the columns, 40:22.860 --> 40:25.450 the steps of the temple, as well as some other 40:25.445 --> 40:29.655 decoration, and also some of the walls were 40:29.657 --> 40:35.917 made out of Luna or Carrara marble: Luna or Carrara marble 40:35.920 --> 40:38.010 for this temple. 40:38.010 --> 40:40.030 This is a view of the Temple of Mars Ultor as it looks today. 40:40.030 --> 40:42.680 It's in ruinous state, but enough is preserved for us 40:42.684 --> 40:45.804 to get a very good sense of what it originally looked like. 40:45.800 --> 40:47.640 You can see that the podium is tall. 40:47.639 --> 40:50.039 You can see that it's made out of tufa. 40:50.039 --> 40:55.219 You can see that the steps are sheathed in Carrara marble, 40:55.224 --> 41:00.234 brought from those quarries that we discussed before. 41:00.230 --> 41:03.870 You can see that the columns were also made out of solid 41:03.865 --> 41:04.985 Carrara marble. 41:04.989 --> 41:06.039 We see that here. 41:06.039 --> 41:08.809 We see a wall in Carrara marble, and we see the 41:08.807 --> 41:12.237 distinction between that and the peperino walls. 41:12.239 --> 41:13.949 You can also see, in this very good view, 41:13.949 --> 41:19.089 one of the hemicycles on the left-hand side, 41:19.090 --> 41:22.110 and you can see those niches that I mentioned before, 41:22.110 --> 41:26.450 that would have held statuary that you could see through the 41:26.445 --> 41:27.175 columns. 41:27.179 --> 41:30.569 This is a restored view in the Ward-Perkins textbook, 41:30.570 --> 41:35.710 which shows you what the temple would have looked like in 41:35.706 --> 41:39.386 antiquity, when it was in its final form, 41:39.393 --> 41:42.893 and you can see everything we've described: 41:42.885 --> 41:45.395 the tall podium, single staircase, 41:46.739 --> 41:49.739 You can see also that there was sculpture in the pediment, 41:49.744 --> 41:51.594 and we know something about that. 41:51.590 --> 41:54.110 You can see the columns on either side, 41:54.110 --> 41:56.040 and you can see in the second story-- 41:56.039 --> 41:59.999 you can barely make them out but take my word, 42:00.000 --> 42:02.510 those are, instead of columns they are figures of women that 42:02.512 --> 42:04.132 we're going to say something about, 42:04.130 --> 42:06.730 and you can see those again on both sides. 42:06.730 --> 42:10.450 So this gives you a sense of what the temple would've looked 42:10.447 --> 42:11.767 like in its heyday. 42:11.768 --> 42:16.158 The favored capital column type, and capital of the Romans, 42:16.164 --> 42:19.124 the Corinthian, is what is used here. 42:19.119 --> 42:23.949 You can see a preserved capital, and how beautifully 42:23.949 --> 42:27.449 rendered they were: very high quality, 42:27.454 --> 42:32.004 capitals done out of Luna or Carrara marble. 42:32.000 --> 42:34.020 We can see the characteristic triple row of acanthus leaves, 42:34.018 --> 42:36.098 the spiral volutes growing out of those, 42:36.099 --> 42:40.159 the central flower that we see always in the Corinthian order 42:40.157 --> 42:44.207 for the columns that were used for the temple and for most of 42:44.213 --> 42:47.463 the side columns on the first story as well. 42:47.460 --> 42:51.670 But in some cases those columns were replaced with others that 42:51.666 --> 42:55.246 have instead of the spiral volutes growing out of the 42:55.251 --> 42:58.301 acanthus leaves, pegasi, winged horses, 42:58.295 --> 43:02.135 and I show you a detail of one of those pegasi here. 43:02.139 --> 43:06.689 A capital with an animal, replacing the spirals, 43:06.690 --> 43:11.050 is called a zoomorphic capital: zoo, z-o-o; 43:11.050 --> 43:14.420 zoomorphic, z-o-o-m-o-r-p-h-i-c, 43:14.418 --> 43:16.698 zoomorphic capital. 43:16.699 --> 43:21.109 And it's interesting to note that we see similar zoomorphic 43:21.105 --> 43:25.355 capitals in Greece a bit earlier than this structure, 43:25.360 --> 43:28.500 at a gateway that I'm going to show you at a place called 43:28.501 --> 43:30.721 Eleusis-- we'll return to this when we 43:30.719 --> 43:33.349 discuss Roman Greece later in this semester-- 43:33.349 --> 43:35.259 and these have, instead of pegasi, 43:35.264 --> 43:38.934 these have bull protomes, the tops of bulls emanating out 43:38.929 --> 43:40.509 of the acanthus leaves. 43:40.510 --> 43:42.380 But I show it to you to make one point, 43:42.380 --> 43:44.950 and that is that it seems very likely that there was some 43:44.947 --> 43:46.687 interesting architectural exchange-- 43:46.690 --> 43:52.200 ideas, architects and so on--going on between Athens and 43:52.195 --> 43:55.995 Rome in the late Republican period, 43:56.000 --> 43:58.470 in the time of Julius Caesar and into the age of Augustus, 43:58.469 --> 44:01.749 and it's an issue that we'll return to in the future. 44:01.750 --> 44:05.760 We're going to see that Augustus not only builds his 44:05.759 --> 44:10.239 marble city in order to make it look more like Greece, 44:10.239 --> 44:13.409 more like Athens, and to connect his new Golden 44:13.414 --> 44:16.664 Age with the Golden Age of Periclean Athens, 44:16.659 --> 44:20.719 but we see very specific Greek models being used. 44:20.719 --> 44:23.699 For example, one of these is a frieze from 44:23.697 --> 44:25.437 the Forum of Augustus. 44:25.440 --> 44:29.840 The other is a frieze from one of the three temples on the 44:29.844 --> 44:32.614 Acropolis, in Athens, of the fifth century 44:32.612 --> 44:35.172 B.C., the so-called Erechtheion, 44:35.172 --> 44:37.892 or Erectheum, in the Latinized version, 44:37.889 --> 44:41.179 and one of these is from one and one of these is from the 44:41.181 --> 44:41.711 other. 44:41.710 --> 44:44.070 And I just wondered quickly if any of you want to guess which 44:44.070 --> 44:46.470 is the Roman one and which is the Greek one that it copies? 44:46.469 --> 44:50.529 You can see this alternation of the lotus and palmette leaves 44:50.534 --> 44:51.014 here. 44:51.010 --> 44:52.920 Any quick thoughts? 44:52.920 --> 44:58.120 How many of you think this is the Greek one? 44:58.119 --> 45:01.369 How many of you think this is the Greek one? 45:01.369 --> 45:03.569 This is the Roman one; this is the Roman one at the 45:03.574 --> 45:05.064 top, this is the Greek one down here. 45:05.059 --> 45:07.109 The Greek one down here, more deeply undercut, 45:07.114 --> 45:08.854 which is I think what throws people. 45:08.849 --> 45:11.689 The Roman one, from the Forum of Augustus up 45:11.690 --> 45:12.220 above. 45:12.219 --> 45:15.259 But the important point for us again, that they are looking 45:15.262 --> 45:17.572 back at Greek buildings of the fifth century, 45:17.572 --> 45:19.622 and they are copying what they see. 45:19.619 --> 45:23.079 We see here a model of the Forum of Augustus, 45:23.079 --> 45:26.719 with the Temple of Mars Ultor inside that forum, 45:26.719 --> 45:32.219 with the embracing exedrae or hemicycles on either side. 45:32.219 --> 45:36.019 You can see that the exterior of the structure was quite 45:36.018 --> 45:38.968 plain, just in the way that a Domus 45:38.972 --> 45:43.682 Italica outside was plain, and it was only when you got 45:43.677 --> 45:47.867 inside that you got a real sense of the glory of the 45:47.865 --> 45:49.175 architecture. 45:49.179 --> 45:51.029 So I think you can see well here. 45:51.030 --> 45:54.530 And most interesting for us, I mentioned that these columns 45:54.534 --> 45:57.964 on the temple were Corinthian; the columns on the first story 45:57.963 --> 45:59.313 over here were Corinthian. 45:59.309 --> 46:02.559 But in the second story, on the left and right sides of 46:02.557 --> 46:05.717 the forum, the columns are replaced by 46:05.717 --> 46:08.607 figures of women, by figures of maidens, 46:08.614 --> 46:11.014 and I show you two of them have survived-- 46:11.010 --> 46:12.300 two of them are well-preserved. 46:12.300 --> 46:14.040 I show them to you here. 46:14.039 --> 46:17.319 These figures of maidens that replace the columns, 46:17.320 --> 46:20.920 that support the capitals, on top of their heads, 46:20.920 --> 46:26.170 and they flank this shield in the center with the depiction of 46:26.173 --> 46:27.383 a male head. 46:27.380 --> 46:32.810 This is the god Jupiter, a certain guise of the god 46:32.813 --> 46:34.523 Jupiter, Jupiter Ammon, 46:34.521 --> 46:38.061 as you can see him here, and we have information that 46:38.061 --> 46:43.341 tells us that Alexander the Great used to place shields in 46:43.338 --> 46:46.698 the Parthenon in Athens, and elsewhere, 46:46.697 --> 46:49.867 after great military victories, and it is possible that that 46:49.873 --> 46:51.923 sort of thing is being referred to here, 46:51.920 --> 46:54.680 because we know Augustus, like Pompey before him, 46:54.679 --> 46:59.069 had a thing for Alexander and liked to associate himself with 46:59.070 --> 46:59.950 Alexander. 46:59.949 --> 47:04.369 But most important for us is the fact that these maidens have 47:04.369 --> 47:07.169 clear precedents in the Greek world. 47:07.170 --> 47:10.700 The famous Porch of the Maidens on the Athenian Acropolis, 47:10.699 --> 47:14.159 fifth century B.C., the Erechtheion again-- 47:14.159 --> 47:19.209 E-r-e-c-h-t-h-e-i-o-n, in the Greek version-- 47:19.210 --> 47:23.570 the Erectheion of Athens, fifth century B.C. 47:23.570 --> 47:24.990 Same set of maidens. 47:24.989 --> 47:28.419 We know that these had fallen into disrepair in the age of 47:28.418 --> 47:29.078 Augustus. 47:29.079 --> 47:30.879 Augustus visited Athens three times. 47:30.880 --> 47:33.720 He did not like seeing these in disrepair, 47:33.719 --> 47:37.299 and in fact he had his own architects replace one of them 47:37.297 --> 47:40.767 with a Roman copy, and while they were doing that, 47:40.771 --> 47:43.731 they made plaster casts of these maidens, 47:43.730 --> 47:46.520 they brought those plaster casts back to Rome, 47:46.518 --> 47:53.608 and then in reduced scale they duplicated them for the Forum of 47:53.606 --> 47:55.776 Augustus in Rome. 47:55.780 --> 47:59.810 So appropriations from Greece; appropriations in part because 47:59.807 --> 48:03.077 Augustus liked them, but also I don't think there's 48:03.079 --> 48:06.779 any question that he was trying to draw a relationship between 48:06.780 --> 48:09.260 himself, his new Golden Age, 48:09.260 --> 48:12.950 and the Golden Age of Periclean Athens. 48:12.949 --> 48:15.669 We also have evidence for what the pediment, 48:15.670 --> 48:19.470 the sculpture in the pediment looked like, and I want to turn 48:19.467 --> 48:20.477 to that now. 48:20.480 --> 48:25.030 This is a relief that dates to a slightly later period that 48:25.030 --> 48:29.340 purports to represent the pediment of the Temple of Mars 48:29.344 --> 48:30.134 Ultor. 48:30.130 --> 48:33.540 And I show it to you here, and we can tell from this 48:33.536 --> 48:37.206 exactly what the sculptural display was all about in the 48:37.208 --> 48:39.078 pediment of this temple. 48:39.079 --> 48:41.429 We see here in the center, not surprisingly, 48:41.431 --> 48:44.561 Mars Ultor himself; Mars Ultor depicted with a bare 48:44.561 --> 48:45.011 chest. 48:45.010 --> 48:47.550 Next to him, to his right, 48:47.554 --> 48:51.834 to our left, we see a figure of a woman. 48:51.829 --> 48:54.279 This is Venus, and Venus, as you can see, 48:54.280 --> 48:56.550 has something on her left shoulder. 48:56.550 --> 48:57.640 It is a Cupid. 48:57.639 --> 49:03.859 So Venus with Cupid, Venus the consort of Mars. 49:03.860 --> 49:07.460 And then over here a personification that we believe 49:07.460 --> 49:10.210 depicts Fortuna: Fortuna, the goddess of 49:10.213 --> 49:14.383 Fortune, who brought fortune to Augustus in his battle. 49:14.380 --> 49:18.020 And then over here, a seated figure of Roma, 49:18.018 --> 49:20.218 with her arms and armor. 49:20.219 --> 49:23.099 Keep this figure in your mind, because I'm going to show you 49:23.097 --> 49:24.657 another seated Roma very soon. 49:24.659 --> 49:28.549 And then over here, a reclining figure of the Tiber 49:28.547 --> 49:31.887 River, the river on which Rome was built. 49:31.889 --> 49:34.849 Over here, a seated figure we believe is Romulus, 49:34.853 --> 49:37.573 the founder of Rome, on the Palatine Hill. 49:37.570 --> 49:41.870 And over here a reclining personification of the Palatine. 49:41.869 --> 49:44.599 So, most important, that the building honored, 49:44.599 --> 49:47.329 of course, Mars Ultor, and that Mars Ultor was 49:47.329 --> 49:49.089 depicted in the pediment. 49:49.090 --> 49:52.570 There was also a cult statue inside the Temple of Mars, 49:52.570 --> 49:55.770 and we believe we know what that looked like as well, 49:55.768 --> 49:59.418 because we believe we have a copy of it in a relief from 49:59.418 --> 50:03.328 Algiers that is still preserved, that depicts Mars, 50:03.333 --> 50:06.793 in the center, this Mars Ultor again, 50:06.789 --> 50:09.559 this time the warlike Mars Ultor, because you can see he's 50:09.557 --> 50:11.547 wearing his breastplate and his helmet. 50:11.550 --> 50:14.090 His consort, Venus, is once again by his 50:14.085 --> 50:14.535 side. 50:14.539 --> 50:17.119 Venus is leaning on a pedestal. 50:17.119 --> 50:18.749 She's very seductive. 50:18.750 --> 50:22.530 Her drapery is falling off her shoulder, as you can see, 50:22.532 --> 50:24.392 as she looks toward Mars. 50:24.389 --> 50:27.939 And then Cupid down here, offering her a sword in a 50:27.936 --> 50:30.416 sheath, probably Mars' own sword. 50:30.420 --> 50:33.680 And then over here a figure that's very controversial, 50:33.679 --> 50:36.729 a youthful looking figure with a bare chest, 50:36.730 --> 50:39.280 and you can see a full cap of hair, 50:39.280 --> 50:44.030 and we think that he is actually the divinized Julius 50:44.034 --> 50:46.484 Caesar, very botoxed compared to 50:46.480 --> 50:50.370 what--he's rejuvenated compared to what he looked like in that 50:50.369 --> 50:53.369 green diabase portrait that I showed you before: 50:53.367 --> 50:55.867 a very youthful, divine Caesar, 50:55.869 --> 51:00.739 which shows you what happens to people in Roman times when they 51:00.735 --> 51:02.145 were divinized. 51:02.150 --> 51:05.730 They were able to shed a fair number of years and were 51:05.728 --> 51:09.168 depicted in much younger versions in their divinized 51:09.173 --> 51:09.853 state. 51:09.849 --> 51:11.769 So this probably a reflection. 51:11.768 --> 51:13.818 As you can see, the figures stand on bases, 51:13.820 --> 51:16.860 and figures that stand on bases in Roman relief sculpture are 51:16.858 --> 51:20.088 usually meant to be statues, and we believe that this is 51:20.085 --> 51:23.885 again a rendition of what that triple set of statues would have 51:23.885 --> 51:25.905 looked like inside the temple. 51:25.909 --> 51:29.579 To return to the plan quickly, just to make the point that the 51:29.583 --> 51:32.343 sculptural program-- we're concerned here primarily 51:32.338 --> 51:35.328 with architecture-- but the sculptural program was 51:35.333 --> 51:38.243 very complicated, but very interesting, 51:38.244 --> 51:42.164 and the figures were very carefully aligned with one 51:42.164 --> 51:45.014 another to get the message across. 51:45.010 --> 51:46.830 So as you looked at the temple, you would have seen Mars Ultor 51:46.826 --> 51:47.776 in the center of the pediment. 51:47.780 --> 51:50.360 If you were allowed to walk into the temple, 51:50.360 --> 51:51.840 which usually only the priests could do, 51:51.840 --> 51:55.390 you would see the cult statue with Mars Ultor in the center 51:55.389 --> 51:55.879 there. 51:55.880 --> 51:59.360 There was an equestrian statue that was put up, 51:59.362 --> 52:03.072 of Augustus in 2 B.C., when he was given the title 52:03.072 --> 52:07.012 Pater Patriae, the father of his country. 52:07.010 --> 52:09.990 And then all along the colonnades there would've been 52:09.990 --> 52:14.460 statuary, including an image of Aeneas on 52:14.463 --> 52:17.383 this side, Romulus on this side, 52:17.382 --> 52:20.012 and the so-called summi viri, 52:20.010 --> 52:22.540 the great men of Rome, both Augustus' colleagues and 52:22.538 --> 52:25.298 also his rivals, in their portraits on either 52:25.300 --> 52:27.900 side: a kind of giant picture gallery, 52:27.900 --> 52:37.010 a giant portrait gallery of Rome, of the great men of Rome, 52:37.010 --> 52:39.550 of the greatest men of Rome, namely Augustus himself, 52:39.550 --> 52:43.280 and of his ancestry, both divine and mythological, 52:43.280 --> 52:46.530 via Aeneas and also Venus. 52:46.530 --> 52:51.740 The second marble building that I want to show you today is the 52:51.735 --> 52:56.805 famous Altar of Augustan Peace, the Ara Pacis Augustae, 52:56.811 --> 53:00.001 which is one of, if not my most favorite 53:00.001 --> 53:03.241 building and monument in Rome, and one that I've had a 53:03.239 --> 53:05.889 personal obsession with my entire scholarly life. 53:05.889 --> 53:09.299 I've written a lot on this monument and have a lot of 53:09.295 --> 53:13.025 thoughts, which have changed significantly over the years, 53:13.028 --> 53:15.648 about this very important structure. 53:15.650 --> 53:18.630 We know about it--Augustus tells us about the Altar of 53:18.628 --> 53:21.438 Augustan Peace himself in his Res Gestae. 53:21.440 --> 53:25.050 He tells us on his return--and I'm quoting Augustus here, 53:25.047 --> 53:28.587 from the RG--on his return to Rome from Spain and 53:28.590 --> 53:30.890 Gaul; he had gone to Spain and Gaul, 53:30.889 --> 53:34.209 which were the western part of the Empire, in order to make 53:34.213 --> 53:35.823 some diplomatic treaties. 53:35.820 --> 53:38.040 "On my return to Rome from Spain and Gaul, 53:38.039 --> 53:43.339 after successfully restoring law and order to the provinces, 53:43.340 --> 53:47.030 the Senate decided" (and this happened in 13 B.C.) 53:47.030 --> 53:50.670 "to consecrate the Ara Pacis Augustae, 53:50.670 --> 53:53.390 on the Campus Martius" (the so-called Field of Mars, 53:53.389 --> 53:55.649 an area of Rome) "in honor of my return, 53:55.650 --> 53:59.500 at which officials, priests and Vestal Virgins 53:59.501 --> 54:03.011 should offer an annual sacrifice." 54:03.010 --> 54:06.690 We believe that the monument being referred to here is the 54:06.690 --> 54:11.110 one that you see now before you, The Ara Pacis Augustae, 54:11.114 --> 54:15.074 made entirely of Luna or Carrara marble, 54:15.070 --> 54:19.930 solid Luna or Carrara marble, and even more of a marble 54:19.929 --> 54:22.719 building, in a sense, than the temple and 54:22.715 --> 54:24.745 forum that we've looked at thus far. 54:24.750 --> 54:27.860 It is a marble building that we believe that we know. 54:27.860 --> 54:29.790 We know its dates quite specifically. 54:29.789 --> 54:34.359 We know that it was consecrated on the 4^(th) of July--an easy 54:34.356 --> 54:37.726 date to remember, for all of us--the 4^(th) of 54:37.726 --> 54:39.146 July in 13 B.C. 54:39.150 --> 54:42.830 was when it was consecrated, and it was completed and 54:42.826 --> 54:46.216 dedicated on the 30^(th) of January in 9 B.C.; 54:46.219 --> 54:50.549 the 30^(th) of January just happened to be the birthday of 54:50.554 --> 54:52.384 Augustus' wife, Livia. 54:52.380 --> 54:53.740 No coincidence there. 54:53.739 --> 54:56.259 She was obviously lobbying for that. 54:56.260 --> 55:00.580 So on her birthday, 30^(th) of January in 9 B.C., 55:00.579 --> 55:03.279 this structure is dedicated. 55:03.280 --> 55:09.170 We know that it--there's a lot of controversy as to exactly 55:09.173 --> 55:13.853 what event is referred to on this monument, 55:13.849 --> 55:17.369 because we'll see that there is a procession that refers to some 55:17.367 --> 55:18.427 historical event. 55:18.429 --> 55:22.019 We will also see that the monument is covered with all 55:22.018 --> 55:26.258 kinds of sculptural decoration, including flowering acanthus 55:26.257 --> 55:28.277 plants, including mythological and 55:28.277 --> 55:31.187 legendary scenes, including historical scenes. 55:31.190 --> 55:35.020 And trying to decipher the web of all these and their 55:35.016 --> 55:38.546 relationship to one another is fairly complex. 55:38.550 --> 55:41.410 What's important to us as we look at this is-- 55:41.409 --> 55:44.569 and I want to show you here, from Ward-Perkins, 55:44.570 --> 55:48.360 a plan and an axonometric view, which will give us a very good 55:48.360 --> 55:50.910 sense of what this altar was all about. 55:50.909 --> 55:55.479 We can see that the altar proper was located in the center 55:55.476 --> 55:56.996 of the structure. 55:57.000 --> 56:00.090 It's a kind of u-shaped altar, which goes back to Greek 56:00.094 --> 56:00.844 precedents. 56:00.840 --> 56:04.530 The most famous u-shaped altar of the Hellenistic period, 56:04.530 --> 56:09.370 some of you may know it, the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, 56:09.369 --> 56:10.799 the great Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, 56:10.800 --> 56:12.120 which you see in the uppermost part, 56:12.119 --> 56:15.099 now in Berlin. 56:15.099 --> 56:17.249 But these u-shaped altars were used in Greece, 56:17.248 --> 56:19.348 and you can see that same u-shaped form here, 56:19.351 --> 56:20.451 used for the altar. 56:20.449 --> 56:22.629 The altar proper, where the sacrifice was 56:22.625 --> 56:24.935 actually made, is located inside this 56:24.943 --> 56:27.293 precinct, which is open to the sky, 56:27.289 --> 56:31.599 and most importantly has double doors: a doorway on the eastern 56:31.601 --> 56:35.501 side of the monument and a doorway on the western side of 56:35.496 --> 56:36.676 the monument. 56:36.679 --> 56:39.949 Even though there are two doors, you note that there is 56:39.952 --> 56:42.742 only a single staircase on the western side. 56:42.739 --> 56:45.779 So the Romans, despite the fact that they've 56:45.784 --> 56:50.254 given it a dual focus by putting two doors, they still give it a 56:50.246 --> 56:53.006 single focus by a single staircase. 56:53.010 --> 56:55.560 So facadism of Roman architecture reigned supreme, 56:55.563 --> 56:56.713 as you can see here. 56:56.710 --> 57:00.480 The fact that there were double doorways -- very significant, 57:00.476 --> 57:03.486 and we've tried to sort out why that might be. 57:03.489 --> 57:06.319 There are two possible precedents or two possible 57:06.318 --> 57:08.558 references that are being made here. 57:08.559 --> 57:13.399 One, to a Greek altar, a Greek fifth-century B.C. 57:13.400 --> 57:16.060 altar, which shouldn't surprise us since we've seen that 57:16.061 --> 57:18.581 Augustus is looking back at the fifth century B.C. 57:18.579 --> 57:21.099 in Greece and mining it for architectural ideas and 57:21.103 --> 57:21.863 associations. 57:21.860 --> 57:29.070 We see here what is a restored view of the Altar of the Twelve 57:29.065 --> 57:31.295 Gods, or the Altar of Pity, 57:31.302 --> 57:34.012 that was located in the Greek marketplace, 57:34.010 --> 57:36.480 in Athens, the Athenian Agora, the marketplace in Athens, 57:36.480 --> 57:38.020 fifth century B.C. 57:38.018 --> 57:41.518 You can see that it consisted of an altar in the center, 57:41.518 --> 57:44.218 with a precinct wall, with double doorways, 57:44.219 --> 57:49.019 one on either side here, and with relief sculpture. 57:49.018 --> 57:51.738 So it looks like that might well be an important model, 57:51.737 --> 57:54.807 again not surprisingly since it dates to the fifth century. 57:54.809 --> 57:57.319 But also important, and I show you an image of it 57:57.315 --> 58:01.185 on a Roman coin here, is the so-called Shrine of 58:01.188 --> 58:05.438 Janus--the two-headed god, J-a-n-u-s, the Shrine of Janus, 58:05.436 --> 58:07.506 which we know is located in the Roman Forum. 58:07.510 --> 58:13.290 And tradition had it that when the doors--because it had double 58:13.293 --> 58:14.973 doors; well it had two sides because 58:14.974 --> 58:15.784 he was a two-headed god. 58:15.780 --> 58:17.340 So two sides, both with doors, 58:17.340 --> 58:20.890 both with double doors, and that when those double 58:20.893 --> 58:25.673 doors were closed, it signaled that peace reigned 58:25.673 --> 58:28.073 throughout the Empire. 58:28.070 --> 58:31.420 And we know in the Res Gestae, Augustus tells us 58:31.422 --> 58:34.342 that he closed the doors of the Shrine of Janus, 58:34.340 --> 58:37.010 he brags, three times during his reign. 58:37.010 --> 58:39.830 So it is very likely that the double doors on the Shrine of 58:39.833 --> 58:42.113 Janus are referred to, not surprisingly, 58:42.106 --> 58:44.526 in an altar that was put up to peace, 58:44.530 --> 58:48.170 to the peace that Augustus brought to Rome through his 58:48.166 --> 58:52.076 various military victories and also through his diplomatic 58:52.079 --> 58:54.589 conquests, his diplomatic treaties like 58:54.590 --> 58:56.810 the one that he signed in Spain and Gaul. 58:56.809 --> 58:59.309 I want to take you quickly through the monument-- 58:59.309 --> 59:02.629 and keep in mind always that it's made out of Luna or Carrara 59:02.626 --> 59:04.786 marble-- to show you some of the--this 59:04.789 --> 59:08.189 is not a course in sculpture, so I'm not going to go into the 59:08.190 --> 59:11.090 sculpture in any detail, but I want you to be aware of 59:11.094 --> 59:13.624 it because some of the motifs are important in our 59:13.621 --> 59:15.581 understanding also of architecture. 59:15.579 --> 59:19.009 We see here two views of the altar. 59:19.010 --> 59:22.780 You see these winged lion griffins that are very popular 59:22.777 --> 59:26.147 motifs in the Augustan period, as well as the spiraling 59:26.150 --> 59:28.740 acanthus plant that was also popular in Augustan times. 59:28.739 --> 59:33.539 A figural frieze that represents the Vestal Virgins 59:33.539 --> 59:39.009 that were referred to as those to which offerings are-- 59:39.010 --> 59:41.430 the sacrifice is taking place in part in honor of them. 59:41.429 --> 59:46.349 But we see here a sacrifice itself where the animal victims 59:46.349 --> 59:49.489 are being brought in for slaughter. 59:49.489 --> 59:53.169 We also see if we look at--we're now inside the 59:53.170 --> 59:56.770 monument, we've looked at the altar proper. 59:56.768 --> 1:00:00.718 If we look at the precinct wall, the inside of the precinct 1:00:00.724 --> 1:00:02.224 wall, we see that is very 1:00:02.219 --> 1:00:04.949 well-preserved, and we see it is zoned, 1:00:04.949 --> 1:00:08.859 essentially two zones, with slats, all done in Carrara 1:00:08.855 --> 1:00:11.665 marble, slats down below that look like 1:00:11.672 --> 1:00:15.602 either a wooden wall or perhaps a fence of some sort. 1:00:15.599 --> 1:00:18.099 Then above, also depicted in Carrara marble, 1:00:18.099 --> 1:00:21.909 these great garlanded swags that you see hanging from 1:00:21.907 --> 1:00:24.387 pilasters, but also from the skulls of 1:00:24.387 --> 1:00:27.947 bulls--I'll show you a detail in a moment where you'll see those 1:00:27.951 --> 1:00:30.571 skulls better-- the skulls of the bulls that 1:00:30.574 --> 1:00:32.644 have been sacrificed on this altar. 1:00:32.639 --> 1:00:37.619 And then above the swags you can see these libation dishes. 1:00:37.619 --> 1:00:40.229 And what has been speculated--and I think it's 1:00:40.228 --> 1:00:43.648 ingenious on the part of the scholars who first came up with 1:00:43.650 --> 1:00:46.710 this-- that what they think is being 1:00:46.706 --> 1:00:51.486 represented here is actually a copy or a rendition of the 1:00:51.489 --> 1:00:53.799 wooden, the temporary wooden altar that 1:00:53.804 --> 1:00:55.094 would've stood on this site. 1:00:55.090 --> 1:00:58.270 Because remember they're consecrating it already in 13 1:00:58.268 --> 1:01:00.898 B.C., but the structure itself isn't 1:01:00.902 --> 1:01:03.342 built until 9, and they have to keep offering 1:01:03.340 --> 1:01:04.330 this annual sacrifice. 1:01:04.329 --> 1:01:07.009 So they have to offer it somewhere. 1:01:07.010 --> 1:01:09.130 So the suggestion is they made a makeshift wooden altar, 1:01:09.130 --> 1:01:12.140 that looked like this, with actual wooden slats, 1:01:12.139 --> 1:01:14.979 wooden poles, real garlands and so on, 1:01:14.980 --> 1:01:19.510 and that what they've done on the altar is to create a 1:01:19.510 --> 1:01:24.040 rendition of that on the interior precinct wall of the 1:01:24.043 --> 1:01:25.243 Ara Pacis. 1:01:25.239 --> 1:01:26.829 A detail of these garlands. 1:01:26.829 --> 1:01:29.539 Here you can see the bull skulls or bucrania 1:01:29.543 --> 1:01:31.613 extremely well, and I thought you'd be 1:01:31.614 --> 1:01:34.074 interested to see, and perhaps not surprised, 1:01:34.074 --> 1:01:37.014 that we can see very close renditions of this also in 1:01:37.007 --> 1:01:38.357 painting of the time. 1:01:38.360 --> 1:01:42.180 This painting on the left comes from the House of Livia in Rome. 1:01:42.179 --> 1:01:44.359 We didn't look at it; we looked at the Villa of Livia 1:01:44.364 --> 1:01:46.414 at Primaporta, and we looked at Augustus' 1:01:46.409 --> 1:01:49.549 house, but when we did that I told you Livia had her own house 1:01:49.552 --> 1:01:51.462 across the street from Augustus', 1:01:51.460 --> 1:01:52.910 and this painting is from that. 1:01:52.909 --> 1:01:56.679 It's clearly a Second Style wall, residual First Style: 1:01:56.681 --> 1:01:59.401 done in paint; projecting columns; 1:01:59.400 --> 1:02:02.950 garlands hanging from those columns, garlands interlaced 1:02:02.951 --> 1:02:05.341 with ribbons, just as you see here. 1:02:05.340 --> 1:02:08.700 And when this was painted, which it was in antiquity, 1:02:08.704 --> 1:02:12.524 it would've looked very similar to what you see on the other 1:02:12.521 --> 1:02:14.011 side of the screen. 1:02:14.010 --> 1:02:16.420 So interesting inter-relationships between 1:02:16.416 --> 1:02:18.756 decoration in sculpture and architecture, 1:02:18.764 --> 1:02:20.414 and decoration in paint. 1:02:20.409 --> 1:02:23.419 The axonometric view again shows you-- 1:02:23.420 --> 1:02:26.020 here's that inner precinct that we've just described-- 1:02:26.018 --> 1:02:28.838 that the outside had a series of panels, 1:02:28.840 --> 1:02:32.620 square panels, four of them on the short sides 1:02:32.621 --> 1:02:35.011 and then-- or on the front sides, 1:02:35.010 --> 1:02:37.770 where the doors are, flanking the doors -- and then 1:02:37.771 --> 1:02:40.471 on the other sides, the north and south, a frieze. 1:02:40.469 --> 1:02:43.019 And I show you a detail of that frieze; 1:02:43.018 --> 1:02:46.438 a frieze, the subject matter of which is somewhat controversial. 1:02:46.440 --> 1:02:48.240 I'm not going to go into that here today. 1:02:48.239 --> 1:02:50.769 Suffice it to say though that Augustus, 1:02:50.768 --> 1:02:54.568 senators, magistrates, members of the priesthood, 1:02:54.570 --> 1:02:57.980 members of the imperial family, all take part in these 1:02:57.981 --> 1:03:01.461 processions that are located on the north and south. 1:03:01.460 --> 1:03:05.480 Those processions rest on these acanthus plants down below, 1:03:05.480 --> 1:03:08.830 which when you think of it has absolutely nothing to do with 1:03:08.826 --> 1:03:12.366 reality, because how could a procession 1:03:12.369 --> 1:03:17.819 of human figures be supported by acanthus plants below? 1:03:17.820 --> 1:03:21.620 Impossible, and yet it is--some of that fantasy thinking that we 1:03:21.617 --> 1:03:23.847 saw in Third Style Roman painting, 1:03:23.849 --> 1:03:28.029 and I show you--I remind you of a detail of Garden Room Q over 1:03:28.030 --> 1:03:29.790 here, where we saw some of that 1:03:29.786 --> 1:03:33.446 fanciful Third Style painting, seems to come into play here. 1:03:33.449 --> 1:03:37.089 In fact, the delicate acanthus leaves, absolutely beautifully 1:03:37.090 --> 1:03:38.790 rendered in the Ara Pacis. 1:03:38.789 --> 1:03:43.819 You see the same sort of thing in the black background of the 1:03:43.818 --> 1:03:45.158 Garden Room Q. 1:03:45.159 --> 1:03:48.549 So again, interesting correspondences between painting 1:03:48.547 --> 1:03:50.527 and architectural decoration. 1:03:50.530 --> 1:03:54.090 The frieze on the south side has a portrait of Augustus 1:03:54.090 --> 1:03:54.750 himself. 1:03:54.750 --> 1:03:58.630 You can see him here veiled, taking part in this procession, 1:03:58.630 --> 1:04:01.330 as well as members of the imperial family, 1:04:01.327 --> 1:04:02.837 including children. 1:04:02.840 --> 1:04:07.130 Here's a little boy in a toga, and here's a little boy who's 1:04:07.130 --> 1:04:11.130 very controversial in some kind of a foreign costume. 1:04:11.130 --> 1:04:14.100 And I mentioned that I've written a lot on this, 1:04:14.099 --> 1:04:19.109 and in my most recent article on this subject I talked in 1:04:19.114 --> 1:04:24.404 particular about these children in foreign dress as possibly 1:04:24.398 --> 1:04:29.768 children who were what we call "pledges of empire," 1:04:29.771 --> 1:04:33.291 or hostage guests, that belonged--that were 1:04:33.286 --> 1:04:36.156 children of very important rulers of other parts of the 1:04:36.157 --> 1:04:39.397 world who were brought to Rome to live with the emperor in his 1:04:39.400 --> 1:04:40.720 house, in the palace, 1:04:40.724 --> 1:04:42.444 to be trained, with the objective of 1:04:42.436 --> 1:04:45.416 eventually sending them back to their native lands to serve as 1:04:45.422 --> 1:04:46.012 rulers. 1:04:46.010 --> 1:04:49.530 It was Augustus' way of creating a kind of hegemonic 1:04:49.529 --> 1:04:53.419 empire that he controlled, by getting all of these people 1:04:53.420 --> 1:04:56.820 on his side and then placing those friends of Rome into 1:04:56.824 --> 1:04:59.414 important positions around the world, 1:04:59.409 --> 1:05:02.119 and I think that's referred to in these scenes. 1:05:02.119 --> 1:05:05.299 Again, I'm not going go in any detail into the mythological 1:05:05.300 --> 1:05:07.990 scenes, but they are scenes like Roma, 1:05:07.985 --> 1:05:10.615 seated on a pile of arms and armor, 1:05:10.619 --> 1:05:14.979 just as we saw her in the pediment of the Temple of Mars 1:05:14.976 --> 1:05:15.606 Ultor. 1:05:15.610 --> 1:05:20.570 And here a scene that seems to have shown Mars overseeing 1:05:20.570 --> 1:05:25.000 Romulus and Remus being suckled by the she-wolf. 1:05:25.000 --> 1:05:28.410 So references to Rome's historic and also legendary and 1:05:28.414 --> 1:05:31.264 mythological past clearly in this monument. 1:05:31.260 --> 1:05:35.800 Perhaps most interesting to all of us from the point of view of 1:05:35.800 --> 1:05:39.900 architecture is the original location of this monument in 1:05:39.902 --> 1:05:43.542 relationship to Augustus' tomb, and also what has been 1:05:43.541 --> 1:05:46.551 happening there in recent years, under the direction of the 1:05:46.545 --> 1:05:48.835 famous American architect Richard Meier. 1:05:48.840 --> 1:05:51.230 I show you a view from Google Earth, 1:05:51.230 --> 1:05:53.750 an aerial view, showing the Mausoleum of 1:05:53.753 --> 1:05:56.113 Augustus, this large round tomb that we 1:05:56.114 --> 1:05:59.614 will look at on Thursday, showing a piazza around it, 1:05:59.610 --> 1:06:01.780 and showing, from the air, 1:06:01.777 --> 1:06:06.757 the Richard Meier Museum that has been built to enclose the 1:06:06.762 --> 1:06:07.882 Ara Pacis. 1:06:07.880 --> 1:06:10.710 This was not--right near the Tiber River--this was not the 1:06:10.710 --> 1:06:13.740 original location of the Ara Pacis, which was up over here. 1:06:13.739 --> 1:06:19.019 It ended up beneath a palace in the Renaissance period, 1:06:19.018 --> 1:06:23.468 and at that time some pieces of it were taken apart and made 1:06:23.474 --> 1:06:29.024 their way to museums in Rome, but also to museums as far away 1:06:29.019 --> 1:06:30.029 as Paris. 1:06:30.030 --> 1:06:33.080 And it is actually to Mussolini that we can be grateful for 1:06:33.077 --> 1:06:36.227 bringing all of those pieces back together and reconstructing 1:06:36.231 --> 1:06:38.321 the Ara Pacis-- couldn't reconstruct it, 1:06:38.322 --> 1:06:40.192 because that palace is still there now-- 1:06:40.190 --> 1:06:42.590 but reconstructing it right on the Tiber River, 1:06:42.590 --> 1:06:46.730 next to the Mausoleum of Augustus, and then having this 1:06:46.730 --> 1:06:50.950 whole piazza redesigned as the piazza honoring Augustus: 1:06:50.945 --> 1:06:55.005 the Piazza Augusto Imperatore honoring Augustus, 1:06:55.010 --> 1:06:56.470 but also honoring Mussolini, because there's a major 1:06:56.467 --> 1:06:58.917 inscription to Mussolini, as well as buildings very much 1:06:58.923 --> 1:07:00.693 in the so-called Fascist style. 1:07:00.690 --> 1:07:03.820 We see the Meier building again here. 1:07:03.820 --> 1:07:07.790 And I show you the travertine--because Meier was 1:07:07.791 --> 1:07:11.681 careful to use at least some travertine in this 1:07:11.681 --> 1:07:16.101 structure--the travertine base; although this was not his, 1:07:16.103 --> 1:07:19.093 this actually belongs to an original precinct that was 1:07:19.088 --> 1:07:21.118 located before, that was done by Mussolini's 1:07:21.119 --> 1:07:23.179 architect, with the entire text of the 1:07:23.179 --> 1:07:24.339 Res Gestae. 1:07:24.340 --> 1:07:28.530 Fortunately Meier kept that and kept that wall as part of his 1:07:28.532 --> 1:07:29.582 own building. 1:07:29.579 --> 1:07:32.459 Here you see one of the Fascist structures in the area, 1:07:32.458 --> 1:07:34.908 built by Mussolini, and then the famous Alfredo 1:07:34.909 --> 1:07:35.709 Ristorante. 1:07:35.710 --> 1:07:37.820 I'm not actually recommending it, but it's well known; 1:07:37.820 --> 1:07:39.490 there are better restaurants to eat in Rome, 1:07:43.530 --> 1:07:46.020 at any rate I just mention to you that it's there. 1:07:46.018 --> 1:07:48.918 This is the interesting inscription that makes reference 1:07:48.918 --> 1:07:49.708 to Mussolini. 1:07:49.710 --> 1:07:51.450 And note the flying victory figure, 1:07:51.449 --> 1:07:54.359 which we'll see decorates often Roman arches, 1:07:54.360 --> 1:07:56.790 carrying this bundle of twigs and rods that the Romans, 1:07:56.789 --> 1:08:01.049 the Roman bodyguards of the emperor used to carry, 1:08:01.050 --> 1:08:02.410 these so-called fasces. 1:08:02.409 --> 1:08:05.469 If you ever wondered where the word Fascism comes from, 1:08:05.471 --> 1:08:07.741 it comes from the Roman fasces. 1:08:07.739 --> 1:08:10.749 Mussolini's name, you can see part of it here, 1:08:10.751 --> 1:08:15.401 M-U-S-S-O-L; part of it scratched out after 1:08:15.400 --> 1:08:19.980 his death and discredit in the '30s. 1:08:19.979 --> 1:08:22.559 And then ultimately, what's been interesting to me 1:08:22.563 --> 1:08:25.833 is I've watched this inscription and photographed it year after 1:08:25.831 --> 1:08:27.361 year, whenever I'm there. 1:08:27.359 --> 1:08:29.349 I've noticed recently that he's having-- 1:08:29.350 --> 1:08:32.390 there's something of a revival -- and he is, 1:08:32.390 --> 1:08:34.750 Mussolini is having something of a revival in Italy, 1:08:34.750 --> 1:08:37.410 and there's a good deal of interest in him, 1:08:37.408 --> 1:08:41.178 and they have filled his name -- when they redid the museum 1:08:41.182 --> 1:08:44.902 they also re-filled in his name, as you can see here. 1:08:44.899 --> 1:08:47.869 I just wanted to make a point about the siting of the Ara 1:08:47.867 --> 1:08:50.937 Pacis and its relationship to the Mausoleum of Augustus. 1:08:50.939 --> 1:08:54.319 Remember, it's no longer--its original location--now it's over 1:08:54.317 --> 1:08:57.027 here, right next to the Mausoleum on the Tiber. 1:08:57.029 --> 1:08:58.579 That was not its original location. 1:08:58.578 --> 1:09:02.308 It was located over here, along the ancient Via Flaminia, 1:09:02.310 --> 1:09:06.310 the street that Augustus took when he returned from Spain and 1:09:06.310 --> 1:09:06.910 Gaul. 1:09:06.908 --> 1:09:10.978 It was put up right here, and it had in front of it an 1:09:10.976 --> 1:09:13.966 obelisk that was brought from Egypt, 1:09:13.970 --> 1:09:18.260 and that obelisk was part of a sundial that was orchestrated 1:09:18.260 --> 1:09:22.410 carefully enough so that the shadow from the sundial would 1:09:22.405 --> 1:09:25.965 fall exactly on the center of the Ara Pacis, 1:09:25.970 --> 1:09:27.960 on Augustus' birthday. 1:09:27.960 --> 1:09:30.120 That's how carefully orchestrated it was, 1:09:30.118 --> 1:09:34.128 and the fact that there is an Egyptian obelisk, 1:09:34.130 --> 1:09:37.060 and there's mention in the inscription on that obelisk of 1:09:37.061 --> 1:09:39.211 the victory over Cleopatra and Antony, 1:09:39.210 --> 1:09:42.030 at the Battle of Actium, and that the Ara Pacis 1:09:42.030 --> 1:09:45.590 commemorates his diplomatic treaties in the western part of 1:09:45.587 --> 1:09:47.827 the Empire, in France and Spain, 1:09:47.828 --> 1:09:51.478 seems to me to be a reference to the fact that Augustus was 1:09:51.481 --> 1:09:54.191 victorious in all parts of the Roman Empire: 1:09:54.189 --> 1:09:57.969 the western as well as the eastern part of the Empire, 1:09:57.970 --> 1:09:59.140 referenced here. 1:09:59.140 --> 1:10:02.750 And then close proximity to the Mausoleum of Augustus. 1:10:02.750 --> 1:10:06.230 Because we've already talked about the fact that in the minds 1:10:06.229 --> 1:10:08.729 of the Romans, victory in battle and victory 1:10:08.725 --> 1:10:11.215 over death were essentially synonymous; 1:10:11.220 --> 1:10:12.390 both of them referred to here. 1:10:12.390 --> 1:10:15.440 I'm not implying that this was planned as a complex. 1:10:15.439 --> 1:10:18.469 The Mausoleum, as we'll see on Thursday, 1:10:18.474 --> 1:10:20.034 dates to 28 to 23. 1:10:20.029 --> 1:10:22.259 It was built much earlier than the Altar of 13 to 9. 1:10:22.260 --> 1:10:26.380 But I think when they decided to add the Ara Pacis to this 1:10:26.384 --> 1:10:28.474 complex, there was a great deal of 1:10:28.470 --> 1:10:31.880 thought that was given to siting it in relationship to the tomb, 1:10:31.880 --> 1:10:34.710 and to thinking about the whole as a complex, 1:10:34.710 --> 1:10:36.830 at least at that particular juncture. 1:10:36.828 --> 1:10:38.678 And I show you two more restored views, 1:10:38.680 --> 1:10:41.870 where you can see the obelisk and the way in which it cast-- 1:10:41.868 --> 1:10:47.038 it served as a sundial--cast a shadow toward the Ara Pacis. 1:10:47.038 --> 1:10:50.078 And then, even though this is a little bit out of focus, 1:10:50.083 --> 1:10:53.243 the relationship of the very large tomb to the obelisk and 1:10:53.238 --> 1:10:55.008 ultimately to the Ara Pacis. 1:10:55.010 --> 1:10:57.700 So an area that was not planned as a complex but grew into one. 1:10:57.698 --> 1:11:01.908 An image of Mussolini, a wonderful photograph of 1:11:01.905 --> 1:11:05.705 Mussolini, visiting the Ara Pacis after it 1:11:05.713 --> 1:11:10.923 was restored and dedicated and placed in a complex designed by 1:11:10.918 --> 1:11:12.368 his architect. 1:11:12.368 --> 1:11:16.138 And then an image down here of Richard Meier, 1:11:16.144 --> 1:11:20.784 celebrating the cleaning and placement of the Ara Pacis 1:11:20.777 --> 1:11:24.377 inside the new museum designed by him. 1:11:24.380 --> 1:11:27.140 And in just a few minutes I'd like to run through a series of 1:11:27.136 --> 1:11:27.546 slides. 1:11:27.550 --> 1:11:31.500 Because I think a particularly interesting issue for all of us, 1:11:31.500 --> 1:11:34.770 and one that I hope that we will debate in the online forum, 1:11:34.770 --> 1:11:38.280 is the fact that the building by Richard Meier, 1:11:38.279 --> 1:11:40.669 this museum, which has been praised and 1:11:40.670 --> 1:11:44.240 maligned both, this museum is the first modern 1:11:44.243 --> 1:11:49.093 building that has been put up in the central core of Rome, 1:11:49.090 --> 1:11:52.940 since the time of Mussolini, since Mussolini redesigned the 1:11:52.944 --> 1:11:56.804 Piazza Augusto Imperatore and added some other buildings to 1:11:56.801 --> 1:11:58.531 the landscape of Rome. 1:11:58.529 --> 1:12:01.469 There are other--there are buildings by major architects, 1:12:01.472 --> 1:12:02.842 including Meier himself. 1:12:02.840 --> 1:12:06.960 Meier built a Jubilee Church a few years--a number of years 1:12:06.962 --> 1:12:10.592 ago, and Renzo Piano, and other architects have been 1:12:10.587 --> 1:12:12.007 working in Rome. 1:12:12.010 --> 1:12:14.900 But they are not--their buildings are located on the 1:12:14.896 --> 1:12:18.406 outskirts, the sort of suburbs of the city, and not in the city 1:12:18.407 --> 1:12:19.027 itself. 1:12:19.029 --> 1:12:20.949 This is the only new building that has been added to the city. 1:12:20.948 --> 1:12:23.958 And you can see, from this particular view, 1:12:23.958 --> 1:12:28.188 why some people think of it as a kind of white elephant that 1:12:28.185 --> 1:12:31.405 really doesn't fit the tenor of the city. 1:12:31.408 --> 1:12:34.438 And, in fact, when it first opened in 2006-- 1:12:34.439 --> 1:12:39.039 and I was there not long after, and taking some photographs of 1:12:39.043 --> 1:12:43.193 some pictures of the building that were outside that had 1:12:43.194 --> 1:12:45.474 been-- that graffiti had been added 1:12:45.469 --> 1:12:48.399 to, and they call it the Meier "criminale." 1:12:48.399 --> 1:12:50.419 And over here, this is my favorite, 1:12:50.420 --> 1:12:53.880 it says: "meglio gli architetti di secoli fa," 1:12:53.878 --> 1:12:57.528 meaning those architects of the past were a lot better than 1:12:57.528 --> 1:13:00.028 Meier, is the message here. 1:13:00.029 --> 1:13:03.129 So there are many people who do not like this building, 1:13:03.131 --> 1:13:06.581 and I think a case can be made with regard to the outside. 1:13:06.578 --> 1:13:10.378 There is a nod to ancient Rome with the travertine wall that is 1:13:10.380 --> 1:13:12.280 outside and continues inside. 1:13:12.279 --> 1:13:16.129 But it's typical Meier white glass, 1:13:16.130 --> 1:13:19.010 and a lot of people--I don't mind that sort of thing, 1:13:19.010 --> 1:13:21.180 but a lot of people feel that it doesn't really suit the 1:13:21.177 --> 1:13:23.777 environment with the two Baroque churches right across the way, 1:13:23.779 --> 1:13:27.059 and so on and so forth. 1:13:27.060 --> 1:13:28.390 So I think a case can be made for the exterior. 1:13:28.390 --> 1:13:30.130 But when you enter into the museum, 1:13:30.130 --> 1:13:32.820 and pay your fee, and then go into the door, 1:13:32.819 --> 1:13:36.049 and into the Ara Pacis itself, I have to say-- 1:13:36.050 --> 1:13:40.930 and past the plaster casts of Augustus and his family, 1:13:40.930 --> 1:13:44.520 that you can see lined up against the travertine wall-- 1:13:44.520 --> 1:13:46.760 when you confront the building itself, 1:13:46.760 --> 1:13:49.550 in its new interior, I have to say I'm very 1:13:49.547 --> 1:13:52.467 impressed and very moved by this interior. 1:13:52.470 --> 1:13:55.160 You've got the sort of egg crate ceiling and these 1:13:55.163 --> 1:13:58.243 wonderful louvered windows that allow you to see not only 1:13:58.243 --> 1:14:00.723 Mussolini's Fascist buildings next door, 1:14:00.720 --> 1:14:03.100 but also the Mausoleum of Augustus, 1:14:03.100 --> 1:14:06.330 that it really--and the light is superb, 1:14:06.328 --> 1:14:09.488 and it really does give you a chance to see this altar in a 1:14:09.488 --> 1:14:11.558 way that it hasn't been seen before. 1:14:11.560 --> 1:14:14.160 And especially at night, I enjoy seeing it at night, 1:14:14.159 --> 1:14:16.709 because as you go by it they have it lighted up. 1:14:16.710 --> 1:14:19.420 As you drive by--one of the greatest things to do in Rome, 1:14:19.420 --> 1:14:22.420 by the way, is late at night, when all the traffic has died 1:14:22.416 --> 1:14:24.706 down, either by car or Vespa or 1:14:24.711 --> 1:14:26.971 whatever, just get around the city, 1:14:26.969 --> 1:14:29.369 go from one part of the city to another, 1:14:29.368 --> 1:14:31.518 which you can zip around late at night. 1:14:31.520 --> 1:14:34.790 And driving along Lungotevere, the street along the Tiber 1:14:34.792 --> 1:14:37.322 River, and seeing the altar, 1:14:37.318 --> 1:14:43.408 the Ara Pacis Augustae lighted up inside the new Meier Museum, 1:14:43.408 --> 1:14:46.968 like a jewel in a jewel box, I can't help but think Augustus 1:14:46.970 --> 1:14:50.650 is smiling somewhere to think that everything he did to try to 1:14:50.650 --> 1:14:53.850 preserve his memory for posterity has been done, 1:14:53.850 --> 1:14:57.930 and has been helped to a great extent by the great American 1:14:57.926 --> 1:15:00.196 architect, Richard Meier. 1:15:00.199 --> 1:15:01.079 Thank you. 1:15:01.079 --> 1:15:06.999