WEBVTT 00:01.650 --> 00:03.910 Prof: Today we're going to talk about inter-specific 00:03.913 --> 00:04.463 competition. 00:04.460 --> 00:07.930 And you will remember that last time I was talking about 00:07.928 --> 00:12.798 intra-specific competition, and we were looking a bit at 00:12.802 --> 00:17.492 the impact of density on population growth. 00:17.490 --> 00:21.770 And I want you to remember that if an individual is encountering 00:21.767 --> 00:24.997 increased population density, during its life, 00:25.001 --> 00:29.181 as it grows from a zygote up through an adult and reproduces, 00:29.180 --> 00:32.340 the effect of increasing density will be to decrease its 00:32.336 --> 00:33.136 growth rate. 00:33.140 --> 00:35.210 It will be smaller when it matures. 00:35.210 --> 00:36.730 It will have fewer babies. 00:36.730 --> 00:38.940 Often the babies will be of lower quality, 00:38.944 --> 00:42.134 and the mortality rates in the population will be higher. 00:42.130 --> 00:46.250 So that's the general impact of intra-specific competition. 00:46.250 --> 00:48.960 However, animals don't live in a world, and plants don't live 00:48.956 --> 00:51.616 in a world, where they only encounter other members of their 00:51.618 --> 00:52.338 own species. 00:52.340 --> 00:55.450 They're often living in a complex ecological community. 00:55.450 --> 01:00.190 And so what we want to do is understand what happens to them 01:00.191 --> 01:02.201 in a complex community. 01:02.200 --> 01:05.500 And I'm going to do this by showing you some classical 01:05.504 --> 01:08.564 descriptive patterns; then move through to some 01:08.558 --> 01:11.148 experiments to demonstrate competition; 01:11.150 --> 01:14.780 give you an abstract conceptual framework in which to think 01:14.777 --> 01:17.857 about this; and then return to the complex 01:17.858 --> 01:20.578 reality of competition, at the end. 01:20.580 --> 01:21.540 Okay? 01:21.540 --> 01:25.750 So, a reminder that it's often useful, when you're thinking 01:25.748 --> 01:29.588 about interactions between species, to just use simple 01:29.593 --> 01:30.323 logic. 01:30.319 --> 01:32.399 You'll remember in an earlier lecture I said, 01:32.402 --> 01:35.152 "Don't be afraid of using simple logic in constructing 01:35.147 --> 01:36.187 your papers." 01:36.190 --> 01:39.190 This is the kind of thing that could lay down a nice simple 01:39.188 --> 01:42.028 introductory logical framework for something that you're 01:42.031 --> 01:42.911 dealing with. 01:42.910 --> 01:46.790 This particular one is about biological interactions in 01:46.793 --> 01:47.803 communities. 01:47.800 --> 01:52.310 So if species' 1 effect on species 2 is in this column, 01:52.310 --> 01:55.700 and species' 2 effect on species 1 is in this column, 01:55.700 --> 01:59.390 and species 1 has a negative effect on species 2, 01:59.390 --> 02:02.340 and species 2 has a negative effect on species 1, 02:02.340 --> 02:04.570 then we've got competition. 02:04.569 --> 02:09.759 If species 1 has a positive effect on species 2, 02:09.758 --> 02:13.318 and species 2 has a negative effect on species 1, 02:13.318 --> 02:16.908 then species 1 is food, and species 2 is eating it 02:16.914 --> 02:18.534 > 02:18.530 --> 02:22.420 , and you've got predation, parasitism or grazing. 02:22.419 --> 02:26.559 If species 1 has a negative effect on species 2, 02:26.560 --> 02:28.770 and species 2 has no effect on species 1, 02:28.770 --> 02:32.450 we call that amensalism, and you can contrast that with 02:32.449 --> 02:36.199 commensalism, where the relationship is --0. 02:36.199 --> 02:40.329 So here, for example, species 1 might be 02:40.331 --> 02:45.631 benefiting--its effect on species 2 is positive. 02:45.628 --> 02:48.368 So species 2 is benefiting from its presence, 02:48.367 --> 02:51.167 but there's no effect the other way around. 02:51.169 --> 02:53.939 So basically what's going on here is species 2 might be 02:53.935 --> 02:56.695 living in species 1, but not impacting it otherwise. 02:56.699 --> 03:00.529 It might be very small or it might not--it might just fit in, 03:00.531 --> 03:02.321 in a very comfortable way. 03:02.318 --> 03:06.408 So this kind of plus/minus framework is a useful overall 03:06.408 --> 03:09.678 way to see what we're concentrating on today, 03:09.681 --> 03:11.541 which is competition. 03:11.538 --> 03:15.238 And here are some of the natural history patterns that 03:15.241 --> 03:19.221 suggested to ecologists that inter-specific competition is 03:19.223 --> 03:20.903 important in Nature. 03:20.900 --> 03:24.380 This is one of Jared Diamond's observations, 03:24.375 --> 03:25.825 from New Guinea. 03:25.830 --> 03:27.450 And this is a thrush. 03:27.449 --> 03:29.879 There are a couple of species of thrush there. 03:29.878 --> 03:31.818 There are two species in the same genus. 03:31.818 --> 03:33.878 Usually when two species are in the same genus, 03:33.877 --> 03:36.517 they're ecologically pretty similar, they tend to eat pretty 03:36.519 --> 03:37.369 similar things. 03:37.370 --> 03:39.880 And the interesting thing about this pattern is that you're 03:39.881 --> 03:42.651 going up a mountainside, and this species is getting 03:42.646 --> 03:46.786 more and more and more abundant, and then suddenly it disappears. 03:46.788 --> 03:48.958 And if you're coming down from the top of the mountain, 03:48.960 --> 03:51.170 this species is getting more and more abundant, 03:51.169 --> 03:54.449 and then suddenly it disappears, right here at about 03:54.453 --> 03:57.473 5500 feet elevation; just about one mile high. 03:57.470 --> 03:59.840 So it looks like the two species are butting into each 03:59.835 --> 04:02.595 other and they're excluding each other right at the point where 04:02.603 --> 04:04.213 they're each doing really great. 04:04.210 --> 04:08.020 So that's a suggestive pattern. 04:08.020 --> 04:15.020 It doesn't demonstrate that the reason for the border here is 04:15.016 --> 04:18.396 inter-specific competition. 04:18.399 --> 04:21.219 Anybody have an idea what else might do that? 04:21.220 --> 04:26.010 04:26.009 --> 04:28.559 They each carry a disease that knocks out the other one. 04:28.560 --> 04:30.480 Okay? 04:30.480 --> 04:31.850 That'll do it. 04:31.850 --> 04:40.230 It could be that this one actually can resist a predator 04:40.228 --> 04:44.808 that eats its eggs, or something like that, 04:44.810 --> 04:47.060 and this one can't resist that predator, 04:47.060 --> 04:48.350 and vice-versa. 04:48.350 --> 04:50.370 So it could be apparent competition. 04:50.370 --> 04:51.580 Okay? 04:51.579 --> 04:55.999 Without an experiment, you don't actually know what is 04:55.995 --> 04:58.075 making that sharp line. 04:58.079 --> 05:00.669 But it's suggestive, it looks like it could be 05:00.673 --> 05:01.483 competition. 05:01.480 --> 05:05.730 Then Robert MacArthur did a lot of work on warblers for his 05:05.730 --> 05:06.100 Ph.D. 05:06.096 --> 05:06.826 thesis. 05:06.829 --> 05:10.979 And the thing that you want to concentrate on in this picture 05:10.976 --> 05:15.056 is the different parts of the spruce tree that the different 05:15.055 --> 05:16.225 warblers use. 05:16.230 --> 05:19.630 So the Cape May--this is a diagram of half a spruce tree, 05:19.625 --> 05:22.955 cut in half -- using the middle and lower inner part. 05:22.959 --> 05:27.819 The Blackburnian warbler is using the outer middle third 05:27.822 --> 05:28.532 about. 05:28.528 --> 05:31.768 The Bay-breasted warbler is using about the upper outer 05:31.769 --> 05:32.249 third. 05:32.250 --> 05:35.400 The black-throated green warbler is using some of the 05:35.399 --> 05:38.209 inner part here, and the Myrtle warbler is down 05:38.211 --> 05:40.591 inside the tree, about here, and then down close 05:40.591 --> 05:41.261 to the ground. 05:41.259 --> 05:45.059 So it looks like the warblers of North America have taken the 05:45.060 --> 05:48.800 spruce tree and they've divided it up so that they don't run 05:48.798 --> 05:53.058 into each other too much, and they're each using a 05:53.057 --> 05:54.627 different part. 05:54.629 --> 05:57.119 That's an interesting observation, because if you 05:57.124 --> 05:59.704 think about it, what it means is that they're 05:59.704 --> 06:03.224 guaranteeing that they're going to run into more intra-specific 06:03.218 --> 06:04.068 competition. 06:04.069 --> 06:06.759 They're avoiding inter, but they're running into more 06:06.759 --> 06:08.259 intra-specific competition. 06:08.259 --> 06:11.559 So that if you say, "Hey, this has been caused by 06:11.562 --> 06:14.372 competition," you're making an implicit 06:14.370 --> 06:18.290 assumption about how strong that those relationships are. 06:18.290 --> 06:20.990 This one is saying inter-specific has probably been 06:20.985 --> 06:23.625 more important than intra-specific competition. 06:23.629 --> 06:24.699 Okay? 06:24.699 --> 06:28.649 So again a very suggestive pattern, but not confirmed by 06:28.646 --> 06:29.576 experiment. 06:29.579 --> 06:35.619 Now, those sorts of patterns led Evelyn Hutchinson to suggest 06:35.622 --> 06:42.172 this kind of view of why we find so many species on the planet. 06:42.170 --> 06:45.570 He says basically over a long period of time evolution will 06:45.574 --> 06:49.304 fill the world up with species, and they will get better and 06:49.298 --> 06:52.508 better at exploiting the resources they encounter, 06:52.509 --> 06:56.889 and competition will limit the number of species you can pack 06:56.894 --> 06:58.214 onto the planet. 06:58.209 --> 07:01.089 At about the time that Hutchinson was thinking about 07:01.088 --> 07:02.868 this, various people, 07:02.865 --> 07:07.175 including Garrett Hardin, were enunciating what's called 07:07.178 --> 07:09.558 the competitive exclusion principle; 07:09.560 --> 07:12.920 that two species with very similar resource needs in 07:12.922 --> 07:17.012 physiology can't co-exist in the same place, at equilibrium. 07:17.009 --> 07:20.769 So the assumptions behind that are that we're looking at an 07:20.771 --> 07:24.081 equilibrium that's established after a long time; 07:24.079 --> 07:26.639 that the competitive exclusion principle applies. 07:26.639 --> 07:30.689 That means two species cannot occupy exactly the same niche-- 07:30.689 --> 07:34.239 which is what it looks like is going on with the warblers and 07:34.242 --> 07:37.332 the thrushes in New Guinea-- and that diversity is 07:37.334 --> 07:40.404 determined primarily by competition rather than by 07:40.399 --> 07:43.529 predation or by disease or something like that. 07:43.529 --> 07:48.959 So let's see to what extent this kind of thinking has 07:48.961 --> 07:53.141 occasionally been confirmed in Nature. 07:53.139 --> 07:56.869 And one of the first field experiments, showing that 07:56.865 --> 08:01.165 competition was really quite important, between two species, 08:01.173 --> 08:03.223 was done by Joe Connell. 08:03.220 --> 08:06.120 Joe Connell is much revered Emeritus Professor at the 08:06.115 --> 08:08.785 University of California at Santa Barbara now. 08:08.790 --> 08:09.810 He did his Ph.D. 08:09.812 --> 08:12.942 thesis at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, 08:12.944 --> 08:16.464 and he worked on barnacles that were living in the rocky 08:16.459 --> 08:18.249 intertidal in Scotland. 08:18.250 --> 08:22.290 And in particular he contrasted Balanus balanoides and 08:22.293 --> 08:25.993 Chthamalus stellatus; and Balanus and is big and 08:25.990 --> 08:27.560 Chthamalus is small. 08:27.560 --> 08:30.670 And the pattern that he found--and he confirmed this by 08:30.670 --> 08:33.380 doing manipulation experiments in the field-- 08:33.379 --> 08:37.579 is that the larvae of Balanus, which is big, 08:37.580 --> 08:41.400 settle out over a big tidal range. 08:41.399 --> 08:46.179 This is mean higher water; this is mean lower spring water; 08:46.178 --> 08:48.588 this is mean lower normal tide range. 08:48.590 --> 08:49.210 Okay? 08:49.210 --> 08:53.040 So once a month the tides get this high, and at that point the 08:53.038 --> 08:56.928 larvae of Balanus can settle out over the whole tidal range. 08:56.928 --> 09:01.068 However, Balanus is sensitive to drying out, 09:01.070 --> 09:05.070 and so as these larvae grow up, many of them die because 09:05.067 --> 09:09.517 they're getting desiccated, and so the upper range of 09:09.524 --> 09:10.894 Balanus drops. 09:10.889 --> 09:14.859 However, it does just fine over the whole tidal range below 09:14.860 --> 09:15.340 that. 09:15.340 --> 09:17.320 And down here, the problem that Balanus is 09:17.322 --> 09:20.232 encountering is that primarily there are other Balanus around 09:20.225 --> 09:21.285 crowding them out. 09:21.288 --> 09:23.448 And, by the way, when two barnacles grow right 09:23.450 --> 09:25.900 up next to each other, one of them can actually grow 09:25.899 --> 09:29.519 under the other and pry it off; so it'll fall off. 09:29.519 --> 09:31.869 So you might think that barnacles look like extremely 09:31.868 --> 09:33.488 boring, slow moving rocks, 09:33.485 --> 09:37.035 but in fact they have a little bit of direct competitive 09:37.044 --> 09:38.474 activity for space. 09:38.470 --> 09:42.130 Chthamalus is a little guy, and what Chthamalus does 09:42.125 --> 09:46.415 basically is it gets a refuge up in the dry part of the upper 09:46.423 --> 09:47.503 intertidal. 09:47.500 --> 09:51.600 Its larvae can actually settle pretty high up, 09:51.596 --> 09:56.236 and it can survive up here, where Balanus cannot. 09:56.240 --> 10:01.130 So its problem is primarily getting scrunched by Balanus at 10:01.129 --> 10:02.899 lower tidal ranges. 10:02.899 --> 10:07.339 And by doing cage experiments and removal experiments, 10:07.340 --> 10:10.750 where he actually took one type or the other off the rock, 10:10.750 --> 10:13.990 and came back--and he actually mapped them out, 10:13.990 --> 10:16.870 so he followed each individual--Connell could show 10:16.865 --> 10:18.855 that this was what was going on. 10:18.860 --> 10:23.310 Another famous set of early competition experiments were 10:23.313 --> 10:24.613 done by Gause. 10:24.610 --> 10:27.940 Gause was a Russian ecologist, who became a Russian 10:27.937 --> 10:30.727 epidemiologist, and he did some early work, 10:30.732 --> 10:33.332 back in the 1920s, using Paramecia. 10:33.330 --> 10:38.810 And he used three species: Aurelia, Caudatum and Bursaria. 10:38.808 --> 10:43.318 And what he showed basically is that if you grow them alone, 10:43.320 --> 10:46.610 this is their density, that you can measure, 10:46.606 --> 10:51.016 per milliliter; and if you grow them together, 10:51.017 --> 10:55.647 that Aurelia will exclude Caudatum completely; 10:55.649 --> 10:59.999 and that if you compete Caudatum and Bursaria together, 10:59.995 --> 11:02.245 they can actually coexist. 11:02.250 --> 11:06.510 So from these early experiments it did look-- 11:06.509 --> 11:08.649 by the way, in this circumstance they are both 11:08.652 --> 11:11.222 persisting at much lower population densities than when 11:11.222 --> 11:12.082 they're alone. 11:12.080 --> 11:13.450 You can see that from the y-axis. 11:13.450 --> 11:16.040 This goes up to 75; that goes up to 200. 11:16.038 --> 11:19.388 So they are depressing each other's densities. 11:19.389 --> 11:21.709 You can tell that they're competing because of that 11:21.710 --> 11:22.360 observation. 11:22.360 --> 11:25.380 But they manage to coexist, they don't go extinct. 11:25.379 --> 11:27.899 So it looked here like there were two possible options. 11:27.899 --> 11:33.329 One wins and the other goes extinct, or they co-exist. 11:33.330 --> 11:38.050 Now over the last fifty or sixty years there have been a 11:38.051 --> 11:41.401 lot of competition experiments done, 11:41.399 --> 11:45.739 and after Connell, and then later Bob Payne, 11:45.740 --> 11:49.930 who was working more on predators, did these removal and 11:49.932 --> 11:53.962 caging experiments, people had a frenzy of 11:53.956 --> 11:58.686 experimentation out in Nature, where they would remove one 11:58.690 --> 12:00.990 species and then see what happened to another. 12:00.990 --> 12:03.020 Nelson Hairston did it with salamanders, 12:03.019 --> 12:06.049 down in North Carolina, on a huge scale in the 12:06.047 --> 12:09.677 Appalachian Mountains, and managed to demonstrate that 12:09.677 --> 12:13.127 if you pull one salamander out, the density of the other one 12:13.129 --> 12:15.259 increases, and they grow faster and they 12:15.261 --> 12:16.221 have more babies. 12:16.220 --> 12:19.550 So you can--by removing one, you can demonstrate that there 12:19.548 --> 12:21.038 is competition going on. 12:21.038 --> 12:26.248 In all those many experiments, one of the important take-home 12:26.253 --> 12:31.383 points is that the results are usually highly asymmetric. 12:31.379 --> 12:36.269 That means that the removal of one of the competing species has 12:36.269 --> 12:39.109 a much bigger impact on the other; 12:39.110 --> 12:41.940 species 1 having a big impact on species 2, 12:41.937 --> 12:45.847 and removing species 2 often doesn't have such a big impact 12:45.845 --> 12:46.985 on species 1. 12:46.990 --> 12:51.630 So asymmetric competition appears to be fairly common. 12:51.629 --> 12:56.099 And it can get so asymmetric that it may be amensalism rather 12:56.095 --> 12:57.505 than competition. 12:57.509 --> 13:00.639 So in some cases you get removing one has no impact on 13:00.635 --> 13:04.285 the other, whereas you do it the other way around and there's a 13:04.293 --> 13:05.183 big impact. 13:05.179 --> 13:08.339 Okay? 13:08.340 --> 13:12.750 So there's a continuum of these kinds of cases. 13:12.750 --> 13:16.090 And often what's going on is that competition for one 13:16.089 --> 13:19.879 resource is reducing the ability of a species to compete for 13:19.879 --> 13:20.649 another. 13:20.649 --> 13:23.099 So, for example, if plants are competing by 13:23.101 --> 13:25.991 shading each other out, then the plant that's getting 13:25.994 --> 13:28.274 shaded is having a harder time building roots, 13:28.269 --> 13:30.529 which is giving it difficulty getting the water. 13:30.528 --> 13:33.768 So you can see there can be a cascade of effects that 13:33.774 --> 13:36.464 inter-specific competition might trigger. 13:36.460 --> 13:39.790 And just as a side note, plants have developed an early 13:39.792 --> 13:43.062 warning system to indicate whether they're coming into 13:43.062 --> 13:44.052 competition. 13:44.048 --> 13:46.228 They can't tell them whether they're dealing with another 13:46.229 --> 13:49.169 species or not, but if they're starting to get 13:49.168 --> 13:53.808 shaded by another species, or by another plant, 13:53.807 --> 13:59.667 then the ratio of near-red to far-red light, 13:59.668 --> 14:01.368 that's coming into their chloroplasts, 14:01.370 --> 14:03.760 is getting shifted by being shaded, 14:03.759 --> 14:05.999 and they actually produce a hormone, 14:06.000 --> 14:07.620 that gives a signal to the plant, oh, 14:07.620 --> 14:09.010 I'm getting shaded in that direction, 14:09.009 --> 14:11.509 and they will grow a branch out in the other direction; 14:11.509 --> 14:13.749 so they'll grow away from shade and toward light, 14:13.750 --> 14:16.650 and they actually have an early warning system that's detecting 14:16.645 --> 14:17.435 competitions. 14:17.440 --> 14:19.870 Annie Schmitt, up at Brown University, 14:19.871 --> 14:22.241 has done interesting work on that. 14:22.240 --> 14:25.590 Now how to conceptualize all of this? 14:25.590 --> 14:29.330 Well if we take those observations we had, 14:29.330 --> 14:32.110 from the last lecture on density dependence, 14:32.110 --> 14:37.610 this guy Verhulst, who was a Belgian demographer, 14:37.610 --> 14:42.860 developed a simple modification of the exponential equation that 14:42.860 --> 14:44.610 we were looking at. 14:44.610 --> 14:48.330 And the key idea there is that as density goes up, 14:48.325 --> 14:52.415 the per capita rate of increase is going to decline. 14:52.418 --> 14:55.908 So it's going to decline linearly until it reaches 0 at 14:55.910 --> 14:56.170 K. 14:56.168 --> 14:58.878 And if you look at this, right here-- 14:58.879 --> 15:02.569 so if density goes up, and when N = K, 15:02.570 --> 15:05.910 you have 1 minus 1, which is 0, and that means that 15:05.908 --> 15:10.048 the rate of change of population per unit time equals something 15:10.048 --> 15:10.848 times 0. 15:10.850 --> 15:11.590 Okay? 15:11.590 --> 15:15.010 So it levels out; and that's what's going on 15:15.014 --> 15:15.954 right here. 15:15.950 --> 15:18.880 This is increasing, but the rate at which it's 15:18.876 --> 15:21.866 increasing is being affected by the density. 15:21.870 --> 15:24.490 So density is on this axis, K is right here. 15:24.490 --> 15:27.820 And as you get that N closer and closer to K, 15:27.815 --> 15:31.665 this part of it's getting closer and closer to 0. 15:31.668 --> 15:34.658 So the multiplication rate is dropping and it smoothes right 15:34.664 --> 15:34.974 out. 15:34.970 --> 15:40.050 In fact, in this simple model, the maximum rate of increase is 15:40.048 --> 15:42.628 here, when N is equal to K/2. 15:42.629 --> 15:48.489 15:48.490 --> 15:54.500 These are the two guys that extended that into multi-species 15:54.495 --> 15:59.175 competition: Alfred Lotka and Vito Volterra. 15:59.178 --> 16:03.188 And Lotka was a demographer at Johns Hopkins, 16:03.187 --> 16:08.377 and worked oh between about 1915 and about 1935 mostly. 16:08.379 --> 16:14.409 And Vito Volterra was a really eminent Italian mathematician, 16:14.408 --> 16:18.518 who had a son-in-law who was engaged in fisheries management 16:18.518 --> 16:21.578 in the Mediterranean, and the son-in-law would 16:21.581 --> 16:24.481 occasionally have dinner with the father-in-law, 16:24.480 --> 16:27.390 and would bring to the father-in-law certain conceptual 16:27.389 --> 16:29.489 problems dealing with the fisheries, 16:29.490 --> 16:32.210 like, "Well let's suppose that we have two fish species 16:32.207 --> 16:33.957 that are competing with each other, 16:33.960 --> 16:36.690 but we can conceive of the fishing fleet being a predator 16:36.690 --> 16:39.000 acting on them; how should we predict the 16:39.000 --> 16:39.950 dynamics?" 16:39.950 --> 16:43.110 And Volterra, who really was a pretty 16:43.107 --> 16:47.337 profound mathematician, found these problems amusing, 16:47.341 --> 16:51.581 and he tended to write down the answers on napkins at dinner, 16:51.580 --> 16:53.010 and hand them to his son. 16:53.009 --> 16:57.969 So they were more or less throwaway lines for him. 16:57.970 --> 17:02.490 Now the way that they--these two guys, who came up with the 17:02.489 --> 17:06.769 same way of conceptualizing these problems--the way they 17:06.773 --> 17:09.193 conceptualized it was this. 17:09.190 --> 17:11.640 This is the essence of it right here. 17:11.640 --> 17:15.460 They've both decided that what they would try to do is 17:15.458 --> 17:19.928 basically use the single species framework and just convert the 17:19.925 --> 17:23.955 density of the other species into an equivalent number of 17:23.961 --> 17:25.331 this species. 17:25.329 --> 17:26.249 Okay? 17:26.250 --> 17:30.200 And that's what these alpha competition coefficients are 17:30.202 --> 17:31.212 going to do. 17:31.210 --> 17:35.760 And so they wrote down differential equations that have 17:35.759 --> 17:38.449 a term up here, that includes the 17:38.454 --> 17:40.734 inter-specific effects. 17:40.730 --> 17:44.900 And if you look at the logistic equation, 17:44.900 --> 17:49.160 which had that nice smooth approach to a saturation point, 17:49.160 --> 17:53.370 you'll notice that there is a chunk of these equations that 17:53.365 --> 17:57.275 looks just like the chunk of the logistic equation, 17:57.279 --> 17:59.649 except they've stuck in this little term here. 17:59.650 --> 18:02.040 So what they're basically saying here is this. 18:02.038 --> 18:03.828 I'll read it out to you in English. 18:03.828 --> 18:07.328 "The rate of change of species 1 is equal to the 18:07.333 --> 18:10.233 intrinsic rate of increase of species 1, 18:10.230 --> 18:13.850 times the number of species 1, which are present, 18:13.848 --> 18:19.408 times a factor that you're using to account for 18:19.413 --> 18:21.353 density." 18:21.348 --> 18:24.148 And the way you account for density is take the carrying 18:24.153 --> 18:25.963 capacity of species 1, and you ask, 18:25.963 --> 18:28.683 "How far away from that carrying capacity are we?" 18:28.680 --> 18:32.540 Well we have to subtract the number of species 1 which are 18:32.538 --> 18:33.078 there. 18:33.079 --> 18:33.869 Okay? 18:33.868 --> 18:36.958 So we might be a long away from carrying capacity, 18:36.959 --> 18:39.229 because we have some of species 1; 18:39.230 --> 18:44.800 and we convert species 2 into a number that's equivalent to a 18:44.798 --> 18:46.838 number of species 1. 18:46.838 --> 18:49.698 And we do the same thing over here. 18:49.700 --> 18:54.210 So this is very similar to K - N/K. 18:54.210 --> 19:02.740 And you'll see that basically when this number here, 19:02.740 --> 19:08.930 N1 alpha 1,2 N2 = K1, we have K1 - K1, 19:08.929 --> 19:11.939 which is 0/K1. 19:11.940 --> 19:15.980 So as this gets larger and larger, the rate of increase is 19:15.982 --> 19:17.972 going to smoothly go to 0. 19:17.970 --> 19:21.730 So they did posit what is probably the simplest way to 19:21.729 --> 19:26.269 make that one species situation into a two species situation, 19:26.269 --> 19:29.759 and they did it by assuming that you could just convert one 19:29.762 --> 19:32.712 species into the other, in terms of its impact on 19:32.711 --> 19:34.261 inter-specific competition. 19:34.259 --> 19:37.779 19:37.779 --> 19:42.209 Now, let me go back there for a minute. 19:42.210 --> 19:47.330 19:47.328 --> 19:50.638 These differential equations are not easy to solve; 19:50.640 --> 19:56.120 and in fact it's a system of differential equations that are 19:56.115 --> 19:58.245 linked to each other. 19:58.250 --> 20:02.060 But there are some simple tricks that you can use to get 20:02.063 --> 20:06.503 some insight into the dynamic behavior of a system like this, 20:06.500 --> 20:11.230 whether you have a numerical solution or not. 20:11.230 --> 20:13.380 And so I'm now going to show you that simple trick, 20:13.384 --> 20:14.984 and we'll practice it a little bit. 20:14.980 --> 20:18.480 20:18.480 --> 20:22.740 So here we have plots of N1 versus N2. 20:22.740 --> 20:26.370 So what we have done is we've created a phase space. 20:26.368 --> 20:29.868 And it's important to realize what I'm talking about now. 20:29.868 --> 20:33.298 I am not talking about an axis in which we are plotting the 20:33.295 --> 20:36.185 population density of the species against time. 20:36.190 --> 20:39.840 I'm talking about axes where we have the population density of 20:39.839 --> 20:43.549 one species plotted against the population density of the other 20:43.550 --> 20:44.270 species. 20:44.269 --> 20:46.899 And time has disappeared, for the moment, 20:46.904 --> 20:49.874 from our consideration, when we look at it. 20:49.868 --> 20:57.078 So this is the zero-growth isocline, and basically what 20:57.084 --> 21:04.574 this line here is expressing, at what points is species 1 21:04.566 --> 21:06.566 increasing? 21:06.568 --> 21:10.208 And the answer is that if there aren't any species 2 present-- 21:10.210 --> 21:12.680 so we're down at 0, on the y-axis, 21:12.682 --> 21:16.282 no species 2 present-- it reverts to the simple 21:16.278 --> 21:17.478 logistic model. 21:17.480 --> 21:22.640 And species 1 will increase up to the point where it hits its 21:22.641 --> 21:24.621 carrying capacity, K. 21:24.618 --> 21:28.398 If it goes over that carrying capacity, it will decrease until 21:28.397 --> 21:30.377 it hits the carrying capacity. 21:30.380 --> 21:32.320 That's the assumption of the model. 21:32.318 --> 21:39.298 The species 2 isocline intersects the y-axis-- 21:39.298 --> 21:43.158 not the x-axis but the y-axis--at the carrying capacity 21:43.156 --> 21:46.046 of species 2, and if there are no species 1 21:46.047 --> 21:48.167 present, then we're just down to this 21:48.172 --> 21:50.682 one axis, and species 2 will increase 21:50.680 --> 21:54.290 until it hits its carrying capacity of species 1, 21:54.288 --> 21:57.588 and species 2 will decrease if it's over that carrying 21:57.594 --> 21:58.284 capacity. 21:58.279 --> 22:02.169 What the isocline does is it gives you the effects of 22:02.167 --> 22:06.277 converting the other species into equivalent competition 22:06.280 --> 22:08.300 units for this species. 22:08.298 --> 22:11.778 So if you're looking here at the species 1 situation, 22:11.778 --> 22:14.508 and you start adding in some species 2, 22:14.509 --> 22:19.629 then it will hit its zero-growth point, 22:19.630 --> 22:23.500 its carrying capacity, at a lower and lower density of 22:23.500 --> 22:26.040 species 1, because there's some species 2 22:26.044 --> 22:27.974 there, that are competing with it. 22:27.970 --> 22:30.360 And this line tells you exactly where that will happen. 22:30.358 --> 22:35.868 Everywhere along this line species 1 has a zero growth 22:35.872 --> 22:36.602 rate. 22:36.599 --> 22:38.479 Similarly, for species 2. 22:38.480 --> 22:41.840 What this line is doing is telling you what the impact of 22:41.835 --> 22:44.225 competition, coming in from species 1 is, 22:44.230 --> 22:45.250 on species 2. 22:45.250 --> 22:49.670 And as you add in species 1, by increasing the numbers out 22:49.669 --> 22:52.399 here, it is reducing the density at 22:52.403 --> 22:56.563 which species 2 reaches its carrying capacity and its zero 22:56.556 --> 22:59.006 growth rate; which is why this line is 22:59.005 --> 23:01.765 pointing down here, this line is pointing up here. 23:01.769 --> 23:09.199 23:09.200 --> 23:11.870 I'm now going to show you the four possible outcomes, 23:11.868 --> 23:15.268 of putting these things together, but before I do it, 23:15.269 --> 23:19.609 I'd like you to take a moment and turn to your colleague, 23:19.608 --> 23:23.888 and explain to them what these axes mean and why the arrows 23:23.892 --> 23:25.962 point in those directions. 23:25.960 --> 23:28.420 And then I'd like to take any questions about somebody that 23:28.423 --> 23:30.653 doesn't understand this, because when I show you the 23:30.650 --> 23:32.720 next picture, if you haven't got that clear 23:32.719 --> 23:35.159 in your mind, the next picture is just going 23:35.161 --> 23:36.901 to be a little hard to digest. 23:36.900 --> 23:39.210 So take a minute and try to explain this to each other, 23:39.208 --> 23:41.258 and then ask me questions if you don't get it. 23:41.259 --> 25:30.909 <> 25:30.910 --> 25:36.510 Prof: Okay. 25:36.509 --> 25:39.859 We have the opportunity for an immediate quiz on how well you 25:39.861 --> 25:41.901 got it, because when I show you the 25:41.898 --> 25:44.608 four possible outcomes, I can ask you to explain why 25:44.606 --> 25:46.896 the vectors move in the direction that they do. 25:46.900 --> 25:50.150 These are the four possible outcomes of competition between 25:50.145 --> 25:50.925 two species. 25:50.930 --> 25:54.220 The first one is that species 1 wins. 25:54.220 --> 25:58.710 And that species 1 here is always indicated in red, 25:58.710 --> 26:03.120 and you can always tell which isocline belongs to which 26:03.118 --> 26:08.018 species by looking at where the isocline is intersecting, 26:08.019 --> 26:09.259 and how it's labeled. 26:09.259 --> 26:09.939 Okay? 26:09.940 --> 26:13.680 So we know that this isocline belongs to species 1, 26:13.681 --> 26:16.301 because the K1 is on the N1 axis. 26:16.298 --> 26:20.568 And what you see here is that species 1 is able to grow at 26:20.565 --> 26:23.775 higher densities, across the entire range of 26:23.782 --> 26:27.452 densities of both species, than is species 2. 26:27.450 --> 26:30.100 In this intermediate area, between the two lines, 26:30.097 --> 26:33.517 species 2 is above its carrying capacity and it's dying out. 26:33.519 --> 26:38.559 So basically this is a case where species 1 excludes species 26:38.556 --> 26:40.686 2, completely; it wins. 26:40.690 --> 26:44.540 It was that first case we saw in Gause's Paramecia 26:44.538 --> 26:45.638 experiments. 26:45.640 --> 26:47.860 The other case is where species 2 wins. 26:47.858 --> 26:50.068 The black isocline belongs to species 2. 26:50.068 --> 26:55.298 We can tell that by remembering to look for which axis has the 26:55.297 --> 26:56.237 K2 on it. 26:56.240 --> 26:57.210 Okay? 26:57.210 --> 27:02.120 K2 is corresponding to N2 here, and it is above the isocline 27:02.115 --> 27:04.715 for species 1, over the entire range of 27:04.723 --> 27:07.763 possible combinations, of mixtures of both species. 27:07.759 --> 27:12.019 And what basically that means is that species 2 can grow at 27:12.021 --> 27:15.991 densities where species 1 is declining, and it excludes 27:15.990 --> 27:17.020 species 1. 27:17.019 --> 27:20.669 The more complex, and therefore more interesting 27:20.672 --> 27:22.462 cases, are down here. 27:22.460 --> 27:26.610 This case is an unstable equilibrium. 27:26.608 --> 27:29.568 Above the isoclines, both species are declining. 27:29.568 --> 27:32.318 Below the isoclines, both species are increasing. 27:32.318 --> 27:34.638 If they happen to be at this point, 27:34.640 --> 27:37.370 it's an unstable point, because if they just get a 27:37.371 --> 27:40.911 little bit off of it, the system wanders off in this 27:40.913 --> 27:44.593 direction and ends up going to be only species 2. 27:44.588 --> 27:47.138 And if it wanders a little way off, down here, 27:47.144 --> 27:50.554 it goes off in this direction and ends up being species 1. 27:50.548 --> 27:56.458 And over here you have the interesting case that you have 27:56.461 --> 27:59.991 co-existence, and that's where intra-specific 27:59.988 --> 28:03.368 competition is stronger than inter-specific competition. 28:03.368 --> 28:07.348 And above the isoclines they both decrease, 28:07.348 --> 28:09.128 and below the isoclines they both increase, 28:09.130 --> 28:12.890 and that means that the critical thing to focus on is 28:12.885 --> 28:16.855 what's going on in these intermediate triangles here. 28:16.858 --> 28:20.818 And if you look at where the carrying capacities are for the 28:20.821 --> 28:23.661 individual species, you can see that carrying 28:23.656 --> 28:25.646 capacity for 1, in this case, 28:25.646 --> 28:29.256 is below the intersection for 2, over here. 28:29.259 --> 28:33.009 And that means that above this point, 28:33.009 --> 28:35.699 1 is decreasing and 2 is increasing, 28:35.700 --> 28:38.400 and that means that if you plot the change in both of them, 28:38.400 --> 28:41.540 you get a vector that points up and to the left. 28:41.538 --> 28:45.008 Similarly here, the vectors are pointing down 28:45.009 --> 28:47.929 to the right, because 2 is decreasing, 28:47.926 --> 28:50.876 but 1 is increasing; 1 is increasing in this 28:50.878 --> 28:53.228 direction, and 2 is decreasing in this direction, 28:53.230 --> 28:55.800 and that yields a vector that points like this, 28:55.798 --> 28:58.248 which leads you to a stable equilibrium point. 28:58.250 --> 29:00.710 And if you look at the relationship of where the 29:00.709 --> 29:04.519 intercepts are on the axes, basically you see that this is 29:04.519 --> 29:08.769 a situation in which species 1 is being limited by its own 29:08.773 --> 29:11.443 density, below the point at which it is 29:11.441 --> 29:14.041 being limited by the density of species 2, 29:14.038 --> 29:17.378 and species 2 is being limited by its own density, 29:17.380 --> 29:20.520 below the point at which it would be limited by the density 29:20.518 --> 29:21.328 of species 1. 29:21.328 --> 29:24.788 And that tells us that this is a situation in which 29:24.792 --> 29:28.742 intra-specific competition is stronger than inter-specific 29:28.740 --> 29:29.850 competition. 29:29.849 --> 29:31.459 Okay? 29:31.460 --> 29:41.970 Now if you were faced with that issue on an exam, 29:41.970 --> 29:47.250 and I plotted N1, N2, and I just put down two 29:47.250 --> 29:53.460 lines like this, and I drew K1 here, 29:53.458 --> 29:59.268 and I drew K2 here, which of the three cases do we 29:59.266 --> 29:59.556 have? 29:59.559 --> 30:03.169 30:03.170 --> 30:04.610 Student: Number two. 30:04.609 --> 30:05.529 Prof: Which one? 30:05.529 --> 30:06.659 Student: Number two. 30:06.660 --> 30:09.300 Prof: We have this one; that's right. 30:09.298 --> 30:12.458 And the thing that you immediately want to focus on is 30:12.461 --> 30:15.921 what is the relationship of the intercept for itself to the 30:15.922 --> 30:18.072 intercept for the other species? 30:18.068 --> 30:21.428 And if the intercept for itself is above that of the other 30:21.430 --> 30:24.690 species, you have unstable; and if it's below that of the 30:24.691 --> 30:26.351 other species you have stable. 30:26.348 --> 30:36.098 Now do any of you feel confident that you know why this 30:36.098 --> 30:39.348 looks like that? 30:39.348 --> 30:41.518 If you were up here at the board with me, 30:41.522 --> 30:44.842 how would you convince me that I should draw the arrow in that 30:44.838 --> 30:45.598 direction? 30:45.599 --> 30:49.239 30:49.240 --> 30:50.440 Yes? 30:50.440 --> 30:53.240 Student: You could break it down as a vector, 30:53.240 --> 30:55.610 and you know that K2 has to be going down. 30:55.608 --> 30:57.888 Prof: Okay, so you could just make a sketch 30:57.890 --> 30:59.750 and say, "Oh, I know K2's going like 30:59.750 --> 31:00.450 that." 31:00.450 --> 31:03.340 Student: And then K1 is going to the right. 31:03.338 --> 31:05.168 Prof: Right, because at this point it's 31:05.173 --> 31:06.643 still below its carrying capacity. 31:06.640 --> 31:07.310 Student: Right. 31:07.308 --> 31:10.198 Prof: So you would go like that, and that's how you 31:10.201 --> 31:11.421 would get that vector. 31:11.420 --> 31:14.810 Very good. 31:14.809 --> 31:18.339 Okay. 31:18.338 --> 31:20.548 So the take-home points from this-- 31:20.548 --> 31:22.708 and by the way, I don't think the important 31:22.708 --> 31:25.688 thing about the Lotka-Volterra equations is that they're an 31:25.689 --> 31:27.539 accurate description of reality. 31:27.539 --> 31:28.729 > 31:28.730 --> 31:32.250 Reality is a lot messier than those equations. 31:32.250 --> 31:35.830 What they are is a good analytical tool that helps you 31:35.827 --> 31:38.557 to realize that hey, we're probably dealing with 31:38.560 --> 31:40.830 four cases, and there are some nice 31:40.827 --> 31:45.397 qualitative ways to simplify the analysis of complex systems of 31:45.403 --> 31:49.683 differential equations so that you don't have to do all the 31:49.682 --> 31:51.752 numerical calculations. 31:51.750 --> 31:55.360 And if you put those equations into something like Mathematica, 31:55.358 --> 31:57.988 on the computer, you can draw out the vector 31:57.988 --> 32:00.038 fields, over the entire phase space, 32:00.038 --> 32:03.118 and you'll get arrows pointing in all possible directions, 32:03.118 --> 32:06.818 and they'll be pretty and they'll look nice. 32:06.818 --> 32:12.458 But the essential thing is not that pretty picture, 32:12.460 --> 32:14.810 but the general qualitative result, 32:14.808 --> 32:17.798 and to know where things are generally going in each parts of 32:17.801 --> 32:18.701 the phase space. 32:18.700 --> 32:20.030 Okay? 32:20.028 --> 32:23.358 So on the one hand it's a method of simplifying a complex 32:23.355 --> 32:26.975 reality, and on the other hand it's a neat analytical tool; 32:26.980 --> 32:28.810 and that's why I present it to you. 32:28.808 --> 32:32.768 It's not necessarily the way Nature actually works; 32:32.769 --> 32:34.119 that's another issue. 32:34.119 --> 32:36.009 That's why we do experiments. 32:36.009 --> 32:40.259 Okay, so you don't really have to be able to solve numerically 32:40.262 --> 32:43.962 a differential equation to understand its outcomes. 32:43.960 --> 32:47.160 There are four outcomes in this case: one wins, 32:47.157 --> 32:50.147 two wins, or there's an unstable or a stable 32:50.146 --> 32:51.256 equilibrium. 32:51.259 --> 32:55.029 And even the very simplest analysis of competition shows 32:55.025 --> 32:59.055 that coexistence is possible when intra-specific competition 32:59.064 --> 33:02.354 is stronger than inter-specific competition. 33:02.348 --> 33:04.838 I'll give you an example of a system where that works. 33:04.838 --> 33:08.618 Go to Panama, look around on the floor of the 33:08.615 --> 33:10.585 rainforest in Panama. 33:10.588 --> 33:12.678 Often you'll find yourself under a fig tree; 33:12.680 --> 33:15.430 fig trees are very important in rainforests. 33:15.430 --> 33:21.210 Each time a fig tree drops to the ground, it is colonized by a 33:21.212 --> 33:23.112 fruit fly species. 33:23.108 --> 33:28.048 If a fruit fly arrives first, at the fig, it will start to 33:28.048 --> 33:31.338 display, and then mating will go on; 33:31.338 --> 33:35.048 it will attract other members of its own species to that fig. 33:35.048 --> 33:39.528 However, different individual figs, just by random chance, 33:39.529 --> 33:42.909 will attract different fruit fly species; 33:42.910 --> 33:45.350 you're just bumbling along through the forest, 33:45.348 --> 33:47.358 buzz buzz buzz buzz, and you hit a fig, 33:47.359 --> 33:49.919 and then you say, "Hey, I found some places for our 33:49.917 --> 33:50.717 babies to grow up. 33:50.720 --> 33:52.260 Come over here and mate with me." 33:52.259 --> 33:54.009 And so, that's what happens. 33:54.009 --> 33:57.689 And because the resources are discrete and they're scattered 33:57.685 --> 34:00.735 across the floor of the Panamanian rainforest, 34:00.740 --> 34:05.600 what you have is a concentration of intra-specific 34:05.602 --> 34:08.582 competition within each fig. 34:08.579 --> 34:11.339 The mating behavior attracts more of your own species to the 34:11.342 --> 34:13.592 place where your larvae are going to grow up, 34:13.590 --> 34:15.060 and the larvae are competing with each other. 34:15.059 --> 34:15.849 Okay? 34:15.849 --> 34:20.659 So this process generates a situation in which you get 34:20.655 --> 34:22.555 stable coexistence. 34:22.559 --> 34:27.969 And there are about 17 species of fruit flies that can live on 34:27.967 --> 34:31.197 the same fig tree; the same fruit from the same 34:31.197 --> 34:33.277 fig tree, in Panama, and it's very 34:33.284 --> 34:36.444 probably because the process I've just described is 34:36.443 --> 34:40.233 guaranteeing that intra-specific competition will be stronger 34:40.233 --> 34:42.573 than inter-specific competition. 34:42.570 --> 34:45.320 So you can see that the analysis of the Lotka-Volterra 34:45.320 --> 34:48.330 model is giving us kind of a key criterion to look for, 34:48.329 --> 34:53.559 that in fact is reflected in a very complex natural situation; 34:53.559 --> 34:57.389 and it might not have occurred to us if we hadn't been through 34:57.393 --> 35:00.413 the simplicity of the Lotka-Volterra analysis. 35:00.409 --> 35:03.329 So now I'd like to go back to the field. 35:03.329 --> 35:05.449 And this is a habitat that I like a lot. 35:05.449 --> 35:07.499 This is the Alpine habitat. 35:07.500 --> 35:09.450 This is probably the first week of July. 35:09.449 --> 35:12.129 You're looking at a flowering meadow. 35:12.130 --> 35:14.210 It's a complicated environment. 35:14.210 --> 35:16.680 You've got grasses, you've got flowering plants. 35:16.679 --> 35:20.209 There are orchids coming up in here. 35:20.210 --> 35:24.880 In ten square meters you might have 50 or 100 species. 35:24.880 --> 35:28.450 Below the surface there are mycorrhizae down in the soil. 35:28.449 --> 35:31.739 There are earthworms that are splitting up the subsurface 35:31.744 --> 35:34.454 habitat into three or four different niches; 35:34.449 --> 35:36.839 all kinds of stuff is going on here. 35:36.840 --> 35:39.070 It's complicated. 35:39.070 --> 35:42.810 There's a very interesting result from plant competition 35:42.806 --> 35:46.406 experiments that have been done by taking seeds off of 35:46.409 --> 35:49.399 individual plants in a meadow like that. 35:49.400 --> 35:53.010 If you go in and you determine which are the next door 35:53.012 --> 35:56.952 neighbors of a particular plant, in that meadow--so you take one 35:56.945 --> 35:59.595 individual plant and you ask, "Is it next to species 1, 35:59.599 --> 36:01.079 species 2, species 3?" 36:01.079 --> 36:04.089 Normally it's not going to have more than three or four 36:04.090 --> 36:04.760 neighbors. 36:04.760 --> 36:08.310 And you take its seeds back, and you test it against a 36:08.307 --> 36:11.587 random selection of species, in the greenhouse. 36:11.590 --> 36:14.310 So you take its seeds, and you ask, 36:14.309 --> 36:17.249 "Are these seeds doing the best against the neighbors I 36:17.253 --> 36:19.983 found out there in Nature, or just a random selection that 36:19.976 --> 36:21.496 I took out of the same meadow?" 36:21.500 --> 36:23.080 Okay? 36:23.079 --> 36:26.029 And what you find is that they do better in competition with 36:26.030 --> 36:28.980 the neighbors than with the average of the larger collection 36:28.980 --> 36:30.630 of all species in the meadow. 36:30.630 --> 36:32.790 And you ask yourself, "Well how could that 36:32.786 --> 36:33.486 happen?" 36:33.489 --> 36:37.489 That is something that's really a rather remarkable pattern, 36:37.489 --> 36:42.609 because it's almost as though they had been selected to do 36:42.606 --> 36:45.566 better against those neighbors. 36:45.570 --> 36:46.950 But what process could do that? 36:46.949 --> 36:50.099 Well the answer is that there's a seed bank, 36:50.099 --> 36:54.669 and that there are seeds of many individuals, 36:54.670 --> 36:57.220 from many different species, that are in the soil, 36:57.219 --> 36:59.449 all over that meadow, and in the spring when they 36:59.449 --> 37:01.269 sprout out, there's selection, 37:01.268 --> 37:04.388 and that selection is mediated by competition, 37:04.389 --> 37:07.139 and it's acting on seedlings in juvenile stages, 37:07.139 --> 37:09.909 and both intra- and inter-specific competition are 37:09.911 --> 37:12.911 interacting to determine who survives to be adults. 37:12.909 --> 37:15.479 And the ones that we see as adults are the ones that have 37:15.478 --> 37:17.448 made it through that competition screen, 37:17.449 --> 37:21.869 and if there were twenty or thirty or fifty possible 37:21.871 --> 37:26.351 seedlings that were staring up, to yield just one plant, 37:26.346 --> 37:29.206 surviving, you can see how that pattern 37:29.210 --> 37:30.710 would be generated. 37:30.710 --> 37:34.380 And so in every generation, out in a meadow, 37:34.380 --> 37:38.880 inter-specific competition is mediating the distribution of 37:38.880 --> 37:42.910 the plants that we see, and the fact that selection is 37:42.911 --> 37:46.531 effective is an indicator that there's a lot of genetic 37:46.532 --> 37:50.962 variation within each of those species for competitive ability. 37:50.960 --> 37:53.650 This selection couldn't work unless there were genetic 37:53.646 --> 37:55.976 variation among individuals in each species. 37:55.980 --> 37:59.910 So that each species consists of a whole variety of possible 37:59.913 --> 38:01.583 competitive mechanisms. 38:01.579 --> 38:03.779 Some of them do well against one neighbor, 38:03.777 --> 38:05.867 some of them do well against another; 38:05.869 --> 38:08.869 as a result of which you get the maintenance of quite a few 38:08.867 --> 38:11.757 different species in the meadow and quite a few different 38:11.764 --> 38:15.314 genotypes, within a species, both. 38:15.309 --> 38:19.489 Okay, so to sum up inter-specific competition. 38:19.489 --> 38:23.289 38:23.289 --> 38:25.929 It really does occur. 38:25.929 --> 38:28.429 It does help to shape communities in Nature; 38:28.429 --> 38:31.149 it's not the only thing shaping communities in Nature, 38:31.153 --> 38:33.523 but it's one of the things that shapes them. 38:33.519 --> 38:35.889 And it is often asymmetric. 38:35.889 --> 38:41.009 So often you have a situation where the bully wins. 38:41.010 --> 38:43.220 It's frequently been demonstrated, 38:43.219 --> 38:45.869 both in field and in lab, and the best way to demonstrate 38:45.871 --> 38:48.861 it in the field is to remove one species and see what happens to 38:48.856 --> 38:49.516 the other. 38:49.519 --> 38:52.849 38:52.849 --> 38:55.319 There is an analytical framework called the 38:55.318 --> 38:58.198 Lotka-Volterra model, that helps us to understand and 38:58.197 --> 39:00.517 pull together the results of these experiments, 39:00.518 --> 39:04.518 and it points us to a key conclusion. 39:04.518 --> 39:10.528 And the key conclusion is that you'll get coexistence when 39:10.530 --> 39:16.540 intra-specific competition is stronger than inter-specific 39:16.541 --> 39:18.231 competition. 39:18.230 --> 39:20.930 This kind of model, and others, predict that both 39:20.927 --> 39:23.847 competitive exclusion and competitive coexistence are 39:23.849 --> 39:26.379 possible, depending on the circumstances. 39:26.380 --> 39:29.470 And so it was probably a mistake to enunciate the 39:29.467 --> 39:33.457 competitive exclusion principle as something that must apply at 39:33.456 --> 39:36.026 all times in all places in ecology, 39:36.030 --> 39:39.300 because under the particular circumstance of strong 39:39.304 --> 39:43.634 intra-specific competition, coexistence is possible; 39:43.630 --> 39:47.370 exclusion is not the only logical outcome. 39:47.369 --> 39:50.289 Okay, next time predation, disease; 39:50.289 --> 39:52.359 and I'm going to be very interested to see what you do 39:52.358 --> 39:52.748 with it. 39:52.750 --> 39:58.000