WEBVTT 00:01.990 --> 00:06.730 Prof: Then today we're going to take our third look at 00:06.728 --> 00:09.728 the history of life on this planet, 00:09.730 --> 00:13.970 and it's going to be about the fossil record and the major 00:13.966 --> 00:15.226 groups of life. 00:15.230 --> 00:17.330 You remember, the first look was major 00:17.326 --> 00:19.986 transitions, and the issues involved in them. 00:19.990 --> 00:22.720 The second look was how life shaped the planet and how the 00:22.723 --> 00:25.453 planet shaped life; so it was a description of the 00:25.453 --> 00:28.443 geological theater in which evolution has occurred. 00:28.440 --> 00:31.540 And today we'll actually look at the fossil record, 00:31.540 --> 00:34.640 which has its own unique and important messages. 00:34.640 --> 00:39.730 So I'm going to again give you another view of geological time. 00:39.730 --> 00:43.080 This is something that's important to build up in your 00:43.077 --> 00:43.517 head. 00:43.520 --> 00:44.540 It takes awhile. 00:44.540 --> 00:47.550 The names are unfamiliar, the depth of time is 00:47.545 --> 00:48.475 astonishing. 00:48.480 --> 00:52.050 But it's a very necessary framework for understanding 00:52.047 --> 00:53.897 evolution on this planet. 00:53.900 --> 00:56.850 We'll talk about a few big events, the major radiations, 00:56.850 --> 00:58.580 the groups that are still expanding, 00:58.580 --> 01:00.270 the ones that are vanishing or gone, 01:00.270 --> 01:03.730 vanishing communities, extraordinary extinct 01:03.732 --> 01:04.702 creatures. 01:04.700 --> 01:09.700 Then I'll mention stasis and I'll also mention Cope's law. 01:09.700 --> 01:14.760 So here is another way of looking at geological time. 01:14.760 --> 01:17.340 Last time I showed you the 24-hour clock. 01:17.340 --> 01:20.750 This time I'm showing you a series of blowups, 01:20.748 --> 01:22.488 a three-panel blowup. 01:22.489 --> 01:25.399 So here is the origin of the planet. 01:25.400 --> 01:27.700 Here is today, up here. 01:27.700 --> 01:30.780 And the pre-Cambrian is in red. 01:30.780 --> 01:34.840 So this is everything before the major animal groups and 01:34.836 --> 01:37.266 fossils with hard parts appear. 01:37.269 --> 01:39.759 And, as you can see, that's most of life. 01:39.760 --> 01:43.180 Roughly speaking, life begins here, 01:43.180 --> 01:47.790 and becomes eukaryotic somewhere around here, 01:47.790 --> 01:50.330 and multi-cellular somewhere around here, 01:50.330 --> 01:52.880 and we start picking fossils up at the beginning of the 01:52.882 --> 01:54.662 Cambrian, in any kind of numbers; 01:54.660 --> 01:56.540 there were a few before then. 01:56.540 --> 02:00.420 And then if we take everything after the Cambrian--it's called 02:00.415 --> 02:03.585 the Phanerozoic; that's this column here--and we 02:03.594 --> 02:06.064 blow that up, and you can see it falls into 02:06.055 --> 02:10.095 the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic, 02:10.098 --> 02:13.328 with all of these eras in it. 02:13.330 --> 02:15.720 And some of these eras are actually marked, 02:15.718 --> 02:18.248 their endings are marked by mass extinctions, 02:18.250 --> 02:20.770 and the way that the geologists could tell, 02:20.770 --> 02:23.570 around the world, looking at different rocks that 02:23.568 --> 02:25.958 they were dealing with the same rocks, 02:25.960 --> 02:29.500 is that there are characteristic fossils found in 02:29.503 --> 02:34.013 them that disappeared all over the world at a certain time. 02:34.008 --> 02:36.208 And so, for example, the disappearance--the 02:36.205 --> 02:39.025 trilobites appear in the Cambrian and they disappear at 02:39.027 --> 02:40.437 the end of the Permian. 02:40.440 --> 02:44.850 Any rock in the world that you see that has a trilobite in it 02:44.849 --> 02:47.349 is going to be in the Paleozoic. 02:47.348 --> 02:49.388 The ammonites, you'll see in a few minutes, 02:49.393 --> 02:52.073 appear and disappear a number of times, but they finally 02:52.068 --> 02:54.158 disappear at the end of the Cretaceous. 02:54.160 --> 02:58.780 Any rock in it that's got a complex ammonite in it is 02:58.782 --> 02:59.762 Mesozoic. 02:59.758 --> 03:03.418 So these geological eras are actually, 03:03.419 --> 03:07.359 in part, defined by fossils, and the coordination of them 03:07.364 --> 03:11.384 across the planet is done by matching types of fossils. 03:11.378 --> 03:14.368 In the late twentieth century we had radiometric dating that 03:14.366 --> 03:17.296 helped a great deal with this, and that's gotten better and 03:17.302 --> 03:17.862 better. 03:17.860 --> 03:22.260 But the original layout was done with fossils. 03:22.258 --> 03:25.388 And if we then take everything that's happened since the 03:25.394 --> 03:28.874 end-Cretaceous mass extinction, that's called the Cenozoic. 03:28.870 --> 03:31.830 So this, the Mesozoic is more or less the Age of Reptiles; 03:31.830 --> 03:34.120 the Cenozoic is the Age of Mammals; 03:34.120 --> 03:37.280 and we blow the Cenozoic up, this is what we get. 03:37.280 --> 03:39.560 We get Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, 03:39.555 --> 03:41.695 Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene. 03:41.699 --> 03:45.359 And the last 10,000 years is the Holocene; 03:45.360 --> 03:49.110 that's since the glaciers melted, that's the period we 03:49.113 --> 03:50.533 call the Holocene. 03:50.530 --> 03:55.160 And roughly speaking the world restocks itself with 03:55.158 --> 03:59.138 biodiversity in the Paleocene and Eocene. 03:59.139 --> 04:03.309 We have roughly modern levels of biodiversity since the 04:03.314 --> 04:08.114 Oligocene, in terms of mammal families and things like that. 04:08.110 --> 04:15.050 And most of the mammal orders have their roots in the Eocene 04:15.048 --> 04:19.148 and Paleocene; as you'll see in a bit. 04:19.149 --> 04:23.339 Now if we look at large-scale events, one of the most 04:23.339 --> 04:28.009 interesting is well when did multi-cellular life really get 04:28.014 --> 04:28.824 going? 04:28.819 --> 04:35.799 And for that the tiny fossils that are preserved in phosphate 04:35.798 --> 04:40.798 beds in China are absolutely astonishing. 04:40.800 --> 04:44.910 These things have been discovered within the last ten 04:44.908 --> 04:45.538 years. 04:45.540 --> 04:49.740 They come from a number of places in China, 04:49.740 --> 04:54.240 but this spot, Chengjiang, in Yunnan Province, 04:54.240 --> 04:59.770 is--I think it's on Yunnan; it might be just on the border 04:59.774 --> 05:03.994 with another province there; no province lines in the 05:03.987 --> 05:08.707 map--are certainly some of the earliest and most intriguing. 05:08.709 --> 05:12.139 So the Cambrian starts at about 550. 05:12.139 --> 05:15.729 So this is 20 million years before the Cambrian; 05:15.730 --> 05:18.740 we're in the Vendian, we're in the late-Proterozic 05:18.740 --> 05:19.110 Era. 05:19.110 --> 05:24.820 And a lake, or an inlet, dried up and the salts in it 05:24.817 --> 05:31.727 crystallized and they perfectly preserved the algae that were in 05:31.730 --> 05:32.500 it. 05:32.500 --> 05:36.440 So these are micrographs of microfossils showing 05:36.442 --> 05:40.472 multi-cellular algae, and in some of them you can 05:40.470 --> 05:44.750 even see the spindles in the mitotic divisions. 05:44.750 --> 05:47.800 05:47.800 --> 05:52.610 In formations in China of the same age, there are 05:52.610 --> 05:56.220 multi-cellular, bilateral animals. 05:56.220 --> 06:03.080 These look like early-stage cell divisions of Crustacea. 06:03.079 --> 06:07.609 So this is again 20 million years before the Cambrian, 06:07.610 --> 06:12.700 and the implication that there might be a Crustacean 20 million 06:12.697 --> 06:17.207 years before the Cambrian is a very interesting one, 06:17.209 --> 06:19.439 as you'll see in a minute. 06:19.439 --> 06:24.879 So our molecular phylogenies suggest, 06:24.879 --> 06:27.529 looking not at the fossils but at the molecules, 06:27.528 --> 06:31.578 that the eukaryotic radiation--so that's before 06:31.579 --> 06:35.029 multi-cellularity; this is just the eukaryotic 06:35.028 --> 06:38.838 cells making Protista--that was underway about a billion years 06:38.841 --> 06:39.281 ago. 06:39.279 --> 06:43.889 These microfossils support the idea that many groups may have 06:43.889 --> 06:48.499 diverged before the Cambrian, but we have no trace of them in 06:48.500 --> 06:49.730 the fossils. 06:49.730 --> 06:54.250 We just have this marker; we have these Crustacean-like 06:54.245 --> 06:55.345 embryos. 06:55.350 --> 07:02.230 Now if that's really true, then the first fossils of large 07:02.230 --> 07:05.450 animals, animals that you could see with 07:05.446 --> 07:08.216 the naked eye, that had hard body parts, 07:08.218 --> 07:11.168 that had endoskeletons or exoskeletons, 07:11.170 --> 07:13.310 these things crop up in the Cambrian, 07:13.310 --> 07:17.210 and they may simply then be recording the fact that formerly 07:17.211 --> 07:20.521 soft-bodied things started to acquire skeletons. 07:20.519 --> 07:24.059 So the groups existed before then, they just couldn't be 07:24.064 --> 07:27.874 fossilized, and that that may very well have been because of 07:27.867 --> 07:29.927 co-evolution with predators. 07:29.930 --> 07:33.220 So that's the picture that seems to be emerging. 07:33.220 --> 07:37.800 I just want to remind you that the Tree of Life has these three 07:37.795 --> 07:41.255 big groups in it, and we're now going to blow up 07:41.264 --> 07:42.744 this part of it. 07:42.740 --> 07:43.840 Here we are. 07:43.839 --> 07:48.349 The Chinese microfossils look like they're right about here, 07:48.345 --> 07:51.395 and they are at 570 million years ago. 07:51.399 --> 07:54.589 And if we just walk out around the Tree of Life, 07:54.589 --> 07:56.969 and say, "Oh, anything that has that branch 07:56.971 --> 07:59.151 length from what we think is the origin, 07:59.149 --> 08:00.559 was probably there at the same time, 08:00.560 --> 08:02.470 even though we don't have a fossil of it." 08:02.470 --> 08:04.750 That's the implication of the molecular phylogeny; 08:04.750 --> 08:08.450 it's that everything else that's about that far out from 08:08.451 --> 08:12.021 the common ancestor was probably there at the time. 08:12.019 --> 08:14.549 That means that all these other branches were there too. 08:14.550 --> 08:17.930 Now most of these other things are single-celled organisms, 08:17.925 --> 08:20.655 and we wouldn't expect them to leave fossils. 08:20.660 --> 08:21.170 Okay? 08:21.170 --> 08:26.790 I mean, we've got stuff like slime molds and amoebas and 08:26.785 --> 08:30.555 euglenas, the ancestors of--let's see, 08:30.562 --> 08:34.852 where is malaria and stuff like that? 08:34.850 --> 08:37.120 We've got all kinds of algae out here. 08:37.120 --> 08:38.910 Those things were probably all there. 08:38.908 --> 08:40.458 We just don't have fossils of them. 08:40.460 --> 08:43.950 And that's why it's really important to be able to deal 08:43.947 --> 08:47.497 with both the molecular phylogenies and the fossils, 08:47.500 --> 08:52.140 because they complement each other and they allow a kind of 08:52.139 --> 08:56.219 inference that's not available from either alone. 08:56.220 --> 09:00.460 Now, what happens in the Cambrian? 09:00.460 --> 09:04.250 That's when we really start- when the fossil record really 09:04.254 --> 09:05.124 gets going. 09:05.120 --> 09:08.760 The idea that there was an explosion of biodiversity in the 09:08.760 --> 09:12.090 Cambrian seems to be well supported by the fossils. 09:12.090 --> 09:12.400 Okay? 09:12.398 --> 09:15.418 This is the number of orders that can be observed, 09:15.417 --> 09:16.647 of animal groups. 09:16.649 --> 09:20.549 So these are fairly large clades of marine invertebrates 09:20.547 --> 09:22.857 that start-- and some, by the way, 09:22.863 --> 09:26.403 by the end of the Cambrian, we start picking up vertebrates 09:26.398 --> 09:30.938 as well-- and they start getting added on 09:30.938 --> 09:33.898 at a pretty high rate. 09:33.899 --> 09:37.589 And the interesting thing is no major body plans appear in the 09:37.590 --> 09:40.010 fossil record, in animals, after that. 09:40.009 --> 09:42.969 They do in the plants, but in the animals it's as 09:42.970 --> 09:45.500 though there's one burst of diversity, 09:45.500 --> 09:48.810 550 million years ago, and then all the major body 09:48.808 --> 09:52.488 plans get frozen, and we don't get new kinds of 09:52.485 --> 09:54.085 animals after that. 09:54.090 --> 09:59.830 That's kind of a puzzling and not completely solved problem. 09:59.830 --> 10:03.240 Why was it that way? 10:03.240 --> 10:06.600 Now let's take a look at one of these communities. 10:06.600 --> 10:10.430 They contain some organisms that are profoundly weird. 10:10.429 --> 10:15.929 10:15.928 --> 10:18.518 By the way, they weren't very big. 10:18.519 --> 10:23.219 The giant among them, the sperm whale of the Cambrian 10:23.219 --> 10:25.839 seas was this guy, up here. 10:25.840 --> 10:26.390 Okay? 10:26.394 --> 10:31.284 That's Anomalocaris, and that is an arthropod 10:31.277 --> 10:34.497 predator, arthropod-like predator, 10:34.499 --> 10:38.799 and it's got some funny sort of quasi-tentacle antennae, 10:38.798 --> 10:41.148 and a mouth right here, and it swims around, 10:41.149 --> 10:44.179 and it's the biggest, nastiest thing in the ocean, 10:44.179 --> 10:45.979 and it's about this big. 10:45.980 --> 10:49.020 So if you are skin-diving in a Cambrian sea, 10:49.019 --> 10:52.199 you don't need to worry about white sharks. 10:52.200 --> 10:55.700 You are actually the biggest, meanest thing around. 10:55.700 --> 10:57.080 Okay? 10:57.080 --> 10:59.120 And that's an interesting observation. 10:59.120 --> 11:01.790 Again and again, in fossil history, 11:01.793 --> 11:04.393 things start small and get big. 11:04.389 --> 11:07.699 Things start small and have short generation times and short 11:07.697 --> 11:10.947 lives, and get to be big and have long generation times and 11:10.948 --> 11:11.788 long lives. 11:11.788 --> 11:14.888 And I don't mean by that that the small things are replaced by 11:14.894 --> 11:18.224 the big things; the big things add onto them. 11:18.220 --> 11:21.730 It's like a community would be dominated initially by small 11:21.734 --> 11:25.254 things, and they would continue to be there, but big things 11:25.249 --> 11:26.279 would evolve. 11:26.278 --> 11:30.408 So this is that process starting to happen. 11:30.408 --> 11:34.948 There are a few things that were running around, 11:34.947 --> 11:39.387 in these oceans, that we don't have anymore. 11:39.389 --> 11:42.439 There are trilobites here, of course. 11:42.440 --> 11:45.610 There is this profoundly puzzling creature. 11:45.610 --> 11:47.000 Okay? 11:47.000 --> 11:49.770 And we're going to--that's Opabinia--we're going to take a 11:49.769 --> 11:51.519 good look at it, in a few minutes. 11:51.519 --> 11:54.009 That's one of the favorite animals of Derek Briggs, 11:54.009 --> 11:56.349 who's now the director of the Peabody Museum. 11:56.350 --> 11:59.950 Derek, by the way, has great BBC cartoons of the 11:59.952 --> 12:02.562 way these things swam and moved. 12:02.558 --> 12:06.558 He's done the functional morphology of the Cambrian 12:06.558 --> 12:07.518 community. 12:07.519 --> 12:12.729 So if you're interested in that, maybe you could talk Derek 12:12.731 --> 12:14.891 into having a showing. 12:14.889 --> 12:17.239 So that is something that's not around anymore. 12:17.240 --> 12:18.710 But something like this is. 12:18.710 --> 12:22.270 That's a priapulid worm, and there are still priapulid 12:22.270 --> 12:24.960 worms that look pretty much like that. 12:24.960 --> 12:27.820 So that thing is now a living fossil. 12:27.820 --> 12:30.790 And here's an Onychophoran, and Onychophorans that look 12:30.787 --> 12:33.367 just like that are running around the Australian 12:33.370 --> 12:35.870 rainforests now; instead of living on reefs, 12:35.866 --> 12:38.866 they're running around the rainforest, but they look pretty 12:38.868 --> 12:39.798 much like that. 12:39.799 --> 12:42.109 Okay? 12:42.110 --> 12:49.810 So the things that we get in the Cambrian are at least three 12:49.807 --> 12:53.067 of the mollusk classes. 12:53.070 --> 12:56.290 So these are the chitons, these are the snails, 12:56.293 --> 12:59.943 and these are the squids, octopuses and ammonites. 12:59.940 --> 13:02.730 We get the polychaetes, which are the biggest group of 13:02.730 --> 13:05.630 the annelids--the ones that are most familiar to you are 13:05.625 --> 13:08.645 probably earthworms; those are oligochaetes. 13:08.649 --> 13:11.079 But the polychaetes--I think there are 43 families of 13:11.076 --> 13:11.726 polychaetes. 13:11.730 --> 13:15.080 They're a very dominant group in the ocean, 13:15.078 --> 13:18.108 and have been for 550 million years. 13:18.110 --> 13:20.760 We start getting arthropods; so we get the trilobites. 13:20.759 --> 13:23.999 The chelicerates are the horseshoe crabs and the spiders 13:23.998 --> 13:26.828 and their relatives, and we start picking up some 13:26.825 --> 13:27.645 Crustacea. 13:27.649 --> 13:30.269 We get the brachiopods, the lampshells, 13:30.273 --> 13:32.003 which are still around. 13:32.000 --> 13:36.550 If you go diving on a reef in Malaysia, you can see 13:36.546 --> 13:37.816 brachiopods. 13:37.820 --> 13:41.110 There are deep-water brachiopods around the world, 13:41.110 --> 13:44.670 but they've mostly been in retreat for a long time. 13:44.668 --> 13:47.798 And we get echinoderms, and the fact that we get 13:47.799 --> 13:51.659 echinoderms is interesting because they're the sister group 13:51.663 --> 13:54.673 of the chordates, and that implies that the 13:54.668 --> 13:57.498 chordates had diverged from the echinoderms, 13:57.500 --> 13:59.680 at that point, and they just weren't 13:59.684 --> 14:00.564 fossilizing. 14:00.558 --> 14:02.978 And we know, from the first fossils that we 14:02.982 --> 14:05.062 can get of things like Amphioxus, 14:05.058 --> 14:08.888 that if you have a tiny, little, one-inch long, 14:08.889 --> 14:12.169 translucent, tadpole-like, 14:12.171 --> 14:16.211 fish-like chordate, that's the ancestor of the 14:16.210 --> 14:18.390 vertebrates, it's probably not going to 14:18.389 --> 14:19.049 fossilize. 14:19.048 --> 14:21.708 So our best evidence that that divergence had occurred is the 14:21.706 --> 14:23.076 existence of the echinoderms. 14:23.080 --> 14:25.200 And by the way, the echinoderms went through an 14:25.197 --> 14:26.207 explosive radiation. 14:26.210 --> 14:28.030 They made many classes. 14:28.028 --> 14:30.428 The different classes of the echinoderms now are things like 14:30.431 --> 14:32.061 the asteroids, which are the starfish; 14:32.058 --> 14:35.608 the holothuroids, which are the sea cucumbers, 14:35.606 --> 14:36.786 and so forth. 14:36.788 --> 14:39.508 There are, I think, six or seven classes currently 14:39.514 --> 14:42.304 of echinoderms; but back in the Cambrian there 14:42.297 --> 14:44.377 were about twenty-five or thirty. 14:44.379 --> 14:46.169 Most of them have now gone extinct. 14:46.168 --> 14:50.198 And some of those things that you saw in that earlier picture 14:50.197 --> 14:52.747 were extinct classes of echinoderms. 14:52.750 --> 14:56.660 Okay, so for the animals there's this explosion 550 to 14:56.664 --> 14:59.624 500 million years ago in the Cambrian. 14:59.620 --> 15:01.380 It's very different for the plants. 15:01.379 --> 15:06.529 The plants had a much steadier, more measured evolution of 15:06.533 --> 15:07.623 diversity. 15:07.620 --> 15:08.990 Okay? 15:08.990 --> 15:13.060 The major groups of plants arrive later because plants got 15:13.056 --> 15:14.336 onto land later. 15:14.340 --> 15:16.650 Most of the animal groups, all the animal groups 15:16.650 --> 15:19.160 originated in the ocean, but much of plant diversity 15:19.158 --> 15:22.348 originated on land; so they had to get onto land. 15:22.350 --> 15:27.140 The mosses and the ferns appear in the fossil record in the 15:27.143 --> 15:30.453 Devonian, about 400 million years ago. 15:30.450 --> 15:33.630 The gymnosperms, which is pines and firs and 15:33.631 --> 15:36.081 their relatives, they actually are 15:36.075 --> 15:37.995 350-million-years-old. 15:38.000 --> 15:40.320 So they appear in the early Carboniferous, 15:40.320 --> 15:43.830 and they undergo continuing evolution up to the present day. 15:43.830 --> 15:47.020 So they keep getting- diversifying and becoming more 15:47.019 --> 15:48.019 sophisticated. 15:48.019 --> 15:52.169 But there are recognizable gymnosperms 350 million years 15:52.167 --> 15:52.617 ago. 15:52.620 --> 15:56.930 And when the flowering plants evolve depends on whether you're 15:56.928 --> 15:59.328 looking at molecules or fossils. 15:59.330 --> 16:02.830 The molecules suggest that it might be as old as 16:02.825 --> 16:06.965 Carboniferous-Permian-Triassic; that is, 200 to 300 million 16:06.971 --> 16:07.661 years ago. 16:07.659 --> 16:11.109 Some people don't believe that. 16:11.110 --> 16:13.960 The really solid evidence, of course, is the fossil, 16:13.961 --> 16:15.861 at a certain age, and that's in the 16:15.860 --> 16:16.980 late-Cretaceous. 16:16.980 --> 16:23.090 So you can see angiosperms that are 75-million-years-old in the 16:23.091 --> 16:24.671 fossil record. 16:24.668 --> 16:27.868 This is what the first plant on land might have looked like, 16:27.871 --> 16:30.751 and the first plant on land might actually have been a 16:30.750 --> 16:31.510 liverwort. 16:31.509 --> 16:34.869 So this is a thalloid liverwort. 16:34.870 --> 16:38.960 And when you look at it, it looks a fair amount like 16:38.961 --> 16:43.221 algae that we are familiar with and that we see in the 16:43.215 --> 16:44.815 intertidal zone. 16:44.820 --> 16:49.840 It doesn't really look that different in its structure from 16:49.842 --> 16:53.742 a marine alga, but it is adapted for living on 16:53.740 --> 16:54.520 land. 16:54.519 --> 16:57.549 And to get onto land this is what you need. 16:57.548 --> 17:00.328 If you're an animal, you're going to have to come up 17:00.327 --> 17:01.797 with an impermeable skin. 17:01.798 --> 17:04.828 If you want to locomote on land, you'll need limbs, 17:04.828 --> 17:08.038 and for that you'll need shoulder and hip supports. 17:08.038 --> 17:10.048 And if you want to reproduce on land, 17:10.048 --> 17:11.658 rather than in the water--which is, 17:11.660 --> 17:13.990 of course, what many of the amphibians have continued to 17:13.994 --> 17:15.574 do-- then you'll need an egg that 17:15.565 --> 17:16.265 won't dry out. 17:16.269 --> 17:18.859 So you need a shell and an amnion, and this basically is 17:18.856 --> 17:21.206 something that happened between the amphibians, 17:21.210 --> 17:24.960 and then everything that came later in the tetrapods. 17:24.960 --> 17:27.260 If you're a plant, you need an impermeable leaf. 17:27.259 --> 17:30.659 That means you need to invent the biochemistry and the 17:30.662 --> 17:33.682 developmental biology to make a waxy cuticle. 17:33.680 --> 17:35.730 You need a means of gas exchange. 17:35.730 --> 17:39.280 So you're going to have to invent all of the neat stuff 17:39.282 --> 17:42.842 about stomata and stomatal regulation of carbon dioxide 17:42.836 --> 17:45.136 coming in and oxygen going out. 17:45.140 --> 17:48.470 And you'll need to have roots, resistant spores; 17:48.470 --> 17:51.020 eventually you'll need seeds. 17:51.019 --> 17:54.129 So there's really quite a bit of stuff to evolve, 17:54.133 --> 17:55.823 when you come onto land. 17:55.819 --> 17:57.149 This is a major event. 17:57.150 --> 17:59.860 It was complicated and it took some time. 17:59.858 --> 18:03.718 If we look at the vertebrates coming onto land, 18:03.718 --> 18:07.408 here are some late-Devonian lobe-fin fish. 18:07.410 --> 18:11.330 So the group that seems to have spawned the tetrapods is related 18:11.334 --> 18:13.954 to the Coelacanths, the lobe-fin fishes. 18:13.950 --> 18:18.000 I'll show you a picture of Eustenopteron and Ichthyostega 18:17.998 --> 18:19.008 in a moment. 18:19.009 --> 18:24.079 And these things start--this creature, Eustenopteron, 18:24.080 --> 18:26.910 is actually a pelagic fish. 18:26.910 --> 18:32.450 It's not really crawling around in the drying up lagoon; 18:32.450 --> 18:34.380 it appears to be swimming in open water. 18:34.380 --> 18:38.590 But, as you'll see in a minute, it has really pretty good 18:38.586 --> 18:41.136 beginnings of the tetrapod limb. 18:41.140 --> 18:45.070 So it looks like some of the structural elements in the 18:45.067 --> 18:47.467 skeleton, that were needed for things to 18:47.472 --> 18:49.952 come on land, probably developed for other 18:49.949 --> 18:52.869 reasons, in another environment, 18:52.869 --> 18:56.079 as an exaptation, something that happened for 18:56.083 --> 18:57.873 other reasons earlier in evolution, 18:57.868 --> 19:02.928 and that could then be co-opted and used to get onto land. 19:02.930 --> 19:04.470 And these are some of the relatives. 19:04.470 --> 19:05.320 Okay? 19:05.318 --> 19:09.258 So you can see Coelacanths in the fossil record at 360 million 19:09.263 --> 19:13.143 years, and you can see them from a submersible off Madagascar 19:13.143 --> 19:13.793 today. 19:13.789 --> 19:16.809 They're a nice living fossil. 19:16.809 --> 19:19.939 19:19.940 --> 19:21.480 Here's Eustenopteron. 19:21.480 --> 19:25.700 The skeletons are recovered from Miguasha in Quebec; 19:25.700 --> 19:28.910 385-million-years-old. 19:28.910 --> 19:33.140 It was a pelagic fish, and you can see that it already 19:33.142 --> 19:37.452 is getting, in its hind limbs, many of the identifiable 19:37.453 --> 19:40.173 elements of a vertebrate limb. 19:40.170 --> 19:44.850 So this is a blowup of the pectoral of Eustenopteron. 19:44.849 --> 19:47.679 It appears to have a humerus. 19:47.680 --> 19:49.330 This is Ichthyostega. 19:49.328 --> 19:54.568 This thing is a transition form between fish and amphibia. 19:54.569 --> 19:57.849 It's late-Devonian; it's 20 million years later. 19:57.848 --> 20:01.098 These usually come from eastern Greenland; 20:01.098 --> 20:03.088 that's where the fossil deposits are. 20:03.088 --> 20:06.618 And this guy already has most of the elements of the 20:06.623 --> 20:07.873 vertebrate limb. 20:07.868 --> 20:11.108 So this developed in a swimming environment. 20:11.108 --> 20:14.808 This guy arguably was crawling around in shallow water, 20:14.806 --> 20:17.746 but he can't support himself as an adult. 20:17.750 --> 20:22.340 That shoulder girdle and the hip girdle are not strong enough 20:22.340 --> 20:27.010 for that animal to actually walk on land, if it's an adult. 20:27.009 --> 20:29.539 The larvae could. 20:29.538 --> 20:34.238 So perhaps the first stage of coming onto land was the kids 20:34.242 --> 20:37.892 went exploring, and then they went back in the 20:37.891 --> 20:40.731 water and grew up to be adults. 20:40.730 --> 20:43.770 The parents couldn't go into the new habitat because they 20:43.766 --> 20:47.016 didn't have limbs that were strong enough to support them. 20:47.019 --> 20:49.219 I think that's kind of a cool idea. 20:49.220 --> 20:52.010 So it might have been that, just like with computers, 20:52.008 --> 20:54.688 the young were showing the old which way was up. 20:54.690 --> 20:57.980 20:57.980 --> 21:01.620 If we look at the plant radiation, 21:01.618 --> 21:06.078 there's a whole series of acquisitions of major elements 21:06.080 --> 21:11.880 of what it means to be a plant, and they occur at a pretty 21:11.883 --> 21:18.443 steady pace between about 450 and 75 million years ago. 21:18.440 --> 21:22.820 So chlorophyll B is quite old. 21:22.818 --> 21:28.728 I would guess that chlorophyll B is on the order of maybe 1 to 21:28.726 --> 21:31.046 1.5 billion years old. 21:31.048 --> 21:35.608 You get plant cell structure probably at the level of about a 21:35.613 --> 21:36.833 billion years. 21:36.828 --> 21:41.098 You get alternation of generations, haploid/diploid 21:41.102 --> 21:44.352 generations, coming in pretty early. 21:44.348 --> 21:50.178 Then you have, as you move out of the mosses, 21:50.180 --> 21:55.000 and move towards the club mosses, you can see that the 21:55.003 --> 21:59.423 water delivery system, of plants, starts to develop. 21:59.420 --> 22:03.580 So they're developing roots and they're developing all of the 22:03.576 --> 22:07.866 plumbing that will allow water to move and bring nutrients from 22:07.869 --> 22:10.779 the roots up into a growing structure. 22:10.778 --> 22:15.378 Wood starts to develop right about in here, 22:15.380 --> 22:20.700 and by the time you get up into the Equisitifolia and the 22:20.695 --> 22:25.635 precursors to the gymnosperms, you're getting pretty well 22:25.643 --> 22:28.863 developed xylem; so you're getting phloem, 22:28.855 --> 22:32.095 complex xylem, and a pretty good delivery 22:32.098 --> 22:32.908 system. 22:32.910 --> 22:38.180 Then the seeds evolved with the gymnosperms; 22:38.180 --> 22:40.550 gymnosperm means naked seed. 22:40.548 --> 22:43.828 And this is the radiation here of the gymnosperms. 22:43.828 --> 22:50.338 The Pinales would be the pine trees, and firs, 22:50.336 --> 22:52.936 and all of that. 22:52.940 --> 22:54.970 And the Gingkoes, of course, are the familiar 22:54.968 --> 22:57.178 Gingko trees; there's one down here at the 22:57.180 --> 22:58.810 corner of the Peabody Museum. 22:58.809 --> 23:00.359 And that makes a clade. 23:00.358 --> 23:02.668 And that's where seeds were invented. 23:02.670 --> 23:05.920 Then as we go up further, we get into pollen grains that 23:05.917 --> 23:09.047 have a distal aperture, and then finally we get to the 23:09.048 --> 23:10.288 flowering plants. 23:10.288 --> 23:13.128 And at the base of the angiosperms, 23:13.130 --> 23:18.250 down here, there are some wonderful and weird plants, 23:18.250 --> 23:21.480 and the only one that I'd really like to mention now, 23:21.480 --> 23:23.400 time permitting, is Welwitschia, 23:23.395 --> 23:24.875 which is the Gnetales. 23:24.880 --> 23:29.170 And Welwitschia is a plant that basically is a root with two 23:29.173 --> 23:33.683 leaves, and the two leaves can grow to be up to 100 or 200 feet 23:33.684 --> 23:34.344 long. 23:34.338 --> 23:36.448 It lives in the sand dunes of Namibia, 23:36.450 --> 23:42.080 and because sand drifts and makes dunes that grow, 23:42.078 --> 23:45.038 Welwitschia can keep growing to keep its leaves on top of the 23:45.035 --> 23:45.425 dunes. 23:45.430 --> 23:47.980 And so some Welwitschias are actually 100 or 200 feet high; 23:47.980 --> 23:50.930 it's just that they're all below ground and they just have 23:50.933 --> 23:53.063 these big leaves that come out the top. 23:53.058 --> 23:58.328 So there are wonderful things that are represented in the 23:58.334 --> 24:00.034 plant radiation. 24:00.028 --> 24:03.918 Okay, so the theme of that basically--let me just go back 24:03.923 --> 24:06.223 and reinforce these two points. 24:06.220 --> 24:08.850 Some of the stuff that you need to get on land was developed 24:08.849 --> 24:10.839 earlier in the water, for other reasons, 24:10.836 --> 24:13.026 and then was co-opted to get you on land, 24:13.028 --> 24:17.188 and that's what probably happened with the vertebrate 24:17.190 --> 24:17.750 limb. 24:17.750 --> 24:21.750 The plants developed much of their diversity after they had 24:21.749 --> 24:23.059 gotten onto land. 24:23.058 --> 24:26.838 And you can see that they are adding things like vascular 24:26.842 --> 24:30.762 canals and water delivery systems and things like that-- 24:30.759 --> 24:35.899 wood--at a fairly steady pace, as you go up through a period 24:35.898 --> 24:39.818 between about 450 and 75 million years ago. 24:39.818 --> 24:43.978 If we then look at large patterns in the history of life, 24:43.981 --> 24:47.631 to see what kinds of messages the fossils give us, 24:47.625 --> 24:50.445 this is one of the classical ones. 24:50.450 --> 24:55.400 This is how many different families of ammonites there 24:55.404 --> 24:56.064 were. 24:56.059 --> 24:57.059 Okay? 24:57.058 --> 25:03.388 And you can think of each of these radiations, 25:03.390 --> 25:07.380 that are presented as kind of a leaf with grey coloring around 25:07.376 --> 25:10.496 it, as being roughly at the level 25:10.503 --> 25:11.733 of an order. 25:11.730 --> 25:16.430 So an order of mammals would be--to make it familiar to 25:16.431 --> 25:20.351 you--would be something like the ungulates. 25:20.348 --> 25:23.358 An order of birds would be something like the albatrosses 25:23.357 --> 25:24.537 and their relatives. 25:24.538 --> 25:27.648 Fairly big groups with a lot of species in them. 25:27.650 --> 25:30.730 And within each of these groups you can see that there are lots 25:30.732 --> 25:31.432 of families. 25:31.430 --> 25:35.620 Now look what happens to them. 25:35.618 --> 25:39.088 At the end of the--they start to radiate, 25:39.088 --> 25:41.608 back in the Devonian--at the end of the Devonian there's a 25:41.608 --> 25:44.518 mass extinction, lots of them get cut off, 25:44.517 --> 25:46.747 two lineages come through. 25:46.750 --> 25:50.930 This lineage radiates, makes a whole lot of different 25:50.932 --> 25:53.832 species and families of ammonites. 25:53.828 --> 25:57.368 At the end of the Permian, they all go extinct. 25:57.368 --> 26:01.258 This line here manages to get two of them through--two 26:01.256 --> 26:05.726 lineages, maybe three--through the Permian mass extinction. 26:05.730 --> 26:07.790 One of them goes out in the Triassic; 26:07.789 --> 26:09.609 the other radiates. 26:09.608 --> 26:12.038 At the end of the Triassic there's a mass extinction. 26:12.038 --> 26:15.398 Almost all the ammonites disappear again. 26:15.400 --> 26:20.310 One or two lineages get through, into the Jurassic, 26:20.307 --> 26:25.307 and at the end of the Cretaceous these two surviving 26:25.313 --> 26:28.163 branches both go extinct. 26:28.160 --> 26:31.940 So people looked at that, and what they saw was this 26:31.938 --> 26:34.928 continuing extinction, and then re-radiation, 26:34.934 --> 26:36.514 and extinction, and re-radiation, 26:36.510 --> 26:40.120 and they asked themselves, "Can the world hold only 26:40.116 --> 26:42.496 so many kinds of ammonites? 26:42.500 --> 26:46.110 Does it kind of fill up, and then when it's wiped clean, 26:46.109 --> 26:50.179 does that create a space for the others to re-radiate?" 26:50.180 --> 26:52.730 Well the pattern is consistent with that interpretation. 26:52.730 --> 26:56.060 26:56.058 --> 26:58.268 Consistency is a very weak logical criterion; 26:58.269 --> 27:01.639 27:01.640 --> 27:03.160 but it's evocative. 27:03.160 --> 27:07.310 So I leave it at that. 27:07.308 --> 27:12.958 Now that consistency comment's going to apply to this as well. 27:12.960 --> 27:15.110 So this is the mammal radiation. 27:15.109 --> 27:16.229 Okay? 27:16.230 --> 27:19.750 And when you look at it, the first thing you notice is 27:19.750 --> 27:23.340 oh, mammals started to radiate back in the Triassic. 27:23.338 --> 27:26.018 If we were back in the Triassic we might not have called them 27:26.019 --> 27:29.809 mammals yet, but they have already split off 27:29.811 --> 27:34.171 from other ancestors, and it looks like things like 27:34.172 --> 27:38.472 the Monotremes have their roots at about that level in time. 27:38.470 --> 27:40.950 So we're looking back about 200 million years. 27:40.950 --> 27:47.430 27:47.430 --> 27:51.000 During the whole time that dinosaurs were the dominant 27:50.998 --> 27:56.628 large creatures on the planet, and the most diverse tetrapods, 27:56.630 --> 28:00.370 the mammals continued to radiate. 28:00.368 --> 28:02.948 There were multituberculates, there were triconodonts; 28:02.950 --> 28:05.260 there were all sorts of things, back there. 28:05.259 --> 28:09.159 They tended to be rather small, but they were perking along. 28:09.160 --> 28:12.840 Then there's the end-Cretaceous extinction. 28:12.838 --> 28:17.578 Everything bigger than five kilos that lives on land gets 28:17.582 --> 28:21.142 wiped out, and the mammals then radiate. 28:21.140 --> 28:25.000 Well that is consistent with the idea that the extinction of 28:25.000 --> 28:28.930 the dinosaurs was a necessary pre-condition for the radiation 28:28.925 --> 28:30.165 of the mammals. 28:30.170 --> 28:34.350 And it looks like a reiteration of the pattern we saw with the 28:34.345 --> 28:37.485 ammonites: clean the planet out and make space, 28:37.493 --> 28:39.893 and then they can evolve again. 28:39.890 --> 28:44.480 So this is really kind of a tetrapod recapitulation of what 28:44.481 --> 28:46.701 we saw with the ammonites. 28:46.700 --> 28:51.550 But, as I said, consistency is a weak logical 28:51.546 --> 28:58.046 criterion, and the problem is we're dealing with one planet, 28:58.045 --> 29:01.675 and we don't have replicates. 29:01.680 --> 29:02.890 > 29:02.890 --> 29:05.830 It would be nice if we could replicate this experiment a 29:05.826 --> 29:09.236 hundred times and see that every time the dinosaurs went extinct, 29:09.243 --> 29:10.583 the mammals radiated. 29:10.578 --> 29:10.988 Okay? 29:10.990 --> 29:13.450 We have a sample size of one. 29:13.450 --> 29:16.010 So it's a very interesting pattern. 29:16.009 --> 29:17.849 It might very well be true. 29:17.848 --> 29:20.128 It sounds plausible, and you can't demonstrate it 29:20.131 --> 29:20.941 experimentally. 29:20.940 --> 29:24.340 29:24.338 --> 29:27.848 So what are the groups that are still radiating? 29:27.848 --> 29:31.498 If we just look around the planet right now, 29:31.497 --> 29:32.937 what do we see? 29:32.940 --> 29:38.080 Well the beetles are still going like gangbusters. 29:38.078 --> 29:40.138 We don't actually know how many beetles there are. 29:40.140 --> 29:46.760 The number of beetles that have been named is I think about 29:46.758 --> 29:47.898 350,000. 29:47.900 --> 29:53.500 The number of beetle species that might exist could be on the 29:53.500 --> 29:55.460 order of 5,000,000. 29:55.460 --> 29:58.070 When J.B.S. Haldane, who was an atheist Communist, 29:58.070 --> 30:01.430 was having dinner with the wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 30:01.428 --> 30:03.128 she asked him, "Mr. Haldane, 30:03.134 --> 30:06.384 what do you conclude about the nature of the creator from your 30:06.384 --> 30:08.254 study of biology?" 30:08.250 --> 30:10.310 And he turned to her and said, "Madame, 30:10.307 --> 30:12.317 an inordinate fondness of beetles." 30:12.319 --> 30:13.809 > 30:13.808 --> 30:18.378 So there are a lot of beetles, and they're still radiating. 30:18.380 --> 30:21.370 The Diptera, the flies and the mosquitoes, 30:21.373 --> 30:24.733 are a young group, and they are still producing 30:24.730 --> 30:25.900 new species. 30:25.900 --> 30:30.450 Among the mammals, it's the bats that are probably 30:30.451 --> 30:34.631 the most impressive producers of biodiversity, 30:34.631 --> 30:37.141 along with the rodents. 30:37.140 --> 30:40.990 And the place where the bats and the rodents are doing the 30:40.987 --> 30:43.347 most of this is in South America. 30:43.348 --> 30:45.298 So if you really are a mammalogist, 30:45.298 --> 30:49.348 and you want to study recent evolution and see things that 30:49.353 --> 30:52.343 are still in the process of speciating, 30:52.338 --> 30:54.508 South America is certainly one good place, 30:54.509 --> 30:58.189 and the groups to look at are bats and rodents. 30:58.190 --> 31:01.860 In the flowering plants, there is really impressive 31:01.855 --> 31:06.395 biodiversity in the composites, the orchids and the grasses. 31:06.400 --> 31:10.590 There are about 12,000 species of orchids I think. 31:10.588 --> 31:14.198 And I have forgotten--Jeremy, do you know the figures for the 31:14.198 --> 31:14.798 grasses? 31:14.799 --> 31:16.259 Teaching Assistant: Yes. 31:16.259 --> 31:18.519 I think there's somewhere around 15,000. 31:18.519 --> 31:21.359 Prof: 15,000 species of grasses and composites. 31:21.358 --> 31:23.828 Teaching Assistant: There's around 30,000. 31:23.828 --> 31:25.968 Prof: There are about 30,000, and they probably don't 31:25.965 --> 31:27.265 even call them composites anymore. 31:27.269 --> 31:27.979 Teaching Assistant: No. 31:27.980 --> 31:28.920 Prof: What are they called? 31:28.920 --> 31:30.030 Teaching Assistant: Asteraceae. 31:30.028 --> 31:31.488 Prof: They're called Asteraceae. 31:31.490 --> 31:34.270 Okay, see, the phylogeneticists are busy, they're on their game, 31:34.266 --> 31:35.276 they're naming stuff. 31:35.279 --> 31:40.419 31:40.420 --> 31:44.260 Now that's---those are the clades that are currently 31:44.259 --> 31:46.519 filling the world with life. 31:46.519 --> 31:48.369 What about the stuff that's been wiped out? 31:48.368 --> 31:51.138 Well all of those exotic things in the Burgess Shale, 31:51.138 --> 31:53.588 they're gone forever, and they've been gone for 31:53.588 --> 31:55.398 hundreds of millions of years. 31:55.400 --> 31:58.640 31:58.640 --> 32:00.890 The trilobites, the ammonites, 32:00.893 --> 32:03.693 the dinosaurs, those are all gone. 32:03.690 --> 32:05.900 There was a wonderful group called the glossopterids. 32:05.900 --> 32:11.280 They were Jurassic tongue-ferns; they were ferns that looked 32:11.275 --> 32:12.925 tongue-like. 32:12.930 --> 32:16.590 There's a great story about how when South America got connected 32:16.587 --> 32:18.767 to North America, at the Isthmus of Panama, 32:18.768 --> 32:21.358 about 10 million years ago, a bunch of tough, 32:21.358 --> 32:24.758 North American hoodlums migrated south, 32:24.759 --> 32:26.979 over the Isthmus, and ate up everything in South 32:26.978 --> 32:27.448 America. 32:27.450 --> 32:31.800 They were called things like pumas and wolves and stuff like 32:31.803 --> 32:36.013 that, and they ate up the South American notoungulates. 32:36.009 --> 32:37.939 There were a few things that came north; 32:37.940 --> 32:42.190 possums, armadillos came north, but most of it was a movement 32:42.192 --> 32:42.762 south. 32:42.759 --> 32:48.759 And so there was a complex Miocene and Pliocene fossil 32:48.756 --> 32:54.296 fauna in South America that's vanished forever. 32:54.298 --> 32:58.898 In the last 10,000 years, mostly on islands in the 32:58.903 --> 33:04.543 Pacific, 25 to 35% of the world's birds have gone extinct. 33:04.538 --> 33:08.138 And outside of Africa, most of the Pleistocene 33:08.140 --> 33:09.740 megafauna is gone. 33:09.740 --> 33:11.530 If you want to see what the Pleistocene looked like, 33:11.528 --> 33:15.058 go to a national park in Africa, because that's what 33:15.057 --> 33:18.237 North America looked like 10,000 years ago, 33:18.240 --> 33:21.070 when we had 300,400-pound beavers; 33:21.068 --> 33:24.638 and there was a North American lion that was bigger than an 33:24.644 --> 33:27.474 African lion; and of course the mammoths and 33:27.470 --> 33:30.130 the wooly rhinos and all of those things. 33:30.130 --> 33:35.580 So we are actually missing a lot of this stuff. 33:35.578 --> 33:40.738 And, on the one hand, none of us probably ever woke 33:40.741 --> 33:45.081 up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, 33:45.077 --> 33:48.437 worrying about the fact that the dinosaurs were extinct and 33:48.442 --> 33:50.302 we couldn't see them anymore. 33:50.298 --> 33:53.088 And some ornithologists, who know about the recent 33:53.089 --> 33:55.709 history of extinction in the world's birds, 33:55.710 --> 33:58.310 probably do occasionally wake up in a cold sweat at two 33:58.309 --> 34:00.959 o'clock in the morning and worry that they were gone. 34:00.960 --> 34:03.430 But most of this stuff, we regard that as oh, 34:03.433 --> 34:05.913 it's in the drawers of the Peabody Museum; 34:05.910 --> 34:07.590 it's old, dusty fossils. 34:07.588 --> 34:10.448 But basically what we're talking about here is vanished 34:10.452 --> 34:13.472 worlds; vanished complete communities, 34:13.472 --> 34:17.462 vanished profligate, extravagant radiations that 34:17.456 --> 34:20.846 produced life, that filled up the planet, 34:20.846 --> 34:23.046 and then disappeared. 34:23.050 --> 34:28.770 And 99% of it's gone; we see a very small fraction 34:28.768 --> 34:29.988 that remains. 34:29.989 --> 34:34.449 And that's actually just a fact of life. 34:34.449 --> 34:35.609 Okay? 34:35.610 --> 34:40.940 It doesn't actually necessarily call for an emotional response, 34:40.938 --> 34:46.008 other than the observation that hey, that's what happens. 34:46.010 --> 34:48.770 Now let's go back to one of those places. 34:48.768 --> 34:51.488 This is a vanished community, this is the Burgess Shale, 34:51.489 --> 34:54.909 and about 500 million years ago--the Burgess Shale is about 34:54.914 --> 34:58.424 505 million years old, so it's sort of late-Cambrian. 34:58.420 --> 35:03.960 At that point--this is the North American craton here; 35:03.960 --> 35:08.390 so looking at its western edge, it's eastern edge would be 35:08.385 --> 35:11.955 Quebec, and then this would be northern Canada, 35:11.958 --> 35:12.888 up here. 35:12.889 --> 35:14.019 This is the western edge. 35:14.018 --> 35:16.848 At that point it's slightly south of the equator. 35:16.849 --> 35:20.399 It's not connected to South America or to Asia, 35:20.402 --> 35:21.642 at that point. 35:21.639 --> 35:23.549 This is where it is today. 35:23.550 --> 35:28.140 You're up at about 10,000 feet; you're about two kilometers 35:28.141 --> 35:32.381 above sea level; maybe 8000 feet. 35:32.380 --> 35:35.860 This is a geologist, and this is a fossil from the 35:35.855 --> 35:36.985 Burgess Shale. 35:36.989 --> 35:39.239 That one happens to look like a trilobite. 35:39.239 --> 35:39.599 Okay? 35:39.596 --> 35:41.586 And this is the shale here. 35:41.590 --> 35:46.910 So at this site, 505 million years ago, 35:46.909 --> 35:48.729 on the western edge of the continent, 35:48.730 --> 35:53.340 there was a shallow water community that was living on the 35:53.342 --> 35:56.052 edge of a cliff, and occasionally the cliff 35:56.054 --> 35:58.074 would fall down, the sediment on the cliff would 35:58.072 --> 36:00.132 fall down, and it would bury things; 36:00.130 --> 36:01.680 and that's what the shale consists of. 36:01.679 --> 36:06.479 You're looking basically at a landslide that buried a lot of 36:06.478 --> 36:07.128 stuff. 36:07.130 --> 36:10.080 And these are the kinds of things that it buried. 36:10.079 --> 36:11.949 So here is our priapulid. 36:11.949 --> 36:13.809 Here is Opabinia. 36:13.809 --> 36:17.739 Here is Anomolocaris; it looks like a huge looming 36:17.737 --> 36:19.587 predator in that shot; but remember, 36:19.585 --> 36:21.515 the biggest thing in the ocean was that big, 36:21.518 --> 36:23.048 and that's this guy right here. 36:23.050 --> 36:26.830 Here's one cruising in the background. 36:26.829 --> 36:29.329 And these are some of the creatures that you can pull out 36:29.326 --> 36:30.036 of that shale. 36:30.039 --> 36:31.369 This is one of the most abundant. 36:31.369 --> 36:32.399 This is Marella. 36:32.400 --> 36:35.720 This is a primitive arthropod. 36:35.719 --> 36:40.589 Now remember the HOX genes, remember how to turn an 36:40.594 --> 36:43.134 onychophoran into a fly? 36:43.130 --> 36:45.090 Well this is an intermediate step. 36:45.090 --> 36:50.410 Basically you take a worm and you start specifying that the 36:50.411 --> 36:54.451 forward segments are going to form a head. 36:54.449 --> 36:56.259 So you get cephalization. 36:56.260 --> 37:00.070 You can see that it's putting out gills and legs on most of 37:00.068 --> 37:03.038 its segments-- but it's kind of stopping to do 37:03.043 --> 37:06.923 that on its back segments-- and it's developed a hard 37:06.918 --> 37:08.028 exoskeleton. 37:08.030 --> 37:15.230 So this is steps on the way to becoming an arthropod. 37:15.230 --> 37:18.290 And we actually don't know whether this thing is the 37:18.289 --> 37:21.409 ancestor of Crustaceans or of the chelicerates or the 37:21.409 --> 37:22.309 trilobites. 37:22.309 --> 37:28.709 It's just an intermediate form between a worm and an arthropod. 37:28.710 --> 37:30.650 This thing is just totally bizarre. 37:30.650 --> 37:31.860 This is Opabinia. 37:31.860 --> 37:32.360 Okay? 37:32.355 --> 37:35.815 And when it was first reconstructed, 37:35.824 --> 37:40.574 it resulted in hilarity; nobody could believe it. 37:40.570 --> 37:46.770 And the thing that really gets people about it is that it has 37:46.766 --> 37:49.396 five eyes, and it's got this proboscis 37:49.396 --> 37:52.156 that's got kind of a grasping organ out on the end of it. 37:52.159 --> 37:57.319 So it looks sort of like a cross between a spider and a 37:57.324 --> 37:58.954 vacuum cleaner. 37:58.949 --> 38:00.359 It's probably about this big. 38:00.360 --> 38:00.880 Okay? 38:00.880 --> 38:04.530 It's about one or two inches long. 38:04.530 --> 38:09.230 And people just couldn't figure out where Opabinia fits. 38:09.230 --> 38:13.700 So Derek Briggs has made the study of Opabinia one of his 38:13.701 --> 38:16.251 projects; he knows a lot about it. 38:16.250 --> 38:19.260 And it appears to be related to Crustacea. 38:19.260 --> 38:23.500 But again you can see that it looks like it's intermediate 38:23.501 --> 38:26.181 between a worm and something else. 38:26.179 --> 38:31.169 So it's probably some kind of intermediate form, 38:31.168 --> 38:33.928 prior to the arthropods. 38:33.929 --> 38:39.489 Now before I go on to stasis and Cope's rule, 38:39.489 --> 38:47.449 I just want to comment a little bit on what it means that entire 38:47.449 --> 38:52.629 communities have completely vanished. 38:52.630 --> 38:57.410 It really places a very relative view on the current 38:57.409 --> 38:58.159 world. 38:58.159 --> 39:01.029 When the Atlantic was opening--and the Connecticut 39:01.034 --> 39:04.734 River Valley might have been the Atlantic, or it could've been a 39:04.731 --> 39:08.061 river valley on a continent; it was a rift valley at that 39:08.056 --> 39:11.156 time--there were a series of rift valley lakes that stretched 39:11.155 --> 39:12.805 across eastern North America. 39:12.809 --> 39:16.029 They run basically from Pennsylvania up to about 39:16.034 --> 39:16.724 Vermont. 39:16.719 --> 39:19.809 And they opened and closed, and opened and closed several 39:19.807 --> 39:20.247 times. 39:20.250 --> 39:22.230 Every time one of those lakes opened, 39:22.230 --> 39:24.510 the fish in them went through a big adaptive radiation, 39:24.510 --> 39:27.030 like the ammonites did, and then the lake closed and 39:27.025 --> 39:30.075 all the fish died off, and then it opened up again and 39:30.077 --> 39:32.537 another radiation of fish went on in it, 39:32.539 --> 39:36.859 and it closed up; and this happened again and 39:36.864 --> 39:39.974 again and again, both spatially and temporally, 39:39.974 --> 39:43.764 across the eastern United States, about 200 million years 39:43.760 --> 39:44.370 ago. 39:44.369 --> 39:52.439 39:52.440 --> 39:55.610 We're currently in the middle of a big anthropogenic 39:55.606 --> 39:59.236 extinction crisis, but it appears like this isn't 39:59.237 --> 40:03.347 something that the planet hasn't experienced before. 40:03.349 --> 40:08.089 Geological processes have caused many extinctions of 40:08.092 --> 40:11.532 entire communities, wiped them completely off the 40:11.530 --> 40:14.710 face of the earth, and life has re-generated new 40:14.710 --> 40:17.930 ones again and again and again and again. 40:17.929 --> 40:21.189 So that was one of the messages I'm hoping that you're getting 40:21.192 --> 40:22.532 from the fossil record. 40:22.530 --> 40:24.920 Now what about stasis? 40:24.920 --> 40:28.800 What about the fact that the Coelacanth that you catch off 40:28.795 --> 40:32.705 the Comoro Islands today, looks almost exactly like the 40:32.710 --> 40:36.870 Coelacanth that's in the fossil record from 360 million years 40:36.873 --> 40:37.363 ago? 40:37.360 --> 40:40.660 What about the fact that the Onychophorans that you collect 40:40.664 --> 40:43.574 in Australia today are practically indistinguishable 40:43.572 --> 40:46.882 from the ones that you see in the Burgess Shale 505 million 40:46.878 --> 40:47.788 years ago? 40:47.789 --> 40:50.309 Why is there stasis? 40:50.309 --> 40:54.019 And I mention this because if you were to write down a list of 40:54.019 --> 40:57.609 the big intellectual problems that are posed by fossils, 40:57.610 --> 41:01.050 this is certainly going to be on everybody's list. 41:01.050 --> 41:03.560 There are others, but this is going to be a 41:03.561 --> 41:04.521 prominent one. 41:04.518 --> 41:07.988 And this is something that was called to the attention of the 41:07.990 --> 41:11.290 world's scientific community, primarily by Steve Gould. 41:11.289 --> 41:14.889 This is one of the take-home messages of his life. 41:14.889 --> 41:18.639 So stasis basically describes a long period with no 41:18.643 --> 41:20.373 morphological change. 41:20.369 --> 41:22.899 There's no apparent response to selection. 41:22.900 --> 41:25.950 Evolution doesn't appear to be going on. 41:25.949 --> 41:29.569 And it is puzzling, because we know that every 41:29.565 --> 41:32.935 nucleotide sequence undergoes mutations. 41:32.940 --> 41:36.710 There is no way that you can stop the production of genetic 41:36.713 --> 41:38.733 diversity in these organisms. 41:38.730 --> 41:39.050 Okay? 41:39.052 --> 41:42.222 So for 350 million years Coelacanths don't change, 41:42.222 --> 41:45.912 but probably every nucleotide in their genome has mutated, 41:45.909 --> 41:47.849 over that period of time. 41:47.849 --> 41:51.399 So there's been opportunity for change, but they have not 41:51.396 --> 41:52.026 changed. 41:52.030 --> 41:55.180 The examples of this include club mosses and liverworts, 41:55.182 --> 41:58.282 lungfish, Coelacanths, the priapulids and phoronids. 41:58.280 --> 42:01.460 You saw the priapulids--I pointed them out in the 42:01.463 --> 42:04.053 Cambrian- in the Burgess Shale shot-- 42:04.050 --> 42:07.120 tuataras currently still existing on an island off New 42:07.121 --> 42:09.591 Zealand, and onychophorans; 42:09.590 --> 42:11.730 there are others. 42:11.730 --> 42:14.220 So here are a couple of onychophorans. 42:14.219 --> 42:18.699 They're kind of intermediate between annelids and arthropods; 42:18.699 --> 42:21.309 velvet worms. 42:21.309 --> 42:24.899 And here are two possible explanations for stasis. 42:24.900 --> 42:28.500 There may very well be others, but I want you to have at least 42:28.500 --> 42:30.920 these two general ones in your toolkit. 42:30.920 --> 42:34.270 And one is basically a selectionist explanation for 42:34.266 --> 42:34.866 stasis. 42:34.869 --> 42:39.859 It says that most of the things that we're talking about have 42:39.862 --> 42:44.362 some method where either a larva or a seed can find the 42:44.355 --> 42:48.345 environment in which the adult will do well. 42:48.349 --> 42:51.389 And so there is a selection of an environment, 42:51.385 --> 42:54.345 early in life, and that actually then selects 42:54.353 --> 42:58.403 the selection pressures that will operate on the adults. 42:58.400 --> 43:00.970 We see the adults, we don't see the larvae. 43:00.969 --> 43:03.419 Basically the larvae have been wandering around the planet, 43:03.420 --> 43:06.760 searching out the environment in which the adults will grow 43:06.764 --> 43:08.444 up, for hundreds of millions of 43:08.443 --> 43:10.203 years; and we know that marine larvae 43:10.202 --> 43:11.522 are extremely good at this. 43:11.518 --> 43:14.398 The Coelacanths, we know that they're deep-sea 43:14.400 --> 43:17.340 creatures; they live down at about 600 to 43:17.342 --> 43:18.142 1000 feet. 43:18.139 --> 43:21.759 That's a fairly stable environment. 43:21.760 --> 43:24.620 The club mosses, that's a little harder to see 43:24.621 --> 43:26.021 how this would work. 43:26.018 --> 43:27.858 But at any rate, this is one option. 43:27.860 --> 43:28.770 Okay? 43:28.768 --> 43:33.478 So this is one of our alternative hypotheses. 43:33.480 --> 43:37.090 The reason things stay the same is that young life history 43:37.085 --> 43:40.935 stages find the environment in which adult selection will take 43:40.943 --> 43:43.523 place, and adult selection is 43:43.518 --> 43:44.628 stabilizing. 43:44.630 --> 43:47.680 Intermediate values are selected for. 43:47.679 --> 43:49.529 Things don't change. 43:49.530 --> 43:52.000 On the other hand, there's a contrasting 43:51.996 --> 43:55.156 hypothesis, which is an internalist explanation. 43:55.159 --> 43:59.219 Basically it is that tradeoffs are creating the stabilizing 43:59.219 --> 44:02.379 selection-- that's one possibility--so that 44:02.382 --> 44:06.742 instead of having an ecological explanation for why there's a 44:06.740 --> 44:09.720 long period of stabilizing selection, 44:09.719 --> 44:13.339 we have an internal physiological or developmental 44:13.338 --> 44:17.178 explanation of why selection has been stabilizing. 44:17.179 --> 44:19.279 But there's another part, another option in the 44:19.284 --> 44:22.934 internalist explanation, and that is that early on, 44:22.929 --> 44:27.379 both in evolution and early on in development, 44:27.380 --> 44:31.900 key traits get fixed; key things get set up. 44:31.900 --> 44:34.570 The development of the eye depends upon the relationship of 44:34.572 --> 44:37.592 two tissue layers, so that there will always ever 44:37.588 --> 44:41.888 thereafter be nerves and blood vessels in front of the retina. 44:41.889 --> 44:42.969 Okay? 44:42.969 --> 44:46.929 So if those things are laid down early, both in evolution 44:46.925 --> 44:50.525 and then in development, occur early in development, 44:50.527 --> 44:52.857 there's kind of an embedding. 44:52.860 --> 44:56.870 That means things have been in place that can't be changed 44:56.873 --> 44:59.693 without destroying normal development. 44:59.690 --> 45:03.840 Now there are arguments for and against all of these things. 45:03.840 --> 45:06.990 You can find early developmental traits that have 45:06.990 --> 45:10.670 undergone a lot of evolution without destroying the adult 45:10.668 --> 45:11.258 form. 45:11.260 --> 45:14.500 So there are some real issues with trying to understand the 45:14.496 --> 45:16.446 mechanics of how this would work; 45:16.449 --> 45:18.229 and we don't know yet. 45:18.230 --> 45:18.610 Okay? 45:18.610 --> 45:22.880 I'm just giving you a few ideas that bear on the issue. 45:22.880 --> 45:26.630 The other major take-home message is--that I've already 45:26.632 --> 45:28.372 signaled as Cope's Law. 45:28.369 --> 45:31.009 And again, there are two options here. 45:31.010 --> 45:35.230 One is that the reason that we see bigger things is that 45:35.231 --> 45:37.921 there's just a neutral evolution. 45:37.920 --> 45:41.610 Adaptive radiations have been creating little things and big 45:41.606 --> 45:42.166 things. 45:42.170 --> 45:45.430 But there was more room on the upper end than there was on the 45:45.427 --> 45:48.117 lower end; therefore even though it's been 45:48.121 --> 45:51.231 random, we see an accumulation of larger things, 45:51.233 --> 45:54.283 just because the upper limits are far away. 45:54.280 --> 45:55.330 Okay? 45:55.329 --> 45:58.059 The lower limit on body size is always nearby; 45:58.059 --> 46:01.299 it's one cell, you don't get smaller than one 46:01.302 --> 46:01.822 cell. 46:01.820 --> 46:04.470 But the upper limit appears to be redwood trees and blue 46:04.474 --> 46:07.374 whales, and at least at the outset that's pretty far away. 46:07.369 --> 46:10.909 That's up at about 100 meters, for redwood trees, 46:10.907 --> 46:13.707 and about 30 meters for blue whales. 46:13.710 --> 46:15.340 So that's one possibility. 46:15.340 --> 46:19.580 The other is that the reason that things got bigger is 46:19.579 --> 46:21.019 co-evolutionary. 46:21.018 --> 46:24.818 Co-evolution is shaping prey to escape and predators to kill, 46:24.820 --> 46:29.240 and prey can escape predators by getting too big to eat, 46:29.239 --> 46:34.319 and predators can kill big prey by getting bigger than they are. 46:34.320 --> 46:37.850 So this would be an adaptive life history hypothesis, 46:37.851 --> 46:42.061 saying that Cope's law results from a co-evolutionary arms race 46:42.061 --> 46:44.101 between predator and prey. 46:44.099 --> 46:47.809 And we don't really yet have a powerful method for 46:47.806 --> 46:50.376 disentangling these two effects. 46:50.380 --> 46:52.600 And I think if you look at their logic, you can see that 46:52.597 --> 46:56.137 they're not mutually exclusive; they can both be going on at 46:56.143 --> 46:57.333 the same time. 46:57.329 --> 47:01.209 Okay, so what does the fossil record tell us? 47:01.210 --> 47:05.690 It shows us a lot of stuff that we couldn't see at shorter time 47:05.688 --> 47:06.338 scales. 47:06.340 --> 47:10.710 We see a lot more detail in the recent than in the distant past. 47:10.710 --> 47:13.950 It looks like mass extinctions may open up ecological space, 47:13.945 --> 47:16.135 for the radiation of surviving groups. 47:16.139 --> 47:20.809 So it may be that you need an extinction before you can have a 47:20.813 --> 47:22.043 big radiation. 47:22.039 --> 47:26.129 Most things start small and get big. 47:26.130 --> 47:29.530 And there's a lot of stuff that's not on the planet at all 47:29.532 --> 47:32.232 anymore; there are no surviving 47:32.228 --> 47:33.468 descendants. 47:33.469 --> 47:37.249 So the fossil record has a take-home point, 47:37.250 --> 47:41.170 that's actually a puzzle that can be attacked experimentally, 47:41.170 --> 47:43.750 in part by people doing evolutionary developmental 47:43.751 --> 47:46.481 biology and phylogenetics, and that is, 47:46.476 --> 47:48.566 why is there stasis? 47:48.570 --> 47:51.120 It's common, and we don't have an 47:51.123 --> 47:52.803 explanation for it. 47:52.800 --> 47:57.800