WEBVTT 00:02.260 --> 00:05.210 Professor Ben Polak: So today I want to look at 00:05.214 --> 00:08.284 two kinds of games and then we'll change topic a bit. 00:08.280 --> 00:13.900 The games I want to look at are about ultimatums and bargaining. 00:13.900 --> 00:17.180 And we'll start with ultimatums and we'll move smoothly through, 00:17.176 --> 00:20.136 and we'll see why that's an easy transition in a while. 00:20.140 --> 00:29.530 So the game we're going to play involves two players, 00:29.525 --> 00:35.115 1 and 2 and the game is this. 00:35.120 --> 00:43.550 Player 1 is going to make a take it or leave it offer to 00:43.553 --> 00:53.213 Player 2 and this offer is going to concern a pie and let's make 00:53.213 --> 00:57.663 the pie worth $1 for now. 00:57.660 --> 01:01.360 We'll probably play this for real in a bit so we'll play it 01:01.356 --> 01:04.276 for $1. So it's a split of a pie, 01:04.279 --> 01:09.349 we can think of the split as offering S to Player 1 and 01:09.352 --> 01:11.422 (1--S) to Player 2. 01:11.420 --> 01:20.110 Player 2 has two choices: 2 can accept this offer, 01:20.110 --> 01:30.930 and if 2 accepts the offer then they get exactly the offer. 01:30.930 --> 01:35.390 Player 1 gets S and Player 2 gets (1--S). 01:35.390 --> 01:40.620 Alternatively, Player 2 can reject, 01:40.622 --> 01:49.392 and if Player 2 rejects the offer then both players get 0, 01:49.393 --> 01:54.013 both players gets nothing. 01:54.010 --> 01:56.440 So a very simple game, there's a dollar on the 01:56.440 --> 01:59.570 table--I'll take it out in a minute--so there's a dollar on 01:59.573 --> 02:01.963 the table, and our two players are going 02:01.960 --> 02:04.940 to bargain for this, but it isn't much of a bargain. 02:04.939 --> 02:07.479 Player 1's basically going to announce what the division's 02:07.484 --> 02:10.024 going to be. 2 can either accept that 02:10.017 --> 02:12.717 division or no one gets anything. 02:12.720 --> 02:15.210 Everyone understand the game? 02:15.210 --> 02:19.060 So I thought we'd start off by playing this game for real a 02:19.061 --> 02:22.181 couple of times, so why don't I come down and do 02:22.182 --> 02:22.782 that. 02:22.780 --> 02:26.170 02:26.169 --> 02:29.579 So why don't we play with some people in this row. 02:29.580 --> 02:32.030 I've been playing with that row all the time, 02:32.025 --> 02:34.355 so Ale's going to help me find somebody. 02:34.360 --> 02:37.960 You found somebody okay, so the person behind you? 02:37.960 --> 02:41.870 Your name is? You have to shout out, 02:41.870 --> 02:42.950 this doesn't make a noise. 02:42.950 --> 02:46.100 Equia, thank you. 02:46.099 --> 02:50.529 So you'll be Player 1, and Player 2 will be this 02:50.534 --> 02:53.464 gentleman here whose name is? 02:53.460 --> 02:53.990 Student: Noah. 02:53.990 --> 02:55.000 Professor Ben Polak: Noah, okay. 02:55.000 --> 02:57.340 So Equia, do you know each other? 02:57.340 --> 03:02.310 Okay, so Equia can make any offer she wants. 03:02.310 --> 03:05.400 We'll play this for real money, so there's a real dollar at 03:05.403 --> 03:07.103 stake. You can make any offer you 03:07.102 --> 03:09.942 want--it can be in fractions of pennies if you like--of the 03:09.941 --> 03:12.831 amount of the dollar that you're going to offer to Noah, 03:12.830 --> 03:17.070 and the amount you're going to keep yourself. 03:17.069 --> 03:19.859 There you go, shout it out so everyone can 03:19.863 --> 03:22.933 hear. Stand up, this is your moment 03:22.928 --> 03:25.158 in the lights all right. 03:25.160 --> 03:28.590 Will you stand up as well? 03:28.590 --> 03:30.760 There we go. Student: I'm going to 03:30.759 --> 03:31.579 offer him a penny. 03:31.580 --> 03:32.920 Professor Ben Polak: You're going to offer him a 03:32.919 --> 03:34.109 penny, and Noah are you going to take a penny? 03:34.110 --> 03:34.470 Student: No. 03:34.466 --> 03:35.456 Professor Ben Polak: Noah's not going to take a 03:35.461 --> 03:37.441 penny. So I didn't lose any money on 03:37.441 --> 03:39.441 that: so no one made any money. 03:39.440 --> 03:40.410 I didn't lose any money. 03:40.410 --> 03:41.560 that seems pretty good. 03:41.560 --> 03:42.450 Let's try a different couple. 03:42.449 --> 03:45.809 Let's move around the room a little bit. 03:45.810 --> 03:50.780 So Ale why don't you take the guy behind here who name is? 03:50.780 --> 03:52.130 Shout out. Student: Gary. 03:52.129 --> 03:55.219 Professor Ben Polak: Gary, all right so Gary why 03:55.221 --> 03:57.911 don't you stand up, and we'll let Gary play with 03:57.911 --> 03:59.971 the gentleman in here, what's your name in here? 03:59.970 --> 04:01.030 Student: Anish. 04:01.030 --> 04:02.700 Professor Ben Polak: Anish, all right stand up, 04:02.701 --> 04:03.491 do you know each other? 04:03.490 --> 04:07.250 So why don't we let Anish be Player 1 this time. 04:07.250 --> 04:10.440 You understand the rule of the game? 04:10.440 --> 04:11.330 So make your offer. 04:11.330 --> 04:13.200 Student: $.30. 04:13.196 --> 04:15.236 I'm offering him $.30. 04:15.240 --> 04:17.730 Professor Ben Polak: You're offering him $.30? 04:17.730 --> 04:18.810 He's saying no as well. 04:18.810 --> 04:23.360 Okay, so let's raise the stakes a bit. 04:23.360 --> 04:26.080 Let's make it $10, since we're not getting much 04:26.076 --> 04:28.636 acceptance here. Let me try a third couple, 04:28.640 --> 04:30.780 working my way back, so how about you, 04:30.775 --> 04:31.925 what's your name? 04:31.930 --> 04:32.900 Student: Courtney. 04:32.899 --> 04:34.029 Professor Ben Polak: So why don't you stand up 04:34.032 --> 04:36.292 as well. We'll let Courtney be Player 1. 04:36.290 --> 04:38.890 Actually why don't you sit down so I can do it from here, 04:38.889 --> 04:40.149 and you are? Student: Danny. 04:40.149 --> 04:41.439 Professor Ben Polak: Danny, all right so 04:41.440 --> 04:43.150 Courtney's going to be Player 1 and Danny's going to be Player 04:43.151 --> 04:44.521 2. These weren't our dating couple 04:44.523 --> 04:45.303 from earlier right? 04:45.300 --> 04:46.000 We're safe on that? 04:46.000 --> 04:48.600 Okay good, so Courtney what are you going to offer? 04:48.600 --> 04:49.670 Student: $5. 04:49.670 --> 04:51.460 Professor Ben Polak: $5, which is half of the 04:51.459 --> 04:54.379 $10. Student: Accept. 04:54.379 --> 04:55.949 Professor Ben Polak: All right accept, 04:55.951 --> 04:58.081 all right. So it turned out in this game 04:58.080 --> 05:00.660 that a lot of people were rejecting offers. 05:00.660 --> 05:02.600 Let's have a look at it on the board a second. 05:02.600 --> 05:04.960 Let's think about it a second and we'll come back, 05:04.955 --> 05:06.585 we're not done with this couple. 05:06.589 --> 05:08.569 We're not going to need new couples, we're going to come 05:08.566 --> 05:11.996 back to you. So in this game--it's pretty 05:12.004 --> 05:17.354 simple to analyze this game by backward induction. 05:17.350 --> 05:21.340 By backward induction, we're going to start with the 05:21.338 --> 05:25.478 receiver of the offer and the receiver of the offer is 05:25.484 --> 05:30.414 choosing between the offer made to them which in our notation is 05:30.411 --> 05:33.281 (1-S). And in our three examples that 05:33.283 --> 05:36.893 was a penny, then it was $.30 and then it was half of it, 05:36.893 --> 05:39.023 so $.50 just to be consistent. 05:39.019 --> 05:41.829 We actually saw two of those offers rejected, 05:41.826 --> 05:44.246 but according to backward induction, 05:44.250 --> 05:49.220 assuming that people are trying to maximize their dollar payoffs 05:49.224 --> 05:52.624 here, what should we see the receiver do? 05:52.620 --> 05:56.520 They should accept even the somewhat insulting offer of a 05:56.516 --> 05:59.856 penny that was made: even that somewhat insulting 05:59.855 --> 06:02.425 offer should be accepted by Noah. 06:02.430 --> 06:06.070 So Noah didn't accept the offer of a penny and let's come back 06:06.065 --> 06:08.595 over there. So Noah didn't accept the offer 06:08.602 --> 06:12.012 a penny, and I forget who it was but our second player didn't 06:12.014 --> 06:14.854 accept an offer of $.30, but we've just argued that they 06:14.854 --> 06:15.994 should have been accepted. 06:15.990 --> 06:19.480 In fact, when Equia made the offer of one penny to Noah, 06:19.476 --> 06:22.326 I think she assumed that Noah would accept it, 06:22.328 --> 06:24.728 is this right? Why did you think Noah would 06:24.733 --> 06:26.583 accept it? Student: Because I felt 06:26.579 --> 06:28.829 he would be better off with a penny than nothing. 06:28.829 --> 06:30.119 Professor Ben Polak: He'd be better off with a 06:30.123 --> 06:30.823 penny than nothing, right. 06:30.820 --> 06:31.840 Then we saw an offer. 06:31.840 --> 06:32.770 The offer came up a bit. 06:32.770 --> 06:34.180 Who was my second offerer? 06:34.180 --> 06:36.760 You were my second offerer, you offered a bit more. 06:36.760 --> 06:37.880 Why did you offer more? 06:37.879 --> 06:40.109 Student: I felt $.30 was a pretty fair share. 06:40.110 --> 06:40.880 It's a lot better than nothing. 06:40.879 --> 06:42.889 Professor Ben Polak: Thirty cents is better than 06:42.885 --> 06:44.295 nothing, although not necessarily fair, 06:44.297 --> 06:45.817 but I guess it's better than nothing. 06:45.819 --> 06:48.479 Where was my rejector of the second offer? 06:48.480 --> 06:50.050 Who rejected the second offer? 06:50.050 --> 06:51.290 Why did you reject $.30? 06:51.290 --> 06:52.490 Student: Just a pride thing. 06:52.490 --> 06:55.210 Professor Ben Polak: It's a pride thing. 06:55.209 --> 06:59.549 Pretty soon we converged onto $.50, which notice is no where 06:59.548 --> 07:01.458 near backward induction. 07:01.459 --> 07:04.299 So the third offer, which is Courtney, 07:04.300 --> 07:06.680 why did you offer half of it? 07:06.680 --> 07:09.280 Student: Because half is better for me than nothing. 07:09.279 --> 07:10.929 Professor Ben Polak: Half is better for you than 07:10.926 --> 07:12.596 nothing, and you figured he's going to reject otherwise, 07:12.603 --> 07:13.613 and in fact he didn't reject. 07:13.610 --> 07:14.190 Why didn't you reject? 07:14.189 --> 07:15.389 Student: Because $5 is better than nothing. 07:15.394 --> 07:16.774 Professor Ben Polak: $5 is better than nothing. 07:16.769 --> 07:19.239 But the $5 is better than nothing argument would have 07:19.243 --> 07:21.673 argued against making any rejection in this game. 07:21.670 --> 07:24.250 Is that right? So here's a game where backward 07:24.253 --> 07:27.223 induction is giving a very clear prediction. 07:27.220 --> 07:29.720 The clear prediction is, first of all, 07:29.719 --> 07:33.569 the second player will accept whatever's given to them; 07:33.569 --> 07:37.359 and second, given that, the first player should offer 07:37.359 --> 07:41.659 them essentially nothing, should offer them just a penny. 07:41.660 --> 07:48.880 So backward induction predicts that the offer will be 07:48.881 --> 07:57.351 essentially, let's say $.99 and $.01, or even virtually $1 and 07:57.353 --> 08:00.693 nothing. But in fact we don't get that, 08:00.693 --> 08:03.203 we get a lot of rejection of these low offers, 08:03.202 --> 08:06.102 and often we get offers made much, much higher in the 08:06.103 --> 08:07.333 vicinity of half. 08:07.329 --> 08:10.619 Now why? Why are we seeing a failure of 08:10.618 --> 08:13.558 backward induction in this game? 08:13.560 --> 08:15.200 I think this is not necessarily you guys. 08:15.199 --> 08:18.819 It's a very reliable result in experimental data. 08:18.819 --> 08:23.339 So why do we see so many people in this ultimatum game both 08:23.340 --> 08:25.910 offer more, and, more importantly, 08:25.912 --> 08:28.642 reject less than small amounts. 08:28.639 --> 08:32.149 So let's talk about it, so one person said it's a pride 08:32.149 --> 08:35.609 thing. Let's try the other aisle here, 08:35.605 --> 08:40.715 so what's the smallest offer you would have accepted. 08:40.720 --> 08:42.190 What's your name first of all? 08:42.190 --> 08:47.860 Student: Jeff. A cent. 08:47.860 --> 08:49.640 Professor Ben Polak: So there are some backward 08:49.643 --> 08:50.723 induction players in the room. 08:50.720 --> 08:55.880 Who would have rejected a cent? 08:55.880 --> 08:58.470 Who would have rejected $.10? 08:58.470 --> 09:02.650 We should be going down at least, who would have rejected 09:02.647 --> 09:04.607 $.30? Few people rejected $.30, 09:04.607 --> 09:05.697 not many actually. 09:05.700 --> 09:09.280 How many people would have rejected $.50? 09:09.279 --> 09:11.239 One person even would have rejected $.50, 09:11.236 --> 09:12.456 but essentially no one. 09:12.460 --> 09:14.840 So what's happening here? 09:14.840 --> 09:17.750 Why do people think people are rejecting what is essentially 09:17.747 --> 09:20.257 money from my pocket, there's nothing going on here, 09:20.261 --> 09:21.741 I'm just giving you money. 09:21.740 --> 09:24.280 Why are they rejecting being given money? 09:24.279 --> 09:26.749 Student: Overall the stakes are really low, 09:26.745 --> 09:29.205 so if you have any value on sort of like pride, 09:29.210 --> 09:32.580 what people said, you know it's not worth a penny 09:32.578 --> 09:34.348 or $.10. Professor Ben Polak: 09:34.351 --> 09:36.261 All right, so it may be pride going on 09:36.260 --> 09:38.450 here, so certainly one thing is about pride. 09:38.450 --> 09:40.900 It turns out that people do this even in quite high stakes 09:40.898 --> 09:43.088 games, but you're right, certainly that trade off is 09:43.090 --> 09:44.250 going to start to bite. 09:44.250 --> 09:45.110 What else is going on? 09:45.113 --> 09:46.923 So I agree, pride is part of what's going on. 09:46.920 --> 09:48.800 What else is going on here? 09:48.799 --> 09:50.759 Let's try and get some conversation going. 09:50.759 --> 09:52.369 Somebody in here, if I can get the mike in, 09:52.372 --> 09:53.872 shout out your name and really shout. 09:53.870 --> 09:54.850 Student: Peter. 09:54.850 --> 09:56.410 Professor Ben Polak: Go on. 09:56.409 --> 09:58.019 Student: Change is cumbersome. 09:58.019 --> 10:00.539 Professor Ben Polak: Change is cumbersome, 10:00.544 --> 10:02.864 you didn't want the change, okay fair enough, 10:02.857 --> 10:05.747 but if the stakes go up that would get rid of that. 10:05.750 --> 10:08.570 Student: Maybe people are tying their own outcomes to 10:08.566 --> 10:10.376 the other player's outcomes as well. 10:10.379 --> 10:11.879 Professor Ben Polak: Right, so maybe people have 10:11.883 --> 10:12.583 different payoffs here. 10:12.580 --> 10:15.000 Maybe people are comparing their payoff to the other 10:15.003 --> 10:17.903 person's payoff that certainly seems like a plausible thing to 10:17.902 --> 10:18.902 be going on here. 10:18.899 --> 10:23.129 You might feel less happy about getting $.20 knowing the other 10:23.132 --> 10:25.632 person's getting $.80 for example. 10:25.629 --> 10:27.819 Student: You want to try to teach them a lesson to get 10:27.815 --> 10:28.575 them to offer more. 10:28.580 --> 10:30.090 Professor Ben Polak: Right, you might be trying 10:30.089 --> 10:31.199 to set a sort of moral standard here. 10:31.200 --> 10:33.820 So there's some notion of indignation or even teaching 10:33.824 --> 10:36.354 people that they really should offer people more. 10:36.350 --> 10:39.540 What else could be going on here? 10:39.539 --> 10:44.199 Student: If people know I'm not going to accept less 10:44.199 --> 10:49.339 than $.50 then they should give me $.50 by backward induction. 10:49.340 --> 10:51.080 Professor Ben Polak: Right, so part of what's 10:51.076 --> 10:52.876 going on here--actually this game was a one shot game, 10:52.880 --> 10:53.800 we just played it once. 10:53.799 --> 10:56.589 We could have played it--in fact they often do play this 10:56.586 --> 10:59.626 this way in the lab--you could have played it without anybody 10:59.625 --> 11:01.495 knowing who the other player was. 11:01.500 --> 11:04.620 But particularly in this setting where everyone can see 11:04.620 --> 11:08.140 everyone else--even in the lab where people actually can't see 11:08.144 --> 11:10.174 people, but they might imagine that the 11:10.165 --> 11:12.755 game is really repeated--you could imagine people trying to 11:12.757 --> 11:13.917 establish a reputation. 11:13.920 --> 11:16.050 Is that right? So there's lots of these 11:16.047 --> 11:18.617 reasons, these sort of moral indignation reasons or teaching 11:18.622 --> 11:20.152 a lesson reasons, pride reasons. 11:20.149 --> 11:23.319 There's also this basic reason that people might be thinking, 11:23.318 --> 11:26.278 I should play this game as I would a similar situation in 11:26.276 --> 11:29.336 life where I might want to be establishing reputation. 11:29.340 --> 11:32.550 So there's a certain amount of confusion going on in the game, 11:32.553 --> 11:35.503 and there's also a certain amount of a lot of things make 11:35.503 --> 11:37.923 sense. Now notice that once we've 11:37.917 --> 11:42.127 established that people are going to reject small offers in 11:42.126 --> 11:44.606 this game, once we've established people 11:44.609 --> 11:47.579 are going to reject small offers, it makes perfectly good 11:47.581 --> 11:49.811 sense to offer a lot more than nothing. 11:49.809 --> 11:52.149 So it's not that surprising that once we've established the 11:52.145 --> 11:54.235 idea that people are going to reject small offers, 11:54.240 --> 11:57.010 we're going to see people making offers that are 11:57.006 --> 11:59.596 reasonably large, although not usually larger 11:59.596 --> 12:02.496 than $.50. Why is $.50 so focal here? 12:02.500 --> 12:08.130 Why is $.50 so focal? 12:08.130 --> 12:09.090 It's not a trick question. 12:09.090 --> 12:12.140 I'm just asking you why do people think $.50 is so focal? 12:12.139 --> 12:15.689 I think it's typical that people end up offering around 12:15.690 --> 12:18.520 $.50, why? It sounds fair, it seems fair. 12:18.520 --> 12:20.250 There's some notion of fairness. 12:20.250 --> 12:23.280 It's not clear by the way, what ethical principal is 12:23.279 --> 12:25.839 involved here. It's not clear that if you're 12:25.842 --> 12:29.122 walking along the streets and you happen to find a dollar at 12:29.121 --> 12:32.291 your feet that you should pick it up and anyone else you'd 12:32.290 --> 12:35.570 happen to see at that moment you should give $.50 too. 12:35.570 --> 12:37.270 That's essentially what the situation is, 12:37.269 --> 12:39.859 and you just chanced upon this dollar that I just gave you. 12:39.860 --> 12:42.220 It isn't clear that there's any particularly great moral claim 12:42.218 --> 12:45.228 to give it to someone else, but I think people read this as 12:45.225 --> 12:48.505 a situation about splitting a cake in an environment of 12:48.508 --> 12:50.088 distributional justice. 12:50.090 --> 12:51.620 They view it as a larger picture. 12:51.620 --> 12:54.420 Is that right? So it turns out there's a large 12:54.419 --> 12:55.289 literature on this. 12:55.289 --> 12:58.199 There's a large experimental literature on the ultimatum 12:58.199 --> 12:59.979 game. And there's an even larger 12:59.983 --> 13:03.143 literature on an even simpler game in which I give people a 13:03.136 --> 13:04.886 dollar, I say you can give whatever 13:04.893 --> 13:07.503 share you want to the other person, and they don't even get 13:07.501 --> 13:08.941 a chance to accept or reject. 13:08.940 --> 13:10.410 That's called a dictator game. 13:10.409 --> 13:13.379 In the dictator game, literally, you're just simply 13:13.378 --> 13:16.998 given a dollar and you can give whatever share you want to the 13:17.000 --> 13:19.330 other person. It turns out that even in the 13:19.327 --> 13:21.137 dictator game, people give quite a lot of 13:21.144 --> 13:23.784 money and that suggests that there really is some notion of 13:23.778 --> 13:26.368 fairness or some notion of distributional justice going on 13:26.367 --> 13:29.457 in people's heads here, rightly or wrongly. 13:29.460 --> 13:33.930 So one thing this should tell us is, even in extremely simple 13:33.927 --> 13:38.537 games, we should be a little bit careful about reading backward 13:38.542 --> 13:43.012 induction into what's going to happen in the real world. 13:43.009 --> 13:44.789 Part of this is because, as we mentioned the very first 13:44.785 --> 13:46.325 day of the class, people care about other things 13:46.331 --> 13:49.451 than just the obvious payoffs, and part of it is about more 13:49.447 --> 13:52.727 complicated things like reputation and so on. 13:52.730 --> 13:56.100 All right, having said that, let's nevertheless for the 13:56.098 --> 13:58.908 purpose of today, act as if we are going to do 13:58.905 --> 14:01.905 backward induction, and let's embed this into a 14:01.914 --> 14:03.784 slightly more complicated game. 14:03.779 --> 14:06.289 So the more complicated game is as follows. 14:06.290 --> 14:15.790 14:15.789 --> 14:24.259 So we're going to have a two period bargaining game. 14:24.259 --> 14:25.989 In this two period, bargaining game, 14:25.988 --> 14:28.358 the beginning of the game is exactly the same. 14:28.360 --> 14:36.140 So there's a dollar on the table and Player 1 makes an 14:36.141 --> 14:40.201 offer to 2. And once again we can call this 14:40.203 --> 14:43.263 offer S and 1 - S, just the same as before. 14:43.259 --> 14:49.019 And, just as before, Player 2 can accept the offer, 14:49.016 --> 14:55.576 and if they accept the offer then this is indeed what they 14:55.578 --> 14:58.698 get. But now if 2 rejects, 14:58.700 --> 15:03.940 which is 2's other alternative--if Player 2 rejects 15:03.938 --> 15:07.708 the offer then we flip the roles. 15:07.710 --> 15:12.010 We play the game again but we flip the roles. 15:12.009 --> 15:15.059 So we go to stage two, everything we've said up here 15:15.062 --> 15:15.962 is stage one. 15:15.960 --> 15:19.600 15:19.600 --> 15:29.950 And down here we go to stage two, and in stage two, 15:29.952 --> 15:37.822 Player 2 gets to make an offer to 1. 15:37.820 --> 15:43.410 And once again we can call this--we better be careful. 15:43.409 --> 15:46.989 Let's put ones here just to indicate we're in the first 15:46.985 --> 15:50.225 round and twos to indicate we're in the second. 15:50.230 --> 15:55.560 So they make an offer is S2 and (1-S2) where S2 is that that 15:55.564 --> 16:00.994 goes to Player 1 and (1-S2) is that that goes to Player 2. 16:00.990 --> 16:06.180 So 2 gets to make an offer to Player 1 and now 1 can accept or 16:06.183 --> 16:10.373 reject. If she accepts then she gets 16:10.372 --> 16:12.942 her share from here. 16:12.940 --> 16:22.220 The offer is accepted, and if she rejects then we get 16:22.224 --> 16:25.564 nothing. So this game is exactly the 16:25.561 --> 16:28.721 same as playing the previous game, except we flip roles, 16:28.721 --> 16:30.791 but we're going to add one catch. 16:30.789 --> 16:35.699 The catch is this, in the first round the money on 16:35.703 --> 16:40.423 the table is $1, but if we end up going into the 16:40.415 --> 16:43.925 second round, so the first offer is not 16:43.930 --> 16:46.830 accepted and we go into the second round, 16:46.827 --> 16:49.287 then part of the money is lost. 16:49.289 --> 16:53.319 In particular, we'll assume that the money on 16:53.316 --> 16:55.326 the table is δ. 16:55.330 --> 16:59.590 If you think of δ as being just some number less 16:59.586 --> 17:04.006 than 1--so if you want a concrete example think of this 17:04.006 --> 17:08.276 as being $.90. So the idea here is if you get 17:08.279 --> 17:11.639 into the second round, time has past, 17:11.640 --> 17:14.220 it's costly, and so money in the second 17:14.220 --> 17:16.940 round is--I think of it as money in the second round as being 17:16.943 --> 17:19.583 worth less or could actually think of this cake being eaten 17:19.576 --> 17:21.566 up, some of it's thrown away, 17:21.570 --> 17:22.940 some of it's wasted. 17:22.940 --> 17:25.230 Everyone understand the game? 17:25.230 --> 17:28.260 So this is very similar to the previous game, 17:28.263 --> 17:32.053 but we've got this second stage coming in, and we've got 17:32.054 --> 17:33.644 discounting. 17:33.640 --> 17:38.840 So this is the idea of discounting. 17:38.839 --> 17:42.549 How many of you have heard the term discounting before? 17:42.549 --> 17:46.859 You probably saw it in a finance class or a macro class 17:46.859 --> 17:50.929 where we think about there being a value of time. 17:50.930 --> 17:53.230 Money today is worth more than money tomorrow, 17:53.234 --> 17:56.154 partly because you could put the money today into the bank 17:56.152 --> 17:59.262 and it could earn interest, partly because you're simply 17:59.264 --> 18:02.044 impatient to get that money and go and have lunch, 18:02.039 --> 18:04.259 particularly on the day in which the clocks changed. 18:04.259 --> 18:09.469 Okay, so let's try this game again and let's just play it for 18:09.472 --> 18:12.342 real, so let's come down again. 18:12.340 --> 18:13.430 Everyone understand the game? 18:13.430 --> 18:16.560 Basically the same rules except we're just flipping around and 18:16.563 --> 18:19.033 with the possibility that the cake may shrink. 18:19.029 --> 18:21.309 Let's see what people have learned, so who were our first 18:21.305 --> 18:24.585 pair? Our first pair were Equia and 18:24.586 --> 18:28.566 Noah all right. So Equia, what are you going to 18:28.573 --> 18:30.523 offer? You're Player 1 here but if 18:30.523 --> 18:33.743 your offer is rejected Noah's going to get to make an offer to 18:33.740 --> 18:35.150 you. All right so what are you going 18:35.149 --> 18:35.819 to offer this time? 18:35.819 --> 18:42.709 Student: $25.99, so $.25, $.46. 18:42.710 --> 18:44.010 Professor Ben Polak: $.46 okay, 18:44.012 --> 18:45.912 so he gets $.46 if he accepts the offer, is that right? 18:45.913 --> 18:46.623 Student: Yes. 18:46.617 --> 18:48.337 Professor Ben Polak: $.46 if he accepts the 18:48.342 --> 18:49.352 offer. Student: I accept that. 18:49.346 --> 18:50.126 Professor Ben Polak: He accepts that, 18:50.129 --> 18:50.529 okay that was easy. 18:50.529 --> 18:58.919 So Equia got $.54 and Noah got $.46. 18:58.920 --> 19:00.500 Who was our second pair? 19:00.500 --> 19:02.690 So that was, I've forgotten, 19:02.692 --> 19:05.942 Anish right and? Student: Gary. 19:05.940 --> 19:07.170 Professor Ben Polak: Gary. 19:07.172 --> 19:09.062 So Anish what are you going to offer this time? 19:09.059 --> 19:09.939 Student: I'll offer $.43. 19:09.943 --> 19:11.453 Professor Ben Polak: $.43, you're going to push 19:11.454 --> 19:12.314 the envelope a little bit. 19:12.309 --> 19:12.889 Student: All right. 19:12.889 --> 19:13.709 Professor Ben Polak: All right, 19:13.714 --> 19:14.454 that one got accepted as well. 19:14.450 --> 19:17.010 Okay, so people are converging here. 19:17.009 --> 19:22.389 What about our third offerer, receiver it was Courtney and? 19:22.390 --> 19:23.000 Student: Danny. 19:22.996 --> 19:23.906 Professor Ben Polak: Danny. 19:23.906 --> 19:26.046 So Courtney? Student: $.30. 19:26.054 --> 19:30.684 Professor Ben Polak: $.30, so it's $.30 for him. 19:30.680 --> 19:31.640 Student: I'll accept. 19:31.640 --> 19:33.180 Professor Ben Polak: Three acceptances, 19:33.184 --> 19:35.154 all right. Let's find out something here, 19:35.153 --> 19:37.493 so I was hoping to get into the second round. 19:37.490 --> 19:42.640 Okay so you accepted, that's fine--no chicken sounds 19:42.641 --> 19:45.861 around the room. So, it's Danny right? 19:45.861 --> 19:47.331 Student: Yeah. 19:47.329 --> 19:49.369 Professor Ben Polak: So Danny had you 19:49.369 --> 19:52.259 rejected--you acceptedbut had you accepted what would you have 19:52.262 --> 19:53.782 offered in the second round? 19:53.779 --> 19:54.949 Student: $.45. 19:54.948 --> 19:57.338 Professor Ben Polak: $.45, all right, 19:57.340 --> 20:00.620 and would you have accepted that in the second round if $.30 20:00.623 --> 20:02.073 hadn't been accepted? 20:02.069 --> 20:02.869 Courtney: Yes. 20:02.873 --> 20:04.793 Professor Ben Polak: Okay, so you might have 20:04.788 --> 20:05.858 done better it turns out. 20:05.859 --> 20:08.289 Let's go back through to the other rejections, 20:08.291 --> 20:09.751 to the other acceptances. 20:09.750 --> 20:13.810 So my second couple you offered $.43, is that right? 20:13.810 --> 20:15.610 You said yes to $.43. 20:15.609 --> 20:18.719 Had you rejected $.43 what would you have offered back in 20:18.720 --> 20:20.080 return? Student: $.43. 20:20.084 --> 20:22.354 Professor Ben Polak: $.43, the same thing back. 20:22.350 --> 20:24.540 Would you have accepted it? 20:24.539 --> 20:25.299 Student: He gets $.47? 20:25.302 --> 20:26.802 Professor Ben Polak: He would have got $.47 in that 20:26.799 --> 20:27.809 case. Student: Yeah. 20:27.810 --> 20:29.950 Professor Ben Polak: You would have accepted that, 20:29.945 --> 20:32.295 okay. Equia went first and she 20:32.295 --> 20:34.165 offered $.45 to Noah. 20:34.170 --> 20:35.230 And Noah had, in fact, you rejected, 20:35.234 --> 20:36.304 what would you have offered back? 20:36.299 --> 20:37.529 Student: I would have also done $.45. 20:37.529 --> 20:39.019 Professor Ben Polak: Same thing back and would 20:39.015 --> 20:39.725 you have accepted it? 20:39.730 --> 20:40.160 Student: Yes. 20:40.159 --> 20:40.889 Professor Ben Polak: Okay. 20:40.890 --> 20:43.700 So we can see here that the decision to accept or reject 20:43.702 --> 20:46.982 partly depends on what you think the other side is going to do in 20:46.976 --> 20:48.946 the second round, is that right? 20:48.950 --> 20:51.980 So here you are, if you're in the middle of this 20:51.975 --> 20:54.025 game. If you're Player 2 you've 20:54.029 --> 20:55.199 received an offer. 20:55.200 --> 20:57.400 None of these offers sounded crazy. 20:57.400 --> 21:00.410 $.30 was the lowest one, but none of them sounded crazy. 21:00.410 --> 21:02.960 And you're trying to decide whether you should accept or 21:02.961 --> 21:03.891 reject this offer. 21:03.890 --> 21:08.020 And one thing you should have in mind is what would I offer if 21:08.015 --> 21:11.125 I reject. And will that offer that I then 21:11.125 --> 21:14.705 offer in the next round be accepted or rejected, 21:14.712 --> 21:17.662 is that right? So if we just work backwards we 21:17.660 --> 21:20.960 can see what you should offer in the first round should be just 21:20.960 --> 21:23.940 enough to make sure it's accepted knowing that the person 21:23.942 --> 21:27.192 who's receiving the offer in the first round is going to think 21:27.189 --> 21:30.649 about the offer they're going to make in the second round, 21:30.650 --> 21:32.920 and they're going to think about whether you're going to 21:32.915 --> 21:35.135 accept or reject in the second round, is that right? 21:35.140 --> 21:38.760 So that sounds like a bit of a mouthful but that mouthful of 21:38.761 --> 21:41.341 reasoning is exactly backward induction. 21:41.340 --> 21:43.130 It's exactly backward induction. 21:43.130 --> 21:45.430 It's saying: to figure out what I should do 21:45.425 --> 21:48.865 in the first round or what I should offer in the first round, 21:48.869 --> 21:51.579 I need to figure out whether Player 2 is going to accept or 21:51.579 --> 21:53.349 reject. And to figure out whether he or 21:53.348 --> 21:55.828 she is going to accept or reject, and I have to put myself 21:55.829 --> 21:58.329 in his or her shoes, and figure out what he or she 21:58.328 --> 22:01.268 would offer if she did reject, and what he or she thinks I 22:01.274 --> 22:03.604 would do if I got that second round offer. 22:03.599 --> 22:06.389 Is that right? All right, so let's try and 22:06.387 --> 22:10.057 analyze this as if backward induction was going to work 22:10.058 --> 22:13.998 here, as if we didn't have to worry about things like pride 22:14.002 --> 22:17.302 here. So this is the game we're 22:17.298 --> 22:21.678 actually playing, so let's keep that one and 22:21.680 --> 22:25.350 actually analyze it on the board. 22:25.350 --> 22:29.700 22:29.700 --> 22:33.100 I want to walk us from a largely mundane game of take it 22:33.102 --> 22:36.752 or leave it offers to a more complicated game in which there 22:36.752 --> 22:38.982 can be several rounds of offers. 22:38.980 --> 22:43.120 But we're going to go slowly so we'll start just with two 22:43.115 --> 22:43.775 rounds. 22:43.780 --> 22:48.400 22:48.400 --> 22:53.820 So first of all let's just look at the stage one game, 22:53.820 --> 22:59.240 and let's keep in track what the offer is and what the 22:59.240 --> 23:04.480 receiver. This is the offerer and this is 23:04.482 --> 23:08.062 the receiver. In the one stage game, 23:08.057 --> 23:12.487 the game only has one stage, then we know from backward 23:12.493 --> 23:15.783 induction what the results should be. 23:15.779 --> 23:18.119 It isn't what we'd find in the lab, it isn't what we find in 23:18.117 --> 23:20.017 the classroom, but we know what we should get. 23:20.019 --> 23:23.839 The offerer should offer to keep everything essentially or 23:23.840 --> 23:28.130 maybe $.99 but let's call it $1 and the receiver gets nothing. 23:28.130 --> 23:30.530 So again I'm approximating a little bit because it could be 23:30.526 --> 23:31.886 $.99 and a penny but who cares. 23:31.890 --> 23:35.630 Let's just call it a $1 or nothing if it's a one stage 23:35.626 --> 23:38.576 game. So now let's consider a two 23:38.577 --> 23:41.637 stage game. In the two stage game the 23:41.636 --> 23:46.426 person who's making the offer in the first stage needs to look 23:46.434 --> 23:49.934 forward, anticipate what would happen if 23:49.933 --> 23:55.373 her offer was rejected by Player 2 and Player 2 went forward into 23:55.370 --> 23:57.070 the second stage. 23:57.070 --> 23:59.880 Is that right? So in the two stage game, 23:59.876 --> 24:04.576 in the first stage of the two stage game, the person making 24:04.579 --> 24:09.529 the offer wants to anticipate what the receiver would offer in 24:09.525 --> 24:14.385 the second round were the receiver to reject her offer. 24:14.390 --> 24:18.050 But we can do that by backward induction. 24:18.049 --> 24:22.559 We know that in the second round if the receiver rejects 24:22.564 --> 24:27.904 the offer, then the second round of the two stage game is what? 24:27.900 --> 24:30.560 It's a one stage game, and we've just argued, 24:30.559 --> 24:33.399 at least if we believe in backward induction, 24:33.400 --> 24:36.860 in that case, Player 2 who is then the 24:36.863 --> 24:40.423 offerer, will offer $1 and Player 1, 24:40.420 --> 24:44.490 who is now the receiver, will accept it and get nothing. 24:44.490 --> 24:49.650 So Player 1 in the first round of the two stage game wants to 24:49.650 --> 24:54.810 make an offer that's just enough to get Player 2 to accept it 24:54.811 --> 24:59.981 now. So let's think about this. 24:59.980 --> 25:08.520 So if Player 1 offers 2 something more than what? 25:08.519 --> 25:13.229 Tomorrow Player 2 can get $1 but that's $1 tomorrow. 25:13.230 --> 25:16.610 So $1 tomorrow is worth how much today if we're discounting? 25:16.610 --> 25:18.640 It's just worth δ right. 25:18.640 --> 25:19.580 It's just worth δ. 25:19.579 --> 25:23.989 So if Player 1 offers Player 2 more than δ 25:23.994 --> 25:28.314 x $1, which is what Player 2 can get tomorrow, 25:28.312 --> 25:30.522 then 2 will accept. 25:30.520 --> 25:34.350 25:34.349 --> 25:40.049 If Player 1 offers 2 less than δ x $1--because you can get 25:40.053 --> 25:45.573 a $1 tomorrow but that's only worth $δ--a $1 tomorrow is 25:45.572 --> 25:50.082 worth just $δ today--then 2 will reject. 25:50.079 --> 25:55.159 So the offer has to be exactly enough to get accepted, 25:55.161 --> 25:57.751 which is exactly $δ. 25:57.750 --> 26:05.380 So Player 2 knows that she can get $1 tomorrow so you need to 26:05.380 --> 26:12.250 offer her at least $δ today to make it as good for 26:12.247 --> 26:16.187 her as getting $1 tomorrow. 26:16.190 --> 26:21.840 So we know the receiver must be offered at least $δ 26:21.843 --> 26:27.503 tomorrow, which means the offerer is going to keep $[1 - 26:27.496 --> 26:31.976 δ]. So in the first round of the 26:31.981 --> 26:36.861 two stage game, Player 1 should offer $[1 - 26:36.858 --> 26:40.338 δ] for herself and $δ 26:40.341 --> 26:46.261 for Player 2 and Player 2 should accept that because 26:46.263 --> 26:52.653 $δ dollars today is as good as $1 tomorrow. 26:52.650 --> 26:55.080 Now, another way to see that is in a picture, 26:55.084 --> 26:56.804 so let's just draw a picture. 26:56.800 --> 27:00.520 27:00.519 --> 27:05.879 Let's put the payoff of Player 1 here and the payoff of Player 27:05.884 --> 27:08.464 2 on this axis. And we're going to assume that 27:08.455 --> 27:10.605 they're just going to maximize dollars where there's no pride 27:10.605 --> 27:14.375 in here. And if we just look at the one 27:14.377 --> 27:19.667 stage game, we're simply looking at this line. 27:19.670 --> 27:23.390 The offers in the one stage game: it could be that Player 1 27:23.389 --> 27:26.979 gets everything herself and gives nothing to Player 2, 27:26.980 --> 27:29.860 it could be that Player 2 keeps everything, ends up getting 27:29.862 --> 27:31.802 everything and Player 1 gets nothing, 27:31.799 --> 27:34.889 and it could be any combination in between. 27:34.890 --> 27:38.550 We argued by backward induction--although not in 27:38.550 --> 27:42.690 reality--in backward induction, in the one stage game, 27:42.690 --> 27:46.540 Player 1 makes an offer to Player 2 which is kind of an 27:46.544 --> 27:50.524 insulting offer. Player 1 says I get everything 27:50.521 --> 27:52.271 and you get a $.01. 27:52.270 --> 27:53.610 So this is the one stage game. 27:53.610 --> 27:59.330 27:59.329 --> 28:03.469 In the two stage, if things are settled in the 28:03.467 --> 28:09.167 first stage this line represents the possible divisions between 28:09.169 --> 28:11.559 Player 1 and Player 2. 28:11.559 --> 28:14.649 But if we end up going into the second stage, 28:14.646 --> 28:16.046 the pie is shrunk. 28:16.049 --> 28:19.939 The pie is shrunk, instead of going from $1 to $1, 28:19.941 --> 28:22.801 it goes from $δ1 to $δ1. 28:22.799 --> 28:25.369 Or if you like, if δ is .9 it goes from 28:25.372 --> 28:28.212 $.9 to $.9. So let's draw that line in. 28:28.210 --> 28:33.920 So if we head into the second stage, we'll end up being here, 28:33.917 --> 28:37.817 and this goes from $δ here to $δ 28:37.817 --> 28:43.617 here where these dollars are being evaluated at time one. 28:43.620 --> 28:45.430 All right so the pie has shrunk. 28:45.430 --> 28:50.190 If we get into the second stage then, by backward induction, 28:50.193 --> 28:53.023 Player 2 is in an ultimatum game, 28:53.019 --> 28:55.569 Player 2 will be making the offer and Player 2 says: 28:55.566 --> 28:58.506 whatever cake is left I'm going to take all of it and you're 28:58.512 --> 28:59.962 just going to get a $.01. 28:59.960 --> 29:06.960 So if we get into the second stage then Player 2 will make 29:06.959 --> 29:10.029 this offer to Player 1. 29:10.029 --> 29:14.719 Player 2 will say I'm going to keep the whole of the pie, 29:14.718 --> 29:18.818 which in first period dollars is worth $δ. 29:18.819 --> 29:21.239 So I'm going to end up with a payoff of δ 29:21.236 --> 29:24.776 and you're going to end up with a payoff of essentially nothing. 29:24.779 --> 29:29.819 Player 2 knows that they can therefore get at least 29:29.815 --> 29:33.935 $δ--or $δ in current day dollars 29:33.943 --> 29:37.673 worth--from rejecting your offer. 29:37.670 --> 29:42.210 Since they can get at least $δ current day offers from 29:42.209 --> 29:46.069 rejecting your offer, the lowest offer you can make 29:46.074 --> 29:49.924 to them is an offer that gives them at least $δ. 29:49.920 --> 29:54.310 So the offer you're going to make is this offer: 29:54.314 --> 29:57.124 this is the two stage offer. 29:57.120 --> 29:59.810 It happens in the first stage. 29:59.809 --> 30:03.329 Player 1 makes an offer that gives Player 2 what Player 2 30:03.329 --> 30:07.529 could get in the second round, so gives Player 2 $δ 30:07.525 --> 30:10.755 and keeps $[1 - δ] for herself. 30:10.760 --> 30:12.060 Everyone understand the picture? 30:12.059 --> 30:15.279 So this picture is just corresponding to this table. 30:15.279 --> 30:18.329 The thing people tend to get confused about here, 30:18.326 --> 30:21.876 I think, is they get confused between current dollars and 30:21.880 --> 30:25.200 discounted dollars, so we're going to do all the 30:25.198 --> 30:28.648 analysis here in terms of the first period dollars, 30:28.650 --> 30:31.090 dollars tomorrow are going to be worth δ. 30:31.089 --> 30:33.619 There's a hand up, can I get a shouting out? 30:33.619 --> 30:36.399 Yeah? Student: [Inaudible] 30:36.403 --> 30:39.973 Professor Ben Polak: Yes, sorry. 30:39.970 --> 30:47.850 So this is the outcome if it was a one stage game and this is 30:47.853 --> 30:53.243 the outcome if it was a two stage game. 30:53.240 --> 30:54.900 The offer is made and accepted. 30:54.900 --> 30:59.790 Let's roll it forward, let's look at a three stage 30:59.791 --> 31:02.441 game. Let's keep this picture handy 31:02.435 --> 31:04.845 and think about a three stage game. 31:04.849 --> 31:08.889 So the beginning of the game is the same. 31:08.890 --> 31:12.050 We're going to look at three stage bargaining, 31:12.052 --> 31:16.132 and the rules in three stage bargaining are pretty much the 31:16.129 --> 31:21.559 same as in two stage bargaining, but now there's two possible 31:21.564 --> 31:26.074 flips. In three stage bargaining, 31:26.069 --> 31:31.009 in the first period, in period one, 31:31.012 --> 31:39.592 1 makes the offer and if it's accepted the game is over. 31:39.589 --> 31:44.369 In period two, if we reject, 31:44.365 --> 31:54.615 then we go to period two when 2 makes the offer and if it's 31:54.623 --> 31:59.653 rejected now, this time by Player 1, 31:59.646 --> 32:04.596 then we go to period three where once again 1 makes the 32:04.595 --> 32:07.245 offer. So you can see where we're 32:07.251 --> 32:11.411 heading, we're heading towards an alternate offer bargaining 32:11.406 --> 32:12.826 model. I'm going to make an offer, 32:12.825 --> 32:14.505 Jake's going to either accept or reject, then he'll make an 32:14.512 --> 32:15.532 offer and we'll flip to and fro. 32:15.529 --> 32:18.739 There's a question, let me try and get a mike out 32:18.744 --> 32:19.954 to the question. 32:19.950 --> 32:23.520 32:23.519 --> 32:25.819 Yeah? Student: I have a 32:25.818 --> 32:29.308 question about the two player game, if δ 32:29.305 --> 32:34.135 is the best that Player 2 can get tomorrow then why wouldn't 1 32:34.140 --> 32:37.390 offer Player 2 δ discounted by δ 32:37.390 --> 32:39.810 today? Professor Ben Polak: 32:39.809 --> 32:41.569 Good. Right so I think I was 32:41.574 --> 32:44.254 confusing about it, so let me make it clear. 32:44.250 --> 32:47.800 So tomorrow Player 2 can get everything, everything that 32:47.799 --> 32:50.459 there is. So whatever pie is left 32:50.457 --> 32:53.587 tomorrow Player 2 can get all of it. 32:53.589 --> 32:59.319 So call that pie tomorrow 1 and evaluate it in period one 32:59.315 --> 33:02.685 dollars as being worth $δ. 33:02.690 --> 33:05.120 Does that make sense? 33:05.119 --> 33:08.219 Okay, so I think I misspoke on that, so let me say it again. 33:08.220 --> 33:11.730 So every period there's this pie and every period, 33:11.732 --> 33:14.602 if it was the last period of the game, 33:14.599 --> 33:18.419 the person making the offer is going to get the whole pie, 33:18.422 --> 33:21.442 but if I view that pie tomorrow from today, 33:21.440 --> 33:25.870 a pie of $1 tomorrow is only worth $δ 33:25.874 --> 33:28.734 today. A pie of $1 the day after 33:28.734 --> 33:33.204 tomorrow is only worth $δ tomorrow and $δ² 33:33.203 --> 33:35.963 today and so on. So that's the way in which 33:35.957 --> 33:37.667 we're going to do discounting here. 33:37.670 --> 33:42.110 Good, all right. So in this game, 33:42.114 --> 33:45.714 if 1 makes an offer, if it's accepted it's over. 33:45.710 --> 33:50.780 If it's accepted then we're done. 33:50.779 --> 33:52.359 And if this offer's accepted then we're done. 33:52.359 --> 33:53.919 And if this offer's accepted then we're done. 33:53.920 --> 33:59.490 And in the third round, if it's rejected then both 33:59.489 --> 34:01.989 players get nothing. 34:01.990 --> 34:06.250 Once again we're going to assume that the players are 34:06.252 --> 34:08.532 discounting. So what does it mean to say 34:08.530 --> 34:09.410 they're discounting? 34:09.409 --> 34:13.639 It means that dollars in period one are worth dollars, 34:13.639 --> 34:17.549 dollars in period two are discounted by δ, 34:17.550 --> 34:22.320 and dollars in period three are discounted by δ 34:22.324 --> 34:26.354 x δ, or if you like by δ². 34:26.349 --> 34:29.059 Just to put this into real notions of money, 34:29.062 --> 34:31.462 if you think of δ as being 90%, 34:31.460 --> 34:36.430 then $1 in period one is worth $1, a $1 in period two viewed 34:36.432 --> 34:42.552 from period one is worth $.90, and a $1 in period three viewed 34:42.545 --> 34:45.955 from period one is worth $.81. 34:45.960 --> 34:49.230 Okay, so what do we think is going to happen here? 34:49.230 --> 34:51.650 Well, once again we can do backward induction. 34:51.650 --> 34:59.500 34:59.500 --> 35:00.790 Here we are in our picture. 35:00.790 --> 35:05.000 35:05.000 --> 35:07.460 Let's look at the three-stage game. 35:07.460 --> 35:11.090 Once again, when we analyze, as always when we analyze these 35:11.092 --> 35:14.912 games using backward induction, we want to start at the end. 35:14.909 --> 35:18.739 If we start at the end, we know that the last stage, 35:18.735 --> 35:22.925 that's the third stage of the three stage game looks like 35:22.934 --> 35:25.644 what? It looks like a one stage game. 35:25.639 --> 35:30.539 In the one stage game we know the offerer will get everything. 35:30.539 --> 35:33.919 Say it again, so the last stage of the three 35:33.918 --> 35:38.478 stage game, we know the person who makes the offer who this 35:38.475 --> 35:42.085 time will be Player 1 will get everything. 35:42.090 --> 35:46.170 However, that everything is only worth δ 35:46.171 --> 35:51.091 in period two dollars and it's only worth δ² 35:51.088 --> 35:53.498 in period one dollars. 35:53.500 --> 35:57.410 So in period one, in the first period of this 35:57.409 --> 36:02.649 game, we know that if their offer is rejected we know what's 36:02.652 --> 36:05.222 going to happen. Say it again, 36:05.215 --> 36:07.865 in the first period of this three stage game, 36:07.873 --> 36:11.743 if the offer is rejected then we'll go into a two stage game, 36:11.739 --> 36:16.569 and we already know what happens in a two stage game. 36:16.570 --> 36:19.890 In a two stage game, the person who gets to make an 36:19.890 --> 36:23.540 offer gets $[1 - δ] and the person who receives the 36:23.542 --> 36:25.072 offer gets $δ. 36:25.070 --> 36:29.440 So we know in the first stage of the game that the person who 36:29.440 --> 36:33.660 receives the offer always has the outside option of saying, 36:33.664 --> 36:37.574 no I reject. And we know that that person 36:37.565 --> 36:40.785 tomorrow will get $[1 - δ]. 36:40.789 --> 36:46.019 But $[1 - δ] tomorrow is worth how much 36:46.017 --> 36:51.007 today? It's worth $δ[1 - δ]. 36:51.010 --> 36:56.260 Tomorrow they're going to get $[1 - δ], 36:56.255 --> 37:01.495 so today that's worth $δ[1--δ]. 37:01.500 --> 37:05.560 So the offer I have to make in the first round to make sure 37:05.564 --> 37:09.494 that the other person accepts it has to be just better in 37:09.488 --> 37:12.028 discounted dollars, than what they're going to get 37:12.030 --> 37:14.500 tomorrow. They're going to get $[1 - 37:14.495 --> 37:17.305 δ] tomorrow, so I have to give 37:17.313 --> 37:21.623 them $δ[1--δ] today, which means I keep for 37:21.623 --> 37:24.693 myself $[1 - δ[1--δ]]. 37:24.690 --> 37:26.910 And if you don't like the algebra let's look at the 37:26.914 --> 37:28.854 picture. In the picture, 37:28.854 --> 37:33.044 in the one stage game, this is the offer. 37:33.039 --> 37:35.559 In the two stage game, we know if we get to the second 37:35.559 --> 37:38.549 round, Player 2 gets everything so we have to give him that much 37:38.554 --> 37:41.924 today. And if we get into the third 37:41.916 --> 37:46.866 round, now we're looking at δ² here and 37:46.865 --> 37:49.025 δ² here. 37:49.030 --> 37:52.220 37:52.219 --> 37:55.929 We know that if we get into the third round the person who makes 37:55.928 --> 37:58.928 the offer in the third round will get everything, 37:58.929 --> 38:02.239 so we can actually work our way along. 38:02.239 --> 38:05.299 In the third round, the person who makes the third 38:05.300 --> 38:08.710 offer will get everything, so in the second round you'd 38:08.711 --> 38:11.971 have to give them that much, so in the first round you'd 38:11.973 --> 38:14.053 have to give Player 2 that much. 38:14.050 --> 38:16.960 Say it again, in period three, 38:16.961 --> 38:21.881 the person making the offer can get everything. 38:21.880 --> 38:24.910 So in period two, they must be getting δ 38:24.910 --> 38:28.910 times that, so in period one you have to give them at least 38:28.905 --> 38:32.495 this much. And this here is the offer 38:32.503 --> 38:36.153 you'd make in the three stage game. 38:36.150 --> 38:40.280 38:40.280 --> 38:44.030 So in the picture we're just doing a little zigzag; 38:44.030 --> 38:49.600 on the chart we're also always working across the diagonal. 38:49.600 --> 38:53.080 38:53.079 --> 38:55.209 So we've done the one stage game: the one stage game, 38:55.207 --> 38:57.087 the person making the offer gets everything. 38:57.090 --> 39:00.250 In the two stage game, the person making the offer 39:00.246 --> 39:04.106 offers just enough to get the offer accepted which is $δ 39:04.111 --> 39:07.011 because that's what $1 is worth tomorrow. 39:07.010 --> 39:08.560 In the three stage game, the person making the offer 39:08.561 --> 39:09.961 makes just enough to get the offer accepted, 39:09.960 --> 39:12.470 which is δ times what the receiver would 39:12.465 --> 39:15.415 get tomorrow. What they get tomorrow is $[1 - 39:15.418 --> 39:17.988 δ], so they get $δ[1--δ] 39:17.990 --> 39:20.530 today. How about the four stage game? 39:20.530 --> 39:22.540 Let's see if we can do that. 39:22.539 --> 39:27.789 So if we go to the four stage game now, in the four stage game 39:27.791 --> 39:32.441 if the person receiving the offer rejects the offer, 39:32.440 --> 39:37.850 then tomorrow they can get $[1 - δ[1--δ]]. 39:37.849 --> 39:43.089 So I need to offer them enough now in current dollars so they 39:43.085 --> 39:47.535 will prefer that to getting $[1--δ[1 - δ]] 39:47.535 --> 39:48.665 tomorrow, 39:48.670 --> 39:52.250 39:52.250 --> 39:53.600 so how much must I offer them? 39:53.599 --> 39:58.599 I have to offer them at least δ times that much, 39:58.604 --> 40:02.944 so I have to offer them $[δ x [1 - δ 40:02.935 --> 40:09.345 x [1--δ]]]. Again, I'll keep the rest for 40:09.346 --> 40:18.006 myself so I'll get $[1 - δ[1--δ[1--δ]]]. 40:18.010 --> 40:23.480 And so the principle is always give people just enough today so 40:23.478 --> 40:27.908 they'll accept the offer, and just enough today is 40:27.914 --> 40:32.114 whatever they get tomorrow discounted by δ. 40:32.110 --> 40:37.850 40:37.849 --> 40:40.269 So actually this backward induction isn't so bad. 40:40.269 --> 40:42.909 What makes it a little bit easier is you don't actually, 40:42.905 --> 40:45.775 when you go through an extra stage of this you don't actually 40:45.781 --> 40:47.891 have to go all the way to the beginning, 40:47.889 --> 40:50.729 you could actually start where you were last time and just 40:50.733 --> 40:52.283 discount once more by δ. 40:52.280 --> 40:55.790 40:55.789 --> 41:00.119 Let's see if we can see any kind of pattern emerging in this 41:00.120 --> 41:04.010 algebra, so let's just multiply out these brackets. 41:04.010 --> 41:10.440 In the four stage game, this thing is actually equal 41:10.439 --> 41:15.989 to--just multiplying through--it's 1 - δ 41:15.986 --> 41:21.276 + δ² - δ³--I hope it is 41:21.281 --> 41:24.491 anyway. That's what this is. 41:24.489 --> 41:34.029 And this thing is equal to δ - δ² 41:34.027 --> 41:41.937 + δ³, just multiplying out the 41:41.941 --> 41:46.931 brackets. Does anyone see a pattern 41:46.928 --> 41:49.838 emerging here in these offers? 41:49.840 --> 41:53.120 We had offers of 1 and then 1--δ. 41:53.119 --> 41:54.479 We could also multiply out this one. 41:54.480 --> 42:01.070 It might be helpful to do so: This is 1 - δ 42:01.067 --> 42:06.927 + δ². Anyone see a pattern what these 42:06.929 --> 42:08.949 offers look like? 42:08.950 --> 42:10.150 They kind of alternate. 42:10.150 --> 42:22.240 So let's have a look, rather than do every stage. 42:22.240 --> 42:30.800 42:30.800 --> 42:33.470 Should I do one more stage to see if we can see a pattern 42:33.473 --> 42:36.103 emerging or should I jump straight to ten stages and see 42:36.098 --> 42:38.668 what happens? Go straight to ten people say? 42:38.670 --> 42:43.010 Let's do one more, nah, let's jump through to ten. 42:43.010 --> 42:47.700 So imagine that this game actually had ten rounds, 42:47.696 --> 42:52.956 so this is a ten stage game, and let's just continue our 42:52.957 --> 42:59.277 chart down here. So here's--need a bit more 42:59.282 --> 43:06.072 space here--ten stages: ten stage game. 43:06.070 --> 43:11.640 I'm going to continue my chart and my chart says in the ten 43:11.641 --> 43:15.101 stage game what am I going to get? 43:15.099 --> 43:22.729 So the offer is going to be--it's going to be the same 43:22.733 --> 43:27.493 pattern--1 - δ + δ² 43:27.486 --> 43:35.116 - δ³… + δ^(8) - δ^(9), 43:35.120 --> 43:36.330 everyone see that? 43:36.329 --> 43:40.399 So what I'm doing is I'm continuing the pattern from 43:40.401 --> 43:42.571 above. So if I had ten stages, 43:42.568 --> 43:46.218 I always start with a 1, the positive and negative terms 43:46.224 --> 43:49.154 just alternate, and I have as many terms as 1 43:49.148 --> 43:51.008 minus the stage I'm in. 43:51.010 --> 43:53.870 So in the four stage game, I ended up with δ³, 43:53.866 --> 43:56.616 so in the ten stage game I'll end up at δ^(9). 43:56.620 --> 44:02.010 Everyone happy with that? 44:02.010 --> 44:03.580 So the four [error: ten] 44:03.579 --> 44:06.989 stage offer is this slightly ugly thing, 1 - δ 44:06.990 --> 44:09.450 + δ² - δ³… 44:09.446 --> 44:16.006 + δ^(4) - δ^(5), etc., + δ^(8) - δ^(9). 44:16.010 --> 44:19.700 That's a pretty ugly thing, but fortunately some point in 44:19.703 --> 44:22.873 high school you learned how to sum that thing. 44:22.870 --> 44:25.600 Do you remember what this is? 44:25.599 --> 44:27.859 What do you call objects like this in high school? 44:27.860 --> 44:31.130 Anyone remember? Objects like 1, 44:31.125 --> 44:34.195 δ, δ², δ³, 44:34.197 --> 44:37.357 δ^(4) what are they called? 44:37.360 --> 44:39.510 They're called geometric series right, they're called geometric 44:39.508 --> 44:44.538 series. Anyone remember how to sum them? 44:44.539 --> 44:51.489 We know that S is equal to this, this is what the offer is, 44:51.486 --> 44:54.476 if there is ten rounds. 44:54.480 --> 44:55.940 We know the offer is accepted. 44:55.940 --> 45:00.640 So the way to remember how to sum it, the trick for summing it 45:00.636 --> 45:04.866 is to multiple both sides of this equation by the common 45:04.870 --> 45:09.390 ratio, so multiply both sides by 45:09.389 --> 45:11.569 δ. So if I multiply this side by 45:11.572 --> 45:13.472 δ, I'm going to multiply the other side by δ. 45:13.469 --> 45:18.809 And this 1 will become a δ, this δ 45:18.812 --> 45:24.282 will become a δ², this δ² 45:24.278 --> 45:29.778 will become a δ³, this δ³ 45:29.783 --> 45:33.093 will become a δ^(4)…. 45:33.090 --> 45:38.420 There will be a -δ^(8) coming from the seventh term. 45:38.420 --> 45:44.180 There will be a +δ^(9) coming from the δ^(8) term, 45:44.181 --> 45:47.601 and there will be a -δ^(10). 45:47.600 --> 45:48.860 Everyone okay with that? 45:48.860 --> 45:51.100 I just multiplied everything through by δ 45:51.095 --> 45:53.425 and I just shifted along one for convenience. 45:53.429 --> 45:55.639 What do I do now, anyone remember? 45:55.640 --> 45:58.800 Add the two lines together. 45:58.800 --> 46:10.120 So by summing this side I get [1 + δ] 46:10.115 --> 46:13.545 S^(10). On the other side, 46:13.545 --> 46:16.115 what's kind of convenient is everything cancels. 46:16.120 --> 46:21.010 The 1 comes through, I get a 1. 46:21.010 --> 46:22.810 These two terms cancel and these two terms cancel, 46:22.812 --> 46:26.522 and these two terms cancel, and so on and so on, 46:26.518 --> 46:33.378 all the way up to the end where I get -δ^(10). 46:33.380 --> 46:35.440 Everyone okay. All the other terms have 46:35.441 --> 46:39.481 cancelled out. So now just sorting out my 46:39.477 --> 46:45.917 algebra a bit--I'm going to take it on the other side--I'm going 46:45.915 --> 46:51.735 to have that the offer you make--this is what you're going 46:51.739 --> 46:58.179 to get to keep--so the amount I claim I should keep in the first 46:58.177 --> 47:02.977 round is [1 - δ^(10])/[1 + δ]. 47:02.980 --> 47:05.040 Just be a bit careful with the notation here because it may be 47:05.036 --> 47:05.876 a little bit confusing. 47:05.880 --> 47:09.250 The 10 here doesn't mean to the tenth power, it's just the offer 47:09.245 --> 47:11.645 in the tenth round [error: ten-round game], 47:11.650 --> 47:15.520 whereas the 10 here really does mean in the tenth power. 47:15.519 --> 47:20.549 So if we play this game for ten rounds, the offer you'd make 47:20.546 --> 47:23.776 would be [1 - δ^(10)]/[1 + δ] 47:23.783 --> 47:28.983 which means the amount you're offering to the other side, 47:28.980 --> 47:41.010 which is 1 - S would be [δ + δ^(10)]/[1 + δ]. 47:41.010 --> 47:44.800 47:44.800 --> 47:47.770 So to summarize where we are: we started off by considering a 47:47.774 --> 47:50.154 very simple game, a one stage take it or leave it 47:50.154 --> 47:51.734 offer. We know that, 47:51.725 --> 47:56.185 in that take it or leave it offer, Player 1 is going to 47:56.191 --> 48:01.321 claim everything for herself and offer nothing to Player 2. 48:01.320 --> 48:05.610 Then we considered a two stage game which was the same as the 48:05.605 --> 48:09.815 one stage game except that if Player 2 rejects the offer, 48:09.820 --> 48:14.790 he--let's call player 2, "he"--he gets to make an offer 48:14.789 --> 48:18.009 to Player 1 in the second period. 48:18.010 --> 48:21.280 We know that in the second period of that two stage game 48:21.276 --> 48:23.826 Player 2 can keep everything for himself. 48:23.829 --> 48:27.669 Everything for himself tomorrow is worth δ 48:27.666 --> 48:31.496 today, so you have to offer him at least δ 48:31.503 --> 48:35.093 today and keep 1 - δ for yourself. 48:35.090 --> 48:37.260 Then we looked at a three stage game. 48:37.260 --> 48:40.000 In this three stage game, if Player 2 rejects in the 48:39.997 --> 48:42.997 first round, Player 2 can make you an offer in the second 48:43.003 --> 48:45.023 round, but now if you're Player 1 and 48:45.017 --> 48:47.817 you reject in the second round you get to make an offer to 48:47.823 --> 48:49.353 Player 2 in the third round. 48:49.349 --> 48:52.529 We argued that in the second round of this game, 48:52.532 --> 48:56.592 if Player 2 rejects you in the first round and makes an offer 48:56.594 --> 49:00.854 in the second round, it'll be in a two stage game 49:00.850 --> 49:05.730 and they'll be able to keep 1 - δ of the pie for 49:05.734 --> 49:08.464 themselves. So you have to offer them at 49:08.461 --> 49:11.181 least δ x [1--δ] today for them to accept the 49:11.183 --> 49:13.203 offer, keeping the rest for yourself. 49:13.199 --> 49:15.029 Then we looked at a four stage game. 49:15.030 --> 49:17.950 In the four stage game if Player 2 rejects your offer, 49:17.945 --> 49:20.595 he can make you an offer, but if you reject the offer you 49:20.604 --> 49:22.614 can make him an offer, but if he rejects that offer he 49:22.612 --> 49:23.562 can make you an offer. 49:23.559 --> 49:27.229 And once again we asked how much do I have to offer Player 2 49:27.233 --> 49:29.603 now for him to accept the offer now? 49:29.599 --> 49:35.369 He knows that if he rejects the offer, he can get this amount 49:35.366 --> 49:38.726 1--δ x [1--δ] tomorrow. 49:38.730 --> 49:42.800 So I have to offer him δ times that today, 49:42.803 --> 49:46.703 and once again I keep the same for myself. 49:46.699 --> 49:48.029 That's just a summary of what we did. 49:48.030 --> 49:49.930 And then what we did was we cheated. 49:49.929 --> 49:51.719 We jumped to the tenth stage [error: ten stages], 49:51.723 --> 49:53.333 just noticing that a pattern had emerged, 49:53.329 --> 49:55.369 and we found that in the tenth stage [error: 49:55.367 --> 49:57.447 ten-stage game], this is the offer you'd make 49:57.452 --> 49:59.302 just according to the same pattern. 49:59.300 --> 50:02.460 And it was this horrible thing, and then we used a little bit 50:02.463 --> 50:04.733 of high school math to simply this thing. 50:04.730 --> 50:08.510 And it turns out this is the amount you keep for yourself and 50:08.508 --> 50:11.278 this is the offer you'll make to Player 2. 50:11.280 --> 50:15.560 In each case I've accepted--Did I make a math mistake? 50:15.559 --> 50:18.289 Thank you. Let's put a superscript in 50:18.289 --> 50:21.879 here. good. 50:21.880 --> 50:24.440 So what do we observe here? 50:24.440 --> 50:27.950 So the first thing to observe is in the one stage game if we 50:27.954 --> 50:31.594 believe backward induction you certainly want to be the person 50:31.588 --> 50:32.838 making the offer. 50:32.840 --> 50:36.360 In the one stage game, in the ultimatum game, 50:36.360 --> 50:39.480 there's a huge first-mover advantage. 50:39.480 --> 50:42.250 In the two stage game it's not clear if you want to make the 50:42.250 --> 50:44.270 offer, it depends on how large δ is, 50:44.269 --> 50:47.869 but if δ is a big number like .9 you'd 50:47.867 --> 50:51.547 rather be the person receiving the offer. 50:51.550 --> 50:56.190 In the three stage game, it looks like you'd probably 50:56.187 --> 51:00.377 rather make the offer, but it's not so clear. 51:00.380 --> 51:03.300 So where does it go to as we go down the path, 51:03.304 --> 51:06.234 as it goes down towards the ten stage game? 51:06.230 --> 51:10.450 It looks like in the ten stage game you'd probably still prefer 51:10.454 --> 51:13.174 to make the offer than not, but they're certainly much 51:13.170 --> 51:14.280 closer together than they were before. 51:14.280 --> 51:18.440 Some of that initial bargaining power has been washed out by the 51:18.440 --> 51:20.620 fact that there are ten stages. 51:20.619 --> 51:26.249 So let's try and push this just a little bit harder. 51:26.250 --> 51:30.350 Instead of looking at the tenth stage offer, what if we look at 51:30.346 --> 51:32.126 the infinite stage offer. 51:32.130 --> 51:41.430 So in principle we look at the infinite stage of this game. 51:41.429 --> 51:43.239 So I can make you an offer, you can say no and make me an 51:43.243 --> 51:44.963 offer, and then I can reject and make you an offer, 51:44.960 --> 51:47.860 and then you can reject and make me an offer, 51:47.861 --> 51:49.511 and so on and so forth. 51:49.510 --> 51:51.300 So we look at this term. 51:51.300 --> 51:54.260 If in principle and you can make an infinite number of 51:54.258 --> 51:57.608 offers--so, what's this term going to look like if I can make 51:57.607 --> 51:59.447 an infinite number of offers? 51:59.449 --> 52:04.779 So I claim it's going to look like this [1 - δ^(∞)] 52:04.780 --> 52:07.230 / [1 + δ] and over here, 52:07.227 --> 52:11.507 at least it's going to converge towards this. 52:11.510 --> 52:17.480 We'll be a bit more formal, and over here we'll have 52:17.481 --> 52:22.751 [δ + δ^(∞)] / [1 + δ]. 52:22.750 --> 52:26.490 However now I get a little bit simpler. 52:26.490 --> 52:30.700 What is δ^(∞)? 52:30.699 --> 52:34.499 It's 0 right, so .9 x .9 x .9 x .9 x .9 x. 52:34.500 --> 52:37.270 9 x .9 x .9 x .9 x … is 0. 52:37.269 --> 52:45.569 So this last term disappears as does this one, 52:45.569 --> 52:51.289 and we just get 1 / [1 + δ] 52:51.286 --> 52:56.816 and δ / [1 + δ]. 52:56.820 --> 53:00.900 So if we make alternating offer bargaining--a bargaining game 53:00.902 --> 53:03.762 where in each round I make you an offer, 53:03.760 --> 53:06.900 you can accept it or you can reject and make me an offer, 53:06.897 --> 53:09.527 and we imagine there's no bound to this game, 53:09.530 --> 53:13.920 it just goes on arbitrarily long--then our prediction is 53:13.919 --> 53:17.429 that Player 1, the person who makes the first 53:17.431 --> 53:22.381 offer will get 1 / [1 + δ] of the initial pie and Player 2 53:22.380 --> 53:24.690 will get δ / [1 + δ] 53:24.694 --> 53:26.854 of the initial pie. 53:26.849 --> 53:29.969 Let's try and get a handle about what those numbers are. 53:29.969 --> 53:34.419 So if you imagine these offers can be made fairly rapidly, 53:34.422 --> 53:37.392 for example, I can make offer today, 53:37.389 --> 53:39.729 you can make an offer back to me in half an hour's time, 53:39.730 --> 53:42.160 and then I can make an offer back to you in half an hour's 53:42.156 --> 53:44.486 time, then it's reasonable to assume 53:44.487 --> 53:47.147 that the pie is not shrinking very fast. 53:47.150 --> 53:51.140 The discount factor is not a big deal here. 53:51.139 --> 53:54.009 So these offers can be made in rapid succession, 53:54.010 --> 53:57.430 but we might think that δ itself is approximately 1: 53:57.429 --> 53:59.749 the pie isn't shrinking very fast. 53:59.750 --> 54:04.530 If δ is approximately 1, and if we take δ 54:04.526 --> 54:10.156 to 1 here--the time isn't that valuable given how rapidly we 54:10.163 --> 54:16.663 can make offers to and fro--then what does this make this equal? 54:16.659 --> 54:20.019 In the case where δ is equal to 1 what do we get? 54:20.019 --> 54:29.739 We get 1/2, which means this will also be 1/2. 54:29.739 --> 54:32.109 So we learned something from this which is kind of 54:32.110 --> 54:33.890 surprising. If you do alternating 54:33.889 --> 54:36.569 offers--the sort of standard, very natural game of 54:36.572 --> 54:39.912 bargaining--sort of the kind of bargaining you might do in the 54:39.912 --> 54:41.332 bazaar, in a market, 54:41.329 --> 54:44.749 or the kind of bargaining you might imagine going on in 54:44.748 --> 54:48.288 negotiations between baseball players or their agents and 54:48.293 --> 54:50.173 teams, or general managers of 54:50.166 --> 54:53.316 teams--in which offers just go to and fro and they go to and 54:53.323 --> 54:55.803 fro fairly rapidly, and in principle they could 54:55.802 --> 54:57.252 make lots and lots of offers. 54:57.250 --> 55:02.600 In principle--what this moral tells us is, in principle, 55:02.596 --> 55:08.616 we're going to end up with each side splitting whatever the pie 55:08.624 --> 55:11.984 was equally. Very, very different from the 55:11.978 --> 55:15.388 ultimatum game where all the bargaining power was on the 55:15.389 --> 55:17.559 person who made the first offer. 55:17.560 --> 55:21.230 So what are the lessons here? 55:21.230 --> 55:25.050 55:25.050 --> 55:27.340 What can we conclude from this? 55:27.340 --> 55:31.820 55:31.820 --> 55:38.600 We've looked at alternating offer bargaining, 55:38.597 --> 55:45.527 and we've concluded, under special conditions, 55:45.529 --> 55:52.769 we've concluded that you get an even split. 55:52.769 --> 55:56.089 You get an even share, an even split, 55:56.088 --> 56:00.418 a fifty-fifty split if three things are true. 56:00.420 --> 56:06.840 The first thing is there's potentially infinitely many 56:06.841 --> 56:11.931 offers: potentially can bargain forever. 56:11.930 --> 56:15.930 56:15.929 --> 56:21.619 And if discounting is not a big deal. 56:21.619 --> 56:23.659 What does discounting really not being a big deal means? 56:23.659 --> 56:26.709 It means those offers can be made in rapid succession. 56:26.710 --> 56:33.870 So no discounting, or if you like, 56:33.866 --> 56:38.596 rapid offers. If you have to wait a year 56:38.596 --> 56:41.946 between every offer then that discount factor would be a big 56:41.945 --> 56:44.235 deal. But I actually made a third 56:44.238 --> 56:47.438 assumption, and I made it without telling you. 56:47.440 --> 56:49.280 What was the third assumption I made? 56:49.280 --> 56:53.400 I snuck the third assumption past you without telling you. 56:53.400 --> 56:57.220 What was that third assumption? 56:57.220 --> 57:01.540 Let me get the mike here. 57:01.539 --> 57:03.779 So I claim I snuck a third assumption. 57:03.780 --> 57:05.900 There's somebody, let me start over here. 57:05.900 --> 57:07.070 What was the third assumption? 57:07.070 --> 57:08.580 Student: I don't know if this is what you're looking for 57:08.584 --> 57:09.444 but they know how big the pie is. 57:09.440 --> 57:11.160 Professor Ben Polak: They know how big the pie is, 57:11.159 --> 57:12.449 that's true, that's a big deal actually. 57:12.449 --> 57:14.269 That's true, but there's something else 57:14.272 --> 57:16.322 going on here. What is it? 57:16.320 --> 57:18.510 Student: We assume that both players were rational. 57:18.510 --> 57:19.340 Professor Ben Polak: We assumed that. 57:19.340 --> 57:21.220 That's true, but we've kind of been assuming 57:21.215 --> 57:22.825 that throughout backward induction. 57:22.829 --> 57:25.819 You're right none of this backward induction would apply 57:25.822 --> 57:27.892 so cleanly if we didn't assume that. 57:27.890 --> 57:31.250 What else do I assume? 57:31.250 --> 57:33.720 It's hidden actually, I snuck it in. 57:33.719 --> 57:36.429 We assume the discount factor is a constant, 57:36.430 --> 57:38.760 that's true, but not just constant but 57:38.762 --> 57:40.922 something else. You're on the right lines. 57:40.920 --> 57:42.560 They're the same. 57:42.559 --> 57:46.969 I've assumed here, implicitly, I've assumed that 57:46.965 --> 57:50.335 both people are equally impatient, 57:50.340 --> 58:01.070 they have the same discount factor, δ_1 = 58:01.065 --> 58:05.155 δ_2. 58:05.160 --> 58:06.570 Why does that matter? 58:06.570 --> 58:08.750 Well let's just think about it intuitively a second. 58:08.750 --> 58:11.870 Suppose that one of these players is very, 58:11.867 --> 58:15.097 very impatient. They need the money now. 58:15.099 --> 58:18.289 If it's cake, they need the cake now. 58:18.289 --> 58:22.089 They're very impatient, and the other person is very 58:22.094 --> 58:24.604 patient. They can wait forever to get 58:24.598 --> 58:26.418 this bargain to come across. 58:26.420 --> 58:29.810 Who do you think is going to do better, the patient player or 58:29.810 --> 58:31.110 the impatient player? 58:31.110 --> 58:34.740 The patient player is going to do better. 58:34.739 --> 58:37.389 The way we ended up, the way we did all this 58:37.390 --> 58:40.970 analysis is we assumed that those discount factors were the 58:40.965 --> 58:43.265 same. We assumed that each person was 58:43.266 --> 58:46.586 discounting time at the same rate, perhaps because they were 58:46.590 --> 58:49.520 facing the same bank with the same interest rate. 58:49.519 --> 58:52.279 But in practice, often one side is going to be 58:52.279 --> 58:56.019 in a hurry to get the dispute resolved, and the other side can 58:56.019 --> 58:57.429 sit around forever. 58:57.429 --> 59:00.449 In that world, the side who could sit around 59:00.445 --> 59:03.035 forever is going to do much better. 59:03.039 --> 59:08.189 Now, we're going to look at relaxing this assumption and 59:08.187 --> 59:13.517 this assumption in particular we're going to relax it on a 59:13.521 --> 59:15.581 homework exercise. 59:15.579 --> 59:20.519 So in your homework exercise you're going to try redoing part 59:20.522 --> 59:25.132 of this analysis--good practice anyway--but doing it in a 59:25.134 --> 59:29.504 setting where the discount factors are different. 59:29.500 --> 59:33.840 So one thing we learned here was: yes, you get an even split, 59:33.838 --> 59:37.018 but it depends on these three assumptions. 59:37.019 --> 59:40.579 It's kind of important because when you think about bargaining, 59:40.577 --> 59:44.137 I think a lot of people simply assume intuitively that whatever 59:44.135 --> 59:46.965 the bargain is about, people will eventually split in 59:46.968 --> 59:48.318 the middle. When you're bargaining about a 59:48.316 --> 59:49.736 house, or the price you're going to pay for a house, 59:49.739 --> 59:51.809 all these things, you kind of implicitly have 59:51.807 --> 59:54.907 this assumption you're going to end up splitting the difference. 59:54.909 --> 59:57.199 What I'm arguing here is you will split the difference in 59:57.201 --> 1:00:00.501 this natural bargaining game, but only under very special 1:00:00.496 --> 1:00:04.996 assumptions, and in particular, the assumption of patience is 1:00:04.999 --> 1:00:05.899 critical. 1:00:05.900 --> 1:00:10.270 1:00:10.269 --> 1:00:12.949 There's another remarkable thing here though, 1:00:12.951 --> 1:00:14.111 it's also hidden. 1:00:14.110 --> 1:00:16.210 So not only did we end up with an even split, 1:00:16.213 --> 1:00:18.893 but something else remarkable happened in this bargaining 1:00:18.889 --> 1:00:20.669 game. What was the other thing? 1:00:20.670 --> 1:00:23.680 Somewhat amazingly, a very unrealistic thing that 1:00:23.683 --> 1:00:25.883 occurred in this bargaining game? 1:00:25.880 --> 1:00:27.220 See if you can spot it. 1:00:27.219 --> 1:00:30.809 So one thing was an assumption I made and the other is actually 1:00:30.813 --> 1:00:32.033 a prediction. Yeah. 1:00:32.030 --> 1:00:34.060 Student: The first offer will be the offer that's 1:00:34.063 --> 1:00:35.103 accepted. Professor Ben Polak: 1:00:35.097 --> 1:00:36.577 Good. Did everyone see that? 1:00:36.579 --> 1:00:39.919 So in this bargaining game, I set it up as alternating 1:00:39.923 --> 1:00:42.763 offer bargaining, so the image you had in your 1:00:42.762 --> 1:00:44.342 mind was of haggling. 1:00:44.340 --> 1:00:47.250 I made an offer, you guys thought about this 1:00:47.248 --> 1:00:48.838 offer. Should I take this offer or not. 1:00:48.840 --> 1:00:49.930 Maybe I won't take this offer. 1:00:49.929 --> 1:00:53.559 You make an offer back to me, and we kind of haggled to and 1:00:53.564 --> 1:00:54.824 fro. But actually, 1:00:54.821 --> 1:00:58.551 in the equilibrium of the game, none of that happened. 1:00:58.550 --> 1:01:00.250 That all happened in our mind. 1:01:00.250 --> 1:01:03.000 We thought about what offer we would make, and we thought about 1:01:02.996 --> 1:01:05.646 what offer you would make back to me if I made you this offer 1:01:05.653 --> 1:01:07.163 and you rejected it and so on. 1:01:07.159 --> 1:01:10.589 We did this backward induction exercise but it was all in our 1:01:10.592 --> 1:01:16.232 heads. In this game the actual 1:01:16.231 --> 1:01:24.571 prediction is: the very first offer is 1:01:24.566 --> 1:01:29.476 accepted. There's no haggling, 1:01:29.483 --> 1:01:32.033 there's no bargaining. 1:01:32.030 --> 1:01:37.250 Now that doesn't seem very realistic, there's no haggling. 1:01:37.250 --> 1:01:45.140 1:01:45.139 --> 1:01:48.799 Backward induction suggests that we should never see 1:01:48.799 --> 1:01:52.889 bargaining, never see the actual process of bargaining. 1:01:52.889 --> 1:01:57.169 What you should see is an offer is made and it's accepted. 1:01:57.170 --> 1:02:02.110 Now what is it about the real world that allows for haggling 1:02:02.110 --> 1:02:05.040 to take place? If this was a model of the real 1:02:05.036 --> 1:02:07.236 world and we believed in backward induction, 1:02:07.237 --> 1:02:10.127 then we're done. So why is it in fact in the 1:02:10.131 --> 1:02:13.621 real world we see people make offers to and fro? 1:02:13.619 --> 1:02:18.479 What's different about the real world than this model? 1:02:18.480 --> 1:02:21.980 Let's talk about it a bit. 1:02:21.980 --> 1:02:25.510 You must have all bargained for something in the real world. 1:02:25.510 --> 1:02:27.500 None of you have probably bargained for a house yet, 1:02:27.501 --> 1:02:29.611 but you might have bargained for a car or something. 1:02:29.610 --> 1:02:32.520 In the real world you make offers go to and fro, 1:02:32.515 --> 1:02:33.695 right? What's going on? 1:02:33.699 --> 1:02:37.139 Why are we getting offers in the real world whereas we don't 1:02:37.144 --> 1:02:45.104 in this game? What are we missing? 1:02:45.099 --> 1:02:46.599 Student: In the real world you don't actually know 1:02:46.597 --> 1:02:47.797 what the other person's discount factor is, 1:02:47.800 --> 1:02:50.400 therefore, you have uncertainly as to what your highest possible 1:02:50.398 --> 1:02:52.568 offer could be. Professor Ben Polak: 1:02:52.570 --> 1:02:54.490 Good. So in the real world, 1:02:54.487 --> 1:02:58.127 unlike the model on the board, not only are those discount 1:02:58.131 --> 1:03:01.711 factors different but you probably don't know how patient 1:03:01.710 --> 1:03:04.140 or impatient the other side is. 1:03:04.139 --> 1:03:06.969 You can get some ideas about how patient or impatient the 1:03:06.967 --> 1:03:09.437 other side is by looking at their characteristics, 1:03:09.442 --> 1:03:10.712 for example. For example, 1:03:10.713 --> 1:03:12.803 if you know that the person you're bargaining with over 1:03:12.800 --> 1:03:14.930 their car--you're trying to buy their car--and they're a 1:03:14.925 --> 1:03:16.775 graduate student who's just a got a job in, 1:03:16.780 --> 1:03:18.470 I don't know, Uzbekistan or something, 1:03:18.468 --> 1:03:21.068 and they aren't going to be taking their car with them, 1:03:21.070 --> 1:03:24.180 and they're leaving next week, you know they're in a hurry. 1:03:24.179 --> 1:03:26.299 So there's times when you're going to know something about 1:03:26.297 --> 1:03:28.717 other people's discount factors, how patient they are, 1:03:28.716 --> 1:03:31.136 but lots of times you're not going to know. 1:03:31.139 --> 1:03:35.189 So one thing is you just don't know what the discount factor 1:03:35.187 --> 1:03:37.487 is. By the way, what else might you 1:03:37.489 --> 1:03:39.449 not know about the other side? 1:03:39.450 --> 1:03:43.720 What else might you not know? 1:03:43.719 --> 1:03:45.869 Student: How big the surplus is they were splitting. 1:03:45.869 --> 1:03:47.079 Professor Ben Polak: Good. 1:03:47.080 --> 1:03:49.010 You might not know this good that you're selling. 1:03:49.010 --> 1:03:52.500 We've been talking about the big one pie which you're carving 1:03:52.501 --> 1:03:55.121 up, and everyone knows the size of the pie. 1:03:55.119 --> 1:03:58.419 But in the real world, I might not know this object 1:03:58.421 --> 1:04:01.591 that's being sold, I might not know how much this 1:04:01.590 --> 1:04:04.100 object is worth to the other side, 1:04:04.099 --> 1:04:08.049 and he or she may not know how much it's worth to me. 1:04:08.050 --> 1:04:12.990 So that lack of information is going to change the game 1:04:12.988 --> 1:04:15.538 considerably. In particular, 1:04:15.536 --> 1:04:20.656 I might want to turn down some offers in this game in order to 1:04:20.661 --> 1:04:23.351 appear like a patient person. 1:04:23.349 --> 1:04:26.559 Why I might want to turn down some offers in the game in order 1:04:26.558 --> 1:04:29.498 to appear like somebody who doesn't really value this all 1:04:29.503 --> 1:04:31.403 very much. And in so doing, 1:04:31.400 --> 1:04:35.460 I'm going to try and get you to make me a better offer. 1:04:35.460 --> 1:04:37.960 So what's going on in haggling and bargaining, 1:04:37.959 --> 1:04:41.069 according to this model, what's missing in this model, 1:04:41.070 --> 1:04:43.700 is the idea that you don't know who it is you're bargaining 1:04:43.702 --> 1:04:45.542 with. You don't know how much they 1:04:45.536 --> 1:04:48.726 value the objects in question., You don't know how impatient 1:04:48.731 --> 1:04:50.791 they are to get away with the cash. 1:04:50.789 --> 1:04:54.849 So it's a big assumption here, a very big assumption, 1:04:54.854 --> 1:04:57.204 is that everything is known. 1:04:57.199 --> 1:05:11.899 So both the size of the pie, let's call it the value of the 1:05:11.895 --> 1:05:25.065 pie, and the value of time is assumed to be known, 1:05:25.070 --> 1:05:27.810 but in the real world you typically don't know the value 1:05:27.807 --> 1:05:31.627 of the pie on the other side, and you typically don't know 1:05:31.631 --> 1:05:33.751 how much they value time. 1:05:33.750 --> 1:05:35.620 So that produces a whole literature on bargaining, 1:05:35.616 --> 1:05:37.746 none of which we really have time to do in this class, 1:05:37.750 --> 1:05:39.820 which is a pity because bargaining's kind of important. 1:05:39.820 --> 1:05:42.300 So instead, I want to spend the last five minutes just 1:05:42.298 --> 1:05:45.148 introducing, is it really worth introducing a new topic in the 1:05:45.151 --> 1:05:46.181 last five minutes? 1:05:46.179 --> 1:05:50.159 No, I think it is, let me talk a little bit more 1:05:50.160 --> 1:05:53.210 about bargaining rather than that. 1:05:53.210 --> 1:05:58.050 So what does this suggest if we're going out in the real 1:05:58.046 --> 1:06:00.856 world? I'm actually taking this to 1:06:00.857 --> 1:06:03.517 reality. So one thing it suggests is 1:06:03.521 --> 1:06:07.151 people for whom it's known that they're going to be 1:06:07.153 --> 1:06:11.733 impatient--people for whom it's known that they desperately need 1:06:11.730 --> 1:06:15.510 this deal to go through--are going to do less well in 1:06:15.507 --> 1:06:17.967 bargains. We already know people may do 1:06:17.973 --> 1:06:20.543 less well in bargaining because they're less sophisticated 1:06:20.535 --> 1:06:22.345 players, but here it isn't that they're 1:06:22.351 --> 1:06:24.731 less sophisticated--they can be as sophisticated as you 1:06:24.731 --> 1:06:26.891 like--but they're just going to be in a hurry. 1:06:26.889 --> 1:06:30.929 We already talked about the graduate student whose leaving 1:06:30.933 --> 1:06:33.773 for Uzbekistan, but who else typically in 1:06:33.771 --> 1:06:36.681 bargaining is going to need cash now? 1:06:36.679 --> 1:06:38.809 Who else is going to be in a weaker position in their 1:06:38.811 --> 1:06:40.371 bargaining, socially in our society? 1:06:40.370 --> 1:06:48.300 1:06:48.300 --> 1:06:50.430 Student: When labor management disputes labor. 1:06:50.429 --> 1:06:51.349 Professor Ben Polak: So that's a good question. 1:06:51.349 --> 1:06:53.969 That's a good question in labor management disputes--there's one 1:06:53.965 --> 1:06:56.285 going on right now in Hollywood--it's not clear there. 1:06:56.289 --> 1:06:59.859 It could be, it could be the management side 1:06:59.863 --> 1:07:04.933 who's in a hurry because they just need right now to get David 1:07:04.933 --> 1:07:07.513 Letterman's script written. 1:07:07.510 --> 1:07:10.080 That would tend to favor labor, but it could be the labor side. 1:07:10.080 --> 1:07:11.700 Why might it be the labor side? 1:07:11.700 --> 1:07:12.710 Does everyone know this? 1:07:12.710 --> 1:07:15.340 There's a writer's strike going on in Hollywood right now, 1:07:15.340 --> 1:07:18.020 so the people on the management side who are in the weakest 1:07:18.018 --> 1:07:20.788 position are the people who are in the most hurry to get this 1:07:20.787 --> 1:07:22.787 resolved, and those are the guys with the 1:07:22.787 --> 1:07:25.397 fewest scripts in the pipeline, and that tends to be late night 1:07:25.403 --> 1:07:27.123 TV shows. So those guys really want this 1:07:27.121 --> 1:07:27.931 thing settled fast. 1:07:27.929 --> 1:07:30.349 They're in a weak bargaining position. 1:07:30.349 --> 1:07:32.139 On the other hand, there may be a reason why 1:07:32.142 --> 1:07:33.812 labor's in a weak bargaining position. 1:07:33.809 --> 1:07:37.459 Why might labor be in a weak bargaining position relative to 1:07:37.456 --> 1:07:38.256 management? 1:07:38.260 --> 1:07:41.840 1:07:41.840 --> 1:07:42.720 They have rents to pay. 1:07:42.719 --> 1:07:45.829 They have immediate demands on their cash. 1:07:45.829 --> 1:07:49.189 The typical worker is typically poorer than your typical 1:07:49.188 --> 1:07:52.488 manager, not always but typically, and they have to pay 1:07:52.486 --> 1:07:55.586 the rent. They have to feed their 1:07:55.586 --> 1:07:58.126 children. So there's a more general idea 1:07:58.130 --> 1:08:00.300 there. More generally in bargaining, 1:08:00.295 --> 1:08:03.715 the people who are poorer, typically--it isn't just poor 1:08:03.720 --> 1:08:06.430 in terms of income, it's poor in terms of 1:08:06.434 --> 1:08:09.704 wealth--are going to be more impatient to get things 1:08:09.701 --> 1:08:12.271 resolved; and that's going to put them in 1:08:12.274 --> 1:08:14.024 a weaker bargaining position. 1:08:14.019 --> 1:08:18.889 So in bilateral bargaining, having low wealth and being 1:08:18.894 --> 1:08:24.044 known to have low wealth puts you in a weaker position. 1:08:24.039 --> 1:08:27.519 And that means that typically people who are poorer are going 1:08:27.516 --> 1:08:30.236 to do less well, although the late night TV show 1:08:30.239 --> 1:08:31.629 may be an exception. 1:08:31.630 --> 1:08:34.910 It makes you think a little bit about whether adjusting up a 1:08:34.906 --> 1:08:37.956 bargaining position makes things equal for everybody. 1:08:37.960 --> 1:08:39.860 Any other thoughts about who has strength and who has 1:08:39.857 --> 1:08:40.767 weakness in bargaining? 1:08:40.770 --> 1:08:45.860 What other kind of stunts do we see people do in bargaining? 1:08:45.859 --> 1:08:47.689 What else is kind of missing here when you think about a 1:08:47.688 --> 1:08:49.678 particular--what we want to do in this class is develop these 1:08:49.683 --> 1:08:51.083 ideas and take them to the real world, 1:08:51.079 --> 1:08:57.939 so what other real world things here are kind of missing? 1:08:57.939 --> 1:09:00.549 Student: Usually people will make their first offer a 1:09:00.547 --> 1:09:03.107 lot higher than what they're actually willing to accept. 1:09:03.109 --> 1:09:05.639 Professor Ben Polak: Right, so typically, 1:09:05.641 --> 1:09:08.011 you're right, typically bargaining isn't just 1:09:08.010 --> 1:09:11.590 a series of random numbers, typically people start out high 1:09:11.585 --> 1:09:15.085 and then they concede towards the middle, is that right? 1:09:15.090 --> 1:09:18.230 So if I'm the buyer I start out with a low price and come up, 1:09:18.234 --> 1:09:21.334 and if you're the seller you start off with a high price and 1:09:21.326 --> 1:09:24.186 come down. So again that seems to be about 1:09:24.191 --> 1:09:28.041 establishing reputation and trying to indicate how much I 1:09:28.042 --> 1:09:30.842 want this good. There's something worth saying 1:09:30.840 --> 1:09:33.440 here which we haven't got time to do in this class, 1:09:33.441 --> 1:09:36.771 and I hope you all have time to take the follow up class 156. 1:09:36.770 --> 1:09:40.370 We can actually show formally that in a setting in which 1:09:40.366 --> 1:09:42.716 buyers and sellers are bargaining, 1:09:42.720 --> 1:09:46.320 and buyers and sellers do not know how much the good is worth 1:09:46.319 --> 1:09:49.319 to the buyer or how much it costs to the seller, 1:09:49.319 --> 1:09:52.829 typically you cannot expect to get efficiency. 1:09:52.830 --> 1:09:53.370 Let me say it again. 1:09:53.369 --> 1:09:56.349 So it's kind of an important economic fact that's missing 1:09:56.354 --> 1:09:59.184 from 115 and unfortunately missing from this class, 1:09:59.180 --> 1:10:02.090 but if we go to a more real world setting in which people's 1:10:02.094 --> 1:10:04.544 values are not known, not only are the offers not 1:10:04.544 --> 1:10:07.324 accepted immediately and not only is there some inequity in 1:10:07.324 --> 1:10:10.204 that the poor tend to be more impatient and do less well, 1:10:10.199 --> 1:10:13.579 but also you get bad inefficiency. 1:10:13.579 --> 1:10:16.519 The inefficiency occurs essentially because the sellers 1:10:16.523 --> 1:10:19.903 want to seem like they're hard and the buyers want to seem like 1:10:19.903 --> 1:10:24.383 they're hard, and you get a failure for deals 1:10:24.376 --> 1:10:26.996 to be made. So some deals are actually 1:10:27.002 --> 1:10:29.222 going to be lost or take a long time in coming, 1:10:29.217 --> 1:10:31.817 you're going to get some strikes before the deals occur 1:10:31.818 --> 1:10:33.358 and that's all inefficient. 1:10:33.359 --> 1:10:35.569 So bargaining, not in this model, 1:10:35.566 --> 1:10:39.286 but in the real world tends to lead to inefficiency. 1:10:39.289 --> 1:10:41.419 So I'll leave it there, we'll have an earlyish lunch 1:10:41.415 --> 1:10:43.995 since we're all starving because of the clock change anyway.